Vol 23, No 6-7 (1927)

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Professor Alexei Vasilyevich Favorsky

Voroshilov V.K.


А. V. Favorsky was born on February 10, 1873, in the village of Sedlistom, Kharbai parish, Astrakhan county. His father was a clergyman, the son of a clergyman, and having studied for 3 years in a clerical school, he entered the petty bourgeoisie and went into the service, as a small servant, at the landowner Rogov's stud farm. Then as a young man of 20, he went into service in Astrakhan, as a raft worker for the fishing firm of first Kozhevnikov and then Br. Sapozhnikov, and soon achieved a position as a small clerk. He soon married a former serf of the Astrakhan landlord Goring; from this marriage was born a son, Alexei, one of seventeen.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):607-612
pages 607-612 views

The significance of the detection of oxidative and reducing tissue enzymes for questions of localization in the brain

Bielschowsky М., Rose М.


Histology of the nervous system is served, for the purpose of research, almost exclusively by stained slices from fixed objects. As fixing agents, mainly alcohol, formaldehyde and mixtures of chromium salts are used, which produce more or less fast clotting of tissue colloids, as a result of which the in vivo structure of cells with their processes is very much changed. To what extent our preparations give us the right to conclude about the living structure of cells and especially about the processes running or already running intra vitam is an old and much debated problem.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):613-621
pages 613-621 views

Endings of the vagus nerve fibers in the mammalian heart

Lavrent'ev B.I.


In 1893, Prof. V.V. Nikolaev, having cut vagus nerves of a frog, saw under a microscope degeneration of so-called spiral fibers and pericellular apparatuses on nerve cells of intracardiac nodes. Later these observations were thoroughly verified by Prof. D.V. Polumordvinov and fully confirmed by him. I had a chance to look through amazing by technique preparations of the late Prof. Polumordvinov, obtained by methylene blue method, on which decay of pericellular apparatuses in cardiac ganglia of a frog was absolutely clearly visible. D. V-ch, who died untimely in 1919, unfortunately, did not have time to publish in detail his important study; the manuscript and drawings of his work also remained undiscovered.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):622-623
pages 622-623 views

On the manifestation of labyrinthine reflexes during free movements of animals

Lorente de Nо R.


We will try to analyze the physiological act of an animal-jump-and determine how the labyrinthine reflexes, known from experimental studies of many authors, are revealed during the jump. I hope that such an analysis will lead us to a better understanding of the physiology of the labyrinth, as we will find out the purpose of the reflexes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):624-631
pages 624-631 views

On venous pressure in arterial and "isolated" venous hypertension

Nikolaev P.N.


If the determination of arterial blood pressure has entered clinical use as an indispensable method for the recognition and interpretation of various diseases, the same cannot be said about the determination of venous blood pressure. Only the first steps are still being taken.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):632-640
pages 632-640 views

Treatment of extrapulmonary tbc with ultraviolet rays

Klyachkin G.A., Klyachkin L.N.


Surgical treatment of extrapulmonary tbe in the form of excisions for lupus, resections for bone and joint lesions, incisions and gland extirpations, etc., usually gave such results whose dubiousness made most surgeons think twice. The statistics of the former surgical clinics fully convince us of this.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):641-645
pages 641-645 views

On preliminary ligation of the splenic artery in the removal of the spleen

Bogolyubov V.L.


In No. 35 of "Nov. Khir. Arch.", the article of Prof. Brzhozovsky entitled "Preliminary ligation of the splenic artery as a way to limit blood loss during removal of the spleen" was published in 1926. In this article the author proposes to perform double-moment vessel ligation during splenectomy, i.e. to ligate first the splenic artery and then, some time later, after the outflow of blood from the organ through the veins, to ligate these latter ones as well. Thus, the essence of this method is to cause the outflow of blood from the spleen through the spleen veins by ligating the spleen artery and thus to save blood in the spleen for the organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):646-648
pages 646-648 views

To the surgery of spinal cord tumors

Vishnevsky A.V.


Every surgeon nowadays can, of course, relatively easily perform a laminectomy by one method or another. However, any simplification of technique in surgery should always be desirable. It seems to me that the easiest way to perform this operation can be as Leriche has suggested since the decision that bone grafting is unnecessary here. I have always done it this way myself and before Leriche's publication. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):649-652
pages 649-652 views

Experimental data on local immunity of the operated and unoperated rabbit eye

Chirkovsky V.V., Dymshits L.A.


