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Issue Title File
Vol 48, No 6 (1967) Treatment of women with endocervicitis and cervical erosion by deep electrocoagulation PDF
Shapkina N.A.
Vol 30, No 1 (1934) Treatment of women's diseases at the Alma Arasan resort in Kazakhstan PDF
Degtyar A.Y.
Vol 20, No 9 (1924) Treatment of wounds and suppurations PDF
G. V.
Vol 32, No 10 (1936) Treatment of wounds with oil PDF
Mennenga Н.
Vol 53, No 2 (1972) Treatment of wounds with specific adapted bacteriophages PDF
Krasnoshekova E.E., Soboleva V.A., Rabkova R.A., Mayorova I.A., Nigmatullin K.K., Zuykova V.P.
Vol 48, No 3 (1967) Treatment of young patients after suturing gastroduodenal ulcers PDF
Malov G.I.
Vol 60, No 4 (1979) Treatment option for acquired hypopituitarism PDF
Khitrova N.Y.
Vol 47, No 5 (1966) Treatment outcomes for open hip fractures PDF
Bogdanovich U.Y.
Vol 67, No 6 (1986) Treatment tactics for bacterial liver abscesses PDF
Kuznetsov V.A.
Vol 60, No 3 (1979) Treatment tactics for chest injuries PDF
Kochnev O.S., Shaimardanov R.S., Kim I.A., Davletkildeev F.A., Aminev D.A., Davletshin R.F.
Vol 77, No 5 (1996) Treatment tactics for dislocation fractures of the shoulder joint PDF
Zulkarneev R.A., Zulkarneev R.R.
Vol 30, No 10 (1934) Treatment with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate for some dermatoses PDF
Olesov I.N., Kondratiev G.G., Evdokimov P.E.
Vol 30, No 6 (1934) Treatment with atropine for catatonic schizophrenics PDF
Hoch P., Mauss W.
Vol 42, No 5 (1961) Treatment with bee stings (apitoxin) of brucellosis patients PDF
Pereskopskaya T.I.
Vol 24, No 12 (1928) Treatment with CaCl2 iontophoresis for tbc lung and bronchial asthma. B. Broderson and V. Stoyanovskaya (Physiotherapy, 1928, No. 3) PDF
Klyachkin L.N.
Vol 55, No 5 (1974) Treatment with chloramphenicol of patients with gonorrhea PDF
Mustaev R.K., Kislicin V.N.
Vol 48, No 3 (1967) Treatment with deep bowel lavages in patients with chronic spastic colitis PDF
Podvarko A.G., Diorik G.D., Keropian E.T., Belyakova O.P., Ponamareva T.I.
Vol 24, No 5 (1928) Treatment with injections of the patient's own blood. Dr. V.M. Ivanov (I Us. Cl., 1927, Sept.) PDF
Board E.
Vol 30, No 6 (1934) Treatment with neosaprovitan for progressive paralysis schizophrenia PDF
Galant I.
Vol 34, No 11-12 (1938) Treatment with sulfonamide gonorrhea arthritis PDF
Dembskaya V.
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Treatment with x-rays of inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia. B. A. Arkhangelsky (from reports in Vest. Radiologii, vol. IV, issue 5-6) PDF
Board E.
Vol 24, No 1 (1928) Treatment with x-rays of pulmonary tbc. Lorey and Gehrke (Beitr. zur Kl. d. Tub., Bd. 61, H. 4) PDF
Gasul R.Y.
Vol 32, No 12 (1936) Treatments for spontaneous keloids PDF
Team E.
Vol 48, No 3 (1967) Treitz's hernia PDF
Krupin V.Y.
Vol 95, No 6 (2014) Trends for incidence of chronic hepatitis B monoinfection and chronic hepatitis B+D co-infection in the Kyrgyz Republic for the period of 2010-2012 PDF
Nogoybaeva K.A., Tobokalova S.T., Kasymbekova K.T., Zairova G.M.
Vol 25, No 2 (1929) Trichinosis and Nervous System Symptoms PDF
Khazanov M.A.
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Trichinosis of the heart. H. Zoller (Virch. Arch., Bd. 265, H. 2) PDF
Board E.
Vol 30, No 10 (1934) Trichloroethylene poisoning at work PDF
Levy E.
Vol 23, No 1 (1927) Trichomonad cultures. Andrews (Berich. über d. gesam. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 16/17) PDF
Timofeev A.
Vol 20, No 1 (1924) Trichomonads in the sleeve secretion. Gragert (ref. in Zentr. f. Gyn., 1923, no. 25) PDF
Gruzdev V.
Vol 34, No 4 (1938) Trichomonas in the vagina, mouth and rectum PDF
Dembskaya V.
