Vol 23, No 1 (1927)

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Vasily Ivanovich Razumovsky

Bogolyubov V.L.


The name of Vasily Ivanovich Razumovsky is well known to Russian doctors and the general public. Almost half a century of tireless and versatile work of his as a scientist, professor, surgeon and public figure, has created him a wide popularity, quite unusual for scientific figures. V.I.'s name is also well known far beyond our country, abroad, as a great scientist who enriched the surgical science with valuable contributions and created a school of numerous pupils.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):3-16
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Regarding occlusive aortic thrombosis

Alyakritsky V.V., Dykhno M.A.


The question about the conditions of the origin of blood vessel thrombosis, despite thorough elaboration, continues to cause controversy, in which the most eminent pathologists of our time participate. The main conditions for the origin of thrombosis are known to be three things: 1) slowing down of blood flow, 2) changes in the vascular wall and 3) changes in the state of blood. However, none of these conditions is of absolute importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):17-22
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On pathological and histological changes in transplanted male glands

Chulovsky K.I.


Experiments with testicular transplantation were first performed by Wechthold, in 1849, in roosters with good functional results. Subsequently, experiments of many researchers (Mantegazza and Vizzozero, Herlitzka, Jode, Zolachos, Ribbert) on various animals (frogs, roosters and males) revealed that transplanted organs degenerate little by little and finally completely disappear.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):23-28
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Adrenal relationship to immunity

Cheboksarov M.N., Malkin Z.I.


The question of the relationship of the endocrine glands, and in particular the adrenal glands, to immunity has not yet been finally resolved: while some authors recognize only the indirect importance of the endocrine organs in the fight against infection, given the extremely extensive biological role of these organs in the life of the animal body, others are inclined to seek a more direct relationship, allowing their participation or in the production of antithelials, or in the neutralization of bacterial toxins.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):29-32
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A new way of the so-called rejuvenation of organisms

Tushnov M.P.


We know that bacteria, infusoria and other unicellular organisms, if provided with suitable external conditions, nutrient material, temperature, appropriate reaction of the medium (pH), etc., can live indefinitely. Each such cell, having reached a certain growth, divides into two daughter, living cells. There is no question of death here. The cell "dissolves into offspring" without leaving a corpse. Therefore, we believe that all protozoan organisms are potentially immortal.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):33-46
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About the hidden form of malaria

Demyanov G.S.


Most of the authors who admit the existence of a latent form of malaria require the following conditions to prove it: 1) intermittency of seizures, 2) their rapid disappearance from quinine, and 3) signs of chronic malaria preceding or accompanying the disease, with Laveran considering microscopic examination of the blood the best means for diagnosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):47-57
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On a thyroid transplant using artery stapling from a basid patient myxedematous cretin

Bogoraz N.A.


The physiological significance of the thyroid gland cannot still be considered fully elucidated. The starting point for determining its function is still the opposition of the clinical image of basid disease to that of myxedema.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):58-65
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Differential diagnosis in acute appendicitis

Nazarov N.N.


Pathological processes in the gallbladder, duodenum and stomach on the one hand, and in the internal genitalia of women on the other, indeed often create a clinical picture of a disease full of uncertainties. In looking for a solid basis for practical measures, sometimes obviously urgent, in such cases, not without good reason, the surgeon fixes his attention, among others, on a possible disease of the appendix of the appendix. In other cases, the inflammatory process in the appendix itself, accompanied by symptoms not quite peculiar to this disease, does not allow to exclude the possibility of disease also in the mentioned areas above and below the appendix.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):66-73
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On the issue of traumatic subcutaneous ruptures of the kidney

Krasikova E.M.


Despite the rarity of renal trauma, the importance and seriousness of the latter is very great and stands in opposite relation to the frequency of these cases. This circumstance prompts us to describe a case of traumatic rupture of the kidney, which is still of interest due to its etiology, pathogenesis and indications for surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):74-77
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Rhinoplasty technique

Vakulenko M.V.


I have not encountered in the literature a description of the method of rhinoplasty, which I myself have developed and successfully applied on 11 patients, so I describe it here. I would like to point out that I have recently seen one patient operated on twice in a similar way more than 10 years ago; his nose is very good and the patient is satisfied with it; unfortunately, the others have disappeared from observation, but they all had very good immediate results.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):78-78
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A new method of shoulder arthrodesis (luxatio humeri centralis artificialis)

Friedland M.O.


