Vol 20, No 9 (1924)

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Full Issue

To the doctrine of the cross reflex

Kolosova S.G.


In the field of the physiology of the transmission of reflex excitations, despite the enormous literature, there is still much that is not clear, especially regarding the transfer of excitation to the other side. This justifies any attempt to clarify this or that detail of this process. I set myself the task of comparing the effects of the simple and cross reflex in relation to the strength of the applied current and the construction of muscle contraction curves when using repeated stimuli for a long time. In this direction, the literature indicates to us some facts that only say that the transfer of reflex excitation to the other side occurs, in comparison with the transfer of a one-sided reflex, with some difficulties.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):899-901
pages 899-901 views

Cerebellum and its pathologies

Pervushin G.V.


Thanks to the work on the one hand of morphologists and physiologists, on the other, of clinicians, it seems possible at present to provide a rigorous scientific basis for the study of one of the most difficult and dark chapters of neurology, cerebellar diseases. 1923, and the speakers were such authorities on this issue as prof. Marburg from Vienna and prof. Mingazzini from Rome.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):983-987
pages 983-987 views

On the issue of ascaris penetration into the biliary tract

Novikov P.V.


Posthumous penetration of roundworms into the biliary tract is not uncommon, as evidenced by numerous pathological findings. Such penetration is facilitated to a large extent by the posthumous relaxation of the muscles in general and, in particular, the muscle pulp papillae Vateri, as well as the desire of parasites to leave the intestines of their dead host, due to the unfavorable living conditions that have arisen with death. As for the intravital penetration of roundworms into the biliary tract, such a phenomenon is considered very rare and deserves a detailed description in each individual case.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):915-921
pages 915-921 views

A case of subcutaneous rupture of the neurovascular bundle under the collarbone

Gusynin V.A.


On 23 / III 1923, a 7-year-old boy B. with complete paralysis of his right arm was delivered to the department. The father who brought the boy told the story of the misfortune that happened in October 1922. The boy was instructed to lead the horse. Holding her on the rein, he went to the indicated place. The halter was wrapped around the arm. Suddenly the horse, frightened of something, jerked violently back and rushed to the side, dragging the leader with it. The boy followed her a few steps and was then raised without memory. Immediately after that, his right arm was severely swollen. The tumor was especially large on the neck and in the upper part of the shoulder it did not have a blue-purple color. After being ill for several weeks, the patient began to feel better: the tumor began to subside, and the skin began to take on a normal color. Then it was noticed that, although the hand looks healthy, it has lost its ability, movement and sensation.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):922-929
pages 922-929 views

New series of Kuhnt'y operations (extirpatio tarsi) for trachoma

Kruglov A.N.


In 1894 prof. Kuhnt performed the first operation to remove the cartilage in a patient who suffered from frequent and severe relapses of pannus. In this patient, the transitional folds were removed much earlier. During the study, the conjunctiva was attached significantly wrinkled, with the process of cicatricial trachoma ended, and the cartilage of the eyelid was greatly thickened throughout. The result of the operation was brilliant: the recurrent pannus soon disappeared, and the cure, as subsequent studies showed, was final.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):930-934
pages 930-934 views

Наложение бинта на живот роженицы во время родов, в периоде изгнания

Alexandrov A.V.


Fetal growth during pregnancy, accumulation of water and an increase in the volume of the uterus cause significant stretching of the anterior abdominal wall in a pregnant woman. This stretching is especially significant during multiple pregnancies and with polyhydramnios. In this case, the rectus abdominis muscles diverge from each other due to stretching of the white line, the integrity of the skin is disturbed due to the divergence of its fibers, and in this way striae gravidarum arise.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):935-943
pages 935-943 views

On the symptomatology of internal bleeding during ectopic pregnancy

Khokhlov A.V.


In addition to the typical signs, what are the pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, frequent, weak pulse, fainting, etc., internal bleeding that occurs as a result of rupture of the fetus during an ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by other, no less characteristic phenomena from various systems organism, which sometimes make it possible to timely confirm or establish a diagnosis and differentiate this suffering from other similar painful conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):944-946
pages 944-946 views

A case of adenometritis simulating a malignant neoplasm of the uterus

Zabolotskaya E.N.


