Vol 22, No 12 (1926)

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Reaction on the surface of an inactive living muscle

Vetokhin I.A.


The reaction of a dead muscle was for the first time discovered by the famous chemist Bercelius as acidic, and this understanding of muscle reaction was kept until Du-Bois-Reymond, who proved an alkaline reaction on litmus of a resting muscle; he explained the observed cases of undoubted acid reaction of the latter either by decay of muscle tissue, or its death and rigor, or by its active tension, work. Although such an explanation was contradicted by the experiments of Du-Bois-Reymond in which he obtained an alkaline reaction in inactive muscles killed by him in boiling water, but the ideas about the reaction of the muscle that came from the time of Du-Bois-Reymond have survived to this day.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1313-1316
pages 1313-1316 views

To the pathological anatomy of the brain in tropical malaria

Nepryakhin G.G.


In the last decade, due to the pandemic spread of malaria in Europe, this disease has once again attracted the attention of pathologists and anatomists. A number of new studies have appeared, dealing mainly with questions either of the melanin structure, or of the involvement of reticuloendothelial tissue in the malaria process, or of changes in the brain. As a result of recent studies, a number of authors have noted a peculiar reaction of gliosis tissue with the character of a granulomatous process.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1317-1323
pages 1317-1323 views

On the value of Kaufmann's test to determine latent cardiac decompensation

Krolunitskaya T.E.


The task of the clinic is, if possible, to determine the onset of this pathology in the cardiac work. If we and Germans usually speak about sufficiency and insufficiency of the heart, about its compensation and decompensation, these values of the limiting and definite order, the French school puts the question more precisely, treating hyposystoles and asystoles. In recent years, especially much attention has been paid to this clarification of the definition of the state of heart dysfunction.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1324-1329
pages 1324-1329 views

Functional liver test with phenoltetrachlorophthadeine

Bachmanov N.A.


Functional diagnostics of the liver by means of dyes became possible and gave practically valuable results only with introduction into practice of duodenal probe, allowing to follow excretion of dyes by bile directly at the patient's bedside. Some authors (Rosenthal, Falkenhausen, etc.) used blue, others (Lehne, Hatieganu, Hesse, Wörner, etc.) used indigo carmine for this purpose, and others (Rosenthal, Ryzhikh and Slastnikov) used phenoltetrachlorophthalein and phenoltetrabromophthalein.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1330-1338
pages 1330-1338 views

Congenital hydronephrosis

Bogolyubov V.L.


The causes of hydronephrosis are known to be various obstructions to the outflow of urine, arising in one or another part of the urinary tract, starting from the kidney and ending with the urethra. Depending on whether these obstacles appear to be congenital or acquired, two forms of hydronephrosis are distinguished - congenital and acquired, and, however, it is not always possible to draw an exact boundary between both of these forms. According to Küster, in 530 cases of hydronephrosis 336 cases had acquired hydronephrosis and 194 cases were probably congenital.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1339-1343
pages 1339-1343 views

To the clinic of perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum

Perelman I.M., Babuk V.V.


The issue of perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum has recently been given much attention both in foreign and in Russian literature, which is explained by significant increase of this severe disease in recent years. Individual authors in foreign literature report dozens, even hundreds of their own observations. Thus, Brütt reports 165 cases of his own, Steichele reports 60 cases from one institution, while the German statistics of Brütt's report 470 cases and Schaemacher's 748 cases; further, the French statistics of Radoievitch's report 718 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1344-1356
pages 1344-1356 views

On the signs of postpartum separation

Chukalov N.N.


Up to the present time we have not had a single sign of separation of the placenta, which would indicate with absolute certainty that the placenta of the woman in labor has already completely separated, and therefore it can be pushed out without danger to the health of the woman. Therefore, in addition to the old, long-known signs of separation of the placenta, such as Schroeder's and Ahlfeld's signs, until very recently, various authors have continually proposed new signs of this kind in the medical press.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1357-1360
pages 1357-1360 views

On the surgical treatment of significant prolapse of the female genitalia

Dravert S.A.


