Vol 27, No 7 (1931)

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To the casuistry of aortic aneurysms according to the sectional material of Kazan

Vasilyeva I.P., Zhuravleva V.I.


A number of pathologists classify only limited (sac-like, boat-shaped, ring-shaped) protrusions of its wall as aneurysms of the aorta and separates them from its diffuse extensions; others (VAEG) include diffuse extensions in this concept. The latter definition is most consistent with clinical concepts, and on this basis, in our statistics we will touch not only limited aortic aneurysms, but also diffuse its extensions.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):707-711
pages 707-711 views

Changes in the gastric mucosa in rabies

Bol K.G.


Until now, it remains an open question what is so called. "hemorrhages" in the gastric mucosa in rabies in humans and animals, i.e. whether they represent simple ecchymoses or heart attacks. We have not found a definite answer in the literature available to us, the authors almost always talk about "hemorrhages in the gastric mucosa." Hemorrhages, ecchymoses in the gastric mucosa are common, caused by extremely different pests and especially with poisoning and infectious diseases. They are from a subsidiary, pinhead to a pea and larger foci, spherical, oval or irregular in shape. Hemorrhages are embedded in the mucous membrane diffusely-separately, superficially or more deeply penetrating into its thickness. Often, neighboring ecchymoses merge into larger islands and strands, especially along the tops of the folds, and are often accompanied by tissue necrosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):711-716
pages 711-716 views

The effect of prolonged poisoning with lead, sulema, gasoline and aniline on the function of the reticuloendothelial system

Pleschitzer A.Y.


The special attention paid by the labor protection authorities to those industrial enterprises in which workers have to deal with such factories and chemicals as lead, sulema, gasoline and analin, in turn, should attract interest in a comprehensive study of the effect of these substances on the body of experimental animals. Therefore, we undertook the task of finding out the intensity of the Speicherung cells of the reticuloendothelial system in experimental animals under the influence of prolonged exposure to small amounts of the above-mentioned manufacturers, as well as morphological changes in certain internal organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):716-727
pages 716-727 views

On the significance of determining the osmotic pressure of blood proteins in the Clinic of internal Diseases

Malkin Z.I.


Currently, in the question of the factors regulating water metabolism, both in physiological and pathological conditions, great importance is given to the osmotic pressure of blood proteins. According to the scheme of Govaerts, Schade, Krogh, we imagine that the blood in the capillaries is under the influence of two forces acting in the opposite direction-the hydrostatic pressure of blood in the capillaries, which causes the diffusion of fluid from the capillaries into the tissues, and the force of osmotic pressure of blood proteins, which attracts fluid from the tissues into the capillaries. The capillary wall, impervious to protein colloids and permeable to water and salts, thus fulfills the role of a semipermeable membrane. The equilibrium of water exchange is determined by the equilibrium of these two antagonistic forces acting like two pumps, one of which pushes the liquid out of the capillary (hydrostatic pressure of blood in the capillary), and the other sucks the liquid into the capillary (osmotic pressure of blood proteins).

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):728-733
pages 728-733 views

On the issue of the curability of bronchial asthma

Shopanik M.L.


While the prognosis of each individual attack of bronchial asthma is generally considered good and quite favorable (Staehelin is expressed as follows: "No one dies during an attack"), the prognosis of bronchial asthma in the sense of hope for a cure is quite poor. West, for example, says that the more frequent the attacks, the more severe they are, the longer they are, and the longer the disease itself lasts, the less hope there is for a cure. The same opinion is expressed by Buckmeister, who considers the cure of bronchial asthma, especially in adults, a rather rare phenomenon.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):733-734
pages 733-734 views

On the issue of the treatment of heart diseases with hydrogen sulfide baths at Sergievsky mineral waters

Kavetskiy N.E.


The method of treating heart diseases with hydrogen sulfide baths was introduced for the first time on Matsesta. The first message about this belongs to Dr. Podgursky. A number of subsequent works (Galperin, Ushinsky, Pravdin, Chernikov and Frolov, Valedinsky, Gurevich, etc.) summed up the theoretical basis for this method and developed precise indications for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):734-738
pages 734-738 views

Urochromogen for infections

Yodis S.S.


