Vol 19, No 3 (1923)

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Innervation of the tendon of m. quadricipitis, retinaculorum and lig. patellae with some additional data on the anatomy of n. femoralis

Churaev I.


The question about the innervation of the tendon m. quadricipitis and its extensions-retinaculorum et lig. patellae, besides its anatomical value, is of great importance for physiology and clinic of nervous diseases, because the position of reflex arches of knee and hamstring reflexes is determined by the relevant studies. I have not found any literary material on this issue, so I will limit myself to referring to the authors who describe nerve branches in the area of the knee joint in passing with the data obtained by my personal research.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):3-13
pages 3-13 views

Cases of atypical strains of Еberth-Gaffkу's Coccobacillus

Blagoveshchensky N.N., Geltzer R.R.


With the development of bacteriology in general and the study of already discovered microorganisms, the idea of them as something absolute, with fully expressed, strictly specific and constant properties is gradually being lost. Far from that time when under the charm of Cosch's authority the doctrine of strict specificity, constancy of morphological and biological properties of microbes seemed to triumph. More and more facts are accumulating in science that contradict such a notion.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):14-25
pages 14-25 views

To the chemotherapy of relapsing fever

Mastbaum M.I.


Beginning in 1919, we began to use salvarsan preparations in one of the hospitals in Kazan for relapsing typhus. Patients usually came to us on the 3rd-4th day of the 1st attack or in apyrexia, between the 1st and 2nd attacks. Immediately upon admission, blood was taken from each patient and, in case of a bacteriologically positive result, the patient received an infusion of salvarsan.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):26-32
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On herniated appendicitis

Bogolyubov V.L.


The presence of the appendix in hernias is not uncommon. According to statistics from various authors, hernias of the appendix constitute 1.8-4.8% of all hernias operated on. We encounter inguinal hernias of the appendix most frequently, although the appendix occurs relatively more frequently in femoral hernias than in inguinal hernias (in some cases, the appendix also occurs in umbilical hernias as well as in hernia obturatoria).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):33-36
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About the treatment of congenital clubfoot

Friedland M.O.


The extremely low number of orthopedic care centers, given the enormous distances in our country, the poor transportation, and the lack of culture of the population, leads to the fact that our orthopedic institutions deal almost exclusively with neglected cases of deformities in general and congenital clubfoot in particular. In addition, if we take into consideration that the bed capacity of our orthopedic institutions is comparatively very small, and the number of orthopedic patients is enormous, and moreover each such patient requires long-term medical supervision, it becomes absolutely clear that orthopedic care should be taken outside of special institutions, bring it closer to the masses and include orthopedic methods of treatment in the practice of a rural doctor, who can start treatment of congenital deformities from the very first days of birth, with the help of a doctor who has the opportunity to provide treatment to children. This article is prompted by these very motives, in which I try to present, in a concise form, those of the modern methods of treating clubfoot which can be carried out in the conditions of a rural hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):37-49
pages 37-49 views

On cataract operation according to the data of the Ophthalmological Clinic of Kazan University for 20 years (from 1899 to 1919)

Roshchin V.P.


The question of cataract extraction - mainly senile - or, more precisely, of the advantages of one or the other surgical method, despite its antiquity and considerable literature, has not lost interest in the eyes of oculists to this day. The fact is that the operation of lens extraction is one of the most important and most demanding on the human eye. Meanwhile, there is no flawless, perfect method of this operation, and every one of them - and there are many - has flaws of one kind or another. Naturally, therefore, ophthalmologists have widely differing opinions on the suitability of one method or another.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):50-59
pages 50-59 views

Intrauterine injections and ectopic pregnancy

Gruzdev V.S.


From among the methods of gynecological therapy very widespread have recently gained to themselves, in Kazan, injections into the uterus, using a syringe Vratsun, or a mixture of t-rae jodi in half with alcohol, or Grammaticati mixture (the same mixture of iodine tincture with wine alcohol, but with the addition of 5% aluminol). These injections are used not only for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital sphere, for which purpose they were at one time actually recommended by Prof. Grammaticati, but also as a measure to prevent conception, on the one hand, and as a means to terminate an already occurring pregnancy, especially in its early stages.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):60-67
pages 60-67 views

On vascular diseases of the medulla oblongata

Aluf I.S.


The section on focal vascular processes in the brain stem belongs to the poorly developed in neuropathology. The very concept of a vascular focus often lacks anatomical substantiation. The boundaries of the focus are usually pushed arbitrarily depending on the symptoms to be interpreted, with the solitary nature of the focus usually postulated. Anatomical relations of the vascular network, at least intramedullary ones, are not sufficiently taken into account.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):68-80
pages 68-80 views

Conditioned reflexes and the physiology of the large hemispheres

Nikolaev P.N.


