Vol 26, No 1 (1930)

To human lung anomalies

Stadnitsky M.N.


The lungs develop by protruding from the intestinal tube. The initial single part of this protrusion (larynx and windpipe) is divided into two primary, and the latter pass into the secondary branches, representing the bookmarks of future lungs. From the primary branches, a common bronchus is formed for the lung, and from the secondary branches, the bronchi for each lobe of the lung, usually separate.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):3-6
pages 3-6 views

On functional emphysema and its significance for diagnosis, forecasting and assessing the performance of asthmatics

van Leeuwen W.S., Storm С.J.


According to the prevailing views, an asthmatic is considered to be a patient in whom sudden attacks of shortness of breath alternate with periods of complete well-being and in whom, with a prolonged existence of the disease, especially in cases where severe attacks of the disease are often repeated, chronic bronchitis and emphysema appear. In other cases, chronic bronchitis is first detected, on the basis of which asthma develops only later.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):8-15
pages 8-15 views

About syphilitic diseases of internal organs

Luria R.A.


The very fact that I have the high honor to speak here, in the oldest center of medical science, in Utrecht, in your highly respected Society for Syphilitic Diseases of Internal Organs, testifies to the great interest and significant urgency of the problem of visceral syphilis. Three chronic infections are the cause of a large number of lesions of internal organs - tuberculosis, malaria and syphilis - and of them syphilis really deserves special attention, since it is about it that the doctor most often forgets, and meanwhile, at the time of recognizing a syphilitic disease of internal organs, it often means not only save the patient, but also experience the greatest pleasure of medical creativity and the joy of fulfilling the high duty of a doctor.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):15-31
pages 15-31 views

Comparative blood pressure measurements by palpation and sound methods under conditions of a dynamic functional test of the cardiovascular system

Pressman A.P.


If you measure the blood pressure on the brachial artery by the method. Korotkov and palpation on radiation according to Riva-Rocci, how this was proved by a number of works from the clinic of prof. MV Yanovsky, the figures for the maximum pressure for both methods, as a rule, do not coincide with each other. Prof. N.A. Kurshakov) it was found that normally the appearance of a pulse on the radial artery usually coincides with the onset of the noise phase according to Korotkov. In the same cases of coincidence of the above phenomena, the beginning of the noise phase corresponds to the beginning of the curve recording on the sphygmogram, and the resumption of capillary current after the preliminary cessation of circulation by the sleeve of the cuff.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):31-38
pages 31-38 views

The dangers of the so-called strict diet

Lepsky E.M.


Various restrictions on the diet of patients and even complete starvation have long been used in medicine as a remedy .. There was a time when treatment by hunger was carried out so widely and vigorously that it brought patients quite a lot of harm. Especially quickly, the harmful effects of fasting affect the child's body. Among children suffering from various lingering illnesses and being in a state of severe exhaustion, it is still possible to distinguish a fairly large group of patients, whose medical history, upon close examination, shows that the cause of their serious condition lies not only in the underlying disease and even not so much in it , how much is in the malnutrition of the patient, which was used for therapeutic purposes from the onset of the disease. Such cases show that acquaintance with the pathology of starvation and with dietotherapy of childhood diseases has not yet penetrated widely enough among practical doctors. Therefore, it seems useful to analyze why prolonged or repeated fasting affects children unfavorably and how it can be avoided.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):38-43
pages 38-43 views

Effect of nasal and tracheal breathing on the oxygen content in arterial blood

Shakhova A.A.


Iskhodya iz togo, chto pri sil'nykh zatrudneniyakh nosovogo dykhaniya, chelovek prinuzhden pol'zovat'sya dykhaniyem cherez rot, vazhno znat', kak otrazhayetsya eto Proceeding from the fact that with severe difficulty in nasal breathing, a person is forced to use breathing through the mouth, it is important to know how this latter affects various functions of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):44-47
pages 44-47 views

About postoperative acidosis with local infiltration anesthesia

Pshenichnikov V.I., Krestnikov P.S.


Recently, there have appeared many works devoted to the postoperative disturbance of the alkaline-acid balance of the organism, denoted by acidosis. The authors put this condition in dependence on a number of reasons and, among other things, on the method of anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):47-52
pages 47-52 views

About acute non-suppurative thyroiditis  

Lyakhovitsky   M.M.


Acute thyroiditis, especially non-purulent, are very rare diseases. The first works devoted to the description of acute inflammation of the thyroid gland date back to the beginning of the last century. In the works of a number of authors (Conradi, W eitenwebe.r'a, Bauchet'a, Pi II c hod), the essence of this disease has already been successfully clarified and the difference between thyroiditis — inflammation of a healthy thyroid gland — and strumite — inflammation of the thymus gland is firmly established. In the process of further study of this issue, a number of works appeared (Lcbert'a, Kocher'a, Mygind'a, etc.), in which, along with elucidation of a number of etiological moments that cause this disease, and a description of the pathological anatomical picture, were questioned and even the existence of primary non-suppurative thyroiditis was denied.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):52-56
pages 52-56 views

On the causes of unsuccessful outcomes in the treatment of closed limb fractures

Sokolov   N.V.


