Vol 37, No 3 (1941)

Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and the development of his scientific legacy

Stroganov V.V.


The long and unusually purposeful scientific activity of Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov covered with its fruitful influence the main fields of physiological science. In each area, touched by his keen observation and skill of experimental virtuoso (digestive tract, cardiovascular system, etc.), he created something new and opened new prospects for further research.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):3-9
pages 3-9 views

Academician Ivan Pavlov's teaching on types of nervous activity

Pavlova A.M.


In developing the doctrine of higher nervous activity by the method of conditioned reflexes, Academician Pavlov, in the very first period of his work, encountered the fact of different reactions in different test animals (dogs) to the same experimental influence. In an effort to determine the difference in these reactions, he found in experimental animals certain types of nervous activity, understanding by types "those or other complexes of the basic properties of the nervous system". The definition and delineation of these types developed gradually and was subjected to various modifications as more accurate experimental data were accumulated.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):10-13
pages 10-13 views

On the treatment of lumboishyalgia

Osokin N.E., Arkhangelskaya-Lapidus V.S., Dovgyallo E.M., Remez L.I.


The choice of treatment for sciatica is a difficult one for the physician because of the variety of etiopathogenesis of the disease. In the acute stage, heat, light therapy, aspirin, salicylic soda, antipyrine, and diaphoretics are used; potassium iodide is used if syphilis is suspected.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):14-15
pages 14-15 views

Aetiology and pathogenesis of Аdie syndrome

Kholyavkin A.D.


Аdiе syndrome seems to be becoming one of the current issues in neurology. This is evidenced by the large number of papers devoted to it, mostly clinical. This is due, on the one hand, to the purely scientific interest of this syndrome and, on the other hand, to its practical relevance in neurology.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):16-18
pages 16-18 views

On the impact of pneumo-encephalography on the blood-brain barrier

Slavin A.A., Mokeev B.G.


To study the effect of encephalography on the blood-brain barrier, we have carried out 48 studies. Our observations concern only some aspects of barrier function, mainly protective. Routine cerebrospinal fluid examination has also been carried out in order to ascertain changes in the barrier during meningeal reactions.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Endemic goitre in the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the results of its control

Mukhamedyarov F.G.


Endemic goitre in the MASSR was first established by Prof. M.F. Kandaratsky, who examined 26 settlements of the Tsarevokokshay and Cheboksary districts of former Kazan province on his personal initiative in 1886-1888. In the surveyed settlements were found 1030 goitered people, which was about 1/3 of all surveyed, the number of mentally and physically retarded and deaf-mute among the affected people reached 3.5%.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):23-28
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Military field surgery and the role of the doctor (not the surgeon) at the front

Gorinevskaya V.V.


Military field surgery is essentially emergency surgery, or more accurately, emergency traumatology in a complex combat environment. Military field surgery differs from peacetime surgery not only in the nature of injuries, the nature of their localization and course, but also (and most importantly) in the environment, the conditions under which treatment has to be carried out. Treatment of injuries, trauma treatment has nowadays grown into a large independent specialty - traumatology, which requires serious study and thorough training. The quality of medical care for traumatologists in our country is increasing every year.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):29-39
pages 29-39 views

Some observations by a surgeon in a troop area (from experience at DPM)

Nikolaev G.F.


In this report we would like to share our experiences of surgical work in the army area during the war with the White Finns. The environment in which the work took place presents a number of peculiarities. In the polar regions, in severe frost, in absolute absence of living quarters, suitable for medical facilities, in conditions of maneuver war, we had to organize the qualified aid to the wounded soldiers of the heroic Red Army. The operating theatre, dressing rooms, wards for the wounded and waiting for evacuation were deployed in heated tents, with temporary cookers.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Use of omentum in the treatment of infected wounds and ulcerodystrophic processes

Ratner Y.A.


