Vol 47, No 5 (1966)

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Tasks of health care in the coming five-year plan in the light of the decisions of the xxiii Congress of the CPSU

Chikan S.Y.


The 23rd Congress of the CPSU opened another new page in the development of our society along the path to communism.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):1-3
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On hereditary predisposition to atherosclerosis

Davidenkova E.F., Liberman I.S.


It has now been established that the development of atherosclerosis is largely due to factors of hereditary predisposition.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):3-8
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Atherosclerosis in rheumatism and tuberculosis

Nepryahin G.G., Akhmetzyanov A.A.


We were interested in the question of the peculiarities of atherosclerosis accompanying cardiac forms of rheumatism and chronic pulmonary tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):8-10
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The effect of vitamins B6, B12, C and papaverine on the balance of blood amino acids in coronary atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and hypertension

Sylimovskaya I.A., Brovko N.Z., Konakova N.M., Kameneckaya V.Y.


In recent years, vitamins Bb, B12 and C have been widely used in atherosclerosis. Vitamin Bb, due to its participation in important metabolic processes, is indicated for heart failure, coronary atherosclerosis, liver diseases, central nervous system (P. Lukomsky, Ducheny, Selis, Pla, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):10-13
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About the rhythm of the coronary sinus

Brohes L.I., Nisneviya Y.G.


In 1912, Tsang showed in animal experiments that in the area of the coronary sinus there is a center of relatively high automatism, which can become a pacemaker after the sinus node is turned off.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):13-14
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Spectral analysis of heart sounds

Goncharova L.N.


The problem of studying heart sounds is reduced to the spectral decomposition of these sounds, i.e., to a quantitative and qualitative analysis, which serves as a spectral analysis, and to the determination of the duration of tones and noises and their place in the cardiac cycle, which is possible when studying the PCG recorded together with the ECG. In this aspect, you can schematically imagine the sounds of the heart as they are shown in the figure, where the three main criteria of sounds are reflected (time, frequency, amplitude).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):15-18
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The relationship of tones and murmurs in mitral heart disease

Iliin M.P.


In the diagnosis of mitral defect, the leading place is taken by auscultation, the prize of which the doctor determines the strength of the I tone, compares the loudness of the I and II tones, reveals the nature and severity of noises, their relationship with tones, localization and conductivity of noises.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):18-20
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The value of determining anticardial autoantibodies in patients with rheumatic and infectious nonspecific myocarditis

Dugin V.P., Maksimov V.A., Kaluzhenko R.K.


Some elements of the pathogenesis of rheumatism are currently explained by the consequence of the reaction autoantigen - autoantibody (A.I. Nesterov, 1962; T.R. Lavrova, 1962; V.I. Ioffe, 1962; Misher and Forlender, 1963; etc.)

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):20-22
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On the criteria for the activity of the rheumatic process

Movshovich B.L.


Determination of the activity of the rheumatic process is one of the urgent problems of rheumatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):22-23
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значение определения липопротеидов сыворотки крови при различных формах ревматизма

Salamatina V.V.


Only a few reports are devoted to the study of changes in the lipoprotein spectrum in rheumatism. Meanwhile, it is difficult to imagine systemic mucoid and fibrinoid changes in connective tissue in collagenoses without disturbing lipoprotein textures.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):23-26
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The value of determining serum cholinesterase in children of various ages with rheumatism in the active phase

Shvareva A.I.


The question of the activity of serum cholinesterase in children with rheumatism was studied in detail by E. A. Bley and T. S. Krasavina. The authors investigated the activity of cholinesterase in 73 children aged 5-16 years suffering from rheumatism. 46 of them were sick with chorea.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):27-27
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Features of oxidative processes (according to urine oxygen vacate data) in patients with rheumatism treated with hormonal and pyrazolone drugs

Cherbova -.А.


The accumulation of under-oxidized products in the body, which is expressed in the amount of vacant oxygen (ѴO2) in urine, has been studied by only a few, and the results obtained were contradictory.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):28-30
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Elbart V.L.


Currently, rheumatism (Sokolsky's disease - Buyo) and nephritis are recognized as typical infectious and allergic diseases etiologically associated with streptococcal infection.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):30-31
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Diagnostic value of local leukocytosis in rheumatism and protracted septic endocarditis

Mihalev I.D.


A number of authors (A. Ya. Gubergrits, A. B. Shakhnazarov, N. I. Speransky and S. R. Belous and others) recommend using the definition of local leukocytosis to assess the activity of rheumatism.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):31-32
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Long-term results of mitral commissurotomy

Shumova O.V., Ahmetov A.M., Osipovskiy L.V.


Examined 250 patients out of 500 operated at our institute in 1953-1965. Of these, 193 were examined in the polyclinic of the institute and 57 - in the hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):32-33
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About diagnostics of congenital heart defects

Sigal N.N.


