Vol 26, No 3 (1930)

Cover Page

Full Issue

In memory of Sergei Petrovich Botkin

Kissel A.A.


For the first time I saw S.P. Botkin in 1881. while still a student at Kiev University. Arriving by chance in Petersburg, I hurried to Botkin's lectures and was delighted with them. From the beginning of 1884, I moved to St. Petersburg for permanent residence, entered as an external student at the Clinic of Children's Diseases of the Military Medical Academy prof. N. I. Bystrova. Since that time, I have already constantly attended the lectures of S.P., whose clinic was located in the same building as the Clinic of Children's Diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):235-255
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Determination of the airiness of the pulmonary apex and its diagnostic value

Shtekelis R.I.


The study of the apexes of the lungs by physical methods has recently begun to occupy physicians again; this deserves special attention in the clinic of early forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Not having received completely reliable and convincing diagnostic methods in a number of auxiliary research methods proposed in recent years, much attention has been paid to the issue of physical research methods.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):255-259
pages 255-259 views

The predictive value of the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction (ESR) in rheumatic polyarthritis

Meerovich M.L.


Interest in the study of acute articular rheumatism has increased enormously in recent years. As a more detailed study of various issues related to acute rheumatism, we are faced with certain questions of a purely practical nature, which have not yet received their final resolution, for example, when a patient who has suffered acute articular rheumatism can be considered quite able to work.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):259-262
pages 259-262 views

Using beer as a re-test breakfast

Pleshchitser A.Y.


The use of repeated breakfasts to determine the secretory function of the stomach has been known for a long time. Back in 1901, Zimnitsky reported on his experiments with repeated feeding of dogs operated on according to the Heidenhain-Pavlov method, which were given 200 grams of white bread for the first test breakfast and after 2 hours again 200 grams of white bread; later Zimnitsky reported on re-feeding two patients and two healthy people in parallel, who were given one breakfast, consisting of 35 grams. white bread, 250 k. from. tea and after an hour the same breakfast was given again. In 1922 and 1923, Vandorfy published his data on the use of refreshed breakfasts as “Belastungsprobe *. In 1922 prof. Zimnitsky reports on his method of studying the gastric cell and during the last decade the method of re-breakfast (meat broth) was promoted by his students to determine the types of gastric cells (normal type, asthenic, inert, isosecretory and torpor) and pointed out the reversibility of these types.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):262-267
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On the clinical picture of diaphragmatic hernias with a description of a case of a carcinomatous stomach in a hernial sac

Kondrashkin A.I.


Lifetime recognition of chronic diaphragmatic hernias is rare. According to Lacher’s statistics in 1880. In 276 cases, accurate intravital recognition of diaphragmatic hernias was decreed only once - Leich tens ter n'om. Later, the number of such cases increased significantly, but nevertheless, their correct recognition is still very rare. These are the cases: Ahlfeld'a, Kaufmann'a, Abe 1'ya, A. V. Bergmann'a, Strupler'a, Pluckler'a, Herz'a. Here, recognition was possible, for the most part, thanks to fluoroscopy. Wullstein says in this regard that “the diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia was probably never made with certainty.” Thus, the description of our case in connection with the observations of other authors known from the literature may be of certain interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):267-272
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To functional study of the kidneys with salicylic acid sodium

Kreiselburd L.P.


The chapter on functional diagnostics of the kidneys, despite the huge arsenal of extremely valuable, correct and tested tests, is still far from complete. Uneven loss of parallel tests, a very frequent discrepancy between the functional state and anatomical changes in the affected organ - all this proves beyond doubt that the absolute criterion is functional. kidney capacity does not yet exist. Meanwhile, the identification of the general performance of the kidneys or the state of one of them is an obligatory link in the urological examination of the patient, without determining which no surgical intervention is possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):272-274
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About the so-called. tendovaginitis crepitans in metalworkers

Ivanchenko A.I.


Occupational diseases play a fairly prominent role in the morbidity of workers in various sectors of our economy. Therefore, the study of etiological and contributing moments is a necessary condition for their prevention and the creation of the correct working and living conditions. Diseases of the tendon sheaths constitute one of the important chapters of occupational health and social pathology, however, our knowledge of the origin and nature of tendovaginitis is still far from complete resolution, and numerous works on this issue, which have appeared recently both in foreign literature (Frisch, Sattler, Hauck), and in Russian (Shugaev, Israilson, Golyanitsky and Obolenskaya, Konshin, etc.) they convincingly emphasize this position.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):274-278
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Local infiltration anesthesia during operations to remove fibroids from the base of the skull

Domrachev I.V.


