Vol 46, No 2 (1965)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Modern advances in biological and medical electronics

Babsky E.B., Parin V.V., Geller E.S.


One of the characteristic features of the science of our century is the formation of a number of new scientific disciplines bordering on the old fields of knowledge. These new disciplines include the rapidly developing biological and medical electronics, which is at the intersection of biology and medicine with technology. In recent years, the scope of its action has been determined, its tasks, development paths and significance for biology and medicine have been specified.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):3-10
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Some modern drugs used in the treatment of patients with angina pectoris

Levina T.A.


According to the classification proposed by V.V. Zakusov (1963), coronary dilators are divided into 4 main groups: 1) substances of myotropic action (for example, persantin); 2) influencing the nervous regulation of coronary blood flow - central action (for example, nitranol, erinit-nitropentone), analgesic and neuroplegic action; 3) altering metabolic processes in the heart (for example, iprazide, benazide) and 4) altering hemodynamic conditions.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):10-15
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Angina pectoris with peptic ulcer, stomach cancer and duodenum

Kokosov A.N.


In complex and diverse in the pathogenesis of combined gastro-cardiac pathology, in the first place in terms of severity and practical importance, apparently, it is possible to put cases of angina pectoris in patients with peptic ulcer and stomach cancer (MM Gubergrits, NI Shirokogorov). The most studied are coronary ulcerative angina pectoris (Frohman and Gone). Their frequency ranges from 7.5% (Frohman and Gone; Hochrein and Sheikher; Vale and others) to 10.7% (L.I. Rogachevsky) and even 26% (O.S. Radbil). According to Michelyazzi (1958), this combination ended in myocardial infarction in 24 out of 410 (5.8%), and according to Radbil (1960), in 18 out of 200 (9%) patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):16-18
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Electrocardiographic observations in cardiac asthma

Stupnitsky A.A.


In this work, ECGs were recorded in patients during and outside the attacks of cardiac asthma in the semi-sitting position of patients. Were recorded I, II, III classical leads V1-6, AVR, AVL, AVF.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):19-20
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To the clinic of atrioventricular disorders conduction for rheumatism

Krasnoperov F.T.


As you know, with rheumatic lesions of the heart, various rhythm disturbances are often noted, in particular, conduction disturbances.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):20-22
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About the mechanism of atrioventricular heart block in healthy women in labor

Lebedeva L.I., Orlov R.S.


In the literature, there are separate messages devoted to the study of ECG in healthy women during pregnancy and childbirth. Yu. I. Arkussky (1947), analyzing a large number of ECGs in pregnant women, found the inversion of the T wave. He explained it by changes in the position of the heart in the chest cavity. Copeland and Stern (1958) found Samoilov-Wenckebach periods in 32 of 260093 ECGs taken from healthy pregnant women. The authors suggested that the slowdown in atrioventricular conduction is caused by an increase in the content of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. However, A.G. Diorditsa (1952), examining the ECG in pregnant women who did not have organic lesions of the heart, indicates only changes in the amplitude of the P and R waves without disturbances at the same time of atrioventricular conduction.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):22-25
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The use of regexon in patients with essential hypertension

Legostev B.I., Sibirkin N.V.


Regexon (synthesized by the Kharkov Research Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute) is a combination of reserpine, acting centrally, and hexonium, acting on H-cholinergic structures (regexon No. 1 contains 0.1 mg of reserpine and 0.05 g of hexonium; regexon No. 2 contains 0.1 mg reserpine and 0.2 g hexonium).

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):25-26
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On the content of potassium and sodium in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis

Wolfson T.I., Golikov A.P.


With the introduction of a new method - flame photometry - the possibilities of studying the exchange of potassium (K) and sodium (Na) have significantly expanded.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):27-28
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The significance of some functional vascular indicators for cardiosclerosis and cor pulmonale

Marcuse S.M.


Recent studies in the field of hemodynamics provide concrete substantiation for a number of empirical data, previously explained only by working hypotheses. These are the data of the definition of blood pressure and other methods by which they tried to give a clinical assessment of vascular tone.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):28-30
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Acupuncture for endarteriosis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities

Zaitsev G.P., Vykhovskaya A.G., Poryadin V.T.


