Vol 30, No 6 (1934)

Cover Page

Full Issue

To the XIV anniversary of the Autonomous Tatar SSR


The victory of the October Revolution and the overthrow of the power of the exploiters created the decisive conditions for a correct and radical resolution of the national question. "Prison of Nations" was the name of tsarist Russia, and in this prison Tatarstan was also in trouble. The economic and cultural inequality of nationalities, the economic and cultural backwardness, the "idiocy of village life," multiplied by national oppression-that's what characterized the situation of the Tatar proletariat and the working peasantry in the past.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):491-494
pages 491-494 views

Prof. A. V. Vishnevsky. To the 35th anniversary of his scientific, pedagogical, medical and social activity

Aluf I.S.


Today's celebration is a celebration not only of A. V. personally, not only of the NKZ TR and the Kazan Medical Institute, in which all A. V.'s activities took place, which saw him as a student and now a distinguished scientist, but a celebration of all Soviet medicine, a vivid proof of the blossom that scientific creativity is achieving in the Soviet Union. The subject of the present report is a brief description of 35 years of scientific, pedagogical, medical and social activity of A. V.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):495-499
pages 495-499 views

Surgery as a science and art

Alekseev S.M.


Thirty-five years of scientific, medical, and teaching work by Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky. Twenty years of them passed before my eyes and in the conditions of the closest mutual contact that only a professor and his assistant can have.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):500-503
pages 500-503 views

Occupational eye injuries at the state Agamaly Ogly Pishmash Plant in Kazan

Shishkin P.A.


The technological process of typewriter production is largely mechanized. There are about 400 typewriter parts, with up to 2,000 processes, including typewriter assembly. Most of these processes are to varying degrees hazardous to the eye, and many of the small and precise parts require considerable eye strain and a fairly close approach to the object being machined. According to the records of occupational injuries by the health center, eye injuries at the plant were high. The percentage of eye injuries to the total number of injuries ranged from 16 to 36%, depending on the workshops. The average for the whole plant in the last 8 months of 1932 was 25.7%.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):504-511
pages 504-511 views

On the effectiveness of inpatient bed utilization by patients

Zavyalova N.V.


It is hardly necessary to prove the importance of the expedient use of our hospitals and clinics, the bed capacity of which, despite our grandiose hospital construction, is still insufficient. Meanwhile, when we take a closer look at how the beds are actually used, we see that the economy is far from being realized. By focusing on the issue of bed days, we could significantly increase the capacity of our hospitals. The current state of affairs in this regard can easily be seen from a rudimentary analysis of clinical material. For this purpose I chose fresh, closed uncomplicated fractures of hip and tibia diaphyseal bones, which passed through Kazan clinic of orthopedics and traumatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):511-514
pages 511-514 views

Non-specific immunobiological moments in the clinic of visceral rheumatism

Malkin Z.I., Tumasheva D.G.


Pathological anatomy we owe to the fact that now we can distinguish acute rheumatism as a special nosological unit, with specific pathogenesis, although possibly with nonspecific etiology, from the general group of diseases classified as "rheumatic". In addition, we are now able to distinguish separate forms within acute rheumatism. In particular, Talalaev brought more clarity to this question due to his separation of acute rheumatism with predominance of polyarthric symptom complex and cardiac and ambulatory forms of acute rheumatism, in which the lesion of the cardiovascular system comes to the fore.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):515-524
pages 515-524 views

Allergic theories of acute rheumatism

Sirotinin N.N.


The term "allergy" was coined by Pirquet to describe a condition in which the body reacts differently than it normally does. Together with Schick, he included serum sickness and infectious diseases. Doerr, based on Pirquet's views, constructed a classification of allergic conditions that encompasses both hypersensitivity and immunity. Subsequently, Pirquet expanded his concept even further and spoke of allergy to cancer and even allergy to age. With this understanding of allergy, every deviation from the norm in the reactivity of the body would be an allergy, every illness of whatever nature would be an allergic condition.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):524-532
pages 524-532 views

To the clinic of unicameral echinococcus of the liver

Asanbaev D.M.


With the current state of our knowledge the recognition of unicameral echinococcus of the liver in general does not represent any particular difficulty, however, clinical experience makes us return to this question, partly because in some cases recognition is very difficult and partly also because it can occur under the guise of some other disease and lead to a number of severe complications, the fight against which is already difficult and sometimes impossible.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):532-538
pages 532-538 views

On the essence of some forms of hemorrhagic diathesis

Stepanov P.N.


