Vol 60, No 3 (1979)

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Full Issue

Theoretical and clinical medicine

State and prospects of intensive care in emergency cardiology

Golikov A.P.


Over the past two decades, emergency cardiology in our country has developed at a rapid pace.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):1-4
pages 1-4 views

Analysis of the indicators of the phases of the cardiac cycle of both ventricles according to the curves of speed and acceleration

Kirsanov N.I.


Comparison of the curves of precordial rheograms of velocity and acceleration with ventricular cardiograms revealed their fundamental similarity in shape and time phase intervals. Synchronous registration of rheographic curves of speed and acceleration and differential ventricular cardiograms has an advantage over methods that use only the general rheogram and its first derivative. Obtaining all phases of the cardiac cycle, especially the right ventricle, by a bloodless method makes the technique convenient for use in cardiological studies.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):4-8
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Differential diagnosis of aortic heart disease

Osipov V.V.


Based on the results of a comprehensive clinical and instrumental examination of 191 patients, it was established that the qualitative characteristics of the polycardiogram, left ventricular cardiogram and electrokymogram have a differential diagnostic value in assessing aortic heart defects.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):8-11
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Phosphatase activity in ischemic heart disease

Sidorenkov M.I., Tumanov V.M., Bagautdinov D.K., Temryazanskaya R.A., Zharkov V.V., Dneprovskaya O.A., Schwartz A.E.


The activity of four phosphatases (acidic, alkaline, glucose-6-phosphatase, fructose-1,6-diphosphatase) was studied in 167 patients with various manifestations of coronary insufficiency, including acute myocardial infarction and chronic coronary insufficiency. An increase in the activity of enzymes in angina pectoris in 18-30% of patients and in myocardial infarction in 20-63% was found.
The possibility of increasing the activity of CP, ALP due to complications of atherosclerosis should be taken into account when making a differential diagnosis of various diseases accompanied by increased activity of phosphatases.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):11-13
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Clinical evaluation of cuspidoside

Trusov V.V., Karbasnikova G.V., Gazizova G.K.


In 78 patients with circulatory insufficiency, a cardiac glycoside, cuspidoside, was used as the main therapeutic agent. During therapy with cuspidoside, the initial degree of circulatory failure decreased in 72% of the surveyed. Under the influence of cuspidoside, the parameters of central hemodynamics (cardiac and stroke index, blood flow velocity, total peripheral vascular resistance) and blood flow in the liver and kidneys improved. The drug has a diuretic effect, helps to increase the content of total metabolizable potassium in the body. The research results give grounds to recommend it for wide clinical use.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):13-16
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Cystamine in the treatment of hypertensive patients

Raspopina L.A., Komogortseva N.A.


“Treatment of patients with hypertension complicated by hyperoxic tissue hypoxia with the antioxidant drug cystamine B, in combination with antihypertensive therapy led to an improvement in redox processes, resulting in a decrease in the refractoriness of arterial hypertension to antihypertensive drugs.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):16-18
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Possibilities for predicting hypercholesterolemia in pilots

Vavilov M.P.


The dependence of the frequency of hypercholesterolemia of 6.45 mmol / l on age, average annual flight time, job category, class qualifications, and flight specialty in 300 pilots was studied. The likelihood coefficients of the risk of hypercholesterolemia were calculated. An assessment table has been developed, which makes it possible to correctly predict the risk of hypercholesterolemia in 84% and take a differentiated approach to the primary prevention of atherosclerosis in pilots.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):18-20
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Key Findings from Studying Natal Spinal Injuries

Ratner A.Y., Molotilov T.G., Shirokova S.A., Mikhailov M.K., Demidov E.Y., Khaibullina F.G., Kaisarova A.I., Romanova V.M., Marulin V.I.


The results of a clinical examination of more than 500 patients with natal spinal injuries are summarized. A number of new neurological symptoms have been described: the symptom of a "short neck", transverse folds on the neck, a "falling head", local angular kyphosis, asymmetry of folds on the thighs and buttocks, "frog posture", a symptom of a "doll's leg", paralytic clubfoot, etc. Proposed carry out therapeutic measures taking into account the localization of the lesion.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):21-24
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Blood clotting in children with chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency

Meer M.I.


