Vol 48, No 1 (1967)

The heart of a modern man and physical activity

Dembo A.G.


In the structure of morbidity and mortality in modern society, the group of diseases of the circulatory system takes the first place. The idea arose that the heart of modern man has become more sensitive, vulnerable and reactive.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):1-4
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Twenty years of experience in the use of cervical vagoimpatic novocaine blockade in the complex treatment of patients with angina pectoris

Dryagin K.A.


Over the past twenty years, I and my colleagues (G. Sh. Gafurova, V. V. Tyavokin and A. I. Krutovertsev) have registered 280 patients with angina pectoris treated with cervical vagosympathetic novocaine blockade.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):4-5
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To the clinic and treatment of postinfarction syndrome

Chashina G.S.


In 1955, at the XXVIII Congress of Cardiology, Dressler first reported on a peculiar complication of acute myocardial infarction, which he designated as postinfarction syndrome, manifested in the form of a triad: pleurisy, pericarditis, pneumonia.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):5-7
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Treatment of patients with myocardial infarction in the sanatorium "Yumatovo"

Zagidylin Z.S.


If the doctor's tactics in the treatment of myocardial infarction in the acute period are quite well developed, then this cannot be said for the subsequent spa treatment, the results of which are far from always favorable.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):7-9
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Clinical characteristics of viscero-reflex autonomic disorders in coronary insufficiency

Troshin V.D.


The problem of viscero-reflex disorders in the clinic of coronary insufficiency has long attracted the attention of clinicians N. Head back in 1892 described the zones of cutaneous hyperalgesia in patients with angina pectoris.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):9-11
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The value of analyzing the structure of the cardiac cycle in recognizing a combination of mitral stenosis and aortic valve insufficiency

Kovalev A.S.


The combination of stenosis of the left atrioventricular orifice and aortic valve insufficiency is often very difficult to recognize.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):11-13
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Effect of small and medium doses of prednisolone on atrioventricular conduction

Uzbekova L.I.


In 1954, Prinzmetal and Kennamer successfully used corticotropin in the treatment of complete atrioventricular block with severe Morgagni-Edems-Stokes attacks as a result of posterior myocardial infarction and associated this effect with a decrease in perifocal inflammation. This explanation is shared by other authors who observed the positive effect of glycocorticoids in violations of atrioventricular conduction.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):13-15
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On the temporal relationships between electrical and mechanical manifestations of cardiac activity under the influence of nitroglycerin in patients with cardiosclerosis

Peters Z.G.


The analysis of bioelectric and mechanical manifestations of the active state of the heart has been studied by many authors. In connection with the introduction of multichannel recording devices into clinical practice, it is of practical interest to study changes in the mechanical work of the heart after taking nitroglycerin.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Experience in the use of vitamin e (tocopherols) in hypertension

Ivkov V.G.


Glauner (1958) and K.I. Parkhon (1959) believe that the use of even small doses of vitamin E helps to lower blood pressure. V.E. Anisimov and B.S.Berezovskin (I960) did not observe clear changes in the condition of patients with hypertension stage II and atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries of the heart when given daily 45 mg of this vitamin orally.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):20-21
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Heart damage in systemic lupus erythematosus

Demin A.A., Aizenberg L.A.


Among the visceral lesions associated with systemic lupus erythematosus, cardiac syndrome is ranked first. However, practitioners are often not sufficiently familiar with the manifestation of cardiac pathology in systemic lupus erythematosus and in such patients the rheumatic process is mistakenly diagnosed, which does not allow starting early correct treatment. In the diagnosis of lupus heart disease, in addition to clinical signs that are not always clearly expressed, instrumental research data, especially ECG, are of great importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):22-24
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About periodic illness

Danovich B.Z.


Riemann in 1948, on the basis of observations of patients in Syria, isolated the disease, which he gave the name "periodic illness".

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):24-26
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Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the oil regions of the eastern Kama region

Danovskii L.V.


In the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, diseases of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) or hemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis (GNN) were first diagnosed in the Agryz and Vysokogorsk regions (T. A. Bashkirev, V. A. Boyko, 1959).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):27-28
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Clinical periods and complications of combined endotracheal anesthesia with the use of relaxants

Salmatov U.N.


