Vol 29, No 3 (1933)

Cover Page

Full Issue

On the 50th anniversary of the death of Karl Marx

Epstein T.D.


50 years of the era of imperialism and proletarian revolutions separate us from the day when the heart of the greatest thinker, revolutionary and leader of the international labor movement Karl Marx stopped beating. During these half centuries, in front of the generation of people living now, day after day, a general test of Marx's teachings took place: Marxism confirmed the strength and depth of its analysis of the historical forecast on the constantly aggravating contradictions of the capitalist economy, the laws of which were discovered by Marx, in the class battles of the proletariat and the oppressed masses against their own exploiters, in the victorious proletarian revolution and the world-wide historical successes of the five-year plan for building socialism in one-sixth of the globe, in the USSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):169-173
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The medical and health crisis in Germany

Shwartz S.M.


If you get acquainted with the numbers characterizing the medical healthcare institutions in Germany and their work, judging about medicine and healthcare in Germany by external signs and digital indicators, you get the impression of great well-being and a flourishing state.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):174-181
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On the tasks of a doctor in the Bolshevik seva of 1933

Erstein T.D.


The attention of the whole country is now riveted on the tasks of sowing. The struggle for grain, for agricultural raw materials for socialist industry, under the conditions of the defeat of the capitalist elements in the countryside and the establishment of the collective farm system, is one of the most responsible and decisive sectors of the struggle for socialism. This also obliges us, medical workers, to organize our work on servicing the Bolshevik sowing in such a way as to ensure the success of the sowing plan to the maximum extent.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):182-189
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About one occupational hazard in the work of a machine farmer

Licht L.M.


The anterior abdominal wall, serving simultaneously as the anterior and lateral walls of the receptacle of the abdominal organs, is, together with those, a powerful organ of movement, taking, now passive, now active participation in a number of working movements of the body. Of these movements, we note the use of the abdominal wall as a reference point, mainly of the upper, so-called epigastric part. Taking upon itself a whole series of prolonged pressures, stresses, injuries, etc., it transfers a significant part of everything perceived to a certain extent to the underlying organs, mainly the liver with an adjacent gallbladder and a stomach with 12 types. intestine.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):195-199
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Resolution of the Moscow Citywide Party Meeting of Medical Workers on the report of the People's Commissar of Health Comrade Vladimirsky - “on the results of the January plenum of the Central Committee and Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and on the tasks of the communists to improve the quality of work in the health authorities”

Team E.


The general meeting of medical workers of the Communists of Moscow, after hearing the report of the People's Commissar of Health, Comrade. Vladimirsky "On the results of the January plenum of the Central Committee and the Central Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the tasks of the communists to improve the quality of work in health care agencies" fully and completely approves the historic decisions of the plenum, which summed up the results of the victoriously completed first five-year plan and showed a clear path of struggle for the victorious deployment of socialist construction in the second five-year plan.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):190-195
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About the dynamics of morphological changes in syphilis stomach

Pokrovskiy S.A.


Visceral syphilis has attracted the attention of medical thought in recent years. Clinicians and syphilidologists note: “over the past decades, under the influence of a number of still not sufficiently studied reasons, syphilis has clinically changed its physiognomy, that gross changes in the skin and bones of the tertiary stage of syphilis are less and less common” (R. Luria). Since 1910, says Finger, the number of secondary and tertiary syphilis of the skin and mucous membranes has reached a minimum and, along with tabes and progressive paralysis, syphilitic diseases of the aorta appear on the neural plane ”(cited by R. Luria). At present, the doctrine of visceral lues’e is beginning to be built. The chapter of this doctrine, devoted to lesions of the stomach, is far from complete, and therefore the reports of individual observations are still appropriate, which gives us the right to describe our case, traced X-ray for 2 1/2 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):200-205
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To the clinic fistula gastro-jejuno-colica

Solovey M.G.