One of the most interesting interrogations in the doctrine of tumors is the question of atypical growths of the epithelium. The uterus is just such an organ in which growths of this kind are found in a wide variety of forms. These forms should include the so-called. diffuse adenomas of the myometrium - adenoma myometrii diffusum. Not being sufficiently studied in all respects — no more than 30 such cases have been described in the literature so far — they are not only scientific, but also of great practical interest, since they often proceed under the guise of a malignant neoplasm.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):947-952
pages 947-952 views

Two cases of idiopathic multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma of the skin (Kaposi)

Ashanin M.N.


The doctrine of idiopathic multiple hemorrhagic sarcoma of the skin is still incompletely established; it remains largely unclear where the tumor cells come from, as well as the treatment of this infrequent suffering. On the contrary, its diagnosis in the vast majority of pronounced cases can be made quite easily: the disease is characterized by a rash of various sizes (from millet grain to a bean) nodules of dark or bluish red color, initially located, separately or in groups, on the hands or feet, and more often on the arms and legs. These nodules are quite dense to the touch and lie deep in the corium'e.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):952-964
pages 952-964 views

To the treatment of gonorrhoid arthritis with diathermy

Weinberg M.A.


In a large number of cases of joint diseases, it is not possible to establish their exact etiology. Since the gonorrhoid disease of the genital organs in women often remains unrecognized, gonorrhoid arthritis in the latter often pass for rheumatic arthritis. According to statistics (Velyaminov, Be Leske), gonorrhoid joint disease occurs in women twice as often as in men.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):965-969
pages 965-969 views

Neosilbersalvarsannatriutn, its physicochemical and pharmaco-therapeutic properties in the light of the literature

Green A.A.


Under the conditions of the time we are going through, Russian doctors, with extremely insignificant exceptions, still continue to be just outside contemplators of the powerful successes in syphilis therapy that have been achieved in recent years in the West, and have so far been deprived of the opportunity to actively participate in the undoubtedly close completion of the ultimate goal of our therapeutic quests — overcoming the formidable scourge of mankind.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):970-982
pages 970-982 views

New response to sexual characteristics

G. V.


Prof. Bernatsky (Doctor. Gaz., 1924, No. 18) describes a new specific reaction to the sexual characteristics of plant and animal tissues. 1/4 of the timing is taken. test tissue, crushed in a mortar, placed in a small test tube ("port-fleur"), 1 cube of site is poured, a mixture of equal parts of 0.582% sodium hydroxide solution and 0.816% potassium hydroxide solution, the mixture is thoroughly mixed with a glass rod, and 1 a drop of a color indicator consisting of 2 hours of alcohol (95-96 °) 1% dalpy solution, 1 hour. one

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):987-987
pages 987-987 views

About the content of Ca in the blood under pathological conditions

Luria R.


The amount of Ca in human blood and serum under normal conditions fluctuates within very narrow limits and, according to Jarisen's research (Deut. Arch. F. Klin. Mediz .. Bd. 144, H. 1-2), is 11.5 mg % CaO in the blood or 10.5 mlg. % Ca in serum in adults. In patients, a decrease in Ca in the blood, hypocalcemia is more often observed. than an increase in it, hypercalcemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):988-988
pages 988-988 views

General body response to peros immunization

Aristovsky V.


Observing changes in the content of leukocytes (hl. Arr. Pseudo-eosinophils and lymphocytes) in the form of transient leukocytosis in the blood of rabbits immunized per os with cholera tablets, Lindfors-Aleksina (Arch. Cl. And Exp. Med., No. 3 - 4, 1924) comes to the conclusion that during per os immunization, along with the local process in the intestine, there is also a general reaction that does not cause changes in the hematopoietic organs, as with subcutaneous immunization, but still clearly expressed.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):988-988
pages 988-988 views

Effect of ultraviolet rays on stapliylococciis aureus

Friedland M.


Gates (Proc. Soc. For exp. Biol. A. Med., 1923, p. 61), proceeding from the established fact that it is not the falling, but the absorbed energy that affects, and taking into account this latter, he came to the conclusion that the absorbed and Radiant energy, lethal for staphylococcus aureus, lies in the range from about 2482 A.E. up to 2804 AU, corresponding to a wide absorption band of organisms in the outer part of ultraviolet rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):988-988
pages 988-988 views

On the use of normal horse serum for the treatment of diphtheria

Aristovsky V.


