Vol 34, No 11-12 (1938)

Cover Page

Full Issue

The significance of the great discoveries of Roentgen and Curie for fight against cancer

Gol'dshtein M.I.


The International Week for the Fight Against Cancer, in which the Soviet Union is particularly involved, is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the great discovery of X-rays and radium rays. This discovery, which immortalized the names of Roentgen and Curie, created a new era in the treatment of malignant tumors

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1119-1123
pages 1119-1123 views

To X-ray therapy of cancer

Gol'dshtein M.I.


In the fight against malignant neoplasms, which annually claim over a million human lives, modern medicine has two radical methods of treatment - surgical and radiation therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1123-1130
pages 1123-1130 views

Diagnostic errors in tumor and non-tumor diseases of the lower and upper lip

Kozdoba А.Z., Schwartz J.E.


To clarify diagnostic errors in tumor and non-tumor diseases of the lower and upper lips, we studied the material of 426 cases; moreover, cancer of the upper lip was found in 19 cases and of the lower lip in 326 cases, and 81 cases of benign tumors and other precancerous diseases

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1130-1133
pages 1130-1133 views

Long-term results of surgical treatment of lip cancer

Shalagin М.М., Kuzmina V.Е.


Unsatisfactory results of treatment of malignant neoplasms of internal organs are closely related to great difficulties in establishing an early diagnosis. We can expect much better data in the treatment of external forms of cancer, where early recognition often does not require any special research. Long-term results should be especially good for lip cancer, which is easily accessible with timely diagnosis and radical surgical treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1134-1141
pages 1134-1141 views

On the replacement of extensive defects after surgical removal of skin cancer

Vilesov S.P.


Cancer skin lesions, according to the availability of their treatment, can be divided into three groups

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1141-1147
pages 1141-1147 views

Esophago-tracheal fistulas as a complication of esophageal cancer in the X-ray image.

Gizatullin H.Z.


Among cancers, one of the first places in terms of its comparative frequency is esophageal cancer. Epstein found, according to the materials of the Leningrad Oncological Institute (1113 outpatient cancer patients), that stomach cancer occurs more often than other cancers, and esophageal cancer is the second most frequent.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1148-1151
pages 1148-1151 views

On the recognition of malignant chorionic epithelioma of the lungs

Kutsygin. D.N.


Among malignant neoplasms of the lungs, chorionepithelioma occupies a somewhat peculiar position both in its pathogenesis and in its clinical course. For the first time, chorionepithelioma was described by the Swede Netzel in 1872 as a tumor of the placenta. Further research by Nikiforov, Pokrovsky, Zenger, Marshan, Pfeifer, and others, finally clarified the origin of this tumor from the epithelium of the villi and its direct connection with pregnancy

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1151-1156
pages 1151-1156 views

On the question of the surgical treatment of colon cancer

Domrachev I.V.


Colon surgery has not ceased to attract the attention of surgeons until very recently. On the one hand, because the technical issues of colon surgeries are far from being resolved, on the other hand, because in this area we still encounter casuistry, interesting both in its rarity and in the special operational tasks presented to the surgeon

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1156-1159
pages 1156-1159 views

About benign stomach tumors

Shalagin M.М., Perlin M.S.


Benign tumors of the stomach (d. O. G.) Until recently were rarely recognized and for the most part turned out to be an accidental finding of a surgeon during an operation or were established by a pathologist at an autopsy

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1159-1168
pages 1159-1168 views

To X-ray diagnostics of benign stomach tumors

Vinogradov А.S.


Tumors of the stomach of a non-cancerous nature are rare. Posenheim classifies them as anatomical curiosities and believes that they are not even of clinical interest. N. Leibe, Eichgorst and Kerven adhere to approximately the same view

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1168-1171
pages 1168-1171 views

To the clinic of pseudomyxoma of the abdominal cavity.

Kazbintsev L.I.


Pseudomyxoma of the abdominal cavity (pseudo myxomaperitonei), also called gelatinous ascites (ascites gelatinosus), is a relatively rare disease that develops as a result of mucous masses entering the abdominal cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1172-1176
pages 1172-1176 views

On modern methods of diagnosis and treatment results for malignant kidney tumors

Ratner U.A.


Despite the tremendous advances in urological diagnostics, the results of the treatment of renal tumors still leave much to be desired. A quarter of a century ago, Israel, a great master of renal surgery, regarded these results as "the shame of renal surgery".

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1176-1184
pages 1176-1184 views

Diagnostics and treatment of solitary kidney cysts

Lubina N.I.


Solitary renal cysts are very rare in the clinic. ”Until 1931, 145 cases were described in the literature. In recent years, in the literature available to us, we have found two more cases described by Burlakov, Dykhno and Adamov. According to the summary statistics of surgical operations on the kidneys of Fedorov, Israel, Shede, Cronlein, solitary cysts were encountered only 2 times in 1154 operations

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1184-1188
pages 1184-1188 views

About papillary cancer of the kidney and pelvis

Komarov N.I.


