Vol 23, No 2 (1927)

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To the doctrine of the goiter gland

Shcherbakov S.A., Kibyakov A.V.


In spite of a large number of works devoted to the question of elucidation of the inscretory action of the goitrous gland, we still wander in the dark when judging its role, the importance of this gland still remains extremely mysterious. Comprehensive study, by experiment, of functions of this organ in an animal organism is impossible for one researcher; therefore we can approach this question only by accumulation of sufficient experimental material - only then we gradually, stone by stone, will bring a strong foundation under the scientific solution of this question.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):157-161
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Kashin-Beck's disease

Shipachev V.


Endemic arthritis or the so-called "Urovskaya disease" was first discovered by Dr. Kashin 75 years ago among residents of the Ura river valley (in Transbaikalia), hence the name "Urovskaya disease". The author calls this peculiar disease “ache disease.” With regard to etiology, Dr. Kashin expresses the belief that scurvy, malaria and syphilis, under the influence of local conditions, can turn into “ache disease”.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):162-167
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Determination of gastric chlorides as a method of studying the functional activity of the stomach

Mirkin A.I., Mogilevsky E.R., Rabinovich D.B.


The successes of modern functional diagnostics of secretory and motility work of the stomach are to a great extent the result of the fractional method of examination of gastric contents using a thin probe, and if some years ago there were still voices against the use of a thin probe, they have now become silent.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):168-178
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Malaria and nervous diseases

Kushev N.E.


Among the various complications with which malaria is so rich, complications of the nervous system must be ranked among the serious and often life-threatening. That is the reason why I consider it necessary to touch upon this question, equally important for malariologists and for physicians specially engaged in nervous diseases. In my presentation I shall make use of literary data and my own observations over many years.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):179-187
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On the nomenclature of different forms and stages of tuberculosis in connection with the doctrine of the cyclic course of the latter

Alperin M.M.


If in any other branch of medicine the precise nomenclature and classification of different forms of the same kind of disease are undoubtedly of great theoretical and practical importance, the more interesting is a scientifically sound nomenclature and a reasonable classification for the various forms of tbc in general and tbc of the lungs in particular.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):188-198
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On the use of pepsin in the treatment of acute suppuration

Korabelnikov I.D.


The presence of a large number of patients with acute suppuration in polyclinics for the insured requires, in connection with the payment of the time of their incapacity for work, the application here of methods that shorten the duration of treatment as much as possible. By testing various methods, we have come to the conviction that it is necessary to limit the use of incisions and to make them as short as possible where they are absolutely necessary, because if there is an incision, once the symptoms of the main suffering have disappeared, we have before us a wound, until its complete healing the patient in the vast majority of cases cannot be sent back to work. We cannot ignore the painfulness of dressings after the incision, especially in case of tamponade, as well as the not always satisfactory cosmetic result. The desire for possible conservatism on its part leads to attempts to try various physical and biological methods and a number of antiseptic substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):199-203
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On the treatment of Richter's form of impinged hernia


A pinched appendicular (Richter's) hernia is not a rare form according to the literature it makes up about 6% of all pinched hernias and is certainly found in the practice of almost every district surgeon, although it is often seen. Recognition of this form, as indicated by the majority of authors who have written about Richter's hernias, is far from always easy, not only in the sense of determining this type of impingement, but also of an impinged hernia in general.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):204-207
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On disorders of the ocular motor apparatus of traumatic origin

Krylov T.K.


Trauma as an etiological cause of muscle paralysis, both external and internal, is relatively rare. Thus, during the whole period of our clinic existence (the 4th year) we observed only one case of m. recti ext. paralysis of traumatic origin.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):208-214
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To the doctrine of the so-called interstitial pregnancy of its pure form (graviditas intramuralis)

Abuladze D.


One of the most interesting forms of ectopic pregnancy can rightfully be considered a type of tubal pregnancy known as interstitial, intermediate, tubal-uterine, or, according to the generally accepted nomenclature, interstitial pregnancy (grav. interstitialis).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):215-225
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Hypnosis in childbirth

Bozhovsky V.G., Turevsky I.I.


