Vol 47, No 3 (1966)

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Treatment of hypertensive patients

Kavetsky N.E., Ol I.V., Elfimova T.Y., Vorobiev N.I., Levitsky A.V.


One of the urgent problems of modern cardiology is the development of methods for treating patients with essential hypertension. Therapy for this disease should always be comprehensive and as individualized as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):1-4
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About "staging" in the development of hypo-hypertensive forms of vascular pathology of the brain

Benkovich I.L.


The problem of vascular diseases of the brain continues to be the focus of attention of researchers. However, in practical work, only persistent forms of lesions in hypertension are taken into account. Other forms associated with a violation of the tone of the vascular system of the brain are unjustifiably given much less importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):4-6
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Cerebral circulation disorders in myocardial infarction

Khamitova G.A., Maksimova V.V.


Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident in myocardial infarction, as indicated by N.K.Bogolepov, M. Yu. Melikova and T.A. Raevskaya, can either dominate the clinical picture, or appear only against the background of anginal pain, more often simultaneously with them or after a few hours and days, less often in the postinfarction period.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):6-8
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About cerebral hemorrhages in myocardial infarction

Troshin V.D.


Cerebral circulation disorders in myocardial infarction can manifest as cerebral crisis, hypoxic softening, thrombosis, embolism, hemorrhage, and discirculatory encephalopathy.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):9-11
pages 9-11 views

External electrical defibrillation for ventricular fibrillation or tachysystolic arrhythmia in patients with myocardial infarction

Brikker V.N., Vol'pert E.I., Ganelina I.E., Kesler D.F., Magazanik E.G., Mogilev A.M., Resser K.K., Churin V.D.


One of the ways to reduce deaths in myocardial infarction is the elimination of ventricular fibrillation, which is the most common cause of sudden death in acute coronary insufficiency, as well as the removal of tachysystolic arrhythmias, which significantly worsen the prognosis in myocardial infarction.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):11-13
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Electrocardiographic studies DURING therapeutic exercises in patients with myocardial infarction

Mirotvorcev Y.N.


As you know, physiotherapy exercises in the complex therapy of myocardial infarction plays an important role.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):13-17
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On the importance of determining the functional groups of blood proteins in the acute period of myocardial infarction

Lomakina V.A.


As you know, the so-called functional groups of organic compounds containing sulfur, sulfhydryl, or thiol, groups (SH-groups), take an especially active part in the metabolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):17-18
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Experience of using lemoran for angina pectoris and myocardial infarction

Kokosov A.N., Fialko V.A., Belokrinitsky V.I.


Pain behind the sternum and in the region of the heart is the leading symptom in the clinical picture of angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Continuing for a long time, it can also cause reflex ischemia of the heart. In these conditions, the elimination of pain is not only symptomatic, but also a pathogenetic method of treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):18-20
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Evaluation of the action of a number of diuretics in circulatory failure

Oreshkov T.M.


The widely known mercury diuretic drugs merkuzal, novurit, and others sometimes cause toxic and allergic reactions. Moreover, they are mainly administered parenterally.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):20-21
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Clinical experience with chloracizine

Tynyanova E.L., Bernshtein G.I.


Chloracizin, synthesized in the Department of Chemistry of the Institute of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (S. V. Zhuravlev and A. N. Grishchenko), is a light-yellow fine-crystalline powder, readily soluble in water and saline.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):22-23
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From the experience of surgical treatment of patent ductus arteriosus

Polyakov V.P.


Non-clogging of the ductus arteriosus is one of the most common cardiovascular abnormalities. The short average life expectancy of such patients (according to M. Abbott, about 24 years), on the one hand, and the good results of many operations, on the other, are convincing evidence of the need for surgical treatment of this defect. For the first time in the world, the Boston surgeon R. Gross successfully tied the ductus arteriosus (1938).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):24-26
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Recognition of the common atrioventricular canal

Avrutskaya G.Y., Astrakhantseva G.I., Romashov F.N.


The common atrioventricular canal is one of the least studied and most complex congenital heart defects. However, with the development of artificial blood circulation, it became possible to correct this defect.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):26-29
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Symptomatology and course of patent ductus arteriosus a

Bespyatova N.V.


Patent ductus arteriosus accounts for 20-25% of all congenital heart defects and great vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):29-30
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To laboratory assessment of the activity of the rheumatic process during commissurotomy

Starkova N.V.