The main conditions for obtaining a strong synostosis are a wide, intimate contact of the bony surfaces and their firm fixation. It is most difficult to meet these requirements for arthrodesis of the large globular (shoulder and hip) joints.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):79-81
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The clinical picture of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

Timofeev A.I.


Although considerable progress has been made in the study of ectopic pregnancy, particularly in relation to the development of the pathological anatomy of this disorder, there is still much controversy in this chapter of gynecology as well. Not to mention the various details of etiology that have not been fully elucidated, there is not complete unanimity in the authors' opinions even on the main issues of ectopic pregnancy therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):82-92
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To the clinical picture and pathogenesis of skin X-ray lesions

Levin I.A.


X-ray diagnosis and radiotherapy impose great demands on the radiologist - by providing a scientific basis for the effects of this powerful factor on the body, he is often exposed to serious danger: besides occupational injuries, many pioneers in this field from Albers Schönberg to the still fresh victim, Wehrgonier, have paid with their lives for trying to wrest its secrets from nature at the service of man. The radiologist should be even more careful with the patient who has entrusted him his health - the rays are not indifferent, their curative and harmful doses often lie close to each other, and the pursuit to eliminate any cosmetic defect, for example, moustache and beard in women, has not entailed a persistent atrophy of skin and development of telangiectasias.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):93-104
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On the heritability of isoagglutination properties of blood and the forensic value of isogemagglutination in establishing paternity

Barsky H.G.


The issue of blood isoagglutination, i.e. gluing of erythrocytes of an animal of a given species by the serum of another animal of the same species, and the pattern of this phenomenon in the modern literature is very well developed in view of the great interest which the study of this phenomenon represents for various fields of science: biology, anthropology, the study of heredity, internal and forensic medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology. The isoagglutination characteristic has gained especially great practical importance in the latest times due to the fact that, as the practice of blood transfusion has shown, without prior establishment of the affiliation of the giving and receiving blood (donor and recipient) to one or another isoagglutination group the application of this therapeutic method cannot take place.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):105-114
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Local anesthesia in dental surgery

Blitstein L.B.


It has recently been exactly 40 years since local anesthesia has been on the right track, and with gradual improvement it has reached such a state that there is nowhere else to go, at least in dental surgery. There is no field in medicine in which anesthesia is as necessary as in dental surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):115-119
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Impressions from a scientific mission to France

Gremyachkin M.N.


I worked in the clinics in Paris for about four months. Everywhere I met here a most cordial welcome; the doors of the clinics were wide open for visits and work. In recent years, Paris has been, perhaps even more than Berlin, a center to which physicians from all parts of the world go to improve their skills. Throughout the year, cycles of refresher courses in all specialties and even in individual subspecialties are continually organized here.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):119-123
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Heart hormone. Haberlandt (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 45)

Sergeev V.


Even from the long-known fact that the heart of a vertebrate, when cut out, can beat outside the body for various periods of time, it follows that all the conditions for its spontaneous activity are hidden in the heart itself.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):123-123
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On constitutional predisposition to cancer. Hirschfeld and Hittmair (Med. KL, 1926, no. 39)


The authors were convinced that subjects belonging to groups I, III, and IV of isogemagglutination do not reveal, contrary to the claims of some authors, any constitutional predisposition to malignant neoplasms in general and cancer in particular.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):123-123
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Toward the origin of cancer metastases. Nather and Schnitzler (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, no. 47)


There was a time when one single living cancer cell was considered sufficient for cancer metastasis to occur. Later studies by Rhoda Erdmann proved that transfer, not only of epithelial cells, but also of stromal cells was necessary for the formation of metastasis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):123-124
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Genesis of the Langhans' giants. Вакàcs (Virch. Arch., Bd. 260)


The author believes, based on his research, that the giants with peripheral nuclei located in the tubercles in tbc develop in the same way as the tubercles themselves, i.e. first there is a fusion of epithelioid cells, then the proliferation of nuclei and, finally, central cottage cheese necrosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):124-124
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Goiter bacteriology. Сantero (Surg., gynecol. а. obstetr., 1926, No. 1)

Ratner L.