As you know, a lot of different remedies have been proposed for labor pains, but most of them are not widespread; some of them do not reach the goal, others are too complicated, many have a harmful effect on the course of the labor act, the use of some endanger the mother or the fetus. The simplest, most expedient and safest method is anesthesia of childbirth with the help of hypnosis, on which we will dwell.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):226-230
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The role of consultation for infants in the clinical examination of the population

Levit M.M.


The infant consultation with all the help of its supporting institutions, such as infant reception, health education, the dairy kitchen, legal counseling, and social assistance, can be the perfect kind of dispensary. In the case of infant dispensaries, we strive to include all infants of this age in the work of the clinic as much as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):231-238
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The influence of the pituitary gland on the functions and development of the organism

Sukhov A.A.


The pituitary gland or gl. pituitaria is an organ lying at the base of the brain in a cavity formed by the sella turcica at the front, back, and bottom, and by the sinus venosus cavernosus dex. et sin. This entire cavity is lined by the dura mater, which covers it from above in the form of diaphragma sellae turcicae. Through its opening passes the infundibulum, which connects the pituitary gland in its posterior lobe with the brain. The cavity infundibuli, which is a recess of the bottom of the third ventricle, in some animal species (e.g., in dogs) passes as recessus infundibuli into the cavity of the posterior pituitary lobe (in humans this lobe has no cavity).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):239-243
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A new physiological experience. Heymans (from the report in Sib. Arch. Theore and Cl. M., vol. I. bb. 5-6)


In order to separate the action of the vagus nerve and central and reflex breathing, the author suggested separating the head of an animal (e.g., a dog) from the trunk so that they are connected only by uncut vagus nerves, after which the life of the head is maintained by vascular anastomosis with another animal, the life of the trunk by artificial respiration.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):244-244
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On the variability of the specific action of hormones. Zondek, Ucko (Klin. Woch., 1926, No. 40)

Yakimov V.


By experiments on rabbits with insulin previously subjected to the combined effect of osmotic pressure and electric charge, the authors proved the disappearance of the specific property of this hormone. The blood sugar curve of rabbits after injecting them with insulin treated in this way did not decrease, and in some cases even slightly increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):244-244
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To the functions of the spleen. Мауr, Noncorps (Münch. med. Woch., 1926, No. 43)


The following functions of the spleen can be considered, in the light of current knowledge, unquestionable: 1) it is an organ of physiological and pathological destruction of blood; 2) it regulates the exchange of iron in the body; 3) it is the main organ of formation of anti-bodies; 4) finally, it regulates, in the sense of suppression, washout of eosinophilic leukocytes from places of their formation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):244-244
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To the pharmacology of ephedrine. A. D. Timofeevsky (Sib. Arch. Theor. and Cl. Med., vol. I, bb. 5-6)


Ephedrine-alkoloid isolated by Nagai from the plant Ephedra vulgaris ("Kuzmich's grass"), according to experiments of A. D. Timofeevsky, has an effect on the heart of warm-blooded animals similar to that of adrenaline (in the heart in situ causes increased contractions with slowing rhythm due to excitation of the vagus, in an isolated heart - increased contractions with increased rhythm).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):244-244
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Toxicology of the fern. А. С. Zaitseva (Vr. Delo, 1926, No. 24)


The author was convinced that fern extract is a strong hemolytic poison, causing a sharp increase in bilirubin in the blood, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, with little change in hemoglobin, and hematogenous jaundice.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):244-244
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Treatment of non-sugar diabetes with novasurol. Hitzenberger and Kauftheil (Wiener klin. Woch., 1926, No. 47)


The authors were convinced from experience that non-sugar diabetes can be successfully treated not only by injections of novasurol, but also by taking the latter per os.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):244-245
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K treatment of diabetes with cintaline. Franck, Nollmann and Wagner (Klin Woch., 1926, no. 45)

Yakimov V.


