Vol 22, No 5-6 (1926)

Cover Page

Full Issue

From the Editorial Committee of "Kazan Medical Journal."


February 16 tech. the 35th anniversary of the medical, scientific and teaching activities of the executive editor of the "Kazan Medical Journal", Professor Victorin Sergeevich Gruzdev.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):477-478
pages 477-478 views

Original research

XXXV years of activity of professor V.S.Gruzdev

Timofeev A.I.


Speech delivered at the jubilee meeting of the Council of Kazan Medicines. F-ta, Council of State. Institute for perfection. doctors. Council of Veterin. Institute and scientific societies of Kazan February 16, 1926

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):479-485
pages 479-485 views

Prof. V.S.Gruzdev, as a representative of Russian oncology

Opokin A.A.


In the development of the theory of tumors, in addition to pathologists and anatomists, representatives of other disciplines, including obstetrics and gynecology, took a significant part. However, it should be noted that even on a global scale, there are not so many builders of pure oncology among gynecologists and obstetricians. If we turn to foreign representatives of obstetric and gynecological science who contributed to the success of oncology, then here we will have to name with gratitude the names of Pfannenstіel, Sänger, Fraenkel, Kehrer, R. Meyer, Werth, Winter 'a and others. Among the Russian gynecologists we will name prof. K. F. Slavyansky, prof. D. D. Popova, prof. VN Orlov, KP Ulezko-Stroganova, in particular we should note here prof. VS Gruzdev, who paid such a great tribute to the issues of histopathogenesis, clinical picture and therapy of tumors of the female genital area.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):486-495
pages 486-495 views

Treatment of amoebic dysentery

Mühlens Р.


It is with the greatest joy that I go to meet the proposal of prof. Aristovsky to write an article on the treatment of amoebic dysentery for the anniversary issue in honor of my highly esteemed friend, Professor Gruzdev. I remember with gratitude during these hours that comradely-friendly welcome which I, together with the expedition of the German Red Cross, found in 1921-22. it was in the circle of persons of the Medical Faculty of Kazan University, grouped around prof. Gruzdev.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):496-504
pages 496-504 views

Paroophoron, its topography and fate at various ages of the intra- and extrauterine life of a woman. (Preliminary message)

Manenkov P.V.


One of the remains of Wolff's body is known under the name paroophoron, discovered in female individuals by Waldeyer more than 50 years ago. This residue is localized in the wide uterine ligaments and is homologous to paradidymis or the Giraldes organ in men.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):505-510
pages 505-510 views

Accessory museulus soleus

Ternovsky V.N., Sadykova M.


Dissecting the muscles of the right lower limb of an unknown corpse, we found an accessory muscle on the posterior surface of the lower leg. This muscle (see Fig.) Was bordered behind in. soleus and with the tendon m. plantaris, in front - with in. flexor hallucis longus, medially - c m. flexor digitorum longus and laterally - c m. peroneus brevis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):511-513
pages 511-513 views

On the issue of multiple malignant tumors and their combinations

Nepryakhin G.G.


5 / V 1924 in the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of Kazan University (Prof. V. S. Gruzdev), a 47-year-old patient S. M. was admitted with bleeding from the genitals. The patient is 10-para, the last childbirth was 5 years ago, there were no miscarriages. The last menstruation came 3 months. back, and since then the blood went continuously. Three years ago, the patient noticed a tumor in her abdomen on the right, and 3 months ago (together with the beginning of bleeding from the vagina) she noticed another tumor in the abdomen above the pubis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):514-423
pages 514-423 views

To the doctrine of fever. On the presence in the sera of febrile patients of substances that give complement deviation with extracts from normal blood

Savchenko I.G., Baronov I.M.


The reason for this research was the report published in "Medical Deal" in 1925, No. 12-14, by Drs Vakulenko, Sheffer and Dashkevich from Vinnitsa, that a malaria-specific antigen can be obtained in an alcoholic extract from dried blood of a malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):524-531
pages 524-531 views

On the pathogenicity of our cultures, Obermeier's spirochetes

Aristovskiy V.M., Geltzer R.R.


Currently, our laboratory maintains in vitro a number of Obermeier spirochete strains obtained by us directly from the blood of relapsing typhoid patients. All of them, with the exception of one, were identified by us for the time from September 1925 to April 1926; the specified one strain (No. 1) has been living in our laboratory since March 1924, that is, more than 2 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):532-535
pages 532-535 views

About the main types of high blood pressure

Nikolayev P.N.


Reported at the solemn meeting of the Isa of Doctors at the Kazan University, dedicated to the memory of V.A.Manassein.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):536-545
pages 536-545 views

On the treatment of stomach ulcers with Novoprotin

Luriya R.A.


The results of modern treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers do not satisfy either therapists or surgeons and force both to look for new ways to solve this difficult problem. The classical dietary method of Ziemssen-Leube treatment in one or another modification of it remains, undoubtedly, the most correct way to cure an ulcer, but it often requires repeated treatment and does not guarantee against its recurrence.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):546-554
pages 546-554 views

Prognosis for insulin treatment for diabetes mellitus

Fischer O.


The discovery of insulin made possible a causal treatment for diabetes mellitus, and in some cases this treatment seems to have a decisive influence on the course of diabetes mellitus. Thanks to the introduction of this remedy, diabetics can eliminate metabolic disorders with all its manifestations and immediate consequences and restore the normal state of affairs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):555-568
pages 555-568 views

On the question of epidural sacral anesthesia with novocaine during surgical operations

Dravert S.A.


The issue of pain relief during surgical operations is an old issue, comprehensively developed both from the clinical and pharmacological side, but at the same time it is eternally new, as can be seen from the fact that more and more new methods of its production and new anesthetic agents appear. This fact clearly indicates that the ideal method of pain relief has not yet been found, and the ideal pain reliever has not been invented either.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):569-580
pages 569-580 views

Changes in Schilling's leukocyte formula depending on general anesthesia and local anesthesia

Zhivova B.A.


Report read on 16 / I 1926 at an extraordinary meeting of the Donskoy Obstetrician-Gynecologist. Society, organized on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of Professor V.S.Gruzdev

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):581-586
pages 581-586 views

To the question of measuring bleeding

Smirnov E.V., Klimov K.M.


The issue of bleeding is not only of theoretical but also deeply practical interest. In everyday clinical work, we often have to deal with operational and postoperative bleeding and their consequences. Therefore, the surgeon's desire to foresee the magnitude of these bleeding, on which the patient's life often depends, is quite natural - his desire is natural to find a method with which he could have an idea of the forthcoming surgical bleeding even before the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):587-592
pages 587-592 views

Experience in treating purulent wounds with antivirus software

Sokolov N.V.


In recent years, the question of the treatment of purulent wounds has been widely discussed in the medical press and debated at surgical congresses. Obviously, in a number of cases with the treatment of purulent wounds, the situation is still not good. Aseptic management of these wounds does not always satisfy the surgeon and leads to the goal - it does not weaken the causative agent of the infection, and the body's defenses are not toned.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):593-600
pages 593-600 views

From the field of surgical and gynecological observations

Bogolyubov V.L.


