Vol 24, No 3 (1928)

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Full Issue

From the memoirs of Professor S. S. Zimnitsky

Predtechensky A.M.


At the suggestion of the esteemed chairman of the Society of Physicians at Kazan University, it has fallen to me the honor to share my recollections of the late Prof. S. S. Zimnitsky. As one who worked with the late S. S. for about 10 years and was associated with him personally, I recall many strokes of his life both from his personal accounts and partly from his autobiography.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):279-284
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Professor S. S. Zimnitsky, as a scientist

Luria R.A.


Russian medicine undoubtedly lost in Professor S.S. Zimnitsky one of the major therapists, a learned clinician, very gifted, with an inquisitive, eternally searching mind of a philosopher researcher. It is difficult now, when this loss is still so fresh, to draw a full and true picture of S.S.'s scientific quests and give an objective assessment of what he contributed to our science - difficult because new ideas in medicine often lose much to contemporaries just when they are especially bright, especially paradoxical, and are recognized as scientific truth only much later, when they have passed all tests of strict and often biased criticism.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):285-295
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On the functional relationship between the cerebral appendage and the thyroid and sex glands

Zatvornitsky Z.A., Zimnitsky V.S.


The question of the functional relationship between the individual glands of internal secretion has long attracted the attention of a number of researchers, and despite the huge number of works in this direction, the department of the relationship of the insocrine organs is one of the most obscure chapters of endocrinology.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):296-302
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Pathology of the reticulo-endothelial apparatus

Vilensky L.I.


In our previous work "To the teaching of the functional diagnostics of the reticulo-endothelial apparatus" we, using Adler's and Reimann's methodology, established that determination of colloidal solutions excretion from human blood, producing intravital staining, gives an opportunity to judge about the function of the reticulo-endothelial apparatus. We made the following statements: 1) In healthy humans one hour after injecting into a vein 10 cc. 1% dye solution, 30% of it remains in the blood. 2) In infectious patients there is a delay of dye withdrawal from the blood depending upon the case gravity: a) at easy infections in an hour after dye injection into a vein 50% colloid remains in the blood plasma of patients, b) at severe infections in an hour after intravenous injection 70-80-100% of the dye remains. Retention of dye in the blood plasma is also observed in infected rabbits, as well as in white rats infected with Duttoni spirochaete. Subsequently, we continued our studies and became even more convinced of the correctness of our statements.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):303-312
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On the comparative value of some simple micromethods for quantitative determination of blood sugar

Shpanir F.L.


Blood sugar quantification is very important in a number of disease states and has recently become particularly important in assessing the results of insulin therapy and its danger in terms of the occurrence of hypoglycemia. It is also important for determining the severity of a metabolic disorder and for prescribing therapy in cases of diabetes, when glycosuria is absent or negligible, and also in insulin therapy of nondiabetic conditions, where at the beginning of treatment there is no hyperglycemia, and due to this there is a danger of causing the latter. Finally, it is established that the state of the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine apparatus in general is reflected in the blood sugar content.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):313-317
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Congenital heart anomalies

Permyakov F.K.


In practice, clinicians often have to face a number of difficulties in the recognition of congenital heart abnormalities, because very often the data available for the diagnosis, such as the boundaries of the heart, its murmurs, etc., are so similar for various defects of this organ that it becomes extremely difficult to differentiate on the basis of these defects. Particularly difficult is the diagnosis of congenital heart disease, for which recognition during life is often only a more or less probable guess. A detailed diagnosis of congenital heart disease," says Вalfour, "is a wide field for romance".

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):318-324
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On the comparative effects of artificial and natural mineral waters

Grigoriev-Putilov V.P.


Mineral waters in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract everywhere enjoy a well-deserved reputation. Unfortunately, they are not widely available due to their high cost and often simply because they are not available in many remote areas. In addition, during the long transportation to the places far from Caucasus, the main supplier of our waters, the possibility of changing the very composition of the mineral water is not excluded. Due to these reasons especially Siberia is forced to use artificial instead of natural mineral waters, and the comparative value of artificial and natural waters is especially important for it. Clarification of this question is the task of the present work.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):325-328
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On rhinoplasty

Gusev P.F.