Numerous studies have proven the undoubted participation of the normal, not irritated eye in the general immunity of the body. However, the antibody content in the tissues and fluids of the eye appeared to be extremely low. Under conditions of eye irritation, especially during punctures of the anterior chamber and vitreous body, the number of antibodies increases greatly, and some of them appear in the chamber humor and vitreous body only for the first time under these conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):653-657
pages 653-657 views

Hernia of the pregnant uterus in the scar after appendectomy

Gruzdev V.S.


If uterine hernias in general are a rare phenomenon, then even rarer are hernias of the pregnant uterus. In reviewing the Russian literature on obstetrics, I encountered descriptions of only two cases of this kind, observed by Rozanov and Tipyakov. In the case of the first author there was an inguinal hernia hanging down to his knees; the pregnancy ended in spontaneous delivery of a stillborn fetus. Unfortunately, I could get acquainted with this case only from a brief abstract; I could not obtain the author's dissertation, in which this case is apparently described in more detail. In Tinyakov's case there was an abdominal hernia with the phenomena of impingement; the pregnancy was in its fifth month; due to the presence of signs of impingement, the author performed perineal resection, dissected the hernia ring and repositioned the uterus, after which the pregnancy safely reached its end.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):658-662
pages 658-662 views

Encephalography by puncture of the posterior cistern of the brain (ZP)

Emdin P.


In 1918, Dandy proposed, in order to diagnose various brain processes and especially tumors, to inject air into the lateral ventricles of the brain as a contrasting mass for X-rays. The ground for such an idea was sufficiently prepared by that time. Beginning in 1904, Neisser promoted his brain punctures as a method of biopsy of brain tissue. Neisser's proposal won the recognition of such authorities as Köttner, Förster, Cushing and shattered the prevailing fear of such interventions on brain tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):663-671
pages 663-671 views

To the teaching of constitutional anomalies

Surkov A.D.


Anomalies of human body development come into the clinician's field of view usually only when a variant of structural abnormality takes beyond the so-called healthy state the function of the improperly developing organ and sometimes others, topically or functionally related to it. In most cases, the pathogenesis of such diseases is obvious, and individual forms are of interest only from the point of view of symptomatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):672-675
pages 672-675 views

On the Magnus-Kleyn reflexes in organic lesions of the central nervous system

Omorokov L.I.


The works of R. Magnus and his students in Utrecht discovered and developed the doctrine of special reflexes accompanied by a change in tone depending on the position of the head, neck, torso and members in space. These reflexes, which are called tonic, labyrinth and cervical reflexes, are caused by proprioceptive stimulation coming either from the muscles of the neck (Brondgeest and Shérington) or from the labyrinth (Ewald).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):676-685
pages 676-685 views

Tonic reflexes in hyperkinesias

Krol M.B.


The cervical and labyrinthine reflexes discovered and studied by Magnus and his school open a new chapter in neuropathology. Inferior in simplicity to tendon and skin reflexes, they, nevertheless, quite naturally appear under certain conditions. To discover them in the clinic, it is necessary to look for them more thoroughly, to see them more or less incontrovertibly at least once, to learn to discover them where there are only their rudiments. The conditions under which they appear in patients are extremely complicated and have been studied very little.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):686-696
pages 686-696 views

On the pathogenesis of partial epilepsy

Rusetsky I.I.


Recently, pathological and anatomical studies of Russian and foreign neuropathologists have established the undoubted fact that changes found in partial epilepsy are not only in the motor cortical zone of the large brain, but also in all parts of the large brain, in particular, in subcortical nodes (and, possibly, in the medulla oblongata, Volland). My teacher, Prof. A. V. Favorsky, drew attention to this in his last work on partial epilepsy (Kaz. Med. Magazine, 1926, No. 5-6).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):697-700
pages 697-700 views

Regarding blood calcium content in epilepsy

Mirtovsky N.V.


The question of the supposed connection between epilepsy and tetany has been enriched by new facts during the last decade. Experimental researches of Vollmer, Bisgard, Noervig and others have established distinct violations of parathyroid glands activity in epilepsy. According to Fischer and Leyser materials, both tetany and epilepsy in adults develop on the basis of abnormal spasmophilic constitution.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):701-704
pages 701-704 views

Foster hyperventilation and epilepsy

Popov N.I.