According to the etiological principle, gastrointestinal fistulas can be divided into two groups: fistulas that form between the stomach and the transverse colon, due to local peritonitis with an outcome in an abscess, or due to the tuberculous process. This group of fistulas (mainly gastro-colica) is relatively rare, especially on the basis of tuberculosis, and their practical value is small.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):206-211
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About the histology of healthy-looking skin in syphilis

Herzenberg E.Y., Benjamovich E.B., Levin A.M.


The histological picture of normal skin in syphilis was first studied by the Russian syphilidologist Pavlov (in 1895). In children with congenital syphilis, in 5 cases, he found such drastic changes in the vessels of the skin and various organs that he even considered it possible to see them as the cause of death. Later, however, Pavlov continued his research on the material of skin biopsied from persons with acquired syphilis and taken from 2 syphilitics who died from an accidental acute illness. As a control, he used skin taken from 3 tuberculosis corpses. Based on these studies, Pavlov came to the conclusion that the changes they found in the skin — swelling of the vascular endothelium, its proliferation until the lumen is completely blocked, infiltrates around the vessels and appendages, skin — are not specific for syphilis, since they are also found in tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):211-223
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To the question of the moments contributing to the occurrence of postoperative peptic ulcer of the jejunum

Levkov A.I.


Despite the large number of works on the issue of peptic ulcer of the small intestine, the latter has not lost its relevance and interest to date. Peptic ulcer is one of the most serious complications of gastric surgery. Our material is compiled by the surgical department. Penza hospital 1382 operations performed for stomach and duodenal ulcers. Of these, 1254 operations were performed during the year. and 128 for gastric resection. For this number of operations, until recently, we have 20 cases of postoperative peptic ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):223-227
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Novocaine nerve block in psoriasis

Rupasov N.F.


For the treatment of scaly lichen, many medications have been proposed in the form of ointments, tinctures, etc. Recently, intravenous infusion of neosalvarsan has sometimes been successfully used. However, despite this, in many cases the methods of treatment listed above do not give the desired results, and the patients, continuing to suffer for many years, are forced to put up with their fate as permanent carriers of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):227-229
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Influence of neurotomy on the microflora of chronic non-healing ulcers

Shamarina O.V.


The fundamental question of the ability of a bacterial cell to change under the influence of certain conditions must be considered by the works of the last 25 years resolved in a positive sense. Okay, bact. colityphus groups under the influence of bacteriophage in vitro are easily converted into lactose into defective strains, often with reduced activity, both in relation to sugars, alcohols, and indole formation, give sharply slimy colonies that are completely different from the original culture. A similar phenomenon was observed under the action of naccoccal neurotomy of the enterossa type. The reason for this work was the numerous observations of A.G. Molotkov, who proposed a method of neurotomy of the spinal nerves for the healing of various kinds of non-healing processes of one origin or another.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):229-230
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Effect of mud therapy on menstrual function

Kuzmina-Kavetskaya N.A.


The question of the influence of balneological treatment on menstrual function and the admissibility of using mud baths during the menstrual period has long attracted the attention of Russian doctors. So, back in 1826, Dr. Konrad noted good results in the treatment of menstrual disorders in the Caucasus. And even earlier, as can be seen from the announcement about Lipetsk, published under Peter I, menstruation disorder was considered an indication for spa treatment. Puparev (1847) and Brykov (1848) point to the beneficial effect of balneological treatment for menstrual disorders. In the journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1853, in an article about the Odessa estuaries, in the number of indications, menstruation disorder was indicated.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):231-233
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On the influence of external inhibition on the development of internal inhibition during the extinction of a conditioned reflex

Petrovskiy V.V.


The physiology of the cerebral hemispheres knows two types of central inhibition: internal and external. The mechanism of the formation of internal inhibition is characterized by the gradual development of the inhibitory process arising as a result of the direct action on a given center of that stimulus, which loses its positive properties due to certain conditions. In contrast to internal inhibition, external inhibition occurs along the periphery of the active focus and arises as soon as this active focus appears. At present, there are many data indicating that external and internal inhibition, despite the different mechanisms of formation of both, are qualitatively homogeneous processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):233-236
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On the influence of the decay products of tumor tissue on the development and growth of transplanted tumors

Lazaris Y., Timofeeva L.