On 5/V1 1926, patient A. L. was admitted to the Surgical Department of the Vetluga Hospital. L., forty years old, with a missing nasal tip. It turned out that the tip had been bitten off by her husband six months ago. Both the coccyx and a portion of the wings of the nose were missing. Other than this she has no other illnesses. An operation was performed on 7/VI under novocaine. For nasal tip formation a part of the patient's auricle greater than one centimeter in width and about one centimeter in length, of full thickness, was taken and freely transferred to the previously prepared, refreshed surface of the nose by removing the scar tissue. The graft took root well. The nose, to the displeasure of the patient's husband, turned out quite beautiful. Healing passed without any complications. The stitches were taken off on 12/VI and the patient was discharged on 3/VII. The temperature was normal all the time. The patient was kept in the hospital for some time to see if there would be any changes in the newly formed nasal tip, but there were none.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):329-332
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Materials for the study of postpartum infection

Timofeev A.I., Dyakonov V.V.


The issue of postpartum infection and measures to combat it, despite its antiquity, has not lost its relevance at the present time. There are two main reasons for this: firstly, the fact that, in spite of all modern aseptic precautions in childbirth and the introduction of sub graviditate prevention, the rate of maternal morbidity has not been reduced to the desired minimum; secondly, the fact that we still do not have a fully reliable treatment for postpartum sepsis.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):333-346
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Mass psychotherapy techniques for alcoholics

Spitsyn N.


In the present note I would like to share my experience of mass psychotherapy for alcoholics conducted in the Kursk Psychoneurological Dispensary. The basis for this note was, firstly, some innovations about which we did not meet in modern medical literature and, secondly, that this method is possible in any not only urban, but also in rural outpatient clinics.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):347-350
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Aetiology, pathogenesis, and clinic of elephantiasis

Levin I.A.


Elephantiasis arabum is a group of diseases with a characteristic clinical syndrome, pathogenesis, with local pachydermia and hypertrophy of all layers of skin and subcutaneous tissue. A common distinction is made between: 1) sporadic elephantiasis, 2) endemic, 3) congenital, and 4) secondary. If the clinical picture, pathological and anatomical changes and, probably, pathogenesis of this disease have been studied rather well, the same cannot be said about etiology.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):351-361
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About the court cases of doctors

Epstein T.D.


Let us now turn to the second group of cases, cases in which doctors are accused of crimes in office. It is quite natural to expect such cases, and even in fairly large numbers, since the vast majority of doctors in the Soviet state are in state and public service, and omissions and abuses, as well as misunderstandings, are always possible in the working environment and can be the basis for a legal case. It must be said to the credit of our medical staff that there are very few such cases, and that the majority of such cases are misunderstandings overblown to inadequate proportions.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):362-373
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Syphilitic fever

Platovsky A.K.


In the present essay I will try to give a brief account of the extremely interesting question of syphilitic fever, which has not yet received its final resolution. The closest reason that has prompted me to present syphilitic infection as a febrile process is the observation by authorities in the field (Buschke, Fischer, Freund, etc.) that syphilis has recently been reported to occur frequently with febrile increases in t°.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):374-376
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Serum treatment of anthrax. Воdin (Presse med., 1927, No. 62)


Serum treatment of this disease has rightfully superseded all other methods of treatment. All local measures are almost superfluous with it. The liquid serum is superior to the dry one.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):376-376
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The complement fixation reaction. Chernokhvostov (Jour. Exp. Biol., 1927, No. 20)

Weinstein A.


Complement fixation both in specific reactions (toxin and antitoxin) and in nonspecific reactions (colloidal metal solutions), as well as in the Wassermann reaction, is due to the whole complement rather than its separate fraction. Specific in all these reactions is not the fixation of complement, but those processes that lead to the formation of physicochemical complexes (immunobiologically bound or not) capable of fixing (adsorbing) complement.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):376-376
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On the individual properties of alexin. Friese and Silber (Jour. Exp. Biol., 1927, No. 20)

Weinstein A.


Two properties of complement are distinguished: 1) hemolytic ability and 2) the ability to bind (deviability) not standing in relation to each other (complement with a good hemolytic titer can bind poorly and vice versa). Observations on a number of syphilitic sera have shown them that with the same ingredients and methodology, the same lab technician will get different results in the same syphilitic sera, depending on the different deviability of the individual complement (with the same hemolytic titer).

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):376-376
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Subclavian infiltration at the onset of pulmonary tbc in young adults. Assmann (Klin. Woch., 1927, No. 45)

Mastbaum M.