Research Acad. I.P. Pavlov, concerning the study of the functions of the higher parts of the central nervous system, the general results of which are summed up by his recently published book "Twenty Years of Objective Study of the Higher Nervous Activity of Animals," belong to rare and exceptional events in the history of science, area, a strong stream suddenly appears, saturated with the dynamics of a new methodology, a large and sharply outlined boundary is immediately erected, denoting a new era here, and the further development of this area along a new path is predetermined, constantly, as it moves, opening up new and new perspectives and enlivening the work of further by asking questions.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):81-98
pages 81-98 views

Treatment of diabetes by fasting. Prof. Isaac (Klin. Woch. 1923, No. 5)


The author dwells on the methods of treating diabetes by starvation and underfeeding suggested by American authors. He is totally negative about the Allen method, which is known to leave his patients without any nourishment for a week or more. The author points out that if this method often leads to quick desugaring of the organism and destruction of acidosis, then it does not guarantee further more or less stable increase of carbohydrate endurance of the organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):98-99
pages 98-99 views

Thyroidin in anemia. Unverricht (Klin. Woch., 1923, No. 4)

Cheboksarov M.


In a number of cases of simple anemia the author found no effect of arsenic treatment in the sense of increasing erythroprev, although the weight of patients increased. The author was able to note the presence of signs of hypothyroidism in these patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):99-99
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Cholangia. Umber (Klin. Woch., 1923, No. 13)

Luria R.


In addition to biliary tract inflammation due to biliary tract infection with macroscopically detectable changes of biliary tract walls up to suppuration in them, Naunn already in 1919 established the term cholangia for those cases of biliary tract infection, where pathoanatomically no lesions of duct walls can be seen.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):99-100
pages 99-100 views

Infectious chondritis (Bush, Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl. vol. II; Zabludovsky, Nov. Chir. Arch. vol. I, b. 2; Shatsky, V. Hir. and Pogr. Obl. v. I, b. 3; Petrashevskaya. V. Hir. & Pogr. Obl., vol. I, b. 1; Hesin, Mosk. Med. Magazine, 1921)


Infectious chondritis is especially common after typhus, less often after relapsing fever, but sometimes also after typhoid fever and "Spanish flu". Their clinical picture is rather monotonous: blunt pain is often observed, and then there is swelling in the rib cartilage area.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):100-101
pages 100-101 views

Abscesses of m. recti abdominis after Influenza. Page (Annals of Surgery, 1919, LXX, No. 2)

Friedland M.


The abscesses developed within 2 months after the onset of Influenza and were localized in the area between the umbilicus and the pubis. In the first 3 cases, type I pneumococci were found in the pus; in the last case, Gram'y staphylococci were found.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):101-102
pages 101-102 views

Treatment of incipient angiosclerotic gangrene. Timofeev (Med. Jurn. 1922, No. 10—12)

Bogolyubov V.


To treat the incipient angiosclerotic gangrene it is necessary to regulate the outflow of blood so that the laws of blood circulation are not changed, regulate it more precisely. For this purpose it is necessary to transfer the outflow from the superficial system to the deep one in the desired area, which can be achieved by applying a number of ligatures over the anastomosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):102-102
pages 102-102 views

Does the mucous membrane of the lower segment menstruate? Nürnberger (Zeitschr. f. Geb. und Gyn., Bd. LXXXV)

Gruzdev V.


Having subjected the mucosa of the isthmus (formerly the lower segment of the uterus) to careful macro- and microscopic examination in several cases in which the uterus was extirpated before menses, on the first day of the regulae and one day after their beginning, Nürnberger was convinced that this mucosa does not take part in menstruation.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):102-102
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Lobelin in neonatal asphyxia. Miltner (Monat. f. Geb., Bd. LXII)

Timofeev A.


In 1915, Wieland isolated from the plant lobelia inflata a crystalline substance-lobelin (C23H89O2N). Its chloride salt is most easily soluble in water, which decomposes in old solutions, taking yellow coloring and pleasant smell of acetophenone. Wieland's lobelia is a respiratory center irritant.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):102-103
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Ether for uterine atony. Sigwart (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 46)

Gruzdev V.


In case of atonic bleeding that occurs during a classic caesarian operation, the author recommends either injecting some amount (50 cc) of ether for anesthesia into the opened uterus, or wiping the inner surface of the organ with a gauze tampon soaked in ether.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):103-103
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Proteinköpertherarie in febrile miscarriages. Simon (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 46)

Gruzdev V.


Using this type of treatment, in the form of intramuscular injections of albuzole (first 5 cc, then 2 cc), in 30 patients with putrid and septic miscarriages, Simon got very good results (none of the patients died).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):103-103
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Treatment of vaginal whites. Schweitzer (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 50)

Gruzdev V.


The best way to treat vaginal whitening is Schweitzer's daily sprinkling with ½% lactic acid solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):103-103
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Radiation treatment of inoperable uterine cancers. Siedel (Zentr. f Gyn., 1922, No. 52)

Gruzdev V.


Treatment with radium and Röntgen rays of inoperable uterine cancers in 15% gives a stable recovery of patients, meaning the absence of recurrences for 5 years or more.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):104-104
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Cross reflexes. Razdolsky (Nauchn. Med., 1922, No. 9)

Aluf I.