Endotracheal combined and mixed anesthesia using curariform drugs, carried out in stage III at the first level (III1), is an achievement of modern general anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):29-30
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Features of endotracheal anesthesia in some operations for obliterating arteriosis

Mazurik M.F., Bondarenko N.A.


In the thoracic department of the Poltava regional hospital in 1961-1964. for obliterating arteriosis, 166 men and 12 women were treated. With a disorder of peripheral circulation of the 1st stage. there were 34 patients, II — 81, III — 63.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):30-31
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The value of a hereditary factor in the onset and course of hypertension

Gyseva N.I.


In the foreign literature there are many works in which the role of heredity in the occurrence of hypertension is exaggerated; heredity is considered as the leading or even the only etiological factor of this disease (Pickering, 1956; Nikitich, 1955; D'Alonso, Densen, Mann, 1954).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):18-19
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Controlled hypotension in neurosurgery

Cnirik G.S., Kazancev F.N.


In neurosurgical patients, even in the preoperative period, serious disorders of the nervous regulation of body functions are observed, which during the operation can take on the character of an acute vegetative syndrome (Campan and Lazortes, 1954).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):32-35
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Blood transfusion complications associated with Rh incompatibility

Serebryakova N.I.


Until now, there are still cases of transfusion of Rh-incompatible blood, which leads to severe complications and even death. In this regard, it is necessary to further study the issue of Rh incompatibility and broader familiarization of doctors of all specialties with it.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):35-36
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On the treatment of hypofibrinogenemic bleeding in women in labor and parturient women

Machabeli M.S.


Article by prof. S. Astrinsky "Hypo- and afibrinogenemia as a cause of uterine bleeding" back in 1962 drew the attention of obstetricians to the fact that during childbirth sometimes life-threatening disorders in the blood coagulation system develop.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):37-41
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Diagnosis of early pregnancy by immunological method

Ishimova L.M., Shamova N.A.


In our previous report, we describe in detail the immunological methods for the determination of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of pregnant women.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):41-43
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The dependence of the height and weight of the newborn on the height of the mother

Davidov V.V.


This study used information from 3948 birth histories for 1959-1964. The average weight of newborns (full-term and premature) in women of short stature was equal to 3025.0 ± 37.9, in women below the average height - 3265.0 ± 20.5, in women of average height - 3405.0 ± 12.9, above average - 3550.0 ± 21.22 and in high - 3615.0 ± 48.8.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):43-44
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Acetylcholine-cholinesterase ratio in newborns in normal and complicated pregnancies and childbirth

Krasnopareva K.E.


At the moment of the transition of the organism from intrauterine life to extrauterine life, all the conditions for its development change dramatically. The newborn period is characterized by a number of morphological, functional and biochemical changes. At the time of birth, the central nervous system is still underdeveloped. Poor adaptability to environmental conditions leads to heat, hydro, and trofolability [4, 11, 13, 14].

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):44-45
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Graphical analysis of the hyperkinetic form of edems-Stokes syndrome against the background of complete atrioventricular block

Spector A.M.


Currently, there are two main forms of the so-called Eden-Stokes syndrome - asystolic and hyperkinetic. The latter is observed significantly. less often, and it is much more difficult to register it graphically than asystole with complete atrioventricular block (I.S.Schnitzer, A.M. Spektor). In the literature, there are descriptions of isolated cases of the hyperkinetic form of the Eden-Stokes syndrome with and without atrioventricular blockade (IM Zlochevsky and AM Zalmunina, AA Spiridonov).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):45-48
pages 45-48 views

Successful suturing of intrapericardial aortic injury

Rozengarten M.U.


In the domestic literature, only a few reports on favorable outcomes of operations for injuries of the aorta have been published. The rarity of observations is primarily due to the fact that such injuries usually end in death from severe fulminant bleeding. BV Petrovsky (1960) notes that a tragic outcome can be prevented only by a coincidence of favorable circumstances (thrombosis in a vessel, adhesions and mooring lines that limit the site of injury, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):48-49
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Surgical treatment of X-ray ulcers

Karimov M.G.


The clinical manifestations of X-ray burns according to the severity of the lesion are usually divided into 4 degrees (classification of Goldknecht and M.N. Pobedinsky).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):49-50
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Leiomyoma of the stomach

Mavrin M.I., Ahunzyanov A.A.


