Vol 23, No 10 (1927)

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Full Issue

To the issue of changing forms of cellular elements in exudates of pleural cavity under various kinds of irritations

Alekseev E.S.


The issue of the cellular composition of the exudates of various serous cavities has long attracted the attention of researchers, who studied the protective means by which the organism fights infection. In addition, due to anatomical conditions, abdominal and pleural cavities of animals are very convenient for experimental studies, why they have always been the favorite objects in the study of inflammation phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):982-987
pages 982-987 views

To the study of erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in crinopathology

Sukhov A.A.


Since the discovery by R. Fahraeus, in 1916, discovered accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation in nitrated blood of pregnant women, the literature on this reaction (SR-Senkungs Reaktion) has grown rapidly, not only in pregnancy, but also in pathology in general. Comparatively little, however, its significance has been developed in crino- and psycho-neuropathology; meanwhile, available data suggest that this reaction can be used as a guideline for the further development of these branches of science, especially for the analysis of pluriglandular forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):988-991
pages 988-991 views

Experience in a comparative study of immunobiological reactions in the tbc clinic

Zakharov N.M., Kudryashov N.P., Aksyantsev M.I.


In recent years, tbc clinic began to make wide use of chemical and biological analyses, trying to find in them an objective assessment of the pathological processes occurring in the body. Physical examination methods alone, including radiological data, are not able to give a complete picture of the dynamics of the tbc process and be sufficient for understanding the immuno-biological essence of the disease. Experience in the application of tuberculin reactions and along with it the methods of colloid and physical chemistry is expanding day by day. The attention of researchers is rushing to the study of the colloidal structure of blood, its enzymes, as well as other physical and chemical factors that can characterize the vital processes occurring in the organism of tbc patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):992-998
pages 992-998 views

On the treatment of amebic dysentery and the toxic effects of emetine

Schwartz A.L.


To illustrate the toxicity of emetine, I have cited in my article several case histories traced in a clinical setting. In addition to these, I can cite several more later observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):999-1002
pages 999-1002 views

On the dietetic treatment of gastric ulcers and hyperacidic catarrhs

Kavetsky N.E., Promakhin K.S.


Dietary treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers is currently given great importance, and quite a number of methods have been proposed for this purpose (Lehnboe, Lenhartz, Senator, Rosenfeld, Petren, Riegel, Steesma, Vasiliev, Schnabel, Zweig, Boas, Yarotsky, Sippy and others). Having no possibility to stop here on all these ways, we will touch only the diet proposed by Prof. A. I. Yarotsky. This diet, based on works of I.P. Pavlov school, is directed to change the very character of gastric secretion. Its task is not only to eliminate subjective sufferings of the patient, but also to lead him to complete cure and decrease of acidity of gastric juice (prof. Yarotsky attaches particular importance to the latter).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1003-1009
pages 1003-1009 views

Obliteration or involution of the appendix?

Borukhin M.L.


The question about the obliteration of the appendix is of clinical as well as theoretical interest, and it is necessary to find out whether this obliteration is the result of an inflammatory process or physiological involution of the rudimentary organ. In a significant number of the cases described (Trewes-Hartmann), the cause of the obliteration was inflammation of the appendix. The same should be said about the cases of this anomaly that we studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1010-1012
pages 1010-1012 views

On postoperative treatment of hemorrhoids

Ivanchenko A.I.


In recent years, the question of surgical treatment of hemorrhoids has not come down from the columns of Russian journals, and in this area still noticeable variety of opinions, and various operational modifications are put forward. Leaving the latter aside, I will only touch in this article on the postoperative treatment of hemorrhoids. If we turn to surgical manuals, operative and private, we will see that almost everywhere they recommend inserting a drainage tube, wrapped in simple or subformed gauze, into the anus and giving the patient opium after hemorrhoids surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1013-1017
pages 1013-1017 views

On renal tuberculosis

Zaitsev M.A.


Kidney tuberculosis in humans is quite frequent. For example, in the Men's Urology Department of the Obukhov Hospital (Leningrad), 153 cases of this disease have been observed over the past 14 years. According to the statistics of different authors, it can be seen that 2-3 per 100 examined cadavers could find tbc renia, and per 100 examined cadavers of phthisis, from 8 to 30 represented tbc changes of the kidneys as well. Fedorov counts 19% tbc among other surgical kidney diseases. During the first year of the existence of the Urological Department of the 3rd Soviet People's Hospital in Odessa I managed to observe only 3 cases of renal tbc, which, in relation to the total number of patients in the department (534 people), is 0.56%, and in relation to the total number of urological patients in the hospital in 1923-24 (218 people) - 1.5%. (218 people) - 1.37.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1018-1029
pages 1018-1029 views

On keratoplasty

Busygin N.V.


