Vol 22, No 11 (1926)

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Full Issue

On the effect of radium emanation on the vascular lumen

Bykhovskaya A.N.


The discovery of the radioactive elements had consequences far beyond the limits of this special field of radioactivity. In medicine, this discovery has already played an outstanding role and promises even greater prospects for the future. Therefore, the elucidation of the biological effects of radium preparations is of great practical as well as theoretical interest. This kind of research is particularly timely at this time.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1201-1210
pages 1201-1210 views

Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in malaria

Kashaeva A.A., Klyueva N.G.


To clarify the significance of the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in malaria, we performed 500 studies in 134 patients. In all these cases the diagnosis of malaria was confirmed bacterioscopically, with mal. tertiana in 70 patients (253 studies), mal. tropica in 50 patients (183 studies)-mal. quartana and in 8 (47 studies)-mixed infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1211-1218
pages 1211-1218 views

Pancreatic function in cholecystitis

Gekhtman G.Y., Zhigalova A.D.


We know that cholecystitis is often accompanied by pancreatitis. This is evidenced by the frequent finding of the latter during the operation of cholelithiasis and in abductions. Perhaps, this connection is explained by infected bile infiltration into pancreatic tissue. But for diagnostics of pancreatitis we still have no characteristic signs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1219-1227
pages 1219-1227 views

About Echinococcus and its treatment

Bal V.M.


In 1923 and 1924, 18 patients with echinococcus passed through the Surgical Department of the Hospital, and this number, due to localization of the parasite in various organs, as well as treatment results, gives us grounds to share our impressions, which we derived from observation of this disease. Of 18 patients, 16 were operated on by Prof. A.T. Lidsky, 2 by me.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1228-1236
pages 1228-1236 views

Deaf suture of abdominal wound in perforative appendicitis with purulent effusion

Sveshnikov M.A.


The question of how to deal with the abdominal wound in perforative appendicitis with purulent effusion, after removing the appendix and cleaning the peritoneum of pus, is solved differently by individual surgeons: some, apparently, not counting on the absorption and protective ability of the peritoneum, consider it necessary in all such cases to leave the wound open, introducing a tampon or drainage into it: Others, more confident in the resistance of the peritoneum to infection, in the same cases close the abdominal wound completely, and believe that the drainage of the abdominal cavity is not feasible at all (Rotter, Haberer).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1237-1240
pages 1237-1240 views

On the formation of an artificial bladder

Tsapkin L.


I had to perform bilateral ureteral to rectal transplantation in 4 cases. Two of these patients had urogenital fistulas due to extensive destruction of the vaginal-vaginal septum after childbirth, the other two suffered from advanced cancer with the process transferring to the bladder. One of the patients of the first group was followed by me for ten months, after which she died of typhoid fever, the second is still alive (6 months). Both patients of the second group died on the third day after the operation with cardiac weakness.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1241-1244
pages 1241-1244 views

Central nervous system damage in puerperal sepsis

Kisin S.V.


Despite the success of asepsis, the clinic gives us more and more cases of sepsis-postpartum and after miscarriage. Its percentage has continued to grow in recent years, and several factors have contributed to its growth. First of all, in spite of the progress of medicine in general, the situation of obstetrical care in our country, unfortunately, has hardly improved recently, especially in the countryside. On the other hand, the experience must have had such an impact on the organism, that it is reasonable to suppose that mankind is now better able to cope with septic infection than, for instance, in pre-war times. Finally, there is another factor contributing to the increase in the number of septicaemias: the artificial termination of pregnancy, which has become much more frequent in recent times and is especially dangerous in the hands of ignorant healers and midwives.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1245-1249
pages 1245-1249 views

Schilling'a-Arneth gemogram in gynecological practice

Trubitsyn D.D.


Recently much attention has been paid to the Schilling and Arneth gemogram from the point of view of its diagnostic and prognostic value. Schilling himself and his supporters still fervently defend the great importance of the gemogram with its "left shift of regenerative and degenerative character" for a number of diseases, except for special blood diseases. Other authors on this issue hold a more moderate and even opposite view.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1250-1254
pages 1250-1254 views

About serum treatment of scarlet fever

Agafonov A.F.