In this article, I do not touch at all the causes of failure in the treatment of limb fractures, depending on the pathology of the body, and I mean to focus on the causes of failure, depending mainly on the attending staff and "partly on the attitude to the treatment of patients themselves. that unsuccessful outcomes in the treatment of limb fractures very often depend, firstly, on the wrongly chosen method of treatment, in other words, on the wrong indications for one method or another; secondly, on the wrong application of the chosen method and, finally, on underestimation of the subsequent “follow-up treatment, which is almost always required for all methods of treating fractures in the form of baths, massage, gymnastics, in a word, mechano-therapy. These facts need to be emphasized; they play a prominent role in the failure reach colossal numbers (Hoff, Hanel, Kaufmann, Carlsson, Paul).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):57-68
pages 57-68 views

To the question of the importance of calcium in postpartum diseases

Bogorova I.I.


The data on the physiological significance of calcium salts accumulated to date in large quantities make it possible to classify these latter as undoubtedly the most important factors of the animal organism. True, in this area we are still very far from the final solution of the issue. Nevertheless, it should be admitted that many positive results have already been achieved in this direction.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):68-72
pages 68-72 views

The experience of hyperventilation over schoolchildren of the I stage

Nikolaevsky B.S.


The experience of hyperventilation, as a method of artificially detecting lesions of the nervous system that occurred secretly at the time of the study, became known since 1924. This year, independently of each other, Foerster published his research on the experience of hyperventilation for the first time in his work: .. Hyperventilationsepiiepsie ", in S. A. S. Sh-x Ro sett in his work:" The experimental Production of Rigidity , of Abnormal Involuntary Movements and of Abnormal States of Conscious- stress in Man ?. Foerster experimented with hyperventilation only on epileptics (45 epileptics) and proposed it as a method of artificially inducing an epileptic seizure, while Rosett performed hyperventilation experience not only on epileptics, but and with various other lesions of the nervous system, and his material covered 1000 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):72-77
pages 72-77 views

Thyroid echinococcus case

Ogneva B.V.


Echinococcus of the Thyroid gland, being a rare disease, is of some interest both from the point of view of its recognition and from the point of view of surgical treatment. According to Aleksinsky's statistics, it occurs in 0.25% of all echinococcal diseases, and according to Ter-Nerses statistics, it represents 0.48% of the total number of echinococci.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):77-78
pages 77-78 views

On the issue of hand washing with a ½% solution of ammonia according to the method of prof. Spasokukotsky

Priselkov P.V.


Despite the abundance of methods proposed for the preoperative cleaning of the surgeon's hands, none of them can still be considered ideal. for no method of skin disinfection can make the skin of the hands absolutely sterile. Therefore, in practical life one has to be content with limiting as much as possible the content of pathogens and their excretion from the skin surface. We will not dwell on the analysis of the numerous methods of cleaning hands — they are quite well known — we will only point out that it is precisely this abundance of methods that serves as proof that the issue until now cannot be considered completely resolved and forces the surgical mind to look for new ways, new more perfect methods cleaning, disinfection and disinfection of hands.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):78-79
pages 78-79 views

Cruciform stitch

Baskakov A.I.


Among a number of seams, proposed at one time by various authors. For the connection of fabrics, two types prevail: continuous and knotted.
For several years I have been using a cruciform stitch for sewing fabrics, combining the positive qualities of both together. It is especially excellent when suturing the edges of the aponeurosis, with great effort brought closer to each other, as is sometimes the case with laparotomies; in the latter case, when using a cruciform suture, there is no thread cutting through the captured edges of the aponeurosis, despite the strong tension. This is the main advantage of this suture. In addition, when using this suture, a good convergence of the joined edges of the aponeurosis is achieved, the tightness of the areas where seams, and finally the last quality is time savings.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):79-80
pages 79-80 views

A case of primary full-term abdominal pregnancy

Promenitsky K.A.


The question of the possibility of primary implantation of the ovum in the abdominal cavity, even at the present time, is controversial. Undoubted cases of this kind are extremely rare. Therefore, I will allow myself to go on to describe one case I have observed, which, it seems to me, should be classified as primary abdominal pregnancy.
On 25 / X1-1927, Natalia G., 23 years old, Ukrainian, resident of the village was taken to the Parafievskaya hospital. Planes, Konotop env. The first menstruation appeared in the 15th year, proceeded correctly (after 4 weeks for 3-4 days).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):80-82
pages 80-82 views

The current state of serodiagnosis of syphilis

Weinstein A.B.


Syphilis serology is one of the most interesting and unfinished chapters of modern microbiology. The Wassermann reaction (WaR) went far beyond the narrow limits of syphilis; not fitting into the framework of Ehrlich's immunity, she demanded for her explanation a number of extremely interesting theories that expand our knowledge in the field of immunity, in particular in the doctrine of lipoids.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):83-87
pages 83-87 views

Soviet healthcare at a new stage

Pleshitser A.Y.


The resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on medical care for workers and peasants opens a new page and gives rise to a new direction in Soviet health care. The Central Committee believes that “the new tasks of the reconstruction period require a radical restructuring of the work of the People's Commissars of Health of the Union Republics. The Central Committee notes that the current state of work of the People's Commissariat of Health in practice does not ensure the implementation of the Party's directives. The pace of development of the health care business lags far behind the growth of the entire national economy of the country and the needs of the working class and peasantry. "

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):87-90
pages 87-90 views

Medicine and health care on the path of socialist competition

Gran M.


Медицина и здравоохранение на путях социалистического соревнования.

Проф. М. Гран.

