Vol 30, No 1 (1934)

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Full Issue

Clinical and professional characteristics as a method of simultaneous study of a profession and a professional

Rabinovich D.V.


The first and most important feature of clinical and professional characterization is the synchronous (simultaneous) study of the profession and the professional. The underlying methodological premise here is a dialectical understanding of the relationship between the job and the worker as two mutually influencing complex "series", each of which more fully reveals its "content" through the study of the "content" of the other.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):3-13
pages 3-13 views

The experience of introducing physical education into the work process of fitters at the 1st State Ball Bearing Plant

Arkadievsky A.A., Merkina R.L.


The task of this work was to experimentally justify the methodology of physical fitness activities in the labor process of locksmiths of the gauge department of the tool shop. For this purpose the group of workers consisting of 80 people was allocated.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):14-20
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Is there an addiction to lead?

Gratsianskaya L.N.


The question of the possibility of addiction to lead is almost completely undeveloped in the literature, both Russian and foreign.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):20-26
pages 20-26 views

On teaching surgery to seconded doctors

Bogolyubov V.L.


The question of the systematic improvement of doctors on a national scale arose only after the October Revolution and the transfer of the health care system into the hands of the state. The October Revolution, which brought with it the system of state health care, raised the acute and very real question of creating a cadre of doctors to carry out the tasks of Soviet health care. Thus, the training of doctors in our Soviet Union in general and their training in particular is directly dependent on the tasks of Soviet health care, which are inseparably linked in their turn to the realization of various general state tasks at a given point in time.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Clinical effectiveness of diets

Berlin I.I.


For the survey we took the diets at the Borets plant, a medium-sized plant in terms of capacity, and at the Electrocombinat plant, a giant plant. All the research work was carried out in the "field" at work, more often in the canteen, sometimes in the shop. For the canteen "Borets" the whole composition of patients who used dietetic food (74 people) was studied. For Electrozavod - 62 people.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):33-43
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On the pathogenesis and classification of hypotension

Isaeva L.V.


What is the basis of hypotonic conditions? Under the concept of hypotension, according to modern views, we mean the general constitutional and endocrine-nervous setting of the whole organism, with sluggishness of vital functions, muscular dystonia, general adynamy, general lowering of tone, not only arterial hypotension, which is only a separate, though essential, symptom in the general syndrome of these conditions; and as a specific, measurable and comparable value, it can be the only objective and true sign of them.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):44-46
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Some peculiarities of the epidemiology and clinical course of tularaemia

Berezin I.F.


Judging by the Russian literature available to us, tularaemia in the Soviet Union is relatively rare, poorly described, and therefore little known to the general medical community. In the majority of Russian works, however, clinical descriptions are given mainly by bacteriologists and participants in special teams or committees set up by medical organizations to investigate this plague-like disease. Apparently, this can explain the heterogeneity in the description of the clinical picture when summarizing these works and the absence of a firmly established and strictly pathogenic for this disease complete picture of the disease. Observing tularemia for three years among cannery workers of the Kurgan plant, we had an opportunity to trace the fullest variety of clinical forms of this disease and note the features in epidemiology and clinic, still not covered in the literature of this issue. This work is based on our material of 1932 and the end of 1931.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):46-56
pages 46-56 views

To the etiology of influenza

Izabolinsky M.P., Yudenich V.A., Batenkov E.L.


In view of the fact that the material we studied at that time came mainly from outpatients, we decided to make further observations on inpatients, as well as on persons who had contracted influenza in the hospital itself. We were interested, on the one hand, in the contagiousness of influenza, which was easy to study, having the ward patients under observation, and, on the other hand, we set out to continue the study of the influenza microflora.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):56-58
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On the relationship of autonomic disposition, eosinophilia, and worm infestations in childhood

Moderatov P.S., Kukharenko M.V.


In recent years, the issue of helminth infestation in children has received considerable attention in the pediatric literature. A number of authors cite various numbers of helminth infestations found in different areas of the USSR, and it must be said that these figures are impressive, ranging from 70 to 100%. Such frequency of finding helminth carriage gives the right to say, without fear of special exaggeration, that almost the entire child population is infected with worms. The preventive measures carried out in our country in this respect are undoubtedly correct and valuable. The only question that arises is on the basis of what data it is possible to diagnose the presence of worms in a particular child.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):59-61
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On the treatment of postgonorrhoeal catarrhal and nongonorrhoeal urethritis with quinine

Kochetov B.P.