To determine the urochromogen in urine, two reactions were mainly established in clinical laboratories: diazoreaccp Ehg1i with h'a and the Weiss sample.
In the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the 2nd Moscow State University, DR and the Weiss test were conducted by me for almost three years. In view of the indications available in the literature on the existing anti-dependence in the detection of urobilinogen and urochromogen in urine, an aldehyde reaction Ehg1i with h'a to urobilinogen was also carried out at the same time. For some time, observations were carried out with the Russo reaction, but the green staining of urine, as a sign of a positive result, sometimes turned out in completely healthy people, and therefore this reaction was soon completely abandoned. With concomitant infective nephrosis and nephritis, DR was also performed with the blood serum of patients using the Heprit method described by H. Blotiier and R. Fitz.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):738-742
pages 738-742 views

Tularemia among employees of the Kurgan cannery

Berezin I.F.


The reason for this report was the mass illness of the workers of the Kurgan cannery with a plague-like disease that we observed in the spring of 1930 and 1931. The disease that arose at the plant in connection with the processing of hares for the manufacture of canned hare that began in 1930 is so characteristic of the clinical and epidemiological picture that even ordinary employees of the cannery distinguished it from a number of other purulent lymphadenitis often occurring under working conditions and dubbed it "hare disease".

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):742-747
pages 742-747 views

On the issue of total colectomy

Flerov S.A.


In this communication, the case concerns a patient who, 1 g. 7 months ago, PROF. A.V. Vishnevsky performed a total colectomy for incurable chronic constipation.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):747-751
pages 747-751 views

The S-romani inversion operation by the Hagen-Thorn method

Zertsalov N.


In the practice of district hospitals, operations for intestinal obstruction are not uncommon. It must be confessed that these cases do not give much satisfaction to the surgeon, since they give a fairly large % of mortality due to the severity of the disease, and also because for the most part, patients seek help quite late. It is very clear that any new proposal to get operations in this area acquires great practical interest. The method of suturing the mesosigma according to Hagen-Thorn with the inversion of the S-shaped intestine is a significant step forward in the treatment of intestinal obstruction. Being very accessible from the technical side, it eliminates obstruction and guarantees against the repetition of inversions. All this is very important in the modest conditions of the district hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):752-753
pages 752-753 views

Основные моменты внутривенной терапии септических за болеваний.

Bublichenko A.


Countless drugs have been proposed for intravenous infusion in the treatment of septic diseases. There are adherents of treatment with these or other drugs; others completely deny their effect. It cannot be said that all the drugs proposed for intravenous administration were useless. A number of authors have observed cases of undoubtedly beneficial effects of these drugs, along with the complete failure of treatment. To understand these contradictions, it is useful to understand what we can expect from such a method of treatment. In the following, we will talk only about intravenous infusions. We will not touch on other methods of treatment. When intravenous administration of various drugs, we should keep in mind: 1. not mediocre destruction of bacteria in the blood, 2. modification of the properties of blood tissue— both liquid components and shaped elements of blood, 3. effects on the reticular-endothelial system (RES), 4. effects on cellular elements of tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):753-758
pages 753-758 views

On the issue of colpitis therapy

Zdravomyslov V.I.


Normally, vaginal discharge occurs in an amount of 0.5- 1 cubic sant., slightly increasing before and after menses, as well as during pregnancy. In those cases when this amount increases significantly, becomes abundant and begins to bother a woman, we are talking about whites.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):758-760
pages 758-760 views

About suturing the abdominal wall after removal of huge ovarian cysts with splices

Breitman M.G.