Для партийного и беспартийного объективного наблюдателя современной текущей жизни непреложно устанавливается, что мы переживаем исключительный исторический период. Это бьет в глаза при наблюдении процесса социалистического строительства в вашей стране, темпа его и форм, в которых это строительство и темпы протекают. Н. Бухарин в последней статье, напечатанной' в „Правде“ (декабрь 1929 г.), особенно ярко и образно отражает эту мысль и положение. Особенно поражает разнообразие и оригинальность форм социалистического строительства, которое выдвигает и дает партия и власть. При бешеных темпах, в которых протекает строительство, отдельные партийцы, не говоря уже о беспартийных, на наш взгляд, не успевают достаточно осознавать ни самого процесса, ни тем более отдельных форм его,—особенно, когда дело касается жизненного, делового претворения этих форм в жизнь.

Мы намерены фиксировать внимание на одной из форм социалистического строительства—социалистическом соревновании. Это ныне общий лозунг страны- партии и власти. Мощным движением этот лозунг охватил страну; прежде всего этот лозунг был брошен по всему фронту хозяйственной, производственной жизни,— промышленной и сельско-хозяйственной: он коснулся всех сторон жизни, всех ее разделов; этот лозунг был подхвачен прежде всего рабочими массами, пролетариатом; намечены были первые методы, пути, начали устанавливаться цифровые показатели, индексы, „контрольные цифрыu для социалистического соревнования; начали появляться первые итоги социалистического соревнования; они были явно и резко эффективны и быстро установилось положение: социалистическое соревнование в области хозяйственной народной жизни—мощное орудие подъема, интенсификации, стимуляции развития народно-хозяйственного развития и в темпах, и в продукции, и в эффективности.

Тогда был поставлен вопрос о перенесении лозунга социалистического соревнования по фронту социально-культурной жизни; это касалось науки, культуры просвещения, здравоохранения и других секторов социально-культурной жизне Но здесь на первых порах было не мало скептицизма и недоуменных вопросов насколько данный лозунг применим в области науки, просвещения, здравоохра нения? Эти недоуменные вопросы стояли даже в крупных столичных центрах. Мь приведем тому пример. В июне 1929 года Томский университет сделал гвызов на социалистическое соревнование Казанскому университету; насколько нам из вестно, это был первый вызов на социалистическое соревнование по линии ВУЗ’ов На многочисленном (2.000 человек) собрании студентов и преподавателей Казан ского университета этот вызов был принят с энтузиазмом. Мы разъехались на летние каникулы, зная, что с осени нам предстоит социалистическое соревнова кии:-в Москве я продумывал, как строить это соревнование, по каким вопросам, по каким линиям, по каким методам, по каким объективным показателям, с какими контрольно-учетными мерилами; я ставил перед собой прежде всего вопрос конкретно, применительно к профилактическим кафедрам. И надо сказать, что я терялся в ряде своих недоуменных вопросов. Я сознавал, что жизнь ставит перед нами большой, сложный, важный, ответственный вопрос. Необходимо его осознание, необходима его коллективная проработка. Я начал консультировать с товарищами по профилактическим кафедрам. При этой индивидуальной консультации я чувствовал и видел недоумения и растерянность, которые были свойствены и мне. Я решил поставить этот вопрос на обсуждение коллегии—Бюро профилактических кафедр в Москве. Мой доклад ставил вопрос конкретно: я выдвигал на соцсоревнование 15 вопросов, хотя их можно было ставить 30 и более. Доклад вызвал к себе интерес; был оживленный обмен мнений; было признано, что, естественно, лозунг соц-соревнования—жизненный и обязательный для ВУЗ’ов, как и всего социально-культурного сектора, но было признано, что число поставленных мною вопросов велико; из 15 было взято в первую очередь лишь 4—наиболее важных и актуальных для профилактических кафедр.

Но жизнь шла впереди нас. За короткий период 3—4 месяцев (сентябрь— декабрь) жизнь решила твердо и категорически, что лозунг соц-соревнования жизнен и обязателен для всех разветвлений науки и социально-культурной жизни. За это время накопилась громадная литература, уясняющая этот вопрос идеологически. программно, методически. Вопрос дискуссировался в ряде организаций общественных, научных, ведомственных, профсоюзных.

Но все же, надо признаться, мы и до сих пор не имеем общих точек зрения по данному вопросу—ни принципиальных, ни организационных, ни методических. Уяснить и уточнить эти точки зрения мы и пытаемся.

