Vol 23, No 11 (1927)

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On the toxicity of methylene blue

Puchek A.I.


Methylene blue was discovered by the chemist Careau at the end of the 19th century. R. Koch, in 1882, first used it in microscopic technique, working with the tuberculosis pathogen he had discovered. Later, in 1890, Ehrlich noticed the affinity of methylene blue for nerve tissue and its analgesic effect. A year later it was suggested by Gutmann, and then by Giems for treatment of malaria. Since that time, blue has been used for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and, as can be seen from the literature, with some success, for example, in diseases of the urinary tract of a gonorrheic nature, in dysentery, recurrent typhus, in tuberculosis of the throat, in neoplasms, nephritis of an infectious nature, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1091-1097
pages 1091-1097 views

Pulmonary tuberculosis and blood morphology

Kramov N.A.


When the diagnosis of tbc pulmonum is made, it is commonly assumed that the patient necessarily suffers also from anemia, and if so, the administration of arsenic and iron is considered indispensable. The diagnosis of anemia without examination of the blood is usually made for all patients suffering from tuberculosis, or suspected of tbc,-for all who have pale skin and mucous membranes. This is particularly striking when reviewing the work of TB clinics, where 95-99% of patients arriving not only themselves say they have anemia, but almost all have a diagnosis of anemia in their accompanying charts. This idea of anemia as an indispensable companion of tbc is the result of categorical statements of old authors on the one hand and not examining blood or examining it with insufficiently accurate methods on the other hand.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1098-1110
pages 1098-1110 views

To the treatment of malaria according to the method of Ochsner

Golynko M.


Methods of treatment of malaria, - as it absolutely fairly speaks Prof. A.A. Kissel - we have more than enough, it is necessary to deepen studying of them and to create the most expedient combination of them. To this task the present work is devoted, in which I will stop on check of the known method of Ochsner.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1111-1117
pages 1111-1117 views

Vaccine therapy for dysentery and hemorrhagic colitis with per os vaccine administration

Wolfson Z.I.


The concept of dysentery is essentially purely clinical. This name refers to acute hemorrhagic catarrh of the intestines with predominant involvement of the lowest segment of the latter and with the formation of ulcers in this area. Such a disease may have a variety of etiologies. The issue of etiology of dysentery and hemorrhagic colitis is not only of purely bacteriological interest, but also plays a prominent role in therapy of these diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1118-1127
pages 1118-1127 views

On degastroenterostomy

Flerov S.A.


The issue of gastrointestinal vessel disconnection is a hot topic at present, and therefore we will allow ourselves to speak out on this issue and quote, as an illustration, the following case observed in our clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1128-1132
pages 1128-1132 views

On the issue of tissue regeneration in penetrating facial defects

Toprover G.S.


Excellent regenerative properties of facial tissues in fresh injuries are well known. Abundance of anastomosing vessels, considerable friability and mobility of facial skin with observance of aseptic and hemostasis cause good and fast healing of wounds, as well as the growth of completely separated facial parts sewn on time and accurately. The shape of a facial wound and the properties of its edges often present extremely unfavorable conditions for healing, and nevertheless the latter usually occurs by primary tension which would be impossible to expect elsewhere in the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1133-1135
pages 1133-1135 views

On the choice of a donor for blood transfusion

Barsky H.G.


In the history of development and improvement of blood transfusion methods several periods should be noted. The first period in the second half of the 17th century, when animal blood was taken for transfusion, was very short, as the sad results of this method showed that transfusion of animal blood to humans could lead not only to harmful consequences for the health of patients, but often even to the death of patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1136-1138
pages 1136-1138 views

On laryngeal tuberculosis in pregnant women

Blagodarov A.A.


The combination of laryngeal tuberculosis with pregnancy, with the rather wide prevalence of respiratory tuberculosis in general, is, however, not so frequent. According to Moneckeberg's statistics, there were only 18 cases of laryngeal tuberculosis out of 40,000 pregnant women (300 with pulmonary tuberculosis among them) who passed through obstetric clinics. With the rather large material from the Krasnoyarsk City Maternity Hospital, only 2 cases of this kind have come under our observation in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1139-1140
pages 1139-1140 views

To form an artificial vagina according to Popov's method

Konukhes M.I.