Hemorrhagic diathesis is a collective term. It includes hemophilia, Verlhof's disease, Schönlein-Henoch's disease and scorbutus. Bleeding is something common that unites these diseases, different in their clinical manifestations and, undoubtedly, in their pathogenesis. It is true that due to the development of the teaching of vitamins, scorbutus has fallen out of the purview of hematologists and is now closely related to problems of nutrition. Nevertheless, every clinical case of bleeding, especially accompanied by bleeding gums and spontaneous bruising, always makes the clinician first of all exclude scorbutus and then focus his attention on other forms of hemorrhagic diathesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):538-548
pages 538-548 views

On indications for splenectomy

Goryaev N.K.


Without going into the history of the issue, I will begin with the following date. On 12/I 1914 in Berlin the question of splenectomy was discussed at a joint meeting of the Society for Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and the Society for Surgery. The speaker was the general practitioner W. Türk said that if we note some progress in our knowledge about the function of the spleen in recent years, this progress we owe not so much to histological and biological-experimental studies, as to the bold intervention of individual clinicians, who, at first without sufficient theoretical basis, simply by their clinical conviction proposed to remove the spleen in certain diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):549-561
pages 549-561 views

A case of Banti's symptom complex

Sosuntsova E.M.


On 29/VI-1930, Smetayeva Tatyana, a 22-year-old Mary peasant woman, was admitted to the M.A.O. Epasovka Sanatorium with complaints of severe weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and frequent and profuse nasal bleeding. Upon questioning, it was learned, that this girl had had a short (7-8 days) febrile illness in the spring of 1927, after which she had frequent nosebleeds, weakness, shortness of breath, and stopped menses.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):561-564
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Novocain block in acute inflammatory and purulent processes

Pshenichnikov V.I., Kharitonov I.F.


In the process of development and practical application, local anesthesia met many contraindications and limitations. The latter were based both on clinical observations and experiments, as well as on a priori judgments. In particular, the use of local anesthesia in acute inflammatory and purulent processes was considered inadmissible. There are still strong fears that in these conditions, local anesthesia threatens with dissemination of microbes and their toxins (sepsis, pyemiak).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):564-572
pages 564-572 views

Novocain block for sciatic nerve inflammation

Pshenichnikov V.I., Popov N.I.


Extensive experience of Prof. Vishnevsky's clinic in the field of local anesthesia during surgical operations gave extremely valuable clinical observations on the course of a number of pathological processes, the favorable outcome of which could not be explained by anything else than the peculiar effect of the anesthetic solution used in the clinic on the general trophic setting of the nervous system. These observations, which did not fit into the framework of the usual notions, turned out to be possible to generalize and systematize on the basis of the observations and comparisons of the results obtained in a series of clinical experiments.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):572-576
pages 572-576 views

On subtotal colorectal resection and long-term results

Sokolov N.V.


Until recently, a certain opinion prevailed in the question of colon resection that one-stage resection of the large intestine under all conditions resulted in a higher mortality rate than two- and three-stage resection. Under the influence of the authority of Mickulicz, who elevated two-stage resection of the large intestine to a method, a considerable part of surgeons still adhere to the principle put forward by Mickulicz to dismember this operation, especially for cases accompanied by some degree of intestinal obstruction and intestinal stasis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):577-580
pages 577-580 views

Filling surgery in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis

Gilman A.G.


The year 1933 marked the 20th anniversary of Baer's introduction of the method of paraffin filling in the treatment of cavernous forms of pulmonary tuberculosis (tbc). The theoretical basis for his method was the observation that in a number of cases, when the acute period of tbc has already passed, the temperature is long normal, the phenomena of intoxication have disappeared and the patient has passed into the stationary phase of the quiescent process with restoration of ability to work and seeming clinical recovery, he remains the carrier of an apical or subclavian cavern.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):581-590
pages 581-590 views

Fractures of the spine in the living and working conditions of the village

Dinerman Y.B.


The task of treating a spinal fracture is twofold: first, to restore the lumen of the spinal canal to eliminate brain and nerve symptoms, and second, to restore the supportive strength of the spine. The dispute as to whether laminectomy sufficiently solves the first problem is still incomplete and therefore there is no consensus between conservatives and radicals to this day.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):591-593
pages 591-593 views

X-ray diagnosis and operative therapy of so-called Brodie bone abscess

Goldstein D., Kurbangaleev S.


