Vol 33, No 9 (1937)

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Full Issue

About rheumatic etiology of endarteritis

Orlov M.M.


The classification of various forms of endarteritis still seems to be an unresolved clinical problem. In this regard, there are great difficulties in the treatment, in particular, with the physical therapy of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1051-1058
pages 1051-1058 views

Kumis therapy for gastrointestinal diseases

Kharizomenova E.S.


In 1933, the Nikolaev kumis-treatment sanatorium was admitted along with patients with stomach disease and closed form of pulmonary tuberculosis (open forms of tuberculosis are not accepted at all), as well as patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by both low and high acidity of gastric juice.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1058-1064
pages 1058-1064 views

Blood picture with septic (agranulocytic) angina

Vayndrakh G.M., Faddeeva S.V.


One of the least known and studied diseases is the so-called septic, otherwise agranulocytic angina. The suddenness of the appearance, the unclear etiology, significant mortality with it, make us approach the study of this disease with particular care, and much more work is required both to identify the still unclear causes of septic sore throat, and to more accurately study the nature of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1065-1072
pages 1065-1072 views

The role of trauma in the occurrence of hematogenous osteomyelitis in children

Vengerovsky I.S.


There is still no full agreement on the question of the role of trauma in the occurrence of endogenous bone infections. While some authors consider trauma to be a significant factor in the onset of osteomyelitis, others do not attach particular importance to it.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1073-1076
pages 1073-1076 views

Brucellosis sciatica

Vinokur Y.I.


The study of brucellosis has not yet given a coherent classification of this nervous lesion, but nevertheless, more or less definite symptom complexes are already outlined. Roger, who has been dealing with the problem of brucellosis for several years and isolating even a special nosological subspecies of this disease, Neuromelitococcie, found hemiplegia, paralysis, and psychosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1076-1080
pages 1076-1080 views

Lysatotherapy for diseases of the nervous system

Sheinin A.I.


Based on the available literature data, it should be concluded that the mechanism of action of lysates is complex and not yet fully understood. It is still controversial what is the active principle of lysates: hormones, high-molecular or low-molecular fraction of protein breakdown.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1081-1090
pages 1081-1090 views

Lysatotherapy for skin diseases

Ustinovsky A.V.


The method of treatment with lysates, protein breakdown products or "physiological drugs", as it is called, has received universal recognition.There is currently not a single group of patients on whom the therapeutic effect of lysates, urogravidaia and hormonal preparations has not been tested.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1090-1097
pages 1090-1097 views

On the issue of dermatoses of pregnancy

Emelin A.V.


The effect of pregnancy on the skin is significant. With hyperfunction of the whole organism, individual systems and organs during pregnancy, changes are also observed on the part of the skin.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1097-1102
pages 1097-1102 views

Experience of using miarsenol in the treatment of syphilis

Studnitsyn A.A., Karalis V.V.


Miarsenol, due to its simplicity of use, is called upon to play a major role in the fight against syphilis, especially in rural areas, and in children's practice. The greatest importance of miarsenol was authoritatively recognized by the IV All-Union Congress on the Fight against Venereal and Skin Diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1102-1106
pages 1102-1106 views

On the question of capsule wounds

Kessel F.K.


Among the insufficiently developed issues of military field surgery are the so-called capsule wounds. For some reason, in most manuals on military field surgery, this issue is bypassed, and only Professor A.A. Opokin devotes about one and a half pages to this rather interesting department of field surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1106-1111
pages 1106-1111 views

About the clinical and radiological picture of pulmonary actinomycosis

Levin Y.F., Grinevich D.A.


Actinomycosis of the lungs is a relatively rare disease that is of interest and attracts our attention from the point of view of differential diagnosis. Due to the lack of a typical clinical picture, this disease is mostly not recognized.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1111-1116
pages 1111-1116 views

Treatment of inflammation of the female genital area by parenteral administration of mineral waters

Nikolaev A.P., Gurevich L.I.