The author describes an infiltrate in the subclavian area that he has observed in persons in contact with open forms of tbc. With appropriate treatment (pneumothorax), the course of such an infiltrate is favorable.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):376-376
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Infection of the uterine fetus with filtered tbc virus. Rabinowitsch-Kempner (Deut. m. W., 1927, No. 47)

Mastbaum M.


The tbc bacillus is known to have a filtered invisible form, which, according to Rabinowitsch-Kempner's experiments, passes through the placenta in pregnant animals (guinea pigs), becoming an acid-fast bacillus in the young generation. The virulence of this bacillus is apparently very low; it rarely causes progressive tbc in young animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):376-376
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Newborns of tubercular mothers. Couvelaire (Gynéc. et. obst., 1927, No. 1)


The author reports that out of 319 tuberculous mothers of his material, 36 died of severe forms of tbc in the first 10 days after delivery, noting also the tendency of patients with severe forms of tbc to have abortions and premature births. Having examined six children born prematurely of tbc mothers, in 3 of them he found tbc bacilli directly in the glands; from the others by inoculation of juice from the organs a bacillus was isolated which was badly stained by Ziehl's and caused no specific changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):376-376
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Experimental studies on the effects of tbc toxin on female genitalia. Үoschida (from Ref. Weg. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII)


Experimental studies on the effect of tbc toxin on the female reproductive sphere were first performed by the author who injected into rabbits a certain dose of suspensions of killed tbc bacilli, the toxicity of which has been strictly established. In doing so, the author obtained histological changes in the ovaries in utero much more easily than when other microbes were injected. In particular, in the ovaries of adult rabbits, degeneration of medium-sized follicles proved to be specific for tbc toxin.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):377-377
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On tuberculosis of the peritoneum. Luginbühl (Bruns Beiträge, Bd. 140, H. 3)


About half of all patients with tuberculous inflammation of the peritoneum recover - regardless of whether they were treated operatively or conservatively. The main role here is played by arbitrary cures.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):377-377
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X-ray diagnosis of bone and joint diseases. H. Friedrich (Fort. auf. d. Geb. b. Röntg., Ed. 36, H. 3)

Gasul R.


In this area we should note H. Friedrich's indication that by blowing air into the knee joint it is possible to determine, by X-ray, the sclerosed fatty tissue, which in many cases is the cause of impingements, or a concomitant point in a meniscus injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):377-377
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A new way of X-ray examination of the duodeni. Pribram (Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd. 148)

Tsimkhes I.


In view of difficulties with which X-ray examination of the duodenum by conventional methods is connected, Pribram recommends to resort to introduction of air during this examination. First, a duodenal probe is inserted to the middle of the descending part of the 12 duodenum, and through it 10-15 c. c. barite is injected into the intestine, after which the duodenal area is massaged. Then, in the standing position of the patient, air is injected into the intestine through the probe by means of an ordinary rubber balloon.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):377-377
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X-ray diagnosis of renal disease. Th. Cohn (Arch. klin. Chir., Bd. 148)

Tsimkhes I.


In all cases, where there is irritation of renal pelvis, as well as in the presence of purulent processes in the kidneys and ureters, the author recommends injecting warm air into the renal pelvis instead of some liquid. Having used this method in 305 cases in 192 patients, the author always obtained an excellent X-ray picture and never observed any complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):378-378
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Modern treatment of tbc of the larynx. Rickmann (Strahlentherapie, Bd. 20, S. 291)

Gasul R.Y.


The author does not share the pessimistic view that the process in the larynx is incurable. As with pulmonary tbc, climatic and hygienic factors play a major role here. One of the most important conditions for cure, according to the author, is-silence, Schweigekur. The cough must be suppressed.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):378-378
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Treatment of tbc chorioiditis with x-rays. G. Braun and J. Herrnheiser (Klin. Mon. f. Augenh., 1927, No. 79)


In 3 cases of the disease after illumination with small x-rays, the authors obtained a rapid reversal of tbc processes in the eye, namely, productive at first, and somewhat slower in excretory ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):378-378
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On the combination of cardiac asthma and breastfeeding. Bruno (Wien. kl. W., 1927, No. 41)


According to Bruno, there are cases in which there are simultaneous attacks of dyspnea and attacks of pectoral sinus. In some of them, injection of the cerebral appendage extract, which is usually excellent for pure cardiac asthma, quickly eliminates all phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):378-378
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To the treatment of diseases of the stomach. N. Jagic and B. Klim (Wien. med. W., 1927, No. 38-40)