One hundred years ago, in 1830, the English surgeon Brodie drew attention to a peculiar localized osteomyelitis and isolated it as a separate nosological unit, which has since been known as Brodie bone abscess. In spite of such a long period of time, the literature on this issue is very scarce.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):594-599
pages 594-599 views

Chloroma of the nose and sinuses

Trutnev V.K., Sokolov B.N.


Chloroma is commonly considered to be a pathological process characterized by the presence of green tumors. The etiological roots of this process have not yet been established.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):599-603
pages 599-603 views

A study of fatty pulmonary embolism

Dahl M.K.


In the study of fat embolism (f.e.) the oldest method of research is the experimental, counting more than a hundred years since the first works of Magendie (1821). The latter, just as later Virchow, Glugue, Thiernesse and others, injected whole oils or emulsions directly into the blood system of experimental animals, and often death occurred, and the section revealed numerous blockage by fat droplets of small vessels in various organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):603-609
pages 603-609 views

On the effect of dyes on experimental tumors

Vasilieva I.P.


In the article: "On the therapeutic effect of dyes in malignant tumors" we reported the literature data concerning the attempts to treat tumors in humans with dyes, mainly isaminblau. In the following years a number of new favorable reports on the effect of this dye on tumors have appeared, with few exceptions this method of treatment has been tried only clinically, the data obtained in the experiment are incomplete and even contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):609-612
pages 609-612 views

Defects of the mesentery as a cause of intestinal obstruction

Kharitonov I.F.


Intestinal obstruction as a consequence of a defect in the mesentery is quite rare. In Obalinsky's 110 cases of obstruction only one was due to a hole in the mesentery of the small intestine. König brings this mechanism of obstruction to 2%. Random findings of mesenteric orifices are also rare. Treitz, in many thousands of autopsies, found a hole in the mesentery of the small intestine only 2 times. Mitchell, on over a thousand cadavers only once saw a mesenteric small intestine defect. Prof. Chistovich (1931) did not find a single hole in the mesentery in almost 5,000 autopsies.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):613-615
pages 613-615 views

Ascarids in the free abdominal cavity

Pshenichnikov V.I.


The reason for this report was an unusual case of a live, sexually mature ascarias escaping from the abdominal cavity through the wound, on the eleventh day after appendectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):615-617
pages 615-617 views

Medical science in the USSR

Propper N.I., Gryaznov I.S.


The conquests of Soviet science in medicine, as in other fields, are inextricably linked with the general economic and cultural construction of the Union. The successes of Soviet scientific construction are particularly striking in comparison with the position that science occupied in tsarist Russia. Before the revolution, research work in Russia in general was carried out on a small scale and in only a few scientific fields, concentrated mainly in the Academy of Sciences. Research institutions then numbered only a few. After the revolution, the importance of research activities expanded enormously. Science was mobilized for the development of the entire national economy and the cultural reorganization of the country.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):618-628
pages 618-628 views

Main problems of pathological physiology of human higher nervous activity

Galant I.


The book consists of two parts: 1. Basic Problems of the Pathophysiology of the Brainstem (Palencephalon); 2) Basic Problems of the Pathophysiology of the Major Hemispheres (Non-encephalonases) of Man, and is a large pile-up of all kinds of literature, old and new, on brain pathophysiology, about which (pile-up) the author says in the preface that he "could not always avoid repetition and some mosaicism".

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):628-629
pages 628-629 views

Towards a study of the higher forms of the child's neurodynamics

Galant I.


The present collection is the 4th volume of works of the Laboratory of Physiology and Pathophysiology of Higher Nervous Activity of Child and Adolescent. The main interest of the collection is that it is a new (third) stage in the development of the doctrine of the physiology of the child's higher nervous activity.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):629-630
pages 629-630 views

Hemato-encephalic barrier permeability to various toxins

Friedemann U., Elkeles A.


The authors conducted a large study of the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to various toxins by four different methods and concluded that permeability stands in relation to the electrical charge of the toxin.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):630-630
pages 630-630 views

Changes in water exchange in anaphylactic and histamine shock

Adlersberg D., Paul В.


Changes in water metabolism in anaphylactic and histamine shock are expressed in increased water avidity of the skin (accelerated absorption of physiological solution injected intradermally) and in increased water in the skin (weighing skin pieces and determination of dry residue). These changes are most pronounced in anaphylactic shock.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):631-631
pages 631-631 views

Compensatory capacity of the lungs

Yamada S., Hatta Т.


