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Issue Title File
Vol 60, No 3 (1979) Treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of the extremities with a new method of phonophoresis PDF
Ragelis S.Y.
Vol 46, No 2 (1965) Treatment of patients with functional uterine bleeding PDF
Radionchenko A.A., Konischeva O.E.
Vol 61, No 1 (1980) Treatment of patients with genital endometriosis with synthetic sex hormones PDF
Shinkareva L.F., Sabsai M.I., Kravchuk T.A.
Vol 62, No 5 (1981) Treatment of patients with hammer-like deformity of the first toe PDF
Gafarov K.Z.
Vol 77, No 1 (1996) Treatment of patients with hemorrhagic erysipelas using natural inhibitors of proteolysis PDF
Cherkasov V.L., Bolshakova T.D., Kuznetsov V.A., Mikerin S.M., Orazberdyev S.
Vol 62, No 6 (1981) Treatment of patients with hyperchronic fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis on an outpatient basis PDF
Eisayev B.A.
Vol 61, No 1 (1980) Treatment of patients with intra-articular knee fractures PDF
Bogdanovich U.Y., Sergeev V.M., Habirova G.F.
Vol 61, No 1 (1980) Treatment of patients with lumbar osteochondrosis syndromes by traction in combination with mud procedures PDF
Habireov F.A.
Vol 60, No 3 (1979) Treatment of patients with multiple and associated injuries PDF
Tinchurina S.G., Altunin V.F.
Vol 63, No 1 (1982) Treatment of patients with multiple fractures PDF
Altunin V.F.
Vol 79, No 1 (1998) Treatment of patients with myocardial infarction PDF
Latfullin I.A.
Vol 52, No 1 (1971) Treatment of patients with myocardial infarction and signs of acute circulatory distress PDF
Novinskaya I.N.
Vol 48, No 1 (1967) Treatment of patients with myocardial infarction in the sanatorium "Yumatovo" PDF
Zagidylin Z.S.
Vol 49, No 2 (1968) Treatment of patients with neuroses in local sanatoriums PDF
Sirotkin V.M., Gaynullin G.G., Rujov V.F., Chachko T.I., YAhin F.A.
Vol 48, No 6 (1967) Treatment of patients with obliterating diseases of the artery of the extremities with high doses of nicotinic acid PDF
Ahrem-Ahremovich R.M., Lakshina L.K.
Vol 68, No 6 (1987) Treatment of patients with open fractures of long tubular bones with a new external fixation device PDF
Aidarov R.B.
Vol 61, No 1 (1980) Treatment of patients with open-angle glaucoma with prolonged form of armin PDF
Krasnov L.E.
Vol 69, No 4 (1988) Treatment of patients with paranoid schizophrenia with depressive states PDF
Omorokov B.M., Hamburg A.L., Aronovich A.G., Kotelkevich Y.N.
Vol 61, No 3 (1980) Treatment of patients with peptic ulcer disease in a sanatorium and its economic efficiency PDF
Vahrushev Y.M., Sviridova L.M.
Vol 93, No 4 (2012) Treatment of patients with primary open angle glaucoma with the use of myotherapy PDF
Korobitsin A.N.
Vol 55, No 5 (1974) Treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, alcohol abuse PDF
Molofeev A.N., Molofeeva N.A., Naumova A.P.
Vol 64, No 3 (1983) Treatment of patients with pyloroduodenal ulcers complicated by stenosis PDF
Volkov A.N., Sokolov S.S.
Vol 49, No 4 (1968) Treatment of patients with rectal cancer PDF
Hidiyatov I.H.
Vol 48, No 3 (1967) Treatment of patients with reflux esophagitis PDF
Popov V.I., Jupan V.F.
Vol 65, No 1 (1984) Treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis with steam baths of the Yangan-Tau resort of the Bashkir ASSR PDF
Gantseva X.X.
Vol 60, No 5 (1979) Treatment of patients with severe postoperative acute renal failure PDF
Shakhov E.V., Petrov V.N., Kukarin S.A.
Vol 76, No 2 (1995) Treatment of patients with subacute thyroiditis PDF
Vagapova G.R., Nikishova T.V., Anchikov L.I.
Vol 65, No 5 (1984) Treatment of patients with uterine fibroids with prolapse and prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus PDF
Vasilevskaya L.N., Bagaev V.M., Firichenko V.I.
Vol 29, No 4 (1933) Treatment of pellagra with hyposulfite. Sabgu. Pr. Med. 1932, 19 PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 59, No 2 (1978) Treatment of peptic ulcer disease with inhibitors of the kallikrein-kinin system PDF
Makarevich Y.A., Panova T.I., Panov А.А.
Vol 69, No 4 (1988) Treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with helium laser PDF
Murzanov M.M., Sakhautdinov G.V., Khasanov A.G., Urazbakhtin I.M.