The operation of removing an ovarian cyst in the absence of splices is quite simple. If the surgeon is sure that the contents of the cyst are sterile, then he can limit himself to a small incision of the abdominal wall. The course of the operation in such cases is as follows: while the assis tent fixes the tumor to the incision site, the surgeon makes a trocar through the cyst wall, releases fluid, easily extracts an empty bag from the abdominal cavity, cuts it, peritonizes the leg, and the operation is over. It is not necessary to say that it is necessary, just in case, to protect the abdominal cavity with napkins. Such a course of surgery is planned by the surgeon in the event that it is cosmetically desirable to make a small incision. On the other hand, a large incision does not cause any damage to the patient's health, unless an infection is attached in the suture area.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):761-763
pages 761-763 views

To the casuistry of giant tumors of the female genital sphere

Sergeev N.N.


The question of giant tumors of the female genital sphere has considerable literature. These tumors originate from various areas of the female genital organs and sometimes reach huge sizes. In the case of Barlow, for example, the tumor reached 298 pounds, Bullet 6 pud. 05 pounds. The easiest way to divide them into tumors of the uterus, appendages, broad ligaments and tumors, although originating from neighboring organs, but associated with the sexual sphere.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):764-767
pages 764-767 views

On the issue of the development of Parkinsonian syndromes on the basis of traumatic damage to subcortical nodes

Lomko V.I.


The question of the development of Parkinsonian syndromes on the basis of traumatic injuries of subcortical nodes is still far from being clarified. Some authors recognize the possibility of the development of Parkinsonian syndromes after traumatic injuries of subcortical nodes, others deny the role of trauma in the development of these symptom complexes. We do not have the opportunity to dwell on a detailed review of the literature on the issue of interest to us and we only have a few works produced in this direction. Thus, Oppenheim and Goldstein recognize trauma as a possible etiological moment in the development of Parkickson syndrome. According to Levy, even fright should be taken into account when determining the condition for the development of tremor paralysis. B and n k considers the trauma of Parkinson's sonism to be a moment that causes a latent disease to come out. In the 2 cases cited by him, he indicates that perfectly healthy men aged 31 and 42 developed trembling paralysis after injury (falling on their backs). It should be noted that one of his cases is not so much doubtful, since the patient had an alcoholic tremor before the injury. Cargo, Robert, Besanson believe that with injuries there is no reason to deny the possibility of small selective hemorrhages in the subcortical nodes, entailing the appearance of Parkinsonian syndromes. Kurt-Mendel, citing 12 cases of tremulous paralysis, recognizes trauma as an etiological moment only in cases where no other cause can be found, in addition, he also points out the need not only for predisposition, but also for a certain period between the injury and the development of the disease picture. Suk believes that with a skull injury, it is theoretically quite possible to develop Parkinsonism, but with a limb injury, the development of parkinsonia can only be as a coincidence. Russie does not attach much importance to the trauma of Parkinsonism and considers it only a stimulating moment with a hidden old disease. Gruzon, like sti Roth, believes that trauma can often be the cause of the development of Parkinson's sonism, and Meyer cites a case where a carefully collected anamnesis ruled out the possibility of developing epidemic encephalitis and where, 5 weeks after the injury, the phenomena of parkinsonism gradually developed in the left temporal and frontal regions. The author resolves the question of the pre-traumatic pre-racial situation in a negative sense. Lotmar, speaking of trauma as a causal moment of tremulous paralysis, finds it difficult to resolve the question whether in these cases the personal predisposition of the patient, the peculiarities of his constitution and blood circulation play a role, or whether the trauma activates saprophying microbes that have been in his body so far. The question also remains whether physical trauma or mental experiences play a more significant role.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):767-770
pages 767-770 views

On the syphilitic etiology of early dementia

Sukhov E.I.


Among the various etiological aspects of dementia praecox or schizophrenia, various forms of suffering are called, including syphilis. Thus, Gilyarovsky believes that the presence of pathologic-anatomical changes in the vessels of the brain in schizophrenia, expressed in their infiltration with the participation of plasma cells, in the proliferation of their endothelium, an increase in the number of nuclei in media and adventitia, speak for the syphilitic nature of these changes. Serological data also encourage some authors to consider syphilis the culprit of early dementia. So, Vorobyova found R.W. for 119 cases of early dementia. positive in 69.8%, Lawson indicates 9 positive cases in 21 surveys. Bleuler has 3 cases of positive R. W. for 15 examined cases-13 positive R.W. for 37 examinations. Klyuev notes a positive R.W. in 26.2% in schizophrenia.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):771-775
pages 771-775 views

On the structure of syphilitic psychoses

Zelenin N.V.


