Vol 32, No 8-9 (1932)

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Full Issue

The mathematization of medicine

Volkov K.V.


The impetus for this article was provided by Ing. I. M. Pautkin and Dr. D. N. Matveev (for which I am grateful to them) the following works:

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):633-641
pages 633-641 views

Sketch of the Urovsko-Bekov endemic

Damperov N.


The mountain-taiga part of Eastern Transbaikalia, located between the rivers Shilka and Argunya, is struck by a peculiar endemic disease - Beck's disease, after the name of its main researcher, Urovskoy disease - after the name of the river where it is most pronounced.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):642-648
pages 642-648 views

Impressions of the interdepartmental expedition to study Urov disease and goiter in August-October 1932

Reshetnikov S.A.


The problem of Trans-Baikal endemic polyarthritis or Kashin-Beck's disease, and in the language of the local population of the Urovka disease, is so urgent that the organs of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry, the People's Commissariat of Railways, Tsustrakh and other branches of the national economy and industry are interested in studying it.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):648-650
pages 648-650 views

Brief results of the work of the interdepartmental expedition to study goiter and Urov disease

Sergievsky F.P.


In August of this year, the Urovsky endemic focus was visited by an interdepartmental government expedition of 34 scientific workers in groups: clinical, veterinary-zootechnical, hydrological, sanitary-hygienic. The results of the work revealed at the final conference are as follows

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):650-651
pages 650-651 views

On the question of the value of agglutinating serums

Karpov S.P., Timakov V.D.


Agglutinating sera, as a means for determining the physiognomy of this or that microorganism, took one of the first places in microbiology.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):652-655
pages 652-655 views

On the question of mute infection in experimental syphilis of rabbits

Levin E.M.


A silent “infection, according to Reiter’y, is one that does not show any clinical symptoms, just like Levinthal’s“ Symptomlose Infektion ”. As you know, about 10% of rabbits experimentally infected with syphilis do not detect, after inoculation by means of pieces of chancre containing millions of spirochetes, no clinical signs of syphilis: there are no primary affects, there are no sufficiently definite infiltrates at the vaccination site, there are no swelling of the glands and secondary phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):656-661
pages 656-661 views

Protoplasmodynamic moments in the clinic of cardiovascular patients

Malkin Z.I.


In search of a satisfactory explanation of the pathogenesis of heart failure, the clinic has not been satisfied for a long time with one account of changes in the contractility of the heart muscle and changes in valves, but turns its attention to peripheral circulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):662-675
pages 662-675 views

On the meaning of the mean blood pressure in the clinic

Orlov M.M.


Volhard, who tested the auditory method for determining blood pressure (according to Korotkov y) on a large material of renal diseases, considers it "a method better than which there is nothing better to be desired." Martine, describing it as the Ehret'a way, gives it an edge over other methods.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):675-682
pages 675-682 views

On the issue of maxillary orthopedics immediately after resection of the upper and lower jaws

Oxman I.M.


In operations on the jaws with discontinuity of the jawbone, the task of the surgeon is to prevent the harmful consequences of this fact and restore the function of the organ.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):683-691
pages 683-691 views

About Gale's operation

Mikhelson A.I.


Dr. V. II. Kazansky in the article Operation Gale “(Noah. Hir ... archive, No. 98, 1932) indicates that throughout the USSR this operation was performed only 4 times: the cases of Pole nova, the case of Voznesensky - E two cases — his. For our part, we consider it necessary to add here about the described 2 cases of Burdenko, 2 - Maksimovpcha and the case of Zdanovskiy.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):691-693
pages 691-693 views

On the issue of caring for the umbilical cord in newborns

Sutyusheva A.A.


As can be seen from the literature of the question, the question of caring for the umbilical cord in newborns, despite the numerous observations made in this direction, is still controversial.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):694-696
pages 694-696 views

About lesions of the peripheral nervous system after influenza in the winter of 1931-1932. in Kazan

Rusetsky I.I.


Since 1916-1917, the period of the last pandemic of epidemic encephalitis, infectious diseases of the nervous system have become common and fairly frequent in medical practice. Covering in some places large groups of the population and taking away a large number of working hours from socialist construction, these diseases should be the object of serious study by practically working doctors for their rational therapy and prevention.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):697-715
pages 697-715 views

To the study of higher nervous activity in schizophrenia in children

Volovik A.B.


