Vol 19, No 4 (1923)

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Organ transplantation due to immune reactions

Sokolov N.V.


All organ transplants have the goal of implanting a given graft in a new location. In order to successfully achieve this goal a number of conditions are necessary, which lie, on the one hand, in the properties of the transplant itself, and on the other hand, in the properties of the organism accepting the latter. The graft should show the ability to be vital and adaptable in order to be preserved until, with the sprouting of new vessels, nutrition is established in the new environment; it should show the ability to grow and stability in order to overcome all those obstacles which are connected with its transfer into the new environment.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):3-12
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On pathogenesis of jaundice

Lepsky R.I.


The wave of jaundice epidemics, which swept across Europe in recent years, served as an even greater incentive to study the issue and gave a large clinical material for observation. As far as I know, these new data have found very little reflection in the Russian literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):13-33
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Experience with intravenous antimony injections for malaria and relapsing fever

Nikolaev P.N.


In Nos. 3-4 of the "Medical Gazette" of 1923, there is a short report of Prof. Yakimov and doc. Solovtsova about attempts of treatment of relapsing typhus by intravenous injections of antimony. The authors used as a preparation 1% solution of double salt of tartaric potassium and antimony (tartar emeticus), which was injected at first 4 cc, and then 18 cc. pro dosi. The injections led to a drop in temperature, but did not prevent seizures. The authors are inclined to attribute the indicated incomplete effect to an insufficient dose and recommend further observation in this direction. In view of the above, I will allow myself to share the experience that I have about intravenous application of stibio-kalii tartarici solutions both for relapsing fever and for malaria.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):34-38
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A case of removal of the vagus spleen

Bogolyubov V.L.


A wandering spleen, as we know, is a spleen that has left its normal, anatomical receptacle and moves freely in the abdominal cavity. Displacement of this organ may be congenital (due to the absence of normal ligaments and enteroptosis congenita), but much more often such a displacement is acquired. Causes of the latter are: trauma, increase of the spleen due to those or other disease processes (malaria, leukemia, tumors), especially general enteroptosis or, more correctly, general ptosis (omission) of abdominal organs, intestines, spleen, liver, kidneys, occurring due to distension of abdominal walls and weakening of intra-abdominal pressure in women who have many children.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):39-41
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On biliary-gastric junction

Flerov S.A.


Compression of the common bile duct by an enlarged pancreas, with subsequent obstructive jaundice, is one of the most interesting phenomena in the corresponding field of surgery, and therefore, to illustrate it, we will present the following particular case.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):42-45
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Pulmonary embolisms after surgery and childbirth

Edelberg G.


When Küstner, in 1890, first suggested allowing women in labor to stand up early (on the first or second day after delivery), many doubted the advisability of this suggestion, but no one was particularly interested in this question. Only after Boldt and then Krönig again raised the question of early standing up after childbirth and surgery, recommending it as a way to prevent blood clots and blockage of the pulmonary artery, did the question stir great interest, as it touched on one of the sore spots of modern surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):46-51
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Two cases of acute cerebellar ataxia

Pervushin G.V.


There are only about 30 descriptions of cases of the so-called "acute ataxia", which usually develops after infectious diseases, in the literature available to me, so every case of this disease deserves our attention. The entire literature on the subject should be divided into two periods: in the first, all cases of acute ataxia, both spinal and cerebellar, were described together, without distinction; the second period begins with the works of Bekhterev and Nonne, who singled out cases of acute cerebellar ataxia into a special group.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):52-60
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Protein-free edema in children

Makarov Y.V.


Two famine years in the Volga region gave mass disease of its population by non-protein edema, and in the overwhelming majority children fell ill, which served as material for the present report. Proteinless edema in children was described by Barthez and Rilliet, Cadet de Guassicont, Filatov and others as a comparatively rare disease, sometimes developing primarily and sometimes during acute infections (scarlatina, measles, typhus, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):61-75
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Canteens of the Kazan Consumer Society as a public catering apparatus in 1920

Miloslavsky V.V.


The years we have just lived through have given us many striking examples of the enormous role that nutrition plays in people's lives. Whichever side of the latter we take, it will reflect the state of nutrition; whichever social phenomenon we measure, the best scale is the number of calories per capita; fertility, mortality, morbidity, marriage rate all these demographic variables fall and rise in parallel with changes in nutritional conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):76-84
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New principles in psychotherapy

Aluf I.S.


