Vol 22, No 3 (1926)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Collaterals of the portal system from a comparative anatomical point of view

Nadein A.P., Krymgol'ts M.L.


When studying the collateral circulation of the portal system in pathological cases (thrombosis, compression, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.), it is possible to find various kinds of collaterals, which, when the portal vein or its branches are turned off, deliver blood to the right heart in a roundabout way, which leads to the preservation vascular balance for a more or less long time. In the article “On the anatomy of the portal vein and its collaterals,” we present a whole series (24) of such roundabout pathways of the portal circulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):263-267
pages 263-267 views

On the question of the effect of proteins on the heart

Afonskiy S.


Most of the experimental studies on the action of proteins on the heart were made in order to study changes in the work of an isolated heart when solutions of certain proteins or their decay products are passed through it.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):268-273
pages 268-273 views

On the action of poisons on the vessels of the ovary

Mikheyev N.A.


Recently, in our laboratory, work has been carried out to study the endocrine glands in an isolated form. At the same time, attention was also paid to the vascular reaction of these organs. The thyroid gland and testicles were investigated in this direction.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):274-277
pages 274-277 views

On the question of the choice of immunizing material for active immunization against diphtheria

Spesivtseva E.I.


The problem of anti-diphtheria active immunization, approaching its practical solution, still needs to be covered by the question of the choice of immunizing material.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):278-283
pages 278-283 views

To the question of combined heart defects

Nepryakhin G.G.


Organic valvular defects of the right heart are rare: simultaneous bicuspid and tricuspid defect is already a rare combination; even more rare, apparently, combined defects of the bicuspid, tricuspid and aortic valves. In most well-known manuals on pathological anatomy, such complex combinations are most often silent, in the rest of the literature, such cases are either not mentioned at all, or only a few words are reported. for example, Mac Callum (Journ. of Am. Med. Ass., t. 84, no. 21, 1925) says: “At a recent autopsy I found a greatly enlarged heart, tricuspid, bicuspid and aortic stenosis and insufficiency, scarring in myocardium and only old remnants of a specific rheumatic lesion. "

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):290-296
pages 290-296 views

On the issue of daily fluctuations in mortality

Bazilevich I.


Periodicity is a law of nature. Every phenomenon undergoes a uniformly consistent rhythmic increase and decrease in the intensity of the tempo. "All nature," says the famous English naturalist Wallace, "is full of rhythmic movements of all kinds, degrees and durations." Even inorganic nature is subject to the laws of rhythm.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):297-300
pages 297-300 views

On the issue of serotherapy for anthrax

Zabolotny S.S.


Obtained for the first time back in 1895 by Marchoux and Sclavo and then experimentally tested by Sclavo and Jobernheim in a large number of very convincing experiments, the anthrax serum was used with great success in veterinary practice, both in prophylactic (together with the vaccine) and in medicinal purposes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):301-307
pages 301-307 views

To the technique of orchidopexy

Bogolyubov V.L.


Surgical treatment of an undescended testis located in the groin (retentio testis inguinalis) consists of two main methods: 1) mobilization of the testicle, which is performed according to certain rules and is an extremely important point of the operation, on which the success of the latter largely depends , and 2) keeping the testicle brought down into the scrotum in place (retention).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):308-311
pages 308-311 views

Physical culture as a method of preventive orthopedics

Friedland M.O.


By physical culture in the broad sense of the word, we must understand the improvement of human nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):312-319
pages 312-319 views

On the spread of trachoma among the population of the lower reaches of the Ob River

Roshchyn V.P.


In order to correctly put the fight against a particular social disease - and trachoma should undoubtedly be classified as such - it is necessary to have accurate information about its spread, which information can be obtained only by a general examination. Therefore, we must welcome the desire of those departments of health care who believe that it is with the specified event that one should start.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):320-326
pages 320-326 views

On the question of menstrual toxin

Khokhlov A.V.


The periodicity of the menstrual function, scientifically substantiated in its details only in recent years, gave the fact of menstrual blood loss in women, in the minds of ancient peoples, a special mystical, mysterious meaning.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):327-332
pages 327-332 views

Examination of the field of vision in pregnant women

Popova N.A.