The current state of the theory of conditioned reflexes dictates the necessity of introducing a physiological method for studying higher "nervous activity" into the everyday life of clinical research.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):715-718
pages 715-718 views

Occupational morbidity in art workers at the State Drama Theater

Vydrin A.M.


September 1932 marks the hundredth anniversary of the opening of b. Alexandria Theater, now the State Drama Theater. This jubilee takes place on the 15th anniversary of October, coinciding with the beginning of the second five-year plan, the five-year plan for building a classless society, the five-year plan, which should eliminate the remnants of capitalist elements not only in the economy, but also in the minds of people.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):719-724
pages 719-724 views

Microscopic picture of the entrance hole of gunshot wounds

Borodatov T.S.


Forensic medical examination should always be based on incontestable provisions, proven by appropriate scientific development. In some cases, the scientific development of individual issues available to date turns out to be insufficient and we have to look for new evidence that will facilitate the exact resolution of the questions posed to the examination. This is the position now on the issue of gunshot injuries.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):725-730
pages 725-730 views

Towards the diagnosis of progressive paralysis on rotten brains

Serebryanikov P.V., Rubinstein B.G.


With the opening of our own prosectura at the Odessa psychiatric hospital, we acquired the opportunity, due to the fact that among the dying not a small percentage belonged to progressive paralytics, to use, among other things, this material in the direction that we thoroughly familiarized ourselves and checked the relatively recently proposed reaction of Sratz in relation to late, on rotten brains, diagnosis of the specified disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):731-737
pages 731-737 views

Towards the development of resorts in the Tatrespublika

Kurban-Galeev S.M.


Resort and sanatorium assistance, based on the wide use of the most effective natural factors, is of great importance in improving the health of the broad masses of workers and increasing labor productivity.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):737-738
pages 737-738 views

Sulfuric waters and mud in the Tatrespublika

Sobolev V.G., Blumstein Z.N.


At the moment, when the question of the accelerated development of local resorts is on the turn of the socialist construction of health care, it seems to us quite appropriate to highlight some data concerning the mineral resources of the local region, which could be the basis of resort construction in the Tatrespublika.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):738-739
pages 738-739 views

Bakirovo-Ishteryak mud and sulfuric waters

Sobolev V.G.


Bakirovo-Ikhpteryakskoe sulfur mud swamp lies 35 km away. from st. Klyavlino Samara-Zlatoust railway dor. 5 klm. from the route proposed for the construction of the railroad. the Bugulma-Chistopol line. The swamp is located on the right bank of the river. B. Sheshma in its upper reaches at dd. Bakirovo and Ishteryak, Shugurovsky district, 100 meters north from the lower end of the village.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):739-745
pages 739-745 views

Hydrochemical research

Blumstein Z.I.


To carry out the determination of hydrogen sulfide, a special laboratory was deployed in the village of Bakirovo, mainly organized by the laboratory of biological chemistry of the Medical Research Institute [1] with the full assistance of TNKZdrav.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):745-755
pages 745-755 views

Case of giant chondroma of the shoulder

Zhuravlev V.I.


Tumors reaching gigantic sizes usually belong to the group of benign neoplasms, they are found mainly in the genital area (Kedrova, etc.) and are quite rare in other areas of the body. These tumors grow slowly and in some cases, as a result of long-term growth, reach gigantic proportions. Among the huge connective tissue tumors are fibromas, lipomas, chondromas, epithelial - cystomas (Kedrova). An example of a giant chondroma that did not develop from the genital sphere is a tumor that we met at a section in 1931.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):756-757
pages 756-757 views

Retention of teeth with access to the nose and maxillary cavity

Piskun A.I.


The retention of teeth in the thickness of the jaws and their growth in an unusual place, the phenomena are not so frequent.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):757-759
pages 757-759 views

On the issue of relapses of the primary complex of scarlet fever

Reiderman I.


The three case histories published in this report are of fundamental interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):759-760
pages 759-760 views

A case of volvulus of the small intestine during eight months of pregnancy

Vasiliev V.N.


Intestinal obstruction is one of the chapters of modern surgery, where not all questions have yet been clarified and developed, which can be seen at least from the fact that this topic is the subject of discussion at the congresses and does not leave the pages of the surgical press. One thing is certain that the therapy of acute obstruction is exclusively surgical.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):760-762
pages 760-762 views

Social shifts in the dynamics of the population of the USSR

Pleshchitser A.Y.