The rapid development and growth of modern clinical medicine have expanded its limits so much that a detailed study of an infinite variety of clinical forms, research techniques and therapies becomes possible for individual physicians for the most part only within one specialty.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):601-610
pages 601-610 views

A new method of surgical removal of obsolete lateral dislocations of the patella

Friedland M.O.


How often lateral knee dislocations prevail over all other dislocations can be seen from Karl's statistics. This author could collect in the literature before 1921 296 dislocations of the patellae, of which only 5 were medial, yet the rest were lateral. As for the only possible dislocations of the patella, upwards, we do not have to talk about them, because they are even rarer than the medial ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):611-622
pages 611-622 views

Two cases of quinine amaurosis

Morozov N.M.


In the extensive and extremely diverse pathology of the eye, quinine, as an etiological factor that causes persistent changes in the organ of vision associated with dysfunction of the latter, despite its huge consumption, appears less often.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):623-629
pages 623-629 views

A new way to determine the true conjugate (C. v). in women

Zelenin K.I.


Reported at the meeting of the Student Ak.-Gin. circle 20 / X 1925, at a meeting of doctors of maternity hospitals in Moscow 1 / II 1926 and at a meeting of the Moscow Obstetric and Gynecological Society 10 / II.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):630-637
pages 630-637 views

To treat vomiting of pregnant women

Odyntsov V.E.


Already the physiological vomiting of pregnant women - and even more so the groove. "Indomitable" vomiting - is such a severe suffering that it is permissible to pay attention to any new proposal relating to the treatment of this seizure.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):638-640
pages 638-640 views

On the treatment of eclampsia with alkaline hypertonic solutions

Shpolyanskyy H.M.


Published in Russian in 1914, the physiologist M. Fischer's book "Edema and Nephritis" remained little known, and yet the main issue raised by the author - the absorption of water by colloids - is essential for pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):641-646
pages 641-646 views

A case of renal decapsulation in eclampsia

Damperov N.I.


The Edebohls-Sippel operation is not widely used even in its homeland, in Germany: from the report of the Würzburg Obstetric Clinic for a period of 35 years. from 1888 to 1923, it can be seen, for example, that they only once resorted to decapsulation on the 8th day of a coma; the patient died.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):647-648
pages 647-648 views

On the question of missed abortion

Chukalov N.N.


If for the pathological phenomenon known as missed labor, the definition first given by Oldham and Clixton has remained in science to this day, namely, this name means that pathological state of uterine pregnancy when, at mature or almost In a mature fetus, contractions occurring at the time of labor do not lead to labor, the fetus dies and the dead remains in the uterus (after the termination of contractions) for longer than the normal period, the concept of missed abortion still suffers from inaccuracy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):649-653
pages 649-653 views

On the question of the "small Caesar section"

Gorizontov N.I.


Recently, in connection with the greatly increased number of artificial abortion operations in clinics and hospitals, the question of the technique of performing this operation is topical. Since the usual method of producing an artificial miscarriage by expanding the neck with Hegar's bougie or kelp with subsequent curettage during pregnancy for more than 2 months often leads to complications, and during pregnancy more than 3 months it is completely inappropriate, and since during the production of an artificial abortion it is often necessary at the same time to sterilize a woman, in view of this, over the past 10-15 years, many different methods have been proposed for both the production of artificial abortion and the simultaneous production of abortion and sterilization.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):654-660
pages 654-660 views

For the diagnosis of late stage ectopic pregnancy (tubo-abdominal)

Serebrina M.Y.


Reported at the Scientific Conference Rod. Houses 28 / XII 1925.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):661-664
pages 661-664 views

A case of sudden death after childbirth with hemorrhage in the region of the His'a bundle.

Leibchik Y.A.


Cases of sudden death, as you know, are those cases when the life of a person, until then healthy, dies out completely unexpectedly within a few minutes or even lightning fast, in a few seconds (Secundentod). Such sudden death during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is far from rare, and it can be a consequence of various reasons. According to Zweifel'yu (Döderlein's Handbuch f. Geb., 1925), most often it occurs on the basis of aoriehiae cerebri, air and pulmonary embolism, various acute and chronic heart diseases, in some cases - eclampsia during the first seizure or immediately after it.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):665-669
pages 665-669 views

To the question of endometrioid growths

Timofeev A.I.


In connection with the work of recent times, belonging mainly to American authors, the question of endometri-like growths occurring both in the uterus itself and outside of it has attracted special attention of researchers, and the modern literature is very rich in reports concerning this area of ​​pathology. In connection with the study of the genesis of these growths, new original theories of their origin have been put forward, for example, by Halban and Sampson. However, much still in this issue remains not fully clarified, and therefore the accumulation of factual material that can shed light on individual details in this area is desirable and timely.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):670-679
pages 670-679 views

Experiences of transplantation of the uterus into the omentum in dogs (autotransplantatio uteri)

Bykov S.G.


Recently, in gynecology, in order to treat female infertility, transplantation of ovaries and tubes into the uterus has become widely used (Douay). Tuffier and Estes tracked the results of 56 ovarian transplants into the uterus, and found 5 full-term pregnancies, which is 10% of the success (Hartmann).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):680-684
pages 680-684 views

On the question of vaginal adenomyomas

Pokrovskiy V.A., Lobach-Zhuchenko E.V.


Recently, the issue of adenomyomas has been intensely discussed in the special literature. A new theory has been put forward, which gives it a topical character. As you know, according to the generally accepted calculation (Schröder), adenomyomas “make up 1 - 2% of all uterine fibroids, and according to the works of some Russian authors (clinic of prof. K. K. Skrobansky) - up to 9%

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):685-689
pages 685-689 views

On the question of the use of a prolapsed uterus in plastic surgery of an inguinal hernia in women

Kedrova N.I.


Being, according to the latest views, one of the manifestations of the general ptotic constitution, prolapse of the uterus, which, according to Halban and Tandler, is also a kind of hernia, of course, can occur in combination with other abdominal hernias. In 285 patients I operated on for prolapse of the uterus, I met a similar combination in 12 cases, and in 4 of them there were umbilical hernias, in 1 - a hernia of a straight line of the abdomen and in 7 - inguinal hernias, among which 3 required plastic surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):690-692
pages 690-692 views

To the diagnosis of giant tumors of the female genital tract at a young age

Butovskiy M.K.


If there are still many unclear questions in the doctrine of tumors in general, the same should be said in relation to tumors of the female genital area in particular. Particularly poorly illuminated from the scientific point of view is the question of those tumors of the female genital area, the extraordinary size of which set them apart from the rest. We mean the so-called. colossal or giant tumors of the female genital area.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):693-699
pages 693-699 views

Treatment of parametritis and chronic inflammation of the uterine appendages according to the method of prof. Kushtalov with injections of hypertonic sodium chloride solution

Martsinkevich O.K.


Treatment of chronic parametritis and chronic inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages is one of the difficult tasks of every gynecologist. As you know, often all kinds of anti-inflammatory methods of treatment are insufficient here, and as a last resort, you have to resort to surgical treatment, often in the form of a radical operation disfiguring a woman, which, of course, is especially undesirable in young women.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):700-703
pages 700-703 views

On the pathogenesis of Kozhevnikovskaya epilepsy

Favorskiy A.V.


