Vol 23, No 8 (1927)

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Full Issue

F. Rüysch in the Anatomical Theater of Kazan University

Ternovsky V.N.


I titled my report as above, "not because Rüysch was really himself at the Kazan Anatomical Theater, but because the latter, along with the very few anatomical museums of the West, had the honor to preserve the anatomical relics made by this extraordinary master, who with his penetrating syringe pointed new ways for morphological research and literally showered his contemporaries with "unseen", as they put it, discoveries.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):765-770
pages 765-770 views

Materials on the relationship between hormones and extracts from endocrine glands

Rufimsky V.V.


In the fall of 1924, at the suggestion of Prof. N.A. Mislavsky, I began an experimental study of the interaction of some hormones and extracts from endocrine glands. We wanted to find out: 1) whether a synergistic hormone, taken in inactivated concentration, is able to increase the action of another synergistic hormone, if a frog heart muscle strip or its heart in toto is exposed to a sequential action of both these hormones, 2) how hormone mixtures and different extracts from endocrine glands affect a frog heart muscle strip.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):772-774
pages 772-774 views

On pericardial diverticula

Nepryakhin G.G.


Pericardial diverticula is a rare phenomenon. So far, only 18 cases have been described in the literature, namely, Hart, Hird, Cruveilher, Rokitansky, Luschka, Peacok, Bristow, Cuffer, Coen, Schrotter, Seidler, Schirmer, Lauer, Grabowski had one case each and 4 cases were described by Rohn. In Russia, only one case of this anomaly was observed, by Lauer at the Kuban Pathological-Anatomical Institute. Therefore, we consider it unnecessary to describe our case of pericardial diverticulum here.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):775-777
pages 775-777 views

On specific and nonspecific blood lipolytic enzymes in tbc

Aksyantsev M.I.


Based on the study of the physicochemical composition of the tbc virus, we can already assume a priori that the organism does not remain indifferent to one of the main chemical ingredients of the tbc bacillus. Moreover, the first reaction of the organism infected with tbc must be directed exactly against fat-lipoids, because, due to the aforementioned morphology of the tbc pathogen, the first thing the organism encounters is its fat-lipoid part.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):778-786
pages 778-786 views

Treatment of diabetic coma

Magazanik G.L.


Coma in terms of prognosis has always been rightly considered the most severe complication of diabetes mellitus. If a patient reached the point of coma, there was almost never any rescue. Only a few survived this complication. With the introduction of insulin, however, the number of those saved from coma immediately increased dramatically. Umber reports that before the insulin era, of his 48 patients with ma diabeticum, only three were temporarily saved, while of his 44 coma patients, 32 were recently saved.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):787-790
pages 787-790 views

Straight gastrointestinal ether-oil semi-narcosis

Samborsky V.S.


The problem of pain-free surgery is not yet completely solved, especially with regard to complete safety, the simplicity of the technique and the absence of interference by those performing anesthesia on the operator. It is therefore natural that every new proposal in the field of anesthesia is of great interest to surgeons. We surgeons in the deep provinces are especially sensitive in this respect: the lack of appropriately qualified assistants, the insecurity of anaesthetica, sometimes the lack of them, the closer connection of the local surgeon with the local patients - make this sensitivity quite understandable.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):791-794
pages 791-794 views

Treatment of neuralgia of the sciatic nerve of rheumatic character

Chetverikov N.S.


Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, along with some other nerve diseases, is a suffering that every practitioner has to face, especially in our province, where neuropathological care is generally poor. This was the reason for us to publish our observations on this issue not in the special neurological press, but in a general journal.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):795-797
pages 795-797 views

On the use of neosalvarsan in anthrax

Krasovitov K.P.


In spite of the fact that in recent years in our medical press began to appear reports on the beneficial effect of neosalvarsan in anthrax, this question is still insufficiently developed and requires further observations and reports. This question, it seems to me, should interest equally representatives of different medical disciplines, as anthrax until very recently has not been conclusively referred to one or another area of medicine, being thus one of the so-called borderline diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):798-800
pages 798-800 views

On cornea tattooing by the method of Кnapp

Morozov N.M.


