Vol 34, No 5-6 (1938)

Cover Page

Full Issue

A brief outline of the life and work of the honored worker science professor V. S. Gruzdev

Manenkov P.V.


On February 7, 1938, Honored Scientist of the Kazan Medical Institute Viktorin Sergeevich Gruzdev died in Kazan. A world-renowned scientist, an outstanding teacher, a talented clinician and a remarkable modest worker, died.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):473-480
pages 473-480 views

Local anesthesia according to Vishnevsky during childbirth

Kolbasov I.S.


Local anesthesia is used to relieve normal labor in various forms. Carrying out pain relief of labor, I adhered to the method proposed by Professor A.V. Vishnevsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):481-486
pages 481-486 views

On the issue of cyclic changes in the vaginal epithelium

Mescherov H.H.


Cyclic changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus and the connection of these changes with ovarian function, established by the outstanding works of Gichmann and Adler, prompted many scientists to conduct clinical and experimental studies in the hope of detecting similar changes both in other organs of the genital area and outside it. Soon, works appeared indicating cyclical changes in the mucous membrane of the fallopian tubes, in the mammary glands and other organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):486-491
pages 486-491 views

Thyroid gland and toxicosis of pregnancy

Nikolaev A.P.


The role of the thyroid gland in the economy of the body is very great. The thyroid gland (thyroid gland) exhibits an extremely great influence on metabolism. It primarily supports the energy of oxidative processes in the body and increases the basic cellular metabolism, which, in both a healthy person and in animals, invariably increases under the influence of the introduction of a substance into food. g. It is, further, an important organ of protein metabolism, stimulating nitrogenous breakdown.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):491-497
pages 491-497 views

Eclampsia without convulsions

Pokrovsky I.A.


Most obstetricians now recognize eclampsia as the final stage of autointoxication of a pregnant woman, and very often the phenomena accompanying eclampsia from the kidneys and liver are considered secondary phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):497-503
pages 497-503 views

Eclampsia based on the materials of the obstetric and gynecological clinic of the Belarusian Medical Institute in 11 years (1925-36)

Dozortseva G.L., Keilin H.V.


The issue of eclampsia has been discussed by many authors for a number of years and has not yet left the press. There are various theories of the pathogenesis of this disease, the theory of fetal exchange; placental theory based on the inclusion of the placenta in the endocrine gland system; the theory of dysfunction of the endocrine system, causing a violation of cellular metabolism (Arkhangelsky); a hypothesis about the connection of eclampsia with a disorder of internal secretion of the endocrine glands, mainly of the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland (Küstner, Heim, etc.) - cited from Gruzdev).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):504-508
pages 504-508 views

Treatment of eclampsia with magnesium sulfate

Rapoport M.A.


A number of messages that have appeared recently in our literature indicate favorable results in the treatment of eclampsia with magnesium sulfate (Brovkin, Popov, Alovsky, Stroganov, Chertok, Maisel).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):508-512
pages 508-512 views

Decapitatio crochet Brown in modification Olshanetsky

Olshanetsky A.M.


The current state of obstetric care in the USSR has made the operation of embryotomy and, in particular, decapitation extremely rare: with our wide possibility of hospitalization of all childbirth, it is almost unacceptable to start the lateral position before the need for an embryotomy operation. Yet such facts still exist, although they are encountered less and less.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):513-515
pages 513-515 views

To simplify the Friedmann reaction procedure

Danilov I.V.


Recognizing pregnancy in its early stages is of great practical importance, however, the solution of this issue is sometimes difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):516-520
pages 516-520 views

On the diagnostic value of the Kaufman test in gynecological practice

Shirshova O.D.


The most important in determining the preoperative state of the patient is the state of the cardiovascular system, the disorder of which is one of the most common causes of unexpected death. Up to 70 different methods have been proposed to test the performance of the circulatory system, but none of them can be a truly reliable method for diagnosing and predicting the state of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. All these methods are based on changes in blood pressure and respiration from the side of the pulse and do not have sufficient accuracy. In 1921, Kaufman proposed a method with diuresis to detect latent cardiac decompensation. The visible manifestations of physical decompensation of the heart are preceded by an invisible latent stage. One of the visible manifestations of heart failure is edema, but it can also be in a latent (latent) stage that cannot be clinically taken into account, since our body is able to keep up to 6 liters of water in excess of the norm without visible edema (Vidal).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):520-524
pages 520-524 views

Sizes and weights of newborns present

Baisheva Z.I., Frolov N.I.


