Vol 23, No 5 (1927)

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Joseph Lister and his importance in surgery

Bogolyubov V.L.


This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Joseph Lister. Who among us does not know this name? Who among us does not know about the great upheaval to which surgery owes Lister? Who of the workers of culture and science does not care for the name of this benefactor of mankind, who saved the latter, by creating his system of antisepsis, from an innumerable series of unnecessary deaths and sufferings? Like a hurricane, Lister's doctrine burst into surgery and split it by a deep chasm into two periods - the period of old, pre-Lister's surgery and the period of antiseptic surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):491-499
pages 491-499 views

Regarding changes in the thyroid glands in B avitaminosis

Zatvornitsky Z.A., Zimnitsky V.S.


Recently in physiological works of Verzar, Vаѕаrheli, v. Avaya and Zih'a we have an attempt to ground the gas exchange decreased at avitaminosis B (a fact which is quite reasonably considered as very important in the picture of this disease by E. Abderhalder and others) by decrease or even loss of thyroid glands' incretion. We must, however, point out that there are still many disputable and unclear points in this question.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):500-505
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On the endocrine pathogenesis of malignant neoplasms

Sukhov A.A.


The teaching of tumors, especially malignant ones, most clearly reflects the evolutionary phases in biological medicine. The doctrine of hormones brings it back to the path of the humoral theory, and the further growth of hormonology links it closely to the cellular hypothesis. Thus, for example, Zondek and his school explain the interaction between cell and hormone by the cell's electrolytes or the content of ions in it, namely, by the distribution of electrolytes within the cell and on its membranes; on this, according to Zondek, depends the variability of the incretin action proceeding in the periphery of the body, although each cell is the carrier of specific hormones received by it through blood or lymph. Hence, says Zondek, a variety of moments can change the structure of a tissue and with it its ability to respond to hormones, and the hereditary factors which determine the structure of the tissue (genotypic mode of response, Bauer) are of enormous importance for the clinical picture of the symptoms.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):506-508
pages 506-508 views

Observations on treatment with ultraviolet rays of the mercury-quartz lamp in the Ulyanovsk TB Dispensary

Gryaznov S.D.


Not more than two decades have passed since the first works of Beruhardt and Roilier on the importance of sunlight in the treatment of tbc (surgical) appeared. Even earlier Einsen, Unna, Wiedmark and Naminer, who are the ancestors of phototherapy, proved by several studies that the well-known tan, which is after a more or less long stay in the sphere of sun rays, depends not on thermal, but on the so-called chemical, ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):509-515
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To the clinic of infected ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Grosman S.A., Brailovsky M.M.


We will not touch the controversial question of the role of infection in the genesis of ulcers and will adopt the point of view of the French school (Duval, Roux, Montier, Girault), for which the concept of an infected ulcer is only a concept of a pathological-anatomical and clinical nature, related to the concept of the evolution of an already existing ulcer, depending on its secondary infection. This evolution of the ulcer, in the presence of a new ingredient of infection, creates some peculiarities in its clinical manifestation,-peculiarities which, in suitable cases, can and must be taken into account both in the choice of time and in the choice of method of surgical intervention. Thus, the question under consideration by us has not only theoretical character, but, as we will try to state below, acquires also a certain practical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):516-523
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On appendicopathia oxytirica

Opokin A.A., Zelinskaya A.I.


At the present time there is great interest among physicians in questions of human helminthology, which, in fairness, is singled out as a separate science, and in Japan and America there are even departments of helminthology. A great connoisseur of the latter, Prof. Skryabin, counts 130 species of worms parasitizing in the human body; he has found up to 16 species of them in the body of one worm owner.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):524-531
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On pulmonary hernias

Znamensky M.S.