Наблюдающееся в последнее время учащение оперативных пособий при полных атрезиях влагалища объясняется, конечно, сравнительно благополучными исходами вмешательств подобного рода. Благодаря этому, гинеколог, ранее сомневавшийся в успехе операции, теперь смелее решается на нее. В моей статье по этому вопросу, появившейся в печати в 1925 году, я привожу 64 случая, оперированных по Попову и Schubertʹy, и 107 случаев, оперированных по Baldwin’y и Mori. В настоящее же время мы располагаем материалом в 97 случаев, оперированных по Schubert’y, 22—по Попову и 169—по Baldwin’y-Моrі.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1141-1144
pages 1141-1144 views

Respiratory disease in foreign body aspiration in children

Lopatin G.M.


Aspiration of foreign bodies into the windpipe usually results in respiratory damage. This lesion may be of varying intensity and may be localized in different parts of the respiratory tract or lungs. Both the intensity and the localization of the lesion may depend on a number of reasons and above all on the location of the foreign body and its type, but also on the constitutional characteristics of the body and on many other causes. Aspirated foreign bodies are found in the trachea or larynx and almost as often in the bronchi.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1145-1150
pages 1145-1150 views

Rafania (ergotism) toxidemic in the Ural region in 1926-1927

Maksudov G.A.


In December 1926 a patient was admitted to our Clinic with symptoms of ergot poisoning. From his inquiries, and from a number of other - though unofficial - sources, we learned that there were mass cases of ergot poisoning in the Urals region. During our acquaintance with the corresponding literature and observation of this patient we faced a number of questions, for the clarification of which it seemed to us rational to go personally to the place of toxidemia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1151-1165
pages 1151-1165 views

On the subject of self-mutilation by paraffin injection

Granat B.S.


At present, self-mutilation for the purpose of evading military service is relatively rare, although, unfortunately, far from being completely eradicated. It is the relative rarity of cases of self-mutilation that can sometimes lead to difficulties for the doctor in diagnosing self-mutilation. This should be said especially about artificial tumors caused by injection of paraffin into tissues. At the injection sites there is a growth of connective tissue surrounding and sprouting drops of paraffin, resulting in the formation of dense tumors, the so-called "paraffinomas", extremely simulating, at first glance, real neoplasms. This very type of self-mutilation was observed in the Kazan Military Hospital during the last 1½ years in 4 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1166-1169
pages 1166-1169 views

Current status of anthrax pathogenesis

Irger L.Y.


The study of the pathogenesis of anthrax infection in humans and animals, which until recently seemed completely finished, has been enriched in the last five years with new data.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1170-1174
pages 1170-1174 views

To the anatomy of the arterial system of the human body

Gennadiev A.I.


Based on the study of the arteries of the human body, Dr. A. I. Gennadyev concludes that the arterial system of certain areas of the human body is built on the type of two types of arteries: arteries with a rapid expenditure of the received energy of blood movement and arteries where this energy is expended more gradually.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1174-1175
pages 1174-1175 views

Reviving a mummified rabbit ear

Morozov B.D.


Experiments by B. D. Morozov show that a dried isolated rabbit ear, even having lost from 77.14 to 91.25% of water and left in a dry state for several months, can be revived if it is first soaked in water vapor at room t° and then immersed in Ringer's solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1175-1175
pages 1175-1175 views

Effect of t° on blood clotting

Klebansky I.G.


According to studies of I.G. Klebansky blood clotting in warm-blooded animals occurs at a constant rate at a certain temperature, the optimum of which is close to the body temperature of animals. At low temperatures blood coagulation is extremely slowed down, but not accelerated.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1175-1175
pages 1175-1175 views

Influence of the autonomic nervous system on absorption from the abdominal cavity

Stahnke Е.