The idea of measuring the length and weight of modern newborns arose in connection with the repeated remarks of the workers of the maternity ward of the clinic that in recent years children will be born much larger than in previous years. Such a phenomenon seemed quite possible from a theoretical point of view. The improvement of social conditions in the USSR, the use of maternity leave, etc., should undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):524-527
pages 524-527 views

On the question of cervical atresia during pregnancy and "Missed labor" in this combination

Gorizontov N.


Among the causes of cervical atresia, abrasion in conjunction with dilatation of the cervical canal with bougie Hegara acquired, especially over the past decades, a dominant role.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):527-536
pages 527-536 views

Intrauterine administration of iodine for contraceptive purposes, as a possible direct cause of ectopic pregnancy

Zatsepin S.D.


Intrauterine iodine injection has been known for a long time. Recently, the scientific development of the method has sharply limited the scope of its application. Functional metropathies in the absence of objective changes in the genital apparatus (Metropathia haemorrhagica) and inflammatory diseases that are not amenable to other methods of treatment are subject to treatment. Our clinic uses this method for metropathies in elderly women, when all types of therapy, including curettage of the uterine cavity, do not help. In these cases, a good result was always obtained.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):536-542
pages 536-542 views

On the role of gonorrhea in the etiology of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

Korchagin N.A.


“The incidence of ectopic pregnancy should prompt clinicians to scrutinize the etiology of the disease and pay particular attention to prevention” (Genter). According to modern concepts, inflammatory changes in the fallopian tubes are the dominant cause of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy (Gruzdev, Hoehne). Of great theoretical and practical interest is the elucidation of the nature of the inflammation that caused the tubal pregnancy, that is, what kind of infection prevails here - septic or gonorrhea (Kozdrv, Levit).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):542-544
pages 542-544 views

On the treatment of a pressure ulcer in the vaginal part of the uterus with prolapses

Chigarin A.P.


In the clinical picture of incomplete or complete prolapse of the uterus, a pressure sore portionis vaginalis is often observed. Most authors consider mechanical factors to be the cause of the prolapse of the uterus and the pressure sore on its vaginal part: incorrect position of the uterus, weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, early physical labor of the girl, increased abdominal pressure during hard physical work, labor, labor, etc. (Fritsch, Werth, Fehling , Galban, Tandler, Schulze, Küstner).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):544-550
pages 544-550 views

About suppurative-perforative complication of ovarian dermoids with the participation of the urinary bladder

Sharnin A.K.


Clinical diagnosis of ovarian dermoids, as a rule, is devoid of supporting points that allow to reliably recognize this group of neoplasms. Some features in the clinical course of ovarian dermoids (location in the vesicouterine space, pronounced mobility) cannot be defined as characteristic features of only these tumors and, therefore, lose their diagnostic value. Only in those relatively rare cases when it is possible to palpate a dense, sometimes hard area in the wall of the cystic ovarian tumor, the diagnosis of dermoid becomes most convincing. But this requires the presence of a number of such favorable conditions as the severity of the bone-cartilaginous tissue in the area of ​​the parenchymal tubercle, the relatively stable position of the tumor with the compacted area facing the abdominal wall, the absence of a combination of dermoids with other cystic tumors, and a sufficient dermoid size. This relatively rare combination of these moments was observed in our clinic only 2 times in 57 cases of ovarian dermoids.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):550-557
pages 550-557 views

On the question of sarcomas of the broad ligaments

Danilov I.V.


