Vol 37, No 2 (1941)

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Full Issue

On digestive and eating disorders in children

Lepsky E.M.


In recent years, the Soviet Union has succeeded in reducing considerably the morbidity of adults and children from many diseases, especially infectious diseases. But digestive disorders in children in many places still do not show a proper decline and therefore require special attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):3-7
pages 3-7 views

Comparative evaluation of specific and non-specific treatments for dysentery

Messinova M.S.


Many different methods have been proposed for the treatment of dysentery, both specific and non-specific: therapeutic serum, bacteriophage, vaccine, general medication, as well as local application of various enemas: disinfectant, astringent, oil, etc. Recently, quartz irradiation and diathermy on the abdominal area have been tried. However, the question of the most rational method of treatment is still unresolved.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):8-12
pages 8-12 views

On the issue of serological diagnosis of dysentery in young children

Kolyu A.I.


Dysentery has a varied course in children. In atypical cases, the diagnosis of dysentery, especially in young children, is extremely difficult. Recognition of the disease by bacteriological examination alone is not always possible, as bacteriological confirmation even in clinically clear cases of undoubted dysentery is often lacking, and, in addition, bacteriological examination often indicates a dyspeptic etiology of dyspepsias with a very different clinical picture.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):12-15
pages 12-15 views

On the role of rats in the epidemiology of intestinal infections

Nemshilov S.F., Ananyeva V.V., Chemodanov V.N.


Typhoid fever, dysentery, paratyphoid fever and food-borne toxicoses of the paratyphoid type are relatively well studied bacteriologically. The spread of these diseases is mainly due to factors such as water, flies, bacilliform carriage in humans; in the case of paratyphoid toxic infections it is also due to insufficient veterinary surveillance at slaughter, unsanitary conditions of carcass transportation, lack of proper sanitary surveillance during storage and manufacture of various kinds of food products. The presence of the virus outside the epidemic period, for example in winter, is poorly understood. Experimental studies published in the literature on this subject are scarce and somewhat contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):15-18
pages 15-18 views

The effect of rosehip water infusion on the acidity and digestibility of gastric juice

Permyakov F.K.


Rosehip is the best vitamin carrier studied so far. It contains more vitamin C than oranges, lemons, black currants, etc. (Acharkan, Lieberman, Pomegranate). In dried form, rose hips retain their C-vitamin activity for a long time. As established by the research of Engelhardt and Bukin, the stability of vitamin C in rose hips is due to the complete absence of the oxidizing enzyme, ascorbinase.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):19-23
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Effect of Izhevsk Spring mineral water on the secretion, acidity and digestive power of gastric juice

Chashchin E.N.


A number of authors who have investigated the effect of mineral waters and the individual salts that are part of these waters on the secretion of the stomach have established essential facts and interesting patterns.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):23-28
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Evacuation rate of Izhevsk spring mineral water from the stomach and its effect on gastric secretion from the surface of the duodenum

Koroleva L.P.


The effect of mineral waters from different springs on gastric secretion has now been studied in considerable detail, while the effect of these waters on motility, particularly on the evacuatory capacity of the stomach, is less well understood.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):28-32
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Use of mineral water from Rysovsky spring No. 2 for gastric ailments

Kopyrin S.A.


Over the last 10 years, a group of little-studied mineral springs has been discovered in the area of the main Izhevsk spring, of which the so-called Rysovsky springs are of particular interest. These springs come to the surface in the form of springs of different power and are located on the right bank of the Kama River, 6 km far from the exploited Izhevsk spring. According to Blumstein's data, these springs are very close to the Izhevsk spring in their chemical composition, but differ from it by less mineralisation and a slightly different quantitative ratio of salts.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):33-36
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Histamine therapy of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer

Kobyzev A.S., Kogan L.S.


The treatment of painful crises in peptic ulcer disease with low doses of histamine was proposed by Jacob and Israel. By using histidine in the treatment of ulcer patients, they obtained an excellent therapeutic effect. But they noticed that in some patients histidine injection produced symptoms of shock, transient leukopenia and lowering of arterial blood pressure. This led the authors to speculate that the histidine solution also contained histamine, which is derived from histidine by cleavage of the carboxylic group.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):36-39
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On the treatment of a duodenal ulcer with bromine

Polyantseva A.I.