In a report to the International Congress of Ophthalmologists in America, in 1922, Finlay reported for the first time that when examining the eyes of one woman who was in the last month of pregnancy, he accidentally stumbled upon a sharp bilateral temporal narrowing of the visual field, and since there were no he could not detect the phenomenon of moments, he suggested that this narrowing of the field of vision depends on the hypertrophy of the cerebral appendage occurring during pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):333-335
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On the treatment of whooping cough with convalescent serum

Davydov P.D.


Pertussis is known to mainly affect children, and most often between the ages of 2 and 5 years. Adults also suffer from whooping cough, but much less often than children, and this disease is incomparably easier for them.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):336-338
pages 336-338 views

Clinical observations of the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris by intravenous infusion of salicylic sodium solution

Okun' R.I.


Since the middle of the last century, the issue of treating scaly lichen has attracted a lot of attention. Kaposi's arsenic treatment is still prominent in psoriasis therapy. However, due to the weakness of the therapeutic effect and even its complete absence in a large number of cases, due to the intoxication encountered with it and addiction to arsenic during its prolonged use, and also due to frequent relapses, despite the successful effect on individual attacks of the disease, this method cannot considered perfect enough.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):339-343
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On the specificity of the tuberculin reaction (End)

Aristovskiy V.M.


All the above facts and reasoning give us the right to assert that a normal organism, not infected with tbc, as a rule, and in the usual setting of the experiment, is insensitive or insensitive to tuberculin. Depending on the type of animal, its condition, and other conditions of a nonspecific nature, this insensitivity can fluctuate only within insignificant limits, without obeying a certain pattern and constancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):344-349
pages 344-349 views

Surgical clinics of modern Berlin. Impressions from a business trip abroad in the fall of 1925 (End)

Lidskoy A.T.


Brain surgery is most abundantly represented in Augusta-Hospital’e where a well-known specialist in this field of surgery, prof. Krause. Augusta-Hospital is a relatively small hospital, very well equipped and beautifully furnished, all overgrown with ivy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):349-354
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Heart nerves

S. V.


Prof. VP Vorobyov (according to the report. In BP. Gaz., 1925, No. 23) demonstrated, in an emergency meeting of the Berlin Med. Society, the nerves of the heart on preparations prepared according to its methods of tissue clarification, elective staining of nerves and transillumination of macroscopic preparations.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):354
pages 354 views

Blood water content after drinking

Repnikov S.


Marx (Klin. Woch, 1925, no. 49) determined the amount of Hb using a Bürger colorimeter. It turned out that after drinking the Hb curve in the first 20-40 minutes. falls steeply - the initial dilution, then, after 50-80 minutes, rises - often to the initial height, and this rise is followed by another fall - the secondary dilution.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):354
pages 354 views

Phases of hormone action

Luria R.


Phases of hormone action. Proceeding from the provisions of the Kraus school, which established the value of electrolytes as a factor determining the course of life processes in the body, on the one hand, and on the basis of experimental data on the antagonism between insulin and adrenaline, on the other, V.M. Kogan, Kamenev and Mants (Pr. Doctor, 1925, No. 5) set up a series of experiments to study the effect of increments on the separation of the salivary glands in various combinations of insulin, adrenaline and electrolytes K and Ca.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):354-355
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Insulin action on capillaries and skin secretion

Repnikov S.


Jürgensen and Noorden (Klin. Woch., 1925, No. 50) by observations on humans have established that subcutaneous insulin administration accelerates blood circulation in the capillaries of the skin, which acceleration lasts 4-6 hours and is replaced by a slowdown, with the expansion of capillaries.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):355
pages 355 views

To the etiology and treatment of obesity

Repnikov S.