Malignant neoplasms that develop from connective tissue (sarcomas) are rapidly growing tumors of various sizes, shapes, and consistencies. Similar to benign tumors, sarcomas can develop in all parts of the female reproductive apparatus, in particular in the wide ligaments of the uterus. Most sarcomas of the broad ligaments are sarcomatous degenerated fibroids of the uterus and its appendages, or comes from the walls of the vessels, or the fascia of the pelvis; they are usually located intraligamentary.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):557-560
pages 557-560 views

Electro-iodine-ion therapy for uterine bleeding and the effect of iodine ions on the ovaries

Mukhamedova S.Z.


The possibility of administering a medicinal substance to the human body using an electric current was proved by the quite convincing experiments of Khitorf, Shatskiy, Anikin, Ledyuk, Labatu, Weiss, extensive works of prof. Shcherbak and his collaborators (Georgievskaya, Pevzner, Surguchev, Brook, etc.) The high value of this method in gynecological practice is indicated by a large experimental and clinical material reported both in foreign and domestic literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):561-570
pages 561-570 views

Organization and technique of collecting umbilical-placental blood for transfusion

Deshevillo I.Y.


Over the past decade, blood transfusion has found wide application in almost all areas of clinical medicine and has given doctors a massive and powerful tool in the fight against acute anemia, shock, and a number of other diseases. However, the spread of transfusion is hampered by the difficulty of selecting donor personnel, especially in the district, and the high cost of donor blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):570-575
pages 570-575 views

Experience of blood transfusion based on the materials of the obstetric and gynecological clinic Kazan GIDUV

Chigarin A.P.


Blood transfusion, as a therapeutic method, in recent years has won a solid place in the arsenal of therapeutic measures at the bedside of a gynecological patient, a woman in labor and a postpartum woman. It is used in obstetrics and gynecology as a substituting, stimulating, antitoxic, hemostatic and antishock treatment. But despite the widespread use of blood transfusion and the clinic's extensive experience, we are at the stage of accumulating factual material on some theoretical and practical issues of blood transfusion. The latter, after a certain period of time, must be analyzed for appropriate conclusions. The purpose of this work is to analyze the experience of blood transfusion in the obstetric and gynecological clinic of the Kazan GIDUV from 1934 to 1937 inclusive.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):575-582
pages 575-582 views

About blood transfusion for purulent peritonitis

Sklyarov I.P., Ivanov K.N.


Not so long ago, with general purulent peritonitis, mortality reached 100% and the prediction was therefore almost always hopeless. Since then, as in the treatment of peritonitis they switched to finding and eliminating the starting points, mortality has dropped sharply. The attention of surgeons is currently focused mainly on the initial phases of purulent peritonitis. A number of initial symptoms have been studied, which give reason to operate on the patient at the very beginning, when the inflammatory process is just showing a tendency to spread.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):582-588
pages 582-588 views

Spinal anesthesia in the treatment of postoperative intestinal paralysis

Levina S.D.


One of the serious complications after surgery, which has to be feared, is intestinal paralysis. No matter how carefully the intestines are handled during laparotomies, the latter is often subject to injury from both mechanical stress and from drying, cooling, the use of chemicals and from general anesthesia. To a certain extent, intestinal atony occurs almost after each laparotomy, but in the vast majority of cases this atony is safe, after 1-2 days, normal bowel function occurs on its own or after taking a number of therapeutic measures, such as a heating pad, enema, bowel lavage, from drugs - physiostigmine, pituitrin, etc. In some cases, therapeutic measures do not give the desired effect. There is such a degree of paralytic state of the intestine, which dictates the need for urgent surgical measures (enterostomosis).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):588-591
pages 588-591 views

Traumatic fatty embolism

Larin G.P.


At present, it should not be news to anyone that almost every fracture or major trauma with damage to organs rich in fat, as a rule, is accompanied by a fatty embolism, mainly of the respiratory form. This circumstance was known at the end of the last century from the works of Bush, Wagner, Bergman, Goldberg, Scribe, Czerny, Shervinsky and others; unfortunately, this position has not yet been mastered by many surgeons. The result is a misinterpretation of complications after fractures or bone surgeries and hence uncertainty about therapeutic measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):591-595
pages 591-595 views

A case of simultaneous pregnancy in both uterine horns

Vakhrameev A.A.