In 1906 prof. V. Khoroshko, after a thorough analysis of the clinical phenomena in epilepsia corticalis continua, began to assert that the described prof. A. Ya. Kozhevnikov, a form of epilepsy is "a symptom complex that can be caused by various disease processes and, in all likelihood, by different localization of disease processes, and not only a product of a nested disease, motor zone or the area of the cortex closest to it."

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):704-711
pages 704-711 views


On the public fight against cancer

Krasin P.M.


This brief report is prompted, on the one hand, by the desire to arouse interest in the latest achievements of oncology, on the other, by the desire to promote the creation of an organization in the Republic of Tatarstan to study and combat cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):712-713
pages 712-713 views

Towards the doctrine of constitutional anomalies of the female body. On infantilism and asthenia in gynecology and obstetrics. (Introductory Lecture)

Kozlov I.F.


The establishment in medicine of the concept of a constitution is usually associated with the name of Hippocrates, who distinguished between good and bad, strong and weak, wet and dry, sluggish and elastic constitutions. He pointed to the innate constitutional properties and took into account the importance of individual constitutional features both in the origin of diseases and in their prognosis and treatment. About 500 years later, Hippocratic "krazes" and "dyscrasias" were brought by Galen into a harmonious doctrine, which prevailed almost unchanged until the Renaissance (17th century). From this era - the era of the beginning of the study of human anatomy and physiology - additions, amendments and changes are made to the concept of the Hippocrates-Galen constitution, which, however, have put little real, scientifically substantiated into the intuitive concept of the constitution of the creator of the so-called. humoral pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):714-722
pages 714-722 views

On the protection of infancy in Western Europe

Lepskiy Y.M.


In the fall of 1925, thanks to the assistance of the NCH and the Hygienic Section of the League of Nations, I got the opportunity to visit a number of Western European institutions for children. Since I had relatively little time at my disposal - only 2 months - I decided to limit my task and get acquainted only with institutions for young children, leaving aside institutions for older children, school hygiene issues, etc. Thanks to the letters with which I supplied the Hygienic Section to the relevant central bodies in England, Germany and France, namely the Central Council for the Protection of Mothers and Infants and the Ministry of Health in London, the Ministry of Health (Reichsgesundheitsamt) in Berlin and the National Committee for Child Welfare and the National Committee for the Protection of tbc in Paris, I could get acquainted both with the institutions that interested me for a long time, and with other show institutions, which were indicated to me by the named organizations.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):723-729
pages 723-729 views


To the technique of studying the lymphatic system

Syzganov A.


Magnus (Handb. D. Biol. Arbeitsmethoden, 1923, Abt. V, Bd. 2) uses an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. Free oxygen, released when the solution comes into contact with catalase contained in the lymphatic vessels, fills these vessels and lymphatic spaces.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):730
pages 730 views

Innervation of the diaphragm

S. V.


On the basis of studies carried out on dogs, AA Troitskaya (Vesti. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., 1926, No. 16) found that none of the 6 lower intercostal nerves in dogs, apparently, gives motor branches to the diaphragm , the muscles of which are supplied with motor nerves exclusively from n. phrenicus; therefore cutting n. phrenici entails complete paralysis and atrophy of the phrenic muscle on the corresponding side (this paralysis in a dog is not fatal).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):730
pages 730 views

Nerves of the lungs with surgical points of vision

Fridland M.


The nerves of the lungs with surgical points of vision were examined in 18 children's and 6 adult corpses of Taft (V. Hir., 1926, kn. 17-18) and came to the following conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):730
pages 730 views

Vital staining of cells of the brain vegetative centers

P. G.


V. Rakhmanov (Zhurn. Neurop. And Psych., 1925, No. 3-4) proposes to inject them with 1% Trypanblau solution in the amount of 1 cubic meter to study the vegetative centers in mice. with. weekly for 6-8 weeks. The brain is fixed in 10% formalin, frozen sections are stained with alum carmine or cochineal. In this case, dark blue dust-like grains appear in the plasma and nuclei of cells - selectively for the cells of the autonomic nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):730-731
pages 730-731 views

Bock's Taurus

. R.


In the squeezed juice of the endocrine glands, Bock discovered the presence of anisotropic substances in the form of spherical birefringent bodies, which are visible in the darkened field of view of a polarizing microscope and which have a specific ability to deflect light: the juice of the thyroid gland, for example, contains bodies with a rotation of 15 °, the cerebral appendage - little bodies with 22 ° rotation, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):731
pages 731 views

Endocrine glands and teeth

Lyasnik I.


Berman, in an interesting report by the New York Eastern Association of Scientists, points to a close relationship between the endocrine glands and the properties of teeth. Depending on which of these glands dominates in a given subject, he distinguishes between thymus, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal and pubertal types of people, and each of these types is characterized by certain features of the teeth. In people of the goiter type, the teeth are milky white, low density, transparent, weakly resistant to external influences and the decay process. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):731
pages 731 views

To the doctrine of pituitary hormones

S. V.


W. Lampe (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 1) prepared from the posterior lobe of the human pituitary gland, by extraction with acetone, a dry preparation, which in its effect on blood pressure, diuresis and uterine muscle was similar to the pituitary extract obtained from the pars posterior hypophysis of animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):731
pages 731 views

Experiments with removal of the pituitary gland

S. V.


Experiments with the removal of the pituitary gland, performed by S. Kh. Arkhangelsky (Med.-Biol. Zh., Issue 4) showed that both the complete removal of the pituitary gland and the transection of its root and removal of only the anterior lobe are not fatal operations: animals without a pituitary gland can live for a year or more.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):731
pages 731 views

Internal secretion of the ovaries

Timofeev A.


On the basis of experiments with parabiosis in rats, N. Goto (Arch. F. G., Bd. 123) established that a special "castrohormone" circulates in the blood of a castrated animal, which is never found in a normal animal.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):732
pages 732 views

Experimental studies on ovarian function and hormones

Timofeev A.


Experimental studies on the function and hormones of the ovary were carried out by Zondek, Bernhard and Aschheim (Klin. Woch., No. 29, 1925). Until now, studies on a specific ovarian hormone have been difficult due to the lack of an object on which it would be convenient to study its action. The works of Stockard, Allen and others have shown that the vaginal secretion of a mouse can serve as such an object, which definitely changes its composition under the influence of ovarian function.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):732
pages 732 views

The female sex hormone

Timofeev A.


The female sex hormone, on which the onset of puberty, the frequency of the sexual cycle and the persistence of the corpus luteum during pregnancy depend, according to the experiments of Frank, Hobert and Gustavson (Jour. Of Amer. Med. Assoc., Vol. 84, no. 23, 1925) is contained in the fluid of the follicle and in the endocrine products of the corpus luteum and placenta.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):732
pages 732 views

The presence of the sex hormone in the blood

Timofeev A.