Tumors of the nasopharyngeal space (fibroids of the base of the skull) are still considered complex and difficult due to their position, the lack of pathways for access to them and severe bleeding during their removal. A number of methods have been proposed for deleting them with preliminary operations for accessing them. In this message I will not go into consideration and evaluation of all these methods, because they are well known. I will only point out that in the fight against bleeding, surgeons did not stop even before such a heroic measure as ligation of the carotid arteries. In addition to preliminary methods for stopping bleeding, some authors offer various methods for stopping bleeding at the time of the operation itself after cutting off the leg. Prof. Razumovsky simply suggests pressing the bleeding place with a finger, prof. Nikolsky recommends autotamponade of the tumor itself, etc. This shows how difficult it is to fight bleeding at the time of the operation itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):278-280
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A few words on the note of Dr. BP Manuilov regarding the article by Dr. MP Shatkinsky. "About purulent appendicitis"

Shatkinsky M.P.


Indeed, in my aforementioned article, when listing the authors operating in the intermediate stage, I did not mention the name of Dr. VP Manuilov. This was done, of course, not for the purpose of ignoring the large statistical material of appendicitis operations in the interstitial stage, which I consider the material of Dr. V.P. Manuilov. The fact is that at the III All-Ukrainian Congress of Surgeons, where Dr. V.P. Manuylov made a report, I personally did not attend, the article of the above-mentioned author appeared, apparently, in February 1929, when it came to our Saratov (published in No. 1 N. surgery for 1929).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):281-283
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Biological method for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina

Andreychuk T.S.


Thanks to a number of recent works (Doderlein, Zweifel, Menge, Loeser, Jaschke, etc.), the question of fluoride and its therapy has advanced significantly; and yet a solution to the leucorrhoea problem is far from being achieved. Standing at the center of the whole question of fluoride, the question of vaginal leucorrhoea remains unresolved, since there is still no sufficient data to resolve the main question of what causes leucorrhoea - whether vaginal secretion is microbial and biochemistry, or the state of the vaginal wall itself. Similarly, none of the proposed treatment methods can be said to be perfect and that there is nothing more to say on this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):283-287
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To the prevention of chickenpox according to the Kling'a method

Degtyareva M.A.


Attempts to actively immunize against varicella were first begun in 1875 by Steinert, who, by transferring the contents of a wind bladder to a healthy person, tried to make the latter insensitive to injection. Experiments in this direction continued and, became especially widespread over the past two or three years, when quite a few works on this issue appeared in Russian and foreign languages.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):287-290
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Preliminary data of hereditary constitutional studies in endemic goiter in the Mariob region

Andreev M.P., Ul'yanova M.G.


In the summer of 1928 and 1929, we had to work on an expedition to study the endemic goiter in the Mariob region. It is impossible to cover in a journal article the enormous amount of material that these expeditions brought (mainly in 1929), its processing is still ongoing and the publication of data in special works of the expedition is a matter of the future; but already at the present time it is possible to share some preliminary results that are of interest to a wide medical community.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):290-299
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A case of mass dermatitis in peasant women who have eaten clover

Promakhin K.S.


In the area with. Udeiki of the Belebey canton Bash. Republic On July 16, 1927, about 50 peasant women weeded the clover sown by the Shafranov resort administration. In the evening of the same day, some peasant women developed itching of the skin of their legs. On July 17, the regiment continued. The same peasant women worked and in addition about 30 Chuvash peasant women from the village of Slak-Bash started to work. In the evening, at the end of the work, many peasant women from. The udeyki noticed redness and swelling on the skin of the legs, accompanied by itching. By the morning of July 18, swelling, redness and subjective sensations increased. Some of the peasant women have bubbles. Skin lesions, according to respondents, were observed in all those who worked on clover, differing in some individuals only in intensity. Due to such a skin disease, work on the clover shelf was discontinued and no longer resumed.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):299-302
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On the closure of intestinal fistulas by the method of eversion of the resected segments through the fistulous opening

Kartashev M.V.


Having read in No. 10 of the Kazan Medical Journal for 1929 an article by Dr. N.I.Saudovsky on this topic and taking into account the small number of operations of this kind described in Russian literature, I decided to describe my own case, especially that it presents some features. On January 9, 1926, a 9-year-old boy, Abkhazian, S. Zh., With a neglected gangrenous right-sided inguinal hernia, was delivered to the Sukhum main hospital of Abkhazia, in serious condition. I did not dare to perform an operation to restore the intestinal tube, in view of the sharply expressed intoxication of the patient. The hernia was phlegmonous. I limited myself to removing the dead part of the scrotum and hernial sac, up to the external opening of the inguinal canal, and cut off the strangulated dead loop of the small intestine. Then I sewed several sutures to the aponeurosis and the pupar ligament of the adductor and the abductor, along with the rest of the hernial sac. The testicle and spermatic cord were isolated and preserved as they appeared to be viable. This was confirmed by the further course of the disease. The operation was performed under spinal anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):303-304
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A case of subcutaneous rupture of the spleen

Ratner Y.A.