Gr-ka B., 30 years old, was admitted to the gynecological department of Snezhnyanskaya hospital on 1 VII 32 for artificial termination of pregnancy for a period of 3 months. An internal examination revealed an uneven increase in the uterus; during curettage, the fetus and placenta were removed for about ½ month.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):596-596
pages 596-596 views

A case of pregnancy in the vestigial horn

Shklyaev V.V.


Ectopic pregnancy that develops in the rudimentary accessory horn of the uterus is a rare abnormality. It was first described by Morisseau and Vassal in 1669, and quite accurately established by Stolz in 1832 and Rokitansky in 1832. Russian gynecologists, according to Malinovsky (B.M.E.), this type of ectopic pregnancy is described only 22 times.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):596-598
pages 596-598 views

Two cases of birth with fused twins

Lieberberg R.M.


The first case. 30 / ІV 1932 in Berdichevskaya obstetrician-gynecologist, hospital (history of childbirth No. 11.8) received gr. LK, 18 years old, married, worker of a shoe factory, Jewish. Her husband is 19 years old, married for less than a year, 1 time pregnant. Considers herself pregnant for about 7 months; when were the last menstruation, does not remember, menstruation began at the age of 13, last for 5 or 6 days. The first movement of the fetus was felt 2 months ago. All the time I felt the child's movements very weakly. The last sexual intercourse was two weeks ago. The woman in labor attended the consultation inaccurately, only twice. The last time I was in the consultation was 25/IV, and the card contains a doctor's record - the fetal heartbeat is not audible. The woman in labor had 6 brothers and sisters, all died, alcoholism and syphilis are denied, there were no twins or deformities in the family.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):598-600
pages 598-600 views

Two cases of hymen atresia in children and a diagnostic error in one of them

Kantorovich I.A.


In the conditions of pediatric surgical practice, diseases of the female reproductive apparatus are relatively rare. Examination of the external and internal genital organs in girls is not performed at all or is performed in cases where there are direct indications, in the form of complaints of a certain nature, or suspicions of any pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):601-603
pages 601-603 views

To the method of counting blood cells in the chamber of I.T.M.O. with a Goryaev grid

Kulagin A.A.


Description of the Goryaev grid. In 1935 the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics mastered the production of chambers for counting blood cells. The produced chambers are made of one glass plate, built like the Burker double chamber and equipped with the original Goryaev grid). I must say that before these cameras appeared on our market, there were only cameras from the OVU Experimental Laboratory. YuZ (Odessa), cameras of poor quality, which put laboratory workers in a hopeless position.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):603-607
pages 603-607 views

White blood pattern in pulmonary tuberculosis

Kulagin A.A.


The study of the picture of white blood, which has become routine in the clinic, is a method of clinical research that allows you to penetrate into the essence of the body's reactions, receive valuable instructions for understanding them, and therefore, better fulfill our main purpose - helping the patient. The desire to find these indications in the picture of white blood and apply them to clarify the recognition, treatment and prediction of pulmonary TB in the same way as it was justified in the clinic of many other diseases, served as an incentive for many phthisiatricians and hematologists to a detailed and painstaking study of white blood. Features such as diseases with an allergic reaction stretching for years and decades, with remissions and exacerbations, an abundance of clinical forms with different pathways and varying degrees of damage to the lung tissue, varying degrees of intoxication of the body, frequent attachment of a secondary infection, and finally, the individual characteristics of the body's response to depending on its constitutional features, social and living conditions, all this extremely complicates both the manifestation of the reactions of white blood, and their study. Therefore, despite the abundance of scientific works on the issue of interest to us now, there is no unity in the understanding of individual aspects of the reaction. This partly depends on the lack of our knowledge of the biological processes taking place in the body. Along with this, we also have many conditions that limit the generalization of all the facts obtained in this area, and sometimes make them even unsuitable for study.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):608-618
pages 608-618 views

Ukrainian conference on emergency surgery and blood transfusion

Halpern A.