In 1934, a work from the clinic of Professor MG Serdyukova was published on the use of mineral water (Batalinskaya and Essentuki No. 17) in the form of subcutaneous infusions for inflammatory gynecological diseases with a good therapeutic effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1117-1119
pages 1117-1119 views

Treatment of cervical erosion with fish oil

Belev V.N.


Lack of intake of vitamins in the human body causes a sharp disruption of life processes, leading to a number of diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1119-1121
pages 1119-1121 views

On the effect of desensitizing therapy on the cellular response of the body

Ishmukhametova G.Z.


Even before the study of the cellular reaction under sensitization conditions, many were interested in the question of the normal composition of cells in the serous cavities of an animal organism. This question cannot be considered finally resolved at the present time, but nevertheless there are studies by a number of authors who give a more or less definite picture of the cellular composition of the transudate of the serous cavities of animals. The study focused mainly on the transudate of the abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1121-1126
pages 1121-1126 views

About the antigenic properties of neosalvarsan

Weinstein A.S.


The question of the use of neosalvarsan as an antigen in the complement fixation reaction is of twofold interest: theoretical (study of the problem of antigens) and practical (study of allergy to salvarsan).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1126-1131
pages 1126-1131 views

A case of simultaneous uterine and ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

Garankina S.P.


Patient 3. B. (East. Bol. No. 31, 1937), 26 years old, was admitted to the clinic on June 7, 1937. Among the diseases she underwent, she noted malaria and typhus. The first bloods appeared 15 liters, came in 4 weeks and lasted for 5-6 days with pains in the lower abdomen. After marriage, the pains with menstruation stopped. The last blood was 15. XI. 1936 Married patient with 20 yrs. Had three pregnancies.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1132-1134
pages 1132-1134 views

Stomach stone

Japaridze B.S.


Stomach stones are in the form of hair tumors — Trichobezoar, in the formation of which hairs that accidentally enter the stomach take part. Imperceptibly swallowed hairs accumulate in the stomach and sometimes form huge tumors. Professor Mysh V.M. observed a hairy tumor of the stomach of colossal size - 32×13 cm and weighing 2800 g.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1134-1135
pages 1134-1135 views

A case of adenoma of the appendix

Vinnik R.D.


Primary tumors of the appendix are not common. Of the tumors found in the appendix, carcinoids and true cancers are in the first place. Other types of process tumors — sarcomas, endotheliomas, fibroids, etc. — are extremely rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1136-1137
pages 1136-1137 views

Two cases of caecum volvulus

Kakubava K.A.


In surgical work, the volvulus of the cecum is of great interest. The relative rarity of this disease gives me reason to publish two of my observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1137-1138
pages 1137-1138 views

Andersen O. Method for detecting vaccine virus in the organs of vaccinated rabbits. (Ztschr. F. Jmmunitätsf., Bd. 90, 1937)


It has now been established that when vaccinating the skin with calf vaccinia, over time, it is possible to detect the virus in the organs of the animal. This fact shows that the vaccine virus is not strictly dermotropic, and it has long been considered so only because the detection of the virus in the internal organs presents significant difficulties.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1139-1139
pages 1139-1139 views

Grossmann, N. On the pathogenesis of croupous pneumonia. Experimental study of pneumococcal infection in rabbits (Ztschr. F. Jmrnunitätsf., Bd. 90, 1937)


For many years, pathologists and bacteriologists have been trying to experimentally solve the question of the pathogenesis of croupous pneumonia. The authors' attempt to induce "real" pneumonia in laboratory animals by introducing virulent pneumococci by various methods: intratracheally, by inhalation, or directly into the nose after ether anesthesia (Neufeld and Kuhn) is particularly successful.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1139-1139
pages 1139-1139 views

Andersen O. The role of virus neutralizing substances in immunity. Study of passive immunity against vaccinia (Ztschr. F. Jmmunitätsf., Bd. 90,1937)


The question of the role of substances that neutralize the virus in immunity has not yet been resolved. The study of passive immunity in viral diseases by introducing serums containing neutralizing substances to fresh animals showed that the latter have a protective effect against the vaccine virus.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1139-1140
pages 1139-1140 views