In recent years, in connection with the malaria epidemic in our country, cases of subcutaneous rupture of the spleen are noticeably more frequent. In the years of famine, rupture of the spleen was also observed in typhoid patients. Overflowing with blood, enlarged in size, the pathologically altered organ often does not withstand insignificant physical stress. Cases of rupture of the malarial spleen during pregnancy, vomiting, during sleep, when turning on its side (the so-called spontaneous rupture of the spleen) are described. However, in most cases, the rupture occurs after one or another injury (bruise, fall). At the same time, the thin capsule of the spleen ruptures easily, and severe, often fatal, internal bleeding occurs. Mortality without surgery is huge (90-95%). Sometimes bleeding into the free abdominal cavity does not occur immediately after the injury, but several hours or even days later (secondary bleeding).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):304-306
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A rare case of late complication after radium treatment

Rullay P.I.


Immediate complications after treatment with radium in the form of ulcers, fistulas, strictures, etc. are not uncommon and, despite this, only a relatively small number of them are described in the literature. The issue is completely different with those complications that appear many years after the end of treatment. These complications are rare. In the literature, I could find only one such case, described by N. Heidler, as cystitis dissecans gangraenesceus (Stoeckel) actinogenetica, a case that is more or less similar to my one below.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):306-308
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Impressions of a trip to America

Vishnevsky A.


The idea of ​​going to America in order to get acquainted with the general installation 'of American surgery came to me several years ago. All this time, it was supported in me by my friend and former student of mine, Dr. A. Kolodny, who, having moved to America 8 years ago, has by now managed to advance there as a scientific surgeon. In the autumn of 1928, I received an invitation from the Rector and Dean of the Med. fac. Iowa City University to visit the named university and give a lecture or talk there on the subject of local anesthesia that interests me most. In the spring of 1929, the Glavprofobr gave me permission to travel abroad for scientific purposes. At the end of August, I left Moscow for Germany and then for America.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):309-313
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On the training of sanitary doctors

Lukyanov I.K.


If we argue that only that medical system, which is based on the Marxist doctrine of the organic unity of theory and practice, science and life, that only the protection of the health of the entire collective, and not the individual, only prevention, and not treatment, will heal the working class, then it is necessary, that all measures be taken to train the workers of this front with an appropriate ideology and at the exact pace that is dictated by life itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):313-319
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IV All-Union Meeting of Scientific Advisory Bureau (NCB)

Lifshits M.S.


At the end of December 1929, the IV All-Union Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Bureau (NKB) of the Medsantrud Union was held in Moscow, dedicated to the study of professional hazards in medical labor. From the reports of the NKB in Moscow, Leningrad, Kharkov and other cities, it was revealed that, despite the scarcity of material resources, they had done quite a lot of work and accumulated a lot of scientific material in the field of studying occupational pathology and occupational health of medical labor. The work of the NKB in the last year, as before, was of a scientific and practical nature and was mainly focused on the following issues: 1) research on the labor and health of health workers in resorts, prisons, dentists, midwives, veterinarians, pharmacy workers, etc .; 2) the study of infectiousness, injury and disability; 3) a scientific survey of the load norms of certain categories; 4) the development of sanitary and hygienic standards of medical institutions, etc. The result of the work of the NKB was the implementation of a whole series of measures, such as: expanding the rights and benefits of workers in psychiatric hospitals, places of detention, light cabinets, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):319-321
pages 319-321 views

First aid in accidents

Novitsky A.K.


Bibliography and reviews. Dr. A.K. Novitsky. “First aid in accidents”. 4th "ed. Gosmedizdat. 19'29 p. 320, c. 1 p. 15 k., Re-translation. 35 r. The book of A.K. Novitsky is a reference book for medicinal assistants, honey. sisters and in general, in the words of the author, “for a sufficiently literate reader.” It is quite natural that requirements cannot be made to the book as to a manual in which the reader's thought would be brought up in understanding the essence of accidents, sudden illnesses, etc. does not even introduce the reader to the understanding of various concepts of an accident and sudden illness, having included in his reference book a number of practical advice not only for one or another, but even for such painful forms as migraine, constipation, malaria, etc. Installation of the book— on practicality; the author in a simple, clear form raises the question of what needs to be done in this or that accident and gives a clear, short answer on what needs to be done and what needs to be avoided.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):321-321
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Sexually transmitted diseases in children

Bronner V.M.