The bactericidal properties of the peritoneum have attracted the attention of many researchers. And we at one time paid tribute to the study of this question in clinic and experiment. We soon became convinced that the best way to study the bactericidal properties of the serous sheets was to turn to the omentum. The omentum is more accessible to experiment, is mobile, consists mainly of reticulo-endothelium, is covered entirely by peritoneum and is also richly supplied with blood. The problem of the serous leaflets and, in particular, the study of the properties of the omentum in the clinic and experiment has subsequently become a major topic for researchers in the clinic we supervise.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):45-50
pages 45-50 views

Amputation of limbs under local anesthesia using the creeping infiltration method

Osipovsky V.M.


Statistics based on the experiences of former wars show that the proportion of amputations among other surgical interventions is quite high.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):50-52
pages 50-52 views

Ephedrine in the treatment of pruritic dermatoses

Olesov I.N.


Ephedrine is still little known to the general medical community, so I will briefly describe its chemical structure, pharmacological and physiological properties.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):52-54
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Scabies treatment according to Prof. A. K. Dyakov's method

Rothstein T.Y., Krylova V.S.


Prof. Dyakov based his treatment of scabies on the combined effects of sulphur and soap, which have long been used as anti-itch medicines.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):55-57
pages 55-57 views

On the treatment of lupus erythematosus with acrychin

Yurinov G.M., Krylova V.S.


The report of Prof. Prokopchuk (1940) about his successful treatment of lupus erythematosus with acrychin attracted general attention. At the same time, Prof. Olesov commissioned us to conduct a clinical trial of this method to determine its therapeutic value. The method proposed by Prof. Prokopchuk is very simple and consists in giving an adult patient 0.1-3 times a day, after meals, for 10 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):57-59
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Treatment of psoriasis with acrychin

Yurinov T.M.


The search for a rational therapy for psoriasis has so far encountered great difficulties due to the unclear etiology of the disease. In recent years, however, the theory of the parasitic origin of psoriasis has gained renewed interest due to the theory of filtering viruses.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):60-62
pages 60-62 views

On the treatment of carbuncles

Shmagina M.D.


The choice of method for treating carbuncles depends on the stage of the disease and the course of the process. The first requirement in the treatment of carbuncles is to prevent the development of venous thrombosis, which can lead to septic thrombophlebitis. This is especially important in facial carbuncles, where thrombosis of v. facialis is particularly rampant. Prophylaxis consists of complete rest of the affected area.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):62-65
pages 62-65 views

X-ray diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia

Yaltsev P.D.


Recognition of diaphragmatic hernia is very difficult for the clinician because of the variety of morbid phenomena and the lack of clear clinical symptoms. We observed two cases of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, the differential diagnosis of which presented a number of difficulties. In addition, in both cases the in vivo diagnosis was confirmed operatively and then in section.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):65-67
pages 65-67 views

Stopping pulmonary haemorrhage during pleural obliteration

Agrikolyansky B.N.


On April 21, 1936, patient F., aged 26, a railway worker, was brought to the clinic of the Tuberculosis Institute with profuse pulmonary haemorrhage. He had previously been on the dispensary's register for six years and had been treated in 1930 with bilateral artificial pneumothorax for chronic fibrous cavernous tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):68-68
pages 68-68 views

So-called essential haematuria or haematuria from a small focus

Alshtein D.O.


The term "essential" haematuria (e.g. haematuria) was first introduced into the literature in the late 19th century by Senator and Klemperer. This kind of haematuria is not uncommon.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):69-70
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Brodie's abscess

Yurov V.S.


On 1/IX 1938, patient N., aged 17, Russian, was admitted to the clinic with complaints of pain in the lower third of the left shin and in the ankle joint. Pains were crushing and sometimes shooting and occurred for no apparent reason, more often at night. She considered herself ill since April 1938, after suffering from influenza.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):70-72
pages 70-72 views

Blepharoplasty for scar eversions with a free auricular skin flap according to Goldfeder

Kotelnikov F.