The question about the best methods of staining persistent corneal opacities in order to bring the scarred cornea closer to the appearance of a normal eye and thus eliminate its cosmetic defect, is still a subject of experimental and clinical research. There is enough reason for this if we take into account both the suffering itself, which is very serious in functional and cosmetic respects, and imperfections of existing methods of staining, which are not without significant drawbacks and leave much to be desired in cosmetic respect. All this, taken together, gives the tattoo operation quite a great importance, and the desire of many researchers to achieve results that meet all the requirements of cosmetics is quite understandable.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):801-809
pages 801-809 views

On the issue of umbilical cord rupture

Fraiman S.A.


It has long been believed that violent rupture of the umbilical cord (UCR) and its accompanying phenomena is one of the evidence in forensic medical trials. Therefore, every case of spontaneous rupture of the umbilical cord, which occurred outside of judicial relations, especially in the prone position of the woman in labor, deserves to be studied. Casuistry of this kind is not rich.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):810-815
pages 810-815 views

On the treatment of acute peritonitis with sulfur

Pokrovsky A.F.


I have tried injecting sulfur under the skin, assuming that it is thereby absorbed into the blood, oxidized into sulfuric acid salt, and in the intestine gives sulfuric alkali, which causes peristalsis of the intestines, usually in a paretic state in acute peritonitis. Subcutaneously sulfur in a solution of 0.3 per 100.0 of almond oil was used by me in 8 cases of peritonitis, and in all these cases good results were obtained.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):816-816
pages 816-816 views

Attempt to form an artificial bladder from the rectum

Tsapkin L.M.


It will be more expedient to focus all attention on the issue of creation of an artificial bladder with an independent sphincter and put the resolution of this issue as the next task of modern operative gynecology In order to resolve this issue, the most valuable achievements of the last three decades in the formation of an artificial vagina from large and small intestines must be considered. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):817-821
pages 817-821 views

Clinical features of Botkin's disease (infectious jaundice) in children

Schwager R.I.


In the journal "Pediatrics" (Vol. VIII, No. 2-3), we published an article. Botkin's disease in children", in which we briefly touched the clinical picture of this still poorly studied disease in children. Now we have much more material and have the opportunity to approach and highlight the clinical features of Botkin's disease, its symptoms and course.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):822-827
pages 822-827 views

Some data on gonococcal provocation in male gonorrhea

Rothstein T.Y., Mirkin M.I.


From the point of view of social and the possibility of spreading the infection, it is often necessary for venereologists to decide whether or not the patient's manifestations of the disease have disappeared, and whether he is no longer dangerous in the sense of infecting others. We will not dwell on the pathological and anatomical changes which develop in the urethra and in the glands adjacent to it, and which often lead to serious consequences; it is important to establish the point at which, according to Fronstein, "the repeated use of all the methods of investigation at our disposal cannot prove the presence of gonocococci in the body, nor can they be found even after a more or less long period of the usual life of the patient".

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):828-832
pages 828-832 views

On erythroprecipitins and hemoglobin precipitins

Gusev A.D.


In 1903, A. Klein showed that when rabbits are immunized with an extract of red blood cells in their serum, precipitins that differ in their properties from Uhlenhuth's precipitins are formed. Klein called them erythroprecipitins, in contrast to the sulfurprecipitins commonly used in practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):833-838
pages 833-838 views

Summary of the current state of the pathogenesis of glaucoma

Roshchin V.P.