The author examined bacteriologically 50 goiters, of which only 3 were sterile, 31 times streptococci, 5 times pneumococci, 2 times Welehs bacilli, 7 times staphylococci, and once each backpyocyaneus and micrococcus tetragenus were found.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):124-124
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To the etiology of influenza. M. P. Izabolinsky and V. A. Yudenich (Hyg. & Epid., 1926, No. 7-8)

Board E.


The authors isolated from the nasopharynx of influenza patients a diplostreptococcus, which is adjacent to the group of hemolytic streptococci in its morphological and biological properties.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):124-124
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Serotherapy of kruzogenic pneumonia. M.M. Nevyadomsky (Dnepropetr. Med. J., 1926, No. 7-8)


Körner's antiplococcal serum has a significant therapeutic effect in cases of pure pneumococcal pneumonia: its mortality rate decreases dramatically, the rate of complications also decreases, the duration of the disease is reduced, the temperature falls more quickly, the patients' well-being improves the day after injection, pain and shortness of breath disappear, cough becomes smaller and pulse is less frequent, diuresis increases, the resolution process in lungs is more often accelerated, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):124-124
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A new way of differential diagnosis of smallpox using allergy reactions. Gins (Zeit. für Hygiene, Bd. 106, H. II)

Popov V.


The author immunized guinea pigs with glycerol smallpox vaccine intradermally, subcutaneously and in the testicle. After 4 weeks, they were tested in allergic reaction with virulent vaccine heated to 80° for ½ hour and with crude lymph. The results were evaluated after 24 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):124-124
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To the treatment of tetanus. L. I. Gefter (Journal for Advanced Medical Training, 1926, No. 7-8)


The author finds that along with the lightning forms of this disease, where apparently all therapy is powerless, there are forms in which it is still possible to fight, and in this fight must come to the aid of a weakening organism, using a combined treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):124-125
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Puberty and tbc of the lungs. A. Y. Katzman (Leningrad Med. J., 1926, No. 8)


The author found that the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis increases sharply in persons of both sexes at puberty, with women having an earlier incidence than men.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):125-125
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Dietetic treatment of severe forms of tbc. Sauerbruch, Hermansdörfer, and Gerson (Münch. med. Woch., 1926, no. 2-3)

Friedland M.


Dietetic treatment of severe forms of tbc, if carried out systematically, yields, as Sauerbruch, Hermansdörfer, and Gerson testify, excellent results.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):125-125
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To the treatment of pulmonary tbc. Frandsen, Jacoby (Acta med. Scand., V. LXIV, f. IV—V)


The authors were convinced that in patients with consumption, the exudative and productive processes in the lungs can already improve so much with ordinary hygienic-dietetic treatment that this can be stated by X-ray (lucidity of earlier shaded, due to infiltration, areas).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):125-125
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Phrenicus-hairesis. Dünner и Mecklenburg (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, No. 43)


The operation of tearing out the n. phrenici is used in the lungs in the same way as an artificial pneumothorax, i.e. in order to give the corresponding lung, especially its lower part, rest and release it from compression.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):125-125
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To the doctrine of pulsus differens. Hermann (Wiener kl. Woch, 1926, No. 42)


As is known, this term in the literature refers to the difference in pulsation of the radial or carotid arteries, which is based on the obstruction to blood flow on one side. Pulsus differens is observed in aneurysms of the aorta, atherosclerosis of the aorta and other large vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):125-125
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To the clinic of pernicious anemia. G. L. Brandenburgsky (Dnepropetr. Med. J., 1926, No. 7-8)


Pernicious anemia can have a prolonged course of hypochromic anemia, changing only shortly before death into hyperchromic anemia. The blood picture of this disease may differ little from that of usual hypochromic anemia, so called secondary anemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):125-125
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Salvarsan in malignant anemia. Hartmann (Deut med. Woch., 1926, No. 25)


The author considers salvarsan to be the best treatment for pernicious anemia, even in cases where the origin of the latter is not related to lues.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):125-126
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Hypophysin in renal stones. Kalk and Schöndube (Deut. med. W., 1926, no. 2)


The authors utilized the property of the cerebral appendage extract to induce smooth muscle contractions to expel kidney stones, recommending this remedy for renal colic.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):126-126
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To the treatment of arteriosclerosis. Curschmann (Fort. d. Ther., 1925, No. 14)


According to the author, the best way to treat arteriosclerosis is to use the old remedy sodium iodide.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):126-126
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To the diagnosis and therapy of fractures. Dunbar Newill, Campbell, and March Frere (Surg., gyn. a. obst., 1926, No. 2)

Chalusov M.