Vol 47, No 6 (1966) Trichomoniasis in men, women and children PDF
Sidorov N.E., Korchemkin A.M.
Vol 48, No 4 (1967) Trichomoniasis of the genitourinary organs in men PDF
Sidorov N.E., Korchemkin A.M.
Vol 37, No 2 (1941) Trigeminal neuralgia treated with vitamin B and concentrated liver extract PDF
Schmidt E.
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Tripaflavin in urinary tract infections. Gagstatter (Wien. kl. W., 1926, No. 40) PDF
Board E.
Vol 24, No 2 (1928) Triphal in tbc of the lungs. Prof. E. Leschke (Deut. m. W., 1927, no. 47) PDF
Board E.
Vol 31, No 10 (1935) Tripod for electric portable lamp used in oto-rino-laryngology and other medical works PDF
Marchenko I.S.
Vol 46, No 4 (1965) Trophic changes in the lesion of the stellate node PDF
Filippov B.F.
Vol 7, No 7-8 (1907) Trophic disorders of the skin and mucous membranes of a hysterical woman PDF
Favorskiy A.
Vol 72, No 1 (1991) Trophoblastic beta1-glycoprotein in puerperas after caesarean section PDF
Gorin V.S., Zorina R.M., Zorin N.A., Golovistikov I.N., Krayushkina N.A.
Vol 19, No 2 (1923) Tropical malaria and treatment with salvarsan. Friedemann (Klin. Woch., 1922, No. 33) PDF
Luria R.
Vol 78, No 1 (1997) Trubnikov G.A. Chronic bronchitis in conditions of ecological disadvantage. - Astrakhan, Astrakhan State Medical Academy Press, 1996, 180 p. PDF
Bogoyavlensky V.F.
Vol 34, No 1 (1938) Truc, M. On the casuistry of foreign bodies in the urethra. (Journ d. Urol No. 2, v. 43, 1937) PDF
Editorial B.
Vol 45, No 1 (1964) True placenta accretion PDF
Kaplansky I.A.
Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927) Trypanocidia, phagocytosis, and active immunization in progressive paralysis. G. Plaut (Zeit. f. d. ges. Neur u. Psych., Bd. 101) PDF
Andreev M.
Vol 50, No 1 (1969) Ts.G. Masevich. Aspiration biopsy of the mucous membranes of the stomach, duodenum and small intestine. Medicine, L., 1967, 160 pages. PDF
Levin A.I., Zimmermann Y.S.
Vol 1, No 10 (1901) Tsynga on Murman PDF
Sivr A.V.
Vol 47, No 2 (1966) Ttreatment of functional urinary incontinence in women PDF
Uruzaev A.Z.
Vol 47, No 3 (1966) Tubal-abdominal pregnancy PDF
Pushkarev N.I.
Vol 93, No 4 (2012) Tuberculin diagnostics in pulmonary tuberculosis combined with HIV-infection PDF
Borodulina E.A., Lebedeva N.O., Povalyaeva L.V., Tsygancov I.I., Borodulin B.E.
Vol 26, No 1 (1930) Tuberculin reactions in children with types of tbc bacilli: Avian, Humanus and Bovinus PDF
Board E.
Vol 42, No 6 (1961) Tuberculoma of the scleral stump, accompanied by focal meningo-encephalitis PDF
Orlova N.S.
Vol 33, No 10 (1937) Tuberculosis allergy PDF
Sirotinin N.N.
Vol 22, No 10 (1926) Tuberculosis among school-age children in schools in Kazan PDF
Marcuse S.M.
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Tuberculosis and constitution PDF
Portnov Y.
Vol 30, No 1 (1934) Tuberculosis bacilli in the blood of cadavers PDF
Kramov I.
Vol 77, No 2 (1996) Tuberculosis bacteriologic diagnosis in conditions of the interdistrict antituberculosis centre PDF
Shakurova О.V., Nurieva S.A., Tutik A.Z., Kukarkin S.E., Erokhova L.P.
Vol 29, No 1-2 (1933) Tuberculosis, cured by arts, pneumothorax. L. Bernard Poix, A. Vosquet, Pr. Med. 1932.94. PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 77, No 2 (1996) Tuberculosis epidemiologic situation analysis in Tatarstan for 1980-1984 and 1990-1994 PDF
Arslanov S.S., Wiesel A.A., Galiullin A.N., Guryleva M.E.
Vol 19, No 3 (1923) Tuberculosis in children. Prof. Kissel (Coll. "Tuberculosis" No. 3) PDF
Board E.
Vol 32, No 11 (1936) Tuberculosis Infection in Village Children PDF
Team E.
Vol 23, No 8 (1927) Tuberculosis infection of leukocyte cultures from human blood. A. D. Timofeevsky and S. V. Benevolenskaya (Arch. f. exp. Zellforsch., Bd. IV, H. 1, 1927) PDF
Vylegzhanin N.