A pulmonary hernia, i.e. the protrusion of lung tissue through an opening in the wall of the chest cavity under the skin of the chest, is extremely rare. In contrast to the wall of the abdominal cavity, here the conditions for the occurrence of a hernial opening are very unfavorable, since the strong musculoskeletal wall of the chest presents serious obstacles to it. Not surprisingly, therefore, special conditions are required for the occurrence of a pulmonary hernia. Such conditions are: 1) congenital underdevelopment of the chest wall, e.g., a defect of the intercostal muscles. 2) sudden repeated increases of intrathoracic pressure, e.g. when coughing, playing wind instruments, etc., 3) trauma accompanied by violation of the integrity of the thoracic wall with subsequent replacement of the defect by a scar. The latter factor is predominant in the origin of pulmonary hernia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):532-533
pages 532-533 views

The dependence of fetal development on the duration of the mother's menstrual period

Chernoyarova V.D.


The rather old (1882) observation of Guzzi, who observed that the weight and length of newborns are directly proportional to the number of days of the mother's menstrual period, has lately again attracted the attention of researchers. Thus Revelli on 2500 cases, and Szenes and Mondré on 739 cases could generally confirm Guzzi's data, while La Tarke, on the contrary, came to negative data. Our work was already finished when Dr. Agabekov reported, who, on the basis of 462 cases, also adheres to the opinion of Guzzi.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):534-542
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On menotoxicosis and its treatment with outgamotherapy

Malinin A.I.


So far, all attempts to prove the presence of a certain specific poison in menstruation must be considered unsuccessful. Even the question of such a specific toxin is called into question altogether, and the approach to this problem must be quite different from that which has hitherto been used by various authors. Gengenbach, reviewing in detail the literature on this question, concludes that it is more correct to speak not of a specific hypothetical menstrual poison, but of known toxicoses. Such toxicoses occur not due to the invasion of poison from outside, but due to the imbalance or regulation in the body of biochemical processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):543-546
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A new system of constitutional types of women

Galant I.B.


Trying to give here a new system of constitutional types of women, I thereby provoke in readers the idea that the presently existing systems are insufficient, why a new system is proposed. If this argument were not present, readers would have every reason to object: Why do we need a new system of constitutions? We have enough well-founded systems that work perfectly well in practice as it is! Why pile on unnecessary ballast and confuse the already complicated and confused science of the constitution? In order to protect myself from such objections, I must first of all prove the insufficiency of the existing systems of constitutional types. To prove this insufficiency I will stop on a critical analysis only of Kretschmer's system, because exactly this system enjoys at present the greatest recognition and wide application in practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):547-557
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On the treatment of eczema with intravenous infusions of sodium bromide

Zenin A.S.


In 1918, the late Professor A. I. Lebedev applied treatment of some skin diseases with intravenous infusions of sodium bromide and obtained excellent results: eczemas, which could not be cured and had tormented patients for years, urticaria, herpetiform dermatitis, erythema exudative, were cured within a fairly short time exclusively with this method. In many cases, patients were relieved by this method from persistent and unpleasant relapses of these dermatoses. Although treatment with bromine salts and other per os of skin diseases, especially acute eczema, has a very long history, but such an effective result has not been noted by any author.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):558-561
pages 558-561 views

Manoilov's reaction in the light of contemporary criticism

Gusev A.D.


In 1923, Manoilov reported his discovery of a chemical reaction that could be used to distinguish between male and female blood. The profound interest that was aroused by this report is quite understandable. In recent years, a number of works have been devoted to Manoilov's reaction, but only recently, when the enthusiasm for this assay has subsided, has the chemistry of the reaction become clear to a certain extent. Manoilov proposed three modifications of his reaction, but, according to him, preference should be given to the last, third modification, as giving the most correct results. The reagent used for this modification consists of five separate solutions gradually added to the blood emulsion, or to the serum solution prepared according to a certain standard.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):562-568
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On the content of iodine in the water of Izhevsk mineral spring

Blumstein Z.N.