Malignant neoplasms of the kidneys are relatively rare. According to Gerlat, only 13 cases of kidney tumors were noted for 16637 patients. According to Spizharny's material, there were 10 cases for 1362 patients. Gorash had 35 cases of kidney tumors during 600 renal surgeries. Rovazen found renal neoplasms in 22 cases at 10,034 autopsies

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1188-1192
pages 1188-1192 views

Early diagnosis and modern therapy of bladder papillomas

Sitdykov N.H.


Bladder papillomas are a relatively common disease. According to Marion, 2% of all inpatients with diseases of the urinary organs suffer from papilloma. Patho-anatomically, papilloma is a benign tumor of epithelial origin, but it gives metastases and relapses and, thus, shows all signs of malignancy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1193-1198
pages 1193-1198 views

Cancer of the female genital organs

Manenkov P.V.


Among the issues that should especially rive the attention of doctors and the public when carrying out anti-cancer control, the issue of cancer of the female genital organs occupies a prominent place. The latter is the most common.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1198-1204
pages 1198-1204 views

Relapses and inflammation after surgery for uterine cancer

Garankina S.P.


In the formation of a cancerous tumor, not only the hyperplastic growth of epithelial cells (for some reason) is of great importance, but also the degree of resistance of the reticuloendothelium. Ulezko-Stroganova points out that in experiments on mice, when stimulated with coal tar, not only the epithelium, but also the connective tissue reacts.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1205-1207
pages 1205-1207 views

Comparative evaluation of cervical cancer treatment methods

Tarkovsky B.I.


The female genital area, due to anatomical and physiological characteristics, is very often a place for the development of cancer. Almost a quarter of the patients who passed through the Odessa Regional X-ray Oncological Dispensary from 1/1 1930 to 31 / XII 1936 were women with genital cancer (750 patients), of which most (82.2%) suffered from cervical cancer

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1208-1211
pages 1208-1211 views

Immediate complications and control of cervical cancer radiation therapy.

Kruglikova R.K.


For cervical cancer, radiation therapy plays a very important role. However, until recently in the literature, the complications, sometimes quite serious, accompanying this method, especially radiotherapy, have not been sufficiently highlighted

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1211-1218
pages 1211-1218 views

The role and significance of placental polyps in the uterus

Gerstein V.G.


Autopsies of deceased patients who were in 1934 and 1935. in the isolation department of the clinic (1 Soviet hospital) for septic diseases that arose after childbirth or abortion, drew our attention to the presence of polyps of the uterus of various sizes, found during its incisions. These formations (polyps) were found in 8 deceased patients

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1218-1221
pages 1218-1221 views

Chloracid in the treatment of freshly infected wounds.

Shklyaev V.V.


The question of the successful treatment of wounds continues to attract unremitting interest from surgeons.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1221-1227
pages 1221-1227 views

An experimental test of chloramine for the treatment of infected wounds

Krasnov A.D.


Chloramine is a white crystalline powder - a preparation of sodium para-taluensulfone-chloramine. It dissolves easily in water. The solution has a camphor odor. Its disinfecting effect is manifested when dissolved in water, while oxygen is split off with the release of sodium hypochlorite. Chloramine, when acidified with hydrochloric acid, releases about 25% of the active chlorine.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1227-1231
pages 1227-1231 views

About blood transfusion for general purulent infection

Palmov V.A.


General purulent infection, according to the available literature data, does not occupy a generally recognized place among the absolute and relative indications for blood transfusion. A number of authors (Spasokukotsky, Korkhov) have received encouraging results from the application of this method. Statistics gathered from the latest literature give a 50% recovery rate when using the blood transfusion method.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1231-1236
pages 1231-1236 views

On the therapeutic value of local novocainization in purulent processes

Vinnik R.D., Kofman V.S.


The attitude to the inflammatory process in common surgical practice is reduced to an attempt to remove or destroy an inflammatory focus or to increase the body's ability to resist against an invading agent.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1236-1241
pages 1236-1241 views

Results of outpatient use of novocaine block according to Vishnevsky for acute surgical diseases.

Sokolov O.A.


Applying the novocaine block according to Vishnevsky widely enough for acute surgical diseases in the hospital and observing good results in a number of cases, we tried to transfer this method to outpatient practice.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1241-1243
pages 1241-1243 views

To the clinic and treatment of addisonism

Sheinin А.I.


Over the past years, we had to observe 11 patients, whose complaints mainly boiled down to general weakness and, most importantly, to rapid physical and mental fatigue.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1243-1252
pages 1243-1252 views

To the recognition and treatment of sacroiliitis in the practice of an internist

Fass R.S.