Postgonorrhoeal urethritis, according to Jeanet, may appear immediately after cessation of treatment, during the month following cure, and sometimes much later, several months after the cure of gonorrhea. They appear as a completely transparent mucous discharge, sometimes serous-purulent, identical to that of gonorrhoea.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):61-65
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Meinicke's sedimentation reaction in syphilis

Feldstein A.O.


Currently, given the complexity of the immunobiological properties of luteal sera, colloidal physical and chemical reactions are of great importance in the serological diagnosis of syphilis. Such reactions have been suggested quite a lot and some of them are considered to be very valuable. We had the opportunity to check on the material of 163 studies a modification of the Meinicke-sedimentation lucidation reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):65-66
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Some results of treatment of chronic limb ulcers with novocaine nerve block

Novikov G.M.


The term neurotrophic ulcers was almost until recently understood only as ulcers formed as a result of an injury to a particular nerve trunk. Nowadays it includes traumatic ulcers, varicose ulcers, Reno disease ulcers, spontaneous gangrene ulcers, postlethrophic ulcers and other dystrophic processes in the extremities, which belong to the so-called group of ulcers of unknown origin. Without touching here the question of pathogenesis of these ulcers, we set ourselves the task of summarizing some results of their treatment with novocaine block according to Vishnevsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):67-71
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Effect of novocaine block of the nervous system on the course of bone and joint tuberculosis

Osipovsky V.M.


Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky suggested me to make observations on the effect of novocaine block of the nervous system on the course of bone and joint tuberculosis. While performing this work, I used the following technique: a patient is laid on the operating table, the field is prepared with alcohol and iodine. With an ordinary ten gram syringe I made injections (1/4% novocaine solution in Ringers fluid) above the affected foci circularly, successively tightly infiltrating the skin and subcutaneous tissue-surface block. If this was accompanied by injections under the aponeurosis and deeper-depth block. In other cases I limited myself to tight infiltration around the affected lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):72-76
pages 72-76 views

Treatment of women's diseases at the Alma Arasan resort in Kazakhstan

Degtyar A.Y.


During the 3 summer months of 1931 and 4 months of 1932, 95 women were treated for various chronic inflammatory genital diseases: inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, metritis, endometritis, endocervicitis, parametritis. The processes usually lasted for several years.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):77-78
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On iodine content in strumatous ovarian tumors

Blumstein Z.


Strumose ovarian tumors, despite their rarity (only about 70 cases are described in the world literature), attract researcher's attention in attempts to find out tissue histogenesis. It is quite natural that presence of newly-formed tissue, histologically similar to the thyroid gland tissue, causes the necessity to carry out chemical examination of this tissue in order to detect iodine in it.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):78-83
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On the treatment approach for laryngeal tuberculosis

Gershkovich I.M.


The unity of all tbc lesions of the body is now generally accepted, with local manifestations being a consequence of the general tuberculosis disease. Of all tbc lesions of the body, the closest relationship exists between laryngeal and pulmonary disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):83-87
pages 83-87 views

Observations on bloodless treatment of anterior staphylomas of the eye according to Koyanagi

Mitskevich V.D., Mitskevich L.D.


Anterior staphylomas of the eyeball, representing the final chord of severe lesions of the cornea and adjoining parts of the sclera, occur quite frequently in the daily practice of an ophthalmologist. Without dwelling on the enumeration and analysis of numerous ways of surgical treatment of ocular staphyloma, we must still note that all of them, despite the seriousness and complexity of the intervention, do not give practically satisfactory results.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):87-89
pages 87-89 views

From outpatient practice

Mastbaum M.


B- nineteen years old. Visiting. She came to a therapeutic appointment with a letter from a laryngologist (Prof. V.K. Trutnev): "Does patient N-eva have any changes in her lungs...".

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):90-90
pages 90-90 views

A case of obesity with premature development of secondary sexual characteristics

Dobrokhotov B.D.