Congenital heart defects occur only in 1-2% of all organic heart diseases and in 0.1% of children in the first years of life (V. Ionash, 1960).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):33-38
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Assisting with heart wounds in peacetime

Popov A.F.


Peacetime heart wounds are overwhelmingly stab-cut and very rarely gunshot. This is how they differ from wartime wounds.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):38-40
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Features of the vector cardiogram of elderly and senile persons

Yakovlev V.M.


Vectorcardiography supplements and expands the data obtained during the ECG study, making it possible to analyze the electromotive force arising in the myocardium throughout the entire cardiac cycle.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):40-42
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About surgical interventions in the elderly

Furman U.O., Vorobiev A.A.


Due to the increase in the life expectancy of the population in our country, surgeons increasingly have to treat elderly and senile patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):42-44
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Treatment outcomes for open hip fractures

Bogdanovich U.Y.


Open fractures of the hip in peacetime are relatively rare (according to L.I.Shulutko, 1958, they account for 3% of all open fractures of bones).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):44-47
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Outcomes of the treatment of diaphyseal tibial fractures

Belyakov A.A.


The treatment of fractures of the shin bones is associated with significant difficulties. Unfavorable conditions for vascularization and innervation of the tibia (L.I.Shulutko, G.S. Samoilov), frequent interposition of soft tissues, features of the plane of the fracture - all this negatively affects the course of the process of callus formation, complicates the reduction and retention of fragments in the correct position.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):47-48
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Spinal anesthesia for lower limb surgery

Karpov S.P., David -.G.


Although the modern development of general intratracheal anesthesia has pushed spinal anesthesia to the background, it can still be very useful in operations on the lower extremities, especially in such conditions when it is not technically possible to give anesthesia, and local infiltration or intraosseous anesthesia is not applicable.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):48-50
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Electron anesthesia by rectangular impulse current

Deryabina V.L., Gutkin V.S., Kachevskaya L.A., Kobdratieva N.I., Tyshkovskaya N.E., Unik V.I.


Of the whole variety of electric currents used to obtain electrosurgical anesthesia, most researchers (Leduc, Robinovitsch, G. S. Kalendarov, H. M. Liventsev, M. G. Ananiev et al., Smith, etc.) prefer rectangular pulse current with a frequency 100 Hz, first proposed by Leduc and known in the literature under his name.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):50-53
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Possibilities of using epoxy plastic ED-5 as a prosthetic material

Bobrovskih L.P.


Plastic based on epoxy resins, widely used in orthopedic dentistry for fixing fixed prosthetic structures, is inserted into the oral cavity in an uncured state.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):54-56
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The use of pyrimidine derivatives in surgical diseases in children

Bilich G.L.


After the operation, tissue reparative processes in children occur more vividly, fibroblastic processes in wounds begin earlier, but last longer than in adults.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):56-58
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Treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis with "blue lake" mud

Sirotkin V.M.


The balneological resources of the Blue Lake have long attracted the attention of hydrogeologists, biochemists, doctors and organizers of the resort business.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):58-60
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Tetanus clinic in the last 10 years

Bashirova D.D., Davidov V.Y.


In times of peace, tetanus is a rare disease. Nevertheless, it should be in the field of vision of doctors of many specialties, because tetanus disease is fraught with a tragic outcome.


Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):60-62
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Serum lipoproteins in children with acute gastrointestinal diseases

Kyznecova L.A.


A detailed analysis of protein complexes of blood serum, reflecting the state of metabolic processes, allows you to objectively judge the depth of disorders occurring in the child's body, the effectiveness of the therapy, the reliability of cure.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):62-64
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Serum histamine binding in patients with epidemic hepatitis

Shmeleva V.S.


In the pathogenesis of many infectious diseases, an essential role belongs to the development of allergies. Timely detection of allergies in patients is very difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):64-66
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The use of antibiotics for psittacosis

Kazancev A.P.


Antibiotics do not significantly affect the vital functions of most viruses. The exception is viruses of the ornithosis group - lymphogranulomas; antibiotics are now widely used for psittacosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):67-69
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Surgical treatment of old ruptures of the cervix

Mesherov H.H., Nikolaeva U.P.


The question of choosing a method of radical treatment for eroded eversion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal has not been finally resolved. Some believe that electrocoagulation is sufficient to eliminate these conditions, while others believe that such patients should only undergo surgical treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):69-71
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Features of surgical interventions in elderly gynecological patients

Markov A.Y.


Some authors believe that at the present time, due to the success of surgery, old age cannot have an absolute value in the issue of contraindications to surgical treatment, although changes in individual organs affect the general state of the body, reducing its reactivity.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):71-72
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X-ray diagnosis of tuberculosis of the uterus and tubes

Tyhvatulina L.M.