The problem of glaucoma has, for many reasons, occupied and continues to occupy a prominent place in the ophthalmic press. It is enough to recall that 19% of all blind people owe their misfortune to glaucoma to understand why interest in this affliction has never faded among ophthalmologists. Furthermore, no ophthalmologist is quite sure that a certain method of treatment, even if the patient has timely applied for medical attention, can definitely prevent a sad outcome in every single case. This plus the absence of a unified and correct view of the essence of glaucoma keeps ophthalmologists in a constant state of flux, constantly striving to uncover the hidden springs of the disease process on the one hand, and to find a more radical means to combat it on the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):839-845
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Cancer autoserum therapy. S. V. Kaufman (Klin. Med., 1927, No. 7)


The author used this method of treatment in 2 patients with uterine cancer and in 2 patients with gastrointestinal cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):845-845
pages 845-845 views

Cancer sensitivity to radiant energy depending on histological structure. Сordua (Brit. Jour. of radiol., 1926, No. 317; Berich., ü. d. g. G.. Bd. XI)

Timofeev A.


The author, together with В. Schröder, divides cancers into 6 groups: 1) immature cancers, 2) cancers with a tendency to form glands, 3; pronounced adenocarcinomas, 4) moderately mature cancers with a tendency to form squamous epithelium. 5) cancers with a clear tendency to form squamous epithelium and 6) squamous cell carcinomas with keratinization.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):845-845
pages 845-845 views

To the blood transfusion. A. I. Ushakov (Novaya Khirurgiya, No. 4, 1924)

Tsimkhes I.


The author recommends transfusing blood according to Dupuy-de-Fresnel's method in small quantities, mixing it with a significant volume of glucose solution. For this purpose, the author used Bobrov's apparatus and a glass beaker, which were pre-boiled in 5-7% solution of sodium citric acid.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):845-846
pages 845-846 views

Malaria transmission by blood transfusion. Dr. Korabelnikov (Zentr. f. Chin., No. 20, 1927)

Tsimkhes I.


The author cites a case where, after a blood transfusion from a donor suffering from malaria, a patient suffered several typical attacks, the latter with plasmodia found in her blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):846-846
pages 846-846 views

Tuberculosis infection of leukocyte cultures from human blood. A. D. Timofeevsky and S. V. Benevolenskaya (Arch. f. exp. Zellforsch., Bd. IV, H. 1, 1927)

Vylegzhanin N.


The authors exposed tissue cultures from human white blood globules to tbc infection with typus humanus and found that human white blood globules were more sensitive to tbc bacilli of this type than rabbit leukocytes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):846-846
pages 846-846 views

Menstruation, pregnancy and lung tbc. Вauer (Schweiz, m. Woch., 1926, No. 47)


The author notes that shortly before the onset of regurgitation in tbc patients: there is a deterioration of auscultatory and percussive picture, as well as a slight increase in temperature. More significant increases in t° before and during regulae indicate the activity of the process in the lungs. High fever at the end of menses or shortly after their appearance is particularly serious.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):846-846
pages 846-846 views

Sexual tbc and female constitution. А. Мауеr (Веіtr. z. Klin. d. Tuberkul., Bd. 63, H. 6)

Timofeev A.


The author believes that genital tbc in women is slightly more common than in men; conversely, peritonitis in women is 4½ times more often associated with genital tbc than it is in men.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):846-846
pages 846-846 views

Sterilization of catgut by 1% aqueous solution of malachite green. S.A. Bakkal (Nov. Khir. Archives, No. 48, 1927)

Tsimkhes I.


Based on experimental studies and 52 cases of successful use in human surgeries, the author considers malachite green to be a powerful bactericidal agent that kills all microorganisms in a 1% aqueous solution in the raw sale catgut.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):846-847
pages 846-847 views

Effect of chloroform anesthesia on the chemical composition of the brain. M. Y. Sereisky (Jour. Exp. Biol., vol. V, No. 13)


Studies by M.Ya. Seresky have shown that chloroform anesthesia causes an increased content of lipoids in both gray and white matter of the brain, with the increase in cholesterol and unsaturated phosphatides being sharper in the white matter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):847-847
pages 847-847 views

Headaches after lumbar anesthesia. Vidlickа (Bratisl. Lek. Listy, 1925, Oct.)


Headaches after lumbar anesthesia are known to occur almost always, being one of its most unpleasant companions. Vidliska considers the best remedy for these pains to be the use of salicylic preparations in general and acylpyrine.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):847-847
pages 847-847 views

About localization and metastases of esophageal cancer. A. Кlеіn (Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd. 145)

Tsimkhes I.