Sintaline, a guanidine derivative manufactured synthetically by Fabr. The effect of this drug has been studied in detail by Prof. Franck, Nollmann and Wagner both on healthy rabbits and dogs and on dogs with extirpated pancreas, as well as on diabetic patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):245-245
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A functional study of the heart. Göneczy (Vr. Ob., 1926, No. 11)


Göneczy recommends two tests to find out the functional status of the heart. The first is the apnoea test. The second is a weight test.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):245-245
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Hypoparathyroidism in the etiology of gastric ulcer. M. S. Keropian (Collected works in memory of Prof. L. V. Orlov, 1926)

Tsimkhes I.


When studying neuromuscular excitability in 28 patients, the author found that patients with pylorospasm and gastric ulcer, pylorospasm and gastric prolapse and, finally, pylorospasm and appendicitis constantly have a decrease in sensitivity of the neuromuscular system. This symptom usually characterizes tetany, either explicit or latent, i.e. spasmophilia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):245-245
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Expulsion of tapeworms. Е. A. Ratner (Klin. Med., 1926, No. 117)


According to E. A. Ratner's observations, much smaller doses of fern are suitable for this purpose than are commonly used.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):245-246
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Cysts of semilunar cartilage. Allison, О’Соnnor (Surg., gyn. а. obst., 1926, No. 2)

Chalusov M.


Several dozens of cases of such cysts have been described in the literature, to which the authors add 3 of their own cases. The study of these cases convinced the authors that usually these cysts are multiple, they are located in the middle part of the external margin of cartilaginis semilunaris, inside they are lined with endothelium, contain mucus, and present no signs of inflammation. In half of the cases the formation of these cysts is preceded by trauma.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):246-246
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Persistent sacral pain as first symptom of breast cancer. Е. Liek (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 51)

Tsimkhes I.


The author saw 3 cases where women presented with complaints of persistent pain in the lumbosacral vertebrae. Examination of the patient's whole body, including fluoroscopy, revealed nothing pathological. Some time later, however (in one case, e.g., 4 weeks later), the author noticed tumors of the mammary glands (cancer).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):246-246
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Gastro-enterostomy for duodenal ulcers. Woolsey (Surg., gyn. а. obst., 1926, No. 1)

Chalusov M.


The author is surprised that in the hands of German surgeons and surgeons of those countries which are under the influence of German science, G.-E. gives worse results than excision, resection and pyloroplasty. In American and English surgeons this operation, on the contrary, gives quite encouraging results both in the sense of the final cure and in the sense of the absence of successive complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):246-246
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Two-stage resection of the large intestine with deep peritoneal stitching. Schlöffer (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 44)

Tsimkhes I.


For almost 20 years, in colorectal cancer, where the affected loop and adjacent healthy sections of the large intestine cannot be sufficiently mobilized, even after separation and ligation of the mesentery, the author has been cutting off the parietal peritoneum with fascia of the abdominal wound area and plunging them as deeply into the abdominal cavity as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):246-246
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Amputatio interileo-abdominalis. A. N. Strunnikov (Collected in memory of Prof. L. V. Orlov)

Tsimkhes I.


This operation is relatively rare (the author himself had 2 cases of it and only 55 cases could be gathered from the literature) and belongs to the largest surgical interventions in humans. Being a highly risky surgical act, it poses a deadly danger to the operated person already during its performance - from accidental bleeding, development of shock and anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):246-247
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Changes in the vascular wall after alcoholic inections. N. N. Nazarov (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 43)

Tsimkhes I.


In place of vascular denudation in spontaneous gangrene, the author performed periarterial injections of 80º alcohol on animals and humans.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):247-247
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Postoperative urinary retention. Vozz (Ann. di ost. e gin. 1923, Zbl. f. Ch., 1926, No. 34)

Friedland M.