Diagnosis of tuberculosis of the female genital area presents great difficulties. Its main methods are histological examination of a biopsy piece, scraping of the endometrium and cytological examination.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):72-73
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The effect of electrical stimulation on the motility of the fallopian tubes in a chronic inflammatory process

Sidorov Y.E., Osipov R.A.


It should be considered firmly established that the onset of pregnancy is associated not only with the patency of the tubes, but also with their motor function. Both of these factors are equally important, their violation leads to pathology. Treatment of tubal infertility must necessarily include restoration of patency and normalization of tubal contractions. Our clinical observations and literature data sufficiently confirm this position.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):73-75
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Experience of using a liquid extract of Eleutherococcus for the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis

Golikov A.P.


Laboratory of the Far Eastern Branch of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences under. the leadership of I.I.Brekhman studied in detail the pharmacological properties of a representative of the Araliev family - Eleutherococcus, whose reserves in the Far East are practically unlimited.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):75-76
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Combination of rheumatic heart defects with congenital

Spector A.M.


The combination of two or more congenital heart defects is often found in clinical practice. The combination of acquired defects is even more common.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):77-79
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Persistent atrial tachysystole with atrioventricular block

Sherievskii M.G., Goldberg G.A., lshanskiy G.S.


This message concerns a kind of rhythm disturbance that is poorly covered in the pages of the Russian press. The essence of this arrhythmia is the presence of persistent atrial tachysystole, combined with various forms of atrioventricular block.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):80-83
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Treatment of heel bone spurs with hydrocortisone injections

Stankevich V.E.


We have used hydrocortisone injections for heel spurs with good results.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):83-83
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One outbreak of paratyphoid A

Reznik A.E., Fedorenko P.N.


For many years, paratyphoid A in Kazan was very rare, and then only in the form of isolated, sporadic cases. In November 1963, at one of the city's enterprises, an outbreak of paratyphoid A occurred among the workers of this enterprise and the workers of the construction organization serving it. All patients were hospitalized.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):83-84
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An outbreak of salmonellosis that looks like dysentery

Balakirev T.A.


The clinical picture of acute intestinal infections has changed significantly over the past decades. The widespread use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of a large number of atypical, worn out or light, outwardly similar forms (typhoid and paratyphoid fever, salmonellosis and dysentery).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):84-85
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To the clinic of paroxysmal myoplegia

Ratner A.U.


Paroxysmal myoplegia is a rare and therefore poorly understood disease of the nervous system. Reports on this matter in the domestic literature are rare, and many of them differ significantly from the first classical descriptions of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):86-88
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Combination of vaccine disease with candidiasis

Stanovskaya M.V.


Vaccination disease, which sometimes occurs after smallpox vaccination, as a rule "proceeds favorably. However, in some cases, this complication, despite strict adherence to the rules of vaccination and good quality vaccine, is severe.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):89-89
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Acetylcholine and blood cholinesterase in rheumatoid arthritis

Bakuta N.F., Tokareva I.D.


We determined the amount of acetylcholine by the Hestrin method and the cholinesterase activity by the titrometric method of Zubkova and Pravdich-Neminskaya in 20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and in 10 donors.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):90-90
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An outbreak of tick-borne encephalitis in the Mari ASSR

Gilmanova G.H., Mironov G.S., Hudyakov I.S., Rechkin V.I.


In several points of the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic from the end of April to the beginning of June 1963, 17 patients with spring-summer (tick-borne) meningoencephalitis were examined. The patients' age is from 19 to 28 years. The overwhelming majority of them have a preliminary diagnosis of influenza or hemorrhagic fever.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):90-91
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Acute infectious lymphocytosis in children

Nikolaeva M.V.


From 1962 to 1964, we observed 14 patients with acute infectious lymphocytosis, the etiology of which is associated with a viral infection that has not yet been sufficiently studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):91-91
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Remediation of bacteria carriers of typhoid fever

Vetlugina K.F., Velur N.A.


A further decrease in the incidence of typhoid fever is closely related to the resolution of the problem of sanitation of bacteria carriers.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):91-92
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From the experience of vaccinations against diphtheria in the Chistopol region

Nemtyshkin A.A.


In the fight against diphtheria in the city of Chistopol and the Chistopol region, significant success has been achieved in recent years. If in 1951 the incidence rate per 10,000 population was 24.0, then in 1965 it dropped to 0.07. Since 1957, not a single case of diphtheria has been registered in nurseries, since 1959 - in kindergartens, and since 1960 - in schools.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):92-93
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Treatment of purulent meningitis with large doses of penicillin

Kalashnikova M.A., Sorokin A.A.


In 1961-1963. we treated 5 children with purulent meningitis with a complex method (antibiotics, sulfonamides in usual doses).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):93-93
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Damage to the nervous system after rabies vaccinations

Drobinskiy A.D.