We investigated minimal amounts of iodine using the microcolorimetric method proposed by M. T. Lecco (in 1896) and developed in detail by Th. v. Fellenberg (in 1923). Basically, this method consists in binding all J, irrespective of its state (free J, iodide, iodate, organic iodine compound), with carbonic alkali and converting it into iodide (KJ), which, when acted on with sulfuric acid, releases free iodine, which stains chloroform red-violet color.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):569-570
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Preoperative preparation of the patient

Flerov S.A.


The life of the patient undergoing surgery depends on the intensity of the painful onset, the degree of the body's resistance, preoperative preparation, surgical intervention, and postoperative care. All members of this five may be equally important, but in any case they are unequally developed, and the doctrine of preoperative preparation is the least developed. Here, except for the satisfactorily studied preparation of the operative field, everything else is still so unclear that it has not even taken on the nature of a systematic teaching, - questions of this kind are addressed only in isolated works, scattered and drowning in the general mass of surgical literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):571-576
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Fallopian tubes blowing and other new methods of diagnosing and treating fallopian tube diseases

Bushmakina M.P.


Diseases of the uterine appendages have always had a prominent place in the etiology of infertility. These were inflammatory and neoplastic processes resulting in changes which in most cases were already detected by bimanual examination, such as various types of saccosalpinx, tubal fibromas, salpigitis nodosa, cystic ovarian changes, tubal-ovarian cysts, etc. The mechanism of infertility in such changes is clear, but only with the introduction of Rubinʹa method into gynecological practice did the actual role of the Fallopian tubes in the origin of infertility become clear, or rather, began to become clear.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):577-583
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Active immunization against cancer. Nather и Schnitzler (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 48)


The authors immunized mice by repeated injections of a suspension of cancer cells. Experiments with vaccination of such animals showed that such immunization has no prophylactic value - vaccinated mice turn out to be as susceptible to cancer as unvaccinated ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):583-583
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Poerperal streptococcus toxin. Lasch, Аbrаiham, Berth Kaplan (Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XI)


The toxic substance isolated by the authors from cultures of hemolytic puerperal streptococcus has all the properties of a toxin: it gives a latent period between inoculation and reaction, it is liable to heat, is neutralized by immune serum antitoxin, causes formation of immune bodies.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):583-583
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Diagnosis of typhoid fever by intradermal reaction. P. A. Alisov and K. I. Morozkin (Microb. Magazine, 1927, No. 1)

Board E.


The authors used intradermal injection of 0.1 cc of typhoid endotoxin in 262 febrile patients with various diseases, including typhoid fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):583-584
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Bilivaccination per os against typhoid. Bezredka (Nov. in. med. and biolog., 1927, No. 1)


The author reports the results of the use of a biliary typhoid vaccine ("bilivaccine") as a prophylactic agent against typhoid fever obtained in S. Paolo (Brazil).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):584-584
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Treatment of bee stings. Ray Jones (Amer. Bee Journ., 1926 Nov.)

Panin P.


After citing a number of cases published in the literature in which bee stings were fatal, the author dwells on Braun's method of immunization to bee venom.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):584-584
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Blood test for tbc bacilli in tbc lesions of the female genital tract. Васіаlli (Riv. ital. di gin., f. 4, 1926; Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XI)

Timofeev A.


To 5-10 cc of blood from the ulnar vein, 3% acetic acid and 50% antiformin are added successively and diluted with absolute alcohol. The precipitate is washed with distilled water and stained by Ziehlʹ or Much-Weissʼ. In 20 cases of tbc appendages, acid-fastening bacilli were found in the blood of patients in this manner, but if the distilled water was passed through a Chamberland's candle, the result was negative.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):584-585
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Primary tbc of the nose. A. G. Umanskaya (Vest. Rino-lar.-ot., 1926, No. 6)

Yakhontov S.


