Vol 30, No 10 (1934)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Electrocardiographic examinations of participants of the 1st Volga Region Spartakiade and the 1st Spartakiade of Trade Unions of Tatarstan

Pleshchitser A.Y., Validov I.G.


Electrocardiographic examinations of sports participants have only recently begun to be introduced in the practice of medical examinations of athletes and sportsmen. With our examination we aimed to reveal abnormalities of cardiac activity, which are observed in athletes during running for 5000 meters. Participants of the Volga Region and trade union Spartakiad ran this distance in 17-18 minutes.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):963-972
pages 963-972 views

The Experience of Medical and Health Services for Agricultural Campaigns in the Tatar Republic

Mukhamadyarov F.G.


The transformation of the small-fragmented peasant economy into a large socialist economy on the basis of total collectivization and the introduction of machinery, which caused the rise of the material and cultural level of the workers in the village, has made completely new demands on the rural health care, making us the most urgent task of fundamental restructuring of the entire rural health care system in order to maximize assistance to agriculture and subordinate our activities to the task of dramatically increasing productivity of agricultural labor.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):973-977
pages 973-977 views

Organization of public catering in the collective farms of Romanovsky District

Agrinsky M.E.


With the modern growth of collective farm construction, the organization of public catering in the collective farm is a very important measure that contributes to raising labor productivity. Since collective farm production is in the field, the most important form of public catering during the spring sowing and harvesting campaigns should be considered a seasonal hearth-kitchen organized in the field in the working brigades. Interested in this issue, we can share a small experience of our work with regard to the organization of public catering in the field in the collective farms of Romanovsky district of Saratov region.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):978-981
pages 978-981 views

On some organizational issues of building a traumatology network in socialist agriculture

Dykhno A.M.


A great role in the organizational and economic strengthening of the collective farms was played by the political departments. The task of fulfilling in time the plan of spring sowing and further agricultural works and their high quality should mobilize workers of medical-sanitary affairs for the most quantitatively complete and qualitatively high service to collective and state farms. One of the most important tasks of this kind is the organization of traumatological care in collective and state farms, in particular in grain farms. The task of this article does not include questions of studying agricultural traumatism, its characteristics, qualitative features, etc.; a number of special works (Limberg, Epstein, Sosnovsky, etc.) are devoted to this. I will allow myself to highlight organizational issues.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):981-986
pages 981-986 views

On morbidity in Karabash Copper and Ore Combine

Mirkin M.I.


The Urals ranked first in the USSR in copper smelting, and the Karabash plant is the most powerful. The copper-ore combine owns 5 mines (Voroshilovsky, Dzerzhinsky, Central, P.-Maysky and Stalinsky), which are located 2-3 km. from the plant and connected with the latter by narrow-gauge railway. The nature of work in the mines, where copper or sulfuric metallur is extracted, is not much different from the development of iron ore and coal.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):987-990
pages 987-990 views

Extrarenal accumulation of isantoprotein in blood and its significance in some internal diseases

Denisova M.G., Krivina E.A.


Determination of blood xanthoprotein amount according to Becher'y, i.e. the amount of known poisonous products of protein putrefaction originating from intestine, has already gained a firm place in the clinic of renal diseases as a method of determination of functional insufficiency of kidneys, especially in chronic nephritis and other forms of renal diseases. The value of this method of investigation in diseases of the kidneys is confirmed in particular by Russian works of Zak, Litvak and Streicher et al.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):991-998
pages 991-998 views

Treatment of acute aniline and CO poisoning with blood transfusion

Tsvetkov I.I., Kuritsina M.A.


Blood transfusion as a therapeutic method is currently used in many areas of human pathology. Having taken its due place in the treatment of acute and chronic blood loss, blood transfusion has recently been used with success in the treatment of patients with acute and chronic intoxication. The latter is of particular importance, since the development of the chemical industry in our country and the tasks in connection with the protection of the health of workers in industrial enterprises highlight the method of treatment by blood transfusion of acute (and chronic) intoxications associated with various kinds of chemical hazards. In particular, acute poisoning with aniline and CO in severe cases is an extremely serious condition and all the therapeutic agents at our disposal (oxygen, strychnine, atropine, camphor, codeine, lobelia, etc.) are of little effect in the treatment of such patients, therefore it is quite understandable that the description of even individual cases of acute severe poisoning with aniline and CO, treated with a blood transfusion with a positive result, is of interest not only from the point of view of the accumulation of factual material, but is aimed at promoting therapeutic blood transfusion in these cases, as a method that gives a quick and correct therapeutic the effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):998-1001
pages 998-1001 views

Symptomatology of aortic outlet stenosis (predarterial aortic stenosis)

Goryaev N.K.