There are two directions in the development of the doctrine of syphilitic psychoses. Some psychiatrists, both of the old schools (Kraft-Ebbing, Korsakov) and modern ones (Nonne), deny the existence of syphilitic psychoses sui generis. According to their views, syphilitis. infection can cause the appearance of psychoses of any kind that do not represent anything specific for syphilis. However, some more of the. old psychiatrists had the opportunity, based on the clinical picture, to distinguish the psychoses of syphilitics (in addition to progressive paralysis) into a special group. In 1904, Postovsky, one of the first Russian authors, described the symptom complexes, which he considered characteristic of syphilitic psychoses, having a certain differential diagnostic value. The clinical forms of syphilitis were established by the works of Fournier, Heubner, In Ignbaum'a. psychoses (pseudoparalysis, paranoid, etc.). In the classification of Kgaerelin, based on the nosological principle, syphilitic psychoses are allocated to an independent nosological group. Their diverse forms turned out to come from a common basis. This completed an important stage in the history of this issue, marked, in addition, by the appearance of the Wasserman reaction and new methods of studying spinal fluid.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):775-784
pages 775-784 views

About Meckel's diverticula of the abdominal cavity and femoral hernia

Romankevich V.M.


I have encountered the following cases of Meckel's diverticulum.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):785-787
pages 785-787 views

Cases of intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder

Sazontov V.I.


Ruptures of the bladder are not common in practice. According to Efron's national statistics, 600 cases were registered in the literature before 1924. According to statistics from the Vienna Forensic Medical Institute, ruptures of the bladder were found in 4 percent of all subcutaneous injuries of the abdominal organs. Isolated intraperitoneal ruptures of the bladder are rare. According to Nauman, for 20,000 patients over 12 years, only 3 cases were observed in the Salgren clinic, of which only one was intraperitoneal (Rare). According to the national statistics of Belitsky during the period from 1881 to 1924 in the Russian literature, only 74 cases of intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder have been described.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):787-788
pages 787-788 views

A case of successful surgical treatment of intraperitoneal rupture of the bladder 4 days ago

Zertsalov N.


On March 7, at 1:20 a.m., it was delivered by rail (from art. Volovo) patient X. F., 58 years old, for surgical treatment of intestinal obstruction. Questioning of the doctor on duty (Dr. Kraindel) gave the following results: 4 days ago, after pancakes and booze (moonshine), X. F. stumbled in the yard and bruised his lower abdomen; for a while the patient lost consciousness. Soon there was abdominal pain, vomiting, gas discharge and stools, urination stopped. I got a laxative at the nearest hospital, but there was no stool..

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):788-789
pages 788-789 views

Measles prevention and its organization

Belyaev A.A.


Measles epidemics periodically break out, affecting the b. h. children's population. Remote areas with poor communication with the centers are covered by the disease less often, but depending on how long there has been no measles, the entire population becomes ill with it. The classic example of Panu m'a, who described the measles epidemic on the Farrero Islands, lying in the desert part of the Atlantic Ocean, serves as proof of the volatility of measles and its ability not to subside until all the "combustible material" is covered.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):790-796
pages 790-796 views

The problem of population growth in Germany

Schwartz S.M.