Прежде всего об идеологической установке соц-соревнования: последнее имеет целью максимально активировать социалистическую реконструкцию в смысле усиления темпов этой реконструкции, с целью получить наибольшую продукцию и эффективность—количественную и качественную. Эта точка зрения относится. в равной мере и к чисто производственному, и к социально-культурному, научному фронту. .Разница между тем и другим кроется в том, что чисто производственный фронт в большинстве случаев дает возможность количественного учета продукции, эффективности соц-соревнования; здесь в большинстве случаев—метод учета и контроля—цифровой: индекс, процент повышения продукции и эффективности; этим надо объяснить то, что на производственном, промышленном, хозяйственном фронте - соц-соревнование было ясно и четко, убедительно с первого момента даже в рабочей массе. Несколько иначе дело обстоит на фронте социально-культурном и научном; здесь большинство вопросов для соц-соревнования—вопросы идеологически - организационного порядка, трудно поддающиеся цифровому, математическому учету и контролю; реконструктивные процессы на социально-культурном и научном фронте ставят вопросы не только идеологические, но программные, организационные, методические; соц-соревнованию подлежат прежде всего вопросы такого порядка, где цифровой математический метод учета и контроля не приложим или приложим в очень ограниченной мере; поэтому в большинстве случаев пункты, выдвигаемые для соц-соревнования на культурном и научном фронте не- * обычно общи, расплывчаты. Мы имеем перед собой показательный пример: перед нами два ..генеральных'4 договора Томского и Казанского университетов: договор „вызова" (Томского) заключает 7 пунктов, договор—„ответный* (Казанский) заключает в себе 25 основных пунктов, а если взять эти 25 пунктов в детальном разветвлении, то число пунктов доходит до 82. Мы имеем перед собой также ряд .договоров ..внутри вуз’овских* и „межвузовских*, и опять одни договора - ставят на соц-соревнование 4—5 вопросов, другие -выдвигают по 5—10 „разделов", от 46 до 100 вопросов („вызов* Казанского госуд. Института усовершенствования врачей Казанскому университету и Казанского рабфака). Все пункты этих договоров необычайно разнообразны, касаются самых разнообразных отраслей дела— идеологических, политических, учено-исследовательских, учебно педагогических, административных, хозяйственных и проч.; одни пункты—необычайно общи, другие—необычайно мелочны. Учетные показатели или отсутствуют совсем, а там, где они выражены в цифровых показателях—они чрезвычайно условны, произвольны, необоснованы.—Мы опять приведем несколько тому примеров: 100% подписка на Ш-й заем Индустриализации (не поздно-ли?), 100% членство КЦРК, 1О0°/о вступление в добровольное Об-во, 60% увеличение кадров научных сотрудников из нацменов, 100%\переобучение татар „Яналифу*, доведение % татар среди младшего и среднего персонала до 15%, поднять посещаемость общих собраний до 55% (почему не 50 и не 60 к общему числу сотрудников?), снизить по отношению к общей смете на 1929/30 год расходы на топливо—на 5%, на электричество—10%, на воду—10%, на медикаменты—10%, на служебные командировки—20%, сокращение покупок на животных (за счет приплода) на 25%. Почему эти цифры, а не другие, чем они обоснованы?

Но более всего странно то, что все договора и генеральные, и частные (внутри-и межвузовские) почти не затрагивают основных вопросов реконструкции ВУЗ’ов—тех вопросов, которые ныне стоят основными, коренными, капитальными, а а если и затрагивают, то самым поверхностным образом и они тонут в море самых разнообразных, подчас мелочных вопросов.

Что касается учетно-контрольной части соц-соревнования, то она методи- * чески совершенно не разработана. Прежде всего ни в одном из договоров не предусмотрена основная предпосылка соц-соревнования. Последнее прежде всего должно предусматривать первую стадию соц-соревнования: это стадия „самокритики", самооценки, выявления своих дефектов; это должно предшествовать соцсоревнованию; это должно быть зафиксировано, документировано—особенно в областях, где трудно выявить дефект цифровым показателем; это необходимо, чтобы можно было учитывать итоги соц-соревнования, меру достижения по окончании срока соц-соревнования. Этого не предусматривает ни один из договоров и обязательств. а без этой предпосылки можно выражать опасение, что соц-соревнование не будет плановым творческим процессом, измеримым в своей динамике и развитии.

Следует памятовать, что соц-соревнование не есть ударная кампания, а метод работы, долженствующий сопровождать длительный период социалистической реконструкции и социалистического строительства: а с этой точки зрения организованность и плановость соц-соревнования первейшая и обязательная предпосылка. В этом центр вопроса, в этом его сущность. И в этом смысле надо признать, что с соцсоревнованием на научном и социально-культурном фронте у нас пока неблагополучно. Мы следуем директивам, мы подражаем, мы стараемся равняться по фронту промышленности и производства, но мы не осознали ни важности вопроса, ни его особенностей применительно к науке и социально-культурным областям нашей социалистической, реконструктивной работы.

Мы в данном случае имеем ввиду прежде всего медицинские ВУЗ'ы, научно-исследовательские учреждения, научно-медицинские О-ва, широкую область здравоохранения, а, следовательно, и врачей и весь вспомогательный медицинский персонал. Мы хотели бы иметь ввиду эти учреждения в вопросе соц соревнования в соприкосновении и органической увязке со всеми процессами социалистической реконструкции медицины по всей стране; это касается и целеустановки, и темпов. Соцсоревнование в этой специальной области должно быть в то же время и соцсоревнованием научно-культурной и производственно-индустриальной областей, соц-соревнованием науки и труда, ученых, врачей и рабочих. Мы полагаем, что к нам запросы и требования могут и должны быть больше и выше.

Все это - повторяем—обязывает нас к наибольшему осознанию явления и процесса соц-соревнования, к наибольшей организованности и плановости в соцсоревновании. Вопрос этот—не академический, а жизненный, практический, срочный. Надо сознаться, что в данном вопросе мы плетемся в хвосте, мы слишком медлительны, мы уже отстали на 6—7 месяцев.

Поэтому мы формулируем общие основные положения, по которым должно строиться соц-соревнование в области медицинской науки и здравоохранения: эти положения следующие:

1) Соц-соревнование есть революционный метод периода социалистической реконструкции, имеющий целью дать наибольшую продукцию и эффективность в темпах, количественных и качественных достижениях в процессе социалистического строительства.

2) Соц-соревнование есть метод равно обязательный как для сектора индустриально-производственного (промышленности и сельского хозяйства), так и для сектора научно-культурного.

3) Медицинские ВУЗ’ы, научно-исследовательские институты, научно-медицинские о-ва, широкая область здравоохранения требуют соц-соревнования в целях социалистической реконструкции, согласно директивам партии и власти.