During commissurotomy, the operated patient develops various post-traumatic symptom complexes. One of these syndromes was first described by Zolov in 1953 and called the postcommisural syndrome.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):31-33
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Nephritis and vascular inflammatory response

Waldman V.A.


40 years ago, S. S. Zimnitsky wrote in his monograph “Diseases of the Kidneys”: “Edema and dropsy sometimes develop with inflammation of the kidneys so quickly that there is no positive reason to talk about a serious and real loss of protein in the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):33-35
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Plasma and urine 17-oxycorticosteroids in chronic diffuse kidney disease

Levy E.B.


It is known that the kidneys are involved in the metabolism of adrenal cortex hormones.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):35-37
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Long-term results of surgical treatment of kidney and ureteral stones

Albekova R.G.


Literary data on long-term results after kidney and ureter surgery are very few. In most cases, the authors cite long-term results of operations on the kidneys and ureters in total.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):37-38
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The use of steroids of anabolic and catabolic action in the treatment of "nephrotic syndrome" in children

Zabiraev V.H.


Under "nephrotic syndrome" in children is understood primary nephropathy, the characteristic features of which are pronounced edema, massive proteinuria, a decrease in albumin and an increase in the ag-globulin fraction in the blood serum, hyperlipidemia, mainly due to an increase in cholesterol.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):38-40
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About reflex connections of the urinary tract with the gastrointestinal tract

Bogolyubov Y.S.


Many urological diseases accompanied by acute pain are characterized by such symptoms from the abdominal organs, which often obscures the signs of the underlying disease and leads to errors in diagnosis and treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):40-41
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To the clinic of the vegetative-vascular form of diencephalic syndrome

Rybakova L.S., Romanov U.D.


In recent years, the attention of doctors of various specialties has been increasingly attracted by the problems of the pathology of the hypothalamic region, which regulates most of the autonomic functions.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):42-44
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Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia by injecting hot water into the Meckel's cavity

Livshic L.Y.


Trigeminal neuralgia is one of the relatively common and difficult to treat diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):44-47
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On lethal cases of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the middle Volga region

Balakirev T.A., Samerkhanova K.B., Kalugina I.M.


Morphological changes in those who died from this disease have been most fully studied by Soviet scientists who worked in the Far East (L.S. Leibin, 1941; Yu.S. Sergeeva 1947; O. Kh. Porksheyan, V.G. Chudakov, 1952, etc.) ...

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):48-50
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To projection X-ray anatomy of the brain in children from birth to 13 years

Khabibullin I.R.


The number of works on projection X-ray anatomy of the brain is extremely limited (V. S. Maikova-Stroganova and D. G. Rokhlin, M. Kh. Faizullin, N. P. Subbotin). Therefore, we set ourselves the goal of conducting such studies in the morgues of Kazan on children's corpses in cases where there was no damage or disease of the brain and skull. Research was carried out on 40 male and 35 female corpses.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):51-52
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Errors in the diagnosis and treatment of pigmented nevus and melanoma

Abdullin A.S.


Pigmented skin lesions are common. In most cases, they are benign. Melanoma, which is the most malignant tumor, is much less common. According to various authors, malignant melanoma accounts for 2.8 to 10% of all skin carcinomas.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):52-54
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Diagnosis and treatment of infertility associated with impaired ovarian function

Raamova I.-.


Among the numerous causes of female infertility, a prominent place (according to S.N.Kheifets - 24.4%) is dysfunction of the ovaries. It is noted that functional infertility is based on menstrual irregularities and anovulatory cycles.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):54-55
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Experience in surgical treatment of infertility in women

Matsuev A.I.


In cases of persistent obstruction of the fallopian tubes or in their absence, the surgical method is the only method of treating infertility.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):55-56
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Experience of using pentamine in late toxicosis of pregnancy

Freidlan I.I.


The domestic drug pentamin refers to substances with significant ganglion-blocking activity (M.D. Mashkovsky, I960 '; I. M. Sharapov, 1960; and others). By causing a blockade of autonomic ganglia, these substances have a hypotensive, sedative, antishock and antispasmodic effect, and also reduce venous pressure and cranial fluid pressure (S.V. Anichkov, 1958; P.P. Denisenko, 1958; and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):56-58
pages 56-58 views

Complications of cortisone therapy

Volkov V.E.


Back in 1956 Hench noted that adrenal cortex hormones are used to treat 119 different diseases, and especially widely in the clinic of internal diseases. According to Küchel (1963), the number of indications for corticosteroid therapy has now reached several hundred.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):58-60
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Girl's hematometer

Bychkov V.G.