In this message we present the results of acupuncture in the treatment of vascular diseases of the extremities.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):31-32
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On the use of polymers for plastics of the inferior vena cava above the renal veins in the experiment

Komarov N.I., Sharafislamov F.S.


To date, a large number of both experimental and clinical materials have been accumulated on plastics of the arterial trunks and aorta. There is also a large number of works on the search for more perfect plastic materials.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):32-33
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On the physical development of children who have undergone asphyxia at birth

Fedorov M.I.


Much attention is paid to newborn asphyxia, and significant success has been achieved in the fight against it, but the same cannot be said about studying its consequences. Only in recent years, the neuropsychiatric development of such children has attracted the attention of researchers (M.F.Deschekina, 1956; H. N. Stanishevskaya, 1956; S. A. Sarne, 1956; L. I. Plechikova and G. Ya. Shulman, 1956; B. V. Lebedev and Yu. I. Barashnev, 1960; M. N. Alyabyeva, 1960; L. Yu. Dolgina, 1961; R. O. Klyavin, 1962; M. I. Fedorov, 1963; Benaron with coauthors, 1960).

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):33-34
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Pathomorphological changes in the placenta, umbilical cord and membranes during late toxicosis of pregnancy

Abaimov M.P.


In 1900, K.P. Ulezko-Strogonova found macroscopically the presence of white infarctions in the placenta with eclampsia, and microscopic examination of villous necrosis, poor development of the Nitabuch layer, sclerosis of the villous stroma, thickening of the vascular wall, swelling and hyperplasia of syncytial cells, vasodilatation villi, overflow with blood, fibrinoid necrosis and the formation of new villi. RF Brodsky (1950) describes edema of villi, desolation of capillaries and degeneration of syncytial epithelium. 3. F. Drobenya (1955) and F. Gregor (1961) describe hyalinosis of the stroma and vessels of the villi, edema of the media and proliferation of the vascular intima. O. N. Shirokinskaya (1957) and I.A. Guryanova (1957) with nephropathy and eclampsia found an overgrowth of the connective tissue of the stroma of the villi and vascular walls, their closure, thrombosis of intervillous spaces, extensive edema and infarction of villi, their overflow with blood and necrosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):35-36
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New surgical options functional urinary incontinence in women according to D.N.Atabekov

Urazaev A.Z.


Over the past 50 years, over 60 surgical methods have been proposed for the treatment of functional urinary incontinence in women, most of which proved to be insufficiently effective.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):36-38
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Treatment of patients with functional uterine bleeding

Radionchenko A.A., Konischeva O.E.


A significant proportion of women suffer from functional uterine bleeding. The disease occurs in all periods of life. At present, a number of questions of etiology and pathogenesis, prevention and treatment of these diseases cannot be considered finally clarified.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):38-40
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Emergency corticosteroid therapy in obstetric and gynecological practice

Slepov M.I.


In obstetric and gynecological practice, acute blood loss is often found, which is often combined with shock, especially with ectopic pregnancy, uterine ruptures, as well as with severe and prolonged surgical intervention.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):41-43
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Serum proteins during surgical treatment tumors of the female genital organs

Sabirov F.M.


Changes in blood serum proteins are observed in some physiological conditions of the female body: during ovulation, pregnancy (E. A. Mognyan, A. N. Koroleva, L. G. Sotnikova, Stürmer, R. Pfau, etc.). Large changes are observed in various pathological conditions (neoplasms, inflammatory diseases, injuries, etc.), and the depth of changes is directly proportional to the severity of the disease (G. S. Atamanov and V. I. Saperov, A. A. Radionchenko and V. M. Lopushinskaya, B. S. Kasavina and V. 3. Gorkin, R. Mayer, C. Morra, G. Martina and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):43-44
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Acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws in adults

Medvedeva A.F.


Odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaws is the most common disease, especially where the debridement is not set to the proper height.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):44-46
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Long-term results of dental treatment antibiotics in children

Sayfullina X.M.


For the treatment of deep caries and pulpitis, at the suggestion of Assoc. 3. A. Shishkina we use penicillin with chloramphenicol and sulfodimezin.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):46-47
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On the intravital diagnosis of the subaortic stenosis of the heart

Zlochevsky P.M.