Keratoplasty is usually divided into 1) heteroplasty and 2) homoplasty. The first one means corneal transplantation from an animal to a human. During this operation the transplant may survive, but it soon becomes cloudy. Thus, the late Professor E. Adamyuk transplanted 8 patients corneas taken from different animals (chickens, rats), and to preserve transparency of a transplant he transplanted not one cornea, but with a part of sclera; in 7 of these cases engraftment of a transplant turned out good, but it became turbid soon. Homoplasty refers to transplantation of corneae from person to person, and distinguishes between 1) transplantation of the front part of the eye, 2) partial corneal transplantation and 3) complete transplantation, when all scarred cornea is removed and replaced by a whole transparent cornea from another person.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1030-1035
pages 1030-1035 views

Ectopic pregnancy after tubal implantation

Fomenko B.P.


Publishing this note, I want to make a small addition to the detailed review of the issue of the blow-out of fallopian tubes, published in № 5 "Kaz. Med. J." for the current year by Dr. Bushmakina. The latter, like many other authors who have written about pertubation, does not indicate that this method, if widely used, may contribute to the frequency of ectopic pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1036-1037
pages 1036-1037 views

Excessively prolonged retention of a premature fetus in the uterine cavity

Avrov E.N.


Being interested in the question of the prolonged stay of the fetus in the uterus after the expiry of the normal term of pregnancy, I have diligently examined for several years the "Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases" and other obstetrical literature at my disposal, but I have not come across a single report on the subject. For this reason I have taken the liberty of publishing in print a case I have encountered of fetal retention in utero of 15 months, which I think is of some interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1038-1040
pages 1038-1040 views

The clinic pattern of pulmonary artery vasoconstriction in children (morbus coelius)

Deich B.M.


"Blue disease" is not a separate nosological entity, but represents a certain syndrome accompanying congenital heart defects. Despite the fact that this disease has long been known, nevertheless, its pathogenesis has not yet been definitively established. The former authors explained various individual forms of cardiac birth defects by this syndrome, but now it has been established that "blue disease" is a collective concept and occurs, according to Barye, in septal defects and anomalies of large vessels, and according to Fallop, in simultaneous existence of pulmonary artery stenosis and non-cavitary septum as well as in non-cavitary ductus botalus.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1041-1045
pages 1041-1045 views

On the incubation period in neurolues

Sukhova E.V.


Speaking about syphilis lesions of the central nervous system, it is impossible not to note that these lesions are among the most severe diseases of the latter. But, on the other hand, their severity is redeemed to some extent by the specific means of combating them which we have in our hands. In this case, the fight against neurolues is reduced not so much to its treatment as to its prevention. Hence the interest with which the question of the influence of various conditions on the occurrence of syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system has recently begun to be comprehensively discussed and the exact causes which, from the general number of syphilitics, distinguish the group subsequently condemned to neurolues have been sought to be elucidated.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1046-1050
pages 1046-1050 views

Case of death due to injury of the internal tithe vein

Gusev A.D.


If injuries of a. mammariae internae are rare, even more rare is the wound of venae mammariae internae as a cause of death. In the literature available to me I have not found anywhere references to such cases, therefore I consider it unnecessary to publish one such case, observed in the practice of our Office.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1051-1053
pages 1051-1053 views

New views on the mechanism of action of cardiac nerves

Larin V.V.


The antagonist nerves, which, when stimulated, produce opposite effects - inhibition or enhancement of cardiac activity, vasoconstriction or dilation, excitation or inhibition of reflexes - have long since attracted the attention of physiologists. The first attempt to explain the essence of the antagonistic action was made by Ewald Hering, who suggested that the difference in the irritation effect of antagonistic nerves depends on the difference in the processes occurring in their trunks. This idea, however, was not based on any definite data and is absolutely inconsistent with the firmly established modern ideas about the unity of the processes of excitation along the nerve.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1054-1060
pages 1054-1060 views

On the toxicity of phenolphthalein

Devrien V.G.