According to observations of the authors, given at short intervals large intakes of carbonated lime and burnt magnesia are very favorable for uncomplicated, non-bleeding stomach ulcers (and duodenal ulcers) and acidic gastritis, if prescribed simultaneously non-irritating, dairy and vegetative diet.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):378-378
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Lung syphilis. Fr. E. Tylecote (Lancet, 1927, No. 13)


The author argued that pulmonary syphilis, the possibility of which in adults is totally denied by some authors and considered rare by others, especially tuberculosis specialists, is in fact not so rare at all. The author describes 16 cases of the disease, of which he personally observed 12.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):378-379
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Mortality from pulmonary artery thrombosis and embolisms. Th. Fahl (Klin. W., 1927, No. 16)


The author draws attention to the increase in deaths from thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in recent years according to the Hamburg Pathological Institute). This increase is noticed also, even especially, in patients with internal diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):379-379
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Paratyphoid osteomyelitis. Eljasberg (Warsz. Czasop. Lek., 1927, No. 1)

Weinberg M.


The author describes the following case: a patient 2 years ago had allegedly suffered from typhoid fever and since then has been experiencing pains in the right thigh, which doctors sometimes take for rheumatic or neuralgic; there are no outward signs of disease in the thigh, only a strong pain on pressing in the middle part of the thigh from the outside.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):379-379
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Mortality in goiter surgery. R. Syring (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, No. 50)

Tsimkhes I.


The author reports 1000 cases of goiter operations without a single fatal outcome. He attributes this success to the strict development of indications for surgery and the technique of surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):379-379
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The role of the omentum in intra-abdominal bleeding. I. M. Fishelson (Vr. Delo, 1927, No. 17)


Having made several experiments on animals (dogs), the author found that, contrary to the opinion of some authors, the absorption capacity of the omentum is very small, and that the resection of part or even the whole omentum has no effect on the speed and intensity of the blood poured into the abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):379-379
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Operative treatment of splenomegaly. E. Weil and Grégoire (Pr. med., 1927, No. 60)

Kramov N.


The authors divide splenomegaly into 2 groups: 1) proliferative, where surgery is contraindicated,-this includes splenomegaly in leukemia, pseudoleukemia, spleen disease, and spleen sarcoma. Nodgkin'a and sarcoma of the spleen; 2) inflammatory chronic,-in tbc, syphilis, kala-azar, naludism, etc. In the latter group good results from splenectomy have been noted: Mauo, for example, had 7 successful cases out of 8 cases of tbc of the spleen and 5 successful cases out of 6 luetic splenomegaly.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):379-379
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Treatment of septic osteomyelitis of the cranial and facial hands. V. Blair in J. B. Brown (Ref. Journ. de chir., 1927, No. 4)

Shidlovsky I.


The authors are ardent supporters of the old conservative method of treatment of this disease. In their opinion, in this latter case it is necessary first of all to establish a good drainage of the focus as early as possible with a minimum of surgical trauma, then to wait until the virulence of the infection decreases and the dead bone separates spontaneously from the living one, and finally, at this favorable moment to remove all fragments of dead bone, affecting as little granulation as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):379-380
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Causes of bloody vomiting after surgery. Jungbluth (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, No. 50)

Tsimkhes I.


The author places postoperative bloody vomiting in association 1) with postoperative ecidosis, 2) with thrombopenia, and 3) with intraperitoneal postoperative hematoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):380-380
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Treatment of postoperative complications. E. Baumann (Schweiz. med. W., 1927, No. 41)


The author recommends drip infusions of 100-800 cbm. of chamomile tea with the addition of 20 drops of opium tincture to eliminate thirst after surgery: only children, unfortunately, do not retain them.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):380-380
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Transpulminus after operations. Jung (Münch. m. W., 1927, No. 44)


The remedy, which is a sterile solution of basic quinine and camphor in essential oils, is successfully used by Jung for treatment of bronchiectasis, infectious asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia. To prevent postoperative pneumonia, it is administered 2 cc. cm. into the muscle daily for 3 days after each inhalation anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):380-380
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On the causes and treatment of intermittent claudication. Mendel (Klin. W., 1927, No. 21)


The authors predispose to this disease: Jewish race, belonging to the wealthy classes, male gender, and age over 40 years. Causes: congenital narrowness of the vascular system, neuropathic predisposition, seminal tendency, diabetes, gout, nicotine, syphilis, alcohol, soaking feet, flat feet, etc. The disease is characterized by motor, sensory, and vasomotor disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):380-380
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Long-term results of operative strengthening of the humeral head in recurrent dislocation. M.S. Henderson (Surg., gyn. and obst., 1926, No. 1)

Friedland M.