While dealing with the issue of experimental tumor therapy, we became interested in a number of works by Tushnov, Miagava, Belenovsky, and others, who are currently successfully developing an interesting problem of a specific effect on the cells of organs and tissues. Mijagawa put forward the position that tissue degradation products produced as a result of their vital activity are specific pathogens of homologous tissues. These products, existing throughout the life of the body, are, along with nervous and hormonal regulation, necessary for the proper functioning of organs and tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):236-241
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Embolism of the right atrioventricular foramen

Bursanovskiy V.A.


On September 29, 1931, B-Noy Ch-ciy, 20 years old, with a small furuncle near the left eyebrow, somewhat painful, measuring 2X2 cm, appeared for an outpatient admission to the hospital. The patient was recommended to use ordinary warming compresses. After 3 days Ch-cue again, at the reception - "compresses do not help", the boil soreness increased, a dull pain appeared in the forehead on the left. The infiltrate is 3X3 cm in size, dense, crimson-red, cone-shaped with outlined edges. The process is dragging on. The patient has a pronounced sense of anxiety — he is afraid of death and for the purpose of psychotherapy he was hospitalized.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):242-244
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A case of spontaneous delivery with complete transverse destruction of the spinal cord

Muradyan A.O.


In the obstetric department of our clinic on 18 / VI 30, a patient F.M., 40 years old, an Armenian, from the village was admitted. Artashat, housewife. Regulations from 16 years old, for 7-8 days, periodically correct, moderate, without pain. Does not remember the time of the last menstruation. In general, he does not indicate diseases. Real pregnancy 7th. Last childbirth, in 1926. Previous pregnancies all ended in urgent childbirth. Complains of inability to move in the lower extremities, voluntary urination and defecation during the last 25 days. The fetus does not feel movements for 3-4 days. She fell ill in the last days of May, after climbing a mulberry tree in a pregnant state, from where she fell.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):244-245
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A case of adolescent acromegalic gigantism

Smirnov V.A.


Patient Zharkova Vokogon V.A., Russian, 12 years old (checked by metric statement), a student of the school at the Commune. Lenin was discovered by accident in the clinic, where she came for a certificate. On August 23, she was admitted to the city hospital for a more detailed examination. On admission, she complained of general weakness, dizziness and mild headaches.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):246-248
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The cheapest and surest remedy for bromidrosis pedum

Team E.


As you know, bromidrosis pedum is a painful and, to a certain extent, antisocial suffering. The piercing smell disgusts everyone around, and affects the wearer himself in the most depressing way. A lot of remedies have been proposed against this suffering, ranging from ointments (ung. Diachylon Hebrae, ung. Formalini) and drying powders with ac. Salicyl., Talc, tannoform, amsvoform, bismal, vismertose, dimal to strong solutions of lapis (10%), resorcinol and salicylic acid (5%) alcoholic solutions, formalin solutions (10% and higher) and chromic acid (5 ° / v). All these means, as well as the observance of hygienic rules (frequent change of linen and stockings, frequent warm baths with formalin soap, etc.) are very useful in their own way, but, admittedly, they are often very little valid. They are quite troublesome, they require repeated visits to the doctor, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):248-249
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About the so-called hormones of the heart and blood circulation

Trotskiy N.A.


In addition to endocrine glands endocrine hormones, metabolic products play an important role in the humoral regulation of local and general blood circulation - carbon dioxide, lactic and phosphoric acid, electrolytes K and Ca and nitrogen-containing substances of normal and pathological cell metabolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):250-256
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Bibliography and reviews

Breitmann M.Y., Galant I., Gasul R.Y.


Prof. L. Puuserr. Chirurgische Neuropathologie. I Band. Die peripherischen Nerven. P. UI1I + 662, Fig. 330, with 5 separate tables, 1932 Price $ 6 Kommissions-Verlag J. O. Krüger. Akt.Ces. Tartu (Dorpat). After a long treatise on brain tumors, we have before us the beginning of a new major work on surgical neuropathology. Initially, this work appeared in Russian in the publishing house "Practical Medicine" in 1916. In this edition, the author was greatly assisted by the late F.W. Ettinger, who did everything possible for the best implementation of this work, but died tragically before his birth.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):256-260
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Bronchoscopy for suppurative processes in the lung and bronchi. Les annales otolaryngol.1932

Board E.