Phenolphthalein is still used as an active ingredient of many so-called "weakly acting" laxatives, despite reasonable contraindications. The number of supporters of its use is large; therefore, it is not surprising that it is introduced in more than one hundred and twenty different laxative prescriptions. Phenolphthalein's painless, in one's opinion, action and absence of unpleasant taste were the main reasons for its wide distribution; however, when reviewing the literature on this remedy one doubts whether its prescription is really harmless or not.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1060-1062
pages 1060-1062 views

To the methodology of the study of Koch's bacilli

Oyfebach M.


The author recommends using Dunkelfeld for this purpose. According to his observations: 1) in a darkened field it is easier to find bacilli, especially when their quantity is scanty; 2) the contrast coloring not only does not hide bacilli, but also makes it possible to see other components of sputum; 3) examination in Dunkelfeld is technically simple and accessible to every physician. The examination of stools and urine for bacilli of Coschus is carried out according to the same principle.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1062-1062
pages 1062-1062 views

The significance of heredity in tbc


After examining 2,000 tbc patients treated in sanatoriums, the author found that only 40% of them belonged to the hereditarily aggravated, and almost 60% had no aggravation at all.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1062-1063
pages 1062-1063 views

Hematogenic generalization of tbc

Oyfebach M.


The author cites a rare case of tuberculosis of the cheek, upper lip and gingiva in an adult patient with simultaneous tbc of the lungs, larynx and intestines. The author interprets this case as a case of generalization of the tbc process in a hematogenous way, which occurred after a number of unfavorable moments (starvation, gypsy).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1063-1063
pages 1063-1063 views

Tuberculosis of the lungs and skin

Oyfebach M.


The author confirms the authors' opinion about the rarity of simultaneous lung tbc and skin tbc. But other skin diseases are relatively common in lung tbc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1063-1063
pages 1063-1063 views

Surgical treatment of bilateral lung tbc

Shidlovsky P.


The authors use pneumothorax on the more affected side and phrenisectomy on the other side in bilateral lung tbc. In cases where the lesions are symmetrically located, phrenisectomy is better used on the side that seems clinically and radiographically more prone to sclerosis, while pneumothorax is used on the side with the cavern.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1063-1063
pages 1063-1063 views

Bilateral pneumothorax in tbc lungs

Oyfebach M.


Studying the results of tbc treatment with bilateral pneumothorax, the author came to the conclusion that simultaneous performance of artificial pneumothorax on both sides is undesirable. It is more advantageous to perform this operation first on one side and then on the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1063-1063
pages 1063-1063 views

Perfect stump thorax

Oyfebach M.


Discussing the issue of an ideal pneumothorax, the authors state that a pneumothorax with collapsing of the affected part of the lung and manometrial pressure not exceeding O is not inferior to a total pneumothorax in its therapeutic effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1063-1063
pages 1063-1063 views

On traumatic diabetes


The authors find no incontrovertible experimental or clinical evidence that any lesion can cause true diabetes. What is certain is that extrainsular glycosuria can arise from severe bodily or mental trauma. Likewise, every bodily or mental trauma can worsen existing diabetes and therefore make hidden diabetes visible.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1063-1063
pages 1063-1063 views

On the subject of the breast toad

Külbs F.


In his lecture on breastfeeding, Prof. F. Külbs summarizes the present state of the doctrine of it as follows: The main symptoms of the disease are constriction of the heart accompanied by fear of death and pain, spreading to the shoulders, arms, throat and chin, or epigastrium and genitals; the trigger for the seizure is: bodily tension, mental excitement, wind, cold, overfilling of the stomach, severe diseases of the female genitalia, but sometimes the seizure appears without any occasion at night; the anatomical lining is degenerative or inflammatory (lues) changes in the venous vessels or the ascending aorta, in an acute course, often a venous embolism; duration of the mild seizures-a few seconds, medium ones-from several minutes to ½ hour, and severe ones to 2 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1063-1064
pages 1063-1064 views

To the pathology of the thoracic toad

Wolff Е.


The author sees the thoracic attack as a consequence of left ventricular weakness, which is the first stage of insufficiency. In such weakness, a sudden increase in resistance in the peripheral circulation or a sudden increase in blood flow to the heart, moments that increase the work of the latter, can cause an increase in the residual blood in the left ventricle, its distension and an increase in intraventricular pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1064-1064
pages 1064-1064 views


Oyfebach M.