Almost half of all esophageal cancers, according to A. Klein's data show that the bifurcation area is responsible for almost half of all esophageal cancers. The disease predominates in men and ranks second in the overall cancer statistics after stomach cancer, occurring most often in the sixth decade.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):847-847
pages 847-847 views

Surgical treatment of cholelithiasis. Anschütz (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, No. 44)

Sergeev V.


The author believes that in the case of gallstones, early surgical intervention in the Enderlen-Hotz sense (i.e. before 40 years of age), especially during the interval between attacks, is all the more advisable, because the danger of surgery during an attack (with fever or jaundice) increases significantly with age. On the contrary, being performed during a pause, the operation becomes only slightly more dangerous with age (up to the age of 60 the mortality rate is 1-2, later - 4 to 5).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):847-847
pages 847-847 views

Treatment of acute purulent peritonitis. Schnönbauer (Zentr. f. Chirur., 1926, no. 45)

Timofeev A.


The treatment of acute purulent peritonitis was discussed as a program issue at the last meeting of German Surgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):847-848
pages 847-848 views

To the treatment of noma. M. V. Raskin (Klin. Med., 1926, No. 12)


According to M.V. Raskin, noma is not an absolutely fatal affliction - different authors have observed cases of recovery from this disease with different methods of treatment. We still do not have, however, a quite correct and reliable treatment for noma, and in particular the results of surgical treatment do not give it an advantage over other methods.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):848-848
pages 848-848 views

Salivary condition in gastric diseases. Delhougue (Klin Woch., 1926, No. 52)


The author found that there is a known parallelism between the acidity of the gastric juice and the content of ptialin in saliva, namely, in persons with subacidic juice there is also a slight content of ptialin in saliva, thus by the amount of ptialin in the latter one can judge about the acidity of the gastric juice.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

On plastic closure of salivary fistulas. S. A. Tikhomirov (Odontology, 1927, No. 1)


On the basis of the material from 16 cases, the author finds that a piece of bone or fat transplant can be used to close lobular salivary fistulas of gl. parotis, localized most often behind the ascending branch of the lower jaw.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

Alveolar pyorrhea. K. G. Mitrofanov (S.-Az. Med. J., 1926, No. 8)


Alveolar pyorrhea is a disease of the tissues surrounding the tooth, accompanied by pus and loose teeth. A predisposing factor for its development is damage to the gums of mechanical origin, mostly by dental calculus.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

Menotoxin and its harmful effects on women. Aschner (Zentr. f. inn. Aled., 1927, No. 3)

Timofeev A.


On the basis of clinical observations the author considers it possible to talk about menotoxin, i.e. those products of metabolism that accumulate during a month in a woman's body and must be excreted with menstrual blood. In this sense, menstruation is really a process of "purification" of the body, and accumulation of menotoxins leads to the development of menstrual toxicosis, a kind of "general dysmenorrhea".

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

Function of the umbilical cord and amnion. Runge (Zentr. f. G., 1927, No. 1)


The function of the umbilical cord and amnion was studied by Runge by pouring Ringer's solution with Al'ethylenblau, Patentblau, Trypanblau and Kongoroth dyes at 3 centigrade of mercury into the umbilical vessels. It turned out that Trypanblau and Kongoroth did not diffuse through the vein walls, while the blue easily stained the entire tubule. Arterial walls were impenetrable for all dyes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

To the diagnosis of pregnancy in the first month. Randa (Wien. med. W., 1927, No. 3)


The author made the observation that light, even pressure with a finger for several seconds on the anterior surface of the pregnant uterus, especially in its lateral parts, leaves a pit that does not disappear for a long time. The depth of this pit varies depending on the consistency of the uterus and in very soft consistency can reach 1 centimeter or more.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):850-850
pages 850-850 views

To the treatment of eclampsia. Stoeсkel (Zentr. f. G., 1927, No.3)

Timofeev A.