Bibliography and reviews. Sexually transmitted diseases in children. A guide for doctors and students edited by prof. V.M.Bronner. Giz. 1929, c. 1 p. 65 r. A small volume of the book (170 pages) contains a number of articles on the main issues of the doctrine of congenital syphilis, gonorrhea of girls, non-venereal diseases of the genital organs in children and, finally, on the issues of social prevention of venous diseases in childhood.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):321-322
pages 321-322 views

Private pathology and internal medicine

Shtryumpel' A.


Bibliography and reviews. A. Strumpel. Private pathology and therapy of internal diseases. Volume three. Diseases of the nervous system. Giz, 1930. VIII4-634 pages, 147 figures, price 7 rubles. Edited by prof. MI Astvatsaturova published the third volume of Strumpel's private pathology, devoted to diseases of the nervous system. This edition is a translation from the 25th German edition of the textbook. A short, clear presentation and multilateral coverage of the issues under discussion have always raised this textbook by Strumpel to a great height and made it a constant companion and reference book for a doctor. From a special neurological point of view, attention is drawn to the fact that in the fifth chapter "Neuroses without a known anatomical cause" such diseases as paralysis agitans, pseudosclerosis, etc., are left in the fifth chapter, although the text contains instructions on the pathological substrate of these diseases. paper.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):322-322
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Basics of X-ray diagnostics of diseases of internal organs

Peltason F.


Bibliography and reviews. Felix Peltason. Grundzuge der Rontgendiagnostik innerer Erkrankungen. (Fundamentals of X-ray diagnostics of diseases of internal organs). From 222 fig. in the text. P. 178. Ed. J. E. Bergmann, Miinchen. Price 1650 and 18 Mar. in the lane. Peltazon's book is written primarily for the practical physician. It was based on the lectures given by the author at the advanced training courses for doctors for several years at the polyclinic of the University of Würzburg. Without pretending to give exhaustive answers to all questions related to radiology, the author introduces the reader to the field of X-ray diagnostics, acquainting him with the technique of x-ray and imaging, technique and symptomatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):322-322
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Die Prognostik der endogenen Psychosen

Friedrich M.


Bibliography and reviews. Mauz Friedrich. Die Prognostik der endogenen Psychosen. 121 Seiten. Verlag Georg Thieme. Leipzig. 1930. Preis RM. 7.50. Endogenous psychoses, the prognostics of which Friedrich Mauz studies in his book, are a group of schizophrenias and manic-depressive psychosis. Accordingly, the book falls into two parts. In schizophrenia, in terms of prognosis, it is very important to know whether we are dealing with a 'schizophrenic catastrophe44 or a schizophrenic attack. In a schizophrenic catastrophe, we have cases with rapid, violent, predominantly continuous decay. Here the process lasts 3-4 years and leads to the final dementia.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):322-324
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Physiognomy of patients

Baumgartner K.H.


Bibliography and reviews. Baumgartner K. N. Kranken-Physiognomik. Mit 70 nach der Naturgemalten Krankenbildern in erheblich verbesserten Wiedergabe. Verlag D-r Madaus & C °. Radeburg (Bez. Dresden). 1929. Preis RM. 35. The first edition of Baumgertner's book "Physiognomy of the sick" was published in 1838, that is, 92 years ago, the second edition — in 1841. A new edition, published in 1929 by Dr. Madaus & С °, there is a stereotypical imprint of the 1841 edition. Despite its antiquity, Baumgertner's book has not lost interest and value mainly due to 70 portraits of patients copied from nature, placed on separate tables.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):324-324
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Menformone injection in rabbits and guinea pigs


Abstracts. Internal secretion. Borchardt, Dingemanse, de Jongh a. Laquer (Nederl. Tijdschr. Geneesk. V. 72, p. 2443, 1928) found that the injection of menformone in rabbits and guinea pigs (80 and 400 mouse units within 15 days) stimulates the growth of all genital organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):324-324
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Metabolism in rats after removal of the adrenal glands

Аrtundo A.


Abstracts. Internal secretion. Metabolism in rats after removal of the adrenal glands (Artundo A. Thesis for Doctorate in Biochem. And Pharmac. Nat. Univ, of Buenos Aires, pp. 1-86, 1928). Rats can survive adrenal extirpation and remain in good health and resist cold well. But they are less mobile, get tired more easily and are more sensitive to insulin and vitamin deficiency B. An increase in glutathion is noted in their muscles.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):324-325
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Ovarian and placental hormone injection


Abstracts. Internal secretion. Kiddle a. Tange (Am. J. Physiol. V. 87, p. 97, 1928) observed that the injection of ovarian and placental hormone into immature pigeons does not cause them to have an earlier onset of puberty.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):325-325
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The presence of "male hormone" in the urine

Funk C., Harrow B.