The question of the treatment of prolapse of the female genitalia, which has long attracted much attention from specialists and practitioners in general, has in recent years, for obvious reasons, become even more acute and urgent. The war and revolutionary years, experienced by the country, have involved wide circles of women in systematic physical work, often excessively hard, and medical and, in particular, obstetrical, assistance has at the same time decreased quantitatively and lowered qualitatively. That is why the issue of miscarriages began to be discussed with new interest in special literature, at meetings of medical societies and at congresses.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1361-1367
pages 1361-1367 views

Statistics on the incidence of progressive paralysis

Eichenwald L.I.


Practice shows that syphilis infection, when it causes progressive paralysis later on, precedes the latter on average 9-12 years. Metasyphilis is known to affect men more often than women. This 2:1 norm seems to have recently increased to a ratio of 4:1 (Bleuler et al.). In Russia, the percentage of progressive paralysis in relation to the total psychosis is 13.8% for men and 4.3% for women according to Zhdanov, or 13.9% and 6% according to Ignatyev.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1368-1370
pages 1368-1370 views

Liquor diagnosis and its role in the prevention of neurolues

Grzhebin Z.N.


The importance of examining the cerebrospinal fluid in syphilis is now unquestionable: this was clearly demonstrated at the 14th German Dermatology Congress in Dresden in September 1925, where everyone, as Iordan testified, "demanded the treatment of syphilis under the control of the cerebrospinal fluid examination". This was confirmed by a questionnaire on the treatment of syphilis organized by the editors of the journal Medizinische Klinik, which asked all the most prominent dermatologists for their views on the treatment of syphilis and in particular on the need for a lumbar puncture, the answer to the latter question being all positive.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1371-1378
pages 1371-1378 views

My disinfection chamber

Gavrilov P.


For physicians working especially in remote places, where hospitals have no devices for disinfecting clothing, linen and bedding, and where there are no means to purchase expensive and cumbersome disinfection chambers for transportation, but where, however, the need for disinfection is acute, I propose a simple device for disinfection, whose construction is feasible anywhere at a low cost. I used this device with success when I was a zemstvo doctor in Vologda province, in a combined hospital during the German war and especially during the civil war, during epidemics of typhus and relapsing typhus and cholera, in district hospitals.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1379-1380
pages 1379-1380 views

Tuberculosis tuberculosis tubercle study using tissue cultures

Vylegzhanin N.I.


Recently, interesting attempts have been made to study the interaction between tissue elements and tubercle bacilli using the method of tissue cultures. The purpose of these works, published mainly in the American and partly in the German and Russian medical press, was to clarify controversial and dark questions about the histogenesis of the cell elements composing the tubercle tubercle bacillus. As is known, in this field until recently there have been considerable discrepancies between the views of individual researchers.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1381-1385
pages 1381-1385 views

Antagonism between the pancreas and the thyroid gland. Lundberg (Acta med. Scand., vol. LXIV, f. IV-V)


Antagonism between pancreas and thyroid gland, according to experiments and observations of the author, undoubtedly exists. From here there is a reason to try insulin, with therapeutic purpose, at some diseases of a thyroid gland, especially those which are accompanied by its hyperfunction.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1385-1385
pages 1385-1385 views

Influence of the internal secretion on the growth-promoting substances of the organism. Uсhida (Berich, ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X)

Timofeev A.


Tissue cultures (chicken embryo heart 8-13 days old) were placed in blood plasma of normal chicken, normal rabbits, and rabbits deprived of thyroid, goiter, and sex glands. Growth of cultures was measured after 24, 48, and 72 hours using a special ocular micrometer. Comparisons were always made with plasma from the same animal before and after surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1385-1385
pages 1385-1385 views

Dependence of phagocytosis on internal secretion. Ascher, Abu (from Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 14/15)

Timofeev A.


Leukocytes were obtained from the exudate induced in rabbits by sterile aleuronate injection and subjected to the action of sera of various animals. It turned out that removal of thyroid gland, spleen, ovaries and testicles decreases phagocytic ability of leukocytes. Thyroidectomy has the strongest effect in this respect, testicular removal the weakest.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1385-1385
pages 1385-1385 views

Effect of B avitaminosis on the testes. V. S. Zimnitsky (Virchow's Arch., Bd. 261, H. 1)

Viktorov K.