Gastric leiomyoma is a slowly growing tumor originating from the circular or longitudinal muscles. Leiomyomas are extremely rare. So ", in the clinic of EL Berezov (1950) for 19 years, 3 patients with gastric leiomyomas were operated; A. V. Melnikov (1954) described 2 patients with gastric myomas. According to OV Ivanov-Palmov (1960), on 1226 operations for gastric tumors, leiomyoma was found in 2 patients, according to MG Trakhtenberg (1957), out of 265 operated patients with a stomach tumor, leiomyoma was detected in 2 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):50-51
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Examination of the bottom of the eye in yellow light

Vodovozov A.M.


Examination of the bottom of the eye in light of different spectral composition, and in particular in yellow light, makes it possible to detect such details that are not visible during normal examination.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):52-53
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Changes in the vessels of the fundus with obliterating endarteritis

Skvoznikov B.A., Gromova O.M.


In recent years, more and more studies have appeared on changes in the fundus in diseases such as obliterating endarteritis, coarctation of the aorta, “Takayashi's disease”. Fundus changes in these diseases, according to the literature, have a causal and pathogenetic relationship with the main suffering.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):53-54
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Treatment of herpetic keratitis

epstein E.D., Sharovskaya E.P.


As you know, herpetic keratitis, which develops as a result of a viral infection, proceeds for a very long time and often recurs, as a result of which corneal opacity remains, which often significantly reduces visual acuity. Treatment of herpetic keratitis, especially of their chronic form, is one of the difficult tasks.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):54-55
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Siderosis of the eye

Rybinchik L.Z.


More than 100 years ago, Graefe first described the change in the color of the iris due to the introduction of an iron fragment into the eye. Bunge (1890) to characterize the changes occurring in the eye under the influence of iron foreign bodies that have fallen into it, introduced the term "siderosis". Since then, several hundred works on eye siderosis have been published.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):55-56
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To the clinic of atrial fibrillation

Poverenny I.L.


When studying 240 case histories, we found that atrial fibrillation complicates the course of atherosclerotic coronary cardiosclerosis in 30%, mitral defects - in 27%, thyrotoxicosis - in 8%, hypertension - in 5% of all cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):56-56
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To the clinic and pathological anatomy of idiopathic myocarditis

Zinoviev A.S.


Idiopathic myocarditis often occurs in healthy individuals with a strong physique at the age of 20-30 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):56-57
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From the experience of treating heart wounds

Fedorov N.F., Petrov G.P.


In 1965, in the surgical department of the 2nd Cheboksary city hospital, there were 2 patients with heart injury.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):58-59
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Disseminated systemic lupus erythematosus, provoked by insolation

Porseva S.Y., Seliverstova A.I.


The provoking factors of collagen diseases, which include systemic lupus erythematosus, may be temperature disturbances, previous infections, injuries, close vaccinations, and the allergenic effect of antibiotics.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):59-59
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Complications of intra-arterial blood injection

Kluev I.I., Piksin I.N.


When removing patients from the terminal state, which occurred as a result of profuse uterine bleeding, we twice met with severe complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):59-60
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Spontaneous rupture of a right-sided inguinal hernial tumor with prolapse of the blind and small intestines

Petrov I.P.


2 / ІѴ 1959 at 12 noon 00 minutes Patient P., 54 years old, was delivered in serious condition. A patient 6 years ago was operated on for a neglected strangulated inguinal hernia. A year later, there was a relapse. The hernial tumor, gradually increasing, reached the size of the head of an adult.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):60-61
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Recklinghausen's disease in sisters

Busarev V.E.


N., 38 years old, was admitted to the neurosurgical department of the Kazan Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics on 15 / ІІ 1963 with complaints of lack of active movements in the legs, intermittent acute pain in the lower thoracic spine, and frequent urination. Pain appeared 2 years ago for no apparent reason.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):61-61
pages 61-61 views

Experience of using furagin in obstetric and gynecological practice

Lvovskaya I.D., Prosvirnova G.P.


For prophylactic purposes, the drug was administered during various surgical interventions into the abdominal cavity in an amount of 150-200 ml of a solution of 1: 13,000.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):61-61
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Retinal hemorrhage in newborns

Marysov A.P.


We conducted a fundus examination in 110 newborns. Atropine was used to dilate the pupil. Retinal hemorrhages were found in 17 children. Hemorrhages were in one or both eyes in the form of narrow stripes, spots or "puddles".