A girl, D. K., 11 years old. 2 m., Tatar, student, born in Yalta, came under our observation in January 1931. The father is 32 years old, the mother is 27 years old. Mother observes her early sexual development. Her mother had been menstruating since she was 12 years old. Mother was married at age 15 and gave birth three times. Our sickly eldest. The last two children are healthy. Mother is inclined to obesity. The parents, as well as other relatives on the ascending and lateral lines, have nothing pathological noted. Syphilis is denied.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):91-93
pages 91-93 views

A case of Pseudoileus due to fish poisoning

Badyul P.A.


Fish poisoning of individuals is not common in clinical practice. Diagnostic difficulties may be encountered in the case of poisoning phenomena, mainly from the nervous system, especially in those cases where the signs of poisoning sometimes present an external picture similar to the picture of other diseases. The case we observed is particularly instructive in this respect.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):94-95
pages 94-95 views

On syphilis of the esophagus

Likht L.M.


In this brief article, I would like to share a description of a case of esophageal leucosis, but before proceeding to describe it, it is necessary, at least cursorily, to dwell on the classification offered by Schlesinger. Lues affects the esophagus usually in its late stage. This lesion may present itself as a gummosis-ulcerous process; further, we observe cases with a predominance of scarred strictures; finally, forms are described for which the formation of fistulous passages with other organs is characteristic. These three types, intertwined with each other, form new, combined forms of esophagoluez.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):96-98
pages 96-98 views

To casuistry of uterine fibroids

Evdokimov N.E.


We know from practice that uterine fibroids develop predominantly in women in the full blossom of their sexual ability, and that they usually occur in women who have not given birth at all or have given birth very little. In addition, we know that the growth of fibroids, except in cases of overgrowth, ceases with the onset of menopause, and that before puberty fibroids do not develop at all. Therefore, the supposed connection between the development of uterine fibroids and the activity of the ovary is quite natural and real.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):98-100
pages 98-100 views

Energy exchange in muscle and nerve

Gill A.V.


There are many reasons for convening such congresses as this. We come here to renew old friendships-talk on the sidelines when we should have been listening to papers elsewhere; we come to establish new friendships, which will become old ones soon enough and will be an even greater apology for our being on the sidelines at future congresses; we come here to complain together about the intolerable burden that literature places on our libraries and on ourselves, being quite sure that twenty years from now, unless something decisive is done, the burden will be many times worse; we come here to see and welcome Pavlov and other famous people; we come here to decide where the next congress should be held; we come here to make papers or to make demonstrations, maybe even just to hear papers and watch demonstrations.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):101-108
pages 101-108 views

Psychophysiological experiment in the clinic of nervous and mental diseases

Galant I.


The collection of Professor V.N. Myasishchev is of great interest as a work in the spirit of Marxist psychoneurology, rich in content and original in every respect. I speak about one work, though there are many works in the collection, for it is not difficult to be convinced that the variety of works reflects the united force of the mind armed with the Marxist method.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):108-108
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Collective labor method of treating neuropsychiatric patients

Galant I.


Bugaysky's book represents the first experience of a Soviet psychiatrist to give a system of labor therapy for neuropsychiatric patients, based on the provisions of Marxism-Leninism and using in the clinic the methods of communist education and socialist forms of labor. Despite the fact that it is the first experience, it was very successful, and Bugajsky's book serves as the best proof that Soviet psychiatry is capable of independent creativity, leading to the reconstruction of psychiatry in the USSR and to the creation of a new Marxist-grounded psychiatry.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):109-109
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Filtering elements of the tuberculosis virus

Kramov I.


Filtrating elements of the tuberculosis virus cannot be regarded as a simple stage in the development of Koch bacilli (KB). Filtrating elements are a special kind of bacillus, giving rise to new varieties of tuberculosis venom, varieties often very different from the main species.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):110-110
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Tuberculosis bacilli in the blood of cadavers

Kramov I.


The authors, using conventional methods of culture of tubercle bacilli (bac), found them in blood clots taken from the hearts of subjects who had died of various forms of tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):109-110
pages 109-110 views

Lethal bleeding in bronchiectasis

Kramov I.


Subject, 50 years old, had a large amount of sputum for several years; admitted to the hospital due to profuse hemoptysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):110-110
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Nephritis treatment

Kramov I.