In a detailed article, André Bloch et A. Julas (Les annales otolaryngol. 1932) highlight the role of bronchoscopy in purulent processes in the lung.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-261
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Bulb jugul primary thrombosis. Laryngoscope, 1928

Board E.


Dr S. Coleman Seal describes a case of primary bulb thrombosis. jug. installed during the operation. The mastoid was unchanged.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-261
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Suppuration of the lungs. Arch. of Otolaryngology. 1928

Board E.


Bronchoscopic aspect. Garriel Tucker M. D. in a short article examines the question of the diagnostic and therapeutic value of bronchoscopy in pulmonary purulent processes.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-261
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Perroral endoscopy. Archiv of otoIaryngol. 1928

Team E.


Valuable help, according to Louis H. Clerf M. D., an internist can receive from a bronchoscopist in the diagnosis and treatment of a number of lung diseases: neoplasms, lues, ulcerative lesions of the bronchi, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-261
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Prof. Trutnev VK — An attempt to treat pulmonary suppuration by aspiration using a bronchoscope. Collection of Kazan clinics for diseases of the nose, throat and ears. Issue II. 1931 p. 216-224.

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author, on the basis of his own 5-year experience, believes that this method should take a significant place in the diagnosis and treatment of certain pulmonary diseases, especially with lung abscess.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-261
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On the question of foreign bodies of the esophagus. Prof. V.K. Trutnev. Collection of Kazan clinics of nose, throat and ears. Issue I. 1931 p. 38-52

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author points out that foreign bodies of the esophagus are not uncommon. The most reliable and safe method, both in diagnosis and in the extraction of foreign bodies, is esophagoscopy.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-261
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On deaths with topical application of novocaine. Th. Seeger-Archiv für Obren, Nasen und Kehlkopfheilkunde Bd. 132, H. I 1932

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author observed two sudden deaths following topical administration of novocaine. He gives a compilation of statistics on published cases, where there are 64 deaths from novocaine. 53% fall on the neck area, with 2/3 of them falling on tonsillectomy, the rest on the chest area, splanchnicusanesthesia and sacral anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-261
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Acute streptococcal pharyngeal infections. W. Mollissen. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. No. 7, 1932

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author attributes the decisive role in the infection of the pharynx to hemolytic streptococcus. A study of healthy throats showed an increase in streptococcus in 90% of cases. Of these, hemolytic streptococcus occurs in 10-20% of cases, but in acute infections, constantly.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):261-262
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Acute mastoiditis and suboccipital tbc. Engelhardt. Archir fürOhren-Nasen-Kehlkopfheilkunde. Bd. 131. H. 3.1932 r.

Shcherbatov I.I.


A case is presented when a 58-year-old patient developed acute purulent inflammation of the left middle ear, complicated by mastoiditis. Trepanation revealed destruction in the mastoid process, in the middle cranial fossa and apex.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):262-262
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Indications for radical surgery for chronic purulent inflammation of the middle ear. S. Mugind. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology, No. 5,1932

Shcherbatoe I.I.


The author in his article analyzes the operational material of 556 radical operations in 8 years. The indications for surgery have changed over the years. At first, the author operated extensively until 1925, when the number of operations per year was 74, but in recent years it has decreased to 48. A. applied a plastic-free radical operation, which he later abandoned due to unfavorable results, also sharply reduced operations according to Baran.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):262-263
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On the issue of postoperative sinustrombosis. Kriegsmann. Archivfür Ohren-Nasen und Kehlköpfheilkunde. Bd. 131. H. 3.1932 r

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author checked the case histories for 18 months. Antrotomy was performed in 241 cases and radical surgery in 86 cases. On 241 antrotomies, the sinus was exposed 133 times, of which it appeared normal in 132 cases. 127 cases healed without complications, as did those where the sinus was not exposed.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):263-263
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Gradenigo Syndrome. Hutchison. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 1932 r. No. 10

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author reports on a case of acute otitis media observed by him in a 39-year-old man, which was complicated by pain in the trigeminal nerve region on the side of the diseased ear. Later, an antrotomy was performed, which destroyed the suppuration, but the neuralgic pains continued.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):263-263
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Dependence of diphtheria, bacilli and mastoid disease on tonsils and adenoids. Brown. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. No. 10. 1932 r.