Primary nasal tbc is a very rare disease: only 117 cases have been described in the world literature. Tbc bacilli develop in the nasal cavity only if there are mucosal ulcers. The author has described two cases of primary nasal tbc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):585-585
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Treatment of experimental tbc with sanocrisin. Madsen and Mörch (Microbiol. Journal, 1927, vol. 1)


Having made a number of experiments in this direction on animals, the authors were convinced that by using sanokrizin, it is possible to achieve complete sterilization of the lungs.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):585-585
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Treatment of pulmonary caverns with an artificial plethorax. Вaer (Wiener kl. Woch., 1927, No. 3)


According to Vaer's observations, artificial stenemothorax can lead in a relatively short time to disappearance of pulmonary caverns without a trace, which is proved by fluoroscopic images.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):585-585
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Treatment of tuberculosis in pregnant and postpartum women. Menge (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 14)


The author believes that the obstetrician should not play the role of a mere technical performer when deciding on indications for termination of pregnancy in tuberculosis patients. Experience has shown that a significant number of women who are referred for termination of pregnancy because of tuberculosis are found to be free of tuberculosis under close observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):585-585
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Cytological studies of peritoneal fluid. Vogt (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 128)


In 4 normal women, the author found 30% lymphocytes and 70% leukocytes; in diseases such as appendiceal tumors, ovarian tumors, and myomas, lymphocytes predominate (50-90%); in uterine cervical cancers the cytological picture does not change.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):585-586
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The significance of stereoscopic X-ray pictures. Frey (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, No. 6)

Tsimkhes I.


The author points out the advantages of fluoroscopy for determining the position of foreign bodies, the position of fragments in bone fractures and articular body injuries. Stereoscopy is especially valuable when examining ribs, vertebrae, and the skull, where numerous overlapping shadows confuse the picture, and a slight deviation from the norm cannot be determined by the radiograph.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):586-586
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To the pathogenesis and clinic of postlethysiology inflammation of rib cartilages. D.A. Vasilenko (Dnepropetr. M. J., 1926, No. 7-8)

Board E.


The author was convinced that this inflammation is based on the introduction of paratyphoid bacillus N1. Postlethyphoid inflammation of the rib cartilages affects sub'ects only at the age of over 20 years, when cavities are formed in the cartilaginous tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):586-586
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About bleeding after gastroenterostomy. Jungblüth (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, No. 10)

Tsimkhes I.


The author, who observed bloody vomiting two hours after the operation according to Bier's method, without stitching the mucosa, believes that this bleeding was from the gastric wall, and not from the ulcer, since the latter was not touched during the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):586-586
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Gastrointestinal bleeding after appendectomy. M. V. Mikhailov (Russ. Klin., 1926, No. 29)


When discussing the issue of immediate complications after appendectomy surgery, M.V. Mikhailov draws attention to gastrointestinal bleeding. In the material of the Moscow Basman Hospital such bleedings occurred 4 times per 2000 appendectomies, i.e. in 0.2%. Two theories have been proposed to explain their origin: septic-infectious and thrombo-embolic.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):586-586
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Treatment of purulent processes on the face by injecting your own blood. R. Hinze (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 16; 1927, No. 4)

Tsimkhes I.


In 4 cases of facial carbuncles, the author injected his own blood into the circumference of the abscesses and obtained complete recovery without an incision.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):586-586
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Treatment of purulent peritonitis. Pamperl (Med. Klin., 1926, No. 37— 38)

Timofeev A.


The author treats purulent peritonitis as follows: early operation is possible, and, if circumstances permit, it is useful to pre-prepare the patient with napertia, coffein, and intravenous injection of 20 cc. 40% grape sugar solution to reduce the danger of anesthesia to the heart; the site of the incision is chosen according to the localization of the process; the wound is lubricated with Peruvian balsam before opening the peritoneum; if peritonitis spills over, the abdominal cavity is flushed; if the infectious focus can be reliably turned off, drainage is not necessary; wire sutures. Careful stretching of rectal stomas after surgery facilitates the evacuation of gases and feces.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):586-587
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Toward a technique for radical surgery of inguinal hernias. S. V. Goldberg and V. I. Sukhov (Vest. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1927, b. 25)

Tsimkhes I.