About a hundred years ago, the first monograph (K.A. Rauchfus, 1869) appeared on the congenital pathology of the aortic mouth with a description of 25 observations, including 10 of his own. Materials of recent years refute the idea of ​​a great rarity of valvular and subvalvular stenosis of the aorta (7.4% of all congenital anomalies according to LD Krymsky, 1962). Subortal narrowing can have a different structure (A. L. Mikaelyan and L. A. Semenova, 1963), but is usually formed by a connective tissue membrane or fibromuscular crest. Being the result of a violation of the evolution of the embryonic bulb, with a relatively small size, it is clinically asymptomatic and can be first established in adulthood (Yonash, 1960; and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):47-49
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On recognizing congenital failure tricuspid valve (Ebstein's disease)

Goldstein M.I., Iskhakova E.Z.


The malformation of the tricuspid valve, known in the literature as the Ebstein anomaly, is one of the rare deformities.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):49-52
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To the aortic coarctation clinic

Bakirova S.U.


Coarctation, or narrowing of the aorta, according to many researchers, occurs in 15-18% of all congenital heart defects and large vessels, and 2-3 times more often in men than in women. The most common localization of narrowing of the aorta in a limited area is its isthmus. In such cases, patients note persistent headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, shortness of breath, palpitations, throbbing in the neck, head, which is explained by increased blood circulation in the upper body, and chilliness, rapid fatigue in the legs due to insufficient blood circulation in the lower parts of the body (O. Yu. Marina - 1961, A. S. Pipko with co-authors — 1961, Yu. E. Berezov with co-authors — 1962). Of the disorders in the cardiovascular system, first of all, it should be noted that the systolic pressure on the upper extremities is increased to 280/120, 200/100, while on the lower extremities it is lowered to 70/60 or not even detected. Discovered left ventricular hypertrophy, with auscultation, the accent of the 2nd tone on the aorta and pronounced systolic murmur, heard in the 2nd or 3rd intercostal space on the left at the sternum. The noise is conducted in the interscapular space, in the carotid arteries and in the subclavian region. A very characteristic sign of coarctation of the aorta in the place of its isthmus is considered to be the usulation of the ribs, caused by the constant pressure of the dilated and tortuous intercostal arteries.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):52-53
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On the danger of surgical interventions in the presence of status thymico-lymphaticus

Vasiliev J.H.


The data of G. Selye (1952), E. 3. Yusfina (1957), M. S. Konstantinova (1957), V. E. Volkov (1961) indicate the role of the thymus in the implementation of the protective and adaptive reactions of the organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):53-54
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Phlebography data for obliterating endarteritis of the lower extremities

Skvoznikov B.A.


Recently, interest in the state of veins in obliterating diseases of the arteries of the extremities has been increasing. Some authors (Wessler et al.) Even believe that with obliterating arteriosclerosis of the extremities, changes in the veins are primary, and in the arteries, secondary. In the domestic literature, several works have recently appeared on the issues of changes in the function of the veins of the extremities in obliterating arterial diseases. A. B. Maisel, studying venous pressure in obliterating endarteritis, came to the conclusion that it increases in parallel with the severity of the process. Violations of venous blood flow in the lower extremities in obliterating diseases of the arteries are reported by N.I. Krakovsky and V. Ya. Zolotarevsky. On the basis of phlebography data, H. M. Karnakova reported on the expansion of the main, venous trunks of the leg with obliterating endarteritis. Examining the veins of the amputated limbs, V.V. Ginzburg and A.G. Fedorova found their expansion in a third of the patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):54-55
pages 54-55 views

U-wave of electrocardiogram and its clinical value

Danovsky L.V.


In recent years, a number of works have appeared on the origin and clinical significance of the U wave. This wave is recorded according to some authors in 11.5% of all ECGs, according to others - in 70-80%.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):56-58
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Gallbladder duct transplant into the stomach with pancreatic cancer, complicated by acute cholecystitis and obstructive jaundice

Drozdova Z.S., Golovachev V.L.


In cancer of the pancreas, sometimes it is necessary to resort to palliative operations, the expediency of which for inoperable cancers is beyond doubt (A.D. Vitebsky). This intervention removes the painful symptom of obstructive jaundice, eases the suffering of the big one, improves liver function. Observations are described when patients after cholecyst-enterostomy with pancreatic cancer live for several years.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):58-59
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Obliterating endophlebitis of the hepatic veins (Hiari disease)

Vorobyova H.T., Moroz M.S.