The authors argue that the correct diagnosis of a fracture can only be made with X-rays, and only under the control of the latter can proper reduction of bone fragments be achieved.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):126-126
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Spontaneous rib fractures. Wahl (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 42)

Sergeev V.


Автор обращает внимание на переломы ребер, наблюдающиеся иногда под влиянием самых ничтожных причин, каковы кашель, чиханье и т. п. Обыкновенно принято думать, что такие переломы встречаются чрезвычайно редко, но очень возможно, что, если им будет уделяться больше внимании со стороны врачей,— этот взгляд изменится.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):126-126
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On non-parasitic cysts of the spleen. A. F. Tishchenko (Collected in memory of Prof. L. V. Orlov)

Tsimkhes I.


On the basis of literature data and his own case, the author believes that non-parasitic spleen cysts are rare. Favourable conditions for the development of this disease are malaria, typhoid, syphilis, spleen dislocation and trauma.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):126-126
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Glandular drainage of cerebral ventricles. A. A. Kozyrev (Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd 141, H. 4)

Tsimkhes I.


The author considers autodrainage of cerebral ventricles to be the best method of surgical treatment of cerebral dropsy. The gland, in the author's opinion, is the most reliable and correct material for such drainage, the material providing permanent, good ventricular emptying.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):126-126
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On free autoplastic cartilage transplantation. А. Manheim, В. Zypkin (Arch. f. klin. Chir., Bd. 141, H. 4)

Tsimkhes I.


In autotransplantation of cartilage, A. Manheim and B. Zypkin found a number of degenerative and regenerative processes in the latter, depending on many conditions. A significant role for the viability of a cartilage transplant is played by the place of transplantation - transplanted cartilage has greater viability in the soft parts than, for example, on the skull, and greater among the muscles than in the skin.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):126-127
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To the technique of autohemotherapy. Graef (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 3)

Ratner L.


In order to prevent clotting of blood taken from the ulnar vein during autohemotherapy, Graef advises to proceed as follows: the surgeon should have Na citrici solution on hand and three syringes of 10 to 20 cc each. The first syringe, rinsed with sodium citric acid solution, is inserted into the ulnar vein, after which it, filled with blood, without the needle remaining in the vein at all times, is passed to an assistant for hypodermic injection. Meanwhile, the surgeon draws blood from the vein with a second syringe and hands it back to the assistant. In this way, this small operation can be performed quickly and without complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):127-127
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Prevention of postoperative thyrotoxicosis with iodine. De Courcy (Annals of surgery, 1926, No. 6)

Ratner L.


The author again raises the question of the value of Рlummer's method of treating basid disease with iodine. This method turned out to be untenable because iodine was used improperly - in too high doses and with unsuitable forms of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):127-127
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Treatment of perforative peritonitis with hydrochloric acid pepsin lavage. Schönbauer (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 45)

Tsimkhes I.


The author cites 117 cases of perforative peritonitis treated with abdominal lavage with hydrochloric acid pepsin, with fatal outcome observed in 15 cases (12.8%), whereas 164 cases treated without lavage resulted in 57 deaths, i.e. 34.8%.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):127-127
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Autohemotherapy in ophthalmology. Lісsко (Orvosképzés, 1925, 15)

Adamyuk V.


According to Lissko's report, in the I Eye Clinic in Budapest, autohemotherapy was tried in a number of cases where other methods of protein therapy, milk in particular, proved to be useless. These included cases of iridocyclitis and uveitis in which, although the etiology was completely unclear, treatment with mercury, NaCl injections and tuberculin remained unsuccessful as well.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):127-127
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Syphilitic eye lesions. Rasquin (38 Congrès de la Soc franç. d’ophtalmologie, Bruxelles, 1925)

Adamyuk V.