Under this title in the "Medical Review" (No. 8, 1922) is a translation from a manuscript of an article by Kronfeld, a representative of the new, young psychological or phenomenological school of psychiatrists in Germany (as opposed to the purely clinical-nosological direction of the Kgerelin school). Kronfeld points out that through all modern psychotherapeutic schools, beginning with Dubois and ending with Alford Adler, runs through one basic idea, that the painful phenomena in functional neuroses are the external expression of a certain warehouse of character and form of reaction. Symptoms are deduced genetically from the psychoreactive and psychogenic development of the psychophysical organization.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):85-87
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Spring malarial diseases. Luria (Vrach. Gaz, 1923, No. 6)

Tushnov M.


On the basis of numerous personal observations over the years and extensive material from medical institutions, as well as clinically verified stationary material from the Kazan Clinical Institute (84 cases of mal. tertianae), Luria reaches the following conclusions, among others.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):87-88
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Experimental studies on the function of the spleen. Rautmann (Dent. m. Woch., 1922. No. 45)

Cheboksarov M.


After preliminary injections of cultures of typhoid bacilli and emulsion of red blood globules of ram, the author found that the venous blood of the spleen contains significantly more agglutinins and hemolysins than the venous blood of other organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):88-88
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Bilirubin in the surviving spleen. Ernst and Szarpanós (Klin. W., 1922. No. 13)

Cheboksarov M.


After repeated passing of defibrinated blood through the vessels of the surviving spleen, the authors established the fact of very significant formation of bile pigment in this case.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):88-88
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On the pathogenesis of some forms of jaundice. Gerönne (Klin. Woch., 1922, No. 17)

Cheboksarov M.


In many cases of catarrhal jaundice, syphilitic jaundice, etc. the author found crystals of leucine and tyrosine in the urine. Hence, the author denies "catarrhal jaundice" as such and comes to the necessity to recognize the damage of the liver cells themselves under the influence of blood infection or intoxication.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):88-88
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Dissociative jaundice.Borcherat (Klin. Woch., 1922. No. 20)

Cheboksarov M.


Borcherat concluded that only in malignant anemia and hemolytic jaundice the jaundice is dissociative, because here there are bile pigments in blood and urine, while there are no bile acids.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):88-89
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Application of polyvalent vaccines per os. Nedrigailov, Linnikova, Belyaeva, Zhdanova (Vrach. Gaz. 1923, No. 6)


The authors found in their experiments that even a single per os injection of polyvalent vaccines (cholera, typhoid, dysentery) leads to the appearance of significant amounts of agglutinins in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):89-89
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Mechanism of influence of parenteric lactotherapy. Zenovich-Kashchenko (Vrach. Delo, Jub. No.)

Tushnov M.


The question about the mechanism of protein therapy has not yet been resolved, why every new thought in this field attracts our attention. On the basis of a number of premises and data of immunity and anaphylaxis Zenovich-Kashchenko states "that parenteral administration of milk causes accumulation in the organism of a considerable amount of amboceptors, which attract on themselves, fix, bind the serum complement and thus weaken or stop the disease process, if it is only lysine.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):89-89
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Pathways of infection in acute pyelitis. Levy (Deut. Arch. f. kl. Med., Bd. 138)

Nikolaev N.


It is known that b. coli is the causative agent in almost 70% of acute pyelitis. But how does the renal pelvis become infected? There are 3 theories: 1) hematogenic (descending), 2) intestinal (hematogenic and lymphogenic) and 3) ascending (through the lymphatic vessels of the ureter and ureteric lumen). According to the descending gematogenic theory, especially widespread in France and America, pathogenic microorganisms that entered the blood in one way or another, being excreted by the kidneys, infect the renal pelvis.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):89-90
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Treatment of pielites by Meyer-Betz-Haas's diet. Daniel (Deut. med. Watch., 1922, No. 49)

Nikolaev N.


The author describes the treatment of pielitis according to Meyer-Wetz-Haas'y in combination with Lenhartz's method. Meuer-Wetz, based on the fact that b. coli grows poorly in acid medium, and Haas on the fact that urotropine detaches formaldehyde only in acid medium, and that the growth of the bacilli is inversely proportional to the urine concentration, independently of each other suggested treating pielites with a dry acid diet, combining it with oral administration of urotropine, salicylates and phosphoric acid.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):90-90
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To the recognition of cystic remodeling of the kidneys. N. Ya. Chistovich (Vrach. Delo, 1923, No. 3-5)

Gruzdev V.