Автор наблюдал при перерезке n. splanchnici ускорение всасывания из брюшины, перерезка же блуждающего нерва при опытах с КІ вначале дает ускорение, а потом замедление; наконец перерезка и n. splanchnici, и блуждающего нерва при перитонитах замедляет всасывание.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1175-1175
pages 1175-1175 views

On the movements of the worm appendix

Aschoff L., Pokorny O.


L. Aschoff and O. Pokorny, examining in Ringer's fluid 23 operatively removed worms and 19 taken from cadavers, found that strong, especially chemical irritations weaken the mobility of the worm.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1175-1175
pages 1175-1175 views

Immunity, infection, and anaphylaxis as manifestations of pethiculo-endothelial system function

Nikolaev N.M., Tikhomirov D.D.


В статье под таким заглавием авторыё сообщают результаты своих опытов, на основании которых они приходят к следующим положениям: 1) Проблема инфекции есть проблема межуточного белкового обмена. 2) Адсорбция, пролиферация и ассимилирующая функция ретикуло-эндотелиальных клеток являются следствием физико-химических изменений в их протоплазме под влиянием антигена. 3) Данные Линтварева и Збарского а также наблюдения авторов, указывают на важное значение красных кровяных телец, как адсорбентов токсинов и продуктов распада бактерий.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1175-1175
pages 1175-1175 views

The etiology and prevention of measles

Burova A.E., Nasledysheva S.I.


When examining the blood and nasopharyngeal mucus filtrates of early-onset measles patients, the authors detected with great consistency small cocci arranged in pairs and chains, strictly anaerobic and capable of passing through Chamberland's L 5 filter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1175-1175
pages 1175-1175 views

Bacteremia in diphtheria

Lieberman Y.Y., Ivanov N.P.


Since the discovery of diphtheria bacillus by Klebs and Löffler and diphtheria toxin by Ruach and Yersen, it has been established that the diphtheria bacillus, when ingested mainly on mucous membranes, remains in the place of infection without penetrating inside the body. The authors found, however, that no matter how the infection was carried out - subcutaneous, intradermal or intraperitoneal - both while the animal was alive and postmortem, diphtheria bacilli could be found in the blood and internal organs. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1176-1176
pages 1176-1176 views

Length of incubation period for human rabies

Koldaev B.


The author reports data on the duration of incubation in rabies based on material from the Kiev Bact. Institute (99,361 people vaccinated, 346 rabies cases).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1176-1176
pages 1176-1176 views

Towards the pathological anatomy of tbc

Oyfebach M.


Studying pathological and histological changes in animals immunized with В. С. G. and then infected with virulent tbc bacilli, the authors found that 1) with subsequent introduction of the virulent strain the nature of the process becomes more productive, exudative changes change significantly and often come to naught, but the prognosis in animals remains severe; 2) that a similar prevalence of productive changes under the above conditions is observed in all organs, but it is more pronounced in lymph glands and liver, weaker in lungs and spleen; 3) that double infection with virulent strain of tbc bacilli (with an interval of 8-10 months) gives extremely severe changes in organs).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1176-1176
pages 1176-1176 views

Blood sugar in tbc

Oyfebach M.


The authors studied the blood sugar content according to Hagedorn - Iensen in 57 patients with various forms of tbc and stated that the sugar level in tuberculosis patients, regardless of the stage and nature of the process, is kept at normal levels.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1176-1176
pages 1176-1176 views

To the diagnosis of tbc

Oyfebach M.


The author proposes a new method of simultaneous detection of Cosch'a bacilli and elastic fibers in the same preparation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1176-1176
pages 1176-1176 views

Bilateral pneimothorax

Oyfebach M.


Based on the evaluation of 10 cases of artificial bilateral pneumothorax the author concludes that the latter is scientifically valid and quite indicative in all cases where unilateral artificial pneumothorax is complicated by a fresh disease of the other side. In such cases bilateral pneumothorax, destroying intoxication, enables the body to mobilize immune and biological forces to fight the infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1176-1177
pages 1176-1177 views

Sanokrizin in tbc

Oyfebach M.