Until now, diseases of the genital organs of girls have not been given sufficient attention by either gynecologists, pediatricians or surgeons. These diseases are sometimes misdiagnosed as appendicitis, cystitis, mesentery, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):61-61
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Seven-fold entanglement of the umbilical cord in combination with its true knot

Panchenko P.I., Freidlan I.I.


The length of the umbilical cord can vary. Normally, it is 50-60 cm, but excessively long umbilical cords are described - more than 100 cm. Complications arising in childbirth with an excessively long umbilical cord are associated with the possibility of the formation of true nodes and entanglement around the neck or trunk of the fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):61-62
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About conservative treatment of cervical pregnancy

Syzganova K.N.


Currently, the need for surgical treatment of cervical pregnancy at any of its stages is almost universally recognized. However, sometimes in the press you can find a description of a cervical pregnancy that was resolved in the early stages without surgery. We had to meet a similar case.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):62-63
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Childbirth in a woman with a single kidney affected by hydronephrosis

Voronin K.V.


M., 29 years old, disabled person II gr., Was admitted on 10 / X 1964 with a diagnosis of pregnancy 33-34 weeks, hydronephrosis of the only right kidney.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):63-63
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To the diagnosis and therapy of agranulocytosis

Afanasyev G.G.


The causal factor of agranulocytosis in 5 out of 9 patients could not be found (essential forms). One developed the disease shortly after the flu, the other after an odontogenic infection. In one patient, the onset of the disease was associated with the intake of pyramidon, in another - butadion.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):64-64
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Oscillatory indicator diagnostic value

Marcuse S.M.


The oscillatory indicator (OP) reflects (with low-inert equipment) changes in the pulse volume of the artery under study, since it is determined at the level of average blood pressure, i.e., under conditions of maximum relaxation of the arterial wall.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):64-65
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Coarctation of the aorta in a boy

Poverenny I.L.


At the beginning of 1959, during a preventive medical examination in T., 15 years old, an increase in blood pressure was found, for which he was treated on an outpatient basis.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):65-65
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Common arterial trunk in a 15-year-old boy

Melnichnov V.N.


There are two anatomical forms of such a defect: I - the pulmonary arteries depart from the common arterial trunk and II - the blood supply to the lungs goes through the bronchial arteries, but there is no pulmonary artery trunk. In both cases, the trunk sitting astride the interventricular septum receives blood from both ventricles communicating with each other by a defect.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):65-66
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Some results of long-term dispensary observation of patients with essential hypertension

Guseva N.I.


We studied the case histories of 1335 patients who were registered in the dispensary in 1948-1958. By the end of 1962, 544 patients remained on the register.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):66-67
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Heart disease with shingles

Gurevich T.Z., Karmazin I.Y., Rovinsky V.I.


Consideration should be given to the possibility of toxic damage to the heart muscle with shingles. In this aspect, the following observations are of interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):67-68
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The use of rheography for the study of peripheral vessels in lumbosacral radiculitis

Dvoinikov N.D., Zaitsev E.P.


Out of 30 patients aged 29 to 64 years, in 13 pain syndrome prevailed on the right, in 17 - on the left. In 22 patients, certain changes were found in rheograms and oscillograms of the lower extremities.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):68-68
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Actinomycosis of rare localization

Tarasov G.P.


M., 54 years old, was admitted on 9 / ІХ 1963 with a diagnosis of paraproctitis. He complained of pain near the anus, swelling and fistula with purulent-hemorrhagic discharge.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):68-69
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Prolapsed ureter with calculus through the external opening of the urethra

Gazimov M.M.


J., 50 years old, was admitted to the gynecological department on 28 / IX 1962 with a diagnosis of uterine tumor, urethral polyp (?). Complains of pain in the right side of the abdomen, especially when urinating, and bloody discharge from the genital tract. She got sick 3 days ago.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):69-70
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Scrotal hypospadias in two generations

Kolevatykh V.P.


Two brothers B. were admitted to the urology department, the elder one, N., 16, and the youngest D., 8 years old. The older brother is developed according to age. There is no facial hair, on the pubis it is expressed in a male pattern.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):70-70
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Tubal-abdominal pregnancy

Pushkarev N.I.


G., 35 years old, was admitted on 5 / ІХ 1963 with suspected ectopic pregnancy. She has been married for 11 years. First pregnancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):70-70
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On some causes of weakness of labor and its treatment

Vinogradov Y.A.