The proximate cause of ulcer formation is a local circulatory disorder of the gastric mucosa based on vasospasm with autonomic nervous system phenomena (Bergmann). This teaching was preceded by a number of interesting studies on the role of the nervous system in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):39-42
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On the assessment of platifillin as a new therapeutic agent with atropine-like effect

Strakhova M.P.


A study of the pharmacological action of platifylline was carried out by Gvishiani at the Department of Pharmacology of the Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Red Army. The general action was tested on mice. The poison caused poisoning, manifested by motor excitation (tetanic convulsions) and increased respiration rate.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):42-45
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Treatment of trachomatous pannus with the introduction of other group blood

Zabugin A.K., Kuznetsov I.M.


Blood transfusion as a therapeutic method has taken a firm place in medical practice. In many diseases, timely blood transfusion is sometimes decisive in saving the patient's life. In ophthalmology, however, such cases are extremely rare, so the indications for blood transfusion in ophthalmic diseases are comparatively limited.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):45-48
pages 45-48 views

On some positive and negative properties of dicain

Langer C.M.


Among the numerous preparations proposed for local anaesthesia - the preparation of dicaine obtained by Feldman and Kapiljevic deserves special attention. A number of Soviet authors using dicaine give very good reviews of it (Chlusser, Promtov, Pasternak, Bulach, etc.). Promtov, who worked extensively on testing a number of anaesthetics, carried out a detailed study of the properties of dicaine on 100 different patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):48-50
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Experience with dicaine in otorhinolaryngological surgery

Bobrik A.G.


Dicaine is an analogue of pantocaine and was prepared by the Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute of the NKZ of the USSR. Dicaine is a white crystalline powder, bitter-tasting, odourless, well soluble in water at room temperature. Its solutions do not lose their anaesthetic properties when boiled and stored for a long time.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):50-53
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Treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media

Buyev P.D.


In many cases, peripheral doctors have to assume the role of an otitisan. In the meantime, the information a physician receives on otitis media from medical school is rather limited. This report is justified by these considerations.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):53-60
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X-ray therapy for chronic tonsillitis

Degtyareva Z.K.


Acute and chronic tonsillitis cause considerable damage to the health of workers and the national economy, incapacitating workers for 7-8 days, sometimes longer. In addition, pathologically altered tonsils are like a gateway for a number of infections, than they create conditions for diseases of the joints, kidneys, heart.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):60-62
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Phage therapy of purulent processes

Bernshtein V.S., Sokgobenzon Е.Е., Yakhnina N.A.


In foreign and Russian literature, there has already accumulated quite a lot of material on phage therapy of purulent diseases. At the same time, most researchers consider phage therapy one of the best biological methods for treating purulent processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):62-66
pages 62-66 views

Sublimate poisoning and plasma protein status

Sadkina N.G.


In view of the paucity of material available so far in the literature on the reason for the absence of edema in sublimate patients, we consider ourselves entitled to publish our clinical material on this issue, covering 28 patients poisoned with sublimate, of which 22 women and 6 men.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):66-69
pages 66-69 views

A case of gastric phlegmon

Zaporozhskaya V.F.


Patient K-lov, E.I., 39 years old, carriage driver, was transferred from the therapeutic department of a factory hospital on 25/X-39 with a diagnosis: acute abdomen. His condition began immediately on the 21st morning at 4 a.m. with severe chills, vomiting after ingestion or drinking, retention of stool, pains in the epigastric region. There was free and painless urination and a fever of 38.7°.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):69-70
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A case of diphtheria-induced gastric infection

Budge M.M.


The subject of this report are 2 cases of diphtheria-induced lesions of the gastric mucosa.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):70-71
pages 70-71 views

Fast method of determining certain alkaloids in vitro and in cerebrospinal fluid

Manoilov E.O.


In forensic practice, deaths from extremely small amounts of alkaloids are sometimes observed. It is sometimes difficult to determine from which alkaloids the subject has died. But the exact determination of the direct cause of death is of great importance for the forensic expert. The most common alkaloids are novocaine, cocaine, morphine, and caffeine.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):71-72
pages 71-72 views

Prevention of bacillary dysentery with bacteriophage in the USSR

Kaplan A.S.