By experiments on rabbits with ligation of the right or left branch of a. pulmonalis and measuring pressure in a. carotis iva. pulmonalis the authors showed that the right lung is able to compensate for the prolapse of the left lung without straining the entire blood circulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):631-631
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Bilirubin of serum and bubble fluid from cantharidin

Jules N., Winkler Е.


The authors found that there is a known parallelism between the amount of bilirubin in serum and bladder fluid, but there may be periods of some mismatch of quantitative values at the moment of development and fall of jaundice. This is explained by the fact that at the beginning of jaundice blood bilirubin begins to rise from a higher value and grows faster, tissue bilirubin begins to rise from a lower value and grows slower.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):631-631
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Cholesterol and bilirubin content in the bladder tissue fluid from cantharidin and serum

Julez N., Winkler Е.


Comparison of cholesterol and bilirubin content in the bladder tissue fluid from cantharidin and in serum confirmed the view of Rosenthal, Holzers et al. that there is no connection between the qualitative reaction and cholesterol.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):631-631
pages 631-631 views

Tbc ultravirus culture

Kramov N.


Sanarelli showed that the introduction of cultures of tbc bacilli in collodial pouches placed in the abdominal cavity of rabbits gave development in these pouches and in passing through the collodial membrane of elements filtering, virulent and capable of causing various lesions, often progressing to generalized nodular classical tuberculosis, characterized by the presence of acid-fast tubercle bacilli. Aa. cultured not bacilli but various tuberculous filtrates in these sacs.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):631-632
pages 631-632 views

Pyramidon in pulmonary tuberculosis

Lers Н.


The author obtained a rapid and favorable effect when pyramidone is administered (0.1-0.15 hourly up to 12 times a day) to febrile tbc patients. Feeling and appetite improved, weight increased; more severe sweating occurred only for the first 2-3 days, thereafter it did not bother.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):632-633
pages 632-633 views

Simultaneous bilateral pneumothorax

Frischbier G.


The author reports on 240 cases of simultaneous bilateral pneumothorax. Along with various indications, the author considers the early infiltrates with the other side infiltration to be a "classic indication" for such an intervention. In these cases brilliant results can be achieved.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):633-633
pages 633-633 views

Motor and secretory activity of the stomach in acute gastritis

Kaden Е.


24 patients were studied. In 12-24 hours after exposure to the pest the motor activity is accelerated (emptying in 40-60 minutes). The fact that patients before the study had vomited food they had eaten was explained by the fact that in the first moments there was gastric paresis, which was later replaced by a stage of increased motor activity.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):633-633
pages 633-633 views

Regulation of motor activity of the large intestine


The author believes that colon sigmoldeum is of great importance in the regulation of motor activity of the large intestine (duration of the intestinal content in the proximal part of the colon and its emptying into the distal segment).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):633-633
pages 633-633 views

Ereptic enzymes and agglutinins in urine in septic diseases and their prognostic value

Freund Е., Кadnа К.


In a study of the agglutination ability and the ability to digest urinary peptone aa. we found a definite relationship between the severity of the case and the amount of enzymes in the urine. Of the 18 cases with no normal agglutinins and ereptic enzymes in the urine, 16 ended fatally, the remaining 2 had a prolonged febrile course. In cases with normal enzymes there was no fatal outcome.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):633-633
pages 633-633 views

General xanthomatosis

Hess О.


A 19-year-old girl presented with symmetrical, extensive xanthomatous changes in the corners of the eyelids, fingers, and elbows from the age of seven. The eyelid xanthomatosis was operated on, but soon relapsed. A few months ago he had an operation on the right elbow. Otherwise, according to her father, the girl was perfectly healthy.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):633-634
pages 633-634 views

Magnesium chloride in angina pectoris

Bandmann М.


The author at the Bergmanns Clinic successfully used MgCl2 as an intravenous infusion of a 10% solution to treat a. Pectoris. At first 5 cfu and gradually up to 10 cfu is administered. The infusions are given three times a week, for a total of 12 infusions. Infusion of MgCl2 causes in many cases of a. pectoris reduction or cessation of angina-like complaints.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):634-634
pages 634-634 views

On the content of prolan in the pituitary gland

Badul P.


The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland in a bull is free of prolan, while in a human it contains prolan. Only here it can be found in that part of the posterior pituitary lobe adjacent to the anterior lobe. In the bull, too, this part of the pituitary gland is completely free of prolan content. Histological examination shows that in humans, this part of the posterior lobe is crossed by bands of cells from the anterior lobe, which consist exclusively of basophilic cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):634-634
pages 634-634 views

Autonomic nervous system and the ovary

Manenkov P.