Postoperative urinary retention, which occurred in the practice of Vozza, in 124 women after abdominal surgery and delivery, was eliminated by the author in 90% of all cases by intravenous injection of 5 to 10 cc. 40% solution of urotropine.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):247-247
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On the tetanic reaction after goiter surgery. Melchior, Nothmann (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 32)

Ratner L.


The authors conclude that in the etiology of tetany, in addition to epithelial cells, play a major role and other factors, among which the first place is the depletion of blood calcium salts, a phenomenon very common after military hunger strikes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):247-247
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To the prevention of flat feet. Vreden (Leningrad. Med. Journ., 1926, No. 2)

Kiptenko N.


In view of the fact that the tendency to develop a flat foot is already in childhood, Vreden recommends the irrational children's shoes to replace the new type of children's shoes, in which the arch of the foot is made of elastic material that springs together with the arch in the limits that exclude the possibility of overloading it.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):247-247
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Turning coxa vara into coxa valga. Мouchet, Roederer (Presse Méd., 1925, No. 102)

Kiptenko N.


The authors have published several cases involving young men suffering from coxa vara, in whom an epiphysis separation occurred from an unspecified cause, leading to the subsequent formation of the coxae valgae.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):247-247
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Lumbarization of the sacral vertebra. A. Léri (Presse Méd., 1925, No. 102)

Kiptenko N.


Lumbalization of the sacral vertebra, i.e. lack of fusion between the I and II sacral vertebrae, is much more common than sacralization of the V lumbar vertebra, or its synostosis with the sacrum, according to A. Léri, but so far it has usually been viewed due to inability to count vertebrae and understand the X-ray picture. Lumbarization is the lack of ossification of the sacral vertebrae separated in childhood.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):248-248
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Syphilis of the lower spine with cauda equina syndrome. Guillain, Lechelle, Рeron (Presse Méd., 1925, No. 102)

Kiptenko N.


The authors give the following picture of the disease: the disease begins with pain in the lower back, thigh and sciatic area with motor disorders and sphincter disorder: during full development, there is pain of tabetic and sciatic neuralgia character, accompanied by paralysis, muscle atrophy, radicular sensitivity disorders, changes in electrical excitability and disappearance or weakening of tendon reflexes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):248-248
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Fixing a shattered blade. Маuсlаіrе (Presse Méd., 1926, No. 83)

Kiptenko N.


Fixation of the shattered scapula, according to Luclarer, is achieved by grafting a bone-periosteal graft placed between the inner edge of the scapula and the outer surface of the ribs and sewn on with a wire suture. The long-term results, in terms of strength and mobility of the arm, are good.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):248-248
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Trachoma in the Chuvash Autonomous Region. I. K. Lukyanov (Prof. Med., 1926, No. 11)


According to I. K. Lukyanov, the percentage of trachoma patients in the population of the Chuvash region ranges from 70 (in Batyrevsky uyezd) to 23 (in Yadrinsky uyezd).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):248-248
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Quinine amblyopia. S. M. Hordas (Dnepropetr. M. J., 1926, No. 7-8)


Observations made by S. M. Chordas in one case of this kind and a review of the literature on the issue of quinine amblyopia led the author to a number of conclusions as follows.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):248-248
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Local application of gonococcal serum in gonorrhea in newborns. Offret (Clin. Opht., 1925, No. 11)

Adamyuk V.


The author used the serum in the form of eye drops, without any other accompanying therapy. However, his observations were few - only 5 cases, but the results were brilliant: with this form of treatment there was rapid healing in 3-10 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):249-249
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Protein therapy for gonobrenorrhea. Heim (Klin. Mon. f. Aug., 1926, Bd. LXXVI)

Volzhensky E.


Instead of milk and aolan, which are usually used for this purpose, Heim suggests using flogetan, a substance consisting of protein bodies processed before the onset of a biuretic reaction. This substance, being administered in an amount from 1 to 10 cc, does not cause any unpleasant side effects, although it causes both local and general reaction.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):249-249
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Platelets and menstruation. Hirsch, Наrtmann (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 45)

Zabolotskaya E.