For the first time obliterating endophlebitis of the hepatic veins was described pathoanatomically by the Viennese pathologist Hiari in 1899, and in 1905 - by A.I. Abrikosov and for the first time diagnosed in vivo by V.E. Nezlin in 1936.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):59-60
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To the clinic for pancreatic stones

Shapiro V.A., Volchek V.M.


Pancreatic stones are relatively rare.
Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):60-60
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Combined endotracheal anesthesia during a cesarean section in a woman in labor with acute pulmonary heart failure

Stolyarova V.S.


The development of acute pulmonary heart failure in women in childbirth is a serious pathology, often ending tragically for the mother and fetus. The severity is aggravated if, with this formidable complication, an abdominal delivery is necessary.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):61-62
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Effect of aminophylline on pulmonary ventilation in patients with pulmonary heart

Mytareva I.L.


Pulmonary ventilation was determined on a spirograph type SG-1, in a sitting position of the patient, on an empty stomach, after preliminary training conducted the day before, before and 30 minutes after intravenous administration of 0.24-0.36 aminophylline (we found that the maximum changes in pulmonary ventilation after the introduction of aminophylline occurs in 30-40 minutes). To assess the parameters of pulmonary ventilation, the proper values ​​of pulmonary volumes were calculated according to the tables of the proper basal metabolism (Harris - Benedict), taking into account the sex, age, weight and height of the patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):62-62
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Treatment of hypertensive patients with dimecolin on an outpatient basis

Myshentseva L.P.


Dimekolin was administered orally in tablets of 25 mg at first one, with good tolerance - 2 times a day and with insufficient hypotensive effect - 3 times. Treatment was usually carried out within 2-4 weeks. Patients without dismissal from work took pills in the presence of a doctor (one before the start of work, the second - in the afternoon). The third pill was handed out.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):62-62
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Treatment of angina pectoris with transcardiac magnesia iontophoresis

Sulimovskaya H.A., Moskalenko I.A., Konanova H.M., Shelygina N.M., Merlinskaya N.B.


According to Keller's method, two electrodes made of 10x10 cm zinc sheet were placed on a rubber sponge lining of the same size and about 1 cm thick and one was placed on the area of ​​relative dullness of the heart, the other exactly opposite to the back. The electrode on the chest was connected to the positive pole and on the back to the negative pole of a small portable iontophoresis machine. The rubber gasket of the anode was impregnated with a 1.5% solution of MgSO4 or MgCl2, while the cathode was moistened with distilled or fresh tap water. Sessions started from 5 minutes and gradually extended to 10 minutes, initially the current was 0.5 mA, and then with sessions it also increased - up to 1.5 mA. The course of treatment consisted of 12 sessions.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):63-63
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Application of novocaine electrophoresis with some types of injuries

Artemiev A.M.


Since 1953, electrophoresis of a 10% solution of novocaine has been used in the clinic of the faculty of surgery of the Izhevsk Medical Institute for the purpose of anesthesia and treatment for certain types of injuries.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):63-63
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About embryonic homo-skin plastic surgery at the burned

Vlasov V.V.


In the complex treatment of burns in 22 people, the skin of 4-6-month-old fetuses with a gap for the temporary closure of extensive wound surfaces and stimulation of regenerative processes was used. The skin was stored at a temperature of +4°C in saline with penicillin and streptomycin and was applied at different times up to two weeks from the moment of its harvesting.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):63-63
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Experience of using biliaryin in complex therapy deforming arthrosis

Morozova E.M.


Biliarin is a colloidal-dispersed emulsion prepared from animal bile with the addition of ethyl alcohol and lysoform.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):63-64
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From the practice of treating multiple fractures pelvic bones with bladder damage

Maksimova L.G.


K., 54 years old, was hit by a truck. Delivered in a state of severe shock. Visible mucous membranes and skin are pale. Answers questions sluggishly. Pulse 110. HELL - 80/50. No pathology was found in the organs of the chest. The abdomen is soft, participates in the act of breathing, painful in the lower sections, above the pubis. Even with a slight palpation of the pelvic bones and compression, crepitus is audible and a sharp soreness is noted. The legs are bent at the knee joints, a symptom of a "stuck heel". On the anterior wall of the vagina, there is a 9x7 cm patch wound, passing to the posterior fornix and penetrating into the abdominal cavity. Urine mixed with blood flows out of the wound. Pain sensitivity on the back of the right foot and the outer surface of the right leg is reduced; paresis of the right foot.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):64-64
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Early detection of scoliosis by fluorography spine

Karpov S.P.