The author is in favor of immediate delivery in eclampsia, which should be undertaken as quickly as surgery for a ruptured pregnant tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):850-850
pages 850-850 views

Primary uterine weakness and the autonomic nervous system. Clauser Fiorenzo (Ann. di ostetr. e gin., 1926, No. 6)

Timofeev A.


The author studied the autonomic nervous system in 15 laboring women after a normal delivery and in 23 laboring women whose labor was complicated by primary weakness of uterine contractions and had to be terminated artificially.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):850-850
pages 850-850 views

Artificial amniotic fluid replacement after premature rupture of the fetal bladder. Wielосh (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 44)

Board E.


In order to eliminate many of the undesirable, and sometimes severe, consequences of premature rupture of the bladder during labor, the author proposed a special instrument by which the amniotic fluid can be artificially replaced.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):850-850
pages 850-850 views

The dangers of the Сrеdé operation of placenta squeezing. Dyroff (Therapie d. Gegenw., H. 6, 1926)

Timofeev A.


The author draws attention to a number of complications that may arise in connection with the Criedé method. If the placenta is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus and has not yet fully detached, strong thumb pressure on this wall in the Сrédé method can disrupt the normal separation mechanism and cause retention of some of the placental tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):850-851
pages 850-851 views

A new serum for the treatment of postpartum sepsis. Warnekros, Lourоs, Becker (Münch. m. W., 1926, No.51)


Based on the work of American authors with the isolation of scarlet streptococcus toxin, the authors made an attempt to isolate Puerperal streptococcus toxin and obtain an antitoxic serum from a horse by the American Dochez method (Agarklossmethode), which they used for therapeutic purposes in 200 women with postpartum sepsis, with strict clinical and bacteriological monitoring of each case.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):851-851
pages 851-851 views

For the prevention of gynecological diseases. Miller (Amer. j. of obst., v. 12, No. 6; Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XII)


In order to prevent gynecologic diseases due to postpartum disorders, Miller points out the main points in maternity care. Every woman in labor should be examined at least two months after delivery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):851-851
pages 851-851 views

Treatment of uterine bleeding with soda solution. Вenzel (Berich, ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI)


Автор предлагает для остановки послеродовых и различных гинекологических кровотечений применять 5—10% раствор соды, причем пропитанной раствором марлей матка тампонируется на 12—14 часов.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):851-851
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To the treatment of morphinism. Römer (Kl. Woch., 1925, No. 8)


The author recommends weaning morphinists by gradually reducing the dose of morphine over a week.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):851-851
pages 851-851 views

Facial diplegia of cortical origin. Ch. Foix, Т. А. Сhavanу (Annales de Médecine, XX, No. 5, 1926)

Rusetsky P.


Even cortical facial monoplegia is relatively rare in the clinic, while cortical facial diplegia is very rare. Ch. Foix and T.A. Chavanu describe two cases of diplegia of cortico-subcortical origin (without lesion of subcortical nodes) with phenomena of paralysis of the face, tongue, pharynx and masticatory muscles.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):851-852
pages 851-852 views

Testicular changes in schizophrenics. Doct. Witte (Zeit. d. g. N. u, Ps., Bd. 98)

Shifrina M.


On macroscopic and microscopic examination of the testicles in 134 cases of dementiae рrаес., the author found in more than 1/2 of the cases, anatomical deviations of these organs from the norm, namely, very small testicles in 60%, insufficiency of spermiogenesis in 1/2 of all cases, reduced number of intermediate cells in 20%, frequent foci of neglected tubes without inflammatory phenomena, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Anatomical changes in dementia praecox. Fünfgeld (Zeit. f. d. g. N. u. Ps., Bd. 95)

Shifrina M.


The author, on the basis of microscopic examination of 5 cases of dementiae рrаес.of different duration, attributed this psychosis only to changes in the cerebral cortex, denying the involvement of the basal ganglia, where he found no primary lesion.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

How to prevent progressive paralysis and tabes dorsalis? Hauptmann (Zentr. f. Н., G. XXII, H 9/20, 1927)

Weinstein A.