The question of treating diphtheria with normal horse serum instead of antitoxic serum, which was much sensational in connection with the observations of Віlіng'a, has been repeatedly decided by both clinicians and bacteriologists in favor of antitoxic serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):988-989
pages 988-989 views

Serodiagnostic reaction to IBC according to Fomet

Aristovsky V.


Since the lability of seroglobulins is characteristic of the sera of tuberculosis

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):989-989
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About filterable forms of tubercle bacillus

Aristovsky V.


By filtering tuberculous sputum, tuberculous pus, peels from organs affected by tuberculosis, as well as old tuberculosis cultures through a Chamberlend candle, a number of authors, such as Veyaapson and Nudurou, Valtis, Duran, Vaudremer (Bull, de l'Inst. Past., t. XXII, 1924), it was possible to obtain a liquid, which, when introduced into the body of guinea pigs, caused tuberculous lesions with the presence of typical tubercle bacilli in the affected foci.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):989-989
pages 989-989 views

On the etiology and treatment of malignant anemia

G. V.


Seyderhelm (Klin. Woch., 1924, No. 14) sees the cause of malignant anemia in the fact that the flora of the small intestines changes its character, becoming similar to the flora of the large intestines — putrefactive microbes begin to predominate in it, and b. coli.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):989-989
pages 989-989 views

What is hypertension

Luria R.


According to the conclusion of prof. Kabanova (Arch. Wedge, and exp. Med., 1924, No. 5-6) hypertension in the vast majority of cases is not an increase in the tension of the vascular walls, but a decrease in their myotonic state, that is, an increase in the functional activity of the heart and blood vessels, manifested in increased blood circulation in the arterial system (all or part of it) and increased blood circulation in it.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):989-990
pages 989-990 views

Treatment of arteriosclerosis with sodium nitrogen

Luria R.


В новейшее время средство это было рекомендовано против гипертонии Rоinbегg’oм, назначавшим его в след, виде: Na nitrosi 0,03, Ка nitrici 0,2. Na bicarbon. 1,8, M f. pnlvis Такой порошок, растворенный в 250 к. с. воды, больной выпивает утром натощак. Lepe line (Ther. d. Gegenw., 1924, по реф. в „Лракт. Bp.“, 1924, № 7—8) с успехом применял его в виде внутривенных вливаний (15 вливаний по 0,01—0,02 Nanitrosi), причем получил значительное улучшение гипертонических припадков даже у лиц, принимавших ранее Na nitrosum per os без успеха.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):990-990
pages 990-990 views

To the treatment of stomach ulcers

Luria R.


Glässner and Lewy (Arch, f Verdauimgskr., 1923, B. XXXI. H. ½) offer a very simple way to treat stomach ulcers by prescribing 4% sodium hydroxide solution after 2 hours with a daily dose of 400 cubic meters. sant.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):990-990
pages 990-990 views

Strofantin and novazurol for heart disease

Vilensky L.


Weiss (Deut, med Woch., 1924 No. 33) reports on his observations on the treatment of severe cardiac patients with strophanthin and novosurol. In chronic heart diseases in a state of sharp decompensation, sometimes digitalis has no effect, especially when the body, due to the prolonged use of small doses of digitalis, has become accustomed to this remedy.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):990-991
pages 990-991 views

Treatment of wounds and suppurations

G. V.


Prof. Petrov (Journal for whiskers, doctors, 1924, No. 6) believes that the possibility of local damage to bacteria by antiseptic substances in the tissues of animals and humans has been proven on the surface and in cavities; in the thickness of tissues, it is probable, but clearly not proven; the possibility of a direct bacterioplastic action of antiseptic substances in the circulating blood has not been proven either.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):991-991
pages 991-991 views

Autohemotherapy for infected wounds

G. V.


Prof. Golyanitsky (BP. Gaz., 1924, No. 17) recommends the following method of treating infected wounds, previously tested by him through experiments on animals: 5 cubic meters is drawn into a syringe. sant of distilled water and 1 cu. sant. the patient's blood, novocaine is added to the mixture up to ¼% and sodium chloride up to 3.6%, and it is injected, in an amount of 5 to 25 drops, after 1-2 days. into the circumference of the wound.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):991-991
pages 991-991 views

