Vol 33, No 3 (1937)

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Full Issue

To the question of the clinical significance of determining the rate of blood circulation in cardiovascular patients

Pershin A.G., Filinov N.E.


The intensity of metabolism in the tissues of the body largely depends on the rate and amount of circulating blood. With an increase in the work of organs, the need for their blood supply also increases. The blood circulation rate depends on many factors, of which the main ones are: 1) the functional state of the myocardium, 2) the state of vascular tone, 3) the amount of circulating blood, 4) blood viscosity, 5) basal metabolism, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):255-258
pages 255-258 views

On the question of the therapeutic effect of Konvallene in cardiovascular diseases

Kovyazin N.N.


In 1853, Waltz discovered two glucosides in a lily of the valley - convallamarin and convallarin. Subsequent experimental and clinical observations showed that the first glucoside is similar in pharmacological properties to the action of digitalin, but was not used due to the inconstancy of its action; the second glucoside, without acting on the heart and blood vessels, irritates the intestines, causing diarrhea.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):259-263
pages 259-263 views

On the clinical value of the Buchstab and Yasinovsky reaction in the differential diagnosis of rheumatism

Kogan S.A.


As you know, there are two theories, one of which says that rheumatism with a certain clinical picture and certain pathological and anatomical changes is a disease caused by an infectious agent. Another theory, defended by many authors (Weintraub, Buchshtab, etc.), considers this disease not as infectious and believes that the main point will be the sensitization of the body with toxins from the presence of a nonspecific pathogen.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):263-268
pages 263-268 views

X-ray therapy of the duodenum

Brook A.I., Lieberman S.I.


Until now, the problem of the pathogenesis and therapy of ulcers remains open. None of the methods used for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease is radical. But among the existing treatments, X-ray therapy is beginning to figure prominently. The X-ray method impresses with its simplicity, it requires only a few sessions, each lasting a few minutes. It is possible in an outpatient setting and, therefore, does not interrupt the patient from work. Until now. the question has not yet been resolved: is the X-ray method causal or only symptomatic. Nemenov, Gasul, Bagdasarov, Kopelman, Lenk, Goltsknecht and others consider this method of treatment to be relatively causal.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):268-274
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X-ray therapy for chronic flu

Yaltsev P.D., Potekhin D.E.


The harm caused by the flu, even in non-epidemic times, is made up of irrecoverable losses - death or complete disability - losses arising from the temporary disability of the leading groups at work, and, finally, from high infant mortality.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):274-280
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Treatment of rickets with vitaminol

Goldstein D.E., Leizerovskaya M.O., Tyamina G.S.


The manufacture of vitamin D preparations from the factory represents a huge success in the treatment of rickets. In our Union, factory-made vitamin D preparations were not widely used: our pharmaceutical industry did not manufacture them until recently. In 1934, the vitamin laboratory of the factory of endocrine preparations NKZ RSFSR produced a preparation of irradiated ergosterol in oil solution, called "vitaminol". The study of the Soviet drug "Vitaminol" as a domestic product is of great interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):280-291
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Treatment of pyoderma with radiant energy of artificial light sources

Kozmodemyansky G.I.


Pyoderma diseases often lead to disability. The use of the most effective methods, which shorten the time of treatment of pyoderma diseases, will improve the health of workers, save many working days and give great savings in public funds. In recent years, the KSMI skin clinic has been successfully using topically solutions (water, alcohol) of aniline dyes and manganese peroxide for pyoderma. Of the negative aspects of this treatment, it should be noted that aniline dyes stain linen and have a weak effect in forms of deep dermal pyoderma (furuncle, carbuncle, hydradenitis). The simultaneous use of phototherapy with aniline dyes and manganese peroxide, as observations have shown, did not give us special advantages over conventional drug therapy in terms of shortening the treatment time.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):291-299
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Oxygen therapy for psychosis

Afanasiev D.V.