In pigeons with B avitaminosis, the male sex glands undergo abrupt and rapid atrophy occurring due to fatty degeneration of the generative epithelium; the products of degeneration (fat) are resorbed by interstitial tissue with their subsequent release into the blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1386-1386
pages 1386-1386 views

To the statistics of cancer. Gouanes (in Ref. Zbl. f. Ch., 1926, No. 36), Renaud (Schweizer med. Woch., 1926. No. 5—6)

Friedland M.


In Spain, from 1960 to 1907, 77,058 people died of cancer (33,555 men and 43,513 women), with nearly 1/4 being cases of gastric cancer. In England, from 1901 to 1909, 21.4% of men and 14.2% of women died of cancer and other malignancies: of the latter, 22% of uterine cancer and 16.8% of breast cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1386-1386
pages 1386-1386 views

On experimental cancer in white mice. M. S. Keropian (Collected in memory of L. V. Orlov, 1926)

Tsimkhes I.


By methodically smearing the skin of white mice with Donetsk coal tar, the author was able to achieve 100% of the development of the cancer process in animals that survived 100-110 days of irritation with tar.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1386-1386
pages 1386-1386 views

The significance of the endocrine factor in the pathogenesis of malignant neoplasms. Pr.-Doc. Kogan-Yasny (Nauchnaya Mysl, Kharkov, 1926)

Rakhlin L.


Analyzing 2 cases of primary liver cancer and 1 case of general carcinomatosis studied clinically and pathologically in detail, in agreement with the literature data the author came to the conclusion that in the etiology of malignant tumors, their growth, development and metastasis the endocrine factor, especially the sex glands and pituitary gland, is often of significant importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1386-1386
pages 1386-1386 views

To the etiology and therapy of cancer. Opitz, Vorländer, Jung (Münch. med. Woch., 1926, no. 36)


Based on the fact that uncivilized peoples (Abyssinians, blacks, nomadic Indians) do not get cancer, but develop it when they begin to lead civilized lives, the authors think that the cause of cancer is rooted in some conditions of life, and that these are unique to civilized peoples (food, clothing, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1386-1386
pages 1386-1386 views

Spontaneous cure of cancer. O. Strauss (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, no. 43)


Having analyzed cases of spontaneous cure of cancer and sarcoma published in the literature, Strauss concludes that while sarcoma is capable of such self-healing, the latter is not observed in cancer, but only partial reversal of tumor development occurs, which has no significance for the final fate of the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1386-1387
pages 1386-1387 views

Damage to nerves by tuberculous lymphatic glands. A. Arnstein (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, no. 41)

Sergeev V.


If patients with peripheral paralysis of n. recurrentis and n. рherinii have neither struma, nor aneurysm, nor signs of malignant neoplasms in the mediastinum, then we should think about the damage of the mentioned nerves from the tuberculous changed lymphatic glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1387-1387
pages 1387-1387 views

The use of insulin in tbc. Unverricht (Münch. m. W., 1926, No. 36)


The treatment of feeding by diet alone does not always succeed because of the lack of appetite, as is often the case in tbc patients. In such cases the use of insulin, which, by increasing the appetite, promotes the introduction of large quantities of food, is of great benefit.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1387-1387
pages 1387-1387 views

Application of quartz lamp for treatment of tuberculous peritonitis. Prof. Pletnev (Zeit. f. die ges. phys. Ther., Bd. 31, H. 2)

Khorosh Y.V.


Based on his own material and literature data, the author considers quartz lamp to be a powerful tool for treating exudative forms of peritonitis. Productive forms are more difficult to treat.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1387-1387
pages 1387-1387 views

Dietary treatment of pernicious anemia. Minot, Murphy (Jour. of Am. Med. Ass., 1926, no. 7)

Zak R.