In 25 cases tested on the operating table, the author could state phrenicus-phenomenon (the presence of a painful point between the legs of m. sternocleidomastodei) in 80%. The presence of this symptom indicates, according to the author, not only the presence of cholecystitis, but also the presence of stones.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1064-1064
pages 1064-1064 views

Treatment of pulmonary bleeding

Grau H.


According to H. Grau, rest in bed is absolutely necessary for mild hemoptysis. Medical examination during pulmonary hemorrhage is, of course, unacceptable. When bleeding from the lower or middle lobes of the lung, lying on the back acts unfavorably. The drugs acting locally or through constriction of vessels should not be used in case of pulmonary bleeding, as well as morphine should be avoided as much as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1064-1064
pages 1064-1064 views

Ephedrae vulgaris preparations in emphysema and bronchitis


The author warmly praises the treatment of senile emphysema and chronic bronchitis with the new drugs ephedrae vulgaris-ephedrine and its isomer, synthetically prepared ephetonin.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1064-1064
pages 1064-1064 views

Bromine against hay fever


Usually it is enough to take 1.0 of sodium bromide in the morning and in the evening, especially good helps here sedobrol, a pellet in ½ cup of hot water, also twice a day. Action comes sometimes very quickly, on the next day, sometimes only 2-3 days later, and in some cases it is weak, or does not occur. In any case, the treatment should be continued for at least a week.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1064-1065
pages 1064-1065 views

Pyramidon in rheumatism


In cases of rheumatism, acute and chronic, not amenable to salicyl sodium, Schottmüller successfully uses pyramidone 0.3 5-10 times a day. This remedy can be given for weeks without harm.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

Pyramidon against hiccups


According to Schottmüller'y a tablet of 0.3 or 0.5 pyramidon, when given at the beginning of an attack of hiccups, usually breaks the latter. When the hiccups resume the remedy is repeated, and, according to the author, 5 or more times 0.5 pyramidone can be given in a day without harm.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

Brain removal from tubular bones as a remedy for malignant anemia


The operation is technically simple and requires only a few minutes; it is performed under ethyl chloride and local anesthesia, at every stage of the disease. It is often followed by a dramatic strengthening of the body, and remedies that had not helped before, such as arsenic, begin to work again.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

Sulphur against ostriches


The author gives for pinworms in adults sulfur praecipit. together with pulv. liquiritiae compos. ana for 8 days, three times a day, a teaspoonful after meals; then, after an 8-day interval, this treatment should be repeated.    

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

Hand ailments in pianist musicians

Timofeev S.L.


The author finds that this disease is most often symmetrical and is the result of the manifestation of constitutional pathological deficiencies in the body, as well as hidden up to that time lesions of the nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

To the treatment of paronychia


The author recommends treating paronychia, according to Denks, with a gray mercury ointment, which is applied to a flap of cloth as thick as the back of a knife, and this flap is wrapped around the sore finger, whether there is only redness or whether a purulent blister has already appeared. The bandage is left on the finger for 8 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1065-1065
pages 1065-1065 views

Long-term results of breast amputations for cancer

Shidlovsky P.


From 374 cases of breast cancer observed during 1915-1925, the authors could trace 139 cases operated on by amputation of the breasts. The more malignant the disease was, the younger the patient was. Duration of time between cancer detection and surgery was 6 months.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1065-1066
pages 1065-1066 views

Plastic closure of large defects after amputation of the breast

Tsimkhes I.


Для пластического закрытия больших дефектов после ампутации грудной железы автор с успехом применил лоскут на ножке, взятый из нижнего края раны; образовавшийся при этом новый дефект кожи автор закрыл вторым нижним лоскутом.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1066-1066
pages 1066-1066 views

Ramisectio (ramicotomia cervicalis)

Friedland M.


Studies have shown that irritations, in the form of electrifying and tingling, of the rami communicantes cause the following phenomena in humans: C2 and C3 - painful sensations at the ear and mandibular teeth, rhythmic contraction and expansion of the pupils accompanied by protrusion and retraction of the eyeball, C7 - sharp pain in the hand, C8 - pain in the lower corner of the scapula. Irritation of the upper pole of the ganglion stellatum causes very sharp pain in the arm, irritation of the lower pole of the same ganglion causes pain in the atrial region.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1066-1066
pages 1066-1066 views

Ratanita for ulcers

Yasnitsky N.