Untimely discharge of water, according to literature data and our observations, not only leads to lengthening of labor, but also increases the percentage of complications in childbirth.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):71-71
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Features of sweating reactions and their pathogenetic significance in workers in constant darkness

Amirov N.H.


At film factories, film-copy factories, laboratories, etc., significant contingents of people work in conditions of partial and complete blackout in buildings without windows and skylights, which, even with all labor protection measures, adversely affects the state of the body of workers.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):72-73
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About shifts of some indicators of nitrogen metabolism and exchange of chlorides when working in the dark

Abdyushev S.Y.


The lack of data on the state of metabolic processes among those working in the dark prompted us to address this issue. We carried out the determination of vacate oxygen in the urine using the Kanitz method (AM Petrun'kina, 1961) in those working in the dark.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):73-74
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Lipoic acid and aspects of its clinical use

Anisimov V.E.


In recent years, domestic and foreign clinicians are paying more and more attention to lipoic acid.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):74-79
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Pathogenesis of neonatal jaundice

Gurevich P.S.


In recent years, when studying the pathogenesis of neonatal jaundice, a number of important discoveries have been made that are important for the differential diagnosis and effective treatment of these diseases, since to date, more than 50 diseases of newborns have been described, the course of which can be complicated by jaundice.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):79-85
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On the development of urological care for the rural population

Aydarov A.A.


Although over the past decade the number of places in urological departments and the number of urologists has increased, however, in individual autonomous republics, territories and regions of the RSFSR, the pace of development of urological care cannot be considered sufficient. The Tatar Republic lags far behind in the organization of specialized urological care for the population.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):86-86
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Experience in organizing treatment and prophylactic measures in a teenage office

Tsimkhes S.I.


This article presents an analysis of materials on the annual medical examinations of adolescents for 6 years (1960-1965), conducted by the adolescent office at the polyclinic No. 21 of the Soviet district of Gorky.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):87-88
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Lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis (Questions of regulation of lipid metabolism and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis)

Rahlin L.M.


The question of the nature of atherosclerosis does not cease to be the subject of a collision of often completely opposite concepts, extremely heated discussions. Yet the most common in the concept of the pathology of atherosclerosis is the violation of lipid metabolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):88-89
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Acute circulatory failure in myocardial infarction

Matysova A.P.


The problem of reducing mortality in myocardial infarction is largely associated with the effectiveness of treatment in the initial period, especially with the success of the fight against acute circulatory disorders. AV Vinogradov's monograph is mainly devoted to these questions.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):89-90
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Innervation of the kidneys

Haritonov I.F.


The book under review is a major study of the nervous system of the kidneys and renal pelvis, which in its idea is a continuation of the work of the Kazan school of neurohistologists on the innervation of the kidneys, begun in 1901 by the professor of Kazan University AE Smirnov.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):90-91
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The use of tracheotomy in general surgical practice

Kravchenko P.V., Kochnev O.S.


The issue of combating respiratory failure is in the focus of modern resuscitation medicine. Tracheotomy, which was previously used most of all by otolaryngologists to eliminate acute asphyxia with mechanical obstruction of the airways, has become widely popular.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):91-93
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Rehabilitation therapy and social and labor rehabilitation of patients after stroke and alcoholism

Stankevich E.S.


G. Z. Levin, E. D. Tykochinskaya, I. M. Tonkonogiy, E. I. Bondarenko, S. A. Dorofeeva (Leningrad) reported on the restoration of movements and speech after a stroke. By the restoration of function is meant not only restitution, but also compensation through the inclusion of new nerve elements that either did not participate in normal function before the disease or played a secondary role.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):93-95
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All-Russian conference of pediatric pathologists

Gyrevich P.S.


Deputy Minister of Health of the RSFSR LS Kutina noted a significant decrease in child and general mortality in the RSFSR in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):95-97
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Bladder neoplasms, urolithiasis, and renal failure

Kyzmina V.E., Sitdukov E.N.


A. Ya. Pytel (Moscow) reported on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of bladder cancer. Extended resection of the bladder should be performed taking into account the data of phlebography, pelvic angiography and lymphography.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):97-99
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Surgery of the heart and blood vessels

Medvedev N.P.


Acting, member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences A. A. Vishnevsky (Moscow) highlighted the experience of using cybernetics in the diagnosis of congenital heart defects. The diagnostic process begins with deterministic logic.

Kazan medical journal. 1966;47(3):99-100
pages 99-100 views

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