4) Социалистическому соревнованию должна предшествовать самокритика и самооценка в целях выявления всех слабых сторон постановки дела применительно к запросам социалистической реконструкции.

5) На социалистическое соревнование в первую очередь дожны ставиться в каждой данной- области и специальности применительно к кабинету, кафедре, лаборатории, лечебному учреждению вопросы основного порядка, выдвигаемые целями и задачами социалистической реконструкции данного периода.

6) Число вопросов на данный период соц-соревнования не должно быть слишком многочисленным, громоздким—и в первой очереди должны стоять вопросы идеологического, планового, организационного, методического порядка.

7) Вопросы на соц-соревнование должны ставиться конкретные, нерасплывчатые, четкие по формулировке, чтобы ответы на них—в итоге соц-соревнования - поддавались столь же конкретному четкому учету и соизмерению.

8) В связи с указанным вопросу об учете конечных итогов соц-соревнования и текущему контролю над соц-соревнованием должно быть уделено особое внимание.

9) В числе вопросов, выдвигаемых на соц-соревнование, вопросы общественного порядка, вопросы выявления общественного значения данной отрасли в социалистической реконструкции, вопросы увязки данной отрасли деятельности с интересами рабочих и крестьянских масс в процессе социалистической реконструкции страны—должны быть обязательно необходимыми.

10) Наконец, весь процесс соц-соревнования должен протекать не канцелярски, не бюрократически, как это, к сожалению, во многих случаях имеет место до сих пор; процесс соц-соревнования должен сопровождаться живой взаимоинфор- мацией соревнующихся, периодической отчетностью, на местах—периодическими собраниями, междугородние соревнования—обменом делегациями, активностью учетно-контрольных бригад и всеми мерами привлечения широкого общественного—особенно пролетарского—внимания к соц-соревнованню на фронте науки и культуры.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):90-93
pages 90-93 views

All-Ukrainian Ophthalmological Congress

Kollenko A.B.


Dr. A. B Kolenko (Kazan).
Repeated speeches at conferences, congresses, in the press brought to life the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the regulation of the congresses taking place in the Republic. The abundance of reports, of which many are not even heard, the crumpledness of the debates, the overload of the meetings do not allow those who have gathered to take much from the congress. One of the adjustments introduced by life is the organization of small-scale congresses — district, territorial, regional, at which local issues are worked out and thus material for the All-Union congresses is screened out. Such a regional congress was the All-Ukrainian congress of ophthalmologists, which took place in Kharkov on December 27-31, 929. It didn't quite live up to its name. Although out of 320 delegates there were 257 (80.8%) from Ukraine, other places of the Union were represented so fully (Far-Eastern Territory, Tatrespublika, BSSR, Uzbekistan, the Caucasus and many others) that the Congress can be considered almost All-Union.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):94-97
pages 94-97 views

Minor gynecology practitioner

Hannes W.


Bibliography and reviews.

Although the title of the book: "Minor gynecology of a practical doctor" and quite clearly says which group of doctors it is intended for, still it is necessary to make a reservation that to state with sufficient completeness the small gynecology of a practical doctor on about 70 pages (minus the space for drawings, etc.) ), in addition to a small format (34 lines per page), is hardly quite possible. Therefore, it should be pointed out that, in our opinion, it is possible to use this “minor gynecology” only on condition of sufficient acquaintance with gynecology in general.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):97-98
pages 97-98 views

Die Medizin der Gegenwart in Selbstdarstellungen

Rieger K.


Bibliography and reviews.

F. Meiner Publishing House in Leipzig publishes a series: „Modern medicine in the autoimaging of its representatives ”. The idea of ​​the publishing house is quite original and very fruitful. Each outstanding specialist in his field gives something like his own autobibliography, talking about his scientific activity, about the development of his scientific ideas, about his achievements and about his contribution to the common treasury of science. Psychiatrists also take part in this series, and the last to give his autobibliography in 1929 was the Würzburg psychiatrist Konrad Rieger.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):98-99
pages 98-99 views

Gehirn und Veranlagung des Verbrechers

Flesch M.


Bibliography and reviews.

The book of Max Flesch is a collection of articles published by the author in his time in various not only medical journals, but also in newspapers in the form of feuilletons, notes, articles, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):99-100
pages 99-100 views

"Mustard" from the cycle: "Medical and sanitary issues of chemical defense"

Board E.


Bibliography and reviews.

Until now, Russian literature has been extremely poor in original works devoted to the issues of medical and sanitary services for gas poisoned persons. Most of the available books and brochures (X lopin, Blinchikov, etc.) reflected mainly the experience of the World War and were somewhat outdated, since in the years following the war, the issues of gas poisoning were subjected to careful experimental study in all countries, and many sides cases were presented from completely new perspectives. The same is the case with translated literature, among which you can count only a few brochures devoted to the issues of pathology and the clinic of gas poisoning.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):100-100
pages 100-100 views

Vademecum of a doctor-listener at the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I.Lenin in Kazan

Epshtein. T.D.


Bibliography and reviews.

A small elegantly published book, like a reference book, has all the necessary data and gives the full opportunity to completely orient the doctor-listener in all the diversity of the Institute's work and fully justifies its name, but the book itself has a more general interest, on which we and let us stop a little.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):100-101
pages 100-101 views

Homemade Hepatic Extract Preparation for Pernicious Anemia Treatment

Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.

Castle and Bowie (A.M.A, 1 -VI-1929) offer a simple homemade way to prepare liver extract for the treatment of pernicious anemia in order to provide a tasty product and free from expensive 'Cost-Effective Factory Extracts':

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):101-101
pages 101-101 views


Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.