Frank and his collaborators (Journ. Of Amer. Med. Assoc., 1925, no. 7) tried to prove the presence of the sex hormone in the blood by extracting this hormone from the blood of animals during estrus. Alcoholic and gasoline extracts of pig blood in estrus were administered to rats that had previously been castrated, and the effect of the extract on the nature of vaginal discharge was studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):732
pages 732 views

The chemical nature of the sex hormone

T. A.


The chemical nature of the sex hormone was studied by Gustavson (Journ. Of Am. Med. Ass., 1925) who considers it to be a specific substance, soluble in lipoids. This substance is highly resistant to high temperatures. It contains neither nitrogen nor phosphorus. In the light, it oxidizes and loses its effect. It is not an ester or a fatty acid. It does not give a reaction to cholesterol and does not contain a CO group.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):732
pages 732 views

Donnan's balance

Bening K.


Prof. R. Lisegang (Pharm. Centr, 1926-150) draws the attention of therapists to this phenomenon of osmosis, which plays an important role in biochemistry. The previous theory of osmosis was not complete enough.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):733
pages 733 views

On the etiology of cancer

Bening K.


Schumacher (ref. In Pharm. Centr., 1926. 139) succeeded in making the parasites visible in cancerous tissue using new staining methods. His preliminary work, as well as the work of Warhurg and Erdmann, indicated definitely that lipoproteins play a role in the etiology of cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):733
pages 733 views

Treatment of malignant neoplasms

S. V.


At a meeting of the Society of Berlin Therapists, prof. S. Lewin (according to the report. Vr. Ob., 1926, No. 2) reported 3 cases of malignant neoplasms (recurrent rectal cancer, laryngeal cancer and recurrent sarcoma of the eye), where he achieved a complete cure, using the so-called. introzid is a compound of iodine and cerium.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):733
pages 733 views

Does bloodletting reduce the amount of toxic substances circulating in the blood in case of renal failure?

S. V.


According to E. Becher (Münch. Med. W., 1926, No. 12), both experimental studies and clinical observations give a negative answer to this question: with kidney failure and real uremia, the amount of intermediate products of protein breakdown and intestinal putrefaction products in the blood of patients after bloodletting does not decrease.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):733
pages 733 views

The structure of bacteria

S. V.


Based on the latest research data, M. Gutstein (Vrach. Ob., 1926, No. 2) finds that every bacterial cell is built a trace. Arr .: on the outside, it is surrounded by a shell of 2 sheets, consisting of a protein and a lipoid, inside there is a bacterial body, consisting of acidic proteins (nucleoproteins), an endolipoid and a basic protein body in the form of a stroma, and in this body it is possible to distinguish a more voluminous grain ( makrogranulum), which is apparently the nucleus of a bacterial cell, and a much smaller mikrogranulum.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):733
pages 733 views

A new method for isolating pure cultures

Popov V.


Peterfi and Wamoscher (Zeit. Für Hygiene, 1926, Bd. 106, H. 1), in order to obtain pure cultures, carried out the finest manipulations with bacteria under control in Dunkelfeld: using a special chamber from glass slides and a micropipette, any bacterial cell and, transferring it to another similar chamber with a liquid nutrient medium, the process of reproduction of the microbe (Einzellkulturen) was observed under a microscope. Using this method, the authors also succeeded in infecting experimental animals with only one pneumococcal cell in a number of cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):733
pages 733 views

About lymphocytic and monocytic blood reactions in infections

Repnikov S.


Wichels (Münch. M. Woch., 1926, No. 1) speaks of infectious diseases that occur with swelling of the spleen, lymphocytosis and monocytosis instead of polynucleosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):734
pages 734 views

On the question of vaccine therapy

Aristovskiy V.


Methods for the preparation of therapeutic vaccines, as is known, are very diverse, and their therapeutic effect to a certain extent depends on the choice of one or another method.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):734
pages 734 views

On the issue of per os vaccination

Aristovskiy V.


As you know, per os vaccination against cholera and typhoid fever should be preceded by sensitization of the intestinal wall, for which he often recommended ingestion of bile.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):734
pages 734 views

To bacteriology of typhoid fever

Blagoveshchenskiy N.


Finding in water, in addition to the usual form of Eberth's stick, its still invisible, filtering form and concluding that it could get into the water from the feces of patients, Hauduroy (S. r. Soc. De Biol., 1926, No. 10) began to investigate feces of typhoid convalescents for the presence of a filtering form there and really found it in them.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):734
pages 734 views

To the treatment of typhoid fever

S. V.


Experiments on animals convinced Hinderman'a (Münch. Med. Woch., 1926, No. 13) that sodium salicylic acid is a specific chemotherapeutic agent against typhoid infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):734
pages 734 views

About vaccination for dysentery

A. V.


Vaccination of a person against dysentery (bacillary) by subcutaneous injections of killed cultures of dysentery bacillus was, as is known, unsuitable due to the strong reaction of the vaccinated.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):734
pages 734 views

Streptococci with scarlet fever

S. V.


In vyn. I “Microbe. J. "- for tech. a number of interesting works devoted to this issue have been published throughout the year. LS Bazilevskaya and MA Zelenina found streptococci in the throat of scarlet fever patients in 94% of all cases, and in 49.3% streptococci were homolytic. PI Kuperstein isolated streptococci from the corpses of those who died from scarlet fever in 100%, from the blood of patients - in 27.9%, from the throat - in 76.4%.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):734-735
pages 734-735 views

Treatment of bubonic plague with bacteriophage

S. V.


D'Herelle (Presse med. 1925, no. 84) reports the excellent results he has received from this treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):735
pages 735 views

Grafting leprosy to the downhill monkeys

S. V.


Reenstierna (Ann. D'Inst. Pasteur, 1926, no. 1) reports the successful results of inoculating leprosy in monkeys of the species Macacos sinicus and Macacus rhesus.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):735
pages 735 views

Growing tbc bacilli

Leybchik Y.


Suranyi and Putnoky (Zentr. F. Bakt., 1925, Bd. 94) tested Löwenstein's and Sumyoshi's method of direct growing thc bacilli.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):735
pages 735 views

About exogenous and endogenous reinfection in tbc

Mastbaum M.


Hayek (Zbl. F. Tbc., Bd. XXV) believes that tertiary pulmonary tbc in adults is in most cases exogenous reinfection (superinfection).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):735
pages 735 views

Tbc among the Senegalese troops

Mastbaum M.


Blazy (ref. Zentr. F. Tbc., Bd. XXV, 11 7/8) reports that upon the arrival of Senegalese troops in Europe, only 5% of the soldiers tested positive for tuberculin.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):735-736
pages 735-736 views

Significance of tbc in the etiology of iridocyclitis

Adamyuk V.


On the basis of his long-term observations, Meller (Wien. Kl. Woch., 1926, No. 12) comes to the conclusion that most of the chronic, flaccid irido-cyclitis in both young and old subjects is of tbc origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):736
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To the diagnosis of the initial stages of tbc

Mastbaum M.


Mikhailov (Questions of Tuberculosis, 1925, 3) observed that when injecting tuberculin in healthy people, the number of eosinophils in the blood does not change, while in tuberculosis and those suspicious for tbc falls.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):736
pages 736 views

Complement rejection response in tbc diagnosis

Loginova-Polinovskaya ..