Hirsch-Hoffmann recognizes the interaction between the autonomic nervous system and the ovary. Based on experiments with injections of sympathicotropic (adrenaline) and parasympathicotropic (pilocarpine) substances, a. believes that under the influence of the sympatheticus, follicle maturation is delayed.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):634-634
pages 634-634 views

Treatment for Graves' disease

Bram I.


In contrast to toxic thyroid adenoma, which is predominantly a local disease, Graves' disease is a systemic disease involving most of the endocrine glands and the entire autonomic first system. In the author's opinion, surgical intervention, quite indicated in toxic adenoma, is often harmful in basid disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):634-365
pages 634-365 views

Current data on spinal anesthesia

Philpowicz I.


The author recommends avoiding spinal anesthesia in children under the age of 16, with a decompensated and also degenerative heart, severely low blood pressure, with old and fresh central nervous system diseases, migraines, sepsis, debilitating diseases with nitrogenemia and severe dehydration, with acute syphilis and in late pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):635-635
pages 635-635 views

To the differential diagnosis of acute and chronic appendicitis

Schmorell Н.


The author shares his experience in the application of the method of Prof. Sahl from Königsberg for the recognition of appendicitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):635-635
pages 635-635 views

Operative treatment of pylorospasm in infants

Ohler I.


The author, working in constant contact with pediatricians for almost 15 years, operated on 42 cases of pylorospasm in infants aged from 26 days to 5 months, often two months old. In all cases the author found a pre-pyloric muscular ridge 1-2 centimeters long and as thick as a finger. The operation was performed according to the Weber-Ramstedt method, often under local anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):635-635
pages 635-635 views

Severe nerve lesions after anesthesia Plex. brachialis

Pacher W.


In 149 cases of fresh injuries and septic processes in the upper extremities, the author observed complications-paresis and neuritis in 3 cases after intervention under local conductive anesthesia according to Kulenkampff's method, which he puts in a causal connection with the produced anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):635-635
pages 635-635 views

On the use of bird egg shells in surgery

Lampe R.


The author took a chicken egg and after five minutes of boiling, he extracted the intracrustal shell (membrana testacea) and applied it to a wound or ulcer. It healed quickly.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):635-636
pages 635-636 views

Pathogenesis and diagnosis of gynecological bleeding

Manenkov P.


The author points out that uterine bleeding can be caused either by weakness of uterine muscles caused by tumor, inflammation, etc., or by disturbances in ovarian processes (follicle maturation, ovulation, corpus luteum phase, etc.), -The author points out that this may be caused by weakness of the uterine muscles due to a tumor, inflammation, etc.; by an increased menstruation; by a disturbance of the ovarian processes (follicle maturation, ovulation and corpus luteum phase), leading to a shortened cycle time with a shortened corpus luteum phase; or finally by carcinomas, polyps and cystic glandular hyperplasia, which cause abnormal bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):636-636
pages 636-636 views

Treatment of gynecological bleeding

Runge Н.


The author recommends the following method of treatment of such bleeding: 1) at strong periods-rest, means reducing the uterus; treatment of existing diseases of organs in the interval of bleeding by infections of nonspecific means (calcium, foreign protein, own blood and serum); application of follicular hormone at hypoplasia of uterus on the basis of insufficiency of ovary; X-ray castration in women close to menopause in cases where strong monthly bleeding leads to anemia; 2) in case of frequent periods - to pay attention to the general condition of the body, in the absence of local and general changes treatment with hormones (in shortening of the second phase of the cycle - lute body hormone in the second half of the cycle, in hypoplastic uterus - follicular hormone) is indicated; 3) in bleeding on the basis of myoma- X-ray castration, if the bleeding led to anemia, the tumor is not larger than a child's head and the woman is over 45 years old; or surgical treatment; 4) in atypical bleeding-in cases of ascending endometritis, accompanied by severe inflammatory phenomena, fever a. recommends conservative treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):636-636
pages 636-636 views

Postpartum bleeding

Sharbet T.


The author observed postpartum hemorrhage 41 times for 5371 deliveries, which is 0.76%. For 227 preterm births, they accounted for 1.38%.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):636-637
pages 636-637 views

Materials on excessive pregnancy

Sharbet T.