Howland (A. M. A. 31 / ѴIII-929), reports one patient who for 6 years had attacks of convulsive convulsions and coma in the absence of any disturbances from the nervous system, and these conditions decreased in their severity. or disappeared in connection with the appointment of milk or a light breakfast.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):101-101
pages 101-101 views

30 children aged 1/2 to 3 1/2 years, who received intraglutheal injections of 20.0 - 30.0 whole blood of adults who have had measles

Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.

Bader (A.M.A. 31 VIII-1929), reports about 30 children aged from 1/2 year to 31/2 years, who received intraglutheal injections of 20.0 - 30.0 whole blood of adults who had two measles and more (up to 25) years before.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):101-101
pages 101-101 views

Clinical observations of tobacco smoking

Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.
As a result of clinical observations of tobacco smoking Johnson. (A.M.A. v. 93, No. 9, 1929) comes to the conclusion

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):102-102
pages 102-102 views

Hypertension as Chronic-Allergic Toxicosis with Animal Protein

Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.

Hypertension as Chronic-Allergic Toxicosis with Animal Protein

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):102-102
pages 102-102 views

Luetic aortitis

Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.

Luetic aortitis according to E. Morgenstеrn'y (Munch, med. Wschr- No. 16, 1929) is diagnosed on the basis of the X-ray picture of expansion and lengthening of the aorta, strongly accentuated II tone on the aorta, systolic murmur on the aorta, subjective pain behind the sternum with irradiation to the left shoulder blade and to the left arm and Wasserman's reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):102-102
pages 102-102 views

Cholecystitis. caused by yeast, a species of schizosaccharomycetes

Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.
Cholecystitis. caused by yeast fungi, such as schizosaccharomycetes. Smetana (Zbl. F. Path. Bd. 46, No. 8, J 929) in a bacteriological 'study of purulent effusion taken from the abdominal cavity, gallbladder and bile ducts in women. 61, who died of perforated peritonitis, received a pure culture of the above-named yeast fungus.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):102-102
pages 102-102 views

Spontane Krebsheilung

Frаuсhіger R.


Dieses in jeder Hinsicht interessante und wichtige Thema wurde von R. Fráuhhger (Z. f. Krebsforschung, Bd. 29, H. 5, 1929) eingehend geprüft, und sie verglich und analysierte alle in der verfügbaren Literatur berichteten Fälle von spontaner Heilung von Krebs ( S. und. P.) Und zusätzlich wurde das zu diesem Thema in Kliniken und Instituten in der Schweiz gesammelte Material verarbeitet.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):102-103
pages 102-103 views

Krebs und Malaria

Board E.


Abstracts: a) Internal medicine.

Aus einigen Statistiken ist bekannt, dass in vielen malariafreien Ländern mehr Krebstote als im Sumpffieber auftreten.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):103-103
pages 103-103 views

About photographing certain moments of operations

Fischer А.W.


Abstracts: b) Surgery.

About photographing individual moments of operations. A.W. Fischer (Zentrbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 48) describes a photographic apparatus for photographing individual moments of operations, produced by E. Leitz, Wetzlar, Leika-Kamera with a focus of 5 cm, a luminous intensity of 1: 3.5 and a size 24X36 mm.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):103-103
pages 103-103 views

Metal nail for transvesical prostatectomy

Krauss F.


Abstracts: b) Surgery.

Metal nail for transvesical prostatectomy. Dr. F. Krauss (Zentrlbl. F. Chir. 1929, no. 48) proposed a strong steel nail that protrudes 4 mm. over the surgeon's nail.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):103-103
pages 103-103 views

On the increase in thrombosis and embolism in recent years

Martini В., Opitz R.


Abstracts: b) Surgery.

B. Martini and R. Opitz (Munch, medic. Wochensch. 1928, No. 37) observed an increase in the number of embolism and thrombosis in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):103-103
pages 103-103 views

Pitkin's controlled spinal anesthesia with viscous specifically lighter, novocaine solutions

H. Sсііmidt H.


Abstracts: b) Surgery.

Pitkin's controlled spinal anesthesia with viscous, specifically lighter, novocaine solutions according to the report of Helmuta Sсііmidt'a (Arch. F. Kl. Chirurgie. Bd. 157. Kongressbericht, 1929). The immediate dangers of using lumbar anesthesia are: a drop in blood pressure due to central paralysis of segmental vasoconstrictors; respiratory paralysis due to uncontrolled ascent of the anestheticum and the phenomenon of intoxication due to rapid resorption into the blood.


Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):103-104
pages 103-104 views

Glaucoma treatment with adrenaline

Ungеrеr F.


Abstracts: c) Ophthalmology.

Treatment of glaucoma with adrenaline. F. Unger (Anhales d'Oculistique. Tome CLXVL. 1929), on the basis of literature data and his observations, believes that adrenaline is a powerful drug in the treatment of glaucoma and often its action is equivalent to surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):104-104
pages 104-104 views

Подострая глаукома

Speville A.


Abstracts: c) Ophthalmology.

Abadie et de Speville (La Clinique Ophtalmologique, 1928, p. 290) сообщают о 2 случаях подострой глаукомы

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):104-104
pages 104-104 views

Radiotherapy of eyelid angioma

Degrais Р., Веllоt A.


Abstracts: c) Ophthalmology.

Radiotherapy of eyelid angioma. Angioma already exists in the first days after birth, but usually becomes more noticeable a few weeks after delivery and then it must be treated.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):104-104
pages 104-104 views

Oleum chaulmoogra for trachoma treatment

Board E.