The author drew attention to the striking phenomenon that among patients with syphilitic eye lesions, a significant number were completely unaware of their specific infection. The reporter had 762 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):127-128
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Treatment of tabial optic atrophy by malaria. Fischer-Ascher (Kl. Mon. f. Aug., Bd. LXXV1)

Volzhensky E.


According to Fischer-Ascher'a such treatment in the clinic of Hermann was applied in 18 cases of optic atrophy in tabiki, and the patients were injected partly under the skin, partly intravenously 4-8 cc of malarial blood, taken during the attack.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):128-128
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Luteal body hormones. Papanicolaou (Journ. of Am. Med. Ass., 1926, No. 19)

Chalusov M.


The corpus luteum of the ovary contains two antagonist hormones: one inhibits ovulation and menstruation, the other, on the contrary, accelerates these processes within certain limits. The first of them in non-pregnant females does not cause hypertrophy of the sexual apparatus, the second causes significant hypertrophy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):128-128
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Vaginal flora in childhood and adolescence. Soeken (Zeit. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 40, H. 6, Berich., Bd. X)

Timofeev A.


In a study of 500 children aged from 6 months to 9 years the author found a significant predominance of coccus forms in the vaginal secretion. In 73 girls aged from 10 to 15 years old he found the same pattern in the flora during the observation period of 5-22 weeks. With age the content of b. vaginalis increases with age and becomes predominant from the age of 13.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):128-128
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Trichomonad cultures. Andrews (Berich. über d. gesam. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 16/17)

Timofeev A.


Cultures of trichomonads were obtained by Andrews on medium consisting of Loeffler's blood serum (0.5), NaCl (0.7), Na citrici (1.0) and water (1000 kc). The presence of O or CO2 is not important. Cultures grow best if the medium is isolated from the air by a layer of paraffin oil.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):128-128
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Timing of conception. Vollkmann (Mon. f. Geh. u. G., 73, H ½)


Based on the accurate determination of the age of embryos, the author concluded that in almost half of all cases conception falls in the first half of the interval between menstruations.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):128-128
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Early diagnosis of pregnancy by accurate methods. Hirst, Cooke, Fong (Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XI, H. 1)


Considering modern methods of serological and biological diagnostics of pregnancy, the authors give the greatest importance to Frank'a-Nothmann's method of food glycosuria, whose technique they have modified as follows: in the morning the urine is tested for sugar content; instead of breakfast the patient receives a solution of grape sugar at the rate of 7.5 g per 10 pounds of body weight, but not more than 150.0 g, then the urine is tested one hour later by Fehling's method.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):128-129
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Treatment of vomiting in pregnant women. A. Shorokhova (Klin. Med., 1926, No. 8)


The author obtained excellent results from injections of sterile horse serum in 25 cases of pregnant vomiting (including 8 cases of indomitable vomiting).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):129-129
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Manual separation of firmly seated blood clots and egg sheath remnants in postpartum hemorrhage. Prager (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 28)

Zabolotskaya E.


Brandt teaches that postpartum bleeding very often depends on poor uterine contractions, and the latter are almost always caused by retention of residual membranes or clots firmly adhering to the uterine walls, which cannot always be removed by massage or by Сrédé. He recommends in such cases immediate manual removal of such residues.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):129-129
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Lactic acid "buffer mixture" treatment for whites. Naujoks, Behrens (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 3)

Zabolotskaya E.


The acid. lacticum recommended by Zweifel and intended to increase the degree of acidity in the vaginal contents and to act in a corrective way on the chemistry of the vaginal mucosa, have the disadvantage that the relatively weak (½%) solution is diluted by vaginal secretion and neutralized by its alkaline reaction within minutes of application, so that no lasting action is obtained. Naujoks and Behrens proposed a special so-called "buffer" mixture of lactic acid and its alkaline salt.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):129-129
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Growing up preterm newborns. Ogeer (Vr. Ob., 1926, no. 7)

Redlich V.


According to Ogeer'y, there are three kinds of difficulties in raising premature infants: 1) a prematurely born baby cannot regulate its own body temperature; 2) its breathing is shallow and irregular, sometimes having the character of Cheyne-Stokes's, why the baby is easily cyanotic; 3) feeding prematurely born infants presents great difficulties.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):129-130
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Eosinophilia in children with exudative diathesis. M. J. Pukovskaya (Journal of Early Childhood Studies, vol. IV, no. 1)

Kazarnovskaya-Smirnova A.