Abstracts. Internal secretion. C. Funk and B. Harrow (Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol, et Med. V. 26, p. 325 ,. 1929) believe that they discovered the presence of a “male hormone” in the urine of young people. The extract they used was obtained after precipitation of urine with alcohol, filtration and subsequent evaporation.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):325-325
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Changes in the thyroid gland of rabbits exhausted from lack of sleep


Abstracts. Internal secretion. Bast, Supernaw, Lieberman a. Munro (Am. J. Physiol, v. 85T p. 135, 1928). the following changes were observed in the thyroid gland of rabbits exhausted by lack of sleep ', the number of mitochondria is markedly reduced; nuclei are vesicular and more scarce chromatin is located along the nuclear envelope.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):325-325
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From the observation of a large series of cases


Abstracts. Internal secretion. From observation of a large series of cases, Kuusaka (Japan. Med. World. V. 6. p. 147, 1928) concludes that ovulation occurs 13-17 days before menstruation. Conception occurs during the ovulation period and 3 days before it.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):325-325
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Pharmacological studies of heart hormone

Haberlandt L.


Abstracts. Pharmacology. Pharmacological studies of heart hormone (Herzhormon- praparat), produced by L. Haberlandt '(Mediz. KI. No. 9, 1929), showed a sensitizing effect on digitalis glucosides. By setting up experiments on the action of these glucosides on the hearts of fish, of which the author passed Ringer's solution through some and Herzhormonpraparat's solution through others, it was revealed that the effect of digitalis preparations in the second group of hearts was stronger than in the first group, and the most the strong sensitizing effect of Herzhormonpraparat was found for strophanthin, weaker for digipurate, and even weaker for scillaren.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):325-325
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Allergic bronchitis

Walbott L.L.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Allergic bronchitis G. L. Walbott (KI. Woch. 1930, No. 5) draws attention to a group of bronchitis, which is often encountered, but little mentioned in the literature, accompanied by phenomena similar to asthma. These bronchitis is characterized by frequent paroxysmal coughs similar to whooping cough. A. is distinguished by: 1) para-asthmatic bronchitis, which are outside the group of allergic diseases, characterized by a known etiology (whooping cough, nonspecific infections, tuberculosis, etc.) and the absence of indications of an allergic condition and 2) asthmatic bronchitis. In the last group, there are three subspecies: a) allergic bronchitis takes an independent place, as an expression of "allergic diathesis" and is distinguished by the presence of symptoms characteristic of allergies (anamnestic indications, heredity, positive skin tests, eosinphilia, reaction to adrenaline); b) intercurrent infectious bronchitis in asthmatics.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):325-326
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Preventing death from acute heart weakness

Моrawitz P., Носhrеin M.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Prevention of death from acute cardiac weakness according to R. Morawitz'y and M. Noshrein'y (Munch, med. Wschr. No. 26, 1929) can be achieved in many cases (especially with coronary sclerosis) by prophylactic quinidinization of patients. Quinidine can also be used on an outpatient basis. The authors build their conclusions on the extensive experience of the Leipzig Medical University Hospital in 1927 and 1928.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):326-326
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Reduction of the size of the heart after bloodletting

Rayskiy S.M.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. About a decrease in the size of the heart after bloodletting About a decrease in the size of the heart after bloodletting. Grothusen (Med. Klin. No. 27, 1929), studying orthodiagrams before and after bloodletting on 11 patients, came to the conclusion that in 63.6% the size of the heart after bloodletting decreased and that this decrease occurred in cases where the heart were comparatively compensated and had reserve strength.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):326-326
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Dried stomach in the treatment of anemia perniciosae

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Dried stomach in the treatment of anemia perniciosae. Sturgis (A. MA 7 / 1X 1929), relying on Castle's research that gastric secretion, like the liver, has activating principles on the hematopoietic system, applied treatment with a preparation from a dried pig stomach to 3 patients. The fresh stomach of a pig weighing 210.0-218.0 was freed from fat with petroleum gasoline, dried and about 30.0 product was obtained, which in an amount of 15.0-30.0 in the form of a suspension in water was given to patients an. pern. All patients showed a sharp increase in Hb., E., reticulocytes and an improvement in clinical phenomena. A. says that on the basis of these data and experiments of other authors, it can be argued that the stomach tissue, like the liver, is an active agent in the maturation of red blood cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):326-326
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Metabolism in chronic arthritis

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Based on the study of metabolism in chronic arthritis in 32 patients, 8 ѵ aim (A. M. A. А.. 93 No. 4-1929) comes to the following conclusions: 1. Chronic arthritis tends to a decreased metabolism (0-20 % below 0). 2. Extremely high and low metabolic rates a. did not met. 3) Age and gender do not play a significant role in the exchange figures. 4. Previous views that atrophic and hypertrophic arthritis gave higher metabolic rates than infectious cases are not confirmed.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):326-326
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Brandesky W.


