Vol 34, No 4 (1938)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Experience in using the community's community network as a training base

Vinogradov A.S.


In connection with the enormous victories that our country has achieved under the leadership of the party and its brilliant leaders and teachers Lenin and Stalin, Soviet health care has developed over 20 years into a whole state system that provides the broadest measures in the field of health care for the working people.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):340-345
pages 340-345 views

About pedagogical training of doctors-teachers of medical educational institutions

Perlin Y.S.


The great need for medical personnel in connection with the major successes of healthcare in our country has caused the need to create a wide network of higher and secondary medical schools. The training of medical personnel is a serious and responsible sector of socialist construction in the country of victorious socialism.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):346-349
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Hypoproteinemic symptom complex in children

Mamish R.M.


Children often have general edema that is not caused by heart disease or kidney disease. Due to the absence of albuminuria, these edemas are often called non-proteinaceous. Back in 1887-1897. Protein-free edema in children was described by Barte, Sanne, Filatov, and others, as a relatively rare disease that sometimes develops primarily, and sometimes in acute infections (for example, with scarlet fever, measles, and acute intestinal catarrh). The appearance of edema in children with unilateral carbohydrate nutrition, an edematous form of carbohydrate eating disorder has been studied in detail and described by Czerny and Keller. The group of protein-free edema also includes edema disease, first described back in 1742 by the English physician Pringel. Edema during fasting has been described at various times by many authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):350-359
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On the prognostic value of the protein curve of the cerebrospinal fluid in cerebrospinal meningitis

Basyr F.K.


In recent years, some authors (Koltypin and Vlasov, Koltypin, Markuzon and Levina, Polneva, Spirina and Stupina) have been trying to establish the symptoms of cerebrospinal meningitis, on the basis of which it would be possible to make a prognosis in each individual case.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):359-367
pages 359-367 views

To the clinic of malarial nephropathy in children

Damperova A.I.


The issue of malarial lesions of internal organs, the so-called "visceral malaria", has been raised in the medical literature for a long time, but it was mainly about lesions of the nervous and hepatolienal systems, hematopoietic organs; we find only cursory mentions of malarial kidney damage in classical works on malaria, and they were usually treated as rare cases. Such a single case was described, for example, by Zeitlin in 1902. Isolated cases of malarial nephritis were also described by some foreign authors — Soldatov and Gorsky in Bulgaria (quoted from Myasnikov); 6 cases of malaria nephritis in 1933-1934 were described by Abdulaev and Gussin-Zade in Azerbaijan. In 1928, Akovbyants described 8 cases of malarial nephropathy; on the basis of his observations, he came to the conclusion that 1) malaria, along with other infectious diseases, can cause damage to the renal tissue; 2) kidney damage of malarial origin initially has the character of nephrosis, then, over time, the inflammatory process joins the degenerative changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):367-375
pages 367-375 views

Nitrogen metabolism in children with colitis-dysentery with a carbohydrate and protein diet

Leenson R.E., Genkina B.L.


Regarding the treatment of colitis and dysentery in children, there is a generally accepted view in the modern literature that it should be based on proper nutrition. Nevertheless, there is still no consensus about what kind of food is most suitable in these cases. A predominantly protein diet (Prof. Menshikov), although it has a number of disadvantages, gives clinically good effect in most cases of dysentery. The carbohydrate diet proposed by prof. Maslov and tested on a large amount of material, is also used with success (Fridman and Vinokurov).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):376-382
pages 376-382 views

Latent infection in the etiology of hematogenous osteomyelitis in children

Vengerovsky I.S.


The question of dormant infection in recent years has been widely discussed in foreign and Soviet medical literature. This question was debated at the Congress of German Surgeons in 1925 and the International Trauma Congress in Budapest in 1928. At the congress of German microbiologists in 1929, he was programmatic; This issue was widely discussed at the XXI Congress of Russian Surgeons. Nicole, Neifeld, Reuters, Friedemanny, Zlatogorov, Solovov, Girgolav, Sokolov and others published a number of articles and monographs on latent infections.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):382-386
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About focal lesions in lethal scarlet fever sepsis

Kausman A.M.


The present report is the result of the development of 83 cases of lethal scarlet fever sepsis that have passed through the Institute over the past several years. In all these cases, the diagnosis of sepsis was confirmed by autopsy. By age, patients were distributed as follows: from 1 to 3 years-25 people, from 3 to 5 years, -29 people, from 5 to 8 years, 20 people, from 8 to 12 years, -3 people, from 12 to 15 liters - 2 people, from 15 to 20 liters, from 20 to 80 liters, from 30 to 40 liters. and from 40 to 50 liters. 1 person. As can be seen from this list, 74 people, i.e. 89% of all patients, were under 8 years of age. 40 patients were male and 43 were female. In all 83 cases, scarlet fever was literal, therefore, in all patients with the entrance gate of scarlet fever sepsis, and in many cases, the pharynx was its primary focus. 72 patients (86.7%) had necrotic changes in the pharynx, the remaining 11 patients had angina of a catarrhal nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):386-395
pages 386-395 views

Seroprophylaxis for measles

Alexandrov K.G.