The decrease in the birth rate, which was noted in almost all cultural countries in the pre-war years, found its expression in Germany. The decade preceding the Franco-German War (1861-70) showed 37.2 births per 1000 population in the afternoon (see tab. № 1). The post-war years (1872-1876) gave an increase in births to 40.9%. In the future, a systematic decline begins, which reached 27.5 per 1000 population in the last year, before the Second World War (1913). In total, from the 60s to 1913, for about half a century, the birth rate fell by 13.4%. The years of the World War gave a catastrophic drop in the birth rate (minimum 13.9% in 1917); the first post-war ones gave a slight increase (maximum 25.9% in 1920), then a strong decline begins again -reaching 17.9% in 1929. We see that the rate of decline in the birth rate in the post-war years is extremely significant. During the period from 1913 to 1929, i.e. for 16 years, the birth rate decreased by 9.4% (more than one third), while for half a century preceding the World War, the decrease was 13.4% (also one third of the initial value-37.2).

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):796-801
pages 796-801 views

A.B. Frenkel. Cholecystogastrostomy as a method of surgical treatment of gastrointestinal duodenal ulcers. Works of Sev. Caucasus, Association of Research Institutes. Byp. 13. 1929 205 p. and atlas with 143 fig.

Tsimes I.


A.B. Frenkel. Cholecystogastrostomy as a method of surgical treatment of gastrointestinal duodenal ulcers. Works of Sev. Caucasus, Association of Research Institutes. Byp. 13. 1929 205 p. and atlas with 143 fig.
In this work, the results of the application for six years by the clinic of Prof. Bogoraza of cholecyst-gastrostomy surgery for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. This operation was proposed for the first time by Prof. Bogor zom in 1913 and later this method was described in America, in Germany, in Germany, in England, in Вгaitwаite.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):801-801
pages 801-801 views

Index to the twenty congresses of Russian surgeons 1900-1928 Co-authored by D. Martynov under the editorship of the Board of the Russian Surgeons (RSFSR). MSU Publishing House. Moscow , 1930 . Price 2 rubles. 25 kopecks .

Tsimes I.


Index to the twenty congresses of Russian surgeons 1900-1928 Co-authored by D. Martynov under the editorship of the Board of the Russian Surgeons (RSFSR). MSU Publishing House. Moscow , 1930 . Price 2 rubles. 25 kopecks .
It is necessary to welcome the appearance in print of reference books, indexes of literature, which greatly facilitate the work of researchers.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):801-801
pages 801-801 views

Prof. M. G. Danilevich. Prevention of childhood infections. Gosmedizdat. 1931, 263 p., c. 2 p. 30 k.


Prof. M. G. Danilevich. Prevention of childhood infections. Gosmedizdat. 1931, 263 p., c. 2 p. 30 k.
The involvement of women in production is increasing in our country, the expansion of the network of nurseries, kindergartens and other similar institutions for children is inextricably linked with this process. At the same time, the question of ways to combat the spread of infectious diseases in children's groups is becoming more and more urgent. The doctrine of the fight against infectious diseases, in particular with childhood infections, has made very significant progress over the past 10 years; but these scientific achievements are not yet widely applied in practice, it cannot even be said that all doctors are sufficiently familiar with them. Therefore , the book of Prof. Danilovich's book, which treats of the practical application of modern scientific achievements in the fight against childhood infections, appears most opportunely.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):801-802
pages 801-802 views

E. Granat and E. Zgorzhelskaya. Buryat children. OGIZ. "Young Guard" 1931 160 p., c. 1 p.


E. Granat and E. Zgorzhelskaya. Buryat children. OGIZ. "Young Guard" 1931 160 p., c. 1 p.
The expedition sent by the NCC and the Children's Commission of the Vtsik to find out the state of health of children in the Buryat-Mongolian Republic has collected a number of valuable data presented in this book.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):802-802
pages 802-802 views

Prof. V. F. Simonovich. Clinical diagnostics and semiology. T. J, p. 379. Leningrad. Ed. "Practical medicine", c. 6 p.

Breitman M.L.


Prof. V. F. Simonovich. Clinical diagnostics and semiology. T. J, p. 379. Leningrad. Ed. "Practical medicine", c. 6 p.
Professor V. F. Simonovich, who died prematurely, decided to publish a very useful book -"Clinical diagnostics and semiology of internal diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):802-802
pages 802-802 views

Prof. G. Schlesinger. Syphilis and internal medicine. page 362. Moscow-Leningrad. Gosizdat, c. 2 p. 75 k.