In connection with the works of recent years on the etiology of scarlet fever, the issue of specific serum treatment of this disease has again become acute. The fact that this issue is highly topical is quite understandable, if we take into account the severity of the infection, its numerous complications, high mortality rate and, sometimes, the complete impotence of doctors in the fight against scarlatina.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1255-1264
pages 1255-1264 views

On esophagoscopy

Yakhontov S.P.


It has been decades since esophagoscopy became a medical art. An improved instrumentation with a witty illumination system in the Brünings' set has simplified the method and made it possible to use it very widely. Nowadays esophagoscopy has received full rights of citizenship, although, unfortunately, it has not yet received that wide distribution, which it quite deserves.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1265-1271
pages 1265-1271 views

On dermatitis exfoliativa universalis subacata (Wilson's disease)

Levin I.A.


The classification of skin diseases, despite the successes of dermatology, is still incomplete. There is no single principle that would meet all its requirements, and the confusion that prevailed in the 1960s, not to mention the earlier ones, when, without knowing the essence of most skin diseases, they were grouped only by clinical symptoms, has not disappeared until now. Especially it concerns the diseases close to pityriasis rubra Negae, the characteristic features of which are redness and peeling.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1272-1277
pages 1272-1277 views

To the casuistry of rape

Rothstein T.Y.


The Kazan court not so long ago heard the case of the rape of the girl K. Ye., 7 years old, living in one of the shelters in Kazan, the stoker of this shelter II. Ohm, 32 years old. I was sent as experts, Id. Ya. D. Pechnikov. The examination was carried out by us with the participation of professors V.S.Gruzdev and V.P. Nebolusov and forensic doctor O. I. Korchazhinskaya.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1278-1282
pages 1278-1282 views

Psychogenic causes of somatic symptoms in gynecology and obstetrics, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy

Tarlo B.S.


The localistic view of the origin and treatment of diseases, which for a long time prevailed in medicine, particularly in gynecology, especially became firmly established in the second half of the 19th century, when Virchow's cellular pathology, looking for sedes morborum in organs, took over the general medical thought. The brilliant development of surgery, which coincided with the triumphant march of bacteriology, antiseptics and asepsis, did not prompt a reassessment of this view of the essence of disease. Soon, however, a reaction to Virchow's cellular pathology rose. The rich results of serology and gematology, studies on immunity, etc., were difficult to reconcile with the old basic views of pathology. The doctrine of internal secretion and the doctrine of constitutions (Martius) contributed even more to the turn in the views on the essence of diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1283-1289
pages 1283-1289 views

On the irritation of the cardiac nerves by the humoral pathway. R. H. Kahn (Klin. Woch., 1926, No. 35)

Luria R.


It is known that O. Löwi showed that when irritating n. vagi and n. sympathici of the isolated heart its contents get the property to cause in the other heart the corresponding result, i.e. slowing down of contractions at irritation of n. vagi and acceleration-irritation of n. sympathici. Studies by O. Löwi, confirmed by some authors, met with a number of objections from other experimenters, who, applying Löwi's methodology, could not confirm his results and on this basis reject the very possibility of transferring by humoral way the nerve irritation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

To the doctrine of the interdigestive phase of the stomach. Vandorfy (Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Bd 38, H 3/4)

Mirkin A.


The author showed experimentally on humans that fasting gastric secretion occurs by psychoreflexive influences. In none of his studies did the author see a higher acidity on an empty stomach than after food irritation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1290-1290
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Effect of insulin on gastric secretion. Detre and Sivo (Zeit. für die ges. exp. Med., Bd. 46, H 5/6)

Mirkin A.


Авторы произвели 2 серии опытов над влиянием инсулина на желудочную секрецию.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

A New Theory of Bacteriophagy. Prof. Rosenthal (Phys. Ob., 1926, No. 9)


The author sees a lot in common between bacteriophagy (the phenomenon of dd’Herellе) and the formation of spores in bacteria: both phenomena are similar with respect to bacterial lysis, connection with the life of the latter, stability, elective action of some physical and chemical agents, independence of antigenic properties, group reactions, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1290-1290
pages 1290-1290 views

On the frequency of combined forms of pulmonary tbc. Henius and Basch (Beitr. z. Kl. der Tbc., Bd. 63)

Mastbaum M.