Abstracts. Surgery. Perkain. W. Brandesky (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 3) used a new anesthetic preparation perkain and observed skin necrosis in 2 out of 30 cases. In all cases, anesthesia came on quickly and lasted a long time. In all cases, infiltration anesthesia was performed with 0.5% perkain's solution without adrenaline in the amount of 100-120 c. From.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):326-326
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Perkain for spinal anesthesia

Steinbriick M.


Abstracts. Surgery. Perkain with spinal anesthesia. M. Steinbriick (ZentrbL f. Chir. 1930, No. 5) in 12 cases used for spinal anesthesia 0.75-1.5 c. Page. 1% solution of regcap'a. In 6 cases, I observed subsequent complications from mild to severe. Anesthesia is more extensive and lasts longer than with tropocaine.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
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Treatment of injected wounds with hypertonic salt solutions

Marcuse K.


Abstracts. Surgery. Treatment of injected wounds with hypertonic salt solutions. K. Marcuse (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 7) in 240 cases of severely infected wounds successfully used hypertonic salt solutions. After opening the purulent foci, the wounds were covered with deeply moist dressings without compress paper. With deep purulent foci, rubber drainage was introduced for 1-2 days, in other cases, only a pesticide treatment was carried out. To remove necrotic tissue and cleanse wounds a. used dressings with 25% magnes solution. sulf, and to revive the growth of granulations — 5-10% sodium chloride solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
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Bacteriological research

Ozereliev A.A.


Abstracts. Surgery. A. A. Ozereliev (Zentralbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 3) based on a comparison It is recommended to use a 5% alcoholic solution of tannin for disinfection of the operating field, since the latter, with the same disinfecting force with t. jodi does not irritate the skin. To eliminate stains, it is recommended to wash them off after surgery with 1% oxalic acid solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
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About intestinal obstruction caused by fungi

Krukenbеrg H.


Abstracts. Surgery. About intestinal obstruction caused by fungi. Prof. N. Krukenberg (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 7) describes 2 cases of chronic obstructive ileus caused by milk mushrooms. In one case, in a young girl, the lower segment of the ileum formed a sac filled with mushrooms. In the second case, the innkeeper suffered from flexure cancer. Here, up to 400 milk mushrooms were isolated from the transverse colon after the superimposed anus praeternaturalis. This woman had eaten mushrooms 8 weeks earlier.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
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About gastric resection in postoperative ulcus pepticum

Girоnсоli F.


Abstracts. Surgery. On gastric resection in postoperative ulcus pepticum. Prof. F. de Gironcoli (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 1) proposes a modification of the radical resection of the stomach in ulcus pepticum, which consists in the fact that the site of the anastomosis is not removed together with the adjacent loops of the small intestines, but a section of the intestines remains immediately below the anastomosis with two knees: leading and abducting. After removing part of the stomach, the anastomosis and the initial part of the duodenum, the left part of the stomach is sutured directly with the intestinal lumen with two knees. Thus, ulcus pepticum remains in the removed part, and the newly formed stomach is obtained by the Billroth II resection type, with the only difference that the method proposed by the author is technically simpler and less time-consuming.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
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About failures after resection for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Haberer H.


Abstracts. Surgery. Failures after resection for gastric and duodenal ulcers. Prof. N. Haberer (Zntrbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 2), having extensive experience in gastric resections (2310 cases), analyzes the failures that may occur. First of all, the author gives incorrect indications for resection, such as ulcerative gastritis, cholecystitis and diseases of other organs, mistaken for a stomach ulcer. Failures can occur with the correct indications for resection, i.e., callous, perforated ulcers, when insufficient resection is performed, although the author is against large, extensive resections. For a satisfactory outcome, it recommends resecting the antrum and pylorus. The author attaches great importance to the dietary sequential treatment and regimen in the sense of hard work, if they are not followed, there can be failures.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
pages 327-327 views

Sectio alta transperitonealis in 2 doses

Schewket F.


Abstracts. Surgery. Sectio alta transperitonealis in 2 divided doses. Feridum Schewket (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 2) successfully removed bladder stones in 2 cases, suturing the bladder to the parietal peritoneum after opening the abdominal cavity, and after 24 hours opened the bladder, removed the stone and then stitched up the wound layer by layer tightly. After 12 days, his patients (12 and 8 year old boys) recovered.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
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Results of resections of rami communicans n. sympathic. with spastic paralysis

Herz M.