Observations made by Prof. N. Chistovich on one patient whose postmortem examination revealed the presence of cystic kidney degeneration showed that excretion of urea, phosphate and chloride in this disease is extremely difficult, urea content in blood increases to threatening sizes, water excretion, if sufficient with moderate drinking, becomes unsatisfactory with increased water infusion, and the ability to liquefy urine suffers greatly.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):90-90
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Spleen abscesses in relapsing fever. Ogloblina (V. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., vol. II)

Ostroumov B.


Spleen abscesses are a rare complication of relapsing fever. They develop at different periods of the disease, and they can develop even 2-3 weeks after the last attack.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):90-91
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Blood vasoconstrictors in spontaneous gangrene. Glebovich (V. Hir. & Pogr. Ob., vol. II)

Ostroumov B.


Proceeding from the idea that spontaneous gangrene is the result of the presence of vasoconstrictors in the blood, Glebovich performed a series of experiments with the serum of this kind of patients, diluted in Ringer-Lock's fluid, passing it through an isolated rabbit ear by the method of Prof. Kravkov.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):91-91
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Pathological anatomy of the adrenal glands in spontaneous gangrene. Lyamin (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Ob., vol. II)

Ostroumov B.


Microscopic picture of adrenal gland in spontaneous gangrene is characterized by significant deviations from the norm, namely: 1) the stratum glomerulosum of this organ in young patients appears to have lost its typical pattern, and in older patients it has completely disappeared; 2) the stratum fasciculare also appears to have lost its pattern; 3) the intermediate zone of Virchow is strongly thickened and gives branches into the brain tissue; 4) the brain layer also thickens, but only in older patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):91-91
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Left adrenalectomy. Girgolav (V. Hir. & Pogr. Obl., vol. II)

Ostroumov B.


Recently, in connection with Oppel's theory about causal dependence of spontaneous gangrene on adrenal hyperfunction, the question about the technique of removal of the latter has become acute. Out of 2 ways to the adrenal gland, perperitoneal and extraperitoneal, from the lumbar region, the author prefers the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):91-92
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Diagnosis and surgical treatment of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Kocher (Arch. f. klin. Chic, 1921, Bd. 115)

Zimmerling N.


The author reports the results obtained at the Bern Clinic in the surgical treatment of ulcers with gastroenterostomy. The total number of cases was 180. Not a single ulcer perforated after the operation, bleeding was observed very rarely.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):92-92
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Demucosatio intestini. Sapozhkov (V. Hir. and Pogr. Ob. vol. II)


Complete bilateral disconnection of a segment of the intestine in intestinal fistulas usually does not eliminate the latter, since the secret of the glands of the mucosa of this segment continues to be secreted from the disconnected segment and maintains the existence of the fistula.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):92-92
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Treatment of furunculosis with a vaccine. Brunner (Vr. Gaz., 1923, No. 3 - 4)

Ostroumov B.


The author used a polyvalent staphylococcal vaccine for furunculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):92-93
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Treatment of septic diseases by intravenous infusions of silver nitrate. Petrashevskaya (V. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., vol. I. b. 2)

Bogolyubov V.


The author applied this method in 68 patients with sepsis. The infusion was made into one of the saphenous veins of the upper or lower limb, in an amount of up to 1000 cfu of arg. nitr. 0,1:1000.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):93-93
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On arthroplasty. Punti (Jurn. of Orthop. Surg., 1921, III)

Friedland M.


Based on his own 113 arthroplasty operations, he concludes that an absolute indication for arthroplasty is jaw ankylosis, bilateral ankylosis of the hip joint, and ankylosis of the elbow in the unflexed position.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):93-94
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Fixation of the paralytic foot. Cook, Stern (Journ. of Orthop. Surg., 1921, III)

Friedland M.