The author tested the blood of 79 children with various manifestations of exudative diathesis, mainly from 3½ months to 1 year of age, for eosinophilia. An elevated percentage of eosinophils was found in 65.8% of all these children.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):130-130
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On digestive leukocytosis in children. B. I. Badanov and A. S. Rosenthal (Journal of Early Childhood Research, vol. IV, no. 2)

Kazarnovskaya-Smirnova A.


The authors tested leukocyte curves in children under normal feeding and under starvation for a whole day and even for a day. Blood tests were performed every hour. The subjects were seven differently fed children aged from 2 months to 4 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):130-130
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Autochemotherapy of mental and nervous diseases. A. A. Petrov (Sovr. Psikhonevr., 1926, vol. III, no. 3)


Having applied this method of treatment in one case of acute chorea, the author obtained recovery from it in the shortest possible time. In his opinion, autohemotherapy deserves to be used in general for all those mental and nervous diseases, which are based on infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):130-130
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Veronal in epilepsy. L. B. Gakkel (Sovr. Psikhonevr., 1926, vol. III, no. 3)


Veronal in epilepsy has a favorable effect, reducing the number of seizures and relieving both the course of the seizures themselves and the post-seizure phenomena; it has a particularly favorable effect in intermittent seizures.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):130-131
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How can syphilitics be prevented from progressive paralysis and tabes? Hauptmann (Klin. Woch., 1926, no. 16; on ref. Sovr. Psikhonnevr., vol. III, no. 3)


In answering this question, Hauptmann proceeds from the idea that the secondary phenomena are a protective reaction of the organism against the syphilitic poison. Where this reaction is weak for some reason, e.g. under the influence of antisyphilitic agents, the toxic effect of lues on the central nervous system and the local effect of the spirochaetes on it lead to brain damage, but this does not occur in the case of a strong reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):131-131
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The existence of dermotropic and neurotropic races of pale spirochaete. Prokopchuk (Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Bd. 150, Hft 2, 1926)

Yasnitsky N.


The question of the existence of the dermotropic and neurotropic races of pale spirochaetes remains to the present day, despite a significant number of experimental and clinical studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):131-131
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On the contagiousness of syphilitic women's milk. Schwarz u. Schubert (Arch. f. Dermat. и. Syph., Bd. 149, Hft 2, 1925)

Yasnitsky N.


The authors undertook a series of studies, wishing, first, to determine whether specific antibodies and spirochaetes pass into milk, and second, trying to prove the infectivity of milk by inoculating it into animals.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):131-132
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Value of starvation diet in acute dermatoses. Chevallier (Bull, delà Soc. Franc d. Derrn, et d. Syph., 1926, no. 7)

Pechnikov Y.D.


The author states little attention paid to the importance of starvation diet in dermatosis (by such a diet, he means abstinence for 2-3 days from all food, using only water).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):132-132
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To the pathogenesis of eczema. Evening (Derm. Woch., 1926, No. 37-38)

Yasnitsky N.


After a detailed analysis of the existing theories of the origin of eczema and the question of its dependence on metabolic disorders, Evening notes that we do not yet have firmly established and indisputable positions in this direction. In recent years, dermatologists have paid special attention to the functional diagnosis of eczema.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):132-132
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To the treatment of psoriasis. Weckesser (Dermat. Zeit., Bd. 44)


Having tried in 6 cases of this disease the treatment suggested by Hüdner with intravenous injections of salicylic acid sodium (the exact preparation, psoriasal), Weckesser in 3 patients actually obtained a more rapid cure than with conventional remedies.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):132-132
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On a traumatic ring around the entrance hole of gunshot wounds. A. D. Grigoriev (Irk. Med. J., 1923, No. 6; 1925, No. 5-6)

Gusev A.


The author points out that when shots are fired at a long distance, the bullet, having traveled a long distance, loses its centrifugal force and acts only percussively, more slowly passing through the thickness of tissues and injuring them much more than when fired at close range, so that a traumatic ring is formed in the circumference of the entrance wound.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):132-133
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Establishing race in humans according to Manoilov

Gusev A.