The problem of preventing measles is attracting the attention of the general public. The urgency of this issue is proved by the fact that until now it has not left the agenda of various meetings and congresses of pediatricians.

The historic decision of the party and the government of 27/VI 36, the rapid growth in the number of nursery beds in the country impose crucial tasks on the workers of the OMM institutions and, in particular, nurseries in protecting the health of children, minimizing mortality, as well as combating infections in nurseries. particular with measles.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):395-398
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Observations on the action of streptocide in erysipelas

Faerstein S.


The literature reports on the beneficial effect of streptocide in erysipelas prompted us to observe the effect of this drug. We started using it in November 1936. Schreiss used streptocide for erysipelas for two years; he considers it a specific remedy for this disease and notes that he has not seen a single case that does not respond to treatment. Streptocide was used in Leningrad at the Botkin hospital in 207 erysipelas (Zolotova). Gelstein (Moscow) observed the action of streptocide on 21 erysipelas patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):398-401
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Treatment of erysipelas u.-f. erythema and streptocide

Kozmodemyansky G.I.


Working on the search for the most effective method of treating erysipelas, we tested a new chemotherapeutic drug, streptocide, obtained in early 1935 by prof. Magidson and Rubtsov at the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute and prepared according to the type of "Protonsil" drug discovered by chemists Mitch and Clarer in 1932.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):402-405
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Atuberculin antivirus Mazur in the treatment of cutaneous-glandular tuberculosis

Kokushina A.N.


The treatment of tuberculosis of peripheral glands and skin of the scrofuloderma type is insufficiently covered in the literature. The previously widely used "radical" surgical treatment is increasingly giving way to conservative: general quartz irradiation, treatment according to Gotz-Grekov, sun therapy. Radiant energy promotes the resorption of closed adenitis, but does not prevent relapses; with open processes on the skin and in the glands, this method often does not improve. Experience of using quartz in the Kazan tube. Institute gave good results with dense glands that do not have a tendency to suppuration.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):405-412
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About erythema nodosum

Derzhavets M.L.


The question of the etiology and pathogenesis of erythema nodosum to this day remains unclear and controversial. For many authors, the specificity of erythema nodosum is considered questionable, and its exact place in any classification has not been determined. Jochman classifies it as an infectious disease; in the textbook "Diseases of Young Children", edited by G. N. Speransky, it is mentioned in the chapter on skin diseases. Maslov in the textbook "Fundamentals of the doctrine of the child and the characteristics of his diseases" describes erythema nodosum in the department "tuberculosis in children."

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):412-415
pages 412-415 views

Blood sugar changes when some irritants to the skin

Leizerovsky A.M.


Dermatological practice shows that when one or another medicinal substance is applied to the patient's skin, whether in the form of solutions (lotions, compresses) or ointments, pastes, especially when rubbed into the skin, despite the limited absorption capacity of the skin, we often observe the effect of this substance not only on the skin, but on the body as a whole. Therefore, it is of considerable interest to experimentally investigate changes in the organism as a whole under the influence of applying certain substances to the skin.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):416-426
pages 416-426 views

Inpatient home experience

Shirkevich H.S.


The working community has always paid and continues to pay great attention to the issue of medical care at home. Thus, in Kazan, in recent years, at work meetings and on the pages of newspapers, the question of the state of medical care at home, the conditions of work of doctors at home, was often raised. about the doctors themselves, their attitude towards patients, their qualifications. The formulation of these questions, their detailed discussion and great attention to them become completely understandable, if we take into account that hospital care does not yet cover all patients for whom bed rest and constant medical supervision are necessary due to the nature of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):427-429
pages 427-429 views

Experience of treating influenza patients with ultraviolet rays

Maryasin M.D., Belostotskaya R.Y., Fishman A.Y.


The fight against influenza infection, a disease that spreads very quickly and in a few days takes on the character of an epidemic that puts hundreds of workers out of action for three to five or more days, is urgent. Meanwhile, the therapeutic arsenal in the fight against influenza is rather limited. Therefore, any new method of dealing with influenza deserves serious attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):429-431
pages 429-431 views

Cardiospasm in a 3-year-old child

Dalatkazin G.M.