As you know, most mental illnesses are based on poisoning of the body, in particular the nervous system, poisonous substances or toxins that can come from the outside (exogenous diseases) or can form inside the body (autointoxication, endogenous diseases). If we could in some way stop the process of intoxication or at least reduce it, then we could achieve weakening or even cessation of exogenous or endogenous mental illness. If in exogenous intoxication psychoses the poison enters the body from the outside and may be more or less known to us (alcohol, drugs, etc.), then in endogenous psychoses (schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc.), the composition of toxins is unknown to us.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):299-305
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Microdoses of bromine in neuroses

Sheikin A.I.


The first attempt at treating neuroses with microdoses of bromine belongs to Birman and Siegel. In 10 cases of neurasthenia, these authors used 1/2% bromine solution, 1 tablespoon, 2 times a day, for 3-5 weeks, and in almost all cases received positive results. Subsequently, Weinberg and Birman tested this method of treatment on a larger number of patients at a dosage of bromine of 0.25% and sometimes 0.1%, and of 31 cases of neurasthenia, they obtained a positive result in 28 cases. The therapeutic effect was absent or insignificant in 3 cases of neurasthenia, in 1 case with reactive depression and in 8 cases of constitutional hysteria.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):305-307
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General problems of oto-ophthalmoneurology and the role of the temporal lobe

Litvak L.B.


As you know, the very principle of the organization of the functions of hearing and vision is extremely complex and is characterized by various stages, among which the temporal lobe, especially for hearing, acquires the importance of a place where the corresponding higher integrative activity predominantly develops.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):308-316
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Results of surgical treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers

Mukhamedyarov G.I., Mikhailov V.I.


The question of indications for surgical treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers cannot be considered fully resolved until now, as well as the question of the nature of the surgical intervention itself. The readings are divided into absolute and relative. The first include: a) perforation of the ulcer into the free abdominal cavity, b) its malignant degeneration, c) cicatricial narrowing of the pylorus. Chronic gastric and duodenal ulcers are considered relative indications. There is no disagreement about absolute indications among surgeons and therapists, which is not the case for relative indications.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):317-322
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The experience of the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis according to Lair

Velker I.I.


After the publication by Lair of the brilliant results of the treatment of wounds with fish oil, we applied this method of treatment in the surgical department of the 2nd Engels mountain. hospitals for inpatients and outpatients with good results.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):323-325
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On the issue of tissue necrosis after local anesthesia with novocaine

Rabovskaya A.E.


Local novocaine anesthesia, which has become widespread, is not devoid of complications, both general and local, in a number of cases. One of these rare complications is local tissue necrosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):325-327
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To the technique of transplantation of ureters into the intestine

Breitman M.G.


Over the past three months, I had to undergo ureteral transplants twice throughout the Colon pelvinum for bladder ectopia. In the first case, I was guided by the technique of Mirotvortsev, with the exception of the immersion of the ureters into the intestine. I did the latter at the direction of prof. N.I. Gurevich.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):328-332
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Experimental data on the fate of the submerged and non-submerged stump of the cecum in dogs

Suvorov V.A.


To immerse or not immerse the stump during appendectomy? This is a question that more and more often began to be covered in the pages of both the Soviet and foreign surgical press. Despite the fact that this topic was the subject of heated debate at the meetings of surgical societies in Paris in 1922, at the III Ukrainian Congress of Surgeons in 1929, in Leningrad in 1935, and, finally, at the IV Scientific Congress of Physicians of Tatarstan in 1936, yet there is still no consensus on this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):332-337
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Vital coloration of homologous organs upon administration of lysates

Shmundak D.E., Ravikovich A.U.


Since prof. Tushnov put forward his theory of the organ-specificity of histolysates, according to which lysates, being high-molecular products of the cleavage of differentiated proteins, are capable of stimulating homologous organs and tissues due to their irritating effect, a large experimental material has been accumulated that is devoted to this issue, which essentially decides the mechanism of action of lysate therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):337-341
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On the use of the main nutrient medium from cottage cheese for growing microbes

Geltzer O.V.