Leven (Presse med., 1925, No. 100) indicates that recent studies on toxic, glandular, infectious, nervous, etc. obesity confirm his long-standing opinion about the complexity of the pathogenesis of obesity and the impossibility of reducing it solely to the question of calories.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):355
pages 355 views

Treatment of Graves' disease with insulin

L. R.


Based on his experimental work on the antagonism between insulin and other hormones, in particular thyroidin, VM Kogan (Klin. Med., 1925, No. 7) made an attempt to treat Graves' disease with insulin and in 6 cases saw not only an improvement in well-being patients and a decrease in subjective complaints, but also an objective improvement in the disease: a decrease in bulging, goiter, weight gain in patients, disappearance of diarrhea, the appearance of normal menstruation. Insulin treatment begins with small doses and reaches 50-60 units per day, without causing side effects, and hypoglycemia is not a contraindication to this treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):355
pages 355 views

Prolonged endocarditis

S. V.


SS Mindlin (Sov. Med. In the North Caucasus., 1925, No. 11-12) finds that this disease is not a separate etiological unit, because its causative agent can be not only streptococcus viridans, but also other types of streptococcus , as well as staphylococcus.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):355
pages 355 views

Treatment of endocarditis lenta with serum

Repnikov S.


Stahl and Nagell (Klin. Wosh., 1925, No. 50) from a streptococcus strain, cultured from the blood of a patient with endocarditis lenta, prepared a vaccine containing 100 million embryos in 1 kb.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):355
pages 355 views

Перкуссия нормальной и патологической аорты.

Repnikov S.


Elias (Klin. Woch., 1925, no. 50) describes the percussion patterns obtained by percussion of the aorta in its normal state and the expansion of its various departments.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):355-356
pages 355-356 views

Dietics of gastric diseases

Mirkin A.


Until now, the dietary science of gastric diseases has been based almost exclusively on crude empiricism, the customs and habits of everyday life, and very few issues have been scientifically worked out in laboratories and clinics.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):356
pages 356 views

Recognition of chronic appendicitis

Mirkin A.


In view of the absence of a clear symptomatology in the picture of chronic appendicitis, Ehrlich (Arch. F. Verdauungskr .. Bd 36. Hl / 2) proposes to inject patients with 0.6-0.7 novoprotin for diagnostic purposes in unclear cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):356
pages 356 views

Microbial variability

Gakh I.V.


IV Gakh (Prof. Med., 1925, No. 12) finds that among the phenomena of variability observed in microbes, there are most often pure modifications that are not transmitted to subsequent generations (the so-called "phenotypic variations"), depending from various external factors that influenced the development of this culture.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):357
pages 357 views

Etiology of mumps

Aristovsky V.


Detailed studies of Kermorgant (Comp. Ren. Soc. De biol., 1925, No. 17), performed on monkeys, indicate that the etiological moment of the ear should be considered a special spirochete, which the author was able to detect in smears under a microscope, and also to obtain in a culture mixed with a bacterium more closely characterized by it.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):357
pages 357 views

Magnesia sulfate in tetanus

Smith ..


Smith and Leighton (Am. J. of med. Sc., 1925, No. 6; according to the ref. In "Pr. Vr.", 1925, No. 9) in 8 cases of already detected tetanus obtained very favorable results from the injection of solutions of magnesium sulfate under the skin and into the spinal canal.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):Smith
pages Smith views


Sergeev V.


Of the drugs proposed for local anesthesia, cocaine has ceased to be used due to its toxicity; eikaine, stovaine, alipine and novocaine proposed instead of it have much less analgesic power; All this forced the search for new local anesthetic drugs, among which tutocaine has recently become especially widespread.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):357
pages 357 views

Prevention of postoperative ischuria

Sergeev V.


EI Quater and ML Khesin (Doctor. Gaz., 1925, No. 23) successfully used for this purpose subcutaneous injections of 5 cubic meters. sant. 25% magnesium sulfate 1 hour before surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):357
pages 357 views

Intracardiac injections of adrenaline

Sergeev V.


In the combined essay “Pr. Physician ”(1925, No. 9) presents several new cases of the beneficial effect of intracardiac injections of adrenaline with syncope during chloroform anesthesia. Incidentally, in one case (Asteriades, in Thessaloniki), a patient who had syncope during hernia repair was saved by injection of 1/4 mg. adrenaline in the heart.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):357
pages 357 views

Ultraviolet rays in surgery

Repnikov S.


Masmonteil (Presse med., 1925, No. 100) divides the cases where these rays are used into 4 groups.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):357-358
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Phrenicotomy for diseases of the lungs and pleura

Shidlovsky P.