Many methods of blepharoplasty have been proposed to correct eyelid cicatrices. Some of them - plasty with a stem flap (Fricke, Diffenbach, Imre, etc.) - are old ways, widely adopted in the practice of oculists, other operations that appeared in a later period of plastic surgery - blepharoplasty free flap (Tirsch-Eversbusch, Lefort-Wulffe-Krause) also found a sufficient number of adherents.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):72-73
pages 72-73 views

Treatment of fungal nail lesions with 50% pyrogal ointment according to the method of Dr. A. M. Arievich

Plotkin G.A.


A number of authors (Grigoriev, Jordan, Chernogubov, Geller, Saburo, etc.) propose different methods of onychomycosis treatment: mechanical, physical, biological and medicamentous. However, all authors, without exception, state great difficulties of nail treatment, its duration and frequent ineffectiveness. Therefore, the question of finding an effective method of onychomycosis treatment has occupied and continues to occupy the attention of our Soviet dermatologists (Chernogubov, Podvysotskaya, Kashkin, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):73-74
pages 73-74 views

Beck's multiple benign miliary lupoid

Lintvarev S.I.


Patient C., 29 years old, admitted to the hospital on 25/III 1939 complaining of a facial skin rash without any subjective sensations. Four months ago a rash appeared on the skin of the face in the area of the chin, which soon spread to the whole skin of the face. Some time later there was a thickening of the skin on the anterior surface of the left side of the neck in the form of two painless, dense nodules.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):74-75
pages 74-75 views

Pathogenesis of cerebral apoplexy

Sysak N.S.


Until recently, anatomical evidence of vascular wall lesions such as rupture of a secondary altered vessel wall, rupture of a miliary aneurysm, and necrosis of the vascular wall caused by anemia due to circulatory disturbances have dominated the explanation for cerebral haemorrhage. Recently this issue has been the subject of scientific discussion due to the work of Rosenblatt, Westphal and Behr. The issue is not only of theoretical but also of practical importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):76-78
pages 76-78 views

From the history of blood transfusion in the treatment of psychosis

Malis G.Y.


The history of the first experiments with blood transfusion shows that doctors of antiquity pinned extraordinary hopes on this method mainly because of the supposed effect of transfused blood on the psyche of the patient. It is no exaggeration to say that the first steps of the blood transfusion method were related to the treatment of mental illnesses.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):79-81
pages 79-81 views

Organization of medical and preventive care for children

Lepsky E.


The vast majority of our health professionals, from doctors to junior staff, have very little understanding of the organisational side of health care. This is why every sensible paper on health care organisation is to be welcomed.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):81-81
pages 81-81 views

Materials for the study of echinococcal disease in the Crimean ASSR

Potapov V.G.


Theses of  V. G. Potapov, Associate Professor, Stalin Crimean Medical Institute, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine on "Materials for the study of echinococcal disease in the Crimean ASSR". Defended at the meeting of the Council of Professors of Kazan State Medical Institute on March 31, 1941.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):82-83
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On the chemical nature of the active substance appearing in the sympathetic node during irritation of its preganglionic pathways

Medvedev V.M.


The thesis of Doctor V.M. Medvedev "On the Chemical Nature of the Active Substance Appearing in the Sympathetic Node during Irritation of its Preganglionic Pathways", PhD thesis, defended on February 27, 1941.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):83-83
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Treatment of bronchial asthma with small doses of copper

Schimert G.


Observations show that small doses of heavy metals act in an inflammatory way on the reticulo-endothelial system and alter the state of allergy. On this basis, 50 patients with bronchial asthma were treated with a colloidal copper preparation called Cupridium.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):83-83
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X-ray treatment of bronchial asthma

Palugyay J.


Based on his own experience and literature data, the author confirms the positive effect of radiotherapy for bronchial asthma. The best results are obtained with X-ray irradiation of the lungs (with the inclusion of gilus) and with the combined irradiation of the lungs and spleen.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):83-84
pages 83-84 views

Clinical picture and therapy of vascular disorders in bronchospasm

Iagiс N.


An acute attack of bronchial asthma leads to acute pulmonary emphysema and increased pressure on the right heart. These patients usually have symptoms of congestive liver disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):84-84
pages 84-84 views

Effects of cold and heat on the gastrointestinal tract

Marcuse К.