The thromboelastography method was used to study the hemocoagulation system in 59 children with chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency in the vertebrobasilar vascular system, the cause of which was natal injury of the cervical spine and vertebral arteries. The data obtained indicate hypercoagulemia in the examined children.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):24-25
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On the question of paralytic hip dislocations in children

Larina G.P.


When examining children registered for hip dislocations, some of them were found to have a natally determined neurological pathology - either lower flaccid paraparesis or myatonic syndrome with gross hypotension in the legs. The author comes to the conclusion that dislocations in children with such gross hypotension in the legs are most likely secondary, paralytic and require pathogenetic therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):25-27
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Changes in external respiration in patients with severe traumatic brain injury

Krylov V.E., Valeev E.K.


Examination of patients with severe traumatic brain injury showed that the degree of impaired external respiration in them depends on the localization and severity of brain damage. The study of the dynamics of indicators of external respiration in such patients makes it possible to monitor the course of the disease and promptly undertake corrective treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):28-29
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Surgical treatment of patients with bilateral coxarthrosis

Miller B.S.


The study of long-term outcomes of operations on one hip joint in patients with stage II-III bilateral coxarthrosis showed that the progression of arthrosis in the unoperated joint occurred twice as often as in the operated one. Therefore, in case of bilateral coxarthrosis of the II-III stage, it is recommended to perform low-traumatic surgical interventions according to Foss, simultaneously or sequentially, without lifting the patient to his feet.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):29-31
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Treatment of patients with diseases and injuries of the extremities with a new method of phonophoresis

Ragelis S.Y.


In the treatment of 298 patients with various diseases and injuries of the extremities, 103 of them (34.4%) used the usual phonophoresis technique and 195 (65.6%) - the method proposed by the author. In patients treated according to the new method, a positive therapeutic effect was obtained in 96.9%, and when using the conventional phonophoresis method - in 82.5%. It is proposed to introduce more widely into practice phonophoresis treatment according to a new technique

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):31-32
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The mechanism of changes in myocardial contractility during extrasystole and paired cardiac stimulation

Naslednoe V.N.


Reasonable therapy of rhythm disturbances is impossible without taking into account the mechanisms of heart rate alteration. In turn, changes in myocardial contractility in arrhythmias should not be considered only within the framework of physiological self-regulation of the heart [9], since this reduces interest in the alleged pathogenetic role of a number of features of the mechanical activity of the heart muscle.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):33-37
pages 33-37 views

Etiology and pathogenesis of deforming arthrosis of the hip joint

Gimmelfarb A.L.


Coxarthrosis is one of the most common and severe degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the hip joint [2, 5, 9, 18]. Meanwhile, many aspects of its etiology and pathogenesis remain insufficiently studied. From 11 to 43.6% are coxarthrosis of unknown etiology [20]; many authors, mainly foreign ones, consider them "primary".

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):37-40
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Regeneration of traumatically damaged vertebrae

Kamalov I.I.


General issues of studying the regeneration of damaged vertebrae, articular processes, and arches are highlighted. The necessity and possibility of controlled stimulation of bone tissue regeneration of the vertebrae is noted.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):40-43
pages 40-43 views

Clinical experiences

Experience of preventive treatment with anticoagulants in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease in a local hospital

Rudikov N.P.


From January 1969 to December 1977, we examined and treated 221 patients with various manifestations of coronary heart disease (men - 148, women - 73) with heparin or indirect anticoagulants in the inpatient department of the local hospital and on an outpatient basis. 51 patients had myocardial infarction, 35 had arterial hypertension, 4 had diabetes mellitus; 118 patients had frequent attacks of angina pectoris, 3 were diagnosed with cardiac asthma, 77 showed signs of grade I heart failure.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):43-44
pages 43-44 views

The effectiveness of outpatient treatment of patients with chronic ischemic heart disease

Zagidullin Z.S., Yamalov A.K., Galimova E.G., Sharonova L.N., Makarova A.F., Meerson L.I.