The author recommends an ointment with extr. rathaniae for the treatment of chronic, stubbornly non-healing ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1066-1066
pages 1066-1066 views

Autohemotherapy for gastric postoperative bleeding

Shidlovsky P.


In 9 cases of gastric postoperative bleeding, very severe and persistent, the author resorted to autohemotherapy and in all cases received a quick stop of bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1066-1066
pages 1066-1066 views

Intravenous injections of pilocarpine as a treatment for postoperative urinary retention


Intravenous injections of pilocarpine as a remedy for postoperative urinary retention are praised by Hinrichsen, who used pilocarpine with consistent success in 38 herniotomy cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

Ichthyol ointment after eye surgery

Schall Е.


In order to prevent adhesion of eyelid margins after operations on the eyeball the author recommends using a dressing with ichthyol ointment (1 part ichthiol, 2 parts vaseline). Such dressing protects the conjunctival sac from tight closure and prevents accumulation of secret in it on the one hand, and on the other hand allows avoiding pressure on the eyeball and stretching of the adhered wound edges when changing the dressing.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

To the use of glaucosan

Volzhensky E.


Wegner experimented with glaucosan in simple glaucoma (13 cases), absolute (2 cases), hydrophthalmia (2 cases), glaucomatous iritis (6 cases) and iris lesion (35 cases). ), and it turned out that a good result from subconjunctival glaucozan injections is obtained in those untreated cases of simple glaucoma, where the intraocular pressure fluctuates near the upper limit of normal, where eserine and pilocarpine do not reach the target; in contrast, in absolute glaucoma and hydrophthalmia its use is futile.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

Iodine in eye diseases

Volzhensky E.


Prof. zur Nedden has been practicing for about three years in diseases of the eyes the external application of poda in the form of a solution (1:1000 with the addition of 10.0 potassium iodide), or ointment (jodi purl 0.1, vaselini 20.0). Iodotherapy has a twofold purpose: 1) destruction of microbes, 2) excitation of inflammatory hyperemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

To recognition of rupture of the membranes during childbirth

Manenkov P.


The author recommends testing the reaction of the vaginal secretion with litmus: before the rupture of the fetus bladder, the reaction is acidic in the vast majority of cases (147 out of 152 cases), but it is always alkaline after the rupture.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1067-1067
pages 1067-1067 views

Hormonal causes of breast growth

Ernst М.


The author observed in parabiosis of a young rat with a pregnant rat a hyperplasia of the mamma gland in the former to such an extent that it reached the size of the mamma gland of the pregnant rat during heat. During parabiosis of castrated animals with pregnant animals, the author observed that the mamma, which had undergone strong inverse development in castrated animals, remained the same when combined with pregnant rats.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

Effect of osept drug on milk secretion


Ocenta consists of pituitary gland and placenta extracts, vitamins, organic and inorganic compounds of phosphorus, calcium and iron, hemoglobin, soluble protein and carbohydrates. The drug is given 3 times a day with a teaspoon in milk.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

How much milk can a nursing woman give?


Normally a woman's maximum daily milk production is determined to be 3½ liters. Kollmann, however, observed a 23-year-old woman giving birth for the second time, who produced about 4½ liters daily for 51 weeks.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

Objective control of abdominal muscles reverse development in the postpartum period


The author designed an apparatus by means of which it is possible to determine the work of the abdominal muscles and thus judge their condition and the degree of reverse development in the postpartum period. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

Indications for abortion


From the medical point of view, the author divides these indications into three groups: 1) absolute indications, which include diseases that unconditionally threaten the life of the mother (nephritis of pregnant women, uncontrollable vomiting, pernicious anemia, etc.); 2) relative indications, which include diseases that may worsen during pregnancy (e.g., tbc); 3) social or eugenetic indications.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1068-1068
pages 1068-1068 views

Statistical data on narrow pelvises in white and black women

Timofeev A.


For 6,407 births in white women and 5,223 births in black women, the authors observed 3,100 cases of pelvic constriction in the Michaelis and Litzmann sense, with 577 cases referring to a funnel-shaped pelvis with a diameter between tubera ischii of 8 centimeters or less. The generalized pelvis is four times more common in Negro women. They have rickets 18.5 times more often than whites. The funnel-shaped form of pelvic constriction is equally characteristic of both.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1068-1069
pages 1068-1069 views

Treatment of chronic gonorrhea in women with malaria vaccine

Weinstein A.


