Vol 23, No 3 (1927)

Cover Page

Full Issue

In memory of Professor Alexei Alexandrovich Panormov

Worms V.V., Razumovsky V.I.


Without enumerating all A. A. scientific works, I shall note only that the most important of them were devoted to the most difficult problem of chemistry, over which generations of physiologists and chemists have been working - the problem of protein bodies. Working persistently in this field, A. A. infected with his ideas and his closest pupils, three of whom - V. V. Worms, S. M. Maksimovich and Slonim - occupy university chairs in Saratov, Rostov and Tashkent.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):269-272
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From observations on the hemoglobin of pigeon blood

Polyakov A.N.


Hoppe-Seyler in relation to hemoglobin from goose blood found that phosphorus is a constant component of it. On the average goose blood hemoglobin, according to this author, contains 0.77% PO5 or 0.22% P. The explanation for this was found in the fact that the red blood globules of birds contain nuclei. Jaquet found 0.197% P in hemoglobin from chicken blood. Gscheiden confirms Hoppe-Seuler's observation, although he suggests that the presence of P in hemoglobin from blood of other animals is the result of contamination of the preparation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):273-276
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To the issue of fluctuations of blood salts

Shcherbakov S.A., Dmitriev V.R., Kibyakov A.V.


The classical studies of Loeb and his school put forward a huge material for studying the influence of salts on all processes related to the activity of muscles, nerves and glands. Loeb's own experiments on marine animals led him to the conclusion that the substances in the so-called nutrient solutions should be divided into substances that are actually nutritive, which go to build the cell, and substances that play a protective role. Among the latter Loeb includes chloride salts of Na, K, Ca and Mg, absence of which in the environment containing living matter entails physical changes in protoplasm of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):277-283
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Adrenal lipase, its relation to poisons and clinical significance

Cheboksarov M.N., Malkin Z.I.


The science of lipolytic organ enzymes has made a great step forward in the last five years. This is mainly due to Roua and his collaborators, who for the first time established a very interesting fact of selective effect of different poisons on lipase of different organs. Thus, studies by Rona, Bach and Reinicke showed that while blood serum lipase is extremely sensitive both to quinine and to atoxyl, being quite paralyzed by very small doses of these substances, liver lipase, being extremely sensitive to atoxyl, does not lose its enzymatic properties even from large doses of quinine (Rona and Pawlovic); The same is true of the kidney lipase (Rona, Retow and Schreiber) and of the pulmonary lipase to quinine.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):284-291
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To the question of the treatment of sublimate poisoning with bismuth

Krestnikova S.V.


Studying our clinic's material relating to cases of mercury poisoning, we found that of all cases of this kind that passed through the clinic in the last 4 years, 30% had an exitus lethalis. Out of 70% of the benign cases of poisoning, 16% were very mild cases where minimal doses of sulem were taken, which had almost no effect on renal function, while the first group consisted mainly of cases in which, together with severe renal damage (anuria), there were changes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):292-294
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On the effect of mud treatment on kidney function

Zyukov A.M.


Our observations were made at the Slavyanskiy Spa on the patients of the 3rd Sanatorium. Most of my patients were mountain workers, sent to the resort for joint lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):295-302
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On the fixation of shoulder dislocations by the method of Prof. Janelidze

Ilyin G.A.


After having acquainted with the new method of reduction of dislocations of the shoulder published by professor Janelidze in the "Bulletin of Surgery and Boundary Areas" (1922, volume I, book 3), I decided to try the method suggested by the author, which in comparison with all known to me methods already a priori seemed to me extremely simple technically and very ingenious.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):303-310
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To hernia statistics

Eiber S.M.


To review the work done, to summarize it, to find achievements and mistakes in it, then to outline a further plan closely connected with modern bio-technical and chemical methods, - this is the way through which the inquiring thought of every surgeon should pass. During the last 4 years (1923-1926) 4,563 patients admitted to my Surgical Department, 694 (15.2%) of them with hernias.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):311-316
pages 311-316 views

Experience in the saliva of pregnant women


The impact of pregnancy on the oral organs has long been known. In particular, dental caries lesions and worsening of pre-existing caries in pregnant women can be considered a well-established fact. The frequency of dental caries and other dental diseases in pregnant women, attracting the attention of dentists, has led to the creation of a number of theories. These theories ascribed great importance to the increase of acid formation in the pregnant woman's organism and especially readily many researchers ascribe the development of dental caries in pregnant women to the acid reaction of saliva, which is thought to be characteristic of pregnant women.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):317-320
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Toward the teaching of female hypospadias

Gruzdev V.S.