Prof. NB Medvedeva (Kiev), in a co-report on the same topic, indicated that colloidoclastic shock is accompanied by a change in the ratio of the recipient's blood proteins under the influence of a meeting with donor proteins.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):618-626
pages 618-626 views

Comparative evaluation of pathomorphological changes in the peritoneal and non-peritoneal stump of the cecum in dogs

Yurieva L.A.


In a public meeting of the Kazan State Medical Institute on 13 / ІV 38, the assistant of the surgical clinic of the Kazan GIDUV V.A. Suvorov defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):626-627
pages 626-627 views

Intestinal anaerobes as indicators of faecal contamination

Yurieva L.A.


In a public meeting of the Kazan State Medical Institute on 13 / ІV 38, an assistant at the surgical clinic of the Kazan State Pedagogical University Sh. Kh. Zhdanov defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):627-628
pages 627-628 views

Sex and placental hormones

Auslender E.


The placental hormone has individual properties that have nothing to do with either sex or gonadotropic hormones, in particular with the prehypophyseal hormone.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):628-628
pages 628-628 views

Mammary gland and placenta

Auslender E.


The author cites a number of works in which the placenta is considered as a gland with endocrine secretion, as well as a number of observations (Ballerini, Gontana, etc.) about the effect of placental hormones on the mammary glands and lactation.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):628-628
pages 628-628 views

Cholesterolemia, lipemia and sex hormones

Auslender E.


The author studied the effect of injections of folliculin, prolan and corpus luteum on cholesterol and blood fatty acids in normal and castrated rabbits.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):628-628
pages 628-628 views

Endocrine influences associated with the function and development of the mammary gland

Auslender E.


Estron is able to cause proliferation of the glandular alveoli of the mammary gland, not only in an oil solution, but also in a much less active aqueous solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):628-629
pages 628-629 views

Cancer of the islets of Langerhans and hyperinsulinism

Auslender E.


Aa. describe cases of spontaneous hypoglycemia, where a diet rich in carbohydrates was specifically prescribed to avoid seizures and coma.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):629-629
pages 629-629 views

Premature puberty of a 4-year-old girl with ovarian sarcoma

Auslender E.


The author has collected in the literature 500 cases of early puberty in girls, characterized by the appearance of menstruation, hair growth, enlargement of the uterus, appendages and mammary glands, typical fat deposition, early ossification, and a discrepancy between mental development and somatic development.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):629-629
pages 629-629 views

A case of endocrine edema

Auslender E.


A 26-year-old patient has edema of the whole body. Diseases of the liver, heart and kidneys, as the cause of the emerging edema, in this case are excluded.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):629-629
pages 629-629 views

The effect of breast preparations on the ovary

Auslender E.


The various forms of menorrhagia seem to depend on the presence of excessive amounts of estrine. This increased production can be caused by the gonadotropic hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which disrupts the balance between the secretion products of the corpus luteum and ovarian folliculin.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):629-629
pages 629-629 views

Hormone therapy of insufficient lactation in women

Ivanov B.


A. reports on the results of treatment with folliculin and corpus luteum hormone of 30 women who were in the eighth month of pregnancy and had poorly developed mammary glands, which made it possible to count on receiving only half of the amount of milk necessary for the normal nutrition of the child.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):629-630
pages 629-630 views

Treatment of mammary fistulas and mastitis with folliculin

Ivanov B.


Reported good results in treating fistula folliculin after incisions for mastitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):630-630
pages 630-630 views

Treatment of urinary incontinence with folliculin

Ivanov B.


Experimental studies show that folliculin causes a significant increase in the muscle tone of the bladder and that the cessation of ovarian function during menopause contributes to the development of urinary incontinence.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):630-630
pages 630-630 views

Treatment of the appendix stump during appendectomy

Ivanov B.


Having listed the methods of processing the stump of the appendix that are still used and those encountered after their complications, aa. indicate that in cases with an infiltrated and edematous wall of the cecum, the only possible way, due to the difficulty of immersion of the stump, is its simple ligation.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):630-630
pages 630-630 views

Treatment of persistent cases of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gangl removal technique. celiacum

Ivanov B.