Gafarova N.A.
Vol 22, No 10 (1926) Tuberculosis of mesenteric glands. A. Sternberg (Vr. Gaz., 1926, No. 15-16) PDF
Board E.
Vol 52, No 5 (1971) Tuberculosis of the female genitalia PDF
Kulavsky V.A.
Vol 23, No 10 (1927) Tuberculosis of the lungs and skin PDF
Oyfebach M.
Vol 24, No 11 (1928) Tuberculosis of the testis and its appendage PDF
Zaitsev M.A.
Vol 47, No 2 (1966) Tuberculosis of the trachea and bronchi in rural residents PDF
Beloslud E.G.
Vol 22, No 8 (1926) Tuberculosis opotherapy. Bayle (Ref. in Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. ll) PDF
Friedland M.
Vol 22, No 12 (1926) Tuberculosis tuberculosis tubercle study using tissue cultures PDF
Vylegzhanin N.I.
Vol 29, No 8-9 (1933) Tuberculous ascites treated with pneumoperitoneum. Zilolli (Pr. Med. 1933, 13) PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 29, No 8-9 (1933) Tuberculous bacillus in the course of acute non-tbc infectious diseases Troisier and Monaldi (Rg. Med., 1932, 96) PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 25, No 7-8 (1929) Tuberculous enterocolitis. F. Smithies (Am. Med. J. 22 / XII 1928) PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 31, No 2 (1935) Tuberculous mastoiditis in children PDF
Shcherbatov I.I.
Vol 20, No 8 (1924) Tuberculous spondylitis Berg'mann’a (Arch. f. orthop. u. Unf-Chir., 1923, XXII)
Friedland M.
Vol 34, No 5-6 (1938) Tuberculous structure of the urethra PDF
D. A.
Vol 35, No 2-3 (1939) Tularemia PDF
Dembskaya V.
Vol 27, No 7 (1931) Tularemia among employees of the Kurgan cannery PDF
Berezin I.F.
Vol 31, No 1 (1935) Tularemia Clinic PDF
Sinai G.Y.
Vol 36, No 4 (1940) Tularemia in women PDF
Spirov V.E.
Vol 47, No 6 (1966) Tumor of the third ventricle with syndrome of early sexual and physical development PDF
Teregulov E.A.
Vol 61, No 6 (1980) Tumor-like formations and tumors of the ovaries in girls and girls PDF
Urazaev A.Z., Kapelushnik N.L.
Vol 32, No 10-12 (1932) Tumors and their vitamin A content (Vogt, Med. Klin 1932 "No. 39). PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 31, No 1 (1935) Tumors arising from the blood vessels of the brain PDF
Cushing H., Bailey Р.
Vol 23, No 11 (1927) Tumors of the mesentery of the transverse colon PDF
Podgorbuinsky M.A.
Vol 23, No 2 (1927) Turning coxa vara into coxa valga. Мouchet, Roederer (Presse Méd., 1925, No. 102) PDF
Kiptenko N.
Vol 22, No 3 (1926) Tutocaine PDF
Sergeev V.
Vol 22, No 11 (1926) Tutocaine for lumbar anesthesia. Konrad (Zentr. d. G. 1926, V. 6) PDF
Board E.
Vol 48, No 1 (1967) Twenty years of experience in the use of cervical vagoimpatic novocaine blockade in the complex treatment of patients with angina pectoris PDF
Dryagin K.A.
Vol 33, No 10 (1937) Twenty years of the Great October Revolution PDF
Board E.
Vol 19, No 4 (1923) Two cases of acute cerebellar ataxia PDF
Pervushin G.V.
Vol 43, No 5 (1962) Two cases of Barre-Masson disease PDF
Pavlov R.K.
Vol 34, No 5-6 (1938) Two cases of birth with fused twins PDF
Lieberberg R.M.
Vol 26, No 2 (1930) Two cases of bone formation in the postoperative scar of the abdominal wall PDF
Rodionov V.E.
Vol 33, No 9 (1937) Two cases of caecum volvulus PDF
Kakubava K.A.
Vol 26, No 2 (1930) Two cases of combined disease of the nervous system PDF
Pervushin Y.V.
Vol 43, No 4 (1962) Two cases of combined skin grafting of an extensive scalped wound of the male genital organs PDF
Drozdova Z.S., Levin R.I.
Vol 43, No 4 (1962) Two cases of congenital ichthyosis of newborns from one mother followed by the birth of a healthy child PDF
Korolkova O.A., Safina S.G.
Vol 22, No 8 (1926) Two cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis treated with antimony PDF
Vainshtein A.B.
Sutyusheva A.A., Korolkova O.A.
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