For the first time his observations on the effect of hyperventilation on epileptics Foerster presented at the 24th C'ezd of the Society of German Physicians in Innsbruck, in October 1924. In his report he pointed out that in epileptics hyperventilation often (of 45 epileptics in 25) causes an immediate seizure, noted the stereotype of the seizure in each epileptic, and the importance of the method of hyperventilation for establishing the diagnosis of epilepsy. Foerster also established the fact that traumatic epilepsy differs from other forms in relation to hyperventilation, and that the method of hyperventilation can be used in doubtful cases to clarify the diagnosis of epilepsy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):705-712
pages 705-712 views

To the clinic of combined systemic diseases of the spinal cord (myeloses)

Osokin N.E., Ershov V.A.


In 1924, in the report of one of us, made at the conference of doctors of the Pyatigorsk resort polyclinic, and in 1925, in a report by Dr. A. B. Rabinovich, a former employee of the Saratov Clinic, made at the Saratov Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists named after L. O. Darkshevich, two characteristic cases of combined diseases of the posterior and lateral columns of the spinal cord were described, with a modern illumination of the pathogenesis of this disease, called by Henneberg's myelosis; in one of these cases the etiological point of the disease was lues, in the other avitaminosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):713-715
pages 713-715 views

Observations on the treatment of progressive paralysis with Obermeier's spirochaete cultures

Yudin T.I.


During the last two years in the Kazan Psychiatric Clinic and partly in the Kazan District Psychiatric Hospital we have treated paraplegics with both malaria and recurrences. The number of our cases is very small: only 14 cases of malaria and 10 cases of recurrence, most of which have been treated for several months to a year; in view of the fact that the general results in our cases differ little from the material already known in the literature, it would be hardly worth mentioning them, if it were not for the special feature of the material which we used in the case of recurrence.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):716-722
pages 716-722 views

On the imperfections of experimental-psychological research

Rossolimo G.I.


Mass experiment in the field of psychological research has already won the right to exist, and even the question of choosing a method is gradually losing its former urgency, despite the emergence of a number of new methods. True, there can be no talk of a single method, or at least the coordination and unification of the methods proposed and still practiced; it is even possible that there will be no need for this, due to local conditions, such as: the peculiarities of the task, the properties of human material, the fitness of the laboratory, and finally, due to personal preference for one particular technique; but one thing will remain constant and common for all conditions and research schools — the need to carry out experiments, firstly, by completely reliable personnel, and secondly, with the most correct and scientifically pure formulation of experiments.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):723-724
pages 723-724 views

On psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene

Bondarev N.I.


Social and economic conditions of life, occupational pests, syphilization and drug addiction increasing in the population, the negative sides of civilization, natural disasters, wars, revolutions, etc., place increased demands on our neuropsychic sphere, which it is not always able to fulfill. Hence a rapidly increasing neuropsychic degeneracy with a great number of borderline conditions, degenerative constitutions and reactive forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):725-728
pages 725-728 views

New in the epiphyseal disease issue

Friedland M.O.


In the last 20 years, thanks to the advances in radiology, a new nosological form has been isolated from the general mass of skeletal diseases - a peculiar suffering of the articular ends of the bones, which occurs at a young age - a disease which, with little knowledge of it by a wide range of doctors, still appears under the most mottled, erroneous diagnoses: tuberculosis, rickets, fracture, distortion, periostitis, neuralgia, myalgia and rheumatism. This particular form of lesion has been described in a wide variety of epiphyses by various authors and is named after them. The importance of the timely recognition of the said affliction prompts us to give in the present sketch a list of the main data covered in this matter by the modern literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):729-735
pages 729-735 views

The problem of studying motor skills in connection with the peculiarities of the body and psyche

Zhilin I.N.


Kretschmer's doctrine of the correlation between physique and character overlooks a question that lies in the plane of similar correlations, namely, that of the correlation between motor functions and the mental structure of personality. This question attracts much attention these days and must occupy the most legitimate place among other problems included in the study of personality, both healthy and sick. In the latter case, it is worth remembering at least the instructions of Wernicke (2), who opined that "the general pathology of mental diseases consists in nothing else than in peculiarities of motor behavior".

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):735-740
pages 735-740 views

To the topography of the stomach. Maksimovich (Arch. f. klin. Chir. Bd. 144, H. 1)

Tsimkhes I.


The author investigated on 103 cadavers and 200 radiographs the topographic location of the stomach. According to the author, in the location of the latter we should distinguish: 1) direction of the longus, 2) position of the cardiae and 3) position of the pylorus. Three main types of gastric location can be distinguished: vertical, horizontal and oblique transitional.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):740-740
pages 740-740 views

On the influence of X-rays on bacteria. A. J. Zholkevich (Vestn. roentg., vol. IV, vol. 2)

Board E.