The authors conclude that pure cases of productive or exudative lung tbc belong to the exceptions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1290-1290
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Toward the diagnosis and classification of pulmonary tbc. Curschmann (Tuberkulose, 1926, no. 5)

Mastbaum M.


The author points out that even pathologists-anatomists very often find it difficult to microscopically decide on the nature of the tbc process. In any case, the current position that productive tbc is benign and exudative is malignant is untenable.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1290-1291
pages 1290-1291 views

Primary and secondary periods of tbc. Harms and Klinkmann (Tuberkulose, 1925, no. 6/7)

Mastbaum M.


Accurate clinical and radiological follow-up on healthy children gave Harms'y and Klinkmann'y the opportunity to observe the development of the primary tbc complex and its transition into the Ranke secondary period.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1291-1291
pages 1291-1291 views

On the issue of tbc in infants. I. N. Osipova (Pediatrics, vol. X, no. 2)

Levinson M.


The author observed the course of the tbc process from the time of infection in 13 children under the age of 1 year and in 3 children under the age of 2 years. Five of these children had tbc in their mothers, and 4 had tbc in their close relatives.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1291-1291
pages 1291-1291 views

Hemorrhagia of non-tuberculous origin. A. Hoffmann (Deut. med. W., 1926, No. 38)

Mastbaum M.


The author draws attention to the large percentage of non-tuberculosis patients being treated in sanatoriums, with hemoptysis being the most common symptom leading to misdiagnosis in them.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1291-1291
pages 1291-1291 views

Treatment of consumption with ultraviolet rays. Combes, Huguet, and Bormal (reported in Physiotherapy, 1926)

Klyachkin L.N.


The authors found that ultraviolet rays have a drastic effect in pulmonary tbc, in view of which they must be used with great deliberation and the greatest caution, as we cannot yet speak firmly of the type of patients where this treatment is absolutely indicated.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1291-1291
pages 1291-1291 views

Treatment of malaria with cadmium preparations. Reitler (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 33)

Sergeev V.


The author has tried this treatment in 13 cases of malaria. In 3 patients (two with m. tertiana and tropica fever and one carrier of m. tropicae gametes) a cadmium-sodium-tartrate solution with 1% cadmium content was used as intravenous injections (2.5 cc each), 2 patients had two injections and one patient had one; immediately after the first injection the fever disappeared and the blood schizonts (but not gametes) also disappeared.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1291-1292
pages 1291-1292 views

To the symptomatology and diagnosis of Simmonds' disease. Shereshevsky (Vr. Delo, 1926, no. 15-17)

Rakhlin L.


As is known, S. disease (pituitary atrophy) is a consequence of atrophy of the anterior pituitary lobe, and the clinical picture is dominated by the senile appearance of patients (senium praecox), premature termination of sexual functions, and apathetic state. Shereshevsky observed clinically one case of this disease in a man of 28, where the disease developed after an injury, and there was a mixed picture of S. disease with non-sugar diabetes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

Quinine in croupous pneumonia. W. Berger (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, no. 33-35)

Sergeev V.


The author used Aufrecht's quinine in 34 cases of croupous pneumonia and obtained in the majority of cases relief of the process, as well as a reduction in the mortality rate (11% instead of 18%).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

To the diagnosis of pleural exudates. Lenk (Zentr. f. Tbc, Bd. XXV, H. 7/8)


The author rebels against the widespread opinion about immobility of pleuritic exudates. On the contrary, the X-ray examination when patients change their position allows to see mobility of exudates.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1292-1292
pages 1292-1292 views

Clinical manifestations of ischemic necrosis of cardiac muscle. Gibsоn (Lancet, 1925, v. II, XXV)

Rakhlin L.


Ischemic necrosis (Ziegler's myomalacia cordis) is, no Gieson, a consequence of occlusion of a branch of the coronary arteries of the heart. The cause of occlusion may be embolism or thrombosis of the vessel, calcification or fibrosis of its wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1292-1293
pages 1292-1293 views

On the effect of alcohol on stomach function. Leddig (Deut. Arch. f. klin. Med., Bd. 150, H3/4)

Mirkin A.


In recent years, Ehrmann's alcoholic breakfast has increasingly replaced the classic Boas-Ewald breakfast which was used for almost 40 years before. Literature data give conflicting indications as to the values of acidity obtained after the alcoholic breakfast in comparison with Boas-Ewald's.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1293-1293
pages 1293-1293 views

Influence of electrical and mechanical stimulation on gastric secretion. Delhougn (Deut. Arch. f. klin. Med., Bd. 150, H 3/4)

Mirkin A.