The authors successfully applied a modified Bascini method in 52 cases of inguinal hernias in men, which consists of replacing the suture on the muscle layer and aponeurosis by sewing a homogeneous tissue-muscle with muscle.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):587-587
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About sutures after removal of the appendix. R. Frank (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, No. 8)

Tsimkhes I.


The author suggests placing a gentle intestinal clamp on the cecum after removal of the appendix. This clamp makes it possible to pull up into the wound and easily fix the intestinal wall we need in order to peritonize and stitch the stump of the appendix.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):587-587
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Fistula formation and suppuration of sutures after goiter surgery. Еichelter (Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd. 144, H. 1)

Tsimkhes I.


The author observed in 30-60% of patients operated on for goiter early or late departure of sutures, in 74% leading to the formation of fistulas, which did not heal up to 3 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):587-587
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On the genesis of glaucoma. Nordenson (from ref. Zentr. f. g. Ophth.)

Adamyuk V.


The author draws attention to the fact that only the theory that puts changes of the vitreous body in the basis of glaucoma satisfactorily explains the origin of the shallow anterior chamber of the eye in this disease. Namely, the lens diaphragm, due to the swelling of the vitreous body, moves forward, constricts the angle of the anterior chamber, etc. The swelling and increase in the volume of the vitreous body in glaucoma is caused by water retention in the vitreous body or mechanical obstruction to its outflow through the lens diaphragm.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):587-587
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To the etiology of cataracts. Weil, Nordman (Annal, d’ocul., 1926)


In examining the relationship between cataracts and the general state of the body, and comparing the various theories that exist on this subject, the authors find that sometimes the cause of cataracts is a decrease in the amount of calcium in the blood. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):587-587
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To the treatment of cataracts. Sava-Goiou (Annal. d’ocul., 1925)


The author recommends a new method of capsulectomy in cataract surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):588-588
pages 588-588 views

To the treatment of trachoma. K. Kh. Orlov (NKZ Bulletin, 1927, No. 6)


The author received rather encouraging results from rubbing the oil of sholmogra (a Brazilian plant), long used in the treatment of leprosy, into the conjunctiva of the eyes for trachoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):588-588
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Betaine in human amniotic fluid. Кirsten (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1927, No. 9)

Zabolotskaya E.


Studying the composition of amniotic fluid, the author found in it the presence of glycolbetaine, meat-lactic acid, aromatic oxyacids and histidine-histidine-leucine derivative. He considers new and especially important the presence of betaine, which until now was found in the human body only in echinococcal fluid.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):588-588
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Early diagnosis of pregnancy. Вeruto (Веr. ü. d. g. G., Bd. XI)


The author tested the value of Camnitzer's Joseph's floridzine reaction with the floridzine-maturina preparation and obtained 95.6% positive results in pregnant women and 3.3% in non-pregnant women. The accuracy of the test decreases with increasing gestational age, so that pregnant women up to 1½ months gave 100% positive results, pregnant women up to 2% months - 93.4%, and pregnant women 3% months only 87.54% positive results.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):588-588
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Determining the position of the fetal head in relation to the pelvis using external and internal techniques. Оstreil (Zntr. f. G., 1926, No. 46)

Timofeev A.


The author describes in detail techniques for determining the position of the fetal head in relation to the pelvis, which are little known but, in his opinion, are worthy of attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):588-589
pages 588-589 views

Experimental studies on toxicosis of pregnancy. Hofbauer (Amer. jour. of obst. a. gyn., v. 12, No. 2; Berich., Bd. XI)


The author performed experimental research on the toxicosis of pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):589-589
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Action of placental extract from patients with indigestible vomiting of pregnant women. Lévy-Solal, Jan Dalsасе, Соhеn-Sоlal (Веr. ü. d. des. Gyn., Bd. XI)


0.5 cc of glycerol placenta extract injected intracardially has no effect, but the same 0.5 cc of extract + 0.5 cc of fresh human serum after 15-60 seconds causes a typical shock in the pig if the pig is not pregnant. Normal placenta extract has no such effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):589-589
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Pielitis in pregnancy and gynecology. Colombino (по Ber. ü. d. g. G., Bd. XI)

Timofeev A.