There are reported cases of births 343 days after menstruation. The female fetus weighed 5,000.0 and was 56 centimeters long. The first moving of the fetus 150 days after menstruation. The author assumes a hereditary predisposition, as the mother of the patient, who had 13 births, was overweight each time for about 3 weeks.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Treatment of uterine perforation

Sharbet T.


The treatment of 34 cases of uterine perforation caused by curettage for post-abortion bleeding and commenced abortion yielded the following results: conservative treatment 3 sl -, O death, laparotomy, drainage 1 sl -1 death, laparotomy, uterine suture 3 cases-0 death, abdominal uterine extirpation 22 sl -2 deaths. The total mortality rate was 9% (3 : 34).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):637-637
pages 637-637 views

On the surgical treatment of epilepsy

Badul P.


On the basis of experiments on dogs the author suggests the following operations in the autonomic nervous system in epilepsy: transection of all nerves sinus caroticus, cervical sympathectomy, transection of n. vertebralis, rami communicantes ganglion stellatum and vertical branches of the vagus nerve.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Acetylcholine in ophthalmic migraine

Badul P.


After intramuscular injection of 10 kb. ct. of acetylcholine within 11-16 minutes the flickering scotomas disappeared, and soon afterwards the headaches also disappeared. In one case, where the above therapy was used for a year for each attack, migraine pain and flickering scotomas subsequently completely stopped.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Treatment with neosaprovitan for progressive paralysis schizophrenia

Galant I.


The author recommends Nersaprovitan as a pyrogenic drug with no harmful side effects, accurately dosed and usable even in outpatient treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Somatologische Stadien zur Psyhiatrie. IX. Die Intersexuellen Stigmata bei weiblichen Geisteskranken

Epshtein A.L., Finkelstein E.R.


The authors examined mentally ill women for the presence of intersex stigmas, and intersex stigmas were found in varying numbers (from 1 to 10) in all obu studied women belonging to different nosological groups.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):637-637
pages 637-637 views

Treatment with atropine for catatonic schizophrenics

Hoch P., Mauss W.


The authors found that when treating schizophrenia group catatonic patients with atropine, the effect of atropine on catatonic motor disorders is zero, while in encephalitis atropine gives a significant improvement.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):637-638
pages 637-638 views

A new method of psychotherapy

Fröschels E.


A famous Viennese speech therapist, who is at the same time engaged in psychotherapy, recommends a psychotherapeutic method of treatment which has, in his opinion, advantages over psychoanalysis and the Couè method. The method is very simple and consists in suggesting to the b-men that they not only represent a "psychic continuity" (seelisches Kontinuum), but at the same time they are constantly changing, being a minute, hourly psychically new person (seelische Neuheit) and thus the patient is shown the way to be free from the idea that they are identical with the person of yesterday, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):638-638
pages 638-638 views

About a new method of treatment with (irradiated) baths

Szerdot H.


Based on a number of works by Ried, who proved the biological effect of some salts after irradiation, he applied this method in the treatment of some diseases with favorable results and first of all in exudates (also in tuberculosis); ez. in acute and chronic arthritis (primary and secondary), deforming and urolithic arthritis, in neuritis, myalgia.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):638-638
pages 638-638 views

Meeting of the Surgical Section of the N. M. A., ATSSR. April 15, 1934

Shulutko L.


1. Dr. Konstantinovsky E.M. demonstrates 2 patients who underwent surgery in the orthopedic clinic (Prof. M.O. Friedland).

2. Dr. Zavyalova N.V. -a case of hip arthoplasty. From the same clinic (Prof. Friedland).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):638-639
pages 638-639 views

Conference on rheumatism, convened by the ATSSR Regional Scientific Medical Association

Malkin Z.


On April 11, 12, and 17, a conference on rheumatism, convened by the Scientific-Medical Association, was held in Kazan. The work carried out prior to this by the Rheumatism Committee of the TR revealed that a great deal of work is being done in Kazan in the area of rheumatism control. This was confirmed at the conference, which attracted a large number of speakers and a large audience.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):639-640
pages 639-640 views



The problem of vitamins in the USSR. Vitaminology is a young science, only two decades old. It grew into a separate branch of physiology and biochemistry on the basis of the study of malnutrition and its effect on the development of the organism. It turned out that a number of pathological conditions, which have long been known to medicine, are associated with nutritional deficiencies, such conditions include: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, beri beri, lack of growth and a number of others.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(6):640-646
pages 640-646 views

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