Abstracts: c) Ophthalmology.

Oleum chaulmoogra has experienced 35,000 cases of dr Delanoe (de Mazogan) in the treatment of trachoma for 8 years (La Clinique Ophtalmologique, 1928, p. 337%) and is very satisfied with the results.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):104-104
pages 104-104 views

Relationship of the reticulo-endothelial system with eye pathology

Nordmann R.


Abstracts: c) Ophthalmology.

Connection of the reticulum of the lo-endothelial system with eye pathology. Be do lob et Nordmann (La Clinique Ophtalmologique, 1928) point to the great role that the reticuloendothelial system plays in physiology and pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):105-105
pages 105-105 views

Etiology and therapy of peritonsillar abscess

Gоrny J.


Abstracts: d) Otorhinolaryngology.

Etiology and therapy of peritonsillar abscess. J Gorny (Zeitschrift fur Nals-Hasen-und Ohrenheilkunde, 1929. B. 23, H. 2). describes a severe case of peritonsillar abscess. From the anamnesis it is clear that the patient 3 weeks before the appearance of an abscess, during ordinary brushing of her teeth, felt that the bristle from the toothbrush was stuck in the left tonsil.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):105-105
pages 105-105 views

Method of treatment of abscesses of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum

Menzel К.


Abstracts: d) Otorhinolaryngology.

K. Menzel (Zeitschrift fur Hals-Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde 1929, B. 22.4) dwells in detail on the method of treating abscesses of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum, based on the complete cure of his five cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):105-105
pages 105-105 views

Ventilation treatment for pus-free cerebral abscesses

Мuсk О.


Abstracts: d) Otorhinolaryngology.

Treatment of cerebral abscesses by airing, freed from pus. O. Musk (Zeitschrift fiir Hals — Nasen — und Ohrenheilkunde 1929, B. 22, H. 4). believes that in case of brain abscesses, treatment should be carried out according to the following principles: 1) thorough cleaning of the abscess cavity, 2) the sitting position of the patient, 3) ventilation of the abscess cavity with a perforated aluminum plate instead of the usual bandage and 4) daily breathing exercises (deep sighs, 7 times ). As proof, the author cites the case history of one patient who, after scarlet fever, fell ill with acute left-sided mastoiditis with extradural abscess.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):105-105
pages 105-105 views

Tuberculin reactions in children with types of tbc bacilli: Avian, Humanus and Bovinus

Board E.


Abstracts: e) Pediatrics.

Tuberculin reactions in children with types of tbc bacilli: Avian, .Humanus and Bovinus. The bacillus of avian tuberculosis, as is known, is morphologically no different from the tuberculous bacillus of the Humanus and Bovinus types, while bacteriologically it gives a number of differences.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):105-106
pages 105-106 views

Natural immunity to scarlet fever in Japanese and Chinese people living in southern Manchuria

Board E.


Abstracts: e) Pediatrics.

Natural immunity to scarlet fever in the Japanese and Chinese living in southern Manchuria. Observations of 1921-25 established that the incidence of scarlet fever among the Chinese living in southern Manchuria is significantly lower than among the Japanese living there.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):106-106
pages 106-106 views

Staphylococcal meningitis

Board E.


Abstracts: e) Pediatrics.

Staphylococcal meningitis. Lamb (Archiv of. Pediatrics, vol. XLY, No. 5, 1928) describes a case of staphylococcal meningitis in a child "8 months of age.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):106-106
pages 106-106 views

Pneumococcal meningitis.

Board E.


Abstracts: e) Pediatrics.

Pneumococcal meningitis, according to the literature, in the past gave 100% mortality. In recent years, individual cases of recovery have been described, mainly in adults and in older children, during treatment with antipneumococcal serum, autovaccine and optoquin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):106-106
pages 106-106 views

Heart disease in children

Hamburger F.


Abstracts: e) Pediatrics.

Franz Hamburger (Munch, med. Wschr., Nos. 13 and 14, 1929) divides heart diseases in children according to their severity into cases with severe impairment of compensation, with moderate, mild impairment and, finally, without violation of compensation.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):106-107
pages 106-107 views

On the effect of placenta preparation on reproductive capacity

Board E.


Meetings of medical societies.

Society of Physicians at Kazan University.

Anatomical and physiological section. Meeting on December 10, 1929

The speaker noted the importance of raising. fertility of animals. Therefore, the work is known to the question of Haberland Sakharov, Pavlenko and others, who tried to establish a natural "Sterilitat" framework by injecting drugs from the ovary, placenta.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):107-107
pages 107-107 views

Artificially lowering the body temperature of warm-blooded animals

Puchkov I.V.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Anatomical and physiological section.
Meeting on December 10, 1929

The speaker repeated Bakhmetyev's experiments with suspended animation and found that any anesthesia, and not just carbon dioxide, turns a warm-blooded animal into an animal with an unstable temperature.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):107-107
pages 107-107 views

Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Anatomical and physiological section. Meeting on December 10, 1929

Board E.


Administrative part: unanimously elected to the section presidium: chairman - prof. A.N.Mislavsky. deputy. chairman prof. S. I. Afonsky, secretaries Dr. M. V. Sergievsky and E. N. Pavlovsky. Honorary chairman of the section on proposal. prof. A. N. Mislavsky elected prof. A.F.Samoilov.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):107-107
pages 107-107 views

A case of a venous aneurysm of the subclavian artery

Vinogradov I.K.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Surgical section.
Session 20 / XI-29

A case of a venous aneurysm of the subclavian artery was successfully operated on by the speaker: the aneurysm was excised after preliminary ligation of both ends of both vessels and all inflowing vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):107-108
pages 107-108 views


Bruskin Y.M.