The author believes that metasyphilis develops in two ways: 1) toxic - lack of protection of nerve substance by blood and CSF and 2) direct introduction and reproduction of spirochaetes in the brain. Both pathways are caused by insufficient defensive power of the infected organism in the secondary stage.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Successes in the treatment of progressive paralysis. Weуgаndt (Zentr. f. H., G, 1926, XXI, H. 9/16)

Weinstein A.


On the basis of literature and his own observations, the author concludes that malaria vaccination has an excellent effect on progressive paralysis. He had complete remissions in 31%, incomplete ones in 60-70%; as, however, there is no guarantee in persistence of remissions, W. avoids using the term "cure" for this method.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Blumenthal's reaction in cerebrospinal fluid in syphilis of the central nervous system. B. I. Serafimov (Journal for Advanced Medical Training, 1926, No. 7-8)


Having applied this reaction in a number of cases (46) of progressive paralysis, brain syphilis, spinal tapeworm and other diseases of the central nervous system of syphilitic origin, B.I. Serafimov obtained positive results from it in all these cases, - the same as from RW.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):852-853
pages 852-853 views

Histological changes of internal organs in congenital syphilis. D. D. Tikhomirov (Journal of Early Childhood, vol. IV, No. 5)


Having examined 18 cases of congenital untreated syphilis. D.D. Tikhomirov found that the most frequent changes in internal organs in the latter are infiltrative, then productive-interstitial (cirrhotic) and, finally, gummies.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

Syphilis treatment. Finger (Zentr. f. H., G., 1927, XXII, H9/10)

Weinstein A.


The author points out that at present the best way to treat syphilis is to combine specific therapy with nonspecific therapy in the form of the Wagner-Juregg malaria-salvage course; this is especially recommended in the seropositive and liquor-positive latent stages of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

Concerning the fate of syphilitics. Prof. Jordan (Vrach. Delo, 1927, No. 8)

Weinstein A.


Автор разработал статистику 100 частных больных с своего домашнего приема, прослеженных им втечение ряда лет. Статистика эта коснулась пола, возраста, времени заражения, проведенной терапии, объективных и серологических данных к моменту исследования и т. д.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

Opportunities and pathways in the therapy of metasyphilis. Jahnel (Zntr. j. Н., G., 1926, Bd. XXI, H. 9/10)

Weinstein A.


The author recognizes the main principle of the nonspecific therapy of metasyphilis as high F on the basis of the fact of the death of Spir. pallida in the hard chancre of a rabbit placed in a thermostat at F 41°, which he first discovered together with Weichbrodt. The way of modern therapy of syphilis, according to this author, lies in chemotherapy, a nonspecific therapy of active immunization.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

Cutaneous lesions in hematogenous infection with fungi. Коgoj (Arch. f. Derm. n. Syph., 1926, Bd. 150, Hft. 2)

Yasnitsky N.


Applying intracardiac infection of guinea pigs with cultures (4-week-old) of Achonon Quinckeanum fungus, the author obtained mycotic foci on animal skin, more intensified on skin areas previously subjected to artificial irritation (croton oil, rubbing with glass paper, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

On the dependence of some dermatoses, in particular psoriasis, on constitutional causes. Gans, Gruhle (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., 1926, Bd. 150, Н. 2)

Яснитский Н.


Studying the question from the point of view of the modern theory of constitutions, the authors studied 118 patients (34 with psoriasis, 13 with sycosis, 37 with gonorrhea and syphilis and 43 with various skin diseases) and the results were classified into the main types given by Kretschmer, In 15 per cent of the cases we found normal type, in 20 per cent - asthenic, in 18 per cent - athletic, in 12 per cent - pyknic, in 11 per cent - dysplastic and in 22 per cent - mixed.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):853-854
pages 853-854 views

Pathogenesis of lupus erythematosus. Schaumann (Ann. de derm. et syph., t. 7, No. 4 et 5, 1926)

Yasnitsky N.