Conflicting literary data on the effect of electrical and mechanical stimulation on gastric secretion forced Delhougn to turn to experiments on animals and humans. The author used intra- and extra-gastric irritation with galvanic (35 MA) and faradic (7 cm) currents and found that in both cases gastric secretion was clearly detected.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1293-1293
pages 1293-1293 views

New evidence in the pathology and therapy of gastric ulcers. Jarno (Arch. f. Verdauungskrankh., Bd. XXXVIII, H. 1—2)

Mirkin A.


Based on a study of a large number of ulcer patients, Jarno found a significant decrease in their blood cholesterol (0.06-0.08% instead of the normal 0.1-0.15%).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1293-1293
pages 1293-1293 views

New ways in the treatment of diarrhea. R. A. Luria (Phys. Delo, 1926, Nos. 14, 15)


In addition to diarrhea depending on local intestinal diseases and treatable by diet and balneo-photo-therapeutic methods, there is another large group of diarrheas, which are in close connection with disorders of the functions of various body systems: abnormalities of the general water metabolism in tissues, violation of the endocrine system, immunity disorders, central and vegetative nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1293-1294
pages 1293-1294 views

Causes of suppuration when metal objects are left in tissues. Fründ (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 37)

Tsimkhes I.


Nickel-plated and gold-plated objects made of various metals are often used for fixing bone fragments and in bone surgeries, and these objects are left in the tissues.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1294-1294
pages 1294-1294 views

Purulent strumitis after influenza. Kurt Schultze (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, no. 36)

Tsimkhes I.


The author observed a case of purulent strumitis, which was a complication of angina and influenza.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1294-1294
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Appendectomy for right-sided inguinal hernia. F. Hesse (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, no. 35)

Tsimkhes I.


Based on 46 cases, the author believes that the right inguinal hernia operations in 3/4 of all cases have to deal with the appendix and resort to appendectomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1294-1294
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To the technique of gastro-enterostomy. Kelling (Zentr. fl Chir., 1926, no. 35)

Tsimkhes I.


When the pylorus is open, Kelling performs a posterior gastroenterostomy and in addition enteroanastomosis to control bile leakage into the stomach and bile vomiting.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1294-1294
pages 1294-1294 views

Transperiotenal nephrectomy and nephropexy. Grekov (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., Kn. 21, 1926)

Friedland M.


The author finds that for fixation of the kidney the most reliable methods are those where the kidney is suspended by the fibrous capsule to the rib with a piece of fascia or aponeurosis of the external oblique abdominal muscle. The normal incision for such nephropexy is an oblique, extraperitoneal incision.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1294-1294
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Massage of the prostate gland. Hryntschak (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, no. 39)

Sergeev V.


According to the author, this method of treatment is indicated for chronic prostatitis with leukocytes in the prostate secretion, as well as, with the known limitations, for prostatic abscesses that have burst into the urethra or bladder.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1295-1295
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Graaf's vesicle formation in female fetuses and girls. Hartmann (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 128)


Graaf's vesicles are formed both in the ovaries of female fetuses beginning in the 7th month of uterine life and in the ovaries of girls who have not reached puberty.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1295-1295
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Protective role of parametres during pregnancy and childbirth. Hofbauer (по Веr. über die gesam. Gyn., Bd. X, H. II)

Timofeev A.


Based on the consideration that postpartum infection often spreads by the same lymphatic routes as cancer, the author decided to study the peritoneal tissue, which he did on 43 uteri removed at different periods of pregnancy, sub partu and in the postpartum period.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1295-1295
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Biochemical studies of amniotic fluid in humans. Flössner and Кirstein (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 13)

Timofeev A.


Biochemical studies of amniotic fluid in humans were performed by Flössner and Kirstein and could establish there the presence of glycolbetaine, meat-lactic acid, aromatic oxyacids and histidine derivative. Of particular importance is the presence of betaine, which so far in humans has been found only in the fluid of echinococcal cysts.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1295-1295
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A new probable sign of pregnancy. Gauss (Zentr. f. G., 1926, no. 14)


The author has long noted that the first months of pregnancy are characterized by a peculiar mobility of the cervix in relation to the body, so that the portio vaginalis can move sideways, forward and backward without the participation of the uterine body. In this case, one must beware of confusion with cases where the imaginary mobility may depend on the accidental mobility of the swollen mucous membrane covering the portio.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1295-1295
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Pathological and chemical changes in hyperemesis gravidarum. Drennan and Hicks (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 23)

Timofeev A.