The reports made by representatives of the USSR at the International Demographic Congress in Rome and at the International Planning Congress in Amsterdam are of great interest to the general medical community. Knowledge of the social changes that have taken place in our country, as a result of the implementation of the five-year plan for the socialist reconstruction of our economy, will provide each doctor with an understanding of the immediate tasks facing healthcare at this stage.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):763-776
pages 763-776 views

Fight at surgical entrapment zmagannezu

Rubashaw S.M.
Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):776-776
pages 776-776 views

Baths and baths

Kryachkov A.D.


“In the current era of socialist construction and the struggle for a new cultural being, body hygiene and physical education should take one of the first places” —this is how the author — engineer-technologist — begins his work in the preface. The author is right. The issue of “baths and baths” in the process of our cultural and domestic construction is equally relevant in terms of sanitary and hygienic and technical aspects.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):776-777
pages 776-777 views

Compendium on the protection of the health of the working teenager

Lepsky E.


The increasing number of students in FZU schools makes the need for proper medical supervision of them increasingly urgent; meanwhile, the work of the GPO doctors, as a completely new business, is still poorly organized and for the most part devoid of competent leadership; and the theoretical foundations of this work, the physiology and pathology of adolescence, have not yet been sufficiently studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):777-778
pages 777-778 views

Nutrition issues

K. A.


For the first time, the Moscow Institute of Public Catering publishes a scientific journal on its own. The organization of such a journal makes it possible to print scientific and practical articles not only of a strictly scientific order, but also of a practical one, solving the problems of today.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):778-779
pages 778-779 views

Difficult recipes

Nikolaev V.


Small in volume, but rich in content, A.'s work is essentially a collection of difficult cases that most often arise in the professional practice of doctors and pharmacy workers, with the solution of the misunderstandings encountered and with an indication of the general rules for prescribing and preparing medicines.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):779-780
pages 779-780 views

Bad speech in the medical press

Plushitzer A.


We are forced to dwell on several works, placed in I and II "collections of Kazan clinics of diseases of the nose, throat and ears for 1931, demonstrating bad turns of speech. For some reason, the editor and publisher were stingy with words and called the “collection of Kazan clinics” instead of calling it “a collection of scientific papers.” But this, for example, is their business.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):780-781
pages 780-781 views

Hyperthyroidism and blood picture. Jachson (I. Med. A. 7. 97, No. 26)

Kramov N.


Jachson (I. Med. A. 7. 97, No. 26) examined 600 cases and came to a trace, conclusions

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):785-785
pages 785-785 views

Treatment of peptic ulcers with muin. Atkinson (I. M. A. v. 98, As 14)

Kramov N.


Atkinson (I. MA v. 98, As 14) on 43 patients with a well-established diagnosis of peptic ulcer applied mucin treatment and received extremely favorable results

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):785-785
pages 785-785 views

Dangers of using unclean mugshny in the treatment of stomach ulcers A. Rivers a F. Vanzant (I. M. A. v. 98, No. 14)

Kramov N.


A. Rivers a F. Vanzant (I. M. A. v. 98, No. 14) emphasize the danger of using unrefined mugshny in the treatment of stomach ulcers, reporting that some mucin preparations in experimental studies on animals and humans gave results

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):785-785
pages 785-785 views

Familial epidemic of acute diffuse glomerulonephritis Ernstepea. Robb (1. M. A. ѵ. 97, No. 19)

Kramov N.


Ernstenea Robb (1. MA. 97, No. 19) reported: within 7 weeks, 3 brothers and 3 sisters fell ill in one family with an acute infection of the upper respiratory tract and in the period from 7-12 days from the onset of the disease had symptoms of acute diffuse glomerulonephritis

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):785-785
pages 785-785 views

Treatment of rheumatic diseases with bee venom D.-r. Feh low (Deut, Woch. 1932, no. 9)

Tsimkhes I.


D-r. Feh low (Deut, Woch. 1932, No. 9) successfully treats rheumatic diseases with bee venom — apicosan. Treatment is safe and a trial puncture is recommended to detect idiosyncrasy.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):786-786
pages 786-786 views

Immunogenesis and blood reactivity in early childhood Prof. Nasso (Klin. Woch. No. 7, 1932)

Goldburt L.