With anti-rabies vaccinations, cerebral palsy and meningo-encephalitis, meningoencephalomyelitis, radiculomyelitis, ganglioradiculoneuritis, polylinearitis, neuritis were observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):93-94
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The results of complex treatment of patients with active forms of pulmonary tuberculosis

Margolin S.E.


 Under our supervision during 1960-1963. children over 3 years old were 22%, adolescents - 4.3%, adults - 73.7%. Males accounted for 58%. With bronchoadenitis was 16.4%, with primary complex - 4.3%, with focal tuberculosis - 46%, with infiltrative - 13.4%, disseminated - 5.6%, chronic fibrous-cavernous - 0.5%, with exudative pleurisy - 9.4% and with other forms - 4.4%.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):94-94
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Cytological method in the diagnosis and evaluation of the results of conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Gabbasova N.G.


We studied preparations-prints taken from the surface of the tonsils according to the method of M.P. Pokrovskaya and M.S. Makarov in 305 patients with uncomplicated chronic tonsillitis before treatment and after a course of conservative treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):94-95
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Treatment of peri-maxillary phlegmon in the clinic

Pichygina V.P., Pospelova L.A.


During 1963, 10 890 patients passed through the surgical office of the dental clinic, of which 466 were with acute inflammatory processes of odontogenic origin, 65 (28 men and 37 women) - with phlegmons of soft tissues of the maxillofacial region.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):95-95
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The impact of improving the sanitary condition of water sources on infectious diseases in adjacent settlements

Ochkan U.M.


On the river More than 80 rural settlements in Sviyage use the water of open reservoirs individually for drinking.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):95-95
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Sanitary condition of the newly built city

Kyznecov I.V.


Novokuibyshevsk was initially built as a workers' settlement for 14-15 thousand inhabitants. In 1948, two residential areas were formed in the form of large workers' settlements, located at a distance of 3-5 km from one another.


Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):95-96
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Appendicitis and mesosigmoiditis with complete reversed viscera

Pyshkarev N.I.


In total, in the domestic and foreign literature known to us, 76 observations of appendicitis with the reverse arrangement of the viscera are described.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):96-96
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The value of body position when measuring blood pressure in pregnant women

Freidlin I.I.


It is known that many factors affect the level of blood pressure, in particular, the position of the body. We examined 120 women.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):96-97
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Experience with aeroionotherapy for mental illness

Skipetrov A.I.


At first we used the Mikulin ionizer, then the more improved beta-beam ionizer of the NI Steinbock system with a negative ion concentration of 3.5 x 10 6 per cm3. Negative ions of moderate heat were used, since higher temperature ions are poorly tolerated by patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):97-97
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Comparative data on fluctuations in the level of catecholamines obtained by the methods of K.V. Lebedev - S.V. Senkevich and V.O. Osinskaya

Kogan E.A., Tihovidov V.L., Afanasiev V.G.


Determination of adrenaline and norepinephrine in biological fluids, as the most active of the catecholamines produced by chromaffin cells, is of great practical and theoretical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):97-98
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The use of an electric motor for vacuum extraction of the fetus

Gorbunov V.I.


The use of an electric motor in vacuum extraction of the fetus in order to create negative pressure in comparison with a manual apparatus has a number of advantages. The required vacuum is easily achieved within 20-60 seconds. and remains constant for a long time.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):98-99
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Chronic intoxication of childhood

Svyanrina K.A.


The monograph by R.A.Kalyuzhnaya is devoted to the study of the state of the child's body with chronically acting hazards that cause intoxication, adverse changes in the reactivity of children, a violation of their harmonious development and create preconditions for the occurrence of serious diseases, in the pathogenesis of which allergy is a leading factor (rheumatism, tuberculosis, nephritis, bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):99-100
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Cervical migraine

Orjeskovskii A.V., Sadovaya M.M., Timofeeva N.V.


The publication of the monograph by A. Yu. Ratner "Cervical migraine", dedicated to the description of the clinic, diagnosis and treatment of a kind of disease that develops as a result of cervical osteochondrosis, is very timely. There are no monographs on this topic in the domestic literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):100-101
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Peter Ivanovich Shamarin

Voitik V.F.


May 29, 1966 marked the 70th birthday and 39th anniversary of the doctor. 49 pedagogical and social activities of the communist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Petr Ivanovich Shamarin.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):101-102
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Ibragimova A.G.


The congress was attended by 710 delegates and guests from various cities of the Soviet Union, as well as guests from democratic republics.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):102-104
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All-Russian seminar on the treatment of pulpitis

Zalyalyutdinova S.Z.


26-28 /III 1966 The Ministry of Health of the RSFSR on the basis of the Smolensk Regional Dental Clinic held a seminar for a group of chief dentists of the Russian Federation showing the experience of pulpitis treatment by the injection method in one session.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(5):104-104
pages 104-104 views

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