Diagnosis of tbc in some domestic animals that can serve as a source of human infection is sometimes very difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):736
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To the diagnosis of active tbc in children

Mastbaum M.


Rupprecht (D. m. W., 1926, No. 11) investigated 122 cases of infantile tbc using the complement rejection reaction and came to negative conclusions. Likewise, the question of the activity of the tbc process of the precipitation and agglutination reaction according to Fornet is not resolved.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):736
pages 736 views

Sanocrizin at tbc

Sergeev V.


In Nos. 4 and 5 Deut. med. Woch. for tech. year, a number of articles are devoted to sanokrizin. According to the experiments of Neufeld, this remedy only in a narrow circle of cases shows its healing effect, mainly in those cases where the tbc bacilli lie not in fibrous nests, but freely and therefore are more accessible.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):736-737
pages 736-737 views

To the question of the treatment of surgical tbc

Friedland I.


Arikhbaev (Vesti. Khir., 1926, book 17-18), having established the normal state of the lipolytic index in 30 people with various diseases and then proceeding to the determination of lipase in the blood of 9 various patients and 1 healthy subject exposed to irritating doses of X-ray rays on the adrenal gland, which caused its hyperfunction, finished his research by observing 5 patients with various forms of surgical tuberculosis, of whom three underwent simultaneous x-rays of the adrenal glands with subcutaneous injections of fish oil neutralized from fatty acids, one - only injections of neutralized fish oil and one - only an operational aid.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):737
pages 737 views

Obesity treatment

Sergeev V.


Bayor (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1926. No. 12) received very good results from the treatment of obesity with novazurol, administered intraglutaneously in an amount of 1-2 cubic meters. sant. every 6 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):737
pages 737 views

Obesity treatment

Sergeev V.


Bayor (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1926. No. 12) received very good results from the treatment of obesity with novazurol, administered intraglutaneously in an amount of 1-2 cubic meters. sant. every 6 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):737
pages 737 views

Insulin for fattening treatment

Repnikov S.


Vogt (Münch. M. Woch., 1926, No. 1) uses trace insulin in these cases. way: insulin is injected 2 times a day for 1 / 4-1 / 2 hours before lunch and dinner, b. hours into the subcutaneous fatty tissue on the outer surface of the thigh.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):737-738
pages 737-738 views

Recognizing exudative pericarditis

S. V.


P. M. Kamenetsky and I. S. Rabinovich (Münch. M. Woch., 1926, 12) consider an increased displacement of the area of cardiac dullness and cardiac shadow (when examining an X-ray) as an important diagnostic sign of this disease when the patient changes the position of the body, especially when inclinations of the body to the right and to the left. Pathognostic is with exudative pericarditis and a change in the outlines of cardiac dullness and cardiac shadow.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):738
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Diagnosis of pericardial obliteration

Repnikov S.


According to Volhard, the most important sign of obliteration is the absence of expansion of the heart to the right. Along with this, with significant heart weakness, venous congestion, large congestive liver and early ascites, severe congestion in the cervical veins, which show a double collapse, is especially pronounced: systolic and diastolic.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):738
pages 738 views

A new way of treating bronchial asthma with breathing exercises

Gerasimova N.


A new method of treating bronchial asthma with breathing exercises was described by K. Sigfried (Ther. D. Gegenw., 1925, No. 8). Starting the exercise, the patient makes a movement with the closed glottis with the abdominal muscles, as if exhaling, with great force and holds his breath: then, opening the glottis, slowly releases air.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):738
pages 738 views

Reaction to sugar in patients with stomach ulcers

Cheboksarov M.


Scharff (Klin. Voch., 1926, No. 4), based on his previous work, which proved that the intake of 80.0 levulose in 300 cc of water leads to an increase in blood sugar in people with a vasoneurotic constitution, produced a similar a study in 15 patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):738
pages 738 views

Reaction to sugar in patients with stomach ulcers

Cheboksarov M.


Scharff (Klin. Voch., 1926, No. 4), based on his previous work, which proved that the intake of 80.0 levulose in 300 cc of water leads to an increase in blood sugar in people with a vasoneurotic constitution, produced a similar a study in 15 patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):739
pages 739 views

Flora of the duodenum

Cheboksarov M.


Olivet (Klin. Woch., 1926. No. 8) made a bacteriological examination of the contents of the duodenum obtained through the Einhorn probe in 50 healthy and sick persons. It turned out that in healthy people both the stomach and the duodenum are usually free of any embryos.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):738-739
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Stomach secretion and bile excretion before and after treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers with Novoprotin

Mirkin A.


In order to study the objective changes with the obtained good sub'jective results after treatment with Novoprotin for gastric and duodenal ulcers, Rothschild (Klin. Woch., 1926, No. 3) applied his fractional method for the study of gastric contents.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):739
pages 739 views

Colitis treatment

Ch. M.


In persons infected with Balantidium coli Ziemann (ref. Klin Woch .. 1926. No. 16) recommends the use of daily injections of emetine at a dose of 0.05, high quinine enemas of 1: 1000 at intervals of several days and daily intake of Carlsbad salt: the therapeutic effect occurs when such treatment is very fast. (We would like to add that we received very good results in the clinic in such patients from high enemas from salvarsan in a dose of 0.1–0.15).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):739
pages 739 views

To the technique of banishing tapeworms

Sergeev V.


The most reliable remedy for tapeworms, male fern extract, when it enters the stomach, often causes pain in the epigastric region, nausea and persistent vomiting. In view of this, DA Kogan (Sredne-Az. Med. Zh., 1926, No. 1) recommends to enter it, through a duodenal probe, directly into the duodenum. The day before, 2-3 hours after lunch, the patient receives 25.0-30.0 Na sulfurici and an enema at night, and the next morning, on an empty stomach, a probe is introduced to him - first (40-45 s.) In a sitting position of the patient, and then (another 25 s.) - in its position, without a pillow, on the right side.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):739
pages 739 views

Treatment of mercuric chloride poisoning

Sergeev V.


ES Rozhdestvenskaya and AA Nechaev (West. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., 1926, No. 16) in 2 cases of moderate mercury poisoning received very good results from the use of intravenous injections of a hypertonic solution of grape sugar.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):739
pages 739 views

Retrograde infringement of hernias

Tsimkhes I.


FA Kopylov (West. Khir. And Burial. Obl. 1926, kn. 17-18) described four cases of strangulated hernias, where the organs that were in the hernial sac were unchanged, and protruding from it back into the abdominal cavity, - sharply stagnant, with large bruises and even serosa defects.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):739
pages 739 views

To the diagnosis of echinococcus

Sergeev V.


Deutsch (Russian-German. Med. J., 1926, No. 3) recommends for this purpose, proposed by French and Italian authors, especially Botteri, an intracutaneous reaction with human hydatid fluid. This liquid can be stored for many months if 2% chloroform is added to it, or stored in sealed ampoules. 0.1-0.2 it is injected intracutaneously, using a cannula, into the skin of the volar side of the forearm.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):740
pages 740 views

About the treatment of purulent wounds

Tsimkhes I.