Prof. Nasso (Klin. Woch. No. 7, 1932) considers it possible to assume, on the basis of his own experiments and the observation of a number of other authors, that many febrile diseases of early childhood, with an unknown etiology, can be measles, scarlet fever, and rubella etc., in which the absence of a skin symptom, a rash, must be attributed to insufficient reactivity of the skin.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):786-786
pages 786-786 views

Left-sided diaphragmatic hernia after a chest wound with a grenade. D-r S. Samuelson (D. medic. Woch. 1932, no. 9)

Tsimkhes I.


Dr. S. Samuelson (D. medic. Woch. 1932, no. 9) cites a case of left-sided diaphragmatic hernia after a chest wound with a grenade. For 16 years, diaphragmatic hernia was not recognized in b-th

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):786-786
pages 786-786 views

Bladder diverticulum W. Lower (Surg. Gynec. A. Obst. No. 52.1931)

Tsimkhes I.


W. Lower (Surg. Gynec. A. Obst. No. 52.1931) examines his 152 cases of urinary diverticulum. bladder and in the issue of recognizing this suffering gives great value to cystoscopy and especially radiography of the bladder.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):786-786
pages 786-786 views

Treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip in young children Jaeger (Surg. Gyn. A. Obst. V. 50, No. 4)

Tsimkhes I.


Jaeger (Surg. Gyn. A. Obst. V. 50, No. 4) gives 2 cases of successful treatment of congenital hip dislocation in young children. In contrast to the generally accepted late reduction, when the deformation of the glenoid cavity has already gone far, the author proposes to set it early.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):786-786
pages 786-786 views

A Case of a Brain Tumor Alexander Pilez (Psychiatr.-Neurolog. W. No. 21.1932)

Galant I.


Alexander Pilez (Psychiatr.-Neurolog. W. No. 21. 1932) reports a case of a brain tumor — a metastatic carcinomatous node compressing the left half of the cerebellum — whose lifetime diagnosis remained impossible.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):786-787
pages 786-787 views

Malaria psychosis reported by Sklyar and Ryabova (Astrakhan)

Galant Y.


Sklar and Ryabova (Astrakhan)) in Monatsschrift f. Psychiatrie 78. I (1931): 75 cases, of which 49 are men and 26 are women. Among these 75 cases, 20 are ordinary psychoses (7 Dementia progesokh, 7 paralytics, 6 circular) and 7 cases of hysteria, the remaining 48 cases are real acute infectious psychoses and were found in the form of the following exogenous types of reaction

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):787-787
pages 787-787 views

Psychosis in malignant anemia E. Illing (Mschr Psychiatr. 78.1931)

Galant Y.


E. Illing (Mschr Psychiatr. 78. 1931) describes 3 cases of psychosis in malignant anemia. 1 case had the character of periodic psychotic disorders of symptomatic color, the other case was distinguished by its deliberate-amentive character and probably developed in connection with myocardiembolism.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):787-787
pages 787-787 views

The presence of a special center for yawning Albrecht Peireg (D. med. Woch., No. 18, 1932)

Galant Y.


Albrecht Peireg (D. med. Woch., No. 18, 1932) admits the presence of a special center of yawning, which phylo-and ontogenetically forms a deeper component of the center of respiration, and is usually inhibited by this latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):787-787
pages 787-787 views

"Somatic treatment" of psychosis Nobert Galatzer ("Wiener Klin. W No. 17, 1932)

Galant Y.


Nobert G alatzer („Wiener Klin. W No. 17, 1932) admires his success in the“ somatic treatment ”of psychosis according to the method of treatment of psychosis proposed by the Viennese gynecologist Bernhard Aschner with bloodletting, laxatives and emetics.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):787-787
pages 787-787 views

Treatment of alopeciae areatae. Bengtson (T. Amer, M. A. v. 97. No. 19)

Kramov N.


Treatment of alopeciae areatae. Bengtson (T. Amer, MA v. 97. No. 19), using pituitaris extract in 16 patients with alopecia areata, obtained excellent results: first lanugo appeared, and then hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard of the same color appeared, while the general condition improved. The patients were young and old.

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):788-788
pages 788-788 views

Strychnine antidotes. Haggarda. Greenberg report (I. Amer. M. A. vol. 98, no. 14)

Kramov N.


Strychnine antidotes. Haggarda. Greenberg report (I. Amer. MA t. 98, No. 14) that apomorphine in doses of 0.0065-0.013. injected under the skin in cases of human poisoning with lethal doses of strychnine, it gave relief from convulsions and other symptoms of poisoning and led to complete recovery (3 case histories are given).

Kazan medical journal. 1932;32(8-9):788-788
pages 788-788 views

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