In 57 patients with tbc III stage, the author used sanokrizin in doses from 0.01 to 1.0 in 4-5 days, depending on the reaction. In 11 cases there was a significant improvement, in 24 cases improvement, 11 patients remained unchanged, and in 12 patients deterioration was observed (in 3-4 cases, in direct dependence on sanokrizin application).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1177-1177
pages 1177-1177 views

About oleothorax

Oyfebach M.


Having reviewed the literature on the use of oleothorax (infusion of oil into the pleural cavity), the author cites 3 cases of his own, where ol. olivarum to close pleuro-pulmonary perforations with satisfactory results.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1177-1177
pages 1177-1177 views

The use of autopiotherapy in tbc

Tsimkhes I.I.


Havranek, on the basis of both experimental studies and clinical observations, warns against the use in tuberculosis of this method of treatment, once proposed by Macai: he is convinced that this method causes reinfection of tuberculosis and throws the weakened organism out of balance.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1177-1177
pages 1177-1177 views

Effect of tuberculin

Oyfebach M.


The author conducted 299 observations (598 reactions) in 243 patients over the comparative effects of Alt-tuberculin Koch'a and tuberculin B. C. G.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1177-1177
pages 1177-1177 views

About breast cancer

Zilberberg Y.V.


This disease has taken a great number of victims in our country. The only true and proven remedy to fight it is surgery, which should be used not only in clear but also in suspicious cases (the hardest to distinguish between breast cancer and fibromatosis and cystic transformation of the breast).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1177-1177
pages 1177-1177 views

The significance of abnormal nipple effusions

Kozhevnikov A.I.


Abnormal nipple effusions (not depending on the physiological state of the breasts) indicate the presence of either malignant tumors or benign processes, but can give a malignant transformation. In particular, the transition from serous to bloody effusions is often a sign of cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1177-1178
pages 1177-1178 views

Tumors of the mesentery of the transverse colon

Podgorbuinsky M.A.


On the basis of three cases of such tumors the author considers characteristic for them: 1) the high position of the tumor in the abdominal cavity, 2) its slight upward displacement, 3) respiratory motility, and 4) its connection with the transverse colon.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1178-1178
pages 1178-1178 views

Bacterial flora of the surgeon's hands and operating field during aseptic operations

Shostak L.Y.


In the study of hand and operative field cultures at different moments of preparation for surgery and during the operation, the author observed that the data from the operative field cultures are identical to the data from the hands after surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1178-1178
pages 1178-1178 views

On some lapses in asepsis in surgical work

Rabinovich A.S., Kogan D.B.


The authors conducted a number of studies of the air in the operating room, dressing room, and wards, and checked the sterility of surgical staff hands, dressing material, instruments, and sterile solutions. Based on their findings, the authors believe that strict isolation of purulent patients is desirable.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1178-1178
pages 1178-1178 views

To goiter surgery technique


The author recommends 2 to 3 months before exophthalmic goiter removal to make preliminary ligation of the upper thyroid arteries (aa thyreoideae superiores), and this ligation should be performed in 2 stages, with an interval of several days.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1178-1178
pages 1178-1178 views

Closure of parotid gland fistula

Lukomsky I.G.


The author successfully uses a modified method of Kausch'a for this purpose: a needle with a thick silk thread is introduced through the external opening into the fistulous passage through the thickness of the cheek into the oral cavity, then the external end of the thread is put on another needle, also large and uncurled, the latter is introduced into the fistula immediately under the skin, penetrates the wall of the fistulous passage and is carried under the skin to the corner of the mouth, where it is derived into the mouth.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1178-1178
pages 1178-1178 views

The causative agent of trachoma


The author isolated a small, pleomorphic, Gram-negative, motile bacillus growing only on a special medium (semisolid medium with fresh animal serum and hemoglobin) from 4 of 5 trachomatous Native American schoolchildren in New Mexico.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

Climactery and cataracts

Adamyuk V.