I.P. Vasiliev, describing below a peculiar, apparently very rare form of aortic outlet stenosis, ends his report with the assumption that this form must have a definite clinical picture. The case, which gave reason for I.P. Vasiliev to dwell on this form of endocarditis, passed through our clinic. This prompts me to dwell briefly on its clinical, namely diagnostic, analysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1002-1004
pages 1002-1004 views

On stenotic annular thickening of the endocardium

Vasiliev I.P.


In addition to frequently occurring diffuse thickenings of the parietal endocardium, limited fibrous thickenings of the parietal endocardium - endocardial mosaics - are also well known. The latter are limited thickenings, often with depressions, so-called "pockets". Most authors explain the occurrence of these blisters as a result of hitting the inner surface of the heart with an incorrectly moving blood wave, but the method of their formation has not yet been finally elucidated.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1005-1009
pages 1005-1009 views

Closed paratyphoid "B" outbreak at N. railroad station

Somov A.A., Ioffe F.S.


In September 1933 there was an outbreak of paratyphoid B diseases in the Uchkombinat of N. railway station, which seems to us instructive and interesting from the epidemiological point of view, so we dare to make a short report about it.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1009-1014
pages 1009-1014 views

Treatment with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate for some dermatoses

Olesov I.N., Kondratiev G.G., Evdokimov P.E.


In search of the easiest, cheapest and most effective method of treating pyoderma, we tested a number of different ointments and solutions. After experimental studies, we settled on concentrated solutions of KMnO4 and in clinical studies we got a completely unexpected result. Lubrication with saturated solutions of skin areas affected by pyoderma does not cause any unpleasant subjective sensations and quickly restores the damaged areas of the epidermis. After a number of clinical observations of the action of KMnO4 on pyodermic skin diseases, we expanded the scope of our observations and began to treat dyshydrosis, psoriasis, eczema and other dermatoses with this method, and in a large percentage of cases we obtained a brilliant effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1015-1016
pages 1015-1016 views

The method of local anesthesia A. В. Vishnevsky's method of local anesthesia in a community hospital

Shalunov M.K.


In the history of surgical development, the years when ether and, following it, chloroform were first used as general narcotic agents are marked by particularly outstanding events. Against the background of almost complete absence of anesthetic agents, the use of ether and chloroform caused general acceptance. These agents enabled widespread surgical work and ensured further development of surgery in all areas of the human body. However, it was soon discovered that along with their undoubted advantages, these agents showed a number of important drawbacks based on their toxic effect on the heart, respiratory organs, liver and other important organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1017-1019
pages 1017-1019 views

Skin allergies in the diagnosis of pregnancy

Tchaikovsky V.K., Turetskaya R.B.


It is known that, apart from the colossal enlargement of the uterus due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of its muscle fibers, there is no organ in the body of a pregnant woman whose cells have not changed in their structure and function on the grounds of pregnancy. The biological factors of pregnancy-attack and defense arise at the moment of implantation of the fertilized egg, hence the moment when the foreign protein enters the female body. Drawing a parallel between the body's defense in pregnancy and the phenomena of immunity presented tempting prospects.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1020-1023
pages 1020-1023 views

One hundred vaginal uterine removals for prolapse

Volsky T.I.


In this article, I find it interesting to share what we did in Nizhyn surgery, the hospital for a rural woman suffering from one of the gravest ailments, uterine prolapse, to restore her ability to work.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1024-1026
pages 1024-1026 views

On postpartum pulmonary embolism

Petchenko A.I.


Vascular thrombosis in obstetrics and gynecology is quite common, although not always easy to recognize. In the postpartum period, after many vaginal operations we have massive thrombus formation. Placental vein thrombosis is almost physiological; slowed blood flow, decreased vascular tone after the fetus emerges, blood loss are predisposing moments to thrombosis formation in the postpartum period.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1027-1029
pages 1027-1029 views

On the need to change the commonly used infusion prescription of Secale cornutum

Gorst P.K.


In offering to your attention this note, I think it is not superfluous to point out the motives that prompted me to test the rationality of the adopted prescription for the manufacture of aqueous ergot infusion and to share the results of the chemical research with practitioners. The reason was, firstly, negative opinions of obstetricians-gynecologists about the therapeutic effect of the above infusion and, secondly, frequently appearing on the pages of the Kaz. med. journal indications of incompatibility of dosage forms.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1030-1031
pages 1030-1031 views

Three cases of idiosyncrasies

Repin G.Y.