By studying the ratio of ammonia nitrogen to its total amount in urine, or the so-called ammonia coefficient (A.-C.), the authors came to certain conclusions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1295-1296
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The endocrine system and vomiting in pregnant women. Dickson (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 12)


The author notes in hyperemesis a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism and depletion of the liver in glycogen, which, in his opinion, is due to increased secretion of the posterior pituitary lobe. Normally, this secretion is regulated by hormones of the mammary gland, placenta, and corpus luteum. If these hormones are insufficient, hyperfunction of the pituitary gland with its consequences occurs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1296-1296
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Peelum pregnant women. Luchs (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 127)


According to the author, stagnation of urine in the upper urinary tract in the last months of pregnancy occurs more often than it was still believed: the expansion of the ureters caused by it occurs on the right in at least 3/4 of all cases of pregnancy, while on the left it is twice less common and much weaker.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1296-1296
pages 1296-1296 views

Treatment of lues of the uterine fetus. Каul, Bodnar (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 128)

Gruzdev V.


In the organs, blood and amniotic fluid of those fetuses whose mothers were subjected to antisyphilitic treatment during pregnancy, the presence of arsenic and bismuth can be proved. The transfer of these substances from mother to fetus is not due to the processes of diffusion or osmosis, but due to the active activity of the placenta.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1296-1296
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Aetiology of late bleeding after childbirth and abortion. Frankl (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 129)

Sergeev V.


Frankl refers to late bleeding as bleeding that occurs a week or more after childbirth and miscarriage. The cause is usually considered to be the retention of the placenta in the uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1296-1296
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Repeated caesarean section. Leboсzki-Semmelweis (Arch. f. Gyn. Bd. 127)

Gruzdev V.


Caesarean section in the same woman can be repeated three times, the first two times the uterine incision should be made intraperitoneally in the lower segment, and the third time in the uterine body.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1296-1297
pages 1296-1297 views

Determination of the reaction of vaginal secretions using litmus as a method of diagnosing female gonorrhea. Danin (Münch. m. Av., 1925, No. 18)


With the help of specially prepared litmus and special paper, it is possible to diagnose chronic gonorrhea on the basis that a sharply acidic reaction, which remains the same in repeated tests, excludes gonorrhea. The method is inapplicable in cases of acute gonorrhoea and 2 days and 4 days after regurgitation, when the reaction is always acidic.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1297-1297
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Effect of gonorrhoeal vulvovaginitis in childhood on subsequent infertility. Vogt (Deut. m. W., 1926, no. 13)

Timofeev A.


The author draws attention to the fact that the urethra, cervix, and rectum in infant gonorrhea are affected more frequently than is commonly thought. The infection is ascending due to the antiperistaltic movements of the uterus, and its spread is favored by the anatomic features of the child's uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1297-1297
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Tutocaine for lumbar anesthesia. Konrad (Zentr. d. G. 1926, V. 6)


The author strongly recommends Bayer's product and advises to take a 0.06-0.075 gr. dose instead of the 0.045 gr. dose mentioned by the company.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1297-1297
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Zinc chloride in non-operable cancers. Steinthal (Münch. m. AV., 1926, No. 22)


The treatment consists in scraping the cancerous focus as thoroughly as possible, and the cavity formed is tamped tightly to stop the bleeding, and then cauterized with 50% zinc chloride in a solution or as a paste. Subsequently the wound is well cleaned and granulated.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1297-1297
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Advantages of the Pfannenstiel's crosscut. Sarwey (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 14)

Timofeev A.


Based on 5,000 laparotomies, the author formulates the advantages as follows: 1) The transverse incision is best suited to the anatomical and physiological features of the abdominal walls, which results in the best healing. 2) It provides the best protection against intestinal trauma. 3) It prevents the operated woman from developing a hernia even if the wound has suppuration and heals by secondary tension. 4) It eliminates the possibility of rupture of the stitched wound. 5) It gives the best cosmetic results.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1297-1297
pages 1297-1297 views

Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in various diseases in childhood. S. I. Bakkal and V. P. Rovinsky (Pediatrics, vol. X., No. 2)

Levinson M.