Based on his observations, the author claims that female senile cataracts are much more common than male cataracts. Moreover, in 80% of cases of early cataracts he could identify the early onset of menopause. This gave him grounds for recognizing the onset of the menopausal period with its inherent involution of the genital organs as a predisposing moment for the occurrence of cataracts in women.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

Treatment of eye diseases with artificial light


The author describes the results of her treatment in the last 5 years of some eye diseases with x-rays and ultraviolet rays (quartz lamp and Jessiopek lamp). For the treatment of eczematous keratoconjunctivitis she uses the Jessionek lamp, illuminating patients entirely with it, naked, and usually obtaining a complete cure, without relapses.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

Dionin in eye diseases

Adamyuk V.


The author puts forward dionine as a remedy for diseases of the posterior part of the eye, while previous supporters of this remedy used it mainly for lesions of the anterior part of the eye. The author then insists on the use of dionine not in drops, but in the form of subconctival injections.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1179-1179
pages 1179-1179 views

Is it necessary to apply bandages after eye surgery?

Lazarev E.G.


Personal experience has convinced the author that surgery without bandages is quite acceptable, especially in more or less comfortable hospitals. The postoperative period is no worse, if not better, than with bandages.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1179-1180
pages 1179-1180 views

Etiology and therapy of indomitable vomiting in pregnant women

Timofeev A.


Siegert, of the Opitz Clinic, considers the cause of indomitable vomiting, as well as other toxicoses of pregnancy, to be one-sided nutrition of the maternal organism due to the symbiosis of mother and fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

To the etiology of eclampsia

Timofeev A.


The author suggests that primary vasodilation in the uterine region may result in increased blood pressure in the periphery of the female body, this vasodilation being dependent on the predominant influence of the n. vagi, either due to its irritation or to the paralysis of the sympathici. In order to prove this, the author in one series of experiments injected rabbits subcutaneously with acetylcholine, clavipurine (ergotoxin) and histamine, after which he measured the blood pressure by means of a special cuff.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

Rational treatment of eclampsia


Rational treatment of eclampsia, according to Wilson's opinion, based on chemical studies of blood, should be to strengthen the ability of the latter to bind CO2. To this end, he recommends intravenous infusions of soda solution and glucose.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

To the etiology of tubal pregnancy


The author attributes the main etiological significance in the occurrence of tubal pregnancy to the spasm of the tubal muscles, which occurs especially in women with a labile autonomic nervous system. If this spasm is prolonged, it may also be the cause of infertility.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1180-1180
pages 1180-1180 views

To the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy

Timofeev A.


The author cites a number of cases where ectopic pregnancy has not been recognized, but points out the importance of the so-called phrenicus-symptom, which is expressed by the appearance of pain in the interscapular area. This symptom usually indicates the significance of internal bleeding and is a signal for immediate surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1180-1181
pages 1180-1181 views

Manual removal of residual afterbirth


Manual removal of residual afterbirth according to Kaspar'y (Münch. med. Woch., 1927, no. 33) has been performed in the Nuremberg Maternity Hospital, since 1922, on 7027 deliveries 37 times (slightly over ½ %). In 24 of these cases it was the first and in 13 the multiple births. In 28 of the women in labor neither anamnesis nor genital examination yielded anything special. In 9 cases, previous genital diseases were anamnesthetically detected.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

Hot air for gonorrhea in women

Fieser Н.


The author treats female gonorrhea using the Fön device and a glass mirror.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

Conservative therapy of urinary fistulas with electrocoagulation

Timofeev A.


For a long time Stoeckel has been trying to treat small fistulas by cauterization on the bladder side without success. Ottow'y in one case managed to cure a small postoperative fistula by a single electrocoagulation with a cystoscope.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

X-ray treatment for uterine cervix cancers

Martius H.


The author summarizes the current state of the issue of cervical cancer treatment with Röntgen's and radium rays. At 5-year follow-up, this treatment yields, according to different authors, from 40.5 to 55.6% of permanent cures in operable cases and from 10.2 to 16.6% in non-operable cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1181-1181
pages 1181-1181 views

Birth trauma and the central nervous system

Timofeev A.


Of 70 children with congenital or acquired mental insufficiency, Dollinger could prove birth trauma as the etiological moment in 21 of them. Schwartz's pathological and anatomical studies quite confirm this. Newborns are very prone to hemorrhages, and intracranial hemorrhages due to birth trauma must be relatively frequent. The clinical picture of birth trauma can be very different, and it develops either immediately after delivery or a few days later.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1181-1182
pages 1181-1182 views

Takata-Aga reaction in the study of cerebrospinal fluid

Bogoroditsky D.K.