The authors found that the number of platelets during menstruation increases significantly, sometimes almost doubling. The greatest increase occurs at the end of the menstrual period; in other phases of the menstrual cycle the fluctuation of platelet number is insignificant. The authors found a similar increase in platelet count in all kinds of pathological bleeding, in the first days of the postpartum period and after surgery, in short, after any blood loss.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):249-249
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Dependence of the growth of vaginal microbes on the degree of acidity of the environment. Demme (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. X)

Timofeev A.


Demme studied the dependence of the growth of vaginal microbes on the degree of acidity of the medium and came to the conclusion that, depending on the properties of the nutrient medium and in particular its Ph, one can obtain from the same strain of streptococcus a number of transitional forms, different in growth form, in their hemolytic ability, pathogenicity for animals and humans, as well as in their relation to the conditions of aerobiosis and anabiosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):249-249
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Biological studies of the virulence of vaginal microbes. Louros (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 128, H. 1—2)

Timofeev A.


With the Ruge-Philippe reaction only germs of high virulence can be determined, while germs of low virulence, but which can nevertheless cause tissue infection, are classified as avirulent in this reaction. The author studied the biological characteristics of these Ruge-Philippe avirulent microbes by determining their resistance to methylene blue solutions. It turned out that clinically completely harmless microbes are less resistant to blue.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):249-250
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Relationship between fetal weight and placenta. Westermark (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI)


The relation of fetal and placental weight under different conditions was studied by Westermark on a material of 20,000 cases, using mathematical formulas, and he came to the following conclusions: fetal weight is less at first birth than at subsequent birth and is independent of the age of the mother; the placenta of full-term fetuses weighs on average 644.0 in boys and 657.0 in girls; the ratio of placental to fetal weight in boys is 1: 5.47, in girls 1:5.17; fetal weight arrives faster than placenta weight; the number determining the proportion between fetal weight and placenta weight increases with maternal age, but is independent of the number of former pregnancies; it is greater in twins.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):250-250
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Vaginal stethoscope for early diagnosis of pregnancy. Falls (Amer. journ. of obst., v. 11, Berich., Bd. X)


The instrument is a combination of a long wooden stethoscope with special tubes for listening through the vagina. The stethoscope is placed against the portio vaginalis and waited for the fetus to turn its back toward the cervical canal in its movements, as this is when the heart sounds are clearest.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):250-250
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Diagnosis of early pregnancy. Tovey (Веr. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI)


Among the various signs of early pregnancy, the author attaches particular importance to the Ladin's sign, which allows the diagnosis of a 5-week pregnancy. The phenomenon described by Ladin, as a permanent phenomenon, is observed in the early stages of pregnancy and consists in the formation of a round-shaped elastic zone in the middle of the anterior surface of the uterus, directly above the transition of the uterine body to the cervix. This elastic area increases with the growth of pregnancy, giving the sensation of fluctuation on examination.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):250-250
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Special techniques for listening to the pregnant woman's abdomen. Drosin (Berich. ü. d. ges. G., Bd XI)

Timofeev A.S.


Uterine noises depend on the pressure of the amniotic fluid, the tone of the vessels, the uterus, and the abdominal muscles. If you put the woman on her side for a few minutes, the uterine murmur increases on the opposite side, or appears for the first time if it has not been heard. If the mother's aortic tones or uterine murmurs drown out the fetal sordial tones, it is helpful to auscultate in the pregnant woman's Walcher's position.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):250-250
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Intravenous morphine injections to reduce labor pains. Anfermann (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 17)


The morphine solution is administered very slowly. The addition of 0.1 of hypophysine is useful to prevent weakness of perspiration. The duration of action reaches 3 hours. Weakening of exertion was observed by the author only in those cases where injections were used 1-3 hours before delivery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):251-251
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Labour anaesthesia. Horalek (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. ХI)

Timofeev A.