Takano T. Study of changes in the immunizing properties of typhoid bacillus, cultivated on a medium containing homologous immune serum, and the characteristics of the newly formed variants. (Ztschr. F. Jmmunitätsf., Bd. 90.1937)


The author studied 16 strains of typhoid bacillus from the point of view that interested him, of which 9 were common, well agglutinated, and 7 were nonspecific, with difficulty agglutinating. All these strains were cultivated in a broth containing homologous immune serum at a dilution of 1: 200 and were inoculated onto this medium regularly once every 2 months for 7 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1140-1140
pages 1140-1140 views

Olbrich S. On the use of adsorbed immune sera for the diagnosis of M- and N-blood groups. (Ztschr. F. Jmmunitätsf., Bd. 90, 1937)


Since it was found that M and N are the same important signs of blood as the 4 classical groups (A, B, AB and O), since they are inherited according to Mendel's law, the question had to arise about using them to establish paternity.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1140-1141
pages 1140-1141 views

Hundeshagen, K. Obtaining fever in laboratory animals and some remarks on the treatment of fever in humans (Ztschr. F. Jmmunitätsf., Bd. 90, 1937)


The ability to artificially cause an increase in temperature has been used not only in the clinic, but also in experiments on animals, where special attention is paid to the drug "pirifer", which, according to Goff, is "an excellently dosed and very active bacterial drug."

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1141-1141
pages 1141-1141 views

Graef, Bunin and Rotlino. Sarcoma of the adrenal cortex with hirsutism, hypertension and obesity. (Arch. Int. Med., No. 6, 1936)

Auslander E.


The case was observed in a girl of 19 years old. Autopsy reveals a huge tumor of the right adrenal gland

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1141-1141
pages 1141-1141 views

Hoskins and Freedman. Weight change after the use of glycerin extracts of the adrenal cortex. (Endocrinology, No. 6, 1936)

Auslander Е.


Glycerol extract from the adrenal cortex was used (by mouth) for 3 weeks in 17 patients with schizophrenia and in 17 healthy people.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1141-1141
pages 1141-1141 views

Landau and Steffen. Tumor of the adrenal gland with severe paroxysmal hypertension. (Rev. Beige sc. Med., No. 5, 1936

Auslander E.


The authors report a case where there was a tumor of the paraganglial type with paroxysmal hypertension in a syphilitic with a sharply positive Borde-Wassermann reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1141-1141
pages 1141-1141 views

Elson, Wood and Raudin. Hyperparathyroidism and renal failure. (Amer. Journ. Med. Sc., No. 9, 1936)

Auslander Е.


The author cites the observation of a patient with chronic kidney damage and a typical clinical picture of hyperparathyroidism.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1141-1142
pages 1141-1142 views

Parturier. Hepatic-parathyroid syndrome. (Rev. Fr. d'Endocrin, No. 1, 1937)

Auslander Е.


The author believes that if there is a constitutional insufficiency of the liver, then, in contrast to this, hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands appears.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1142-1142
pages 1142-1142 views

Siebesk. Thyrotoxicosis and Basedow's disease. (Dtsch. Med Wschr., No. 1.1937)

Ivanov B.


In the picture of thyrotoxicosis, the foreground is the dysfunction of the thyroid gland; it should be borne in mind that the latter is under the influence of the central nervous system and hormonal centers (for example, the pituitary gland), changes in which affect the course and severity of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1142-1142
pages 1142-1142 views

Sperbeg. Insulin in peptic ulcer therapy. (Rev. gastroenterol. New-Jork V. 3, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author used insulin to treat peptic ulcers in 20 patients who did not respond to dietary regimen. In milder cases, all symptoms were eliminated and no relapses were observed. The patients were released as clinically cured, although there was a deformity of the duodenal head on radiographs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1142-1142
pages 1142-1142 views

Rutеnbeck. New in the treatment of essential hypertension. (KI. Wschr. V. 15.26 / XII 1936)


As a new method of treatment of essential hypertension, the author describes craniocerebral electrophoresis, which results in reflex hyperemia of the brain.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1142-1143
pages 1142-1143 views

Picard, Perrin and Franck. Septicemia due to bacillus fragilis with intestinal bleeding and liver abscess. (Bull, et mém des Hop. De Paris, No. 25, 1936)

Auslander Е.