The technique of this reaction, suggested by two Japanese authors, Takata and Aga, in 1926, consists in adding 1 drop of a 10% Na carbonici solution and 0.3 of a freshly prepared mixture of equal parts 0.5% sulfa solution and 0.02% fuchsin (non-acid) solution to 1 cc of liquid. The mixture is shaken well and left in a test tube, and examined now after shaking, after ¼ h, after ½ h, and after 24 h. Having tested this reaction in 60 patients, D.K. Bogoroditsky found that it is a very subtle indicator of the state of the central nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1182-1182
pages 1182-1182 views

To the symptomatology of epilepsy

Goldblat G.O., Raskina R.I.


The authors draw attention to two characteristic features found in severe forms of genuinepilepsy, namely, persistent dysarthria in the sense of not only stuttering speech with the character of trembling, but also pronunciation disorders, up to stumbling on syllables, and the presence of patients raising the corner of the mouth or the outer part of the upper lip.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1182-1182
pages 1182-1182 views

Toward the treatment of head dropsy

Tsimkhes I.


It is well known that Ketter's suggested, in order to treat hydrocephalus, to insert a ureter (renal end) into the dura mater of the spinal cord.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1182-1182
pages 1182-1182 views

Toward the diagnosis of central palsies

Razdolsky I.


The author discovered the phenomenon, the essence of which consists in involuntary raising of the eyebrow and wrinkling of the skin of the corresponding half of the forehead when pressure is applied to the inner edge of the eye socket or the brow area on the opposite side.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1182-1182
pages 1182-1182 views

Histology of syphilis in rabbits

Grigoriev I.S., Yarysheva K.G.


Histological analysis of various manifestations of syphilis in rabbits convinced Prof. I. S. Grigoryev and K. G. Yarysheva that in the reaction of rabbit tissues to pale spirochaetes much is identical to what we are used to seeing in humans, but much also differs significantly.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

Bleeding after salvarsan


The adverse side effects of salvarsan injections include bleeding from the nose, gums, kidney, lung, etc. The reason for this is the permeability of the capillary walls to red blood cells due to irritation of the central nervous system in persons who are too sensitive to salvarsan. They are caused by the permeability of the capillary walls to red blood cells, caused by irritation of the central nervous system in persons over-sensitive to salvarsan.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

Hair epilation

Yasnitsky N.


The authors used for this purpose thallium aceticum from Kahlbaum's factory. The dose is 8 mg per kilogram of weight, the intake is single. After 16-18 days there is complete hair removal.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

Acetic acid thallium in fungal hair diseases

Yasnitsky N.


The author had 114 children with various fungal diseases under observation, treated with thallium, and they received 7-8 mg of thallium per kilogram of weight. Hair loss began as early as day 7, complete alopecia after 14 days; the hair was easily and painlessly removed with a slight twitch.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1183-1183
pages 1183-1183 views

To the treatment of purulent otitis media

Dykhes I.A.


Having tried treatment of purulent otitis media with Bezredka antivirus in a number of cases, Prof. I.A. Daiches obtained very satisfactory results, but only in those cases where the disease was caused by a coke infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1183-1184
pages 1183-1184 views

About maxillary sinusitis

Tsytovich M.F.


On the basis of a huge material (1,500 cases), Prof. M.F. Tsytovich comes to a number of conclusions on the issue of maxillary sinusitis. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1184-1184
pages 1184-1184 views

Surgical treatment of maxillary sinusitis

Shender B.S.


The author recommends resorting to radical surgery for chronic, prolonged maxillary sinusitis, which is performed under local anesthesia in a certain way.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1184-1184
pages 1184-1184 views

Handbuch der Röntgendiagnostik

Gasul Y.


This manual is the first section of volume III of the voluminous edition issued to commemorate Röntgen's 80th birthday, and is divided into three separate parts.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1184-1184
pages 1184-1184 views

Handbuch der Röntgentherapie

Gasul Y.