In 1975-1977. 36 patients with chronic ischemic heart disease (26 men and 10 women aged 30 to 71 years) were under dispensary observation and treatment in the polyclinic of the Bashkir branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 29 patients are scientific workers, the rest are employees and workers.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):44-45
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A case of intravital diagnosis of idiopathic myocardial hypertrophy

Sorokin R.A., Aleinova N.V., Arefiev E.A.


Diagnosis of idiopathic myocardial hypertrophy presents significant difficulties. Some authors consider this pathology as the outcome of a special severe inflammatory process in the myocardium, proceeding according to the type of idiopathic myocarditis of Abramov - Fiedler.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):45-46
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Injuries among construction workers

Seyukov I.N.


We have studied injuries (including microtraumas) of workers of the SMU for 1968-1977. The peculiarities of the work of this category of workers include the fact that the main work is performed by them in the field, in the open air.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):46-47
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The state of hemocoagulation during surgical blood loss

Starukhin A.M.


The reaction of the blood coagulation system in response to surgical blood loss has been and remains the subject of close attention of researchers. We analyzed coagulograms of patients with peptic ulcer disease (71 people), who underwent gastric resection under endotracheal anesthesia with ether using muscle relaxants. We carried out blood tests in the course of the operation. Operational blood loss was determined gravimetrically.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):47-48
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Treatment of eye diseases with diadynamic currents

Valimukhametova N.A., Fedorova N.V., Idiatova V.A.


In ophthalmic practice, three types of diadynamic currents are used: push-pull continuous, short-period current and long-period current, however, a unified method of diadynamic therapy has not yet been developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):48-49
pages 48-49 views

Experience in the treatment of patients with chronic bursitis

Arkhipov E.P., Pavlov G.I., Ustyantsev V.I.


For the treatment of patients with chronic bursitis of the knee and elbow joints, we use a modified by us method of bursotomy with vacuum suction.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):49-49
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Birth injuries of the spine and intervertebral discs and their role in the genesis of early osteochondrosis

Kushnir G.M.


We examined preparations of the spines of 70 stillborn and newborn corpses taken without preliminary selection, and analyzed the birth histories.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):49-50
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Treatment of teratomas of the sacrococcygeal region in children

Gerasimov N.A., Akinfiev A.V., Molchanov N.N.


For 12 years, the clinic for pediatric surgery has admitted 17 children with teratomas of the sacrococcygeal region — 12 girls and 5 boys. Thus, our data confirm the observations of individual authors about the predominant occurrence of sacrococcygeal teratomas in girls. 8 children were hospitalized in the neonatal period, 3 - up to 2 months of age, 1 - up to 6 months, 3 - up to a year and 2 - over 1 year.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):50-51
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Treatment of multiple rib fractures by traction behind the sternum

Markelov V.Z.


S., 17 years old, taken to the Atyashevskaya Central Regional Hospital after a road accident in a state of shock. Excursion of the chest is limited, breathing is shallow.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):51-51
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The use of chlorophyllipt and oxycyclosol for the treatment of patients with acute herpetic stomatitis

Khamidullina S.A.


Currently, antiviral drugs are mainly used for acute herpetic stomatitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):51-52
pages 51-52 views

Social hygiene and healthcare management

Organization of specialized traumatological and orthopedic care for the population of the USSR

Bogdanovich U.Y.


The traumatological and orthopedic service is one of the most important types of specialized care for the population, since trauma and orthopedic diseases occupy one of the first places among the causes of morbidity, mortality and disability among the population. That is why in the decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to further improve public health" (September 22, 1977), a special place is given to the development and improvement of traumatological and orthopedic care for the population of the country.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):52-56
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Implementation of the achievements of traumatology and orthopedics into practice

Takhavieva D.G.