Pielitis in its pure form is rare, and usually the kidney itself is involved in the disease. The disease predominantly affects primiparous women. Premature arbitrary delivery is observed in 30% of all cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):589-589
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The etiology of tubal pregnancy. Pankow (Arch. f. G., Bd. 125), Мс Nalley (Amer. journ. of obst. a. gyn., v. 12, No. 3)


The author, considering the causes of egg implantation in the tube, believes that they may lie either in the properties of the egg itself, or in the peculiarities of the tube. The properties of the egg itself, leading to its implantation in the tube, are reduced to the excess of vital energy in it, which causes its prematurely achieved ability to graft. On the side of the tube, the main etiological points. R. considers the formation of diverticula and adhesion of certain folds of the tubal mucosa, with developmental abnormalities underlying these features of the tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):589-590
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Towards abortion therapy. Kubinyi (Веrіch. Bd. XI)

Timofeev A.


The author cites the basic principles he adheres to in the treatment of abortions. K. considers only heavy bleeding to be an indication for active therapy, and he considers medication therapy with simultaneous cervical and vaginal tamponade to be the best course of action.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):590-590
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Increased incidence of atonic postpartum bleeding. Кüstner (Mon. f. G. u. G., Bd. LXXV, H. 6)

Timofeev A.


The author traced the clinic material from January 1, 1911, to July 1, 1926. During this period there were a total of 25,000 women in labor, of whom 1,550 gave atonic hemorrhages with blood loss of 600 to 1,400 cst. A study of the frequency of bleeding by year and also according to the age of the women in labor yielded very interesting results.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):590-590
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Treatment of puerperal sepsis. Mornard, Viala (Clinique, 1926, No. 73)


For stagnant vesicles, the authors recommend sprinkling, and if it is not successful after 24 hours, uterine drainage.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):591-591
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Local anesthesia of the uterine cervix. Мikuliсz-Rаdeсkі (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, No. 49)


To make the dilation of the cervical canal painless, the author recommends making 4-6 injections into the outermost layer of the cervical myometrium, around the canal; the needle should thus penetrate deep into 3-4 centimeters, and 40-50 cc of ½ % novocaine solution with suprarenin is injected this way; pain relief comes in 5 minutes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):591-591
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Dysmenorrhea and its treatment. Sahler (Wiener klin. Woch., 1926, No. 48)

Sergeev V.


According to Sahler, the cause of dysmenorrhea in those cases where there are no gross mechanical obstacles to the outflow of menstrual blood lies in the convulsive contractions of the uterine muscles under the influence of various factors, both constitutional and endocrine in nature, and neuropsychological, acting through the autonomic nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):591-591
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Sterilization of women by sperm-vaccine. N. V. Kolpikov (Tr. Gos. Polarn. Chem.-Bakt. U-tate 1924-1927)

Tushnov M.


The author used a sheep sperm vaccine to control unwanted pregnancies. A total of 270 women were inoculated, divided into several groups, depending on the strength of the vaccine used.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):591-591
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Results of the treatment of uterine and vaginal cancers at Prof. Witt's clinic. Philipp (Mün. m. Woch., 1926, No. 7)

Timofeev A.