Long-term results of operative strengthening of the humeral head in recurrent dislocation were traced by M.S. Henderson using a large material. Of 19 people operated on by capsulorrhaphy, 8 had a lasting recovery (42.1%), 6 had an improvement (31.6%) and 5 had no success with the operation (26.3%).

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):380-381
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Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia with a bone and periosteal graft. G. Montier (Revue d'Orthopédie, 1927, No. 4)

Alekseeva-Kozmina A.


The author cites a case of pseudarthrosis in a 5-year-old girl in the lower third of the tibia. The patient was operated as follows: subcutaneous tenotomy of the Achilles tendon and redressing of the tibiae; after exposing the pseudarthrosis site, reviving the articular ends and separating the periosteum in a circle, then sawing the bone-periosteal plate along the entire length of the tibiae and dividing it into 3 equal pieces, which are attached to the periosteum on the tibiae from three surfaces outward; these pieces are attached to the tibiae periosteum with catgut sutures. The cast is in place for 3 months.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):381-381
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Local anesthesia of closed fractures. Perrin (Presse med., 1926, No. 84)

Kiptenko N.


The author used local anesthesia in 33 cases of closed fractures of tubular bones and was successful in 31 of them. The anesthesia technique consists of injecting novocaine with adrenaline under the periosteum, in the fracture focus, up to the contact with the bone marrow, and the muscles adjacent to the fracture.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):381-381
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Receiving a "flail" when reducing some fractures. R. Tillier (Revue d'Orthopédie, 1927, No. 2)

Alekseeva-Kozmina A.


The author reports the successful use of this technique for fracture repairs. The "cepa" technique used in the posterior dislocation of the elbow joint (according to Jaboulay's idea) is as follows: The shoulder is withdrawn by 90°, its lower part, above the elbow bend, is embraced by both hands of the operator so that the palms rest on the front side of the shoulder, the fingers are crossed, and the thumbs rest on the olecranon and press the latter down toward the forearm; the forearm hangs free down; then a quick and strong movement shakes the forearm to resemble a chain in threshing.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):381-381
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Rejuvenation in glaucoma. Prof. A.S. Chemolosov (R. Oft. J., 1927, No. 12)


Based on 3 own cases and literature data, the author recommends rejuvenation surgery in the form of bilateral ligation of the descending seminal tubules with resection of part of the appendages: for some cases of primary glaucoma, mostly inflammatory: this operation in such cases causes a sharp increase in general vital tonus, visual acuity increase, increase in its field and decrease in intraocular pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):381-381
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On the introduction of neosalvarsan into the eye by iontophoresis. Abramowicz and Grossmann (Warsz. Czasop. Lek., 1927, No. 10)

Weinberg M.


The authors have proved that injection of neosalvarsan directly into the eye by iontophoresis (in keratitis parenchim.) gives much better results than injection into the vein. Already at 20-minute iontophoresis with 1% solution of neosalvarsan it is possible to detect arsenic in the anterior chamber of the eye.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):381-381
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Efetonin in ocular therapy. Sattler (Klin. Med. f. Augenheilk., Bd. 79)


According to Sattler, this synthetic drug, similar to ephedrine and adrenaline, when injected in a 5% aqueous solution and the conjunctival sac, gives moderate pupil dilation for 2-3 hours without accommodation paralysis. Mydriasis can be increased by adding 0.3% homatropin to the 5% efetonin solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):382-382
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On the technique of senile cataract extraction. Prof. Elseinig (Arch. f. Aug., Bd. 94)

Volzhensky E.


The author reports three auxiliary techniques in the extraction of senile cataracts, which he finds very valuable. In his clinic, retrobulbar anesthesia is now routinely used, even in normal cataract extraction.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):382-382
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On temporary sterilization of females by parenteral injection of spermatozoa. M. S. Naidich (V. Endocr., 1927, No. 3)


The author performed a series of experiments on rabbits with injections (subcutaneous or intravenous) of sperm emulsion (rabbit or bovine) to females. These experiments convinced the author that parenteral injection of spermatozoa leads to temporary sterilization of females without disturbing other functions of their sexual apparatus and ovulation in particular.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):382-382
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Recent advances in infertility therapy. Sellheim (from Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XIII)

Timofeev A.