A. believes that the cause of the development of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum is the hyperfunction of the adrenal-sympathetic system, which, if therapeutic treatment is unsuccessful, should be reduced by surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):630-631
pages 630-631 views

Bromoethyl pain relief

Ivanov B.


Bromoethyl, which is an excellent analgesic agent, has been relatively little used over the past two decades due to the difficulty of obtaining a chemically pure drug; the admixture of alcohol, ether and bromoform to it often led to complications during anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):631-631
pages 631-631 views

Surgical treatment of varicose leg ulcers

Ivanov B.


Description of a new method for the treatment of leg ulcers, consisting in carrying out 6 - 8 radial incisions with an electric knife, starting in healthy tissues at a distance of 1½ - 2 cm from the edge of the ulcer and reaching its center; the skin and subcutaneous tissue are dissected to the fascia.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):631-631
pages 631-631 views

Arterial antiseptic injections for severe infections of the extremities

Ivanov B.


In several cases of severe purulent diseases of the extremities (phlegmon, gangrene), as well. successfully used intra-arterial injections of mercurochrome.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):631-631
pages 631-631 views

Treatment of purulent wounds with natural bee honey

Ivanov B.


A. reports on the favorable results of the treatment of purulent wounds with natural bee honey, mainly after kidney operations. With superficial wounds, honey is applied to the wound surface, and with deep wounds, it is poured into its cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):631-632
pages 631-632 views

Treatment of acute bursitis by puncture and washing

Ivanov B.


For the treatment of bursitis subdeltoidea a. recommends the following method: after local anesthesia with novocaine, a needle is inserted into the cavity of the mucous bag at a certain point of the shoulder; with a sufficiently wide lumen, liquid begins to stand out from it.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):632-632
pages 632-632 views

Fixation of oblique and torsional fractures of the lower leg with wire through the skin

Ivanov B.


Report on the method of bloodless fixation of easily displaced fragments in case of leg fractures, carried out through the skin with a Kirchner wire. This method, which occupies an intermediate position between osteosynthesis and purely conservative treatment, is indicated only for oblique and torsional fractures with a tendency to displacement of fragments and, moreover, in absolutely aseptic cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):632-632
pages 632-632 views

Arthrodesis in articular tuberculosis

Ivanov B.


The most widespread of surgical interventions for osteoarticular tuberculosis is arthrodesis. After the operative fixation of the spine according to the Olbi method, extra-articular arthrodesis began to be used for tuberculous coxitis with quite satisfactory results.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):632-633
pages 632-633 views

Surgical intervention for fractures of the skull base

Ivanov B.


Based on 417 cases of skull base fractures observed at the Zurich Surgical Clinic in 1919-1935, a. believes that the treatment of these fractures should be carried out by a surgeon in close contact with an otolaryngologist, neurologist and ophthalmologist. By itself, a base fracture never serves as an indication for primary surgical intervention; the method of choice is conservative treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):633-633
pages 633-633 views

New data on the development of kidney changes in prostatic hypertrophy

Ivanov B.


Reporting the results of an experimental study in dogs of the effects of various extracts of the prostate gland on the kidneys. Studies have shown that aqueous extracts of hypertrophied prostates in dogs and humans have severe kidney toxicity; extracts from the normal prostate gland of dogs cause only minor and transient changes in the kidneys.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):633-633
pages 633-633 views

Dermoid cyst of the spermatic cord

Auslender E.


Dermoid cysts of the spermatic cord are extremely rare, in 1926 Rubashev collected only 13 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):633-633
pages 633-633 views

Eye-guided lithotripsy

D. A.


A 35-year-old man suffered from urinary disorders and hemaguria for 3 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):633-634
pages 633-634 views

Tuberculous structure of the urethra

D. A.


A 39-year-old man who has been suffering from tuberculous cystitis for 5 years has repeatedly found tubercle bacilli in his urine in the presence of significant pyuria.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):634-634
pages 634-634 views

False tumor in the membranous part of the urethra

D. A.


A 72-year-old man came with complaints of urinary incontinence.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):634-634
pages 634-634 views