According to studies by A. Ya. Zholkevich, x-rays, like radium rays, suppress vital functions in bacteria: they inhibit their growth and pigment development, slow down and stop their movement. At the same time, different bacteria exhibit different, both individual and species sensitivity to Röntgen's rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):740-740
pages 740-740 views

Do X-rays damage the fetus in utero? Deutsch (Monat. f. Kinderheilk., 1926. H. 3/4; Berich., Bd. X)


The author reports on one infant whose mother was exposed to intense light at 3 or 4 months of gestation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):741-741
pages 741-741 views

Diathermy in breastfeeding. Joslyn (Arch. of physik. ther., 1926, No. 4; ref. in Physiotherapy)

Klyachkin L.N.


Diathermy gives the best results in cases of chest pain with slightly elevated blood pressure, but without sharply expressed phenomena of weakness of the heart muscle. When the blood pressure is low, some improvement can be achieved, but the effect is less good.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):741-741
pages 741-741 views

Treatment of boils with iontophoresis. Rausch Zoltan (Z. f. phys. Ther., 1925, 29)

Klyachkin L.N.


Heavy metals introduced into the body in one way or another act bactericidally by combining with bacterial albumin. On this basis, Rausch Zoltan used iontophoresis with the introduction of copper salts for boils.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):741-741
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Treatment of spastic contractures with transcerebral iontophoresis. Bourguignon (on ref. in Physiotherapy)

Klyachkin L.N.


Frequent cases of severe hemiplegia after gunshot wounds of the skull during the World War made Bourguignon resort to treatment with iodine iontophoresis on the wounded area in order to resorb the scars that could be the cause of hemipareses and spastic conditions. No positive results were achieved, however.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):741-741
pages 741-741 views

Koessler, Maurer, Loughlin (Journ. of Am. Med. Ass., 1926; on ref. in Nov. Fr. Med., 1926, no. 11-12)

Board E.


Based on both clinical observations and experimental studies, the authors attribute an important role in the origin of pernicious anemia to vitamin deficiencies in the diet, especially vitamin A.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):741-741
pages 741-741 views

Blood at the gypsy. L. Gurevich (Russ. Kl., 1926, No. 32)


Having studied the morphological components of blood in 48 scurvy patients, L. Gurevich found that scurvy is characterized by certain characteristic changes in blood composition, established in his time by Hausman, Chernorutsky and Waldman.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):742-742
pages 742-742 views

Adrenaline as a cause of diabetes. Rоhасеk (Bratisl. Lek., Listy, 1926, March)


The author observed the development of true diabetes in a patient treated for acute colitis with adrenaline enemas. At first the disease was amenable to atropinization, then it stopped responding to the latter and quickly led to death.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):742-742
pages 742-742 views

Grape sugar in nephritis. Silberstein (Bratisl. Lek. Listy, 1926, June)


The author considers the use of grape sugar as a medicinal and food substance an ideal way to treat nephritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):742-742
pages 742-742 views

Diagnostic value of milk injections. Bleikman (Vrach. Delo, 1926, No. 14)

Board E.


According to Bleikman, provocative injections of milk (3-5 cSt) are a valuable diagnostic method for recognizing gastric and duodenal ulcers and chronic appendicitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):742-742
pages 742-742 views

Toward the treatment of surgical shock. Е. L. Berezov (V. Sovr. Med., 1926, No. 11)


The author recommends intravenous infusions of glucose solution together with subcutaneous insulin injections for surgical shock.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):742-742
pages 742-742 views

Artificial thrombosis of varicose leg veins. Hirsch (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 45)


Nobl, reviewing the technique of this operation, considers high ligation of v. saphenae usually used by surgeons unnecessary. Hirsch contradicts him by pointing out that this operation can by no means be considered a completely safe intervention, and that it should not be undertaken without prior high ligation of the v. saphenae.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):742-742
pages 742-742 views

Local immunization in surgery. Picard (Arch. f. klin. Chin, Bd. 145)

Tsimkhes I.


The author used mixed culture filtrate, a Citron's topovaccine, in acute surgical infections and abscesses (over 150 cases). The success rate was 80%.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):742-742
pages 742-742 views

Surgical treatment of gallstones. Dührssen (Arch. f. klm. Chir., Bd. 145)

Tsimkhes I.


The author cites the results of 600 operations of this kind performed at the Hildebrand Clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):743-743
pages 743-743 views

Stomach congestion. Becker (Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd. 145)

Tsimkhes I.