Автор дает сводку современных методов исследования и терапии бесплодия. Многие из этих методов связаны с именем автора. Продувание труб, в особенности же сальпингография - позволяют точно установить степень и место непроходимости труб. Для случаев, где непроходимым является участок в р. isthmica трубы, автор рекомендует т. н. ретроградное продувание, которое производится через абдоминальное отверстие трубы при чревосечении и позволяет более точно установить, какой отрезок трубы мог-бы оказаться функционально-пригодным.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):382-382
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Conservative surgical intervention in ectopic pregnancy. Labry (Lyon med., 1927, No. 16)


Conservative surgical intervention for ectopic pregnancy is advocated by Labry, who considers a laparotomy to be the operation of choice here. In many cases the tube has to be removed, and a woman's age and the number of children she has play a major role in the choice of surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):383-383
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Portes' method of caesarean section. Phaneuf (Surg., gynec. a. obst., v. 44)

Timofeev A.


The author describes the surgical technique and establishes the indications for the operation. The uterus is removed from the abdomen through a laparotomy incision, and the abdominal wound is immediately and carefully sutured. This is followed by emptying the uterus, which thus remains lying outside the abdominal cavity. After 1 to 2 months, when all infection has passed, a relaprotomy is performed and the uterus is inserted back into the abdominal cavity, or, as a last resort, amputated supravaginally.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):383-383
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Treatment of postpartum infection with intravenous infusions of anti-streptococcal serum. Jonescu (by Ber. n. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XII)

Timofeev A.


The author emphasizes that the treatment should start as early as possible and be carried out with large doses. The technique consists in administering to the patient 500 c.c. of physiological saline solution with adrenaline for 11/2 hours, and to this solution the anti-streptococcal serum is gradually added.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):383-383
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Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages. Baër (Med. Klin., 1927, No. 20), Whitehouse (Веr. ü. d. ges. G., Bd. XII), Curtis (ibid.), Bourne (ibid.)


The author reports on the principles of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the appendages adopted at Pankow's clinic. In addition to physiotherapeutic methods, such as ice, heat, light, diathermy, special attention is given to protein therapy (Terpichin, Caseosan, Novoprotin, etc.), from which, however, no special results are obtained. For gonorrhoeal diseases a sour cream vaccine (b. coli, strepto- and staphylococcus aureus) is recommended. Radiotherapy is especially suitable for tuberculosis as well as gonorrhoeal lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):383-383
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Results of treatment of uterine cancer with radium. Ikeda (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1927, No. 7)


The author used 53.5 mg of radium for intrauterine injection and 90 mg of radium on portio vaginalis, for 21 hours, with sessions repeated after 8-21 days depending on the condition of the patient. Of the 432 patients treated since 1915, 45.8% were alive, with 17 living more than 10 years after treatment, 15 more than 9, 18 more than 8, 13 more than 7, 28 more than 6, 25 more than 5 and 26 more than 4 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):384-384
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Experimental gonorrhea in animals with a modified constitution. Sternberg, Shchedrovitsky and Rabinovich (Vr. Delo, 1928, No. 1)

Weinstein A.


It has been almost impossible so far to obtain experimental gonorrhea in laboratory animals. The single success in this case, obtained by Borja and Sheritorina by means of sensitization with 50% bile, has been questioned by many. Sternberg, Shchedrovitsky and Rabinovich, proceeding from the position that infection and immunity of both the whole organism and individual organs depend on the intrasecretory activity of endocrine glands, experimented on castrated white mice.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):384-384
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The comparative value of different ways of provoking a fracture. Siemens (Münch. med. W., 1927, No. 45)


According to Siemens, in the last 7 years, out of 1,500 cases of male fractures at the Munich clinic in which no gonococci were detected at the end of the course of treatment, they were found to be full after artificial provocation in 143 people.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):384-384
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Treatment of gonorrhea by malaria vaccination. Ter-Gasparian (Ven. and Derm., 1927, No. 10)

Weinstein A.


Recently, a number of German authors (Lenzmann, Hoffmann and Schreber) have been using artificial inoculations of malaria with great success in male and female gonorrhea, especially those complicated and difficult to treat locally. A sharp dissonance in this respect is the work of Ter-Gasparian, who, working in a malarial area (Sukhum), had under his supervision for more than a year 114 gonorrhea patients suffering simultaneously from natural malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):384-384
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Treatment of gonorrhea with malaria. Scherber (Wien. kl. Woch., 1927, No. 44)

Weinstein A.