Binet and Marek injected nitric acid salts of uranium under the skin of rabbits and caused acute intoxication (albuminuria, glucosuria, anuria and death).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):110-110
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Eine Arbeitstheorie zum Verständniss der Melancholie und ihrer Behandlung

Velikovsky I.


The author suggests treating melancholy by artificially inducing tears. Melancholics do not cry, their tears and other kinds of secretions are retained and cause self-poisoning of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

Bladder faradization for nocturnal urinary incontinence in children

Galant I.


The author recommends pharadization of the bladder up to the point of pain in nocturnal urinary incontinence in children, with this kind of painful pharadization serving only to strengthen the bladder.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):110-110
pages 110-110 views

Der Aufbau der Neurose

Adler A.


In this work, the famous founder of individual psychology once again tries to present his doctrine of neurosis in the most favorable light.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):110-111
pages 110-111 views

Does arsenobenzene treatment favor the appearance of neuro-lues?

Kramov N.


A.a. studied 500 cases of neuro-lues'a at the Mayo Dermatology Clinic. Of these, 361 (72%) had never been treated before coming to the clinic; 65 (13%) had only mercury and iodine treatment; 59-(12%)-mercury treatment and insufficient arsenic treatment. Fifteen cases only (3%) received arsenobenzene treatment; thus, 85% of all cases did not use arsenobenzene.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):111-111
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Antiseptic effect of chlorinated hydrochloric acid solutions

Schauffler K.


Dr. Karl Schaufler of the clinic of Prof. Krause-Saratov tested the antiseptic effect of hydrochloric acid solutions with bertoletic salt and considers it the simplest, cheapest, non-toxic means, which is able to replace many antiseptic liquids and solutions.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):111-111
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Immersion skin suture

Tsimkhes I.


The author proposes a subcutaneous dipstitch by passing a needle with a thread with a knot on the end from one edge of the wound and the subsequent continuous suture through the corium and subcutaneous tissue without poking outward. The end of the thread is tightened with a knot on a clamp.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):111-111
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Surgical diseases of the stomach in conjunction with lig. teres hepatis

Tsimkhes I.


The author cites two cases of lig. teres hepatis involvement in gastric distress: in one case there was fusion of the prepyloric part of the stomach with lig. teres hepatis without a gastric ulcer, in the other - fusion of a collicular prepyloric cancerous ulcer with lig. teres hepatis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):111-111
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On local anesthesia under pressure

Mandl F.


The author proposes to use the apparatus he designed in order to reduce the time of local anesthesia and simplify its technique.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):111-111
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On the success of gastric ulcer resections

Schewkot F.


The author describes the results of 94 resections for peptic ulcers performed over 2 1/2 years (1929, 1930 and 1931) at Smyrna City Hospital (Turkey).

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):112-112
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Reducing subsequent bleeding after gastric surgery

Tsimkhes I.


The author suggests, before opening the gastric lumen, to perform a puncture of the submucosal vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):112-112
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The value of serodiagnostic and biological reactions for the recognition of echinococcus

Lampiris S.


The author, observing more than 100 cases of echinococcus, found that the presence of eosinophilia in the blood cannot serve as a diagnostic sign without the presence of other reactions. The complement deviation reaction is less valuable than the intracutaneous one.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):112-112
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Notes on 8,000 spinal anesthesias performed

Gruesco T., Dragos A.


The authors performed 8000 spinal anesthesias over 25 years. In 4500 cases stovain was used, in 3300 cases novocaine, in 200 cases tutocaine.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):112-112
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Copper salts impregnation of catgut

von Linden G.


The author conducted under the skin of animals the threads of catgut impregnated with copper salts with live pathogenic bacteria. The disinfecting effect of copper impregnation was so great that experimental animals with "copper" catgut did not fall ill, while the control animals fell ill or even died.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):112-112
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Further observations on suprarenin-induced exsanguination by Borchers

Orth O.


The author, in order to temporarily bleed the operating field, made, as suggested by Borschears, injections of 400.0 - 500.0 physiological solution of table salt + 30 + 40 drops of suprarenin. The author was convinced on his own material that the operations were bloodless and much faster and he had never seen any local or general complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):112-112
pages 112-112 views

Successes of surgical treatment of ileus

Philipоwicz I.