Cold and heat have been used since time immemorial to influence gastrointestinal tone and secretion. However, there is still no physiological justification for these interventions. The authors attempted to resolve this issue by inserting rubber cylinders connected by tubes to a writing instrument into the stomach and intestine and recording the pressure changes in these organs on a kymograph. 

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):84-84
pages 84-84 views

Simplification and rationalisation of digitalis treatment

Alperin P.


The author gives practical advice for administering foxglove therapy at home. First of all he recommends, instead of fractional doses, that a decompensated heart patient should be given one 0.3 g digitalis powder daily in the afternoon.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):84-85
pages 84-85 views

Differential diagnosis of assimilation disorders in sprue and other intestinal diseases

Heupke W.


The characteristic pattern of sprue is often mixed with disorders of fat digestion having a completely different origin. For a differential diagnosis, a careful examination of the stool with the Schmidt-Strasburger test diet is necessary.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):85-85
pages 85-85 views

Physiological effects of the vitamin B complex

Lewy F.


Fractions of the vitamin B complex play a major role in the carbohydrate metabolism of plants and animals as enzymes. Cocarboxylase, an ester of phosphoric acid and thiamine, or vitamin B2, is needed to remove pyruvic acid from tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):85-85
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The interaction between the autonomic-endocrine system and vitamin metabolism

Stepp W., Diehl F.


The administration of vitamins has a normalising effect on pathologically altered autonomic-hormonal regulation. In pituitary insufficiency with a tendency to spontaneous hypoglycaemia Diehl and Kirchmann managed to normalise the glycaemic curve after glucose load by administering a complex of vitamin B and vitamin C.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):85-85
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Vitamin C for tuberculosis

Abramova I.


The vitamin C content in the blood and urine of 100 patients with various forms of tuberculosis and 10 healthy individuals was examined. Two days before the experiment, the patients were not given any food containing large amounts of vitamin C.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):86-86
pages 86-86 views

Treatment of burns

Mc-Clure R.


In 8000 burns deaths in the USA in 1937, 45% of deaths occur in children under 6 years of age. In treatment, the attending physician's serious attention must be fixed on the so-called toxic phase, i.e. in the first 18-24 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):86-86
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Lumbar block and sympathectomy for leg frostbite

Omorokov L.


The authors used with great success lumbar infiltration with Novocaine sympatheticus in soldiers with frostbitten feet in the winter of 1939/40, who were admitted to the infirmary for amputation.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):86-87
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Surgical intervention on the sympathetic nervous system for peripheral vascular lesions

Omorokov L.


The author first describes the methods by which vasomotor activity is clarified clinically and experimentally and what justifies surgical intervention.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):87-87
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Shock, its prevention and treatment

Mann F.


Shock was seen as a state of traumatic toxaemia. The author observed many people at the front with vascular, vasomotor and physical insufficiency syndrome.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):87-87
pages 87-87 views

Pneumopielography in the diagnosis of urinary tract stones

Bravetta G.


Simple pyelography with the addition of intravenous or retrograde pyelography is in most cases sufficient for the topical diagnosis of renal stones. However, in those cases where this is insufficient, urinary tract gas is used.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):87-87
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100% oxygen (indications and methods of its use)

Вoothry W.М., Мауо C.W., Lоvelace W.R.


The authors note that in both civilian and military traumatic surgery, not only shock but also direct vascular injury occurs. The latter, by slowing down the local circulation, aggravates the already impaired general circulation that always accompanies shock. In such cases, the authors recommend 100% oxygen inhalation as a means not only of controlling shock, but also of preserving the injured limb.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):87-88
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Prevention and treatment of tetanus during war

Dembskaya V.


The British Army uses both passive and active immunisation of each soldier to prevent and treat tetanus. For passive immunisation a prophylactic dose of antitoxin is administered as soon as possible after injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):88-88
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Practical use of sulfa preparations in surgical infections

Dembskaya V.