The authors, citing their case, believe that septicemia caused by bacillus fragilis is very rare. A 35-year-old female patient gave birth to an 8-month-old dead fetus, as the pregnancy was interrupted by an acute gastric illness with diarrhea.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1143-1143
pages 1143-1143 views

Knepper. Localization of hyperergy. (Virchows Arch. 296, 364 402, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


Experimentally, it is possible to carry out various localization of hyperergic reactions. The nature of the inflammation will always turn out to be the same, no matter what specific reaction between the antibody and the antigen is caused.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1143-1143
pages 1143-1143 views

Zimmerman, L. Pathogenesis of cutaneous complications in varicose veins. (Arch, of Derm. A. Syph., No. 1, 34, 1936)


With the help of infrared photography of varicose veins and skin complications with them, it is possible to detect a direct relationship between the enlarged vessel trunk and the accompanying skin lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1143-1143
pages 1143-1143 views

Nadel. Common allergic eczema caused by dyed clothing. (Derm. W., No. 49, 1936)


Treatment of erysipelas with prontosil has several advantages over other treatments. And this is confirmed by our own observations on 100 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1143-1143
pages 1143-1143 views

Nadel. Common allergic eczema caused by dyed clothing. (Derm. W., No. 49, 1936)


In a 29-year-old man, eczema lasted 16 months and did not respond to therapy. The author was able to establish that the cause of the eczema was rosanilin paint, which was used to dye the patient's clothes.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1143-1144
pages 1143-1144 views

Hruszek. On the question of the life expectancy of dermatomycetes. (Dermat W., No. 49, 1936)


The author publishes his further observations on the cultivation of pathogenic fungi, which was carried out in special protected glass tubes.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1144-1144
pages 1144-1144 views

Hollander, L. and Fetterman, G. Malignant iododerm, (Arch. Ot Derm. A. Syph., No. 2, v. 34, 1936)


After a brief review of the literature on iododerma, the authors give a detailed description of the case that they observed in 1935. A 65-year-old patient came to a surgical clinic with complaints of ulcers in various parts of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1144-1144
pages 1144-1144 views

Frohn. Leukonychia (Derm. Ztsch., No. 3, vol. 74, 1936, October)


The disease is manifested by the appearance of transverse whitish stripes on the nails.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1144-1144
pages 1144-1144 views

Weissenbach, Martinea and Steward. Cases of progressive scleroderma (Soc. Franc derm., No. 5, 1936)

Auslander E.


The authors cite a case of progressive scleroderma, for which a left-sided parathyroidectomy was performed a year ago.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1144-1144
pages 1144-1144 views

Molnar, M. Two-stage traumatic rupture of the spleen in idiopathic splenomegaly. (Zentralblatt t Chir., No. 39, 1936)

Yurov V.


A. cites a case of two-stage rupture of the spleen observed by him. A 23-year-old woman, after falling on her left side, had a fainting shock, which passed after 2 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1144-1145
pages 1144-1145 views

Sander Szombati. Два случая заворота яичек при крипторхизме у грудных детей. (Zentralblatt f. Chir, № 39, 1936)

Yurov V.


A. describes two cases of testicular torsion in infants. In the first case, an 11-month-old child had bilateral cryptorchidism. The volvulus occurred in the left testicle.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1145-1145
pages 1145-1145 views

Schmieden. Exopericardiopexy. (Zentralblatt f. Chir., No. 38, 1936)

Yurov V.


During the operation of excision of the cardiac shirt after the release of the heart from the cicatricial callus, a. suggests not leaving the edges of the pericardial incision loose, as they thicken and disrupt the function of the heart.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1145-1145
pages 1145-1145 views

Faltin, R. New method of rhinoplasty. (Acta Chir. Scandinav. Vol., LXXVII1, Vol. V-VI, pp. 492-512)

Mayat V.