The authors used this reaction in 135 cases of measles, pneumonia, tbc meningitis, cerebro-spinal meningitis, and clinically healthy children, using the Westergren's method; blood was drawn in the morning, regardless of meals, because the authors did not observe the effect of the latter on erythrocyte deposition.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1297-1298
pages 1297-1298 views

Bacteriological data on measles pneumonias. Henning (Jahrb. f. Kindhlk., Bd. 69, H. 3—4)

Lepsky E.


Some measles epidemics have mortality rates as high as 45%; the cause of such high mortality is almost always a complication of measles with bronchopneumonia. Bacteriological examination of cadavers of children who died of measles usually finds homolytic streptococcus in all organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1298-1298
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The etiology of erythema nodosum. Kundratitz (Jahrb. f. Kindhlk., Bd. 63, H. 3—4)

Lepsky E.


The 81 children observed by the author, aged from 12 months to 13 years, suffering from erythema nodosa, all reacted very strongly to tuberculin. Almost all had enlarged bronchial glands or the temporary darkening at the root of the lungs described by Ernberg; some had simultaneous frictions, lichen scrophulosorum or serous pleurisy. The author considers the nodular erythema a manifestation of the protective activity of the skin, in which the tbc bacilli circulating in the blood or their products are neutralized.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1298-1298
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On the pathogenesis of lumbago. Loewenstein and Racz (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, no. 39)

Sergeev V.


Meanwhile, just as lumbago was formerly seen as pure myalgia, more recently authors have tended to attribute the occurrence of this disease to arthritic and neuralgic conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1298-1298
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Treatment of epidemic encephalitis with mud and brine baths. V. K. Balasheva and S. S. Nalbanov (Kurort. Delo, 1926, No. 5)

Dubrovina Y.


The authors observed 8 cases of epidemic encephalitis in Saki, 1 to 12 years old, of which 6 cases had an acute onset and one in combination with lues. Three patients underwent a full course of mud treatment, two received several baths in the middle of treatment, and the rest used rapeseed baths.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1298-1299
pages 1298-1299 views

Radiotherapy of malignant granulomatosis. Gilbert (based on a report in the journal "Physiotherapy", 1926)

Klyachkin L.


During 5 years the author observed 15 cases of this disease. All these cases were subjected to radiotherapy, and while the first four, where the illumination was weak, produced negligible results, the following cases, with deeper illumination, had a generally favorable effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1299-1299
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Limanotherapy together with protein therapy. E. M. Brusilovsky and M. S. Turkeltaub (Kurortnoe Delo, 1926, No. 2)

Klyachkin L.N.


The authors conducted in 97 patients with severe polyarthritis of different origin (infectious, thyrotoxic, etc.) combined treatment with limanotherapy and protein therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1299-1299
pages 1299-1299 views

Calcium-ion therapy for heart disease. S. B. Vermel (Physiotherapy, 1926)

Klyachkin L.N.


The author injected Ca into the blood of patients by means of an electric current, and the Ca thus injected had a general effect and, in particular, affected the work of the heart muscle.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1299-1299
pages 1299-1299 views

Damage to the ear in bathers. Dienemann (on ref. Phys. Ob., 1926, no. 9)


All cases of sudden death while swimming cannot be attributed, as it is usually done, to failure of the heart - in a number of cases the cause of death is damage to the ear. The danger is particularly great for persons with a ruptured eardrum.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1299-1299
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The value of agglutination blood groups in determining paternity. Моritsсh (Wien. kl. Woch., 1926, No. 34)

Sergeev V.


The author describes two cases where he managed to establish paternity this way.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1299-1299
pages 1299-1299 views

Proceedings of the 1st All-Ukrainian Congress of Therapists. Edited by priv. Assoc. P. M. Kogan-Yasny, prof. I. I. Fainshmidt and prof. S. I. Yanushevich. Ed. "New Thought", Kharkov, 1926, V — 377 pages

Luria R.