The author distinguishes between stomach turning (torsio) and stomach twisting (volvulus) leading to gastric obstruction. A turn of the stomach is an increase in its physiological movement, it never leads to violent phenomena. Gastric volvulus can be either in the longitudinal or transverse direction. Its predisposing moments are the condition of the ligaments of the stomach, overfilling of the latter, increased peristalsis and antiperistalsis, bloating of the bowels, diaphragmatic hernia and paralysis of the diaphragm. Abdominal tension, vomiting, and trauma may be external causes of the twist.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):743-743
pages 743-743 views

To the diagnosis of iridocyclitis. Fischer (Kl. M. f. Aug., 1925, Bd. 74)

Adamyuk V.


The author recommends to diagnose the early stages of iridocyclitis, which is sometimes very difficult to recognize in these stages, based on the presence of pain during accomodation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):743-743
pages 743-743 views

To the treatment of tbc lesions of the eye. Beaucamp (Zeit. f. Aug., В.59, H. 4/5)

Volzhensky E.


The author used partial von Deusk'a antigen in the treatment of iritis, chorioiditis, kerato-con'yunctivitis and other eye lesions of tbc nature per os, and of 50 cases treated in this way he obtained cure in 11, improvement in 27, relapse in 6 and no result in 6.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):743-743
pages 743-743 views

Necrolysin in ophthalmology. Loos (Zeit. f. Aug., В. 59, H.)

Volzhensky E.


The author suggests treating purulent fistulas of the lacrimal sac, as well as lupus and carcinomatous processes in this area, with Necrolysin, a drug that has a strong proteolytic action, thus destroying the granulations that support the suppuration.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):743-743
pages 743-743 views

Spirochetosis of the oral cavity. D. P. Grinev (Odont. i Stomat., 1927, No. 1)


According to observations by Prof. D. P. Grinev in some diseases of the oral cavity spirochaetes occur in large numbers and may be specific pathogens of these diseases, in others, they either do not occur at all, or they are found in small numbers.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):743-744
pages 743-744 views

Treatment of oral spirillosis. Hutter (Wiener kl. W., 1927, No. 6)

Matveev D.N.


Автор рекомендует для лечения ангины Plaut-Vincent’a и др. спириллозных заболеваний рта спироцит—препарат Ehrlich’a № 594. Препарат этот был испробован рядом авторов, особенно в затяжных и не поддававшихся лечению случаях, с хорошим терапевтическим эффектом.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):744-744
pages 744-744 views

Warts on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. V. I. Terebinsky (Vest. Rino-lar.-ot., 1926, No. 6)

Buyev P.


The author notes the identity of the picture of warts on the oral mucosa with syphilitic papules so often observed here. The ease of confusion of these two diseases makes it necessary to pay special attention to the differential diagnosis, supporting it with microscopic examination.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):744-744
pages 744-744 views

To the pathogenesis of infectious parotitis. S.M. Rubashev (Klin. Med., 1926, No. 11)


According to S. M. Rubashev, the stomatogenic-canalicular theory, which considers parotitis as a retentive disease, is valid only for rare cases of this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):744-744
pages 744-744 views

A new biological method for the prevention of pregnancy. S. M. Pavlenko (Vest. Endocr., 1927, No. 2)


Based on the idea that pregnant women usually lose the ability to conceive again, and that the main factor causing changes in the pregnant woman's body is the altered ovary during pregnancy, S.M. Pavlenko set up a series of experiments with administration of (subcutaneous) to female mice and rabbits an extract from the ovaries of pregnant cows.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):744-744
pages 744-744 views

Treatment of vomiting in pregnant women by suggestion. Audebert, Daléas (Red. franç. de gyn. et obst, No. 10, 1926)

Timofeev A.


Treatment must be started as early as possible, while there are still no organic changes. For success, complete isolation of the patient from both other patients and her relatives is necessary, and this isolation must continue for several days even after cure. Prediction is favorable in neurasthenia; on the contrary, acceleration of the pulse is unfavorable.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):744-744
pages 744-744 views

Encephalitis epidemica and pregnancy. Francesco (Ann. di ostetr. e ginec., No. 10, 1926)


Of the total number of patients, 7 died, giving a high mortality rate of 70%. The disease is more dangerous for multiple births.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):745-745
pages 745-745 views

Epilepsy and pregnancy. Clemmensen (Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI)