The author tried malaria inoculation in 15 men and 2 women suffering from gonorrhea. Malaria tertiana was inoculated with a strain from Prof. Wagner-Jaureg's clinic in Vienna. Local treatment for gonorrhea was also given before and after vaccination. The best results were obtained in patients who had 10-12 attacks with high fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):385-385
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Bone conduction in syphilis. V. E. Perekalin (J. Ushn., Nos. & Gorl. B., 1897, No. 5-6)


Having investigated bone conduction with the help of a tuning fork, with the help of a phonendoscope, in 239 syphilitic patients with normal hearing, Dr. V. E. Perekalin found that shortening of bone conduction is a frequent (62.7%), though not constant sign of syphilis, equally frequently observed in all periods of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):385-385
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Changes in hearing in miners. Dr. Arutyunov (Vestn. R.-L.-O., 1927, No. 3-4)

Bobrovsky N.


The author aimed to study the effect on the labyrinth function of different atmospheric pressures to which the miners were exposed. In the majority of the examined miners the auditory function in general turned out to be considerably decreased, the bone sound conduction - shortened. The last circumstance the author puts in connection with the elevated blood pressure of miners.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):385-385
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To the question of rhinoplasty. Dr. Gozulov (Vest. Rino-L.-ot., 1927, No. 5)

Gromov V.


Dr. Gozulov, considering the existing methods of rhinoplasty, gives preference to the Italian one, in particular to Lexer's modification of it. The disadvantage of this modification is that when the flap is cut from the hand and sewn into the edge of the nasal defect, the hand must be fixed at the head with a fixed bandage for a long time.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):385-385
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Appendicitis and angina. Schultz (Med. Klin., 1927, No. 44)


Noting the frequency of coincidence of symptoms of appendicitis and angina, Schultz considers it understandable given the morphological affinity of both organs and the ease of entry through the blood, which can also result in general infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):385-385
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On tracheobronchoscopy. Prof. V. K. Trutnev (Vest. R.-L.- ot., 1927, No. 5)

Yakhontov S.


On the basis of the literature data and his own experience the author analyzes the issue of tracheobronchoscopy, and speaks in particular about the choice between upper and lower tracheobronchoscopy and methods of anesthesia. The author is a supporter of upper tracheobronchoscopy and operates adults, as a rule, under local anesthesia, children without any anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):385-385
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R. Sommer. Familienforschung. Vererbungs- und Rassenlehre. III. Auflage mit 54 Abbildungen. VII+519, Leipzig, 1927, Preis brosch. RM, 30

Galant I.


A remarkable book by the Gießen professor of psychiatry R. Sommer on the study of families and the doctrine of heredity and race consists of two main parts. It would be worthwhile to dwell on each of the above chapters in more or less detail, since everywhere in the book there are new ideas and original views which every physician who follows the development of the medical sciences and related fields should become acquainted with, losing himself, after all, in such questions as the migration of peoples and the mixing of races. This, however, would mean stretching a book review to several dozen pages. It is therefore necessary to be satisfied with brief indications of the most important things in S.'s book, which cannot be passed over without mentioning them, even in a brief review. This includes, first of all, the author's doctrine of epimixis.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):386-388
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On tracheobronchoscopy. Prof. V. K. Trutnev (Vest. R.-L.- ot., 1927, No. 5)

Yakhontov S.


On the basis of the literature data and his own experience the author analyzes the issue of tracheobronchoscopy, and speaks in particular about the choice between upper and lower tracheobronchoscopy and methods of anesthesia. The author is a supporter of upper tracheobronchoscopy and operates adults, as a rule, under local anesthesia, children without any anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):385-385
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Prof. V. I. Molchanov. Growth and Development Disorders in Children. Moscow. 1928, Sabashnikov's edition

Menshikov V.


The purpose of this book, as the author points out, is to arouse interest among a wide range of physicians in diseases manifested by growth and developmental disorders in children. Usually these diseases do not attract the attention of the physician and often remain without proper recognition and treatment, while timely treatment, according to the author, can sometimes radically change the course of development and prevent serious consequences.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):388-389
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V. E. Salishchev. Clinical studies in surgery. Gosizdat, 1927

Sokolov N.