In 3 cases of acute and subacute lupus erythematosus, Schaumann examined histologically the spleen and lymph glands and found only one case of classical tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):854-854
pages 854-854 views

On the use of "mountain sun" in skin diseases. Matusis (Russkii Vestn. Derm., 1926, No. 4)

Klyachkin L.N.


Applying this method of treatment to 200 cases of skin diseases, 116 of which have been followed for quite a long time, in acne vulg. without infiltrates the author obtained success in the great majority of cases, after 1-6 sessions: conversely, cases with developed infiltrates did not yield any results.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):854-854
pages 854-854 views

Radiography of the male urethra. A. P. Frumkin (Fortsch. auf d. Geb. d. Röntgenstrahlen, 1925, Bd. XXXIII, H. 3)

Pechnikov Y.D.


The progress of urogenital X-ray diagnostics extends very little to the examination of the urethra with X-rays. In the Russian literature, for example, there are absolutely no reports concerning it.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):854-854
pages 854-854 views

Effect of diathermy on urinary tract infections. Roucayrol (Znbl. f. Haut. u. Gesellt, 1926, Bd. XX, H. 9/10)

Pechnikov Y.D.


The author states that diathermy leads to the elimination of bacteria in urinary tract infections. The disappearance of bacteria is not due to the direct effect of the heat, since heat-resistant bacteria are also destroyed, but due to diathermy-induced leukocytosis, which enhances the elimination of bacteria.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):854-854
pages 854-854 views

Tripaflavin in urinary tract infections. Gagstatter (Wien. kl. W., 1926, No. 40)


The author recommends intravenous injections of ½ % aqueous trypaflavine solution (in an amount of 20 cc per day) for disinfection of the urinary tract. He obtained very good results from this remedy in 150 patients, among whom there were 74 patients with cystitis and cysto-pyelitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):855-855
pages 855-855 views

Treatment of inflammations of the bladder neck in women. Prof. B.I. Holtsov (Vest. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., b. 24)


The author fervently recommends for this purpose injections of strong (1% to 3%, depending on the sensitivity of the patient) solutions of lapis, in an amount of 10 cc, into the posterior part of the urethra. Before injection, the bladder is flushed with borax solution or distilled water until the flushing fluid is completely clear when it flows out of the bladder.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):855-855
pages 855-855 views

Variations of air pressure in the nose under different conditions. N. Khodyakov (Vest. Rino-L, ot., 1927, No. 1)

Ilyina Y.


Citing the literature data on this issue, N. Khodyakov reports his observations on 36 patients. In this number 6 people had approximately normal relations in the airways, others were with various pathological processes: deviation of the septum, hypertrophic and atrophic processes, adenoids, disease of the Highmor's cavities and labyrinths.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):855-855
pages 855-855 views

On the distribution of rhinoscleroma in the USSR. Kordatova (Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, 1927, No. 1-2)

Bobrovsky N.


The statistics of Prof. Volkovich before 1911 recorded 128 cases of rhinoscleroma with main foci in Kiev and Minsk provinces in Russia. Dr. Kordatova's statistics from 1911 to 1926 collected 150 cases of scleroma with main foci in Kiev, Minsk and Moscow provinces.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):855-855
pages 855-855 views

To the diagnosis of maxillary sinus polyps. Н. Marx (Arch. f. Ohren,-Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh., Bd. 115, H. 2)

Lebedevsky B.


The author notes some, partly not new, but only forgotten, signs of maxillary sinus polyps, namely, 1) ease of probing the latter from the middle nasal passage, depending on the abnormal width of ostii accessorii; 2) feeling from the side of the sinus, when touching it with the probe, of a kind of resistance when pressing on the polyposis mucosa, - a typical sign, but not described anywhere else; 3) "staining" in the area of the affected sinus, with air gaps between the spots on the radiograph, - a phenomenon explained by the fact that the darkening here is the result of exudate, but the presence of mucosal polyps.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):855-855
pages 855-855 views

Effect of sulfur baths on the upper respiratory tract and the organ of hearing. Mogilnitsky (Vest. r.-o., 1927, No. 1)

Bobrovsky N.