Analyzing this issue, prof. Opokin (Collection of prof. V. M. Mysh) dwells on the tampon and saline treatment of this kind of wounds. Tampon-free wound treatment, which has so far been used more often in minor surgery, should be extended to surgery of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, as well as to other departments of major surgery, especially in the form of limiting wound tamponade.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):740
pages 740 views

Treatment of the osteoma of the elites

Friedlan M.


According to Petrov (Vesti. Khir., 1926, kn. 17-18) with mild and moderate forms of acute osteomyelitis, it is rational to push the diseased bone marrow out of the tubular bone. The technique consists in exposing the bone with a wide incision or two small incisions made above and below the lesion, after which two holes are drilled into the bone: one smaller, with a drill, and the other larger, with a milling cutter.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):740
pages 740 views

Iodine-protein therapy

Friedland M.


Iodine-protein therapy, applied by Vasiliev (V. Khir .. 1926, kn. 17-18) in the form of a 10% mixture of t-rae jodi with milk, administered annually, in the amount of 5.0-10.0 for each injection through 1-2 days, sometimes somewhat less often, gave favorable results in a number of well-traced (clinically and laboratory) surgical cases of purulent and septic infections. Out of a large number of cases, the author gives a detailed account of 19, of which the method gave recovery in 13.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):741
pages 741 views

Death by chloroform

S. V.


IB Levit (Journal for mustache doctors. 1926, No. 1), analyzing the causes of death from chloroform, considers status thymico-lymphaticus the most common.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):741
pages 741 views

To sterilization of catgut

S. V.


II Chizhov (Sov. Med. On the North. Kavk., 1926, No. 3) recommends for this purpose a slightly modified method of prof. Sitkovsky (see "Kaz. Med. Zh.", 1925, p. 996).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):741
pages 741 views

Anastomosis of the superior mesenteric vein with the inferior cavity

Friedland I.


Anastomosis of the superior mesenteric vein with the inferior vena cava in one case of cirrhotic ascites in a woman was successfully performed by Krestovsky (Vestn. Khir., Vol. VI, book 16, 1926), operating according to Bogoraz, but with some modification.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):741
pages 741 views

One-story suture during gastroenterostomy

Tsimkhes I.


One-story suture during gastroenterostomy, both anterior and posterior, according to Dr. Mikuli (Nov. Khir. Arch., No. 35) turned out to be at the height of its appointment.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):741
pages 741 views

Skin homoplasty on animals

Tsimkhes I.


Gohrband (Arch. F. Klin. Chir., Bd. 139, H. 2/3) carried out experiments on 300 rats grown from two different layouts with the transplantation of epithelium and skin, free and on a leg, between animals of the same and different generations, between brothers, sisters, between brother and sister, between monochromatic and multi-colored animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):741-742
pages 741-742 views

The original operation of synostosis for pseudarthrosis

Friedland M.


The original operation of synostosis for pseudarthrosis is offered by Khakhutov (V. Khir., 1926, book 17-18). Its essence boils down to the fact that, after removing the scar tissue and refreshing the surfaces of the pseudarthrosis of the double tubular bone, a graft 10-12 cm long is cut along the length of a larger fragment in half its thickness; the same, but half as long, the graft is cut out from a smaller fragment.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):742
pages 742 views

Arthrodesis of the ankle and talus joints

Gerasimova N.


E. Bouvier (Arch. F. Orthop. U. Unf. Chir., 1926, Bd. 24, H. 1) proposes to produce according to the following method: through the lateral arc incision according to Kocher'u the ankle joint is opened and freed from the cartilage; all bones of the foot root are broken by 2-3 parallel blows of the hammer longitudinally to the talus; the outer ankle is broken in the sagittal direction from top to bottom in the middle, and its medial piece is hammered under the talus. The medial part of the outer ankle thus serves as a bone bridge from the ankle to the talus and ankyloses them osseously.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):742
pages 742 views

About the surgical treatment of Graves' disease

Friedland M.


A. V. Martynov (Vesti. Khir., Vol. VI. Book. 16, 1926), who operated on 64 patients since 1910, expresses a number of provisions on this issue, which can be briefly formulated in this way: the best operational results are obtained before the onset of persistent changes in the heart muscle.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):742
pages 742 views

Treatment of postoperative urinary retention

Gruzdev V.


According to L. Michon's (Bull, de la Soc. D'obst. Et de gyn. De Paris, 1926, No. 1) at 196 pp. surgical intervention in the clinic prof. Villard'a such a delay was observed 34 times (17.4%).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):742
pages 742 views

Control measures for some postoperative complications

Zabolotskaya E.


Fonyo (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, No. 8), on the basis of his experience (63 pages), warmly recommends parenteral administration of 2 k. Sant to combat postoperative intestinal atony. peristalsis with 0.001 physostigmine. Injections are given immediately after surgery, then in the evening on the day of surgery, and finally in the morning and noon the next day. Baron praises frequent gastric lavage through a tube inserted through the nose to combat postoperative vomiting and flatulence. Geisenhofer advises the operated patients to use intramuscular injections of 0.05 neucesol on the day of the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):743
pages 743 views

Spirochetes in the conjunctiva

Adamyuk V.


Weiss (Med. Klin., 1925. No. 37) found pale spirochetes in the conjunctival secretion in an infant with hereditary syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):743
pages 743 views

To the histology of trachoma

Liorber T.


Aubaret, Rouslacroix and Hermann (Arch. D'opht., 1924), examining tissue affected by fresh forms of trachoma, and pieces of granular conjunctiva that were in a thermostat in contact with the serum of a trachomatous patient, observed the presence of special cells not yet described separating epithelial cells, and special epithelial elements that have emigrated into the follicle.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):743
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Difficulty recognizing the initial forms of trachoma

Liorber T.


Morax (Arch, d'opht., 1924) notes that in countries where trachoma is rare, the diagnosis of its initial forms is difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):743
pages 743 views

The reaction of binding of complement with adenoid antigen in trachoma

Liorber T.


Vancea (C. r. De la Soc. De Biol., 1925, No. 4) repeated Sojrosso's studies with an adenoid antigen to produce a complement fixation reaction in trachoma, and he made sure that this reaction could not be used for the differential diagnosis of trachoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):743-744
pages 743-744 views

To the therapy of pneumococcal corneal ulcers

Adamyuk V.


Cliailleus and Catoni (Ann. De 1'Inst. Pasteur, 1925, No. 8) caused keratitis in rabbits by injecting small amounts of pure cultures of various pneumococcal species into the corneal parenchyma.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):744
pages 744 views

Suction through the vagina

T. A.


Absorption through the vagina was studied by Robinson (Journ. Of obs. A. Gyn. Of Brit. Emp., 1925, v. 32, No. 3), who investigated solutions of potassium iodide, salicylic sodium, quinine, glucose, phenolrot and methylene blue.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):744
pages 744 views

The origin of lactic acid in a woman's sleeve

Gruzdev V.


Kienlin (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, No. 11) found that this acid is already in the vagina of newborn girls, which does not yet contain germs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):744
pages 744 views

The dependence of the content in the blood of potassium and calcium on the activity of the ovary

Timofeev A.