Morone (ref. Journ. De chir., 1925, no. 1) applied this operation in 66 cases of pulmonary diseases. In most cases, the case concerned pulmonary tbc with extensive pleuro-parietal adhesions that made artificial pneimothorax impossible or invalid; in other cases, bronchiectasis, lung abscesses, empyema, and serious mediastini deformities occurred.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):358
pages 358 views

Temporary pressing lig. hepato-duodenalis

Friedlbnd M.


Temporary pressing lig. hepato-duodenalis, as a method of preventing bleeding during operations on the liver, was developed experimentally on dogs Spirits nova (Vesti. Khir. and Pogr. Obl., book 14, 1925).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):358
pages 358 views

The relationship between the position of the appendix and its incidence

Friedland M.


The relationship between the position of the appendix and its incidence was traced, on 150 corpses and during 50 operations of appendectomy, by Gozovsky and Khnokh (Vesti. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Book 14, 1925)

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):358
pages 358 views

Perforation of the stomach and duodenum

Friedland M.


Perforation of the stomach and duodenum, according to Ogloblin, (Vestn. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Book 14, 1925), was observed in Khir. dep. Erisman's hospitals in Leningrad, from 1909 to 1924, in 61 patients, of whom 3 were women and 58 men aged from 22 to 67 years. 58 people were operated on.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):358-359
pages 358-359 views

To the etiology and therapy of hemorrhoids

Sergeev V.


According to BI Piletskiy (Sov. Med. In Sev. Kavk., 1925, No. 11-12) with highly developed hemorrhoids, there are not only nodular veins, but also complex pathological changes in the entire venous system of the lower rectum, accompanied by changes in the surrounding submucosa and the mucous membrane itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):359
pages 359 views

Bardenhener's operation for congenital absence of the fibula

Shidlovsky P.


As you know, Bardenheuer suggested that in the case of congenital absence of the fibula, the lower part of the tibiae should be vertically split and inserted between the two split halves of the talus bone.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):359
pages 359 views

Chronic traumatic tumor of the bone and foot

Friedland M.


Chronic traumatic tumor of the bone and foot, which seems extremely intractable in relation to modern methods of treating this suffering, is, according to Turner (Vesti. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Book 14, 1925), nothing more than traumatic neuritis of the dorsal interosseous nerve (with damage to the bone) or deep peroneal nerve (with damage to the foot).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):359-360
pages 359-360 views

Damage to the coronary vessels during heart panning

Friedland M.


Damage to the coronary vessels during heart panning was studied by Janelidze (Vesti. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Book 14, 1925) on the basis of clinical observations and experimental data available in the literature. In 535 cases of heart injuries, collected over the 25-year period of the existence of cardiography (1896-1921), injuries to the coronary vessels were observed in 43 cases; of which 41 words. there were damage to the arteries and 2 - veins.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):360
pages 360 views

A new sign of early pregnancy

Gruzdev V.


A new sign of early pregnancy. This sign, which Lönne (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1925, No. 43) draws attention to, is that if the uterus is bimanually palpated, the outer hand produces constant light pressure on the bottom and posterior wall of the organ, fixing the latter , and two fingers of the inner one feel the consistency of the uterine body from the side of the front wall of the sleeve, then in the place corresponding to the position of the egg, a clear fluctuation is felt.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):360
pages 360 views

Blood loss in the subsequent period of labor

Gruzdev V.


K. Hoffmann (Hamburg diss. 1925; according to ref. In Zentr. F. Gyn., 1925, no. 43) reports data on such blood loss in 4502 cases of childbirth. If taken together with Bumm, that - blood loss over 500 grams. is already pathological, then such pathological blood loss occurred in 10.31% of all women in labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):360
pages 360 views

Distinguishing recognition of "kidney of pregnant women" from chronic nephritis and eclampsia from uremia

Gruzdev V.


For the differential diagnosis between the first two diseases, Heynemann (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1925, No. 41) advises to pay attention to the fact that with the "kidney of pregnant women" renal disorders appear for the first time in the last months of pregnancy, and eclampsia or The "kidney of pregnant women" in the past.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):360-361
pages 360-361 views

Magnesia sulfate in eclampsia

S. V.


R. Clement (New Fr. Med., And Biol., 1925, No. 7) reports on the results obtained by Lazatd'om in the treatment of eclampsia by intravenous injections of solutions of magnesium sulfate.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):361
pages 361 views

Hernias of female genital organs are very rare

Friedland M.