The author claims that through his reaction it is possible to establish not only sex, but also the race of people, for example, to distinguish the blood of Jews (gives a color from pale blue to clear blue) from the blood of Russians (gives a color from bluish reddish to reddish).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):133-133
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Maas. Abhängigkeit der Wachstumsstörungen und Knochenerkrankungen von Störungen der inneren Sekretion. Preis 2,20 RM. Verlag Carl Marhold. Halle (Saale)

Galant I.


Maas' book is the seventh issue of volume IX of "Sammlung zwangloser Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Verdauungs-u. Stoffwechselkrankheiten" (ed. by Prof. Strauss. Berlin). The book contains no new facts and studies, but it is a good summary of all that has been published in the literature about growth disorders and bone diseases depending on the dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):133-133
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Dr. G. Gabriel. Heilgymnastik. München, 1926, 52 p, 13 figs.

Gerasimova N.


The author gives a general idea of the medical-mechanical treatment of all kinds of diseases with the Zander devices. He gives a particularly detailed description of the treatment of heart diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):133-133
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Dr Sperling. Hygienische Morgentoilette. München, 1926, 32 pp.

Gerasimova N.


By morning toilet Sperling means a series of gymnastic exercises performed in bed and ending with a short self-massage. All the techniques are beautifully depicted in the drawings attached to the book, in table form.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):133-133
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К. P. Ulezko-Stroganova. Microscopic diagnostics in gynecology. With 49 figures in the text. Ed. "Prak. Med.", 1926

Timofeev A.


In the complete absence of almost any manuals on microscopic diagnostics of gynecological diseases in Russian literature, the second edition of the well-known textbook by K.P. Ulezko-Stroganova should be welcomed. Compared with the first edition, the present textbook is supplemented with a number of new chapters, of which the chapters containing a brief outline of the teaching of tumors and the teaching of reticulo-endothelial tissue in the female genital area are of particular interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):133-134
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Contraceptives and their use. Scientific and Practical Guide for Physicians and Students. Ed. by E.I. Kvater. Izd. "Maternity and Infancy Protection". Moscow, 1926

Timofeev A.


The book is a collection of articles by various authors, the purpose of which is to enable physicians and students to become acquainted with all kinds of contraceptives, paying particular attention to the means most suitable for this purpose. By bringing the question of contraception into the field of scientific study, the publisher hopes to achieve a quite correct and safe means against conception, which we still do not possess.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):134-134
pages 134-134 views

Prof. P. S. Medovikov. Tuberculosis in Childhood. 2nd revised and supplemented edition with 14 figures in the text. In: Prakt. Med., 1926, 250 pp., Price. 3 r.

Lepsky E.


The second edition of Prof. Medovikov's monograph, coming ten years after the first, is so revised that it can be regarded as a new work. The first chapters are devoted to the predisposition to tbc, its frequency in children, its pathogenesis and immunity; this is followed by a detailed description of the symptomatology of childhood tbc; the section on diagnosis includes, besides specific reactions, numerous supporting diagnostic methods such as morphological and chemical examination of sputum, blood, urinalysis, etc. The chapter on therapy describes primarily the hygiene and dietary regime, but also details tuberculin therapy, which is given very little space in most of the other books available in Russian on pediatric tbc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):134-135
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Pfeifer. Leitende Gesichtspunkte für die Psychopathologie des Kindes im vorschulpflichtigen Alter. Preis 1,20 R M. Verlag Carl Marhold. Halle (Saale)

Galant I.


The book by Pfeifer, professor of psychiatry at the University of Leipzig, is an attempt to distinguish the psychopathology of preschool children from the teaching of childhood psychosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):135-135
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Prof. Z.I. Grzhebin. Examination of cerebrospinal fluid in syphilis. A short practical guide for doctors. Publish. NKZ, Moscow, 1926, 86 pages, Price 1 r. 75 k.

Weinstein A.


If syphilis serodiagnostics, which has now grown into a large independent branch of medicine, is extremely poor in Russian manuals (2-3 original and the same number of translations, mostly from pre-war times), then the situation is even worse with liquor diagnostics.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):135-136
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Minutes and Proceedings of the Scientific Society of Botum for the years 1919-1926, Batum, 1926, 385 pp.