Based on casual observations of the good course of chronic gonorrhea in syphilitic patients treated with malaria vaccine, the author tried the vaccine in 68 women and 5 men suffering from chronic gonorrhea, which could not be treated with the usual methods. In 78%, there was a complete cure (verified by various provocation methods).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1069-1069
pages 1069-1069 views

Amenorrhea as a result of syphilitic affection of the hormone glands

Yasnitsky N.


A 32-year-old woman with signs of gummosis syphilis, infected 15 years ago, underwent 1 course of specific treatment at the beginning of the disease. Five years after that she delivered a stillborn fetus. Menstruation was normal before delivery, after delivery amenorrhea for 10 years; in addition, alopecia and hypoplasia of external genitalia were observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1069-1069
pages 1069-1069 views

About dizziness

Мeyer Е.


According to E. Meyer, vertigo is always vestibular, with the vestibulum affected either directly or indirectly. The feeling of vertigo is composed of motor and sensory components (nausea, wistfulness, flickering in the eyes, tinnitus, sweat, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1069-1069
pages 1069-1069 views

A new painkiller and sleeping pill - allonal


This remedy, which is a combination of allylisopropyl barbituric acid with amidopyrine, deserves to be widely used for pain and insomnia, especially for pain-dependent insomnia. It is given by 1-2 or more tablets per reception, in hot tea or water.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1069-1069
pages 1069-1069 views

Treatment of acute encephalitis

Glesinger В.


The author obtained very good results in this disease from intravenous injections of 8.0 pro injections of urotropine and pro die. The results are even better if intravenous injections of salvarsan and careful protein therapy are added to urotropine injections.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1069-1069
pages 1069-1069 views

Treatment of spinal syphilis and spinal sinusitis with malaria vaccines


The authors have seen that some seizures improve with this treatment, but sometimes no results are seen at all. This treatment is dangerous because of its effect on the circulatory system, so from the 2nd or 3rd seizure it is recommended to resort to exciters (cardiazole, camphor, lexetone, coffein, etc.), but not to foxglove, because of the danger of severe bradycardia during subsequent treatment with quinine; from the 4th seizure the fever is removed or weakened with quinine. The patient may be given a total of 10 to 19 attacks.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1070-1070
pages 1070-1070 views

Treatment of progressive paralysis by inoculation with cultures of pale spirochete

Weinstein A.


In those progressive paralytic patients who could not be treated with artificially induced malaria and recurrens, the author inoculated cultures of spir. pallidae. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1070-1070
pages 1070-1070 views

Is the incidence of syphilis decreasing?

Weinstein A.


Having collected data from 50 venereologists in Europe, the author found a sharp decrease in the incidence of syphilis everywhere; only Russia and France remain in doubt. The decrease of syphilis must be attributed primarily to the introduction of salvarsan.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1070-1070
pages 1070-1070 views

RW in maternity milk


According to Rottmann and Franken, the Wassermann reaction in the milk of lactating women gives quite suitable indications for diagnosis. However, it is positive only in the first days after delivery, when the milk still contains colostrum.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1070-1070
pages 1070-1070 views

Luetin reaction in syphilis

Yasnitsky N.


The luetin reaction in syphilis was tested by Lehner and Rajka on 278 syphilitic patients and 89 healthy patients. In healthy individuals, the reaction was invariably negative (while other authors had 7-10% positive results).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1070-1070
pages 1070-1070 views

Каuр's syphilis serodiagnosis

Weinstein A.


One of the modifications of Wassermann's reaction, Katzr's method, is known to focus on complement by titrating it per se in the presence of normal serum, syphilitic antigen, and antigen together with normal serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1070-1071
pages 1070-1071 views

State of the autonomic nervous system in eczema

Yasnitsky N.


The authors studied pharmacodynamically the state of the autonomic nervous system in 43 eczematous patients and found that it was normal in only 6 (13.9%). Of the 37 patients in whom autonomic innervation disorders were found, 4 (9.3%) reacted as sympathicotonic, 8 (18.6%) as vagotonic, in 25 (58.1%) a mixed form (sympathic-vagotonia) with predominance of vagotonic symptoms was observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1071-1071
pages 1071-1071 views

Iontophoresis for actinomycosis treatment

Yasnitsky N.