Carcinoma of the female urethra. Case report with literature review

D. A.


A 75-year-old woman, who had not previously suffered from urological diseases, complained of difficulty in urinating and the appearance of blood from the vagina.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):634-634
pages 634-634 views

Treatment of acute epididymitis

D. A.


In all cases of acute epididymitis, when conservative therapy is used, which does not lead to a decrease in pain in the epididymis and a decrease in temperature within 24 hours, the author considers an epididymotomy to be indicated; it is more expedient to use this method in the earliest stages of the disease, when the development of abscesses in the epididymis can be suspected.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):634-634
pages 634-634 views

Gonorrhea of a man from a surgical point of view

D. A.


In acute urethritis, a good outflow of pus from the canal occurs only with a wide outer opening, while with a narrow outflow of pus is difficult, therefore the author recommends performing a metatomy. In the presence of a long preputial sac, pus from the canal is retained in the bag, and often with insufficient cleanliness of the patient, either phimosis or paraphimosis occurs.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):634-635
pages 634-635 views

White prontosil in the treatment of gonorrhea diseases

D. A.


White prontosil was used in the treatment of 20 patients with acute and chronic gonorrhea, of which 25 people were cured with the appointment of an average of 15 to 18 grams of the drug per course of treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):635-635
pages 635-635 views

Acute gonococcal perihepatitis

A. D. A.


The symptomatology of acute perihepatitis gonorrhea is reduced to rather sharp pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen; these pains are independent, and on palpation they are more often observed in women with the presence of pelvioperitonitis and gonococci in the discharge of the urethra and cervix.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):635-635
pages 635-635 views

Bone beformations with gonorrhea coxitis

Dembskaya V.


The authors describe three cases of gonorrhea coxitis. Deformation of the bone in the form of extensive abrasion of the femoral head, smoothing of the protrusion of the coadilus, its subluxation and ptosis of the glenoid fossa appear very early, over several days.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):635-635
pages 635-635 views

Autoserotherapy of gonorrhea arthritis

Ivanov B.


Due to the fact that gonorrhea arthritis is observed only in 1-2% of all patients with gonorrhea, and. believes that in the blood of the predominant number of individuals, there are protective substances that prevent joint infections with gonococci.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):635-636
pages 635-636 views

Pyretotherapy of gonorrheal arthritis

Dembskaya V.


In the treatment of gonorrhea arthritis, active hyperthermia can be used, caused by the injection of an emulsion of microbial bodies or chemicals, and passive, carried out using physical methods of warming. Each of these methods has its own merits.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):636-636
pages 636-636 views

Pyrotherapy of gonorrheal diseases

D. A.


First Pyrotherapy Congress in New York (March 1937). 6th meeting. Gonococcus dies at temperatures of 41° and 42°, and it can be killed by natural pyrexia or artificial. The duration of the high temperature can vary within fairly wide limits, for some strains of gonococci die at a temperature of 41.5° within 5 hours, while others remain to live at the same temperature for 23 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):636-637
pages 636-637 views

Gonococcal septicemia, treated with hyperthermia

Dembskaya V.


Septicemia with gonorrhea can be fleeting and quickly localized in the joints or tendons. It can also be of a longer duration, accompanied by endocarditis or without it. In the presence of endocarditis, the prognosis is always difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):637-638
pages 637-638 views

Society of Radiologists of the TASSR Session 9.1. 1938

Golditein D.E.


29 people attended.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):638-639
pages 638-639 views

Joint meeting of the therapeutic, surgical and radiological societies of the TASSR 15 February 1938

Sokolov N.V.


  1. Presiding Prof. N.V. Sokolov announced the death of the honored scientist prof. Sergeevich Gruzdev's quiz. The memory of the deceased is honored by rising.
  2. Prof. NV Sokolov made a speech dedicated to the XX anniversary of the Red Army. The resolution was adopted unanimously.


  1. Dr. V. A. Suvorov. A case of hemolytic shock cured by novocaine block according to Vishnevsky.
Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):639-641
pages 639-641 views

Surgical Society of TASSR

Gusynin V.A.


Session 15 / IV 1938

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(5-6):641-644
pages 641-644 views

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