Cardiospasm in young children is very rare. This circumstance gives me reason to publish to us a case of cardiospasm in a 3-year-old child; moreover, some details in the patient's medical history can be partly used to elucidate the pathogenesis of this suffering.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):432-433
pages 432-433 views

To hemorrhagic diathesis after vaccination

Kaplan E.N.


The problem of hemorrhagic diathesis belongs to one of the most obscure areas of internal medicine. Therefore, each case of bleeding should be carefully studied in terms of etiology and clinical presentation.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):434-437
pages 434-437 views

Sodoku disease and nervous system

Khazanov M.A.


Ratbite fever (ratbite fever) or sodoku fever has long been an epidemic in Japan, India and China. In Europe and America, only isolated cases of this disease were noted in the 19th century (Wilcox in 1839, Watson in 1840, Zellino, Packard in 1872, Milo-Carantier in 1883, etc.). A detailed description of sodoku appeared in European literature only in 1900 (Miyake). Over the past decades, there has been a significant spread of this disease in Europe, America, Asia, Australia and other parts of the world. These cases became especially frequent during the years of the imperialist war. In total, until 1928, according to Arkin and Ruge, more than 350 cases were published in the world literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):437-441
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A case of rat bite disease (sodoku)

Yurov V.S.


Sodoku disease occurs in different parts of Europe. America and Asia and is a rare disease. In our Soviet press, we have instructions from Kosmachevsky from Samarkand (1923) and Dmitriev from Arkhangelsk (1924). There are no more than 20 messages in total.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):441-444
pages 441-444 views

Pharmacotherapy of influenza

Rossiyskiy D.M.


Of the pharmacological agents in the treatment of the flu, the use of salicylic drugs, quinine and urotropine is of the greatest importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):445-449
pages 445-449 views

The results of the work of the VI All-Union Congress of Physiologists in Tbilisi on October 12-18, 1937 in the field of biochemistry

Brode L.


The VI Congress of Physiologists, Biochemists and Pharmacologists was convened on a new basis, instead of numerous individual reports, summary reports on the main issues developed in this laboratory were heard. Thus, more time was freed up for discussion of the reports. On the biochemical section, about 30 reports were heard on cellular and tissue metabolism, muscle biochemistry, synthesis of sex hormones and other issues, the heterogeneity of which does not allow them to be combined and forces us to limit ourselves to considering only a few of them.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):449-451
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Defense of dissertations

Yurieva L.A.


At the meeting of the Council of the Kazan Medical Institute on 13/III 38 years, two dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences were defended by DT Alekseev on the topic: "On the question of the physiological properties of bronchial muscles" and by PD Yaltsev. Influence of X-rays on Inflammatory Processes “.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):451-453
pages 451-453 views

A short textbook of anatomy 111 ed., Volume I., Biomedgiz. 1936

Ternovsky V., Murat V.N.


The teaching of the main subject of medical education, normal human anatomy, is still in crisis due to the complete lack of a satisfactory textbook. The fact that Biomedgia released causes great alarm and complete dissatisfaction among us anatomists.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):453-456
pages 453-456 views

Treatment of malaria in young children. Dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences. Ed. Kuibyshevsk region of the OMM Institute, 1937

Lensky E.M.


One of the reasons for the spread of malaria is insufficient systematic and insufficiently intensive treatment of malaria patients, as the author correctly points out in the introduction. This is especially true of children; the publication of a book dedicated specifically to the treatment of malaria in children is therefore to be welcomed.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):457-457
pages 457-457 views

Treatment of hemorrhagic purpura

Dembskaya V.


In thrombopenic purpura, the author did not observe a noticeable improvement from the administration of vitamin C.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):458-458
pages 458-458 views

Hemorrhagic purpura

Dembskaya V.


Aa. had 62 cases of hemorrhagic purpura under their supervision, 64.5% of them were traced for more than 3 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):458-458
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Symptoms caused by tapeworm

Dembskaya V.


The author describes the symptoms that he observed in 100 patients with a total of 219 tapeworms.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):458-458
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Quinine for the prevention of influenza

Dembskaya V.


Even 50 years ago, quinine was used to protect against influenza diseases. Then this method was undeservedly forgotten.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):458-458
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Intravenous coal injection

Dembskaya V.


The literature describes that coal is injected into a vein in the form of a 2% suspension in physiological saline solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):459-459
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Migraine syndrome

Dembskaya V.


The author distinguishes four cardinal symptoms of migraine: recurrent headache, mainly with the nature of hemicrania; visual symptoms (scintillating scotoma), phenomena from the gastric intestinal canal (nausea and vomiting), hereditary predisposition (diathesis), in other cases associated with a predisposition to epilepsy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):459-459
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New periosteal reflex

Geller S.