A total of 1104 patients were treated. Free of recurrence within 5 years 23.5 i.e. 21.3%. 206 were operated on, the rest were treated with X-ray and radium. Of those who were operated on within 5 years 40.79% were free of recurrence, most of them underwent prophylactic X-rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):591-592
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"Chemical" uterine extirpation. Driessen (Веr. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XI, S. 661)


The author suggests "chemical" uterine extirpation for inoperable cases of uterine body cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):592-592
pages 592-592 views

Asch's Diplococcus. Y. A. Finkelstein (Urology, vol. III, b. 3)


On the basis of both his own studies and data from a number of Moscow researchers and literary material, Prof. Y. A. Finkelstein came to a number of conclusions regarding this microbe.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):592-592
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Experimental blenorrhea in rabbits. A. M. Kalinin, O. F. Fahlberg (Journal for the Advanced Training of Physicians, 1926, No. 7-8)


According to experiments of A. M. Kalinin and O. F. Fahlberg, after preliminary sensitization of the conjunctiva with bile, it is possible to obtain blenorrhea in about one third of rabbits.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):592-592
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Gonorrhoeic keratoderma. Garcia Faure (Zentr. f. H. u. G., 1926, Bd. XXI, H. 7/8, ref.)

Pechnikov J.


The author describes keratoderma in a patient with gonorrhoeal knee and ankle joint disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):592-593
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Treatment of gonorrhoids vulvo-vaginitis in early childhood. B. Y. Ivanter-Braginskaya (Jour. on early childhood, vol. IV, No. 5)


Having tested various methods of treatment of this disease in 24 cases of children aged from 5½ months to 16 months, B. Y. Ivanter-Braginskaya found that the best method of treatment here is vaccine therapy: the cure is achieved in a shorter time than with local treatment, relapses are observed less often than with the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):593-593
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Treatment of acute gonorrheal adnexitis. Vonkennel (Münch. med. Woch., 1926, No. 45)


The author recommends for this purpose intravenous injections of afenil (10% calcium chloride solution by Knoll) in a dose of 10 cc. Performing these injections once a day, it is possible, in acute and subacute gonorrhoids salpingo-oophoritis, in 8 - 12 days to obtain such results, such with conventional anti-inflammatory treatment are obtained only in 3-4 weeks, and doing injections on 2 times a day, it is possible already in 2-3 days to stop "acute adnexitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):593-593
pages 593-593 views

To the treatment of surgical complications of gonorrhea. Shapiro (Vestn. Sovr. Med., 1926, No. 9)

Kiptenko N.


The author recommends Snegirev's old way of treating gonorrhoids, which he used to treat gonorrhoids of the internal female genitalia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):593-593
pages 593-593 views

Lumbar puncture and hearing. Dr. Mogilnitsky (Vest. Rino-L.-ot., 1926, No. 4-5)

Alekseeva L.


Dr. Mogilnitsky was convinced of the favorable results of lumbar puncture in 85 cases of hearing loss of various etiologies.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):593-593
pages 593-593 views

About deafness after quinine. Dr. Fine (Vest. R.-l.-o., 1927, No. 1)

Lopatina N.


The author cites three cases of deafness after subcutaneous injections of quinine.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):593-593
pages 593-593 views

To the etiology of ozena. Albrecht (Zeit. für Hals,-Nasen-und Ohrh., 1926, Bd. 15, 2—4 Heft)

Venetsianova-Gruzdkova M.


The author thinks that of the numerous theories of the occurrence of ozenosis, only two are worthy of attention, namely, first, the one that speaks of a specific causative agent, and second, the one that considers the cause of ozenosis to be the constitution.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):593-594
pages 593-594 views

Bone implantation in ozena. Möbius (Zeit, für Hals-, Nasen u. Ohrenheilk., 1926, S. 214)

Venetsiinova-Gruzdkova M.


The author performed 80 operations of spongy bovine bone implantation in osteoarthritis with satisfactory results. Experience showed him that it is advisable to use very porous bone as an implant, as connective tissue can sprout it more perfectly. The author used small pieces of bone, as they fit better into the nose and grow through the granulation tissue better.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):594-594
pages 594-594 views

Prof. К. Biesalski. Grundriss der Krüppelfürsorge. Leipzig. 1926

Tregubov S.