The authors suggest that more serious attention than has hitherto been given to the treatment of pernicious anemia should be given to a special, fat-poor diet consisting chiefly of large quantities of liver, fresh vegetables, and fruit. In almost all of the 45 patients who were under their care and were on this diet, the anemia rapidly subsided with a decrease in the jaundice index and an increase in the number of red blood cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1387-1387
pages 1387-1387 views

Determination of blood pressure as a method of determining the anatomical state of the heart. Krossichinki (M. m. W., 1926, No. 35)


The author pointed out that heart noises of functional nature lose their character when the forearm is squeezed by the cuff, approaching to normal tones, while noises of organic origin intensify under these conditions. The same applies to vascular valves.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1387-1388
pages 1387-1388 views

To the treatment of bronchial asthma. Zickgraf (M. m. Woch., 1926, no. 36)


While administering Na silicici injections to a patient with open form of tbc, suffering at the same time typical attacks of bronchial asthma, the author accidentally noticed that asthma attacks in this patient in connection with the treatment disappeared and did not recur for 9 months. Further application of these injections in 20 cases of bronchial asthma gave the same favorable results.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1388-1388
pages 1388-1388 views

Gastric pain in adhesive pleurisy and diaphragmatic perigastritis. Plaschkes, Weiss (Wiener. kl. Woch., 1926, no. 42)

Sergeev V.


The authors found that the gastric pain described by Otner, Nace, and Rennen in chronic or cured adhesive pleurisy - mostly of tuberculous origin - is much more common than had been thought.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1388-1388
pages 1388-1388 views

A new remedy for severe pulmonary bleeding. E. Weidinger (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, no. 41)

Sergeev V.


The author has obtained excellent results from the use of stryphnonin, a synthetically derived substance representing chemically a preliminary stage of adrenaline, for profuse hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1388-1388
pages 1388-1388 views

On the issue of anaciditas. Jarno (Arch. f. Verdauungskrank., Vol. 38, H. 3/4).

Mirkin A.


On the basis of a large amount of clinical material, the author concludes that hyperaciditas is accompanied by a decreased content of cholesterol in the blood, and anaciditas, on the contrary, by an increased content of cholesterol.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1388-1388
pages 1388-1388 views

Chloroexchange in secretory gastric disorders. Holler, Bloch (Arch. f. Verdauungskrank., Bd. 38, H. 5—6)

Mirkin A.


The authors propose a double technique of gastric function examination, which does not differ much from Kalk's and Katsch's technique. At an interval of one or two days a fractional examination of the gastric contents is made-the first time with water, the second time with caffeine breakfast. Hypacidic and hyperacidic stomachs behave differently in relation to the caffeine breakfast.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1388-1389
pages 1388-1389 views

A peculiar disease of the liver. Edelmann (Wienerkl. Woch., 1926, no. 43)


The author observed a number of cases where there was a peculiar symptom complex consisting of yellow skin (xanthomatosis cutis), severe hypercholesterolemia in the absence of bilirubin, marked hypertension, increased and painful liver, digestive disorders, joint pains, general weakness and neurasthenic phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1389-1389
pages 1389-1389 views

A new remedy for the acceleration of bone blister formation in sluggishly healing fractures. Düker (Zent. f. Chir., 1926, No. 36)

Friedland M.


This is ossophyt (Na glykokolphosphoricum) manufactured by Boehringer in Mannheim. Düker reports two cases of fractures of lower limbs, where after 8 and 4 weeks of unsuccessful treatment with a plaster cast, injections of a 4% aqueous solution of ossophyt in the fracture circumference, made in an amount of 10.0 solution per week (in 1 or 2 instillations) helped very quickly.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1389-1389
pages 1389-1389 views

Fat embolism. Landois (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, no. 7)

Friedland M.


Fat embolism, based on a review of this issue from a modern point of view, is most often seen at the age of 20-50 years, due to the abundance of liquid fatty acids in the bone marrow at that age. A 30-40 gram fat is enough to cause a fatal embolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1389-1389
pages 1389-1389 views

Surgical treatment of intussusception. Suermondt (Nederl. Tijdschrift v. Geneesk., I, 15, 1926; ref. in Zent. f. Chir. 1926, no. 37)

Friedland M.