The author studied 61 epileptics, asking himself 8 questions: 1) how does epilepsy affect pregnancy? 2) how does pregnancy affect epilepsy? 3) What is the fate of the children? The effect of epilepsy on pregnancy is small: it does not cause abortions or premature births. On the contrary, pregnancy can cause seizures of cured epilepsy to reappear, and the existing condition can worsen markedly.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):745-745
pages 745-745 views

Liver function in toxicosis of pregnancy. King (Amer. jour. of obst. a gyn., v. 12, No. 4)


King studied liver function in toxicosis of pregnancy by means of a color test with bromsulfalein, which proved to be suitable for the differential diagnosis of nephritic and preeclampsic conditions. There is complete correspondence between the results of the test and the clinical data.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):745-745
pages 745-745 views

Prophylactic intravenous infusions of pituglandol in the postpartum period. Jess (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 38)


The author conducted two series of deliveries for comparison, of which in one series the pituitary extract was injected when bleeding appeared, and in the other series it was injected prophylactically intravenously in a dose of 1.0 pituglandol 5 min after delivery and again 20 min later if there was no complete separation of the placenta.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):745-745
pages 745-745 views

Intravenous magnesium sulfate injections in eclampsia. Lazard, Irwin, Vruwink (Ber. u. d. ges Gyn., Bd. XI)


In cases of praeclampsia, on a par with the usual sedativa, the authors administer intravenously 20 cc. 10% magnesium sulfate solution intravenously. If the blood pressure does not decrease, the injections are repeated. If eclampsia has already developed, injections should be started as early as possible and repeated after one hour, if the blood pressure does not fall, and seizures continue.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):745-745
pages 745-745 views

To the treatment of septic abortions. Кüstner (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 3)

Timofeev A.


The author distinguishes between "highly virulent" microbes, which have the ability to grow in foreign blood as well as in the blood of their host, "virulent" microbes, which grow only in foreign blood but not in the blood of their host, which has a sufficient number of anti-bodies, and finally, "avirulent" microbes, which have no ability to grow in blood at all.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):746-746
pages 746-746 views

Intradermal streptococcal reaction in puerperal infections. Nasta, Jonesco (C. r. Soc. Biol., t. 95, No. 27)

Blagoveshchensky N.


The authors confirm the prognostic value of the intradermal reaction with streptococcal culture filtrates they tested on obstetric patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):746-746
pages 746-746 views

Treatment with x-rays of inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia. B. A. Arkhangelsky (from reports in Vest. Radiologii, vol. IV, issue 5-6)


The author found that low-dose x-ray therapy (the author used 15-20% NED) is a valuable way to treat inflammatory processes in the female genital area.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):746-746
pages 746-746 views

Acute meningitis in children caused by Pfeiffer's bacillus. Pelfort (Arch. de med. des enf., 1927, No. 3)

Tarnopolsky I.


Dunn and Neal's statistics place Pfeiffer's bacillus fourth among the causative agents of purulent meningitis, while Pelfort found this agent in 7 cases of 26 meningitis in children under 3 years old and puts it second after meningococcus.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):746-746
pages 746-746 views

Bronchiectasia and tbc of the lungs in children. S. A. Seidman (Pediatrics, 1926, no. 3-4)

Levinson A.


Studying the material relating to 45 cases of bronchiectasia in order to find out the main characteristic features of this disease to differentiate it from tbc, the author found that the chronic inflammatory fibrous process leading to bronchiectatic enlargements extends simultaneously to the bronchial walls, interstitial lung tissue and pleura, and that the most frequent localization of bronchiectasias is the lower lobe.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):747-747
pages 747-747 views

To the etiology of influenza diseases in childhood. А. Adam (Jahrb f. Kindhl., 1926, Bd. 62)

Levinson A.


The author studied nasal and pharyngeal mucus in patients with acute and chronic influenza diseases, including 140 children in the 1st year of life, 84 children between the ages of 1 and 14 years, and 170 adults.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):747-747
pages 747-747 views

Physiotherapy in childhood diseases. Е. T. Zalkindson (Journal for Advanced Medical Training, 1927, No. 1)

Klyachkin L.N.


According to E. T. Salkindson, physical therapy occupies an especially honorable place in children's practice, since it is in children that physical agents act exceptionally well and quickly. Physical therapy of diseases of childhood differs from that of adults in its methodology and dosage.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):747-747
pages 747-747 views

Syphilis and metasyphilis. К. Wilmanus, G. Steiner (Leit. f. d. ges. Neur. n. Psych., Bd. 101)

Andreev M.