Abstracts. Surgery. Results of resections of rami communicans n. sympathic. with spastic paralysis. M. Herz (Zntrbl. F. Chir. 1930, No. 2) in 36 cases applied the above operation unsuccessfully.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-327
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Effect of tonsillectomy on diphtheria immunity


Abstracts. Pediatrics. Effect of tonsillectomy on diphtheria immunity. Schick and Topper (Am. Journ. Of dis. Of childr. 1929, vol. 38) wondered why the generally accepted fact that children with removed tonsils rarely get diphtheria. Is this just the result of the removal of an organ that provided a fertile ground for the growth of diphtheria sticks, or is it the result of increased immunity? To resolve the issue, they determined the susceptibility to diphtheria before tonsillectomy and 6 months after surgery using the Schisk'a reaction in children.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):327-328
pages 327-328 views

To the pathology of the so-called. acute pyelitis in children


Abstracts. Pediatrics. To the pathology of the so-called. acute pyelitis in children. Wilson a. Schloss (Am. Journ. Of dis. Of childr. 1929, vol. 38) in 49 cases of autopsy in children who suffered from pyuria during their lifetime, only in 2 cases they found clear inflammation of the pelvis, in almost all other cases there was more or less pronounced interstitial inflammation of the renal tissue in the form of mild cellular infiltration around the vessels, or in the form of small abscesses, or, finally, in the form of necrotic areas.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):328-328
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Treatment of pneumonia in children


Abstracts. Pediatrics. Treatment of pneumonia in children. Epstein (Arch, of Pediatrics, vol. XLV, no. 10) prioritizes prevention in the treatment of bronchopneumonia. If the child's illness is accompanied by a change in the respiratory tract, at least a simple bronchitis, for example, with measles, flu, whooping cough, and others., The child must be immediately put to bed. The main concerns for a child already sick with bronchopneumonia should be directed to care, hygiene, etc. food; plentiful fresh air is needed; food should contain mainly carbohydrates (cereals, raw and boiled fruits, juices). The author considers the use of oanoks to be scientifically unfounded and in some cases harmful (scares children, injures the skin). The use of rubbing the skin with all kinds of oils is considered useless in relation to the pulmonary process and harmful in terms of hygiene.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):328-328
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Pertussis treatment with ether

Lukyanchikova M.


Abstracts. Pediatrics. Pertussis treatment with ether. Levy and Shapiro (Archiv. Of Pediatrics, v. XLV, no. 7) used ether for whooping cough on a large material (1 cc of ether daily under the skin) and, based on their observations, came to the conclusion that it is indeed advisable to use ether in severe cases of whooping cough leading to cachexia in children, as in 50% there is a significant; improvement after 1-2 injections. The unpleasant aspect of this method is tissue necrosis at the injection site, observed by the authors in 25% of all cases; these necrosis, however, are not severe, healed within a few days or weeks. Along the way, the authors cite literary data from other American pediatricians, embracing more than 700 cases, and the results of their treatment are much better than those of Levy and Shapiro: necrosis was almost never observed anywhere. Significant improvement occurred in 60-75% after 1-2 injections.
Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):328-328
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Patients with ear noise

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. Dr. Reiermaun (D. sh. Woch., 1929, No. 9) prescribed viscysat Burger'a to patients suffering from ear noises not on the basis of local diseases and in whom blood pressure is increased., After a daily 3-time intake. 20 drops for several days, the tinnitus disappeared with a decrease in blood pressure. A large contingent of patients is women suffering from ear noise that occurs during menopause. In these patients, after 2 courses of treatment with viscisat'oM (up to 30.0), the blood pressure returned to normal and the ear sounds disappeared and never returned. In patients with arteriosclerosis, viscysat did not produce a good effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):329-329
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Infectious diseases of the nose, throat and ears

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. Analyzing in detail infectious diseases of the nose, throat and ears, Wirth (D. m. Woch., 1929, No. 32, 33) comes to the conclusion that in these cases, in addition to the type and virulence of the causative agent of the infection, the anatomical structure of the tympanic cavity plays a significant role , mastoid process and the structure of the nose.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):329-329
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To the technique of bronchography

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. To the technique of bronchography. Prof. Jarey (D.med. Woch. 1929, No. 13) recommends bronchography in the following way. An hour before the study, the patient receives an appropriate dose of morphium-skopolamin'a under the skin. After anesthesia with a 5-1O% solution of cocaine of the pharynx and nasal fissure, a bronchoscopic tube is held to bifurcation.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):329-329
pages 329-329 views

Tonsilloectomy and general anesthesia

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. Tonsilloectomy and general anesthesia. Hirsch (D. m. Woch., 1929, No. 9) comes to the conclusion that local anesthesia for tonsilloectomy is preferable to general anesthesia in all respects, and for the relief of mental trauma, he advises the preliminary use of skopolamin'a (0.001), eukodal'fl (0.002 ), ephetonin (0.05). If the author wishes to completely destroy the mental surgical trauma, the author prefers intravenous anesthesia of agertin'oM or pernokton'oM with the inhalation of a few drops of solasthin before ordinary inhalation anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):329-329
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Experimental and clinical observations of Ві-therapy

Dmitriev A.