Surgical treatment of intussusception in children of 2 months to 2 years of age was performed from 1908 to 1926 in 40 cases by Suermondt. The mortality rate was 37.5%; 16 cases were operated upon within 24 hours, the mortality rate being 6.3%; 10 cases after 24 hours, the mortality rate being 20%; 2 cases after 36 hours, the mortality rate being 50%; 7 cases after 48 hours, the mortality rate 86%; 5 cases after 3 days, the mortality rate 100%.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1389-1389
pages 1389-1389 views

Muscular-fascial suture in the surgical treatment of hernias. Koontz (Surg., gyn. a obst., 1926, no. 2)

Chalusov M.


The author made a histological study of those layers that are usually connected during surgical treatment of inguinal and femoral hernias, i.e. aponeurotic and muscular. This study convinced him that the fibrous components of the former, i.e. epimysium, perimysium and endomysium, play the main role in connecting the muscle to the fascia.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1389-1389
pages 1389-1389 views

To surgical removal of cancer of the tongue. Z. I. Rybkina (Collected in memory of Prof. L.V. Orlov, 1926)

Tsimkhes I.


The author believes that Krönlein-Orlov pharyngotomy makes access to the root of the tongue completely free and allows, in case of its cancerous lesion, extensive removal of submandibular and upper parts of the lateral cervical region of one side along with complete removal of the tongue.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1390-1390
pages 1390-1390 views

To the treatment of pylorospasm. N. A. Alfeev (Collected in memory of Prof. L.V. Orlov, 1926)

Tsimkhes I.


The author cites 15 cases of pylorospasm treated with brilliant success by pyloroplasty, the latter being carried out partly under general chloroform anesthesia, partly under local Braun's anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1390-1390
pages 1390-1390 views

On the metastasis of struma. Dreesmann (Med. Klin., 1925, no. 50)

Ratner L.


The author reports an exceptional case of benign struma metastasis. The case concerned a 30-year-old woman who had been suffering from a struma without any disorder for 2 years. After childbirth the goiter began to enlarge slightly, and in addition, the patient noticed a tumor in the right frontal area the size of a walnut, closely fused to the bone.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1390-1390
pages 1390-1390 views

Pre- and postoperative treatment of basid disease with iodine. Niсоlaysen (Deut. m. Woch., 1926, no. 16)

Ratner L.


The author is disappointed in the usual methods of preoperative treatment of Graves' disease. He rejects both resting position, preoperative vascular ligation, and radiotherapy, advising preoperative and postoperative iodine treatment instead.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1390-1390
pages 1390-1390 views

On the treatment of postoperative bronchitis and pneumonia by autohemotherapy according to Vorschütz's method. Graser (Zentr. f. Chir., 1925, № 45)

Ratner L.


Vorschütz in 1923 reported about his method of treatment of postoperative pneumonias by injection of patients' own blood. But his proposal did not meet a great response in the press and, apparently, found few followers why Graser's article, fervently recommending this method and based on a large number of observations, deserves great attention of practitioners.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1390-1391
pages 1390-1391 views

Prevention and therapy of postoperative tetany. Bauer (50th meeting of the German Surgical Society)

Ratner L.


At the 50th meeting of the German Surgical Society Bauer stated that the cause of postoperative tetany can be not only damage of epithelial bodies but also other things. To prove it he cited cases of tetany after operations on organs remote from the neck and having no connection with the thyroid gland, for example, after operations on hemorrhoids, gonitis, etc., on the one hand, and four own cases of preoperative tetany, on the other hand.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1391-1391
pages 1391-1391 views

How can infection and other complications of cataract surgery be avoided? Axenfeld (Klin. Monatsbl. f. Aug., 1925, Bd. 75)

Adamyuk V.


The author particularly recommends, as an improvement of this operation, the use of a suture-carrier on the superior rectus muscle. This protects against various complications and especially against vitreous body prolapse, reducing intraocular pressure and immobilizing the eye better than other methods of fixation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1391-1391
pages 1391-1391 views

On the suture in senile cataract surgery. Elschnig (Klin. Mon. f. Aug., Bd. LXXVI)

Volzhensky E.