The name "hypospadia" is used to describe a malformation, the essence of which consists in the split or absence of the anterior wall of the organs, which develop in embryonic life from the allantois, i.e. mainly the urethra and the bladder. Since Meyerhofer's time, the name of female hypospadia has been attributed to that malformation of the female genital parts in which the vaginal fornix in an adult woman retains the embryological features of the urogenital sinus, having the appearance of a deep funnel-shaped canal.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):321-324
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Materials on Dick's reaction and active immunization against scarlatina

Blagoveshchensky N.N.


Although the question of the etiology of scarlet fever has not been finally resolved until recently, the question of the Dick's reaction, which is closely connected with the role of the streptococcus in this disease, has occupied the attention of many. With active immunization against scarlatina in Kazan in mind, the Microbiological Institute decided to conduct a preliminary campaign of examination for the Dick's reaction. Both interest in the reaction as such and the desire to find out its epidemiological value prompted us to do so.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):325-331
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Reflexes from the skull cap

Galant I.B.


Up to now the cranial cover has not been mentioned among other commonly known reflexogenic zones, and one would think that it really cannot serve as such a zone. However, when trying to solve experimentally the question whether irritation of the cranial cover could cause reactions which by their nature and by virtue of their regularity would have the right to be called reflexes, I soon became convinced that the cranial cover can also be a starting point for obtaining some diagnostically valuable reflexes, which is why these reflexes are described in this article.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):332-334
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To the treatment of syphilis with Russian bismuth preparations

Golosovker S.Y., Klebanov G.Y.


In recent years, a huge number of different bismuth preparations have been introduced into syphilis therapy under different names. Here we find aqueous solutions of bismuth salts (sigmuth. nadisan), oily suspensions of soluble bismuth compounds (trepol), oily suspensions of insoluble bismuth compounds (quinby, bismogenol, milanol), preparations with bismuth in colloidal state (neotrepol, bisdiasparol), mixed bismuth preparations (spirobismol, casbis), etc. Most of these preparations contain BIO, in a number of them chlorine, iodine and sulfur are introduced into the salt molecule. The content of metallic bismuth in the preparations ranges from 5 to 96%.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):335-339
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Current state of heart surgery in relation to some views on modern surgical science

Bogolyubov V.L.


Modern surgery is taking over more and more organs, recapturing more and more areas of internal medicine. We see that in its great progressive movement surgery gradually involves within its sphere of influence a whole range of diseases that previously belonged exclusively to the sphere of internal medicine, such as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract, lungs, etc. We see that even those organs, which until so recently were considered inaccessible to the art of the surgeon, are beginning to be subject to surgical intervention. Such last inviolable organ, on which the hand of the surgeon has not encroached for a long time, is the heart.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):340-347
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Functions of the peripheral heart. A. I. Ignatovsky (Phys. Ob., 1926, No. 12)


It is now possible to prove that the vessels have the same functions that characterize the heart: stimulus automatism, excitability, tonicity, contractility, and stimulus conduction. Blood circulation should be considered as a combination of the action of the heart and vessels, at the same time recognizing the functional separateness of both. The doctrine of the peripheral heart must be understood in the sense that the heart is a kind of dynamo for the vessels, while the latter are a kind of pumping pump for the blood circulation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):348-348
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The cost of the elements of the human body. Pearl (Nov. Fr. Med., 1926, no. 11-12)


The author calculated that the body of a man weighing 75 kilograms contains 1) enough fat to make three candles, 2) enough water to wash two sheets, 3) enough iron for a pinky nail, 4) enough lime to whitewash a small room, 5) enough sulfur to kill fleas in a sick dog, 6) enough sugar for morning tea.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):348-348
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Experimental arteriosclerosis. Nasum, Segal, Garland, and Osborne (Arch. of int. med., 1926: on ref. in Nov. Fr. Med., 1926, no. 11-12)


In order to cause arteriosclerosis in animals (rabbits), the authors fed them food with high nitrogen content, namely, one group of animals received animal proteins (liver), another was fed with oats, rabbits of the third group received soy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):348-348
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To the treatment of arteriosclerosis (No. 12, "Clin. Med." 1926)


In No. 12 of "Klin. Med." for 1926, there are three articles devoted to treatment of arteriosclerosis with hypersaline.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):348-348
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High blood pressure and constipation. Alvarez, Colla, and Zimmermann (Arch. of int. med., 1926; on ref. in Nov. Fr. Med., 1926, no. 11-12)


The authors challenge the widespread opinion that constipation, because of the autointoxication it causes, is one of the causes of high blood pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):349-349
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To the pathogenesis of pellagra. Каrсzag (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 50)