The question of the effect of H2S on the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and the hearing organ is currently not yet sufficiently developed. Observations of Dr. Mogilnitsky on patients with sulfur baths suggest that H2S acts directly on the mucosa of the upper airways, causing its hyperaemia, increased secretion and reduction of atrophic phenomena; long-term action of H2S, on the contrary, increases atrophic phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):856-856
pages 856-856 views

А. Egorov. Technique of mass blood investigations and basic provisions of the dynamics of morphological gematology. 1927, 70 pp., 70 kop.

Goryaev N.


The author evidently has extensive experience in blood research and, in particular, in mass studies. This experience allows him, among other things, to estimate the value of various minor details of methodology, which, however, have an essential practical value. To many of such details he draws the reader's attention. I think that those or other of his instructions will also be useful to those who are not new to hematological research. Therefore, this book can be quite recommended. I would like to make only a few comments.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):856-856
pages 856-856 views

J. Kowarschik. Electrotherapy. Trans. from the 2nd German edition by Dr. W. Е. Dembskaya. 238 p. Price 2 r. 25 k. Ed. "Practical Medicine"

Klyachkin L.N.


Over the last decade the methodology, technique and volume of electrotherapy have developed extremely strongly and have grown into an independent, large and interesting branch of physiotherapy. Electrotherapy, which previously was exclusively in the hands of neurologists, and the manuals authored by the same neurologists referred only to galvanization and pharadization of peripheral nerves, passed from the offices and clinics of neurologists into the hands of physiotherapists and into special physiotherapy institutions. This growth of electrotherapy is entirely reflected in the book by Coorschik, who runs a large physiotherapy institute in Vienna and is a solid authority on electrotherapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):856-857
pages 856-857 views

XIX Congress of Russian Surgeons

Sokolov N.V.


The congress took place in Leningrad from 24 to 28 May of this year. The number of its members exceeded 1500 people. Of the foreign guests, only Prof. Falkin of Helsinki was present. Prof. N. I. Napalkov from Rostov was elected chairman of the congress and Prof. Smith, a surgeon from Ryazan, as comrade of the chairman. The program issues of S'ezd were: 1) endocrinology and surgery, 2) constitution and 3) ileus. One session was devoted to gastric surgery for gastric ulcers and duodeni. In addition, there were several presentations on off-program topics of an incidental nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):857-859
pages 857-859 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 8 (1927)


Session 17/V.
Dr. N. A. Kramov: Sputum cytology and its diagnostic value (abstract not delivered).

Prof. A. F. Samoilov and M. A. Kiselev: Electrophysiology of the rigid muscle. The speakers performed experiments on cats decerebrated according to Sherrington's method, with photographic recordings of mechanograms of both hind limbs and current: action of one of the two m. quadr. femoris. Studying the properties of the rigid muscle, they found that during the "lengthening reaction" there was an increase in the amplitude and number of action currents, whereas during the "shortening reaction" they decreased or even dropped out completely.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):860-863
pages 860-863 views

Conferences of doctors of TB dispensaries in Kazan


Between December 1926 and April 1927, the conferences included reports of an experimental, clinical, social, and abstract nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):863-864
pages 863-864 views

Chronicle. Vol. 23, No. 8 (1927)


At present the following departments are vacant at the Medical Faculty of Kazan University: physiological chemistry, general pathology, surgical pathology, social hygiene and forensic medicine.
Professor of the vacant chair of skin and venereal diseases in Kazan University is approved M. S. Pilnov.
Tatnarkomzdrav has initiated a petition for the conversion of the Tuberculosis Dispensary into a research institute devoted to the study of tbc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):864-865
pages 864-865 views

Questions and answers. Vol. 23, No. 8 (1927)


What points in the treatment of optic atrophy in tablets give the right to interrupt treatment, and when can it be started again?
P. Augusiewich.
Answer. Where once there have been contraindications for the use of mercury, it is unlikely to resume it, even if the function of the visual organ has improved. Prof. V. Adamyuk.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(8):865-865
pages 865-865 views

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