Cross reflexes, which are motor reflex reactions of muscles on the side opposite to the one that is being stimulated, can be tendon, bone, periosteal, skin, both normal and pathological.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):104-105
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Myostatic innervation and its disorders. Strümpell (Neurol. Centr., 1920, No. 1)

Aluf I.


The pathology of motor disorders was, until recently, mainly a pathology of the pyramidal pathway, except for the maintenance of general body balance during standing and walking, for which the cerebellum and its connections were involved. The function of the other centrifugal pathways remained unclear.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):105-106
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To the etiology of rickets in infancy. Chick, Dalyell, Hume, Mackay, Smith (Lancet, 1922, 1/VII; Zeitschr. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 34)


The authors report the following observations on the prevention and treatment of rickets made in the Pirquet Clinic. The children observed were divided into two identical groups: some were fed, as usual in the Pirquet Clinic, with cow's milk and a considerable amount (from 8 to 18%) of sugar (diet no. 1); others received less sugar, a little more milk and about 8 g per day of cod liver oil (diet no. 2); in addition, all children were given, as required, cereal and fruit or vegetable juice.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):106-106
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Resistance to infection in scurvy. Hamburger, Goldschmidt (Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 100)

Lepsky E.


With scurvy, the body's ability to resist infection is reduced, which is expressed, by the way, in children with scurvy, in the frequent occurrence of pinlocystitis, and in animals with experimental scorbutum - conjunctivitis, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):107-107
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Tuberculosis in children. Prof. Kissel (Coll. "Tuberculosis" No. 3)


The author considers it unproven that tuberculosis in small children occurs exclusively in very severe forms. According to his observations, the course of tuberculosis in children seems to be almost no different from that in adults.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):107-107
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Epituberculous lung infiltration in children. Eliasberd и Neuland (Jahrb. f. Kingerheilk., Bd. 93), Rüscher (Kindertuberk., 1922, № 2), Langer (Zeitschr. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 34), Epstein (Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 99)

Lepsky E.


The authors report their observations of children with undoubted tuberculosis (bone, gland, or skin) who slowly developed a thickening in one lobe of the lung (often the upper right lobe) with blunted percussion and bronchial breathing over the thickened lobe, but without rales and mostly without fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):107-108
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Silvering of pale spirochetes. Prof. Yakimov (Arch. Russk. protist. ob., II)

Gruzdev V.


The author finds that the best way to color spir. pallidae is to impregnate them with silver according to Fontana-Tribondeau.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):108-109
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Blood composition in syphilis. Schlag (Diss., 1921)

Korneychik E.


On the basis of a study of the extensive literature, Schlag concludes that the Hb amount in the 1st period of syphilis is normal or slightly decreased; in the 2nd period there is usually a decrease, especially at the beginning, with a drop in Hb often by 20-30%; in the 3rd period, there is also often a decrease.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):109-109
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Mitigal in scabies. Willamowski (Dermat. Woch., 1921, no. 8)

Krivosheev N.


Mitigal, produced by Bayer, is an organic, strongly bonded compound containing about 25% sulfur and having the form of a golden yellow, rather thick, almost odorless oil, insoluble in water and soluble in absolute alcohol, acetone and benzene. Tested by Willamowski in 28 cases of scabies, it proved very suitable for both inpatient and outpatient treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):109-109
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Prof. V. L. Omelyansky. A Practical Guide to Microbiology. Nauchnoe Chem. tekhn. izd. Pet., 1923

Tushnov M.


This manual does not actually refer to medical microbiologists, but to naturalistic microbiologists. The methods of medical and clinical bacteriology, such as infection of animals, immunity reactions, rearing dathogenic microbes, etc., are not deliberately touched upon by the author. Nevertheless, both the physician and the veterinarian will find much that is rare, useful, and instructive in this book.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):109-110
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Modern Problems of Natural Science No. 2. Rejuvenation. Collection of articles edited by Prof. N.K. Koltsov. Gos. izd. M. Petr. 1923. 234 pp.

Tushnov M.


At the present time quite an extensive literature on the rejuvenation of organisms has been accumulated. The appearance of this collection in the Russian press is a natural response to the undisguised desire of Russian biologists to join these fascinating studies. Lack of space does not allow me to enter into a detailed evaluation of this interesting book, but still we can say with confidence that anyone interested in the problem of rejuvenation, in this collection will find for themselves almost exhaustive material.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):110-111
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S. А. Jacobson. Chest wounds in war. State. Ed. Moscow - Petrograd. 1923. 154 p.

Bogolyubov V.


The author's work is based on material on chest wounds, which passed through the 2nd Red Cross Hospital in Warsaw during the last war, and observations made by the author during his time in charge of the 1st Yaroslavl mobile surgical hospital of the Red Cross.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):111-111
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Activities of medical societies in Kazan


Society of Physicians at Kazan University.
1. Session 3/V.
Dr. N.V. Sokolov, On casuistry of difficultly diagnosed tumors of the left subcostal region.
Prof. P.A. Glushkov. A case of resection of the mandible for its ankylosis according to the method of Esmarshʹa.
Prof. V. S. Gruzdev. Intrauterine injections and ectopic pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(3):112-112
pages 112-112 views

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