Исходя из клинической картины волчанки носа, при которой отсутствует кончик носа, внутренние части крыльев и перегородка, в то время как несколько суженные ноздри и остатки крыльев подтянуты кверху рубцовыми тяжами, автор предлагает свой способ пластики.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1145-1145
pages 1145-1145 views

Ferstel K. About malignant retroperitoneal tumors. (Deutsche Zeitschr. F. Chir., 1936, Bd24, H. 7/8., Pp. 518-525)

Mayat V.


Malignant retroperitoneal tumors not directly associated with the kidney are much more common than previously thought.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1145-1145
pages 1145-1145 views

Ossian Utter. Treatment and diagnosis of purulent pleurisy in children. (Acta chirurg. Scand. Vol. LXXVIII, issues V-VI, pp. 545-576)

Mayat V.


The author analyzes 282 cases of purulent pleurisy in children under 13 years of age. The author divides his material into 4 different groups — 1) cases treated by puncture and aspiration of pus; 2) cases treated by thoracocentesis with the introduction of the pleural cavity between the ribs of a rubber tube or metal cannula, with the help of which pus was removed; 3) cases with primary resection of the rib, done immediately after the diagnosis was made; 4) cases with secondary resection, previously treated by puncture or thoracocentesis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1145-1146
pages 1145-1146 views

Cedermark, J. Testicular infarction (Acta chir. Scand. Volume LXXVIII. Issue V-VI. 1935, pp. 447-491)

Mayat V.


Testicular infarctions occur more often from torsion of the spermatic cord, although there may be other causes. Based on the study of the anatomical data, the results of the experiment and the consequences of surgical intervention on the vessels of the spermatic cord, obtained by different researchers, the author comes to the conclusion that art. spermatica int. is not a terminal artery.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1146-1146
pages 1146-1146 views

Kaare K. Hygaard. About spinal anesthesia. (Acta chirurg. Scand. Vol. LXXVIII, issues V-VI, pp. 379-446)

Mayat V.


The author analyzes his material on spinal anesthesia, performed by him in 1198 cases. The author used 3-4-6.9% procaine, 1 cubic meter. cm of which was introduced for 8-10 seconds. Spinal anesthesia was successful in 94.8% of cases. Nausea and vomiting were noted in 33.3% of cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1146-1147
pages 1146-1147 views

Edgar Schnohr. Diabetes treatment. (Acta chir Scand. V. LXXVIII, issue V-VI, pp. 513-544)

Mayat V.


In diabetics who have various complications — abscesses, arteriosclerotic or wet gangrene, etc., protamine insulinate acts more evenly and lastingly than ordinary insulin. With the administration of regular insulin in the morning and protamine insulinate in the evening, very high fasting blood sugar levels are reduced, without sharp fluctuations in blood sugar throughout the day.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1147-1147
pages 1147-1147 views

Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society of TASSR. Meeting 15 / III 1937

Sokolov N.V., Osipovsky V.


Доктор В. П. Горбатов. К казуистике диссеминированного эхинококка брюшной полости. (Демонстрация). Демонстрирует больную, которая явилась в 1 ос. хир. клинику с жалобой на пупочную грыжу, развившуюся в течение последних 2—3 месяцев, при исследовании больной обнаружено: увеличенная печень, асцит и большое количество опухолевидных образований в брюшной полости, в верхних и нижних отделах.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1148-1150
pages 1148-1150 views

Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society of TASSR. Meeting 15 / IV 1937

Gusynin V., Osipovsky V.


Доктор Н. X. Ситдыков. Случай камня мочеточника. (Демонстрация из 1 хир. кл. ГИ ДУВ). Дем. б-ного, у которого в целом ряде лечебных учреждений на основании клинических и рентгенологических данных диагносцировался камень мочевого пузыря.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1150-1152
pages 1150-1152 views



Kazan Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors named after V.I. Lenin, in the current academic year, on-the-job courses are being organized for doctors working on the periphery. In the Tatar Republic, courses are opening in Zelenodolsk, Chistopol, Bugulma, Elabuga, Kukmor, Tetyushi and Kazan. Classes will be taught by Professors, associate professors and teachers. institute according to a certain developed program and plan.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(9):1152-1154
pages 1152-1154 views

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