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author examines the issue of the presence of tonsils and the predominance of diphtheria, bacilli and mastoid diseases. He points out that the bacilli carriers were cured in a short period after the removal of the tonsils and adenoids. Of the 600 cases who underwent complete tonsilllectomy, diphtheria was never observed. Of the 4764 cases of diphtheria, only two lacked amygdala, but their diagnosis was not confirmed bacteriologically.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):263-264
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Artificial abscess. G. CANUT. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology. No. 10. 1932.

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author used an artificial abscess for septic infection and establishes the indications for it and the technique. Artificial abscess is a method, the purpose of which is to artificially induce, through irritation with turpentine oil, the formation of an abscess in the subcutaneous tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):264-264
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Postoperative results of radical surgery in children. After an operative otorrhea. Ascherson. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology No. 5. 1932 r.

Shcherbatov I.I.


The author cites the results of radical surgery in children under the age of 16, both radical and conservative surgery. In 50% of the cavity the ear became dry. Bilateral radical surgery gave a sharp deterioration in hearing.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):264-264
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Load of gelatin as a clinical functional test of the liver. Münch. Med. Woch. 193z, S — 1430

Mirkin A.


Minke reports on the hepatic functional test of the liver, which indicates a disorder of protein metabolism in the liver (Münch. Med. Woch. 193z, S-1430).

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):264-264
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The quantitative composition of bile in normal and pathological somolnias, especially in hepatic diseases. Heinlеn Krankheitsîorschung. Bd. 9.H. 3

Mirkin A.


Heinlеn (Krankheitsîorschung. Bd. 9. H. 3) studies on dogs poisoned with phosphorus confirms that in severe liver diseases, not only the quantity of bile changes, but also its quality.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):265-265
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Allergy in diseases of the biliary tract. Fodor'u and Kunos'y Therapia, 1931, no. 3

Mirkin A.


According to Fodor and Kunos (Therapia, 1931, No. 3), allergic moments play the role of functional causes in biliary tract disease. In a large percentage of cases, there is a simultaneous occurrence of allergic diseases and diseases of the biliary tract.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):265-265
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The value and use of black radish in internal medicine, mainly in diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Schräder Ztschr. f. Klin. Med. Bd. 121. H

Mirkin A.


Schräder reports on the basis of observations of 180 patients (Ztschr. F. Klin. Med. Bd. 121. H%) about the cholekinetic, choleretic and diuretic properties of the radish.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):265-265
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Chemotherapy TBK. Gessner and Siebert, Bzk T, 75.5. Wa1bum

Kramov N.


Gessner and Siebert, Bzk T, 75.5. Wa1bum, as a result of experiments on live animals, found a favorable effect of introducing manganese and cadmium salts into the tuberculous organism. Helms has seen good results in the removal of these metal salts in humans.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):265-265
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Treatment of pulmonary TBK with iodine. Sulla, Adolf. Bzk T. 80

Kramov N.


A. injected intravenously every other day Endojodin (Hexamethyldiaminoisopropanoldijodit) 2.0-4.0-6.0 for fibrotic processes without VC and cavernous cirrhotic with abundant VC in the sputum. And noted a clear decrease in VC. The beneficial effect of Endojodin 'lies in the neutralization of poisonous TBK products, and not in the bactericidal effect of iodine.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):265-265
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Tbc p. and organotherapy. Bzk 1.75, V. Mattausch

Kramov N.