Cauterization of tuberous fistulas

G. V.


Franke (Znb. F. Chir. 1924; according to the ref. In "Practice. Time", 1924, No. 7-8) praises the stubbornly not healing tuberculous fistulous passages cauterizing them with a mixture of solutions of copper sulfate and zinc sulfate (6.0 by 88.0 water). These moxibustion is repeated after 3-4 weeks. To protect the skin, it is smeared with petroleum jelly.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):991-991
pages 991-991 views

Pinworms and appendicitis

G. V.


Serebryakov (Med. Arch., 1924 No. 2) describes an epidemic of appendicitis in children, observed in one of the orphanages in Simferopol.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):991-991
pages 991-991 views

New access to the bladder

G. V.


Prof. Mettingas (according to the ref. Doctor. Gaz., 1924, No. 17), in order to reach the lateral surface of the bladder, makes an incision in the abdominal wall above and parallel to the Poutart ligament — as for bandaging a. iliacae ext. more front line, dissects the aponeurosis m. obliqni abd. ext., lower fibers m. obliqni abd. int. and m trpnsversi abd., then fasciam transversaux, separates from the bone - if necessary - attachments of the rectus abdominis muscle and ligates the vasa epigastrica, inf With this incision, the side wall of the bladder is easily accessible and good conditions for drainage are created.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):991-992
pages 991-992 views

Rivanol for childbirth fever

Gruzdev V.


Having tried intravenous infusions of 0.1% rivanol solution (Rivanoli 0.1, saccliari 0.3, aqd dest.ad 100.0, the solution is sterilized by boiling), Bock (Deut.l med. Wocli., 1921, No. 11; according to ref . in "Practice. Vr.", 1924, No. 7-8 received such brilliant, sometimes downright incredible results that he considers it a very foamy remedy for the fight against postpartum septicemia

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):992-992
pages 992-992 views

Eclampsia problem

Gruzdev V.


Despite the truly colossal amount of research of all kinds carried out in this direction, the named problem still remains unresolved.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):992-992
pages 992-992 views

Mastitis and breastfeeding

Gruzdev V.


Schreiner (Zentr. F. GynJ 1924, No. 19) finds that at the first clinical signs of mastitis, the baby should be weaned from the diseased breast for several days, the latter should be given absolute rest, and anti-inflammatory treatment should be applied.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):992-992
pages 992-992 views

The therapeutic effect of placental extract

G. V.


Linhardt (Mag. Orvosi 1923; according to the ref. Zentr. F. Gyn., 1924, No. 19) was convinced that the placental extract, administered subcutaneously, is the most popular mammalian remedy.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):992-992
pages 992-992 views

The effect of compression of the aorta on the tone of the uterus

G. V.


Mikulicz Radecki and Lu eg (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1924, No. 21) by experiments on animals (rabbits) were convinced that pressing the aorta only at the beginning, due to the depletion of the uterus with oxygen (resp. Carbon dioxide overload), causes contraction of the uterine muscles, in the future but it is replaced by atony.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):993-993
pages 993-993 views

Honorrhoid paraurethritis in women

G. V.


According to Johansen (Venereology and Dermatology, 1924, No. 2), one of the main reasons for the protracted course of gonorrhoid urethritis in women is inflammation of the so-called paraurethral ducts — blind tubules located near the urethra and lined with stratified squamous or polymorphic epithelium.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):993-993
pages 993-993 views

Influence of complementary foods on the enzymatic functions of blood and organs of a growing organism

G. V.


It has long been known that long-term exclusive breastfeeding adversely affects the child's body: according to Czerny, such children turn pale, become lethargic, and they often have manifestations of rickets, even with an abundant subcutaneous fat layer.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):993-993
pages 993-993 views

Revitalization of asphytic newborns

G. V.


Leibovich (Bp. Delo, 1924, No. 19-19) proposes a new method of revitalizing asphytic newborns, the essence of which is intraumbilical injection of adrenaline. The technique of the method is as follows: cut with scissors, of course, subject to the rules of asepsis

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):993-994
pages 993-994 views

Treatment of encephalitis with subcutaneous injections of turpentine

G. V.


According to Dr. Belous (Med. Arch., 1924, No. 2) in the clinic of prof. Vorotynsky, this treatment was successfully tried in several cases of encephalitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):994-994
pages 994-994 views

Malaria vaccination for progressive paralysis

G. V.


Prof. Weygandt (Klin. Woch., 1923, No. 47) reports about 300 cases of progressive paralysis, where it was produced, with a therapeutic purpose, inoculation of malaria (among these cases, about 200 were traced within 1-4 ½ l.).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):994-994
pages 994-994 views

Towards the doctrine of the Wassermanria reaction

Aristovsky V.