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):62-62
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Fatal anaphylactic shock with streptomycin therapy

Razumovski U.K.


F., 19 years old, was admitted to the anti-tuberculosis dispensary due to exacerbation of left-sided focal pulmonary tuberculosis. The patient took PASK, ftivazid 0.5 3 times a day, vitamin B12 100 a day every other day.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):62-62
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Severe allergic reaction to intravenous transfusion of polyglucin

Koshelev V.N.


For two years, we transfused 113 bottles (500 ml each) of polyglucin for various indications, and in 30 patients intra-arterially. As a rule, polyglucin transfusions were not accompanied by complications; only one patient had a severe allergic reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):62-63
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Fatal nitrobenzene poisoning

Byrmistrov V.V.


Insignificant amounts of nitrobenzene ingested into the body cause nausea, vomiting, and malaise. If large doses are ingested, headache, dizziness (until fainting), palpitations, dyspeptic symptoms, paresthesia, paresis, convulsions, fibrillar muscle twitching occur. These phenomena can occur 8-12 hours after poisoning.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):63-63
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Liquid foreign body in the soft tissues of the index finger

Baklanova L.M.


G., 27 years old, applied to the polyclinic on 3 / 7th 1963 with complaints of pain in the second finger of the left hand and a minor wound in the area of the flesh of the finger.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):63-64
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Pathology of the maxillofacial region in workers engaged in the production of synthetic detergents

Saifylina F.G.


The study involved 145 workers aged 16 to 60, of whom there were 21 men and 124 women.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):64-64
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Narcolepsy with mental disorders

Berger I.D., Shmakova M.A.


The characteristic features of this disease are sudden bouts of falling asleep during the day, cataplexy, and disturbed sleep at night.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):64-65
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Treatment of mastopathy

Yapstein Y.G.


The main clinical sign of mastopathy, often preceding the development of cancer, is diffuse changes - the compaction of the entire gland or part of it.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):66-66
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The effect of hyaluronic acid on the microflora of wounds

Belikov V.S.


Hyaluronic acid stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration, which explains its use in the treatment of wounds. In domestic and foreign literature, there are reports that acidic mucopolysaccharides, which also include hyaluronic acid, can suppress the vital activity of the microflora of wounds, inactivate their toxins and reduce the hyaluronidase activity of microbes.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):66-66
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Changes in blood sugar levels during operations under endotracheal ether anesthesia with intravenous insulin

Makyshkin P.N.


In 75 patients with various operations (gastric resection, cholecystectomy, stumectomy, colon resection, excision of the saphenous veins of the lower extremities, etc.) under conditions of endotracheal ether-oxygen anesthesia with intravenous insulin administration, 946 blood samples for sugar were examined using the Hagedorn-Jensen method.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):66-66
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Occupational health issues in agriculture

Fetisov M.I.


In recent years, the agriculture of our country due to widespread chemicalization, the development of irrigated agriculture, irrigation, land reclamation, comprehensive mechanization and electrification has become no less complicated than many branches of modern industrial production.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):67-69
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On diseases of agricultural workers in violation of the conditions for pickling grain with pesticides

Kalyaganov P.I., Rogovaya T.Z., Lashenco N.S.


In the literature, there have already been described individual cases of poisoning with pesticides of people engaged in grain dressing. In this connection, the diseases we observed are of interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):69-72
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On the clinic, therapy and prevention of acute intoxication with granosan

Golybovskii I.E., Kamchatnoe V.P., Lyangyzova R.S.


As you know, granosan, an effective insectofungicide, is often used in agriculture for dressing (disinfecting) seeds of cereals, legumes, vegetables, and other crops.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):72-74
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On morbidity with temporary disability of workers and employees of some state farms of the TASSR

Gorhov N.N.


The literature devoted to the study of morbidity with temporary disability of workers on state farms is scarce.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):75-77
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Some of the hygiene issues associated with oil refining

Gimadeev M.M.


The work of M.I.Fongauz (1948, 1962), A.I. Kopanev (1957), S.Kh. Nikolaev (1957), 3.M. Fadeeva, Yu.N. Eikhler ( 1961), V. A. Polyansky (1963), etc. It has been established that even with significant success in the improvement of workers' labor, the impact on the body of such unfavorable factors as gases, vapors, noise, dust, vibrations remains.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):77-78
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Immunological reactivity and morbidity of workers when exposed to gasoline

Myhametova G.M.