In the preface to his book, the author emphasizes that his manual is "the experience of a guide for students who are becoming acquainted with the surgical clinic in the practical classes of the group method. By doing so, he protects himself from reproaches for the schematic and elementary nature with which some of the chapters of his book are presented. The book contains 7 chapters devoted to the analysis of the disease forms most frequently encountered (in the author's opinion) in the clinic. Thus included here are: 1) hernia, 2) appendicitis, 3) cholecystitis, 4) hepatic echinococcus, 5) nephrolithiasis, 6) hydronephrosis, and 7) osteomyelitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):389-390
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Schinz, Baensch und Friedl. Lehrbuch der Röntgendiagnostik mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Chirurgie. XVIII +1131 pages, 1722 radiographs and figures, 5 phototables. ed. by G. Thieme, Leipzig. 1928. Price 90 marks

Gasul R.Y.


The present, sumptuously published and with rare clear reproductions of radiographs, is a guide to radiology, specifically on the roentgen diagnosis of surgical diseases, which differs from other voluminous German and French textbooks-collections, It is distinguished from other German and French textbooks by the fact that its entire presentation is from the point of view of the specialist surgeon-radiologist (Schninz-Zurich), who spared no expense in ensuring that in each chapter the radiological data is compared with the anatomical and surgical data in each section. Despite the surgical bias, this voluminous work presents all roentgenodiagnostics of internal diseases, by wealth of material it is not inferior to the well-known Assmann's textbook. In particular, skeletal diseases take up 458 pages, internal diseases some 618 pages, and the genitourinary apparatus 100 pages. In doing so, each section reflects all the advances of recent years that modern radiology is proud of.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):390-390
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Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 24, No. 3 (1928)


Meeting 23/I.
Prof. Assoc. I.I. Rusetsky: On the effect of intravenous infusions of calcium chloride and magnesium chloride on muscle tone in patients with parkinsonism.—Prof. V. M. Sokolov and K. R. Viktorov, pr. S. I. Afonsky, Dr. Ardatov and Sergievsky.
Dr. N. V. Puchkov and V. V. Krasnov: On the urea-forming and barrier function of the liver after exfoliation of the adrenal glands.—Prof. K. R. Viktorov and V. M. Sokolov, pr.-d. I. I. Rusetsky and S. I. Afonsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):391-394
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Scientific Society of Doctors in Ufa. Vol. 24, No. 3 (1928)


In 1927, the presidium of the Society consisted of the chairman D. I. Tatarinov, his comrades M. V. Vakulenko, V. N. Krzhanovsky and G. S. Rosenzwit, and the secretary N. M. Pod'yakov. The following reports were made in the Circle during the year: 1) Rosenzwit. To the treatment of tbc skin with Röntgen'a rays.- 2) Oleynikov. Results of examination of pupils of children for worms by the method of perianal scrape.-3) Muravyova. Gelminthiasis and sanitary condition of children's homes in Ufa.-4) Vakulenko. To casuistry of Lecher's plastic surgery on the lower limb.-5) Boldin. To casuistry of albinism et al. 

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):394-394
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Chronicle. Vol. 24, No. 3 (1928)


47) The Scientific Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan considered the question of vaccination against tbc by Calmette (BCG vaccine) in Kazan.
48) In view of the frequent refusals of unemployed doctors to serve in the village without valid reasons, the Labor Exchange will from now on put a stamp in the book of the refusing doctor. In case of repeated refusals such a doctor will be removed from the records of the Exchange and expelled from the union. (Vr. g., 1928, No. 3).
49) The prohibition of doctors on state service to work in private hospitals (see #29 "Chronicle") has caused a number of protests in Moscow and Leningrad, and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions has decided to petition for the repeal of the unconditional prohibition of this combination, etc. 

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):394-396
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Questions and answers. Vol. 24, No. 3 (1928)


6) Are there any cases in the literature of pulmonary echinococcus with rupture of the diaphragm into the abdominal cavity?          Subscriber #1194.
Answer: Lung echinococcus rarely bursts into the abdominal cavity. From literary sources on a question interesting you can specify: 1) Proceedings of I Convocation of Surgeons of North-Caucasian Region 23-26 September, 1925; 2) Osteoporosis of the lungs, 1925; 2) Ostrogorsky. Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., vol. XI, p. 33; 3) Strunnikov, Vrach. Delo, No. 11 - 13 and No. 24 -26, 1924; 4) Sokol, Vrach. Delo, No. 21-26, 1924; 5) Abrazhanov. Vrach. Delo, Nos. 9-10 and 11-12, 1923. I. Tsimkhes

Kazan medical journal. 1928;24(3):396-396
pages 396-396 views

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