A significant number of patients complaining of persistent pain in the lumbosacral region, quite naturally, attracts the attention of doctors of many clinical specialties: surgeons, orthopedists, neuropathologists, gynecologists, as well as radiologists. In a strange way, only internists, judging by the literature, are rather indifferent to lesions in this area, which are often encountered in clinical and especially outpatient practice of physicians-therapists.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1252-1259
pages 1252-1259 views

Erythema nodosum in children and tuberculosis

Monoszon S.М.


In the 19th century, a number of works appeared on the pathogenesis of erythema nodosum. Trusso, Leuchtentrit and others consider erythema nodosum as an independent, acute, contagious disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1259-1263
pages 1259-1263 views

Diet therapy for dysentery and colic in children

Klivanskaya-Krol E.S.


For the treatment of dysentery, there is still no generally accepted scheme, since with all the methods used, both good and bad results are obtained. Specific serum therapy still does not always give a well-established effect; the same should be said about bacteriophage therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1264-1267
pages 1264-1267 views

Clinic and course of dysentery in early childhood

Nevelson I.S.


With the discovery of the causative agent of bacillary dysentery by Shiga and Kruse, a new era begins in the doctrine of this disease, known since ancient times. Then, laboriously and persistently, research is carried out in all countries. Soon, related microbes, Flexner, Giss, Strong, etc., were released. Later Zlatogorov's experiments showed that ordinary saprophytes, due to changes in endogenous conditions, can also be the cause of dysentery disease.


Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1268-1275
pages 1268-1275 views

Primary sarcoma of the spleen

Apikov T.F.


Spleen sarcoma is very rare. Below we present a case of primary spleen sarcoma that passed through our clinic. Literature data on primary sarcomas of the spleen are extremely scarce. Dukhinova by 1928 collected 54 cases of primary sarcoma of the spleen in the literature and gives one of her own cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1276-1278
pages 1276-1278 views

A case of hemangiosarcoma of the small intestine

Safronov S.G.


From the therapeutic department of the Omsk railway. hospital 29 / IX 37 was delivered to the patient A-va ES (history bol. No. 1989) 30 years old; fell ill on 25 / IX 37 g. For no apparent reason, pain in the epigastric region with vomiting and aversion to food, which sharply increased, and on 28 / IX by a doctor at home, the opa was referred to the hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1278-1280
pages 1278-1280 views

A case of intussusception of a Meckel diverticulum

Sitdykov N.H.


In the etiology of intestinal obstruction, Meckel's diverticulum occupies a significant place. According to some authors, intestinal obstruction is caused by this type of anomaly in 3.75-24% of cases (Bakulev, Aeykhtenstern, Lopatnikova, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1281-1282
pages 1281-1282 views

Prevention and therapy of the flu with small doses of chlorine

Russian D.М.


The use of chlorine in the treatment of infectious diseases dates back to the early 19th century, when the physician Cottero reported on the beneficial therapeutic effect of the use of small doses of chlorine in pulmonary tuberculosis. At the direction of Trousseau, at the beginning of the last century, chlorine preparations were used internally for many febrile diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1283-1289
pages 1283-1289 views

Author and editor

Kimbarovsky Y.A.


There is a significant gap between the author, editorial board and reader in their common task. We consider it necessary to dwell on the absence of the production and educational role of medical journals in relation to author-doctors.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1289-1293
pages 1289-1293 views

First Ukrainian Congress of Oncologists

Shalagin M.М.


On May 25-30, 1938, the 1st Ukrainian Congress of Oncologists was held in Kiev. According to its program and the number of participants, the congress actually turned into an All-Union Congress. In total, 84 reports were heard; 47 of them were presented by oncologists of Ukraine. The size of the article does not allow dwelling in detail on all the reports heard. Let me briefly touch on the most interesting and original reports.


Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1294-1297
pages 1294-1297 views

The first Ukrainian congress of otorhinolaryngologists

Gromov V.


From June 1 to June 5, 1938, the 1st Ukrainian Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists took place in Kharkov. The programmatic work of the Congress included the following issues: 1) noise and its effect on the organ of hearing; 2) physiology and pathology of the secretory function of the nose and the physiology of the upper respiratory tract; 3) infectious otitis media; 4) development of an otorhinolaryngological network in Ukraine over the past 20 years; 5) allergic diseases of the upper respiratory tract; 6) scleroma of the upper respiratory tract.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1297-1299
pages 1297-1299 views

Cancer in young and childhood.

- E.L.


The vast majority (97 %) of malignant tumors observed in children belong to sarcomas. However, cancer is not as rare at a young age as is commonly thought.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1299-1299
pages 1299-1299 views

The use of helium for anesthesia

Tompson N.