In 602 schoolchildren aged 7 to 14 years, spinal fluorography was performed with a standard F-58 fluorograph with a screen size of 40x40 cm, with a larger exposure and X-ray hardness. The subject stood with his back to the screen in the natural vertical position of the body. The spine was removed from the IV sacral vertebra and higher, as far as the height of the screen allowed. In children under 15-16 years of age, the photographs usually fully capture the lumbar and thoracic spine.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):64-64
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Rational methods of fracture reduction beam in a typical location

Smetanin B.F.


Techniques used by prof. IV Domrachev, are as follows.
Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):64-65
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Congenital cystadenoma parotid salivary gland

Abdrashitova L.S., Yamashev I.G.


In the literature, there are often descriptions of congenital cystadenomas of the ovaries, less often - of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland. In the literature available to us, we have not come across descriptions of congenital cystadenomas located in the maxillofacial region, in particular, originating from the parotid salivary gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):65-65
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Intramuscular injection of novocaine in a complex therapy for pruritic dermatoses

Domrachev E.P.


When treating patients with pruritic dermatoses, we provide complex treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):65-66
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On the dependence of the frequency of dental caries in children Zelenodolsk from fluorine content in drinking water

Petukhov N.I., Ivishna V.A.


As you know, the population of regions and districts supplied with water with different concentrations of fluorine does not equally often suffer from diseases such as enamel spotting and caries (T.A. Nikolaeva, R.D. Gabovich, S.I. Cherkinskiy, F.M. Zaslavskaya, L. N. Krepkogorsky and L. N. Bogusevich, F. K. Nyushko and G. D. Ovrutsky, I. O. Novik, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):66-69
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The next tasks of occupational health in chemical industry

Kamchatnov V.P., Golubovsky I.E.


The rapid development of the chemicalization of the national economy in our country can be judged not only by quantitative indicators, but also by how rapidly new branches and areas of chemical production are developing, especially those related to organic synthesis. At the same time, a set of measures is being taken to mechanize work operations that were previously performed manually, new, more highly productive devices are used, the main technological processes are accelerated, remote control, and the automation of chemical production are being introduced.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):69-71
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Improvement of working conditions in the production of mineral fertilizers

Boyarchuk I.F.


At present, the range of mineral fertilizers includes over 50 different types. Depending on the content of the main nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and trace elements, mineral fertilizers are subdivided into nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micronutrient fertilizers, etc. In addition, mineral fertilizers are classified into simple ones, containing one of the main nutrients, and complex, containing several nutritional ingredients. The most effective and promising are concentrated and complex mineral fertilizers, which are given the leading role in the design and construction of new enterprises of the nitrogen fertilizer industry.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):71-73
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On the use of the temporomandibular coefficient, orthostatic and nitroglycerin tests for the early diagnosis of chronic trinitrotoluene intoxication

Aisenstadt V.S.


In our previous article "Vegetative-vascular syndrome in the early stages of chronic exposure to trinitrotoluene" (TNT), we showed that an early manifestation of chronic exposure to TNT is functional changes in the nervous system, especially its vegetative parts. It was also noted there that with TNT intoxication, there are often changes in the usual ratio of pressure in the temporal and brachial arteries and poor tolerance of nitroglycerin. The use of these vascular reactions in the detection of chronic TNT intoxication is the subject of this communication.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):73-75
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On the effect of low concentrations of unsaturated hydrocarbons С2-С5 on the electrical activity of the cerebral cortex

Krasovitskaya M.L., Terekhov Y.A., Sukhotina K.I., Malyarova L.K.


K. A. Bushtueva, E. F. Polezhaev, A. D. Semenenko (1960) were the first to suggest using EEG to substantiate one-time maximum permissible concentrations of atmospheric pollution. The use of an electrocortical conditioned reflex allowed them to substantiate the maximum permissible concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid aerosol in isolated action and their joint presence (1961). This method has been successfully applied in normalizing acetates in the atmospheric air (V.A.Gofmekler, 1961), dinila (G.I.Solomin, 1962).