The authors report the result of a critical evaluation of various "stabilizing" foot surgeries by a special committee of American scientists, based on their study of extensive clinical material.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):94-94
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Separate fractures of the tibiae and fibulae. Zane (on ref. in Surg., Gynec. and Obst. 1922, XXXIV)


Separate fractures of the tibiae and fibulae lead, respectively, to a reduced and a retreated position of the foot. When the fracture is cured by the usual conservative methods, the ankle movements are either severely restricted or even disappear altogether.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):94-94
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On the development of bone. Nathan (N. York Med. Journ., 1922, CXIV)

Friedland M.


In examining the process of biological development of bone in connection with the question of bone grafts, the author found that under the supra-cartilage there are absolutely no cells that would be similar to osteoblasts, and the latter, in turn, are completely unlike cartilage cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):94-95
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Blood transfusion. Nürnberger (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 49)

Gruzdev V.


Having studied the issue of blood transfusions on a large scale, the author was convinced that the cause of the shock sometimes observed lies not in hemolysins, but in hemagglutinins: if the blood serum of the person to whom blood is transfused contains agglutinins to the red blood globules of the person from whom blood is taken, which occurs on average in 5%, then such blood is unsuitable for transfusion.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):95-95
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The magnitude of the true conyugate. Zangemeister (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 117)


On the basis of numerous measurements, the author concludes that in the living C. v. is not 11, but only 10.3 centimeters, with the lower limit for the normal pelvis being 9.5 centimeters.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):95-96
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Influence of pregnancy on the nervous system and the psyche. Khoroshko (Clin. Med. 1922, No. 5 - 6)


The author finds that pregnancy in general, as a rule, protects and develops the mental and nervous functions of the woman's body. Cases of its harmful effect on the nervous system and psyche are rather the exception.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):96-96
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Superfetation. Nofmeier (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 117)

Gruzdev V.


The author observed a case of twin pregnancy, where, in his opinion, there was an undoubted superfetation (a new conception in a woman already pregnant).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):96-96
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Typhus and pregnancy. Ulanov (Mosk. Med. J., No. 5-6, 1922)

Gruzdev V.


According to the author's observations, typhus in pregnant women runs the same way as in non-pregnant women, even as if it were a little easier.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):96-96
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Repeated ectopic pregnancy. Маuthner (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 50)

Gruzdev V.


According to the data of Muther, which includes 93 cases of surgical treatment of tubal pregnancy, recurrent pregnancy in women who underwent graviditatem extrauterinam occurs in 46.2% (42 out of 93 cases), and in 73.8% it turns out to be uterine and only in 26.2% - extrauterine.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):96-96
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Delivery of a complete Herzblock. Walz (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 49)

Gruzdev V.


The author observed a complete Herzblock (diagnosis confirmed by electrocardiogram) in a 22-year-old woman who gave birth for the first time.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):96-96
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To the technique of induced miscarriage. Menge (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 117)

Gruzdev V.


In examining the issue of uterine damage during the operation of instrumental removal of the fetus, the author concludes that the intrauterine use of a spoon and abortion forceps in pregnancies past the 10th week is against common sense, erroneous, and deserves to be punished.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):96-96
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Treatment of postpartum bleeding in pl. praevia. Brock (Monat. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. LIX)


To stop such bleeding, the author considers uterine cavity tamponation completely unsuitable, but recommends putting a tight bandage on the abdomen and simultaneously tamponize tightly with gauze sleeve, starting from the posterior fornix.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):97-97
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Gonorrhoea ascendens. Rotter (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 117)

Gruzdev V.


Spermatozoa play an important role in the upward spread of gonorrhea through the female genital tract, carrying gonococci, and probably other germs, from one section of the female genital tract to another.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):97-97
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Composition of gonorrhoeal pus. Кrаus (Münch. med. Woch., 1922, No. 2)


In cytological studies of gonorrhoeal pus, so far all the attention of researchers has turned to eosinophils and mast cells. According to the author's observations, gonococci are usually never found in eosinophils, and also in mononuclear cells, but usually in neutrophils, which therefore deserve attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):97-97
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Diagnostic value of blood cell sedimentation rate in gynecology. Rewnu (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 49)

Gruzdev V.


Determination of this rate makes it easy to distinguish malignant tumors (rate increased) from benign (rate normal), hemorrhagic tumors of uterine appendages (rate increased) from serous (rate normal), chronic inflammations of appendages (rate normal) from acute, especially naginous (sedimentation accelerated).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):97-97
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Intravenous infusion of a 40% solution of urotropine. Goetz (Znbl. f. Gyn., 1923, No. 8)

Timofeev A.