The first experiments on phage prophylaxis of contagious diseases belonged to d'Erelle, who in 1919 immunized chickens in an epidemic foci of avian typhus with bacteriophage against the pathogen Vas. galiinarum. When the chickens were fed the phage, the epizootic was quickly terminated and the immunized chickens did not fall ill, and the immunity lasted for months.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):73-75
pages 73-75 views

On microbial eczema

Kondratyev G.G.


The theory of a microbial origin of eczema was first proposed by Unna in 1900. He believed that the specific causative agent of eczema was the cocci found in eczema vesicles in clusters. Later studies have shown that these cocci are a type of Staphylococcus aureus.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):76-80
pages 76-80 views

On the ratio of some products of protein breakdown in cancerous and non-cancerous tissue in uterine cancer


Theses of doctor's thesis "On the ratio of some products of protein breakdown in cancerous and non-cancerous tissue in uterine cancer", defended at the session of the Council of Professors of Kazan State Medical Institute on January 3, 1941 by doctor Aunapu.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):81-81
pages 81-81 views

Primary wound care according to Friedrich with Vishnevsky anaesthesia

Meleschenko S.V.


Abstracts of thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences "Primary wound care according to Friedrich with Vishnevsky anaesthesia", defended at the council of professors of Kazan State Medical Institute on January 3, 1941 by doctor S. V. Meleshchenko.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):81-81
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Human Anatomy Atlas

Ternovsky V.N., Murat V.N.


The third volume of the atlas is published with the same care as the previous ones. The paper is excellent, and the drawings are good and quite clear. The introduction of X-rays, absolutely necessary in a modern edition, is quite timely. The voluminous outline of the book meets the pedagogical needs of the higher medical schools. However, we can't help noting a number of annoying errors, which are particularly inappropriate for such a widely needed manual in the teaching process.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):82-83
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Propaedeutics of childhood diseases

Lepsky E.


Doctors who are not specially trained in paediatrics often find it difficult to treat young children because they are not sufficiently familiar with the examination of the child, its anatomical and physiological characteristics and the symptoms of childhood illnesses. They can be advised against the above-mentioned manual by Prof. Tour, which covers all this in detail.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):83-84
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Toxic events from sulphonamide and its derivatives

Dembskaya V.


The authors investigated toxic manifestations in 100 patients treated with sulfonamide, 297 treated with sulfapyridine and 291 treated with sulfathiazole. Nausea and vomiting is a serious complication only when treated with sulfapyridine. It is less common and less severe in children.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):84-86
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Effect of sulfa drugs on haemoglobin metabolism and liver function

Dembskaya V.


The authors analysed 110 cases on streptocide and 40 on sulfapyridine. They noted that streptocide at therapeutic doses accelerates haemoglobin metabolism, which is reflected in an increase in urobilinogen in the faeces and an increase in the number of reticulocytes in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):86-86
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Granulocytopenia with sulfapyridine

Dembskaya V.


The authors provide a review of the recent literature, which shows that three cases of granulocytopenia and many cases of leukopenia occurred during sulfapyridine treatment. They present their own observations regarding two new cases of granulocytopenia and two cases of leukopenia in children treated with sulfapyridine for pneumonia and pertussis.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):86-87
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Granulocytopenia after sulfapyridine

Dembskaya V.


The authors describe a case of granulocytopenia following sulfapyridine administration for pneumonia.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):87-87
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Urolithiasis from sulfapyridine

Dembskaya V.


As most sulfapyridine is excreted by the kidneys, it is natural that serious mechanical and traumatic complications can occur in the presence of precipitating factors. Haematuria from sulfapyridine has been described by many authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):87-87
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Toxic events with sulfapyridine

Dembskaya V.


The author studied the toxic effects of sulfapyridine in 100 patients. All symptoms of intoxication were carefully recorded.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):87-87
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Pharmacology of sulphathiazole

Dembskaya V.