Idiosyncrasy (from the Greek idios- own and syncrasis-mixture), known since ancient times, has not yet received a definite interpretation from modern scientific medicine, despite the enrichment of the latter by the successes of experiments, achievements of physics, chemistry, etc. Some authors refer idiosyncrasy to anaphylaxis, others to allergy with its complex internal mechanism.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1032-1033
pages 1032-1033 views

A case of non-sugar urinary dysuria with pituitary subnanism

Rakhman V.I., Prudnikov D.N.


Patient S. A., 27 years old, an employee of a hosiery factory. Complaints: general weakness, increased thirst (drinks 10 liters of water a day, increased and frequent urination, nervousness, intermittent sleep (because of thirst), chills. She had been sick since she was 2 years old. The mother began to notice that the child drank a lot, woke up several times during the night because of thirst, excreted a large amount of urine: she was left a large kettle of water at night and drank it.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1034-1037
pages 1034-1037 views

Allergic nature of rheumatic polyarthritis

Shimanko I.I.


The processes of hypersensitivity in tissues, hyperergic reactions, have attracted special attention since Pirke's discovery of the tuberculin test. Very soon it became obvious that the processes of hypersensitivity play a significant role in the pathogenesis of many diseases of a very different nature, often determining these or those features and phases of the course of the disease process. Now elements of hyperergic state of tissues are noted in pathology of such diverse diseases as tuberculosis, syphilis, trichophytosis, bronchial asthma, eczema, hay fever, urticaria and some others.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1038-1044
pages 1038-1044 views

Die Krankheit der Zivilisation. Ein Beitrag zur Erziehungsfrage

Galant I.


The author, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Munich, set out to prove that Western Europe, in particular Germany, at this period of development is suffering from the "disease of civilization," the same disease that plagued the ancient world, chiefly Rome, and by which it perished.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1045-1046
pages 1045-1046 views

Hypophysis. Anatomical and clinical sketch

Galant I.


Syktyvkar! How many of us have heard this euphonious, alluring with its "mysterious obscurity" name of the center of the Komi region? Soviet culture has also brought Syktyvkar out of oblivion, making it a cultural center that makes us talk about it a lot, and this time it's our turn to talk about Syktyvkar, the medical Syktyvkar.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1046-1046
pages 1046-1046 views

Berry vitamin preparations and their use in children's nutrition

Lepsky E.M.


That vitamins are an essential ingredient, especially for children, is no longer known only by doctors, but also by the general public. However, our food still often does not contain enough vitamins. One reason for this is the inability to preserve foods so that the vitamins do not deteriorate in them for as long as possible, this is especially important with regard to the least stable anti-carcinogenic vitamin C.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1046-1046
pages 1046-1046 views

Rheumatism in children

Lepsky E.M.


The collection is prefaced with a foreword by the director of the Central Institute for ODE and E. Yu. Shurpe, under whose editorship in one year the Institute published an entire library (30 books) devoted to the protection of children's health. This preface gives an overview of the glorious 50 years of activity of Prof. Kisel.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1047-1047
pages 1047-1047 views

Plasma magnesium


The role of Mg in the body is poorly understood. The therapeutic effects of its salts are better known (laxative effect of Magn. sulf, and the narcotic effect of subcutaneous administration of soluble Mg salts). Me-Collum showed the role of Mg in physiology.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1047-1048
pages 1047-1048 views

NaCl exchange and renal amyloid

Nonnenbruch N.


Based on the fact that in healthy people a dry diet with large amounts of NaCl is the strongest diuretiça, the author decided to test the effect of such a diet in amyloid patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1048-1048
pages 1048-1048 views

Relationship of calcium metabolism to pneumonia

Schustermann С.Е.


The pharmacodynamic fraction of total calcium in the serum of healthy individuals is constant. It = 42% and fluctuates between 40 and 45%. In pneumococcal pneumonia without intoxication the pharmacodynamic part of calcium corresponds to the content in a healthy person.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1048-1048
pages 1048-1048 views

Treatment of pneumopleuritis with salt-free diet and calcium chloride

Kramov N.


In 48 cases of artificial pneumothorax complicated by exudative pleurisy, the authors applied a salt-free diet and per os injection of calcium chloride 6.0-12.0 per day. In 50% treated cases, the authors obtained a decrease in fever, reduction of effusion, increased urine output, and improved conditions of artificial pneumothorax management.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1048-1048
pages 1048-1048 views

Hyperchromic anemia in chronic pancreasa diseases

Вrugsсh H.