Streptocide (sulphonamide) is still the drug of choice for infections caused by haemolytic streptococcus and also for non-specific prophylaxis, because: 1) serious toxic complications are rare with it and nausea does not bother patients, 2) it is easy to reach a high concentration and to maintain the desired lower concentration over time, 3) it can be injected under the skin in 0.8% dilution and administered locally in crystalline form.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):88-89
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Treatment for male gonorrhoea

Dembskaya V.


Chemotherapy is now generally accepted as the leading treatment for male gonorrhoea. The oral administration of sulfa drugs alone can cure between 25-40% of patients with gonorrhoea and 75-80% of those hospitalised.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):89-89
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Use of sulfapyridine in the treatment of gonopoeic urethritis in men


A total of 80 men with gonorrhoea (acute, sub-acute and chronic) were treated with sulfapyridine. Cure was checked after urine became clear, 4-6 days after stopping treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):89-89
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Sulfonamide in gonococcal endocarditis


The diagnosis of gonorrhoeal endocarditis, as indicated by the authors, must be confirmed by 1) a gonococcal culture from blood, 2) the presence of an on- and off-putting diastolic murmur at the base of the heart. The report concerns 4 patients with endocarditis treated with sulphonamide.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):90-90
pages 90-90 views

Salpingitis and pelvic cellulitis


The most common cause of pelvic inflammation is gonorrhoea. According to Curtis, 70 to 80% of all cases of salpingitis are caused by gonococcus. Gonococci are most often introduced with instruments and improper treatment, as well as during menstruation.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):90-90
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Practical treatment of gonorrhoeal endocervicitis

Board Е.


Taking a look at the old treatments for endocervicitis: electrocoagulation, fulguration and chemotherapy, the author concludes that the first two methods make it possible to destroy the infection in the deep-lying glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):90-90
pages 90-90 views

Surgical Society. Meeting on January 26, 1941


Reports: Dr B.A. Timofeev (Head of Kazan Ambulance Service). On the organization of ambulance in Kazan. In 1939 there were 28,177 visits of the station and in 1940 - 21,781. It is necessary that medical institutions should provide a certain minimum of beds to accommodate patients through the ambulance.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):90-91
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Surgical Society. Meeting on March 13, 1941


Dr. K.M. Okuntsov (seconded doctor of GIDUV) demonstrated the patient after removal of the wandering spleen, urgently operated on due to twisting of the leg.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):91-91
pages 91-91 views

Surgical Society. Meeting on March 21, 1941


Dr. A. Ya. Pleshitser. Electrocardiogram for stomach operations (2nd message). The speaker reported on the results of electrocardiographic studies during gastric operations performed under local anesthesia using the creeping infiltrate method by prof. A. V. Vishnevsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):91-92
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Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Infectious Diseases.Meeting on February 17, 1941

Board Е.


Reports. Dr. Shalman. Brucellosis in the Tatar Republic (to be printed in Kazan Medical Journal No. 4, 1941).

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):92-92
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Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Infectious Diseases. Meeting on March 20, 1941


Assistant Professor Silayenkov and Dr Makarenko. Analysis of the incidence of typhoid fever in the city of Kazan in 1940. Comparative evaluation of specific and non-specific methods of treatment of dysentery. 

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):92-92
pages 92-92 views

Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Infectious Diseases. Meeting dated April 15, 1941


Dr. Z.H. Karimova and Associate Professor G.G. Kondratyev. On isolation of pale spirochaete in pure culture from blood of patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):93-93
pages 93-93 views

Society of Microbiologists, Epidemiologists and Infectious Diseases. Meeting dated May 14, 1941


Drs Kochev and Alfimov. Clinic and treatment of dysentery in young children. Dr Tsareva. Leukocytic blood pattern in dysentery.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):93-93
pages 93-93 views



The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR by the decree of March 13, 1941 had awarded the Stalin prizes for outstanding scientific works in the field of medical sciences: 5 prizes of the first degree in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, 3 prizes of the second degree in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

Kazan medical journal. 1941;37(3):93-94
pages 93-94 views

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