This manual is the second section of the above-mentioned publication and consists of 8 issues.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1185-1185
pages 1185-1185 views

Atlas of the anatomy of the human body in X-rays

Gasul R.Y.


This beautifully published atlas, which presents the normal bony system of the adult and child at various stages of skeletal development in X-ray images, is a valuable contribution both to osteology and to the technique of X-ray diagnosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1185-1185
pages 1185-1185 views

Physikalisch-technische Grundlagen der Röntgentherapie

Gasul R.Y.


If Holzknecht decided to translate and handle a book by the famous New York radiotherapist Seth Hirsch, it means that there was no such physical-technical guide in the rich German radiology literature. Indeed, this relatively briefly written book (223 pages) contains everything that every radiotherapist should firmly remember.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1185-1185
pages 1185-1185 views

Die physikalischen Grundlagen der medizinischen Röntgentechnik

Gasul R.Y.


This manual is an extended revision of the chapter on the physical foundations of X-ray mechanics in Albers-Schoenberg's book, X-ray Engineering.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1185-1186
pages 1185-1186 views

Materialien-Sammlung, der Unfälle und Schäden in Röntgenbetrieben

Gasul R.Y.


This collection of materials on X-ray injuries is an impressive memento mori for all radiologists, especially radiotherapists. Without any embellishment, the authors describe in detail the mistakes made by medical and technical personnel, radiologists, as well as the patients themselves - mistakes that resulted in serious, sometimes even fatal injuries.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

Growth and developmental disorder in children

Lepsky E.M.


Prof. Molchanov's book is intended to acquaint the general medical community with the basic facts of the teaching of growth and developmental disorders in children. As the author rightly points out, children suffering from such disorders are very common, but they do not attract enough attention from physicians. The author divides the diseases in question on the basis of clinical signs rather than on the etiological principle, since the etiology in most cases is complex.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1186-1186
pages 1186-1186 views

II All-Ukrainian Congress of Therapists

Daikhovsky Y.


The II All-Ukrainian Congress of Therapists, which was held from September 9 to 15 this year in Odessa, turned out to be quite numerous: there were 1170 registered participants of the Congress, 587 of them were from other Ukraine.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1186-1189
pages 1186-1189 views

II All-Ukrainian Congress of Surgeons


The congress was held in Kiev, from September 10 to 14, and gathered 512 members, including 391 from other cities. The honorary chairman was Prof. N. Volkovich (Kiev).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1189-1191
pages 1189-1191 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University


Dr. M. S. Venetsianova-Gruzdkova: On the question of histogenesis of the so-called "myocytes" in the heart muscle. Since Fischer's time it has been known that heart wounds can heal with the help of granulation tissue, which according to some authors is of connective tissue origin, according to others some of its cellular elements in the heart are of muscular origin. The cells of the latter genus are characterized by a peculiar distribution of the nucleus chromatin in the form of a serrated band. However, the muscular origin of such cells, called "myocytes" by Anichkov, is not recognized by everyone. To solve this question, the author investigated granulation tissue of the heart when it was wounded on animals stained with trypan blue. Lifespan of the animals was 7-12 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1191-1198
pages 1191-1198 views



The chairman of the Academic Meeting at Tatnarkomzdrav (see No. 206 "Chronicle") was elected prof. VS Gruzdev, his deputy — prof. VM Aristovsky, secretary - Dr. AG Teregulov.

The establishment of the Tuberculosis Research Institute in Kazan has begun (see Chronicle No. 192). The director of the Institute is prof. N.K. Goryaev.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1198-1199
pages 1198-1199 views

Questions and answers


I have a case of two dead ascarids coming out of the postoperative wound of the abdominal wall, I ask the editorial board to inform me how often such complications occur, as well as what literature is available on this issue. Doctor Dobrolyubov.
Answer: Information on this subject can be found in the article by Dr. Zimmes. "To the Surgical Pathology of Ascaridosis," placed in our journal for 1925, No. 4, p. 422.      Editorial Board.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(11):1200-1200
pages 1200-1200 views

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