The dependence of the content of potassium and calcium in the blood on the activity of the ovary was studied by Schultze (Arch. F. G., Bd. 126, 1925), according to whose studies, 1-2 days before the onset of regulation, the content of K decreases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):744
pages 744 views

Vaginal changes during pregnancy

Timofeev A.


Changes in the vagina during pregnancy were studied by Stieve (Zeitschr. F. Mikrosc. - anatom. Forsch., 1925, Bd. 3). In contrast to Runge, the author found that changes in the connective tissue of the vagina during pregnancy do not depend on its impregnation with transudate, but represent the result of its own growth.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):744-745
pages 744-745 views

On morphological changes in vaginal secretions, as a diagnostic sign of pregnancy

Timofeev A.


The morphological changes in vaginal secretions, as a diagnostic sign of pregnancy, are indicated by Papanicolaou (ref. Berich, u. D. Gesam. Gyn., Bd. IX, N. 8). With the onset of pregnancy, the deflated cells of the vaginal epithelium take on the characteristic appearance of elongated, concave elements with elongated, collapsed nuclei with signs of plasmolysis and vacuolization.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):745
pages 745 views

Pain relief during labor

Gruzdev V.


For this purpose, Gwathmey proposed the following method: first, 0.006 morphine from 2 cubic meters of morphine is injected under the skin of a woman in labor. sant. 50% solution of chemically pure magnesia sulfate (the latter, without morphine, maybe, in case of need, introduced 3-4 times); then after 15-20 minutes, - and if the above injection causes pain relief by itself, then even after 1-2 hours, - the woman in labor is given an enema of 0.6 quinine bromide, 8.0 alcohol, 70.0 ether and 120.0 ol. olivarum; This enema is placed after a preliminary cleansing enema, the mixture is introduced into the rectum to a height of 12 centimeters, and after the introduction its anus is closed for a while.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):745
pages 745 views

Prevention of eclampsia

T. A.


Hochenbichler (Monat, f. G. u. G., Bd. 69, H. 3/4) recommends the prevention of eclampsia by lighting with a quartz lamp. Of the 80 cases of preeclampsia treated in this way, none developed seizures.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):745
pages 745 views

The use of pituitary drugs in obstetrics

Timofeev A.


After the work of Rucker and Haskell. warning against the use of pituitary extracts, a questionnaire was collected on this issue, among the French and Swiss obstetricians Baralles and Marten (Rev. franc. de gynecol. et d'ohst, 1925, No. 7/8) cite the answers of 47 French obstetricians, of which only three condemn the use of pituitary drugs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):745-746
pages 745-746 views

For the expansion of indications for Caesar section

Timofeev A.


Grabich (Münch, med. Woch., 1925, no. 41) is in favor of expanding the indications for Caesar section on the basis of his 300 cases. The general mortality rate of his mothers is 2.3%; narrow pelvis - 1.7%. The general mortality rate of children is 7.7%, the reduced mortality rate is 5.3%. The author prefers the transperitoneal cervical method over the extraperitoneal one.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):746
pages 746 views

Postpartum sepsis

Timofeev A.


In a special meeting in Johannisburg (Transvaal), a number of reports were devoted to questions of postpartum infection (Med. Journ. Of South Africa, 1925, No. 10). In examining the etiology of puerperal sepsis, Maxwell considers contamination from poorly trained midwives to be the main cause of infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):746
pages 746 views

To the prevention of postpartum diseases

Timofeev A.


Fleischer (Therapia, Budapest, 1925, no. 7) recommends the following measures for this purpose.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):746
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Postpartum sepsis treatment

Timofeev A.


Sbrozzi (Clin, osteir., 1925.9) in the initial stages of infection advises to disinfect the vagina and uterus with a 3% solution of carbolic acid and. after removing the parcels and particles of the placenta, lubricate the uterine cavity with iodine tincture. With a lochiometer, drainage with iodoform gauze is recommended. For septic abortion, the author uses the active method of therapy generally accepted in Italy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):747
pages 747 views

Treatment of leucorrhoea with saponin

T. A.


Zickraf (Deut. Med. Woch., 1925, No. 42) on the basis that saponin acts irritatingly on the protoplasm, etc. is an easy cauterizing agent, used douching with saponin in various dilutions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):747
pages 747 views

Pregnancy and childbirth after tube implantation observed

Gruzdev V.


Pregnancy and childbirth after tube implantation was observed by Unterberger (Mon. f. Geb. u. Gyn., 1926, April) in a 35 yr woman. who was married for 11 years, but never got pregnant.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):747
pages 747 views

Sympathectomy in gynecology

S. V.


Leriche (Presse med., 1925. No. 29) successfully stripping off adventitia aa. hypogastriraxum considers this operation useful for metrorrhagias without an anatomical substrate, amenorrhea due to ovarian adhesions, dysmenorrhea with a small mobile uterus, vulvar bloom and pain after radiotherapy for cervical cancer (according to the ref. in Journal for whiskers. Time, 1926, No. 1).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):747
pages 747 views

Changes in leukocytes in acute diarrhea in infants

Bogdanova D.


Heissen (Zeit. F. Kinderlik., Bd. 40, H. 4) examined the blood of 12 children with food intoxication, and 40 with dyspepsia, partly infectious, partly alimentary, and found sharp degenerative changes in the structure of leukocytes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):747-748
pages 747-748 views

Milk with honey in children's nutrition

Klyvanskaya-Krolʹ E.


V. Dumas (Arch, de med. Des enfants, vol. XXIX, № 1) considers honey as a means of restoring some important properties of milk lost during boiling.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):748
pages 748 views

On the effect of feeding fish oil to cows on the content of vitamin A in milk

Levinson ..


R. Wagner and H. Wimberger (Zeit. F. Kindhl., Bd. 40, H. 3) fed in the winter months 9 children with flowering rickets, not exposed to direct sunlight, cow's milk, which, in addition to regular feed, received for 7 months once a day fish oil in the amount of 50.0 to 300.0.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):748
pages 748 views

Epidemic encephalitis in children

S. V.


AL Dynkin (Vrach. Delo, 1926, № 5), analyzing the clinic of this disease in childhood, finds that epidemic encephalitis affects children much less frequently than adults, although it can occur even in infants and newborns.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):748
pages 748 views

On the question of independent reflexes in the sympathetic nervous system

Pervushin G.


IP Razenkov (J. Experim. Of Biology, 1926, № 3) experimentally proved that independent reflex processes can occur in sympathetic nodes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):748
pages 748 views

Plantar and finger reflex

Pervushin G.


AM Mostvilishker (J. Nevr. And Psych., 1925, № 3-4), studying this reflex, first described by Zhukovsky, in no case observed the absence of lesions of the pyramidal pathways. According to his conclusion, the plantar and finger reflex exceeds all other pathological reflexes in its frequency, except for the Babinsk River.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):748
pages 748 views

To the treatment of nervous diseases by parenteral administration of milk

Pervushin G.