Gruzdev V.


Celebrating its 30th anniversary, the Batumi Medical Scientific Society had the good idea to commemorate this anniversary by publishing its protocols and writings for the past 7 years. Indeed, it is difficult to think of a better way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the existence of the Society. The book published by the Society is a monument testifying that even during the most difficult years of war, foreign occupation and revolution, the Batumi comrades never stopped selflessly serving science and the suffering people.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):136-136
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All-Union Congress of Eye Doctors in Moscow

Batarchukov R.A.


The last days of September last year should be undoubtedly marked as the moment of a major event in Russian ophthalmology, - during these days, from 27 September to 1 October, the First All-Union Congress of Ophthalmologists convened at the initiative of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR in Moscow. This congress occupies a special place among the masses of congresses in various fields of medicine, if only because it is the first time during the war and the revolution that it meets together after a considerable period which has elapsed since the 1st All-Russian Congress of Oculists took place exactly 13 years ago.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):136-144
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Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 1 (1927)


Session 9/Xll 1926.
Prof. N. K. Goryaev: To estimate the content of white blood cells by smear (Schätzung). The report will be printed in "Kaz. Med. Jour.".
Drs. N. Zakharov, N. Kudryashev and M. Aksyantsev: Experience in comparative study of immunobiological reactions in tbc clinic. Report, to be printed in Kaz. Med. Jour. Prof. P. N. Nikolaev pointed out about the report that it is impossible to perform all reactions studied by the reporters at the patient's bedside and that the doctor should never forget the personality of the patient in his work. Prof. N. K. Goryaev noted that a big drawback of the report was the lack of description of the clinical picture of the cases studied, as well as the fact that in parallel with the reactions studied the blood picture was not given. To study erythrocyte sedimentation rate Prof. Goryaev considers the Linzeamier's methodology inconvenient. In addition, Drs. Mastbaum and Aksyantsev commented on the reports.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):144-145
pages 144-145 views

Scientific Meetings of Doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Training in Kazan. Vol. 23, No. 1 (1927)


Meeting 85th 25/X 1926.
Dr. I. L. Tsimhes demonstrated a case of complete rupture of the kidney. A patient, 16 years old, was brought to the Surgical Clinic of the Institute for bruise of the right lumbar region on a rib of a box in a fall from a height. Due to the increasing internal bleeding, gematuria and the phenomena of progressive cardiac decline, he underwent surgery to remove the right kidney. The removed kidney consisted of two separate parts, one of which lay free in the abdominal cavity among blood clots, and the other (upper) part was deep in the peri-renal hematoma. The rupture line was transverse and irregular. Prof. S. S. Zimnitsky, R. A. Luria and V. L. Bogolyubov participated in the debate and noted the role of the constitution in this case (the patient is an asthenic).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):146-147
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From Leningrad Medical Societies. Vol. 23, No. 1 (1927)


At a meeting of the Endocrinological Society on 22/X1926, Prof. V.A. Oppel made an interesting demonstration of a patient with ankylosing inflammation of the spine. Considering the suffering to be caused by hyperfunction of parathyroid glands, responsible for calcium metabolism in organism, Prof. Oppel removed his parathyroid and a part of thyroid gland. The result of the operation was brilliant.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):147-148
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Scientific Club of the Rybinsk Medical Section. Vol. 23, No. 1 (1927)


Dr. A.M. Bronnikov demonstrated a 12-year-old boy after an operation to remove a bladder stone. The disease apparently began at a young age (about 5 years), when the patient appeared to have sand and blood in his urine. The stone had an oval shape, an X-ray showed clear layering; apparently phosphates and urates were involved in its formation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):148-148
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Chronicle. Vol. 23, No. 1 (1927)


At the Dermatoveneric Clinic of Kazan University, a lupusarium for 20 beds is organized for the treatment of lupus patients according to Finsen's method, funded by TNKZ.
On December 10, 1926 in the open session of the Faculty of Medicine of Kazan University, Dr. S.M. Alekseev, the assistant of the Faculty's Surgical Clinic, defended his work under the title: "On the question of the simultaneous disease of the right displaced kidney and chronic appendicitis".

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(1):148-152
pages 148-152 views

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