Breitman M.Y.


Prof. G. Schlesinger. Syphilis and internal medicine. page 362. Moscow-Leningrad. Gosizdat, c. 2 p. 75 k.
The editor of the publication B. N. Rubinstein notes in the preface that the issues of syphilitic lesions of internal organs do not leave the pages of the medical press and do not cease to occupy the attention of medical congresses.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):802-803
pages 802-803 views

V. L. Rizhkov. general biology. A popular course for self-education. Page 225. Kharkiv, State Publishing House of Ukraine, C. 1 p. 95 K

Breitman M.Y.


V.L. Randzhkov. Zagalna biology. A popular course for self-improvement. Page 225. Kharkiv, Derzhavne Vidavnitsvo Ukrainy, c. 1 p. 95 to
V.L. Ryzhkov in 14 lectures expounds general biology for workers as a popular course for self-education.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):803-803
pages 803-803 views

Prof. F. Gudzеnt. Radium therapy. Methods and prospects. Medical practice. Collection for medical Training. В. V. c 53 рис. Стр. VT+106. Dresden and Leipzig. Th. Steinkopff. Ц. M. 50.

Breitman M.Y.


Prof. A. PgvIete You Kfwygierukfzshuyu Methoden und Aussichten. Medizinische Praxis. Sammlung für Aerztliche Fortbildung. V. V. c 53 fig. Page VT+106. Dresden und Leipzig. Th. Steinkopff. Ts. M. 50.
Gudzent has been studying the therapeutic effect of radium for many years.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):803-803
pages 803-803 views

N. Th. Hyman reports a case of asymptomatic long-lasting cardiac block (The Journal of the Americas. Medic. Associât. V. 94, № 1, 1930)


N. Th. Hyman reports a case of asymptomatic long-lasting cardiac block (The Journal of the Americas. Medic. Associât. V. 94, No. 1, 1930) y 57 l. of a man who fell ill 45 l. ago, if not more.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):803-803
pages 803-803 views

S. W. Wright describes a case of death from bronchial asthma (The Journal of the Amer. Medic. Associât. V. 94, № 16, 1930)


39) S. W. Wright describes a case of death from bronchial asthma (The Journal of the Amer. Medic. Associât. V. 94, No. 16, 1930), which occurred during the phenomena of asphyxia after the administration of a usually helpful dose of epinephrine.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):803-804
pages 803-804 views

H. M. Conner recommends (Journal. about the American. Medical. Association v. 94, No. 6, 1930)


H. M. Conner recommends (The Journal of the American. Mad. Associât V. 94, No. 6, 1930) a new method of treating patients with malignant anemia - boiled and raw finely chopped pig stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):804-804
pages 804-804 views

Ms. Cown reports a case of primary ureteral cancer in 45 years old. men, for 5 months. suffering from headache and poor health (Journal from America. Medic. Association. V. 94, No. 7, 1930)


R. Ms. Cown reports a case of primary ureteral cancer in 45 years. men, for 5 months. suffering from headache and poor health (The Journal of the Americas. Medic. Associât. V. 94, № 7, 1930). During catheterization, there was a narrowing at a height of 20 cm, forcible catheter insertion caused profuse bleeding, which led to the assumption of the presence of a tumor here, which diagnosis was confirmed during surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):804-804
pages 804-804 views

Проф. Хаук описывает поучительный случай гуммы верхнечелюстной пазухи (Д.м.н., 1930, № 35)

Holland B.


Prof. Hauck describes an instructive case of gumma of the maxillary sinus (D. M. W. 1930, No. 35). A 52-year-old woman came to a skin and venereal clinic for consultation. In the surgical clinic, she was diagnosed with sar coma of the upper jaw on the basis of an objective examination and an X-ray of the skull, but due to the rash that appeared on the body, the operation was canceled.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):804-804
pages 804-804 views

Dr. Miodonski describes a very rare and instructive case of anisocoria due to an ear injury (Otolaringologia Slavica, 1931, No. 1)

Holland B.