Horalek performs anesthesia according to Gwathmeu's modified method. During the opening period 4.0 chloral-hyrdate and 0.04 saline morphine in milk are administered in an enema. If the pains are not very strong, one ampulla (2.2 q.c.) of somniphene and 2 q.c. 25% magnesia sulfate solution under the skin and at the same time 0.2 c.c. of pituitaryrin.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):251-251
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Amniotic fluid refill in premature rupture of the bladder. Wieloch (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 44)

Zabolotskaya E.


Wieloch, having successfully used in 7 cases the method recommended by Bauer and Peters of injecting physiological solution into the fetal cavity in the case of premature rupture of the bladder, warmly recommends this method.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):251-251
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Facies myomica. Herzfeld (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 46)

Zabolotskaya E.


Herzfeld states that women with uterine myomas in most cases have a specific, characteristic habitus for the diagnosis of the disease, why he considers it possible to speak of facies myomica. In most cases, patients have significant fat deposition throughout the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):251-251
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Origin of cerebrospinal fluid. F. Walter (D. Zeit. f. Nervenh., Bd. 90; on ref. in Sovr. Psychoneur. vol. III, no. 3)


The author believes that the former teaching about the origin of cerebrospinal fluid solely from the vascular plexus is wrong, - other elements of the nervous system play a role in its separation, for example, the soft shell and especially the cerebral capillaries.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):252-252
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Bactericidality of cerebrospinal fluid. Joshyiro Ikegami (Zeit. f. Immunit., 1926, Bd. 46)


The author experimentally verified that cerebrospinal fluid, human and rabbit, has a bactericidal effect on various types of bacteria.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):252-252
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Autonomic disturbances in hemiplegia. Périsson (Annales de Médecine, XX, 5, 1926)

Rusetsky I.


The author establishes two autonomic syndromes in cerebral hemiplegia: paralytic syndrome and irritation syndrome.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):252-252
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On the hypertension of parkinsonians. Froment (meeting of the Paris Society of Neuropathologists, November 4, 1926)

Rusetsky I.


Froment, at a meeting of the Paris Society of Neuropathologists on November 4, 1926, touched in his three reports on some aspects of the still unresolved question of hypertension in parkinsonism.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):252-252
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Treatment of syphilis with malaria vaccines. Вerde (Dermat. Woch., 1926, No. 39)

Yasnitsky N.


The specified method is based, as it is known, on the one hand on clinical observations of old authors on beneficial influence on symptoms of syphilis of acute febrile diseases, including malaria, and on the other hand - experiments of Wagner-Jauregg with treatment of progressive paralysis by malaria injections. The objective of this method, which is not so much to achieve the known therapeutic effect as to prevent metasyphilis, was evaluated objectively by Wehde, who conducted experiments on 30 patients with primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis and tabes dorsalis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):252-252
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Intravenous infusions of calcium chloride in gonorrhoeal epididymitis and arthritis. Leff, Spencer (The Journal of Urology, 1926, vol. XVI, No. 4)

Pechnikov Y.D.


The authors used an intravenous 2% calcium chloride solution in an amount of 25 cbc for gonorrhoeal epididymitis and arthritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):252-253
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Chronic cavernitis treated with diathermy. Сorbus (The Journal of Urology, 1926, vol. XVI, No. 4)

Pechnikov Y.D.


Conservative and surgical treatment of cavernitis, especially gonorrhoeal cavernitis, has so far been a very difficult task. Therefore, the case of Corbutus is of interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):253-253
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Etiological significance of autonomic innervation disorders in dermatology. Brill (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., Bd. 150, Hft. 3)

Yasnitsky N.


In an extensive paper on the subject, Brill critically examines the doctrine of the neuropathic type of eczema.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):253-253
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Facial nerve damage in acute middle ear inflammation. Manasse (Deut. m. Woch., 1926, No. 13)


Usually the development of paralysis of the n. facialis in acute otitis media is considered as an indication for surgery. Manasse is of the opposite opinion and proves two cases of this complication, where facial nerve paralysis passed with conservative treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):253-253
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To the therapy of a runny nose. F.N. Polyakov (Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, 1926, No. 9-10)

Lebedevsky B.