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):75-79
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Analysis of injuries in large-panel construction and ways of its prevention

Shvalev L.N., Shvalev N.V.


In the medical, technical and special literature on industrial injuries, issues related to the analysis of the causes of injuries and accidents in large-panel housing construction have not yet been covered. Meanwhile, it is this type of construction that is currently turning into the leading direction at many construction sites.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):79-82
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The experience of two-stage service of infectious patients and the struggle for the title of communist labor brigades

Dindarova L.I.


Everyone knows the importance of care in the general complex of patient treatment, why the issues of improving the organization of work and raising the professional and ideological level of service personnel are always relevant.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):82-85
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G. M. Ali-Zade, N. G. Trifel. Noise of production equipment in oil fields and measures to limit it. Azerbaijan book publishing house. Baku, 1963. Circulation 1000 copies

Gimadeev M.M.


Chapter I of the monograph provides general information on sound and noise and their perception.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):85-88
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Scientific session of the Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Institute dedicated to staphylococcal infections (14-18 / ІХ 1964)

Krasnoshchekova E.E., Gritsevskaya E.V.


The session was attended by scientific and practical health workers from Leningrad, Moscow, Ukraine, Belarus, the cities of the Volga region, the Baltic republics, Crimea, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Siberia.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):88-91
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II All-Russian Congress of Pediatricians (19-24 / X 1964, Leningrad)

Melnikova V.K.


There were 3 problems in the congress program: 1. Some issues of acute infections in children. 2. Rickets. 3. Nephropathy.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):91-93
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Heart failure problems at the XI All-Russian Congress of Physicians (8-12 / XII 1964, Moscow)

Salikhov I.G.


A.L. Myasnikov (Moscow) presented a classification of heart failure (myocardium, not blood circulation in general). Two forms are distinguished according to the physiological principle - insufficiency of ejection (propulsive energy of the heart) and insufficiency of inflow (blood supply to the heart) and two forms according to the pathogenetic principle - insufficiency of overvoltage (hypersthenic form) and insufficiency of damage (asthenic form). According to the predominant localization of heart damage, the author distinguishes left ventricular, right ventricular and mixed forms. The forms of myocardial insufficiency are distinguished along its course: stage I — compensated; II - decompensated reversible; III — decompensated irreversible.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):93-95
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All-Union Rheumatology Conference (14-16 / XII 1964 Moscow)

Shcherbatenko S.I.


Professor A. I. Nesterov, a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, delivered a major program report "Scientific foundations and prospects for the prevention of rheumatism and its relapses".

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):95-98
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Heart arrhythmia problem

Golikov A.P., Romanov Y.D.


More than 400 specialists from the cities of the ages of the Union republics took part in the work of the plenum. 127 people made reports.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):98-101
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Society of Physicians

Romanov Y.D.


By the end of 1964, there were 555 general practitioners in the NOT TASSR. Of these, in Kazan - 377 people. (304 worked in medical institutions of the practical network and 73 - in the medical institute and GIDUV).

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):101-101
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Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Monasypova M.V.


On 1/1 of 1965 there are 84 people in the society. From year to year, there is an increase in the number of members of society at the expense of doctors working in medical institutions in Kazan.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):101-102
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Bugulma section of the Kazan Scientific Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Ponomareva M.P., Kochubei V.I.


The section in Bugulma was organized in December 1963. All doctors of the Bugulma maternity hospital, as well as obstetricians-gynecologists of the Bavlinsky, Urussinsky and district hospitals, became members of the section. The society has 20 members in total.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):102-102
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Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists

Andreev V.P., Mendelevich D.M.


The society consists of 98 psychiatrists, 62 neuropathologists and 4 neurosurgeons.
Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):103-103
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Extract from the order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated 5 / XI 1964, No. 590


Specialist doctors with at least 5 years of experience in their specialty and with good performance indicators are subject to certification. The length of service in the specialty includes: the time of completing clinical residency and postgraduate studies in the specialty in which the doctor completed his residency or postgraduate studies, work in the apparatus of the ministries of health, regional, regional and city health departments, in a rural medical area, service in the Soviet Army as a doctor of any specialty, if the doctor worked in the same specialty before serving in the army.

Kazan medical journal. 1965;46(2):103-104
pages 103-104 views

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