The author cites 2 cases where hyperchromic anemia developed on the basis of chronic pancreas disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1048-1049
pages 1048-1049 views

"Raw" diet and heat regulation

Eimer К., Kaufmann F.


The authors made comparative observations on thermoregulation and sweat secretion in a light bath with a salt-rich and salt-poor "raw" diet. It turned out that with the "raw" diet the light sweat bath was generally better tolerated.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1049-1049
pages 1049-1049 views

Episodes of sweating as the clinical equivalent of chest pain and acute pulmonary edema

Auslander E.


Seizures of chest pain and acute pulmonary edema are well known to all, but the authors draw attention to the attacks of profuse sweats with pallor, coldness of limbs and palpitations, with phenomena of cardiac weakness.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1049-1049
pages 1049-1049 views

Practical value of skin temperature measurement

Johs I.


Skin temperature depends mainly on the amount of incoming blood and is of great practical importance. In limb artery embolism the skin temperature reveals a large difference on the healthy and diseased limb. In doubtful cases this symptom allows a diagnosis to be made after 1-2 hours and a timely operation to be undertaken.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1049-1050
pages 1049-1050 views

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis

Сhiray М., Marcotte A., Le Сaunet К.


The authors cite their observations on the therapeutic effect of calcium in chronic cholecystitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1050-1050
pages 1050-1050 views

Method of accelerated cholecystography

Zanetti S.


To induce hyperglycemia, which according to Antonucci hastens the appearance of the bladder shadow, a. suggests an injection of 1-11/2 c. c. adrenaline.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1050-1050
pages 1050-1050 views

Function of the Epithelium of the Gallbadder

Нarding H.E.


The author concluded that the gallbladder mucosa has the ability of secretion and absorption, that one and the same cell of this mucosa functions in two opposite directions. The cells of the gallbladder mucosa secrete secretions into its lumen and absorb substances from its contents.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1050-1050
pages 1050-1050 views

Syphonospora polimorfha

Pshenichnikov V.


The author describes the isolation of a pure culture of the microbe "Syphonospora polimorfha" he discovered and proves its relation to the genesis of cancerous tumors. This microorganism was obtained by the author from the blood of cancer patients and animals, as well as from human and animal tumors themselves.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1050-1051
pages 1050-1051 views

On the subject of cancer of internal organs

Levy E.


At autopsies of patients who had died at Hannover City Hospital with internal tumors from 1923-32, it was found that 47 diagnoses were wrong. In some of them this was because they had no clinical symptoms when they were alive. Gastric cancer and bronchial cancer were the most frequently misdiagnosed.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1051-1051
pages 1051-1051 views

Muscle rheumatism in children

Scham М., Hilbert E.Н.


The authors found 21% of the 208 school-age children had prolonged muscle pain, commonly referred to as growth pains. The onset of pain was often preceded by a sore throat. Four children developed mitral defect.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1051-1051
pages 1051-1051 views

Dietary prevention of colds among schoolchildren

Gardner Е., Gardner F.


The authors divided 60 children 6-14 years old into 3 groups so that the first 2 groups consisted of children who often had colds and the last group consisted of children who rarely had colds.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1051-1051
pages 1051-1051 views

Dental caries in children

Lepsky E.


The authors took a group of 88 children who had spent the first 4-5 years of their lives in the same institution under the same nutritional conditions, etc. Half of these children had rickets in early childhood; the other half had rickets prevented by the use of cod-liver oil and other measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1051-1052
pages 1051-1052 views

Caustic soda poisoning

Willimott S.G., Gosten M.


The authors cite Balazs'ao data of 754 alkali poisonings during 3 years, of which 163 cases, or 21.6% ended in death. In England in 1930-32 there were 92 deaths from alkali poisoning, of which 78 were for suicide and the rest were accidents.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1052-1053
pages 1052-1053 views

Trichloroethylene poisoning at work

Levy E.


Based on four cases of poisoning with trichloroethylene (СНСl = ССl2) that he observed in industrial workers, the author dwells on the action and occupational hazards of this chemical substance, which is widely used as a fat-solvent in industry.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1053-1053
pages 1053-1053 views

Hyperthyroidism and menopause

Auslander E.