The success of the First All-Ukrainian Congress of Physicians has already been quite similarly covered in the medical press in a number of correspondences, where it was noted that the peculiarity of this Congress was the good development of its program topics. For the first time, occupational diseases of physical labor were prioritized in the congresses of therapists, and a number of toxicoses were interestingly covered in the first part of the "Proceedings" of the Congress.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1300-1300
pages 1300-1300 views

Physical culture, as a therapeutic method. A guide for working on a physiotherapy site and for the use of physical education for therapeutic purposes. Compiled with the participation of Prof. Konchalovsky, Verzilov, Gorinevsky, Shenk and Dr. Egorov, Ivanovsky, Kishkin, Romanov and Sarkisov - Serazini. With a foreword by Semashko, edited by Kishkin. Publishing house of NKZ. M. 1926, 96 pages, price - 80 kopecks

Friedland M.


The main peculiarity of the book is that for the first time in the history of scientific physical training it treats the latter not as a preventive method, but as a therapeutic factor. Such an expansion of the scope of domestic physical education is, in fact, a natural consequence of its evolution.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1301-1301
pages 1301-1301 views

Prof. A.P. Gubarev. Clinical anatomy of the female pelvic organs. M. 1926, 211 p., 91 fig. in the text and V tables

Gruzdev V.


As all other branches of practical medicine, gynecology is based on a solid scientific basis, which is primarily the anatomy of the female genital parts and other pelvic organs of the woman. With the study of this base and should begin familiarity with the discipline, if only one who studies the latter wishes to more or less thoroughly and firmly master it. From this point of view, the custom of prefixing the description of the female genitalia to the description of gynecologic statistics in gynecology manuals must be regarded as fully rational. From the same point of view, one cannot but welcome the appearance of the work, the original title of which we have given above.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1301-1302
pages 1301-1302 views

A. Semashko. The paths of Soviet physical education. Fizkultizdat, 1926, III pages, price 75 kopecks

Friedland M.


This book collects articles, speeches and guiding reports made at various times by the authoritative inspirer of the Soviet physical culture movement, which has now become such an important factor in the construction of our country. The material reflects the socio-biological foundations of physical culture, its physical and spiritual elements, defines the broad content of physical culture and its role in the struggle for the improvement of labor and life.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1302-1302
pages 1302-1302 views

Prof. L.V. Blumenau. Hysteria and its pathogenesis. I. I. Soikin Publisher, Leningrad, 1926, 77 pp.

Rusetsky I.


We can welcome the appearance of this work by Prof. L.V. Blumenau. In a clear and successful presentation of the author, all still unresolved questions about hysteria are put before us again. A brief summary of the "state of the matter" gives a fairly accurate idea of the history of the theories of pathogenesis of this disease, reducing them to three already old theories: the theory of Pythiatism, the affective theory and the theory of "volitional tendency" of Wonhöffer.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1302-1303
pages 1302-1303 views

Issues of bacteriology and immunity at the 10th All-Union Congress of Bacteriologists, Epidemiologists and Sanitary Doctors

Blagoveshchensky N.


The 10th All-Union Congress of Bacteriologists, Epidemiologists, and Sanitary Doctors was convened in Odessa. The choice of the place of the Congress was due to the fact that this year marked the 10th anniversary of the death of the great citizen of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov to whose memory the Congress was dedicated, and the 40th anniversary of the foundation by Mechnikov of the oldest bacteriological station in Odessa, now the Sanitary and Bacteriological Institute named after I. I. Mechnikov. The Congress took place from September 5 to 11 and was unusually crowded, with more than 1,500 doctors attending from all parts of Russia and more than 170 reports submitted.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1303-1307
pages 1303-1307 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 22, No. 11 (1926)


Dr. I. I. Blagoveschensky: "Issues of Bacteriology and Immunity at the 10th All-Union Congress of Bacteriologists, Epidemiologists and Sanitary Doctors". The report is placed in this book of the "Journal".

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1308-1308
pages 1308-1308 views

Chronicle. Vol. 22, No. 11 (1926)


On October 29, at a public meeting of the Educational Council of the Kazan Medical Faculty, Dr. Z. I. Malkin defended the work presented by the author as a work of high qualifications, under the title "Non-specific therapy". The official opponents were proff. V. M. Aristovsky, N. K. Goryaev and M. N. Cheboksarov.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(11):1308-1309
pages 1308-1309 views

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