To prove the colloidal-chemical nature of Wassermann's reaction, Zilber and Frize (Arch. Clinical and Expert. Med., No. 3-4, 1924) cite their observations in which they managed to obtain a positive Wassermann reaction with syphilitic human sera using a paraffin suspension as an antigen.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):994-994
pages 994-994 views

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels in the early stages of syphilis

Luria R.


Exploring the cardiovascular system in 275 patients with syphilis in the secondary stage. Ame1nng and Sternberg (Dent. Arch. F. Innere Mediz., 145 B., 1-2 H.) in half of them found obvious pathological changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):994-995
pages 994-995 views

Bacterioscopic diagnosis of leprosy

G. V.


Rosentul and Kruglyak (Rus. Vestn. Dormat., 1924, No. 9) applied bacterioscopic examination of the lymphatic glands according to Grenbaum and Schamberg in 38 cases of leprosy (12 cases. Leprae tuberosae, 6 - leprae mixtae and 20 - 1. maculo -anaestheticae).

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):995-995
pages 995-995 views

About lead dust in industrial establishments

Miloslavsky V.


Yakovenko (Hygiene of Labor, 1924, No. 1) analyzed dust in the department of technical rolling at the Krasny Triangle plant (Leningrad). In this compartment, a semi-liquid rubber mass in special kneading rollers is mixed with a powder containing litharge, and the powder is added by hand, and during this work, clouds of the finest dust are released into the air; after rolling, the rubber goes to the calenders, where the fabric is rubberized.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):995-995
pages 995-995 views

Lead in printing houses

Miloslavsky V.


An extremely interesting work on this issue was carried out by Grodzovsky in the laboratory of N.K.T. (Labor Hygiene, 1924, No. 4)

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):995-996
pages 995-996 views

Electrically deposited dust and vapors

Miloslavsky V.


Currently in technology, there is a rapid spread of the electric method of deposition of dust and vapors through the system of prof. Cottrell'fl, first applied by the latter in 1906 in California.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):996-996
pages 996-996 views

Krankheitszeichen und ihre Auslegung. 5 Aufl., Leipzig, 1923

Luria R.


A small book by the famous English clinician deserves the special attention of doctors. Based on many years of experience at the patient's bedside, M. teaches how to correctly evaluate seemingly small and insignificant subjective sensations and objective symptoms.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):996-997
pages 996-997 views

Prof. A B Marfan. An introduction to the study of gastrointestinal diseases in early childhood. Per. from French, ed. and with a foreword. prof. V.I. Molchanov. 110 pp. State. Ed. 1924.

Lepsky E.


This book, written by one of the most prominent French pediatricians, will be read with interest by Russian doctors, among whom the views of French pediatricians are comparatively little known.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):997-997
pages 997-997 views

Session 23 / X

Board E.


Prof. V.V. Miloslavsky made a report on the Moscow institutes studying labor. Having examined the advantages and disadvantages of labor organization according to Taulor and Gilbert, the speaker outlined the work of the Central Institute of Labor with its numerous laboratories, the Institute of Professional Hygiene of the People's Commissariat for Health and the Sanitary Institute of the People's Commissariat for Health in Moscow.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):997-998
pages 997-998 views

Session 27 / XI

Board E.


Prof. A.V. Vishnevsky made a report on the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, and demonstrated two patients in whom they underwent a sympathectomy: one had an operation, and a. carotis externa, was done for severe neuralgia of item trigemini, in another, for gangraena spontanea. In both cases, the effect was brilliant.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):998-999
pages 998-999 views


Board E.


After a long break, this year, on November 18, a solemn annual act of Kazan University took place, attracting a lot of professors, teachers and students.

Kazan medical journal. 1924;20(9):1000-1000
pages 1000-1000 views

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