Even before physiologists had studied the functional connection between the endocrine glands, clinicians had long ago drawn attention to the fact that there was a connection between the function of the ovaries and the thyroid gland. The author emphasizes the role of ovarian insufficiency in some thyroid dysfunction syndromes. The author considers hyperthyroidism and physiological menopause, hyperthyroidism and postoperative menopause and hyperthyroidism and menopause after radiotherapy in his work.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1053-1053
pages 1053-1053 views

A case of Acanthosis nigricans

Kubo M., Kohsaka M.


Over the past 43 years, 227 cases have been reported in the world literature. Acanth. nigric. In Europe 184 cases, in Japan 43 cases in 32 years. Autopsies were seldom performed and their number did not exceed 20. The authors had an opportunity to observe a typical case in a 59-year-old peasant.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1053-1054
pages 1053-1054 views

Surgical treatment of peptic ulcers

Pshenichnikov V.


Based on extensive experimental research and clinical observations (1,100 gastric resections followed by 800 patients), the authors describe the surgical treatment of peptic ulcers.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

On the pathogenesis of recurrent signs of appendicitis

Birt Е.


The appendix is predominantly a lymphatic organ and functionally differs significantly from the other organs of the abdomen. Diseases of the appendix are not simply the result of invasion by intestinal bacteria, because the bacterial flora of the appendix is usually different from that of the intestine.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1054-1054
pages 1054-1054 views

Renal Tuberculesis

Jacobs A.


The author reports 70 cases of renal tuberculosis. In 30% of the cases, the lesion was bilateral.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1055-1055
pages 1055-1055 views

Inoperable prostate cancer

Pshenichnikov V.


In cases of inoperable prostate cancer-where patients are known to suffer terrible pain, especially radiating to the sciatic nerve-the author suggests three ways to stop this pain.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1055-1055
pages 1055-1055 views

Allergy as one of the etiological factors in the development of mucous nasal polyps


The authors, in studying this question, were able to show that mucous nasal polyps occur much more frequently in allergic diseases of the respiratory tract than in non-allergic ones. They believe that, in most cases, prolonged exposure to an allergen causes mucosal swelling that lasts until the season of the year when bacterial inflammation of the respiratory tract mucosa is usually observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1055-1055
pages 1055-1055 views

Temporal lobe abscess after temporal bone pyramidal fracture

Grete W.


The author reports an observation of a brain abscess following a fracture of a rocky bone, operated on 6 months after the injury with the outcome of complete recovery and perfect restoration of hearing function.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1055-1055
pages 1055-1055 views

Incision or tonsillectomy? On the treatment of paratonsillar abscesses

Linck А.


The author speaks about the revolution in the clinic of palatine tonsils, which has produced a new method of treatment of paratonsillar abscesses with the extensive use of tonsillectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1055-1056
pages 1055-1056 views

Normal development of the human nose, in particular, the cells of the labyrinth

Sokolov B.


Having studied a number of anatomical preparations of the organs of interest in various sections and ages, the author arrives at the following data: the hindlimb, as a small shell-like formation, is formed by the 2nd month of embryonic life as a small projection on the lateral wall of the nose; the hindlimbs of mammalian hindlimbs correspond to those of humans and represent thickenings on the lateral walls of the nose by the end of uterine life.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1056-1057
pages 1056-1057 views

Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Obstetrics and Gynecology Section


Regional Scientific-Medical Association of the ATSSR. Obstetrics and Gynecology Section. Meeting January 26, 1934; February 21; April 23; May 14, jointly with the Radiology Section; June 14 and 15 at the IV Scientific Congress of Physicians of the TR and Allied Republics and Regions.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1057-1057
pages 1057-1057 views

Response to an open letter from doctors of Kukmor district of TR from doctors of Elabuga district


We read with the greatest interest your open letter, printed in the "Kazan Medical Journal" No. 3-4, 1934, and discussed it at a meeting of doctors and medical workers of our district.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1058-1060
pages 1058-1060 views

Minutes No. 1 of the meeting of doctors of the Tetyusha district for the organization of a branch of the Scientific-Medical Association, September 14, 1934 in the town of Tetyushy



1. Organization of a branch of the Scientific-Medical Association of the Tetyushy district.

2. Report of Dr. Sokolov on a scientific mission to the Clinical Institute on the eye cycle.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1060-1061
pages 1060-1061 views



The CEC of the USSR adopted a decree on the training of physicians. Noting the unsatisfactory state of medical education, the decree specifies a number of measures to radically improve the training of medical personnel.

Kazan medical journal. 1934;30(10):1061-1068
pages 1061-1068 views

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