"Fundamentals of Care for Maimed Children" is the third edition of the book previously published as A Brief Guide to Care for Maimed Children. The book is divided into eight chapters.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):594-595
pages 594-595 views

Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 5 (1927)


Session 4/IV.
Dr. M.V. Sergievsky: To a question on inhibition of salivary glands secretion. The speaker's task was to analyze in detail the conditions of inhibition and to establish the relation of inhibitory nerves to some pharmacological substances. It turned out that the sympathetic nerve when irritated by a strong current causes, in parallel with stopping saliva secretion, obtained by chord irritation, also changes in the blood circulation of the gland, and possibly in the chemistry of the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):595-598
pages 595-598 views

Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 5 (1927)


Session 23/III.
Dr. E. V. Sukhova showed a patient with lesions of conus and epiconus medullaris. Patient G., 44 years old, having no lues, abusing alcohol, fell ill in November 1923, with pains in the lower back and weakness in the legs, which forced him to remain in bed. Three months later, improvement occurred, G. began to walk, but his right foot continued to fail; no pelvic organ disorders were observed. At the end of July, 1926, after a number of colds, weakness in legs again, and after a few days, after a large drink, the paresis became very sharp, urinary incontinence, constipation, impotence developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):598-599
pages 598-599 views

Scientific Meetings of Doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Training in Kazan. Vol. 23, No. 5 (1927)


Meeting 87th 15 / XI 1926.
Prof. V. Ye. Adamyuk demonstrated 2 patients after keratoplasty. Dr. L.N. Klyachkin: On the question of the badleological reaction.
Dr. A. N. Kruglov and G. S. Liorber: I All-Union Congress of Eye Doctors.
Meeting 88th 17 / XII 1926.
Dr. A. G. Musin: A case of the known echinococcus of the abdominal wall (with a demonstration of the patient).
Dr. A. N. Mirkin, E. R. Mogilevsky and D. B. Rabinovich: Study of stomach chlorides. as a diagnostic method. The report was published in full in No. 2 of the journal for tech. year.
Dr. M. S. Lifshits: III Volga Malaria Congress.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):599-601
pages 599-601 views

Chronicle. Vol. 23, No. 5 (1927)


At the clinics of Kazan University, evening outpatient appointments are open, exclusively for insured workers and employees.
130) Dr. Yenaleev, who was previously the deputy of the People's Commissariat for Health, was appointed as the People's Commissariat of Health of the Tatrespublika. T. Enaleev, the son of a peasant, during the war worked as a pharmacy paramedic in the army, in 1920 he entered the Moscow Medical Institute, after which he was appointed to the disposal of the Regional Committee of the TR.
131) A question has been raised about the establishment of a medical technical school in Kazan for national minorities, namely, Cheremis, Mordovians, Zyryans and Votyaks.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):601-603
pages 601-603 views

Obituary. Vol. 23, No. 5 (1927)


On April 6 this year, one of the oldest Russian gynecology professors, Vsevolod Nikolayevich Orlov, passed away in Odessa.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):603-603
pages 603-603 views

Questions and answers. Vol. 23, No. 5 (1927)


In view of several cases of request to me to make "vaccination against pregnancy" by spouses, I ask not to refuse to inform: 1) To make single or multiple introduction of a sperm, and if multiple, in what intervals? 2) Is the semen administered in its pure form or in a warm solvent, and what is its dosage? 8) What is the technique of obtaining inoculum? Physician Panin.
Answer. At present, I do not use sperm inoculation to prevent pregnancy, since a special vaccine has been developed by me (in cooperation with Dr. E.I. Zabolotskaya). This vaccine is a carbolized physiological solution of NaCl, in which hetero-spermatozoa are suspended, killed by acetone. One cc contains 300,000 spermatozoa. Vaccinations are given four times in increasing doses with a 7-day break. A new single vaccination is required after 4-5 months. The vaccine is not commercially available, as it is still being tested. Experimental data and isolated observations on women have given quite favorable results. I hope to put the vaccine on sale as soon as it has been tested.
Prof. M. Tushnov.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(5):604-604
pages 604-604 views

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