The author particularly recommends 2 ways of closing a senile cataract wound by suture.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1391-1392
pages 1391-1392 views

Basid's disease and pregnancy. Jülich (Med. Klin., 1925, no. 25)

Ratner L.


The author tries to answer very important questions for the practitioner, how pregnancy affects Graves' disease, and whether the latter is an indication for abortion. These questions are still debatable, which is why the two cases J. observed are very instructive.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1392-1392
pages 1392-1392 views

Treatment of febrile abortion. Torre Blanco (from Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 13)


The author considers manual removal of fetal egg remains to be as dangerous as, for example, squeezing a boil or carbuncle.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1392-1392
pages 1392-1392 views

A method of reducing the clamping of the prolapsed umbilical cord. Ruiz Contreros (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 37)

Zabolotskaya E.


The author recommends that after inserting the prolapsed umbilical cord, when immediate extraction of the fetus is impossible or dangerous, a 3 centimeter thick and 20 centimeters long gauze pad be placed between the pelvic wall and the presenting part. In some cases, it is necessary to insert two rolls, one in front and one behind.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1392-1393
pages 1392-1393 views

Etiology and therapy of uterine atony. Haselhorst (D. m. Woch. 1926, No. 18)

Timofeev A.


The author classifies the causes of this anomaly as follows: constitutional anomalies, uterine malformations, uterine diseases, innervation disorders, disorders of a certain group of endocrine glands, and further, causes based on pregnancy, such as uterine muscle distension in multiple pregnancy, in multiple gestation or with a too abundant fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1393-1393
pages 1393-1393 views

On the uterine ruptures after caesarian section. Lackner (Sugr., gyn. a. obst., 1926, no. 1)

Chalusov M.


To find out experimentally which conditions favor uterine rupture during childbirth in women who had previously undergone a caesarian section, Lackner performed a series of experiments on 32 goats in which the uterus was incised in one direction or another.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1393-1393
pages 1393-1393 views

Application of intravenous injections of pituglandol for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Zorn (Zentr. f. G., 1926, no. 20)

Timofeev A.


The author verified Voehm's method of differential diagnosis of abdominal tumors and pregnancy by means of intravenous injections of pituglandol, which always cause clear contractions when pregnancy is present.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1393-1393
pages 1393-1393 views

Prognostic value of blood picture in the treatment of uterine cancer by radiant energy. Holl (Arch. f. G., Bd. 127, H. 2/3)

Timofeev A.


The author found that a favorable clinical course is given by cases where there is a relative and small absolute increase in lymphocyte counts after primary illumination, as well as cases with relatively elevated lymphocyte counts before illumination.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1393-1394
pages 1393-1394 views

Passive hyperemia in the treatment of chronic cervical catarrhs. Moench (from Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 14/15)

Timofeev A.


The author performs the treatment with a special glass mirror from which air can be pumped out. The outside of the mirror can be taken away and its contents removed without removing the instrument from the vagina.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1394-1394
pages 1394-1394 views

Experience of treatment of scarlatina with antitoxic serum. Prof. Egiz (Vrach. Delo, 1926, No. 17-18)

Krever E.


The author performed this treatment on 40 patients. Patients with more or less pronounced intoxication, who were admitted to the hospital in the first days of the disease, were chosen for treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1394-1394
pages 1394-1394 views

Hyperthyroidism in children. Dinsmorc (Surg., gyn., a. obst., 1926, no. 2)

Chalusov M.


If before hyperthyroidism in children was considered very rare, now, in the opinion of the author, this interesting and often severe disease should be recognized as more frequent. Usually this disease follows some infectious disease of a child, appears suddenly and develops rapidly.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1394-1394
pages 1394-1394 views

Advances in the therapy of alimentary diseases in infants. Pogorschelsky (Vr. Delo, 1926, No. 17—18)

Krever E.