In addition to the olfactory and respiratory functions, the nose also has a secretory function. The always existing secretion of serous and mucous fluids in the nose is increased by a variety of causes, sometimes having nothing to do with the nose, but causing various changes in the body, which excite the same center, which sends a vasomotor discharge, causing a runny nose. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):253-253
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Goiter and recurrent amygdalitis. Soler and Calderin (Anales de la Acad. Med.-chirurg. espanola, 1925, from ref. in Zentr. f. Chir.)

Ratner L.


On the basis of the literature data, it is concluded that causes outside the thyroid gland may play a role in the etiology of goiter. Observations and studies by Brown, Evans and Smith, Aubriot and Bonilla have shown that very often (in 90% according to Evans) tonsils can serve as an entrance gate for various thyrotoxicoses.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):254-254
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Influence of hypertrophy of pharyngeal tonsils on blind spot. M. I. Wolfkovich and A. Ya. Samoilov (Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, 1926, No. 9-10)

Lebedevsky B.


The authors undertook blind spot examination in adenoidal masses, since the latter allows to detect more subtle changes in optic nerve function. The size of the blind spot was determined by campimetry (sketching the visual field on a black plane 1 meter away from the studied eye). The examination was performed before adenotomy and at various intervals after it.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):254-254
pages 254-254 views

Medical Calendar (Medical Worker's Companion) for 1927. 3rd edition, under the general editorship of A. S. Aluf. Edition of C. K. Medsantrud, 569 pages, price 1 r. 90 к.

Luria R.


Along with the usual departments for reference books, among which a large place is occupied by information on issues of a professional nature, the Medical Calendar contains an extensive department of sanitary hygiene and practical sanitation, individual chapters of which were written by prominent workers of the People's Commissariat of Health: A. Sysin, I. Dobreitser, N. Kishkin, V. Lebedeva, prof. S. Korshun and others.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):254-255
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Prof. N. P. Shavrov. Technique of Doctor's Prescriptions. Irkutsk. 1926. Izd. of Nauch.-Med. Mechnikov Society. Price 1 r. 60 k.

Sokolov V.M.


More than ever, the appearance in print of such a manual as Prof. Shavrov's textbook on prescription is more timely than ever. Due to the limitation of the program of teaching at medical faculties and lecture hours on pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, prescription and pharmacology (1 hour for all subjects), as well as due to the appearance on the student's bench of students unfamiliar with the Latin language, the doctors of recent graduation are not able to make prescriptions, which has already been noted in the literature and circulars of NKZ.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):255-255
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V. Mirtovsky. Materials for the doctrine of the autonomic nervous system. Saratov, 1926, 154 pp.

Favorsky A.


The author's work, which came out from the laboratory of a major researcher in the field of autonomic-endocrine system, Prof. A. A. Bogomolets, is of undoubted interest also for the clinician. The author concludes that "the ways of occurrence and course of the fibers of the v. n. c. pathways are homogeneous in the anatomical sense", with which one cannot but agree. Further, it is also impossible not to agree that for a number of organs there is no antagonistic innervation in the true sense of the word, and that the sympathetic nerve plays the main role in the chemistry of secretory processes. The author considers vagotonia in its pure form as hyposympathicotomy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):256-256
pages 256-256 views

Prof. D.M. Rossisky. Systematic Index of Russian Literature on Endocrinology and Organotherapy from 1860 to 1926. Moscow, Price: 2 r. 50 к.

Rozanov N.I.


"The Systematic Index of Russian Literature on Endocrinology and Organotherapy" consists of a preface containing very interesting indications concerning the development of endocrinology in Russia, an alphabetical index of Russian authors, an index of works on endocrinology and organotherapy of a general nature, and 20 sections. including works of predominant relevance to individual endocrine glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):256-256
pages 256-256 views

Prof. A.M. Levin. Introduction to the Clinic of Internal Medicine. PART I, 343 pp., Gos. Izdat., 1926

Luria R.