Recently, many authors have established that under the influence of some industrial poisons, changes in the body's immunological reactivity occur, which is reflected in the frequency of the general nonspecific morbidity of workers (I.G. Fridlyand, 1957, 1959; V.K. Navrotsky, 1960, 1963; V. M. Shubik and B.E.Safyan, 1960, and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):78-80
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Fixation of the cervix during pertubation and hydrotubation

Macuev A.I., Stepanov A.V.


One of the conditions for successful blowing of the fallopian tubes and hydrotubation is the tight closure of the cervical canal opening, which would prevent air or fluid from leaving the uterine cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):80-81
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Fixation of the cervix during pertubation and hydrotubation

Ganelina R.G.


In order to avoid complications at the present time, each patient before blood transfusion must be determined Rh-belonging, which requires anti-Rh serum. Until recent years, the medical institutions of the TASSR experienced a shortage of anti-rhesus serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):81-82
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Dispensary observation of children who have had complicated forms of diphtheria

Habibyllina S.H.


During 1958-1962. observations were carried out over 581 patients. Of these, 299 received anti-diphtheria vaccinations, 129 were incorrectly vaccinated and 153 unvaccinated.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):57-58
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Skin graft knife

Bazrov V.B.


Since 1960, we have been using skin grafting for the closure of granulating surfaces according to the modified method of RK Krikent. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the skin cut off by a dermatome on a drum is cut into flaps 3-4 mm wide and a length corresponding to the granulating surface.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):82-83
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Indirect cardiac massage and expiratory artificial respiration

Akulov A.M.


Both books - the collection and the monograph - were sold out immediately upon publication. This happened because these books are necessary not only for clinicians, but also for theorists (physiologists, pathophysiologists, pharmacologists). The reader will find in them generalized data of experimental studies and clinical observations in resuscitation by domestic and foreign authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):83-85
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IX International Congress of Microbiology

Spaskii N.N.


The congress was attended by about 5,000 representatives from 48 countries. The plenary sessions were dedicated only to the opening and closing of the congress and were solemnly organizational. The rest of the Congress sessions were held in the form of section sessions, symposia, three general lectures and one discussion.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):86-89
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The work of some sections and symposia

Zobnina K.S.


Prof. G.V. Vygodchikov (Moscow) emphasized that the main factors responsible for the wide spread of staphylococcal infections are the carriage of pathogenic staphylococci among those who have been ill and healthy, the significant resistance of staphylococci to chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics, as well as the ability of staphylococci to adapt.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):89-92
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IV Volga conference of physicians

Zagidullin Z.S.


The conference was held in three plenary and three breakout sessions. About 100 reports were heard. The material of the conference is so extensive and varied that it is not possible to dwell on all the reports in this report.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):92-93
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Conference on Atherosclerosis and Coronary Insufficiency

Bogoyavlensky V.F., Salihov I.G.


On 21-23 / ІХ 1966, a visiting session of the Institute of Therapy of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences was held in Kazan together with the Kazan State Pedagogical University named after V.I. Lenin and Kazan of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute. SV Kurashova, dedicated to topical problems of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment of atherosclerosis. The session was attended by 650 participants.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):94-96
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1st congress of obstetricians-gynecologists of azerbaijan ssr

Voronin K.V.


The following problems were discussed at the congress: rational management of childbirth in pathology, perinatal fetal care, neoplasms of female genital organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):96-98
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On replacing the terms "rhodostimulation" and "labor arousal" with the words "induction" and "intensification" of labor

Manenkov T.P., Mironova T.A.


When studying the issue of induction and strengthening of labor in the case of premature discharge of water and weakness of labor, we experience considerable difficulty due to the fact that the terms "stimulate" and "stimulation" are firmly entrenched in obstetrics, which are perceived in different ways by different authors and are used for various purposes.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):98-98
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Obituary. Professor Abubekr Gireevich Teregulov


On December 18, 1966, after a long and serious illness, Abubekr Gireevich Teregulov, one of the outstanding and oldest professors of the Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Medical Institute named after V.I. S. V. Kurashova, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and TASSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(1):99-100
pages 99-100 views

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