The main condition for the suitability of a nutrient medium for growing microbes is the presence of protein substances in it. Research thought so far has been in the direction of replacing animal protein with vegetable protein. We see this in a large number of German recipes, the so-called. Ersaznährböden (surrogate environments). In order to find the most complete replacement of animal proteins in bacteriological nutrient media, the composition of many nutrients was determined in detail. Soy proteins turned out to be the closest in composition to animal proteins. Since soybeans are not widespread in all regions of the Soviet Union, Russian researchers had to look for other sources of raw materials, more accessible than soybeans. The Scientific Medical Institute proposed nutrient media from peas. But, apparently, these media are not always suitable (Calc), if only in view of the limited number of generations obtained for the p-p of some pathogenic bacteria (bang. Shiga dysentery), the absence of pigment formation (miraculous rod).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):342-345
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A simplified way of growing anaerobes in a lamellar culture

Popov V.I.


The successes of modern anaerobic techniques have led to a number of practically valuable observations in the field of diagnostics, serotherapy and prevention of anaerobic infections.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):346-347
pages 346-347 views

Theoretical basis for testing lienolysate therapy for tuberculosis

Chernyshev V.F.


In connection with the success of lysate therapy, the theoretical considerations for the use of organopreparations for various diseases must be re-examined.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):347-351
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From the practice of broncho-esophagoscopy

Lebedevsky B.N.


The method of endoscopic examination of the trachea, bronchi and esophagus is the most valuable acquisition of modern laryngology and one of its best adornments. It is sufficiently developed and entered, or rather, is included in the life of an ordinary laryngologist. It would seem that in this position it is unnecessary to touch upon the topic of broncho-esophagoscopy (b.-e) again. Nevertheless, it is necessary to consider that this question, firstly, is quite relevant, especially now, when B.-E. begins to penetrate into the practice of a doctor in the periphery (the ROLO board recommended this topic for regional scientific conferences), and secondly, even in the technique of b.-e., that is, in the best developed part of the question, the last word has not yet been said (lower, upper bronchoscopy or direct laryngoscopy in children with in. bodies of the trachea). Therefore, the mutual exchange of b.-e. experience should be considered desirable.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):352-355
pages 352-355 views

A case of double self-amputation of the appendix of the cecum

Mukhamedyarov G.I.


There are scant data in the literature available to me about self-amputation of the appendix. Moschitsky in 1925 counted 18 published cases plus 2 of his own. In 1930, Pankratyev described two of his own cases. Our case should be included among the published observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):356-356
pages 356-356 views

On the casuistry of internal abdominal hernias

Blagovidov F.Y.


Despite the accumulated practical experience and an exhaustive description of hernias of the mesentery of the transverse colon in the latest literature (Menego and Bardesco), there is still a lot of unclear pathogenesis of this disease. Internal hernias of the abdominal cavity in the vast majority of cases are just an accidental finding during surgery. A patient with an internal hernia of the abdominal cavity who has met in our practice undoubtedly deserves to be reminded of this type of "acute abdomen".

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):357-359
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A case of retention of fetal bones in the uterine cavity after an abortion for six years

Gutman G.A.


Cases with prolonged retention of fetal bones in the uterine cavity after abortion are described by many authors. Boomm reports a case of bone retention in a three-month-old fetus that lasted a year and a half after an induced abortion. Thaler describes a three-month retention of fetal bones after an artificial abortion, Meyer-Rugge - a retention of the bones of a three-month-old fetus within 16 months after an induced abortion. Fleshlein reports the same case as M. Rugge. In Lacko's case, the bones of a six-month-old fetus lay after a miscarriage for 6 years. Giss discovered the bones of a five-month-old fetus that had been lying for three years. Mullebrane found the bones of a 6-month-old fetus in the uterus, which had lain in it for 11 years after the induced abortion.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):359-362
pages 359-362 views

To the syringomyelia clinic

Sheiman A.I., Nestereva A.I.


The clinic of syringomyelia is currently well studied. Even 30 years ago, Schlesinger presented a classification of this disease with various complexes of clinical manifestations. In recent years, the literature on this issue has become even more enriched both in relation to the clinic and etiopathogenesis (Margulis, Bremer, Preobrazhensky, Genneberg, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):363-366
pages 363-366 views

Chroniosepsis as a cause of inferior vena cava thrombosis

Stepukhovich D.M., Russkov N.V.