Proceeding from the fact that the modern nutritious mixtures recommended for diarrheal diseases, as protein milk, buttermilk, Adam's "diétic milk," are poor in fats, and that the ratio of nutrients in them differs considerably from the ratio available in women's milk, the author proposes a mixture he calls "protein milk dressing" (protein milk with 4% flour, 4% sugar and 3% butter, prepared according to the method of Czerny-Kelinshmidt'a).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1394-1394
pages 1394-1394 views

Radiotherapy of postoperative pneumonia. Fried (Klin. Woch., 1926, no. 1)

Ratner L.


Following the fashion of using X-ray therapy for the most diverse etiology and nature of diseases, the author decided to test this method of treatment for postoperative pneumonia. The experience was made on 40 patients and gave good results: 80% of patients had fast and significant improvement of general condition, fall of tº, appearance of abundant sputum, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1394-1395
pages 1394-1395 views

Diathermy and quartz lamp illumination in abdominal operations. Сrile (Surg. gyn. a. obst., 1926, no. 2)

Chalusov M.


On the basis of his experiments on animals and observations in humans, the author finds the use of these agents before and especially after abdominal operations very useful for maintaining body temperature and reviving blood circulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1395-1395
pages 1395-1395 views

To the effect of salt-alkali mineral waters. S.A. Barnava - Troitskaya (Kur. Delo, 1926, No. 2)

Dubrovina Y.


The author conducted a series of observations on the effects of Essentuki water No. 17 and Batalinskaya. Observations concerned 75 patients with various kinds of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, liver and other organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1395-1395
pages 1395-1395 views

Effect of mud cure on the content of catalase in the blood of arthritic patients. A. D. Bernstein (Kur. Delo, 1926, No. 5)

Kamentseva M.


The author studied in 74 patients (69 with polyarthritis and 5 with Ischias) the content of catalase in the blood before and after the mud bath. The determination was made according to the method of Bach and Zubkova.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1395-1395
pages 1395-1395 views

Influence of mud procedures on urea content in blood. Lurie, Turkeltaub and Livshits (Kur. Delo. 1926, No. 5)

Kamentseva M.


The authors studied changes in the urea content in human venous blood under the influence of mud treatment, and concluded that mud procedures have no effect in this regard.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1395-1395
pages 1395-1395 views

Mutermilch's syphilis serodiagnosis. Palavandov, Matusis (Vr. Delo, 1926, No. 17—18)

Weinstein A.


This method is based on a modification of Nesht and Bauer using natural homolytic amboceptor and human serum complement. The authors tested it on 1009 sera (mostly syphilitic) and concluded that it is more sensitive compared to the classical WR, simple technique, and inexpensive.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1395-1395
pages 1395-1395 views

Ca chloride in eczema. A. A. Alyavdin (Journal for Advanced Medical Training, 1926, No. 7—8)


Having tested intravenous injections of 10% solution of crystal calcium chloride in 31 cases of eczema, with injections of 5 cc every 6-7 days, the author found that the effect of this remedy on eczema was sharply opposite at the first injection and all subsequent injections.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1396-1396
pages 1396-1396 views

Prof. S. S. Zimnitsky. On disorders of secretory activity of gastric glands from the point of view of functional diagnosis. Clinical lectures for students and physicians. Izd. of Moszdravotdel, Moscow, 1926. 134 pp. (The book is awarded by the Expert Committee of the Central Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Price 2 rubles 40 kopeks.

Viktorov K.


The book of Prof. Z. gives a new and bright proof to how important is the application of the principles of physiological experiment to the clinical research, and how productive can be the idea of necessity to find out the dynamics of the disease process, which only leads to understanding of the functional state of a sick cell. As simple as this provision is, it still has to be emphasized in view of the fact that clinical thought still remains clenched within the framework of pathological and anatomical notions and has difficulty breaking away from them. Without diminishing the importance of morphological knowledge in the slightest degree, however, every attempt to push the boundaries of clinical investigation towards the application of methods which allow to find out the functional relations should be welcomed.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1396-1396
pages 1396-1396 views

Prof. Dr. Morawitz. Diseases of the blood in medical practice. Ed. "Physician" in Berlin, 1926, 64 pp.