Abstracts. Syphilis. Experimental and clinical observations of Ві-therapy. Dorffel and Pachur (Derm. Ztschr. Bd. 55, H. 2) made their observations on the drug "Spirobismol solubile" (lod ChininLecithin Wismutpraparat), for which purpose they injected into the pigs intramuscularly different doses of it, and then using radiography they observed it absorption, while in experiments on syphilitics, the authors monitored the effect of the drug on sp. pallida. As a result of their observations, the authors believe that Spirobismol  sol. is absorbed much faster than the older drug Spirobismol, but its effect on spirochetes does not differ from that of the old drug.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):329-329
pages 329-329 views

Myosalvarsan attraction lues congenita

Dmitriev A.


Abstracts. Syphilis. Myosalvarsan attraction lues congenita Fr. Strunz (D. m. W. No. 51; 1929) in the treatment and prevention of congenital syphilis play two points: prevention of phenomena in newborns and intensive treatment of children with symptoms of lues. The author has observed the effect of myosalvarsan 'and in 50 children under the age of 1 year-22, from 1 to 6 years-27 and 13 years-1.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):329-330
pages 329-330 views

Treatment of early and late syphilis with malaria

Dmitriev A.


Abstracts. Syphilis. Treatment of early and late syphilis with malaria. Jacobs and Vonwinkel (Derm. Ztsch. Bd. 57. H. 5) in most cases carried out a mixed course consisting of 12-15 injections of Ві and, like "Nachkur", in order to influence malaria, 4-5 gr. salvarsan'a. The intervals between vaccinations are on average 6 months. Along with the treatment, a blood test (RW, SJ, and MTR) was performed, as well as cerebrospinal fluid (Non ne, Weichbrodt or Pandy, pleocytosis and reaction with Goldsol).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):330-330
pages 330-330 views

Should psychopaths be recognized as incapable of military service?

Galant I.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Bennecke, a psychiatrist for the Saxon army, talks about whether psychopaths should be considered incapable of military service. (Meine psychiatrische Tatigkeit bei der sachsischen Armee. Allgem. Z. f. Psychiatrie, Bd. 92, H. x / 4, 1929). Due to the fact that he exculpated guilty soldiers, heavy psychopaths and mentally underdeveloped, from imprisonment in the fortress, recognizing them for military service unfit, he was accused of contributing to the fall of military discipline.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):330-330
pages 330-330 views

Treatment of multiple sclerosis with gold preparations


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Steinfeld (KI. Wochenschr., 1930, No. 8) describes the results obtained in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with gold preparations. In 5 chronic progressive cases, gait and speed improved significantly, and in 2 cases a general good remission occurred. In 3 initial stages, complete remission occurred. Of the 8 cases that were treated in 2 attacks, 5 were without disease. symptoms, in 3 chronic. cases means improvement and 2 doubts. case. no improvement.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):330-330
pages 330-330 views

Prof. Yakov Afanasyevich Anfimov (1853-1930)


On February 11, 78 yr died of pneumonia. Yakov Afanasyevich Anfimov, Honored Professor of Tiflis University by birth. Ya. A. was the oldest neuropathologist in the Union. He completed the course of Military Medicine. academy in 1880 and was one of the closest students of prof. Merzheevsky. In 1892.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):330-331
pages 330-331 views

Dr. L. F. Piontkovsky


Dr. med. died in Khabarovsk. Leonid Fyodorovich Piontk about VS k and th. L.F. was born in the Penza province. in 1875. In 1898 he graduated from Kazan University, and after a short work at the site, since 1899, he has been a resident at the Surgical Clinic of prof. Praxin in Kazan, where he undergoes a thorough surgical school. In 1903/4. L. F. works for prof. Pavlova at the Institute of Experimental. medicine, from where his scientific work ("The Influence of Soaps on the Work of the Pepsin Glands") was published, which gave him the title of Doctor of Medicine. In 1904/5 L.F. On the day of his death, Khabarovsk, the district hospital, which he created for two too decades, has continuously been in charge, and by his own efforts has by now been transformed from a small hospital with 40 beds into a completely comfortable medical institution with 300 beds.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):331-332
pages 331-332 views



Chronicle. Summary of the USSR People's Commissariat of Agriculture on the preparation of the spring farming villages. campaigns.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):332-334
pages 332-334 views

Questions and answers


Questions and answers

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(3):334-335
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