Dr. Miodonski describes a very rare and instructive case of anisocoria due to an ear injury (Otolaringologia Slavica, 1931, No. 1), which he observed at the otolaryngological clinic in Krakow. On March 12, 1930, at 6 o'clock in the evening, a peasant woman appeared with her 5-year-old son, who had stuck peas in his left ear the day before. A nearby doctor, having unsuccessfully tried to remove the peas by washing, sent the patient to a specialist. The patient got to a non-specialist who tried to remove a foreign body with some sharp instrument for 3 hours. Profuse bleeding and vomiting finally interrupted this procedure and the patient was sent to the specified specialist, who sent the patient to the clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):804-805
pages 804-805 views

Arvid Wallgrën in the article Erythrocyturia following tonsillectomia (Acta oto-laryngologica, 1928. Vol. VIII)


Arvid Wallgrën in the article Erythrocyturia following tonsillectomia (Acta oto-laryngologica, 1928. Vol. VIII) traced the effect of tonsillectomy on the kidneys.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):805-805
pages 805-805 views

Dr. Sidney Vancouver in the article Bronchoscopy in lung diseases (Acta oto-laryngologica, 1928. Vol. VIII)


D-r Sidney Vankauer in the article Bronchoscopy in diseases of the Lung (Acta oto-laryngologica, 1928. Vol. VIII) covers in some detail the question of the importance of bronchoscopy as a diagnostic and therapeutic method for a number of lung diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):805-805
pages 805-805 views

Kazan Society of Doctors. Surgical section. Meeting on February 3 , 1931

Holland B.S.


Meeting on February 3 , 1931
1. Dr. V. N. Sychev. A case of rare congenital deformity of the tongue. The tongue was soldered to the hard palate. After the separation of the mediums. after the operation, the baby began to suckle normally.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):805-811
pages 805-811 views

August Trout. (With portrait)


August Forel, one of the world's largest scientists, psychologist, psychiatrist and entomologist, died on July 27 in Ivorn (Switzerland).

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):812-813
pages 812-813 views

On September 1, Kazan Medical Institute graduates 192 doctors. Graduates are distributed in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Kazakhstan, Nizhny Novgorod Region


On September 1, Kazan Medical Institute graduates 192 doctors. Graduates are distributed in Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Kazakstan, Nizhny Novgorod Region.Starting from the upcoming academic year, the Institute begins to carry out a teaching correction: in the Tatar language, teaching will be conducted for two groups of Tatar students (60 people) in the first year and for one group in the 111 year. Currently, textbooks in the Tatar language on physics, biology, anatomy and a terminological Russian-Latin-Tatar dictionary are being printed.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):814-814
pages 814-814 views

In the Kaz. med. journal No. 4-5 (April-May) for 1931, an article by Comrade was published. Dikovitsky "At the mercy of bourgeois methodology"

Batunin M.


In the Kaz. med. journal No. 4-5 (April-May) for 1931, an article by Comrade was published. Dikovitsky "At the mercy of bourgeois methodology." It reflects quite correctly and prominently, politically correctly, about partisanship in science in the area where I work. This article criticizes methodological errors in the history of the issue in my book "Legislation in the field of combating genetic diseases".

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):814-815
pages 814-815 views

Dear Comrade. editor. The answer is Comrade. Baturin's response to my article is generally satisfactory, since Comrade. Baturin acknowledged the main sin of his pamphlet, i.e. the lack of Marxist analysis in it

Dikovitsky A.


Dear Comrade. editor. The answer is Comrade. Baturin's response to my article is generally satisfactory, since Comrade. Baturin acknowledged the main sin of his pamphlet, i.e. the lack of Marxist analysis in it. However, his attempt to take at least a weak revenge, referring me to the owners of those thoughts that he popularly stated, in my opinion, proves that Comrade. Batunin has not yet fully understood the meaning of the review.

Kazan medical journal. 1931;27(7):815-815
pages 815-815 views

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