Заседания медицинсиих обществ. Общество врачей при Казанском университете.
Хирургическая секция.
Заседание 20/ХІ—29 г.

Encephaloventriculography as a diagnostic method and its clinical significance - A detailed report that shed light on the history of the issue, the technique of introducing air into the cavity of the ventricles of the brain and subarachnoid spaces, indications, contraindications and dangers associated with the application of the method in practice with the demonstration of radiographs illustrating the main provisions of the topic concerned.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):108-108
pages 108-108 views

Experience in the treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis with gold cyanide

Friedland M.O.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Surgical section.
Session 20 / XI-29

Experience in the treatment of osteoarticular tuberculosis with gold cyanide. The speaker has material in 32 cases of closed osteoarticular tuberculosis treated according to the method developed by the Orthopedic Clinic class. and-that, cyanide compounds of gold.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):108-109
pages 108-109 views

Demonstration of anatomical preparations '' of various types of paranasal sinuses

Ognev B.V.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
25th meeting 2 March 1929
Demonstration of anatomical preparations '' of various types of paranasal sinuses: a two-story frontal sinus, divided by a horizontally located bone plate into upper and lower sections.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Demonstration of a patient with a rare variant of the location of the blood vessels of the pharynx.

Trutnev N.K.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
25th meeting 2 March 1929
In an otherwise healthy patient, 45 years old, the pulsation of a large vessel is determined on the right on the postero-lateral wall of the pharynx, and a pulsatory concussion is symmetrical on the left side.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Demonstration of a patient with pharyngeal vascular anomaly

Matveev D.N.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
25th meeting 2 March 1929
In an otherwise healthy young man, a large venous vessel located superficially under the mucous membrane is visible on the right postero-lateral wall of the pharynx.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Several cases of malignant neoplasms of the ear

Holland B.S.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
25th meeting 2 March 1929
Several cases of malignant neoplasms of the ear observed in Kazan ARF clinics over 3 years

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

A case of severe complication, after adenotomy

Nikolskaya A.P.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
26th meeting on March 15, 1929, combined with the physiological section.
A 12-year-old boy underwent adenotomy surgery. On the 10th day after the operation, he died with cerebral symptoms.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Tongue tumor case

Gromov V.V.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
26th meeting on March 15, 1929, combined with the physiological section.
A 16-year-old boy suffers from pronounced macroglossia.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):109-109
pages 109-109 views

Materials for the question of the importance of the upper respiratory tract for ventilation

Pavlovsky E.N., Lopatina N.M.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
26th meeting on March 15, 1929, combined with the physiological section.
Literature information on the importance of the respiratory tract for ventilation och. scanty and heterogeneous. There were almost no direct studies of ventilation of the lungs with partially turned off airways.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):109-110
pages 109-110 views

A case of accessory tonsil - tonsilla pendula

Lebedevsky B.P.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
27th meeting 17 April 1929
Dr. B.P. Lebedevsky. Demonstrated a case (from the Kazan military hospital) of an accessory tonsil - tonsilla pendula; a bean-sized area of adenoid tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

A case of dental nasal septum abscess

Yakhontov S.P.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
27th meeting 17 April 1929
Dr. S.P. Yakhontov demonstrated a case of dental nasal septum abscess. The starting point of the abscess was, apparently, a diseased upper incisor.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

A case of a median embryonic epithelial cyst of the neck

Yakhontov S.P.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
27th meeting 17 April 1929
Dr. SP Yakhontov reported a case of a median embryonic epithelial cyst of the neck.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

Bone graft histological examination

Matveev D.I.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
27th meeting 17 April 1929
Dr. DI Matveev reported on the results of a histological examination of a 15-year-old bone graft.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

Microbiology in rhino-laryngo-otiatry

Wolfson Z.I.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
27th meeting 17 April 1929
Dr. 3.I. Wolfson. Microbiology in rhino-laryngo-otiatry. Pointing to the value of microbiological research in r.-l.-o. clinic, the speaker reported on the most frequent and necessary studies in the working conditions of rhino-laryngo-otpatra.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

Purulent otitis media

Wolfson Z.I.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
28th meeting 20 November 1929
Dr. Z.I. Wolfson presented one case and reported four more cases of purulent otitis media caused by Vincent's pathogen and were cured by inhalation of pergenol powder.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

A case of primary sarcoma of the palatine tonsil

Chuprikova A.M.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
28th meeting 20 November 1929
Dr. AM Chuprikova demonstrated a case of primary tonsil sarcoma.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

A case of rhinoscleroma  

Lebedevsky B.P.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
28th meeting 20 November 1929
Dr. B.P. Lebedevsky reported a case of rhinoscleroma in a 23-year-old Red Army soldier

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

Impressions about the 3rd All-Union Congress of the r.-l-o.vg. Odessa in 1929

Goland B.S., Yakhontov S.P.


Meetings of medical societies. Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
Rhino-laryngo-otiatric section.
28th meeting 20 November 1929
Dr B.S.Goland and C II. Yakhontov. “Impressions of the 3rd All-Union Congress of the r.-l-o.vg. Odessa in 1929 ".

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views


Board E.



Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):110-113
pages 110-113 views

Questions and answers.

Board E.


Questions and answers.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(1):114-115
pages 114-115 views

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