Patient Sh., 47 years old, a carpenter by profession, was admitted to the clinic on 9 / ІѴ 1935 with complaints of swelling of the legs after work and after a long stay in a sitting position. Swelling disappears in the morning after sleep. Pain in limited areas along the “veins” (the patient's expression), lasting a week, with predominant localization in the lower extremities and in the lower abdomen on the right. Pain in the joints of the legs in inclement weather and shooting pains in the shoulder joints regardless of the weather. Severe shortness of breath when climbing, frequent dizziness when walking, sometimes so strong that others take him for a drunk, increased thirst. The patient is worried about a bilateral hernia. Notes the appearance of a hernia after a former dropsy. Sleep, appetite and bowel movements are normal. She copes with the work of a carpenter with difficulty.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):367-370
pages 367-370 views

Seemen N. Operation with Dupuytren's contracture. (Dtsch Z. Chir. 1936, 246, 11-12, 693-696)

Ivanov B.


In a number of cases of Dupuytren's contracture a. applied the following method of operation: removal of the entire length of the affected skin of the palm and the entire palmar aponeurosis with its processes in the sheaths of the flexors of the fingers, to the tendons and especially to mm. interosei; moreover, in most cases, additional longitudinal cuts are required on the flexor side of the 4th and 5th fingers in the area of their main phalanges.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):371-371
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Burkle de-la Camp. H. Treatment of fractures of the calcaneus. (Zbl. Chir. 1936, 16, 985-987)

Ivanov B.


The proposed a is described. a method of treating fractures of the heel bone using a special nail with a screw thread. On the 7-12th day after the injury, when the edema subsides and the hemorrhage resolves, the fragments are reduced in front of the screen, after which the direction in which the nail should be inserted is determined by two probes placed on the outside of the soft tissues in the heel area; the probes are tightly pressed against the still swollen soft tissues, leaving behind clearly visible grooves.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):371-372
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Matolcsy, T. Surgical treatment of bone cysts. (Arch. Klin. Chir. 1936, 185, 1, 175-181)

Ivanov B.


Of the 48 cases of serous bone cysts operated on at the Budapest Surgical Clinic, in 45 cases a piece of the tibia was transplanted into the cyst cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):372-372
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Bruss W. and. Lucken V. Influence of surgical interventions in the area of the lung root on blood circulation and tidal volume. (Arch. Klin. Chir. 1936, 185, 2, 334-342)

Ivanov B.


Observed during surgical interventions on the lungs at the time of bronchial ligation, severe cardiac disorders, a drop in blood pressure, coughing fits and dyspnea, resp. cessation of breathing, sometimes leading to the death of the patient, depends on the irritation of the nerve plexuses located here during the ligation of the bronchus and the reflex and direct effect on blood circulation and respiration.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):372-372
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Antonucci S. Toxic effect of the remainder of the stomach after resection and its relation to the postoperative symptom complex of hyperazotemia and hypechloruria. (Policl. Sez. Prat. 1936, 427.)

Ivanov B.


A., on the basis of a large number of gastric resections, believes that the liquid contents of the remainder of the stomach, absorbed after its resection into the intestine, is the main cause of a more or less severe symptom complex of hyperazotemia and hypochloremia after such operations.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):372-373
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Pohl H. 1000 cases of spinal anesthesia with percaine. (Chirurg. 1936, 9.362-364)

Ivanov B.


As a result of 1000 cases of spinal anesthesia with 1: 1500 percaine solution over the past two years. concludes that this type of anesthesia provides good, long-term pain relief with complete relaxation of the abdominal walls and is ideal for interventions below the navel and in most urological operations; here the introduction of 11-12 cm3 of solution is sufficient.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):373-373
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Wiessmann A. Tsibalgin for preparation for spinal anesthesia. (Zbl. Gyn 1936, 15, 881-883)

Ivanov B.


Based on the message of Preisseker about the refusal of the Vienna Gynecological Clinic to use dangerous morphine and scopolamine for preparation for spinal anesthesia and giving undesirable complications and about their successful replacement with cybalgin, a. tried this method with 400 operations with good results.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):373-373
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Nillе W. Rectidone in Orthopedics. (Med. Klin. 1936, 35, 1188)

Ivanov B.