The experience of Kazan Research Institute for Traumatology and Orthopedics in the implementation of scientific achievements in the field of traumatology and orthopedics in health care practice is generalized. The results of the development of new methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment developed at the institute in the area of its activity were summed up. Measures are proposed to improve the implementation of research results in health care practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):56-60
pages 56-60 views

Clinical examination of patients with arterial hypertension at industrial enterprises

Markov K.V., Smirnov Y.V., Sapozhnikov A.A., Tabakov V.A.


When examining men aged 40-54 years at some industrial enterprises in the city of Cheboksary, arterial hypertension was detected in 16.5%. As a result of medical examination, more than half of the patients achieved a decrease in blood pressure to a normal level.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):60-62
pages 60-62 views

On the effectiveness of creating quarantine groups in the fight against dysentery in children's centers

Gabbasov F.F., Pigalova N.V.


The materials of the study over 3 years of the effectiveness of admitting children through quarantine groups in newly opened and operating children's complexes are summarized. In 1974-1975. the detection rate of patients with dysentery in the newly opened factories was 1.2%. Quarantine for newly admitted and long-term absent children is an ineffective form of work in the fight against dysentery in children's centers.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):63-64
pages 63-64 views


The effect of the pesticide granosan on soil microflora

Saimanova R.A., Imamov A.H., Khabibullina G.U.


The effect of the organometallic pesticide Granosan on the microflora of the soil occupied by agricultural crops was studied. It has been established that granosan has a depressing effect on saprophytic microflora. Its introduction into the soil causes the appearance of forms of microorganisms resistant to it.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):65-68
pages 65-68 views

Biomechanical assessment of working postures of oil workers

Evseev V.I., Yunaleeva S.A.


Working postures of oil workers (driller, first assistant, horseman) in the process of labor activity have been studied by modeling methods. The positions of the driller and the horseman were recognized as particularly unfavorable in the biomechanical aspect. Recommendations are given for the ergonomic rationalization of the workplace at the drilling rig and for the prevention and timely detection of spinal pathology in drilling crews

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):68-71
pages 68-71 views

Assistance to the practicing physician

Treatment tactics for chest injuries

Kochnev O.S., Shaimardanov R.S., Kim I.A., Davletkildeev F.A., Aminev D.A., Davletshin R.F.


An analysis of the results of treatment of 214 patients with chest injury, of whom in 111 it was penetrating, showed that the most optimal is active expectant tactics and surgery according to absolute indications. Puncture of the pleural cavity and follow-up thoracocentesis were used in 29.5% of the wounded, and a cure was achieved. The X-ray method is of leading importance in diagnostics. The success of treatment also depends on the timely elimination of respiratory disorders, cessation of shock, blood loss.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):71-74
pages 71-74 views

Treatment of patients with multiple and associated injuries

Tinchurina S.G., Altunin V.F.


Treatment of patients with multiple and associated injuries is a complex problem. On the streets and roads of the world, according to the WHO, every 2 minutes another victim of a transport accident dies, every 5 minutes someone becomes disabled as a result of an injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):75-77
pages 75-77 views

Professor Zainab Khabibullovna Karimova

Amfiteatrova N.F.


It is 70 years since the birth and 47 years of scientific, pedagogical and social activity of the doctor of medical sciences, professor Zainab Khabibullovna Karimova.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):77-78
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Lasers in Traumatology and Orthopedics

Bogdanovich U.Y., Karimov M.G., Krasnoshchekova E.E.


The monograph consists of an introduction, eight chapters, a conclusion and a literature index

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):78-78
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Emergencies in the clinic of infectious diseases and their treatment

Bunin K.V., Sorinson S.N.


Diagnostics and treatment of emergency conditions are among the most pressing complex problems of infectious pathology.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):79-79
pages 79-79 views


First All-Union Symposium on Rheoplethysmographic Research Methods

Tukshaitov R.K., Yunaleeva S.A.


The symposium was organized by the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, the Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry named after V.I. IM Sechenov Academy of Sciences of the USSR, All-Union Scientific Medical and Technical Society. Scientists, practitioners and engineers from 27 cities of the Soviet Union took part in its work. 40 reports and 86 posters were heard and discussed.

Kazan medical journal. 1979;60(3):79-80
pages 79-80 views

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