The author reviews 14 years of material on surgical treatment of intestinal obstruction. In 119 operations for acute obstruction the author had a mortality rate of 27.7%. In the last 5 years for 45 cases only 15.5% mortality rate was observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):113-113
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Pathways of infection in acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear cavity and mastoid process

Voorthuyzen V.


The author reviews the available literature and believes that the hitherto dominant theory of airborne routes of infection is unproven and is strongly objected to by the clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):113-113
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Pulmonary complications due to tonsillectomy

Sokolov B.


The author points out that postoperative pneumonias after tonsillectomies are much more common than it is commonly thought.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):113-113
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of May 35, 1933.


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of May 35, 1933. Chairman Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky. Secretary Dr. L.I. Shulutko.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):114-115
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of November 15, 1933.


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of November 15, 1933. Chairman Prof. L.V. Vishnevsky, secretary Dr. Kharitonov. 

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):115-116
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of November 27, 1933.


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Surgical Section. Meeting of November 27, 1933. Chairman Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky. The secretary of the section is Dr. G.M. Novikov.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):116-118
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Obstetrics and Gynecology Section. Meeting of September 21, 1933.


Dr. H. E. Sidorov made a report on the time of appearance of the anterior pituitary lobe hormone in human embryonic life. One of the main intrasecretory functions of the pituitary gland is considered to be the regulation of body growth and, as a separate manifestation of this, the influence on the development of the sexual apparatus.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):118-118
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Obstetrics and Gynecology Section. Meeting of October 23, 1933.


Dr. E. I. Gorelova made a report on acute condylomas of the external genitalia and sleeve in women. The report was based on all cases of this disease observed in the obstetric-gynecological clinic of the Kazan MI since 1900.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):118-119
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Obstetrics and Gynecology Section. Meeting of November 15, 1933.


Dr. N. Ye. Sidorov made a report under the title: "Experience of self-financing in the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the Kazan GIDUV". The report provoked lively debate, in which Dr. M. A. Romanov, I. V. Danilov, Andronova and Prof. P. V. Manenkov and V. S. Gruzdev participated.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):119-119
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on March 23, 1933.


Fifteen people are present. Prof. Trutnev and Dr. Borschev K. G. report on a case of vascular tumor of the tympanic membrane observed in the Kazan ear clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):119-121
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting of April 16, 1933


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on April 16, 1933. A total of 16 people were present. Chairman prof. V.K. Trutnev. Secretary Moshin.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):121-122
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on November 2, 1933


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on November 2, 1933. There are 19 people. Chairman prof. V.K. Trutnev. Secretary Dr. Moshin.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):122-123
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on November 17th, 1933


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on November 17, 1933. There are 36 people. Chairman prof. V.K. Trutnev. Secretary Dr. R. I. Moshin.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):123-123
pages 123-123 views

Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on November 27, 1933


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Ear section. Meeting on November 27, 1933. There are 16 people. Prof. V.K. Trutnev. Secretary Dr. N.P. Okunev.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):123-123
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Eye section. Meeting on June 27, 1933


Ordin. E.I. Lipovtseva demonstrated patient I., transferred for special treatment to the eye clinic from the District Psychiatric Hospital with the phenomena of an arbital abscess.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):123-124
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Eye Section. Meeting of 29/X-1933


Attendees: employees of the Eye Clinic of the Medical Institute and the Trachoma Institute. A total of 17 people were present.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):124-124
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Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Psycho-neurological section. Meeting of 28/XI-1933


Regional Medical Association of the ATSSR. Psycho-neurological section. Meeting of 28/XI-1933. Present: Section members-23, outsiders-12.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):124-125
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Professor K. R. Viktorov

Trutnev V.K.


On September 17, 1933 the public of Kazan. Kazan celebrated the 30th anniversary of the medical and scientific-pedagogical activity of Professor Konstantin Rafailovich Viktorov.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):125-126
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Emil Roux

Geltzer R.


On November 3, 1933, the famous bacteriologist Pierre Paul Emile Raux, one of the brilliant pleiad of students and closest assistants of the creator of modern microbiology Pasteur, died in Paris.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):127-127
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Proletarians of the advanced plants and factories of Moscow and the Moscow region appealed to all workers to join in the march of the XVII Party Congress to come to the Congress with new achievements.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(1):128-131
pages 128-131 views

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