For the development of clinical thinking, especially for the beginning therapist, along with manuals and textbooks of internal disease pathology, it is very useful to study clinical lectures, especially those of old teachers; no less important, with the currents of therapeutic thought, is the comparison of syndromes, typical for diseases of different organs or their systems, in the context of functional disorders of the activity of the diseased organ.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):256-257
pages 256-257 views

Prof. V.I. Razumovsky. Tuberculosis and the fight against it. Scientific and Popular Essay. 23 pp. published by Saratov State University, 1927

Friedland M.


A striking abundance of material, held in such a small volume of brochure, as if by "surface tension", exceptional talent of the author. In essence, before us is a synopsis, reflecting with almost exhaustive completeness the main data on the pathogenesis, clinic, prevention and treatment of tbc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):257-257
pages 257-257 views

Z. P. Solovyov. The First Aid Society. Izd. of the NKZ RSFSR, Moscow, 1927, 48 pp. with 8 figures, Price 30 kopecks

Friedland M.


Modern technical means of warfare pose an immediate danger not only to the front, but also to the deep rear. From this it is clear what a great importance it is to prepare the population in advance for first aid and self-defense in case of war, when even the civilian population has to defend itself against wounds and poisoning by building shelters, using protective masks and clothes, protecting water sources, foodstuffs, etc. Familiarity with first aid is also necessary in peacetime - natural disasters, epidemics and various kinds of accidents.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):257-258
pages 257-258 views

M. Ya. Carlin. Abortion and its consequences before and after legalization. Ed. by P. P. Soikin. Leningrad, 1926

Baksht G.


From a social point of view, the problem of abortion was and is, perhaps, more topical today than ever before. The comprehensive coverage of this problem, which involves the most intimate aspect of human life, social and domestic conditions, and ethical issues, can only be the product of the collective efforts of physicians, sociologists, and lawyers.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):258-258
pages 258-258 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 2 (1927)


Annual meeting 27/I.
Professor V. S. Gruzdev, honorary member of the Society, having informed of the recent death of A. A. Panormov, one of the oldest professors of the Medical Faculty of Kazan University, briefly characterized the deceased, noting especially his rare modesty and scientific conscientiousness.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):258-259
pages 258-259 views

Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 2 (1927)


Prof. T. I. Yudin gave a speech on the subject: Pinel and the system of uninhibited care for the mentally ill (on the 100th anniversary of Pinel's death). Pinel removed the chains from the mentally ill in 1793. Despite his contemporaries' misunderstanding of what he believed to be a necessity, he implemented his idea. Defending his views, he appeared at a special meeting of the Convention, managed to convince its members and achieved his goal. Pinel is at the same time the first to make possible the existence and development of psychiatry as a science.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):260-260
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Meetings of the Scientific Club of the Rybinsk Medical Section. Vol. 23, No. 2 (1927)


Dr. Bronnikov reported, with a demonstration of a patient, a case of hepatic echinococcus that he had operated on. The disease existed in this case for about 6 months. During the operation Lindeman's method was used, modified by Tikhov.-The cases of echinococcus pleura were cited in the debate, and the necessity, when echinococcus is suspected, to use Abderhalden's and Kassin's reactions was pointed out.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):260-261
pages 260-261 views

Chronicle. Vol. 23, No. 2 (1927)


The Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee approved a bill submitted by the Sovnarkom of the RSFSR which gave the health authorities the right of compulsory examination of persons concerning whom there is reason to believe that they are suffering from any venereal disease in its contagious period. This compulsory procedure applies to persons who refuse to be examined voluntarily.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):261-264
pages 261-264 views

Questions and answers. Vol. 23, No. 2 (1927)


Can purulent peritonitis follow as a consequence of abortion, without any changes in uterus and parameters? M. Klyachkin.
Answer. This question should be answered negatively. Prof. V. Gruzdev.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(2):264-265
pages 264-265 views

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