Based on the results of our own observations over the past two years, a. comes to the conclusion that with small short-term interventions in children, rectidone, with its correct dosage, gives a good, deep sleep; the use of the product is simple and completely safe.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):373-373
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Bunne. Treatment of postoperative intestinal paralysis (Ileus paralyticus) (Zbl. F Chir. No. 19, 1936)

Levy E.


The best remedy for postoperative intestinal paralysis was high lumbar anesthesia, but on condition that there is indeed paralytic ileus and if no more than 3-4 days have passed since the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):373-374
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M. Kirschner. Pain relief at the fronts. Chirurg N. 8, 1936)

Levy E.


In medical institutions close to advanced positions, chloroform must be considered the best drug for anesthesia, due to its easy transportation, its fire safety and the rapid onset of anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):374-374
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M. Kirschner. Music and operation. (Der Chirurg. H. 11, 12. 1936)

Levy E.


An earpiece with a combined radio-gramophone apparatus is attached to the operating table, which transmits music, reports, messages, etc. to the operated patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):374-374
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Gudin M. Apparent asepsis and complete sterilization. (Presse med. 1936, I, 355-359)

Ivanov B.


A. indicates that the source of wound infection when sterilized: the material is not the skin, but the surrounding air. Therefore, after operations, not aseptic, but septic wounds are observed, which affects redness, swelling and watery-purulent discharge.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):374-374
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Kokoris D. On the question of stopping bleeding with wet balls (Zbl. Chir. 1936, 15, 872-874)

Ivanov B.


Pointing to the possibility of a significant reduction in some cases of the number of ligatures applied to bleeding vessels, a. notes that, with the exception of large-caliber vessels, bleeding from the rest usually stops on its own due to contraction of the vascular wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):374-375
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Kneucker A. The use of trichloroacetic acid in postoperative fistulas in urology. (Med. Klin. 1936, 37,125)

Ivanov B.


For the treatment of long-lasting bladder fistulas a. recommends the use of trichloroacetic acid; he notes that after a single cauterization, the formation of good granulations is observed, closing the lumen of the fistula, and later, the healing of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):375-375
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Braeuning and Neisen. The prognosis of open tuberculosis, the technique of setting the prognosis and the cost-effectiveness of treatment methods (Z. tbk. B. 75, N. 5-6.1936)

Gilman A.


Of those who entered under supervision in 1920/21. 607 patients died during the first year of follow-up, 37%, after 2 years — 55%, within 5 years — 72%, and by the end of 10 years — 77%.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):375-376
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Constantini. General criteria for the classification of pulmonary tbk (Rev. Pat. E Clin. Tbc 9.489-95. 1935 according to Zeitschr. Tbk. B 74. H. 3.193)

Gilman A.


L. believes that the classification of Turban by stages, depending on the spread of the process, is unsatisfactory, since the severity of the process does not always depend on its length.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):376-376
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Boquet and Laporte. Experimental bone and osteoarticular tbc in a rabbit (Rev. tbc No. 2, 1936)

Gilman A.


Until recently, it was not possible to systematically obtain TBK of bone lesions in the experiment. Aa. changed the method of infection, using minimal doses of very virulent strains of b bovnus, which even in the amount of one billionth of a mg infect mumps.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):376-377
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Mignot and Mollard. New orientation in climatotherapy of pulmonary tuberculosis (Pr. Méd., No. 42, 1935)

Gilman A.


The significance of climatic factors for the patient's TBK is undeniable. Aa. pay attention to the role of air ionization in the activity of the climate of a particular area.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):377-377
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Werwath, New ways of surgical collapse therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. (Z. tbk B. 75, N. 4, pp. 225-230, 1936)

Gilman A.


Under the somewhat pretentious title a. reports on his attempts in cases where artificial pneumothorax fails, after preliminary phrenicoexeresis to increase the rise of the diaphragm, and hence the collapse of the lung with additional pneumoperitoneum. A. in the theoretical substantiation of this method is based on the observation that in pregnant women, under the influence of increased intra-abdominal pressure, there is often a significant improvement in their pulmonary process.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):377-378
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Reberg. The value of pneumoperitoneum (p.) In the treatment of pulmonary TBK (Z. tbk B. 75, N. 4, pp. 230-237)

Gilman A.