Goryaev N.


Prof. Morawitz belongs to the ranks of prominent German clinicians. He is one of the authorities in the field of gematology with a number of major literary works and clinical experience. Therefore, the appearance of his book cannot fail to interest physicians.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1397-1398
pages 1397-1398 views

S. I. Fleischman. Sudden and acute diseases of the nervous system, their recognition and treatment. Physician's Medical Publishing House, Berlin. 1926, 189 pp, 41 figures.

Rusetsky I.


The book is a collection of lectures given at the Kyiv Clinical Institute for Advanced Medical Training. The first six lectures are devoted to diseases of the large brain: hemorrhages, embolism and thrombosis of cerebral vessels, traumatic injuries of the large brain, comas, and encephalitis. These are followed by two lectures on inflammation of the cerebral membranes and two lectures on acute and sudden cerebrospinal diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1398-1398
pages 1398-1398 views

Prof. I. Zappert. Syphilis in children (congenital and acquired). Moscow, Sabashnikov Publishing House, 1926, 146 pp., 1 r. 50 k.

Lepsky E.


This book is a translation of a chapter from the German collective manual of pediatrics, edited by Pfaundler and Schlossmann. The idea of publishing the most successful chapters from the major manuals as separate books should be recognized as a very happy one.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1399-1399
pages 1399-1399 views

III Volga Region Malaria Congress


Held in Samara, from October 3 to 8, the III Congress on the fight against malaria, as a result of its work, adopted a number of resolutions, listed below.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1399-1403
pages 1399-1403 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University

Vylegzhanin A.


G. G. Nepryakhin: "A case of right lung hamartoma and peculiar lymphogranulematosis", (with demonstration of macro- and micro preparations). The reporter on autopsy of the corpse of a 39-year-old man found that the right lung was very small, its lobes and lobules were inconspicuous, its tissue was of fleshy density and appearance, without carbonaceous accumulations. The usual lung tissue was nowhere to be found under the microscope, the main mass of the organ was a delicate connective tissue, in which numerous short bundles of smooth muscles, nerve fibers, isolated large cartilaginous plates were arranged in disorder, adipose tissue, small nests of epithelial cells, clumps of lymphocytes, numerous blood vessels, long, narrow, straight or branching bronchial passages with cylindrical epithelium and formations resembling non-breathing embryonic alveoli. There were no inflammatory phenomena anywhere. A similar case was not described in the literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1403-1404
pages 1403-1404 views

Conferences of doctors of tuberculosis dispensaries in Kazan


At the end of 1925, conferences were organized at the Central Tuberculosis Dispensary, with the aim of elaborating questions of scientific and practical character and of public struggle against tbc. The conferences were held twice a month with the participation not only of the dispensary doctors, but also of other scientific and prophylactic institutions of Kazan, who took an active part in the work of the conferences. Prof. B. A. Voltaire was elected chairman of the conferences, Dr. M. I. Oyfebach was elected secretary.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1404-1405
pages 1404-1405 views

Meetings of the Scientific Society of the Rybinsk Doctor's Section


Dr. Bronnikov reported a case of Jackson's epilepsy treated operatively. A patient after being wounded with a hammer of the parietal bone first suffered paralysis of the right arm and difficulty in speaking, and after 2 months he had epileptiform seizures every 6 days. In the 4th month, he underwent surgery to remove fragments of the internal lamina pressing on the dura mater, and the defect was closed with a piece of fascia lata with fatty tissue. The patient was demonstrated 3 months after the operation; he had no seizures, his speech was normal, and his hand function had been restored.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1405-1405
pages 1405-1405 views



Professor V.L. Bogolyubov was unanimously nominated to the vacant chair of Hospital Surgical Clinic of Kazan University by the Scientific Council of the Medical Faculty of the latter and by the Surgical Subject-Matter Commission. Professor S.S. Zimnitsky was unanimously appointed to the chair of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine at Kazan University by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(12):1406-1410
pages 1406-1410 views

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