The authors obtained, in 2 cases, much better results from this remedy than from prescribing oral IRs.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1071-1071
pages 1071-1071 views

Urotropin in dermatology

Yasnitsky N.


Introduced into therapy in 1894 by Nicolaier, urotropine is now widely used in various fields of practical medicine. Rendjet tested its action in various skin diseases (erythema, urticaria, purpura, eczema, erythroderma, bullous and ulcerative dermatitis, folliculitis, trichophytosis, urticaria and strophul. infant.)

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1071-1071
pages 1071-1071 views

Anatomical and physiological foundations of physical culture of the human body

Jacobson S.


Physical culture, which has taken deep roots in our Union in recent years, brings forward the task of scientific substantiation of its methods and bringing knowledge of human anatomy and physiology closer to the general population. This small book, popularly compiled by Prof. N.K. Lysenkov and E.I. Sinelnikov, is intended to fulfill the second task. Written for instructors in physical education, the book contains, in addition to a brief introduction, nine chapters. Some of them, according to the purposes pursued by the authors, are presented quite fully, while others are too concisely.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1071-1072
pages 1071-1072 views

Scientific and medical control of physical development

Friedland M.


Although the literature on Soviet physical education already includes several solid books on the methods and techniques of medical control of physical exercisers, we cannot but welcome this brochure by Dr. I. It, unlike other works, has in mind not only or, more correctly, not so much a doctor or a highly qualified instructor, as the average physical exerciser himself. From this point of view, it would probably be better to entitle the book with a simpler title, for example: "Medical Control of Physical Development.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1072-1072
pages 1072-1072 views

Theory and practice of physical culture

Friedland M.


Before us are the first three issues of the journal for 1927. Each issue consists of several sections: original articles, reports of scientific meetings on physical education and sports in the USSR and abroad, as well as reviews and abstracts of domestic and foreign literature. The journal is devoted, as indicated on its title page, to the scientific development of questions of physical education, physical education and medical control of physical development.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1072-1073
pages 1072-1073 views

I All-Ukrainian Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Kiev

Vinogradova S.P.


In Ukraine, with its ethnographic and natural-living peculiarities, many problems have arisen concerning the organization of obstetric care, the state of which has become extremely shaky over the last decade. Hence the need to convene a Congress of obstetricians working in Ukraine. The programmatic issues of the Congress included questions of partly scientific, partly organizational, and partly scientific nature. One of the peculiarities of this Congress is that the program topics were discussed not only by medical specialists, but also by representatives of the administration, which gave a special, businesslike character to the Congress and will undoubtedly contribute to the implementation of the planned activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1073-1079
pages 1073-1079 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University


Prof. Weygandt (Hamburg): Treatment of progressive paralysis with malaria and relapsing fever. At the present time, when the treatment of progressive paralysis with typhoid and malaria is being widely practiced, it is difficult to say anything new on this subject. The experience of the Hamburg Clinic, in which the reporter is in charge, embraces the material of about 800 paralytic patients - a number which, with the exception of the Vienna Clinic, no other institution has, which is why Prof. W. feels it appropriate to share this experience.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1079-1082
pages 1079-1082 views

Scientific Meetings of Physicians of the V.I. Lenin Kazan State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians


Dr. B. A. Ostroumov: A case of left-sided position of the large intestine. Noting the rarity of such an anomaly explained by the conditions of intestinal development in the embryonic period, the speaker demonstrated a patient who had undergone surgery for appendicitis, and on opening the abdominal cavity no large intestine was found in the right side of the abdomen. X-ray examination after the operation revealed the left-sided position of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1082-1084
pages 1082-1084 views



Under the NKZ of the Tatarstan Republic, it is planned to establish a Scientific Medical Council whose task is to cover, from the scientific point of view, issues related to the protection of public health in the Republic.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1084-1086
pages 1084-1086 views

Questions and answers


Please don't refuse to report technique of determination of hydrogen number in distilled water both before washing with it for reaction Wasserman:a and after washing, and also in physiological solution of sodium chloride 0,85%.            Answer: The hydrogen number (Ph) of any solution, regardless of its composition, is determined equally-either electrometrically or colorimetrically. The latter method, colorimetric, is much easier, faster and does not require any special facilities other than a set of standard indicator solutions.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(10):1086-1086
pages 1086-1086 views

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