Since November 1935, to improve the results in cases of insufficiently effective use of other methods of collapse therapy a. systematically resorts to p. if one can expect a favorable effect from the rise of the diaphragm.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):378-378
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Simon I. and Kaplanskaja. Salt-free diet for cutaneous tuberculosis. (Dermat. Woch. No. 43, 1936)


The work presents the diet of patients with an indication of the products included in it, as well as the dietary regimen of the patient for the day.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):378-379
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Schrеus. About serodiagnosis of tuberculosis and especially lupus (Derm. Ztsch. 3, 74, 1936)


The author proposed the principle of sensitization of the complement binding reaction based on the use of serum globulins and, in particular, specific tuberculosis reagins.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):379-379
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Ikizo Töyama, Munenori Hasegawa and Tokuji Tchikawa. Inguinal lymphogranuloma (Iap journ Derm. A Urol. 20 / V 1936)


The authors observed 723 cases of inguinal lymphogranuloma (4th venereal disease. Ref.) And found the disease to be identical to that described in Europe. Using antigen from Stockholm, they observed a positive reaction in their patients. The number of cases in Japan is increasing. Frequent symptoms of the disease are: in men - buboes, in women - rectal strictures. Antibodies are observed in the blood, the cerebrospinal fluid remains normal. In men, it is possible to reproduce experimentally superinfection.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):379-379
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Yoneji Miyagawa. About inguinal lymphogranuloma virus. (Iap. Jour. Derm. And Urol, No. 5, 20 / V 1936)


The authors managed to find in the skin manifestations of the disease a special guide granulotelez, spherical, 0.3 m in diameter, stained according to Giemsa.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):379-379
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Yukichi Satanі. Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis. (Iap. Jour. Derm. And Urol 20 / V 1936)


The author studied 43 cases of the disease. Nothing new is given clinically, but experimental data are noteworthy. Miyagawa's bodies have been found in all cases of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):379-380
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Takashi Hashimoto. Inguinal lymphogranulomatosis. (Iap. Journ. Derm. And Urol. 20 / V 193)


For the purposes of the experiment, mice were found to be the most suitable. Human material was inoculated into 19 mice and 17 were positive. The virus was studied on 66 generations. When animals were infected intracerebrally, the phenomena of encephalitis were observed in them, they live for 7-9 days. With subcutaneous infection, regional buboes are observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):380-380
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Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society of the ATSSR (Kazan). Meeting on October 15, 1936

Sokolov N.V., Osipovsky V.


V. N. Pomosov - demonstration of a patient with adamantinoma of the lower jaw. B-noy, 35 liters. He entered the II surgical clinic of GIDUV (prof. V. A. Gusynin) for a tumor of the lower jaw. The tumor developed slowly, over 2 years, and did not cause any disturbances. The tumor is located on the ascending branch of the left lower jaw, ovoid, the size of a goose egg, softly elastic consistency. It is painless. On the part of the teeth and gums - there are no deviations from the norm.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):380-382
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Conference of Bashkirian kumys hospitals

Kramov N.A.


On September 29 and 30, 1936 in Ufa, a scientific-practical conference of the kumys hospitals of the USNU of Bashkiria and the Bash.-Tuberculosis Institute was held with the following agenda: 1. Kumis-making and kumis therapy in Bashkiria. Scientific supervisor Bash. tub. Institute - N. A. Kramov. 2. Physical and chemical. composition of "wild" kumis - prof. N.F. Emelyanov. 3. Flora of kumis of Bashkiria - ass. V. Ya.Markov. 4. The incidence of TBK in kumys districts - ass. Porkhovnikov, Dr. Platkov, Pogodin, Elkind.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):383-384
pages 383-384 views


Osipovsky V.


The March session of the Physics Group of the USSR Academy of Sciences heard a report by Academician SI Vavilov on the construction of the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences and the precision instrument plant. The tasks of the institute include research work in the field of theoretical physics, the study of the atomic nucleus, cosmic radiation, electrical and mechanical vibrations, acoustics, etc. In addition, the institute must train qualified scientific workers.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(3):384-386
pages 384-386 views

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