Intravenous infusion of 40% urotropine solution is recommended by Goetz as a means of preventing postoperative urinary tract infection and postoperative urinary retention.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):97-97
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Treatment of mechanical dysmenorrhea. Grossbauer (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 46)

Gruzdev V.


In mechanical dysmenorrhea, depending on excessive uterine anteflexion, which anteflexion, in turn, is usually a companion of infantilism, dilation of the cervical feces with Hepar's dilators and the like gives a mostly transient effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):97-98
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Treatment of amenorrhea with x-rays. Thaler (Zentr. f. Gyn. 1922, No. 51)

Gruzdev V.


Taking into account the irritating effect of small doses of x-rays on tissues, he applied ovarian X-rays, in small doses, in a significant number of patients with amenorrhea depending on the weakening of ovarian functions.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):98-98
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Treatment of uterine bleeding with x-rays. Hirsch (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1921, no. 49)

Gruzdev V.


When bleeding depends on disorders of the ovaries, it is necessary to X-ray these latter, to achieve bloodless castration with x-rays; if, however, X-raying had to be started already in the 2nd half of the menstrual phase, then to obtain a favorable effect during the nearest regurgitation, spleen illumination must be joined to this.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):98-98
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Radiotherapy of benign uterine diseases. Schaedel (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 48)

Gruzdev V.


The author used radium in 500 patients suffering from uterine bleeding depending on benign uterine diseases (most of them were women with menopausal bleeding, as well as patients with uterine myomas, etc.)

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):98-98
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A new way of treating uterine fibromiomas with x-rays. Hofbauer (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 117)

Gruzdev V.


The author describes the excellent results he obtained in X-rays, in patients with uterine fibroids, pituitary gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):98-99
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The effect of the war on uterine cancer in Germany. Naujoks (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1922, No. 50)

Gruzdev V.


Having counted the number of patients with cervical cancer who applied to 27 German clinics and hospitals during 7 years (1913-1920) and having separated from it the number of patients with non-operabile cancer, the author found that the percentage of non-operabile cancers during the war increased sharply - from 48.1 in 1913 to 66.3 in 1918.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):99-99
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Lethal dose of x-rays to cancer cells. Wood, Prime (Strahlentherapie, Bd. XIII)

Gruzdev V.


Based on numerous experiments with X-rays on malignant tumors (cancers and sarcomas) in mice, the authors concluded that 5-7 erythemidoses of filtered x-rays are needed to kill cancer and sarcomatous cells in humans if the tumors are located on the surface of the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):99-99
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Treatment of adnexitis with x-rays. Flaskamp (ZbL f. Gyn., 1923, No. 3)

Timofeev A.


The author warmly recommends X-rays for inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages on the grounds that 1) the function of the ovary inhibits the cure of inflammation, 2) the function of this organ can be temporarily paralyzed by an appropriate dose of x-rays, and 3) this method is absolutely safe.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):99-99
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Encephalography. Alwens, Hirsch (Münch. med. Woch., 1923, No. 2)

Weinberg M.


Changes in the brain are usually recognized exclusively by neurological examination methods, which often give insufficient results. In order to make up for the resulting data, the American Dandy decided to use x-rays to recognize brain diseases by blowing air into the cerebral ventricles (ventriculographia).

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):99-100
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Epilepsy due to malaria. Wilaski (Arch. f. Shiffs- u. Tropen hyg., Bd. 26)

Weinberg M.


The author reports a case of epilepsy due to malaria. The patient had plasmodia in his blood. After treatment with quinine the seizures disappeared, but some time later they appeared again.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):100-100
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Atropine in parkinsonism. Szyszka (Münch. med. Woch., 1923, No. 2)

Weinberg M.


The author treats parkinsonism, which is often a consequence of epidemic (lethargic) encephalitis, with atropine, which gives good results. Atrawitz's clinic they give patients atropin. sulf. 0.0005 4-6 times a day. Improvement is noted already in two days.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):100-100
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Intravenous use of urotropine. Gundert (Klin. Woch, 1923, No. 12)

Weinberg M.