The clinical application of helium is based on the physical properties of this gas inertness, low specific gravity, and rapid diffusion. The mixture — 79% helium and 21% oxygen, by specific gravity, is three times lighter than air.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1300-1300
pages 1300-1300 views

Treatment of infected wounds with urea

Prokofiev N.N.


Technique of application: the wounds were washed with a saturated solution of urea, after which a bandage with wax paper was applied. The circumference of the wound was smeared with zinc ointment


Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1300-1300
pages 1300-1300 views

Nekkeles. The theory of peptic ulcer formation

Tompson N.


When the vagus nerve is irritated, acetylcholine is found in the venous blood flowing from the stomach. The action of acetylcholine on the stomach is manifested in vasoconstriction and a decrease in blood circulation, which made it possible to formulate a new theory of the formation of peptic ulcers. Experiments on dogs have shown that the administration of acetylcholine reduces blood circulation in the stomach by 60-96%.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1300-1300
pages 1300-1300 views

Development of osteosarcoma in disease Padgets

Prokofiev N.N.


The authors cite two own observations of the development of osteosarcoma in patients with Paget's disease. The question of the relationship between deforming otitis media and the sarcoma developing with it is interpreted by the authors in different ways. Some authors consider this to be just a coincidence. Most argue that in such cases, it is a real sarcomatous transformation of the bone affected by Paget's disease. The authors subscribe to the latter opinion based on the following facts.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1300-1301
pages 1300-1301 views

Histamine injections for obliterating endoarteritis

Prokofiev N.N.


The authors believe that histamine is indicated for obliterating endoarteritis due to its analgesic properties and vasomotor action. They used it in two cases of endoarteritis and got good results. The drug used was histaminum bihydrochloricum in a solution of 0.5 mg in 1 cm3

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1301-1301
pages 1301-1301 views

Purpura- and scarlet-like rash from sulfonamide

Dembskaya V.


The author gives the case history of one patient, who, under the influence of sulfanilamide, developed a toxic rash of the nature of purpura.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1301-1301
pages 1301-1301 views

Sulfur soap in the treatment of scabies

Dembskaya V.


The author recommends using sulfur in the form of a soap for scabies.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1301-1301
pages 1301-1301 views

A new treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis

Eliasberg S.


The author makes the following requirements for drugs against leishmaniasis: 1) they must act as quickly as possible on the causative agent of the disease; 2) must be harmless to body tissues and not form disfiguring scars; 3) must be permanent.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1301-1302
pages 1301-1302 views

Pustular rash after fluoride

Dembskaya V.


To a group of 20 psoriatics, the author administered 0.05-0.125 g of sodium fluoride per day. 7-10 days after such treatment, a pustular rash invariably appeared. A group of 20 eczematics treated with the same treatment did not show this complication. The author suggests that psoriatic skin contains some substance, the solubility of which is influenced by a fluorine ion. The skin of psoriatics and ia iodides reacts in a similar way, partly to bromides.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1302-1302
pages 1302-1302 views

Physiotherapy eczema

Tomson N.


Ultraviolet rays are not penetrating like infrared rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1302-1302
pages 1302-1302 views

Treatment of gonorrhea in men with aminophenyl-sulfamide

Veksel M.


The author gives a summary of the case histories of 5 patients with gonorrhea (one bilateral orchiepididymitis), in whom a brilliant therapeutic effect was obtained from the use of sulfamide 1162 (orally at 4.0 per day).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1302-1303
pages 1302-1303 views

Treatment of gonorrhea with sulfamide

Veksel M.


The authors treated 48 patients with the chemical Septoplex (para-aminophenyl-sulfamide) (42 men with gonorrhea, 6 women).

Of 6 women, 5, whose disease was no more than 15 days old, were cured in 7 days

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1303-1303
pages 1303-1303 views

Treatment with sulfonamide gonorrhea arthritis

Dembskaya V.


The authors cite two cases of gonorrheal arthritis that they treated with sulfanilamide.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1303-1303
pages 1303-1303 views

Treatment of female gonorrhea with combined heating

Dembskaya V.


In the treatment of female gonorrhea, the authors primarily sought to raise the overall temperature of patients by placing them in an office heated by electric lamps and acting on them with short wave currents.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1303-1303
pages 1303-1303 views

Society of Venereologists and Dermatologists of the TASSR. Meeting I / X 1938

Pechnikov -.-.


Demonstration of patients.
1. Prof. Ya.D. Pechnikov. A case of joint development of eczema and sciatica of malarial origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1304-1304
pages 1304-1304 views

Society of Venereologists and Dermatologists of the TASSR. Meeting 14 / X 1938

Olesov I.


Demonstration of patients.
1. Dr. M.I. Mirkin. Eczema during vaccination.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(11-12):1304-1306
pages 1304-1306 views

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