Vol 29, No 5-6 (1933) Treatment of peptic ulcer with gastric mucin S. J. Fogelson. The Journ. of the Americ. med. associal. Vol. 96. No. 9. 1931 PDF
Team E.
Vol 32, No 8-9 (1932) Treatment of peptic ulcers with muin. Atkinson (I. M. A. v. 98, As 14) PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Treatment of perforative peritonitis with hydrochloric acid pepsin lavage. Schönbauer (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 45) PDF
Tsimkhes I.
Vol 47, No 5 (1966) Treatment of peri-maxillary phlegmon in the clinic PDF
Pichygina V.P., Pospelova L.A.
Vol 59, No 2 (1978) Treatment of periodontal diseases with ascorbic acid PDF
Gasimov F.G., Khamidullina S.A.
Vol 18, No 1 (1922) Treatment of peritonitis with ether. Веnthіn (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1919, No. 43) PDF
Board E.
Vol 29, No 5-6 (1933) Treatment of pernicious anemia with liver autolith W. F. Herron, W. S. Ellrog. The Journ. of. the Americ. Med. Associat. Vol. 100. No. 14. 1933 PDF
Board E.
Vol 34, No 5-6 (1938) Treatment of persistent cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gangl removal technique. celiacum PDF
Ivanov B.
Vol 19, No 4 (1923) Treatment of pielites by Meyer-Betz-Haas's diet. Daniel (Deut. med. Watch., 1922, No. 49) PDF
Nikolaev N.
Vol 34, No 10 (1938) Treatment of pink lichen eosin PDF
Veksel M.
Vol 64, No 3 (1983) Treatment of pleural empyema complicated by chest wall phlegmon PDF
Gorshkov Y.I., Tutikov V.I., Gorshkov V.Y.
Vol 24, No 7 (1928) Treatment of pneumococcal empyema in children with optoquine. Leitner (Mon. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 38, No. 1-2) PDF
Board E.
Vol 26, No 3 (1930) Treatment of pneumonia in children PDF
Board E.
Vol 37, No 1 (1941) Treatment of pneumonia in children with white streptocide PDF
Krever E.P.
Vol 31, No 10 (1935) Treatment of pneumonia with endothermia PDF
Rakhman V.I., Lyubimov G.V.
Vol 34, No 10 (1938) Treatment of pneumonia with neosalvarsan PDF
Sulimovskaya N.A., Zapadinskaya A.I.
Vol 37, No 1 (1941) Treatment of pneumonia with sulfapyridine and serum PDF
Dembskaya V.
Vol 30, No 10 (1934) Treatment of pneumopleuritis with salt-free diet and calcium chloride PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 68, No 3 (1987) Treatment of post-burn esophageal strictures PDF
Salikhov I.A., Krasilnikov D.M., Minigaleev M.M., Mosikhin B.B., Mileshkin V.E.
Vol 37, No 2 (1941) Treatment of post-encephalitic parkinsonism with ascorbic acid PDF
Wirth Т.
Vol 59, No 5 (1978) Treatment of postoperative choroidal detachment with subconjunctival glycerol injections PDF
Khasanova N.H., Valimukhametova N.A.
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Treatment of postoperative complications. E. Baumann (Schweiz. med. W., 1927, No. 41) PDF
Board E.
Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926) Treatment of postoperative urinary retention PDF
Gruzdev V.
Vol 24, No 4 (1928) Treatment of postoperative urinary retention. Butureanu and Burghele (Presse méd., 1927, no. 93) PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 19, No 4 (1923) Treatment of postpartum bleeding in pl. praevia. Brock (Monat. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LIX) PDF
Board E.
Vol 22, No 7 (1926) Treatment of postpartum febrile diseases with alcohol. Кüstnеr (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, no. 9) PDF
Zabolotskaya E.
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Treatment of postpartum infection by intrauterine injections of glycerin PDF
Board E.
Vol 24, No 3 (1928) Treatment of postpartum infection with intravenous infusions of anti-streptococcal serum. Jonescu (by Ber. n. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII) PDF
Timofeev A.
Vol 22, No 1 (1926) Treatment of postpartum ischuria with injections of magnesia sulfate PDF
S. V.
Vol 20, No 3 (1924) Treatment of postpartum sepsis with quinine Luker (по реф. Вр. Газ., 1924, № 2) PDF
Gruzdev V.
Vol 68, No 6 (1987) Treatment of posttraumatic osteomyelitis of long tubular bones PDF
Khabirova G.F., Zakirov Y.A.
Vol 74, No 2 (1993) Treatment of preganglionic brachial plexus injuries
Bogov A.A., Plaksin S.V., Alekseev A.G.
Vol 32, No 7 (1936) Treatment of pregnancy neuritis with vitamin B PDF
Дембская В.