The author injects intravenous 40% urotropine solution for urinary retention, depending on a number of nervous and mental diseases: progressive paralysis, spinal dementia, multiple sclerosis, catatonia.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):100-100
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Epidemic of epidemic encephalitis. Duzar, Balo (Jahrb. f. Kingerheilk., Bd. 99)


The authors describe an illness that spread in the breast department of a pediatric clinic in Budapest. The first child was admitted on the 4th day of the illness, which began at once with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea; unconsciousness, shortness of breath, and intestinal phenomena led at first to assume acute food intoxication. After 4 days, a child lying in an adjoining room became ill, 2 days later the next, and then, at intervals of 2 to 3 days, the infection spread throughout the ward, infecting 11 children.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):100-101
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Danger of feeding goat's milk. Stoeltzner (Münch. med. Woch., 1922, No. 1)

Gruzdev V.


The author has seen that feeding goat's milk to infants often leads to the development of severe homolytic anemia, the causes of which lie in the soluble fatty acids of goat's milk Stopping goat's milk feeding and switching to mixed feeding leads to a cure of anemia, unless there are severe complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):101-101
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The prevalence of rickets and its importance for public health. Engel (Klin. Woch., 1923, No. 12)

Lepsky E.


The author subjected a population study, in Dortmund, 1384 children from 2 to 10 years to find out among them the number of rickets: it turned out that 42.8% found signs of rickets, and about 10% of all children suffered from a severe form of it.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):101-102
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Influence of nutrition on the course of tuberculosis in children. Medovikov (Tuberculosis, No. 3).

Gruzdev V.


The author arrives at the following points: 1) with insufficient introduction of all food ingredients, favorable conditions for development of the secondary and tertiary stages of tuberculosis are not created in the organism, and children already in the primary stage die of starvation; 2) with insufficient introduction of only fats and partially proteins, but with large introduction of carbohydrates, immunity to tubercle bacilli is sharply reduced, and children die of tuberculosis in much greater numbers in phenomena of the secondary and tertiary stage of disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):102-102
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Meningitis in the early period of syphilis. Schou (Zeit. f. die ges. Neur. LXXXI, 1923)

Weinberg M.


Until the recent past, patients with phenomena of meningitis in the early period of syphilis were used only by syphilidologists, due to insufficient contact between the nervous and venereal clinics. the author studied a large number of patients in the early period of syphilis. Out of 844 such patients 573 turned out not to be treated at all, and among them 20% gave pathological cerebrospinal fluid.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):102-103
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Reactions to syphilis in pregnant women, women in labor and childbirth. Esch, Wieloch (Münch. med. Woch., 1922, No. 25)

Yasnitsky N.


Numerous Wassermann and Meinisk blood tests in healthy pregnant and parturient women, as well as in newborns, have led Esch and Wieloch to the conclusion that in pregnant women, The Wassermann and Meninisk single positive blood test in the absence of any syphilis symptoms is still insufficient for the diagnosis of lues latens, because at the end of pregnancy it is not uncommon to see positive RW and RM in perfectly healthy women.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):103-103
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Blood in psoriasis. Engman, Davis, Reinsh (Diss., 1921)

Korneychik E.


The author concludes that Hb content in psoriasis is sometimes decreased, especially in the rash period, erythrocyte count is usually normal, but sometimes there is a transient decrease in the rash period, total leukocyte count is within normal limits.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):103-103
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Prof. P. D. Solovov. Methods of Examining Surgical Patients. Gos. Izd. M., 1922, 221 pp.

Bogolyubov V.


Prof. S.'s book meets an urgent need among students and young physicians for a manual that summarizes the basic methods of surgical research, in view of which its appearance is to be welcomed.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):103-104
pages 103-104 views

Collection of articles on neuropathology No. 1, edited by prof. L. S. Minor, G. I. Rossolimo, and V. K. Khoroshko. Gos Izd. of M.-Petersburg, 1923, 164 pp.

Rusetsky I.


The collection was prepared for printing as early as 1919, but for technical reasons its appearance refers only to the current year. It consists of articles from the nerve clinics of I and II Moscow Universities and the neurological department of the Traumatological Institute, and is very diverse in its content.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):104-105
pages 104-105 views

I Volga Region Congress of Physicians

Gruzdev V.S.


Continued from June 25 to 28, I Volga Region Congress of Physicians was organized by the Medical Faculty of Kazan University, Kazan Clinical Institute and the Society of Physicians at Kazan University.

Kazan medical journal. 1923;19(4):105-112
pages 105-112 views

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