Prof. VV Korelin (Psycho-Neur. Jur., 1926, issue I), having applied this treatment at 23 patients, observed full recovery in 8 cases, syphilis of the central nervous system, at combined treatment with mercury, - 4 sl., Inflammation of peripheral nerves - 3 sl. And epidemic meningitis - 1 sl.); further, in 3 cases this treatment gave improvement, and in others remained without result.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):748-749
pages 748-749 views

Treatment of parkinsonism

P. G.


Prof. Osokin and Goncharov (Klin. J. Sarat. Univ., 1925, № 4) recommend treating parkinsonism after lethargic encephalitis with intravenous injections of 25% Na cacodylici solution, in a dose of 4.0 to 8.0 cubic meters. s., repeating injections 1-2 times a week. Spa treatment in the Caucasus is carried out jointly.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):749
pages 749 views

To the treatment of progressive paralysis

Hel'ttser R.


H. Reiter (Klin. Woch., 1926, № 11), together with Sagel, found, among other things, that paralytics who were unsuccessfully treated with recurrences improved with the introduction of live pure cultures of sp. pallida on a liquid medium.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):749
pages 749 views

About intravenous use of luetiria

Geltzer R.


H. Planner (Derm. Woch., 1925, № 9), with intravenous administration of luetin’a prepared from organs containing a large amount of sp. pallida, in all 16 cases studied by him observed a more or less strong general and focal reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):749
pages 749 views

Treatment of syphilis with tellurium salts

Blagoveshchenskiy N.


C. Levaditi and S. Nicolau (C. r. Soc. De Biol., 1926, No. 12) experienced the therapeutic effect of tellurium salts in experimental syphilis of rabbits and other spirochetosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):749
pages 749 views

Treatment of syphilis with tellurium salts

Blagoveshchenskiy N.


C. Levaditi and S. Nicolau (C. r. Soc. De Biol., 1926, No. 12) experienced the therapeutic effect of tellurium salts in experimental syphilis of rabbits and other spirochetosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):749
pages 749 views

On the relationship between the shape of the skull and diseases of the ear and nose

Alekseeva L.


Trying to establish a connection between the shapes of the skull and a predisposition to certain diseases of the ear, nose and its accessory cavities and various courses of the disease, V.E. Perekalin (Journal of the ear. Nose and throat, vol. III, No. 1 and 2) made a number of studies in this direction, and was convinced that the dolichocephalic skull, being the most perfect in design, is the least susceptible to these diseases. (9 words on 215).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):749
pages 749 views

The role of the upper segment of the respiratory tract and the tasks of modern rhinolaryngo-otiatrics

Vasil'yeva O.


Prof. Tsytovich (Vesti, Rhinolaryngo-Otiatrii, No. 1) notes that correct nasal breathing is a powerful factor in blood circulation, and a variety of diseases can cause its disorders, in particular, a) heart disease (expansion of its cavities and degeneration of the heart muscle); b) vascular disease in general, especially cerebral vessels (arteriosclerosis); c) brain diseases (sclerosis, epilepsy, headaches, decreased mental performance, etc.); d) diseases of the peripheral nerves; finally, e) blood diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):750
pages 750 views

The physiological role of the tonsils

Vasil'yeva O.


To prove the direct connection between the tonsils and the surrounding tissues, prof. VK Trutnev (West. Rhino-laryngo-otiatriya, 1925, No. 1) made a number of experiments with the injection of ink and carmine into these tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):750
pages 750 views

Protective role of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract in terms of local immunity

Vasil'yeva O.


Prof. IP Voloshin (West. Rhinolaryngo-otiatry. 1925, No. 1), taking into account the well-known works of Bezredk on local immunity, finds that the protective role of the nasal mucosa and upper respiratory tract is reduced to the development of natural local immunity of these organs than the general immunity of the whole organism is acquired from all microorganisms inhabiting the mucous membrane of these pathways.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):750
pages 750 views

To the etiology of Ozena

Yakhontov S.


Ozena still remains, etiologically, a mystery. Pointing to the inconsistency of the currently existing three main theories of the origin of this disease - infectious, mechanical and nested, - prof. NV Zak (Russian Otolaryngology, 1926, No. 1) expresses the opinion that ozena is obtained as a result of a disease of that part of the sympathetic nervous system that is related to the nose.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):750
pages 750 views

Book review

Angina pectoris. Acta medica, no. IX. (supplement to "Medical Cause").


In recent years, when surgeons began to take an active part in questions about angina pectoris, with an operational therapeutic approach, a number of monographs about this disease appeared (A. Martinet, Danielopulo, Vaquez, etc.), and it was natural to expect the publication in Russian language monograph devoted to this burning issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):751-752
pages 751-752 views

R. Ruge, P. Muhlensu. M. Zur Verth. Krankheiten und Hygiene der warmen Länder. Leipzig, 1925. Ver. Dr. Werner klinkhardt


Until now, the Russian medical literature on infectious diseases is especially poor in educational books that could serve students and doctors, and therefore any book that appears in this area, even if not published in their native language, should attract the attention of interested persons. especially when the authors of it are major authorities in science, and when you have a book, beautifully published, supplied with wonderful figures and tables, skillfully complementing what is contained in the text.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):752
pages 752 views

A. V. Zhuravlev. Electroionotherapy as an independent method of treating female diseases


The author has divided this brochure into two parts. The first part contains a brief historical description of the method of ion therapy using electric current; in the same part, the scientific side of the method of electroionotherapy is described in detail from a modern point of view. The second part, clinical, contains a description of a number of typical cases treated with electroionotherapy. The brochure is lively and easy to read; in addition, it contains a lot of very valuable information from the field of electroionotherapy, which is so poor in Russian literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):753
pages 753 views

P.I.Silin. (Rostov n / a). Systematic Index of Russian obstetric and gynecological literature for 1925. Price 1 r. 35 room with lane


For a long time already, voices have been heard from different sides that, while the selection of foreign literature on any of the medical issues does not present any difficulties, thanks to the mass of special-abstract journals, Jahresberichts, etc., published abroad, in relation to Russian works this meets with almost insurmountable difficulties.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):753
pages 753 views

New State Pharmacopoeia VII ed. N.K. 3.


A new Pharmacopoeia of 1925 was published and sent to all institutions. The publication was revised again by a special commission of Uch. Medical Council.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):753
pages 753 views


Holiday of Russian Science


On February 16, 1926, Kazan honored the Honored Professor of Kazan University, one of the oldest members of its Medical Faculty, Viktorin Sergeevich Gruzdev, on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of his service to science and society. The ceremonial meeting of the Council of the Medical Faculty of the University in conjunction with the Council of the State Institute for the improvement of doctors named after V.I.Lenin, the Council of the Veterinary Institute and scientific societies of the mountains. Kazan, with the participation of representatives of party, Soviet and professional organizations, took place in the Comclub (formerly the Noble Assembly). The vast Column Hall and the Komclub choirs barely accommodated everyone who wanted to be present and take part in the common celebration. The entire scientist and medical world of Kazan, students, patients and admirers of the popular professor were present.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):753-765
pages 753-765 views


Meetings of medical societies


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):765-772
pages 765-772 views





Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(5-6):772-773
pages 772-773 views

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