The problem of the ratio of lues and metalyues is approached from different angles in the joint work of K. Wilmanus and G. Steiner.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):747-748
pages 747-748 views

The way through liquor. A. Hauptmаnn (Zeit. f. d. ges. Neur. u. Psych., Bd. 102)

Andreev M.


Analyzing clinical and experimental data of different authors, Hauptmann comes to the following conclusions: metalytic diseases cannot be explained only by the presence of spirochaetes in the brain; of great importance here are also the general toxic effects of the luetic infection; Whereas the immune-strong organism destroys the spirochaetes by phagocytosis (hence the strong secondary reactions), the immune-weak one (future metalyuetes, without strong cutaneous reactions) fights them extracellularly as with any foreign protein; this weakness may depend on the organism itself and on the spirochaetes (e.g. , The endotoxins released during the second kind of struggle affect especially the vascular endothelium and increase the permeability of the "barrier between the blood and the liquor".

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):748-748
pages 748-748 views

Trypanocidia, phagocytosis, and active immunization in progressive paralysis. G. Plaut (Zeit. f. d. ges. Neur u. Psych., Bd. 101)

Andreev M.


Studies in this direction were made by G. Plaut, whose main task was to find out, whether paraplegics really have weak immune properties to infection in general and to luteal infection in particular. On the basis of experiments with trypanocidal properties of blood of paralytics and others the author came to the conclusion that there is no indication of their decrease in paralysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):748-748
pages 748-748 views

About the blood group identity of paralytics. Jacobsohn (Zeit. für Neur. und Psych., Bd. 105, 1926)

Kashevarova M.


Jacobsohn reports the results of a study of 100 progressive paraplegics as to their blood group identity (by Jansk): group I-33%, II-47%, III-17%, and IV-3%.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):748-749
pages 748-749 views

To the pathology and pathogenesis of dementiae praec. Münzer (Zeit. f. d. ges. N. u. Psych., Bd. 103)

Shifrina M.


Münzer, in an initial case of male schizophrenia uncomplicated by other diseases, made a detailed histological examination of the endocrine organs and the brain.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):749-749
pages 749-749 views

Changes in endocrine organs and brain in dementia praecox. Münzer, Pollak (Zeit. f. d. g. N. u. Ps., Bd. 95)

Shifrina M.


Münzer and Pollak in a recent case of initial female schizophrenia performed an extensive histological study of the endocrine apparatus and the brain, then compared the findings with the clinical picture.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):749-749
pages 749-749 views

On motor phenomena in demented epileptics. Volland (Zeit. f. d. ges. Neur. und. Psych., Bd. 98)

Ulyanova M.


The author describes the sharp motor peculiarities that are observed in demented epileptics.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):749-749
pages 749-749 views

On narcolepsy. Е. Redlich (Zeit. f. d. ges. Neur. и Psych., Bd. 95)

Esselevich S.


The author makes an attempt at nosological representation of this disease on the basis of 24 cases from the literature and 11 of his own.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):749-749
pages 749-749 views

Diagnosis of syphilis by blood picture. Antoni (Derm. Woch., 1926, No. 29), Hirsch (Derm. Woch., 1926, No. 34), Siern, Strauss (Derm. Woch., 1926, No. 37)

Yasnitsky N.


The author found that in the primary seronegative period of syphilis, as a rule, there is a strong lymphocytosis accompanied at the same time by characteristic changes in the nuclei of lymphocytes (formation of tubules in the nucleus, changes in its contours, hyperchromasia).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):749-750
pages 749-750 views

Liver syphilis. Schlesinger (Derm. Woch., 1926, No. 20)

Yasnitsky N.


In this disease, as Schlesinger points out, the most constant clinical symptom is fever, which may resemble in its course the febrile state of sepsis, typhoid, malaria, or liver abscess.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):750-750
pages 750-750 views

Kidney damage from bismuth treatment. Lichtenberg (Derm. Woch., 1926, No. 22)

Yasnitsky N.


Lichtenberg notes the interesting fact that at the same approximate doses of bismuth administered to the body very many authors have observed sharp variations in the frequency of kidney damage. He himself, subjecting the urine of 64 syphilitics treated with bismogenol, spirobesmol and nadizan in different stages of the disease to systematic analysis, found that in 30% of all cases there are symptoms of kidney damage, namely: epitheliuria, cylinders (25%), protein (20%), erythrocytes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):750-750
pages 750-750 views

Treatment of psoriasis with diathermy. Leszczynski (Dermat. Woch., 1926, No. 52a)

Yasnitsky N.