A. applied in 140 b. with pulmonary thc, treatment with splenic preparations, giving 2-3 tablespoons daily, spoons of Splenotrat and 1.5 intramucularly. Sweats disappeared, temperature decreased, general condition improved, disappeared in 50 • / • VC, reverse development of infiltrative foci occurred. The best results were obtained from combined treatment with spleen and liver preparations (Splenotrat and Hepatrat), even with forms of Phthisis ulcerofihrosa. No side effects was observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):265-266
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Tbc p; treatment with non-specific fatty substances. Pau1sen Bzkt 75.5

Kramov N.


Among the many protective factors against tbc, fatty substances play an important role. Since the time of Mucha, it has been established in a number of works that the use of non-specific fatty substances increases the formation of anti-linoids, lipases, lipolytic enzymes, and other protective forces against bacillary fats and lipoids.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):266-266
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Deaths from tuberculosis in New York. Louis Z. f. d. T. T, 37.5

Kramov N.


New York is a "laboratory" for the study of social problems: a city of many nationalities, with different social status of certain groups of the population and different types and frequencies of various diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):266-266
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X-rays and radium in the treatment of toxic goiter and hyperthyroidism. Stevens, J. Am. M. A. V. 97, 23

Kramov N.


Toxic goiter is caused by an increase in the number of normally secreting cells (hyperplasia) of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is caused by a normal number of gland cells, but hyperactive, without a pronounced tumor of the gland (according to the author's classification).

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):266-266
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Bactericidal properties of urine against BK. Pr. Med. 932, 19

Kramov N.


Courmont, Gardére, examining the urine of TBK patients and healthy people for its bactericidal properties, came to the following conclusions: the urine of non-TB patients does not possess bactericidal properties against VC in cultures; on the contrary, the urine of TBK patients is bactericidal. But that the property of urine is weaker than the bactericidal action of pleural effusions and blood serum. It can be assumed that the bactericidal activity of the urine of TBK patients comes from that of the blood serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):266-266
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Hippocratic fingers (drumsticks) Pr. Med. 1932, 24

Kramov N.


Gaussade believes that the basis of drumsticks is not a change in the skeletal system of soft tissues, where, as a result of circulatory disorders, edema occurs, which also captures the nail bed.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):266-267
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Adenolymphoiditis benigpa with mononucleosis. Om1er, Pr. Med. 1932, 19

Kramov N.


The patient, predisposed to frequent tonsillitis and tracheitis as a result of subcutaneous injections of an anti-typhoid vaccine, gave acute swelling of the glands of the maxillary, cervical, subclavian, axillary.

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):267-267
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The role of syphilis in the etiology of oronchiectasis in children. Pr. Med. 1932. P. 56, Mikulovski

Kramov N.


A. describes 2 cases of bronchiectasis in children with syphilitic manifestations. The first child (1 year old) developed "bronchiectasis after whooping cough."

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):267-267
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Chronicle Volume 29, No. 3 (1933)

Team E.


La Presse Medicale (No. 11, 1933) gives an interesting statistic: In 1921, 5,800 people died in Berlin. from tuberculosis and 4500 people. from cancer. In 1928, 4300 people. from tuberculosis and 6900 people. from cancer and, finally, in 1931, 4000 people died from tuberculosis. and 7,300 from cancer. In 1928, 73,000 cancer patients died throughout Germany. Borst'a, Döderlein'a, ѵ. Romber'g'a and Sauerbguish'a decided to award prof. Askanazy Prize for his work on experimental cancer. Through precise and systematic experiments, Askanazy proved the importance of embryonic cells in the origin of cancerous tumors. By inoculating rats with embryonic tissue in combination with weak stimuli, Askanazy developed malignant tumors (Med. Kl., No. 52, 1932).

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):267-268
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September 6, 1933 in the mountains. Gorky will host the 2nd Volga Region Congress on Combating Skin and Venereal Diseases. Congress program

Team E.


The state of the issue and the fight against skin and venereal diseases in cities, on new buildings, in the village and on water transport.
Occupational skin diseases.
Experimental dermatovenerology.
Clinic of skin and venereal diseases.
Syphilis of border areas

Kazan medical journal. 1933;29(3):268-268
pages 268-268 views

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