So, according to Teplits (West. Khir. And Pogr. Obl., Book 14, 1925) during the period from 1910 to 1924 in a female surgeon. The department of Obukhovskaya hospital in Leningrad performed 658 hernia repairs (of which 271 for inguinal hernias, 273 for femoral hernias and 114 for umbilical hernias).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):361
pages 361 views

Lumbar anesthesia in radical surgery for uterine cancer

G. V.


M.V. Sokolov (Moscow. Med. Zh., 1925, No. 12) reports useful data on the outcomes of radical surgery for uterine cancer (on. Wertheim) with various types of anesthesia: 21 cases of surgery performed under chloroform anesthesia gave 42.8% of primary mortality, 15 cases where the operation was performed under ether anesthesia - 26.6%, 52 cases of surgery with intravenous hedonal anesthesia - 23.07% and 33 cases with lumbar anesthesia with novocaine - 12.1%.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):361
pages 361 views

On the symptomatology of ovarian cancer

Gruzdev V.


According to the observations of Schiffmann'a (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1925, No. 40), ovarian cancer often gives uterine bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):361
pages 361 views

To the treatment of urinary fistulas in women

S. V.


DP Atabekov (Urinary defects and fistulas in women and their surgical treatment, M., 1925) reports the results of surgical treatment in 41 cases. urinary fistulas in women.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):362
pages 362 views

To the technique of suturing the ureters into the intestine

G. V.


Prof. H. Markov (Gin. And Ak., 1925, No. 3) believes that the high mortality rate after this operation is partly due to the shortcomings of its technique. Among such disadvantages, he also includes the preliminary direct suturing of the separated ureters to the intestinal wall, which is recommended by Tikhov, and in which a narrowing of the lumen of the ureters can occur.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):362
pages 362 views

Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis in children

Shidlovsky P.


These diseases are very rare in children: Khautz observed them only 15 times. Gehwolf (ref. Journ. De chir., 1925, no. 3) reports a new observation of this kind: a boy of 8 years old, from the 1st year of life suffered from diarrhea, severe colic and lack of appetite, 8 days ago suddenly fell ill with severe diarrhea and pain lower abdomen on the right side, accompanied by vomiting and retention of stool and gas.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):362
pages 362 views

Pneumococcal peritonitis in children

S. V.


Chubarov (Sov. Med. In Sev. Kavk., 1925, No. 11-12), on the basis of one of his own observations and analysis of the relevant literature, finds that pneumococcal peritonitis should be distinguished into a separate nosological form.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):362
pages 362 views

Encephalitis periaxialis diffusa

Churaev I.


This is the name of the disease, the first 2 cases of which were described by Schieder in 1912-1913. Macroscopically with it, according to Graf (Arch. F. Psych .. Bd. 73), a limited focus is found in the brain of the hemispheres, and histologically - the disintegration of the pulp with the relative intactness of the axial cylinders, rich development of granular and large spider-like cells, increased neuroglia and vascular infiltrates.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):363
pages 363 views

Changes in the spinal roots in brain tumors

Churaev I.Y.


Dr. I. Ya. Churaev (assistant General of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan U. 21 / X 1925) investigated the spinal roots in 11 cases of brain tumors. It turned out that the changes were localized by hl. arr. in the area between the Redlich-Obersteiner’s zone and the intervertebral ganglion. Their degree varied widely.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):363
pages 363 views

Surgical treatment of increased intracranial pressure

Churaev I.


Disharmony in the growth of the bones of the skull and brain, which is a consequence of a violation of the correlation of the endocrine glands, brain tumors, vascular nodes on the walls of the cerebral ventricles, and finally, a violation of the normal relationship between the blood pressure of the cranial fluid - all this can serve as the cause of increased intracranial pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):363
pages 363 views

Novoprotin for erythema nodosum

R. S.


In two cases of this disease, the etiology of which is still unknown, Krische (Deut. M. Woch., 1925, No. 36) received excellent results from parenteral administration of novoprotin. The author proposes to introduce this agent intramuscularly, at 1 time interval, every other day.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):363
pages 363 views

Intravenous infusions of sodium bromide for skin diseases

Volpyan L.G.