Vol 67, No 2 (1986) Treatment of pregnant women with mild forms of late toxicosis with electrosleep PDF
Marusov A.P., Solovieva E.P., Suchkova N.A., Alexandrovskaya R.N., Levanova I.P.
Vol 55, No 6 (1974) Treatment of premature pregnancy PDF
Dobroneckiy V.S.
Vol 46, No 6 (1965) Treatment of profuse bleeding in gastric cancer according to the experience of domestic authors PDF
Svedentsov E.P.
Vol 23, No 10 (1927) Treatment of progressive paralysis by inoculation with cultures of pale spirochete PDF
Weinstein A.
Vol 24, No 7 (1928) Treatment of progressive paralysis by malaria vaccination. G.K. Kasparek (Zeitschr. f. Neurol., Bd. 106) PDF
Board E.
Vol 20, No 1 (1924) Treatment of psoriasis. Hübner (Derm. Woch., 1922. No. 29) PDF
Golosovker S.
Vol 22, No 10 (1926) Treatment of psoriasis vulgaris by gl. thymus irradiation. A. L. Khalinsky and F. M. Abramovich (Ven. and Derm., 1926, No. 4) PDF
Board E.
Vol 37, No 3 (1941) Treatment of psoriasis with acrychin PDF
Yurinov T.M.
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Treatment of psoriasis with diathermy. Leszczynski (Dermat. Woch., 1926, No. 52a) PDF
Yasnitsky N.
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Treatment of puerperal sepsis. Mornard, Viala (Clinique, 1926, No. 73) PDF
Board E.
Vol 35, No 2-3 (1939) Treatment of puerperal sepsis with prontosil PDF
Dembskaya V.
Vol 23, No 10 (1927) Treatment of pulmonary bleeding PDF
Grau H.
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Treatment of pulmonary caverns with an artificial plethorax. Вaer (Wiener kl. Woch., 1927, No. 3) PDF
Board E.
Vol 24, No 5 (1928) Treatment of pulmonary consumption with gold preparations. С. Klieneberger (Fortschr. d. Ther., 1927, No. 23) PDF
Board E.
Mezhebovskiy R.G.
Vol 29, No 1-2 (1933) Treatment of pulmonary suppuration with alcohol. Landau et Karniner (Pr. Med. 1932, 64) PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 22, No 1 (1926) Treatment of pulmonary tbc by inhalation of dust PDF
M. M.
Vol 23, No 9 (1927) Treatment of pulmonary tbc in infants with an artificial pneumothorax PDF
Board E.
Vol 23, No 4 (1927) Treatment of pulmonary tbc with intravenous infusions of manganese chloride PDF
Chekalov F.P.
Vol 29, No 3 (1933) Treatment of pulmonary TBK with iodine. Sulla, Adolf. Bzk T. 80 PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 59, No 5 (1978) Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis by jet intravenous administration of anti-tuberculosis drugs PDF
Sigal I.Z., Shakirova H.G.
Vol 36, No 2 (1940) Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with sulfpyridine PDF
Dembskaya V.
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with x-rays. Holten (Zeit. f. Tbc., Bd. 47, H. 1, 1927) PDF
Board E.
Vol 23, No 3 (1927) Treatment of purulent diffuse peritonitis. Novak (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI, H. 5/6) PDF
Timofeev A.
Vol 47, No 5 (1966) Treatment of purulent meningitis with large doses of penicillin PDF
Kalashnikova M.A., Sorokin A.A.
Vol 22, No 9 (1926) Treatment of purulent peritonitis. Kirschner (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 25) PDF
Gruzdev V.
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Treatment of purulent peritonitis. Pamperl (Med. Klin., 1926, No. 37— 38) PDF
Timofeev A.
Vol 23, No 5 (1927) Treatment of purulent processes on the face by injecting your own blood. R. Hinze (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 16; 1927, No. 4) PDF
Tsimkhes I.
Vol 63, No 6 (1982) Treatment of purulent wounds
Sazhin V.P., Korovin A.Y., Kravtsov V.P.
Vol 69, No 4 (1988) Treatment of purulent wounds in diabetic patients with low-frequency ultrasound combined with helium-neon laser PDF
Khurshudyan A.G.
Vol 34, No 5-6 (1938) Treatment of purulent wounds with natural bee honey PDF
Ivanov B.
Vol 36, No 1 (1940) treatment of purulent wounds with silver water prepared by the method of prof. V. A. Uglova PDF
Aristovsky V.M.
Vol 66, No 4 (1985) Treatment of pustular psoriasis after stroke PDF
Zakiev R.Z.
Vol 43, No 5 (1962) Treatment of pustular skin diseases by injecting penicillin directly into the focus of infection PDF
Lysaya M.G.
Vol 22, No 2 (1926) Treatment of pyeloiistitis in children with autovaccine
Levinson M.
Vol 33, No 3 (1937) Treatment of pyoderma with radiant energy of artificial light sources PDF
Kozmodemyansky G.I.
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