The subject lies on the stomach, the legs are bent to the thigh at a right angle; the muscles of the leg are proposed to relax, one hand of the researcher fixes the middle of the lower leg, and the other percusses with a hammer along the outer edge of the heel and the upper edge of the outer ankle.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):459-459
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Traumatic parkinsonism

Geller S.


In their message, the authors described 2 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):459-459
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Intraventricular meningioma

Geller S.


A rare case of an intraventricular tumor of the meningioma type is presented, the description of which in the entire world literature is numbered in units. In this area, papillomas and epitheliomas are most common.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):460-460
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A case of epiduritis with spinal cord compression and good long-term results after surgery

Geller S.


A patient, at the age of 29, in 1931 has severe radicular pain in the lumbar region and in the lower extremities, aggravated during menstruation, in 1933 spastic paraplegia develops with mild pelvic disorders, in 1934, the introduction of lipoiodol is determined complete the blockade was why a laminectomy was performed in the area of the D10 — L1 vertebrae.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):460-460
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Postoperative suppuration

Mayat V.


Based on the study of the literature and his own cases, the author comes to the conclusion that the preparation of the patient's skin with alcohol and mercuric chloride, in comparison with other methods, gives the least number of cases of postoperative wound suppuration.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):460-460
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Basics of pneumolysis

Mayat V.


Intrapleural pneumolysis, introduced by Jacobeus to separate the adhesions that prevent the collapse of tuberculous cavities in artificial pneumothorax, significantly improves the results of tuberculosis treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):461-461
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Periarticular painful obesity

Mayat V.


The author cites material in 112 cases of hyperesthesia of fat masses near the joints.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):461-461
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Grape sugar drip treatment

Ivanov B.


The introduction of a 5-8% solution of grape sugar is carried out through a duodenal probe introduced up to the 50-60 cm mark.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):461-462
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Short waves, their mode of action and indications for their use

Dembskaya V.


The author regrets the uncritical attitude of many doctors to short-wave therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):462-462
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Treatment of extensive burns with nitric acid silver and methylrosaniline

Dembskaya V.


The author claims that the method of treating burns he promotes has undoubted advantages: no deaths have been observed with its use; the period of pain and shock was significantly shortened and threatening toxemia did not develop; the hospital stay was significantly reduced, after a few hours the patient could sit down, and after a few days get up and practice, skin transplantation was needed only in one case.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):462-462
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Trichomonas in the vagina, mouth and rectum

Dembskaya V.


The authors examined 200 women for the presence of Trichomonas.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):462-463
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Vaginal trichomoniasis

Dembskaya V.


The authors find that the vaginal Trichomonas is one of the most frequent etiological factors that maintain persistent leucorrhoea in women.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):463-463
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Examination of the Endometrium

Dembskaya V.


The authors used a specially designed suction curette to take the pieces. Samples were taken only from the upper part of the anterior and posterior walls, since the most typical cytological changes mainly occur there.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):463-463
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Achlorhydria as an etiological factor in pruritus vulvae

Dembskaya V.


The author believes that diseases such as vulvar pruritus, leukoplakia, kraurosis and leukoplakic vulvitis are based on achlorhydria, which causes difficulties in the absorption of vitamin A. As a result of this vitamin deficiency, changes in the structure of the epithelium occur.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):463-464
pages 463-464 views

Climacteric arthritis

Dembskaya V.


The author designates under the name of climacteric arthritis such a disease of the joints, which begins 5-6 years before the cessation of menstruation or soon after. It usually begins gradually, causing little disturbance at first. The patient looks neither anemic nor intoxicated. The knee joints are most commonly affected, interfering with movement, especially down stairs.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):464-464
pages 464-464 views

Surgical Society of TASSR. Session 9/1 1938

Sokolov N.V.


Dr. M. M. Shalagin. On the issue of chronic embossed fibrous peritonitis. The speaker describes a case of chronic encapsulating fibrous peritonitis, operated on with a diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction. During the operation, a coaglomerate of the small intestines with a fibrous capsule was removed. The case ended in recovery. Dwells on the literature of the question. He believes that the omentum is important in the etiology of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):464-467
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Session 15.I.1938

Sokolov N.V.


Dr. P.N. Lebedev (demonstration). A case of ruptured aortic aneurysm simulating gastric bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):467-468
pages 467-468 views

Session 3. II. 1938

Alekseev S.M.


Dr. B. G. Chernyshev (demonstration). The case of amputatio interscaptulo-thoracica.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(4):468-469
pages 468-469 views

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