LG Volpyan (Bp. Delo, 1925, No. 22-23) found that these infusions for acute, subacute and chronic eczema, as well as for itching of the genitals and anus, and urticaria, are an excellent method of treatment, superior to all, still available in dermatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):364
pages 364 views

The acoustic significance of the auricle in humans

Sergeev V.


Prof. SM Kompaneets (Zhurn. Ushn., Nos. And Gorl. Bol., 1925, No. 9-10) subjected one worker to a thorough acoustic study, who had completely lost his auricle as a result of a burn.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):364
pages 364 views

The role of the constitution in ear diseases

S. V.


On the basis of an analysis of rather significant material (78 pages) KN Shilov (Zhurn. Ushn., Nos. And Gorl. B., 1925, No. 11-12) came to the conclusion that the constitutional moment in ear diseases is of paramount importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):364
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Physiological function of the paranasal cavities

S. V.


According to VL Fridman (Zhurn. Ushn., Nos. And Gorl. B., 1925, No. 11-12), the air sinuses are a hydrostatic apparatus, like the swim bladder of fish and the pneumatic bones of birds, adapted for the purpose of flying. In addition to this main function, they play the role of voice resonators.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):364
pages 364 views

The importance of nasal breathing

S. V.


According to the observations of prof. MF Tsytovich (Vesti. Rino-lyar. - dated, 1925, No. 1) correct nasal breathing is a powerful factor in blood circulation, and its disorders can cause: a) expansion of the heart cavities and degeneration of the heart muscle with all its consequences: b ) vascular disease in general and cerebrovascular disease in particular (arteriosclerosis); c) various brain diseases - sclerosis, Jackson's type epilepsy, headaches, decreased mental performance, etc .; d) diseases of the peripheral nerves; e) disease of the blood itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):364
pages 364 views

Fluctuations in blood catalase after burning out the tonsils

S. V.


Numerous direct studies convinced A.M. Reynus (West. Rino-lyar. - dated., 1925, No. 1) that in persons with chronic inflammation of the tonsils, the level of catalase in the blood is relatively high, and galvanic caustics of the tonsils, in addition to the purely mechanical effect, has influence on the enzymatic equilibrium of the organism: after this operation, the content of catalase decreases, and sometimes this decrease remains further, sometimes the content of catalase then gradually returns to its original level.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):364
pages 364 views

Biothermal waste disposal method

Miloslavsky V.


SN Stroganov (Gig. And Epidem., 1925, No. 5) introduces the Italian method of neutralizing house waste, proposed by Beccari and now fully recognized in the cities of Italy, as well as beginning to be used in France, England and the S. States.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):364-365
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American School

Miloslavsky V.


Dr. A. N. Marzeev (Prof. M., 1925, No. 9-10) shares his impressions of the American school, which he received during a business trip in 1923, in U. S.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):365
pages 365 views

Nickel-plated typographic font

Miloslavsky V.


VB Koyransky (Gig. Tr., 1925, No. 9) describes the method invented by VV Blinov for nickel plating of a typographic type.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):365
pages 365 views

American School

Miloslavsky V.


Dr. A. N. Marzeev (Prof. M., 1925, No. 9-10) shares his impressions of the American school, which he received during a business trip in 1923, in U. S.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):365
pages 365 views

Book review

Medical calendar (companion of the health worker) for 1926 2nd ed.


Ts.K. Medsantrud under the general editorship of A.S. Aluf, 544 pages, Moscow. 1925. The editors of the calendar in its present edition in many ways accomplished the goals outlined by it in the preface.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):365-366
pages 365-366 views

Kober and Hanson. Occupational diseases and occupational hygiene. 1.


Prof. poisoning. Per. from English. M. A. Levitskaya, ed. and with a foreword. V. A. Levitsky. Ed. Vopr. Labor, 1925. Pp. 286. Ts. 2 p. 40 k.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):366
pages 366 views

Meltzer, Ewald. Das Problem der Abkürzung "lebensunwerten" Lebens. VIII + 128. Preis GM. 5. Verlag Carl Marhold. Halle a. S. 1925.