The authors divided the patients under their care into 2 groups: one group was given a single dose of sulphathiazole, by mouth, intravenously or rectally; the other group was given fractional doses over several days.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):87-87
pages 87-87 views

Blood tests in 76 patients taking sulfapyridine, including a fatal case of agranulocytosis


A detailed study of a case of agranulocytosis following sulfapyridine convinces us that daily blood tests should be performed at the first signs of leukopenia.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):88-88
pages 88-88 views

Hepatitis developed after taking sulphonamide


Porphyrin in the urine indicates liver damage. Porphyrinuria is sometimes observed in those taking sulphonamide, but no clinical symptoms of liver damage are noted. The authors cite an observation of a girl who developed acute hepatitis after taking 10.5 g of sulfonamide.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):88-88
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Observations on absorption, distribution and excretion of sulfapyridine

Board Е.


Studies have been carried out on 90 patients with pneumonia who received sulfapyridine, of whom only 4 patients received the drug by injection and the rest received it intravenously. These studies show that a large proportion of the drug is not absorbed from the gut and thus does not enter the bloodstream.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):88-88
pages 88-88 views

Reduced duration of peripheral motor neuron paralysis by cholinergic excitation

Wolf A.


The fact that acetyl-choline is the interstitial agent between the primary nerve impulse and the subsequent muscle contraction is creating a new era in neurophysiology. Acetyl-choline is an interneuronal chemical transmitter between certain preganglionic and postganglionic fibres. The concept of the transformation of electrical current into chemical current in the process of conducting excitation in the nerve enables the author to think that the "vagus hormone", as a bridge between synapses, can be used in the restoration of the function of the damaged peripheral nerve.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):88-89
pages 88-89 views

Trigeminal neuralgia treated with vitamin B and concentrated liver extract

Schmidt E.


The authors cite the results of the treatment of 58 patients with trigeminal neuralgia, 4 with sphenopalatine neuralgia and 9 with "atypical facial neuralgia".

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):89-90
pages 89-90 views

Treatment of post-encephalitic parkinsonism with ascorbic acid

Wirth Т.


The author found in post-encephalitic parkinsonians a significant increase in ascorbic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid. He believes that this increase is due to ascorbic acid being given off by various regions of the brain, mainly the hypothalamic region.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):90-90
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Critical remarks on Laseg's symptom and so-called sciatica

Schmidt E.


The author believes that in most cases sciatica is not an independent disease, but a manifestation of a disease of the sacroiliac joint.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):90-90
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Bromine intoxication

Schmidt E.


Bromine intoxication is in most cases caused by a significant overdose or excessive use of bromine products. The most persistent symptoms of bromine intoxication are acne.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):90-90
pages 90-90 views

Plenary meeting of the TASSR scientific medical societies (Kazan) dedicated to the memory of N.I. Pirogov


Meetings of medical societies. Plenary meeting of the TASSR scientific medical societies (Kazan) dedicated to the memory of N.I. Pirogov of 23. XII. 1940.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):90-91
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Joint meeting of the surgical and ophthalmological societies of the TASSR on 16 January 1941


Honoured Scientist Prof. A.N. Murzin. Corneal transplantation.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):91-91
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Meeting of the Surgical Society of the TASSR on January 29, 1941


Dr P.V. Nazarov. A case of calculous pyelonephritis complicated by paranephritis and urinary fistula. Female patient S., 11 years old, was delivered with left-sided purulent paranephritis and was operated on. A profuse amount of pus with the odour of decomposed urine was discharged from the wound. X-rays revealed a stone in the left kidney. Repeated operation for calculous pyelonephritis complicated by urinary fistula, under local anaesthesia by Vishnevsky. Nephrectomy. Recovery. The second kidney is fully functional.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):91-92
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Joint Scientific Conferences of the Kazan GIDUV. 15th meeting 3 February 1941


Prof. A. I. Lubbock. Materials for the study of the typical anatomy of the border sympathetic nerve trunk.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):93-94
pages 93-94 views



The All-Union Influenza Committee concluded that the anti-virus proposed by the Mechnikov Institute had been shown to reduce the duration of influenza illness and the number of complications, particularly the most severe (influenza pneumonia and pleurisy). It has been shown to reduce the duration of influenza and to reduce the number of complications, especially the most severe ones (influenza pneumonia and pleurisy). The Committee recommends its widespread use in the treatment of influenza. Regarding the prophylactic effect of the antiviral, the committee considers that follow-up of the same methodology should be continued.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(2):94-94
pages 94-94 views

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