Based on the modern view of psoriasis as a disease dependent on endocrine gland dysfunction, the author believes that the action on the goiter gland of high voltage currents may well replace the currently used treatment of psoriasis with extracts of the goiter gland. In 7 cases, which were under his supervision, diathermy gave an excellent result.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):750-750
pages 750-750 views

Intramuscular injections of ichthyol. Straszynski (Derm. Woch., 1926, No. 24)

Yasnitsky N.


A 2% aqueous ichthyol solution is sterilized by boiling and stored in sealed ampoules. The sterile solution is injected intramuscularly every 2-3 days by 3 cc. Of 68 cases of various skin diseases and complicated gonorrhea treated by this method, the author obtained the most favorable results in gonorrhoid epididymitis, satisfactory results in mild chancreas.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):750-750
pages 750-750 views

Ochs A. A. Clinical examination of the patient. A Practical Guide. 217 pp. Odessa, 1927, Price 2 r. 20 c.

Zimnitsky S.S.


This interesting book, intended for physicians who are well versed in the elements of semiotics, aims to enable a correct assessment of the symptoms in order to understand the essence of the pathological process. The author gives a detailed and coherent account of the subjective and objective examination, and stops even at small details that may in one way or another be useful in making a diagnosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):751-751
pages 751-751 views

V. М. Kurzon, Assoc. of Samara State University. Protection of Motherhood and Infancy in the USSR, Samara. Gubizdat, 1926. VIII+191 p. Price 2 r.

Lepsky E.M.


Until recently, there were no manuals in Russian, in which all the most important questions of maternal and infant health were given with sufficient completeness; there were only works devoted to individual questions, such as infant mortality, health education, organization and work of nurseries, consultations, etc. The book by Dr. Curzon successfully fills this gap. Dr. Curzon's book successfully fills this gap.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):751-751
pages 751-751 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 6-7 (1927)


Session 19 / IV. Priv-Assoc. AD Gusev: Chemical reactions of blood for sex determination. The speaker tested the reactions of Manoilov and Bernatsky on the blood samples of 56 people, while obtaining quite satisfactory results. His experiments with solutions of proteins and salts of nitrous oxide and iron oxide convinced him that Bernatsky's reaction depends exclusively on the amount of iron in the blood, while Manoilov's reaction obviously depends on the state of iron in the blood (various combinations of nitrous oxide and oxide). The amount of proteins does not play such an essential role here as Schmidt, Perevozskaya, and other authors ascribe to them. Prof. I.P. Vasiliev. V., S. Gruzdev, N. K. Goryaev, S. P. Mamadyshsky and M. P. Tushnov.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):751-754
pages 751-754 views

Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 6-7 (1927)


Solemn emergency meeting 15 / V 1927, dedicated to honoring the chairman of the Society, prof. A. V. Favorsky on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his scientific, teaching and medical activity. There were members of the Faculty of Medicine, professors and teachers of other faculties of the University, the Kazan Institute for Mustache, doctors, the Kazan Veterinary Institute, representatives of the TR, government and public organizations, scientific societies of Kazan, doctors, students and admirers of the hero of the day.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):754-758
pages 754-758 views

Meetings of the Scientific Society of the Rybinsk Doctor's Section. Vol. 23, No. 6-7 (1927)


Session 20/IV.
Dr. L.A. Sinakevich demonstrated a preparation of primary vaginal cancer. The preparation represented an extirpated uterus together with a vaginal tube, on the back wall of which, in the upper third, there was a cancerous ulcer the size of a nickel; the cervix was unchanged.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):758-758
pages 758-758 views

Chronicle. Vol. 23, No. 6-7 (1927)


In the current academic year, 284 students graduate from the Medical Faculty of Kazan University, of whom 14 men and 143 women. The nationalities of the graduates are as follows: Jews-46, Tatars-20, Chuvashes-6, Votyaks-3, Mari-2, Latvians-2, Germans-1, the rest Russians.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):758-760
pages 758-760 views

Questions and answers. Vol. 23, No. 6-7 (1927)


From what angle might reports of casuistry of missed abortion be of interest?  Subscriber #2581.
Answer. In the doctrine of missed abortion it still remains unclear why in cases of this abnormality the uterus does not expel - as it usually does - the dead gestational sac until the normal end of pregnancy, but when this term is over it begins to develop contractile activity and expels the sac. Of the individual cases of missed abortion, those that throw light on this obscure issue are worthy of description.         Prof. V. Gruzdev.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(6-7):760-761
pages 760-761 views

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