Во время войны, когда голод в Германии все усиливался, и соответствующие органы правления всячески искали выхода из положения, было, между прочим, предложено отделываться от большого количества «ртов», умерщвляя незаметно для них и совершенно безболезненным образом, содержащихся в сумашедших домах, психиатрических клиниках и больницах идиотов и неизлечимых душевно-больных, для которых, «как известно», жизнь является тяжелым бременем. Так возникала проблема «укорачивания ненужной жизни» (Abkürzung «lebensunwerten» Lebens). Автор дает историю развития этой идеи, которая в древнее время (напр., у Греков) не противоречила элементарным понятиям морали. Чтобы решить вопрос «укора­чивания ненужной жизни», на который христианская религия не дает своей санкции, в условиях современной жизни, Melzer решил узнать, каков взгляд широ­ких слоев населения на эту проблему. Находясь во главе одного из многочисленных в Германии домов для умалишенных, он составил анкету и разослал ее родителям содержащихся в его учреждении больных. Анкета эта содержала следующие вопросы:

  1. Согласились-бы Вы на безболезненное укорочение жизни Вашего ребен­ка после того, как соответствующими спецами определенно установлено, что он неизлечим от своего слабоумия?
  2. Могли-бы Вы на это согласиться в случае невозможности для вас взять на себя заботу о своем ребенке, напр., в случае вашей смерти?
  3. Могли-бы Вы дать свое согласие на сделанное здесь предложение лишь в том случае, что Ваше дитя страдает сильно физически и душевно?
  4. Как относится Ваша жена к вопросам 1—3?

Примечание. Ваше дитя в настоящее время здорово и чувствует себя хорошо. Если у Вас по случаю вышепоставленных вопросов возникнут какие-либо опасения за жизнь Вашего ребенка, то я могу Вам сказать, к Вашему успокоению, что призреваемым здесь детям и впредь будет оказано тоже внимание, что и до сих пор, они будут пользоваться тем же уходом. Если даже в будущее время и будет утвержден закон, позволяющий укорачивать жизнь таких детей, то без разрешения родителей такое укорачивание жизни их детей производиться не будет.

Из двухсот анкет Mellzer’у были возвращены 162, причем, к большому удивлению автора анкеты, большинство ответов выпало положительно! 119 человек, т. е. 73%, дали положительный ответ и только 43, т. е. 29%, отрицательный. Не­смотря на это, Meltzer лично высказывается против медленного умерщвления идиотов, формулируя отрицательное свое отношение к данному вопросу следую­щим образом:

Предложение умерщвлять идиотов и душевно-больных, стоящих очень низко в умственном отношении, должно быть отвергнуто из юридических соображений и по этическим причинам. Устранение этих лиц из общества может принести лишь едва заметное материальное преимущество обществу, которое самое большее покрывало-бы только расходы по выполнению процедуры этого устранения. Учреждения для наблюдения таких больных и для ухода за ними должны были-бы все равно существовать. Следует еще в настоящее время сомневаться, найдутся-ли врачи или другие лица, готовые приводить в исполнение такого рода решение. В то же время непоправимый вред был-бы нанесен приведением этого решения в исполнение народной морали. Всякое хронически - больное лицо считалось-бы лишним в обществе и подлежащим устранению. То доверие, которое приобрели, благодаря развитию науки в последнее столетие, больницы, дома умалишенных, дома призрения и т. д., уступило-бы место очень опасному для народного здоровья недоверию.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):366-367
pages 366-367 views

Stern, Erich. The psyche of the lung patient, 168 pages. Price GM 5. 70. Verlag Carl Marhold. Hall a. P. 1925.


The book contains a comprehensive study of the psyche of pulmonary patients (tuberculosis). It examines the attitude of patients to their illness, the mental factor in the etiology of lung tbc, the psychology of chronically sick tbc, the influence of nature and culture, the influence of life in a sanatorium on tuberculosis patients, their sexual life, psychotherapy, etc. The book does not bring anything essentially new, but nevertheless it is of interest as something to a certain extent integral in this area.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):367
pages 367 views


Meetings of medical societies

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General meetings, Surgical section, Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kaz. University, Scientific meeting of Doctors of the Kazan State. Institute for the mustache. doctors named after Lenin in Kazan

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(3):367-370
pages 367-370 views

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