The author concludes that pellagra, a disease observed at the diet of maize and usually attributed to the number of avitaminosis, is a chronic disease of the chromaffin system with periodic fluctuations, with the endocrine glandular system and the autonomic nervous system involved in the first place.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):349-349
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The causative agent of protracted septic endocarditis. F.I. Heylig (Klin. Med., 1926, No. 12)


After examining bacteriological 21 cases of indisputable endocarditis lenta, FI Geilig isolated streptococci in 11 cases, in 9 cases — str. viridans and in 2 — str. haemolyticus.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):349-349
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Cultures of malarial plasmodium. V. V. Yakovlev (Leningrad Med. J., 1926, No. 10)


The author tried to obtain these cultures according to Bass' and Johns' method, namely, after the seizure he took 10 cc of blood from v. mediana with a syringe, quickly transferred it to a graduated test tube with 0.1 50% dextrose at the bottom, and defibrinated by stirring with a glass rod. After defibrination, the stick and clot were removed, the test tube was sealed with a new sterile cotton plug, and placed in a thermostat at 40°-41° C. For further study, the author used red blood cells from the upper layer of sediment under the serum column - these red blood cells were carefully collected in a Pastenr tube and smears were made on slides.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):349-349
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Plasmoquin, a new remedy against malaria. Mühlens (Die Naturwissenschaften, 1926, no. 48-49)


The author reported the results of treatment of malaria with a synthetically produced derivative of quinoline, plasmoquine. The latter was given orally in doses of 0.02-0.05 in 0.1-0.15 p. die. The treatment was given daily for the first 5-7 days, then several times at intervals of 4-5 days for 3 days in a row, for a total of 4-6 weeks.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):349-350
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Treatment of malaria in pregnant women with quinine. Canton Eliseo (Ber. ü. d. g. Gyn., Bd. XI)

Timofeev A.


To refute the opinion among physicians that quinine therapy of malaria in pregnancy threatens the preservation of the latter, Canton Eliseo showed by experiments on pregnant rabbits that the administration of 2-4 centigrams of chinini muriatici pro kilo does not cause abortion.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):350-350
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Autopiotherapy. Lutz (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, No. 43)


As is known, Makai proposed to treat cold and hot abscesses by injecting patients' own pus subcutaneously in an amount of 0.25-5 cc in hot abscesses and 10-20 cc in cold ones; injections are repeated every 5th-7th day until the abscess contents become serous-bloody or bouillon-like.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):350-350
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Intravenous infusions for blood loss. N.D. Perumov (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1926, b. 23)


The author believes that the infusion of gummy-arabic solution and the drip method of intravenous infusions of physiological saline solution are approximately equivalent and superior to a simple single infusion of physiological solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):350-350
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Surgical treatment of fresh fractures. Prof. V. I. Parin (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., b. 24)


The author finds that surgical treatment of fresh fractures, or osteosynthesis, is gradually gaining more and more use in surgery. Such treatment is indicated a) for interposition of soft parts, b) for fractures in the joint area, c) for tears of bone areas to which functionally important muscles or ligaments are attached with simultaneous damage of vessels and nerves, d) in cases where other treatment methods, after 10-14 days of their application, proved unsuccessful and proper repositioning of fragments was not achieved.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):350-350
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On surgical treatment of fibrous polyps of the skull base. Prof. Nikolsky (Vest. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1926, b. 23)

Tsimkhes I.


Based on the material of 18 cases, the author believes that each case of skull base polyp should be surgically strictly individualized. Where it is possible to remove the polyp through natural routes, through the nose and mouth, the latter should be used in the first place.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):350-351
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On the removal of foreign bodies from the esophagus. Feldmann (Zeit. f. H. N. Ohrenheilk., XVI, 4)

Yakhontov S.


Taking into account the widespread propaganda of esophagoscopy, the author again raises the question before the medical community, whether the esophagus should be probed at all, and especially where there are esophagoscopes and esophagoscopists. Probing is a very dangerous method of intervention when a foreign body gets into the esophagus, which often results in the insertion of the body into the wall of the esophagus, its perforation with subsequent mediastinitis, pneumonia, breakthrough into the trachea, aorta, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):351-351
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To the technique of nephropexy. V. I. Voznesensky (Vest. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1926, b. 23)

Tsimkhes I.


The author describes the method of fixation of the kidney with fascia (33 cases).

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):351-351
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Experience in surgical treatment of gastroptosis. Prof. В. V. Braytsev (Vest. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., 1926, b. 23)

Tsimkhes I.


Prof. В. V. Braytsev tested the following method of gastroptosis treatment in 8 cases.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):351-351
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Treatment of purulent diffuse peritonitis. Novak (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI, H. 5/6)

Timofeev A.


The author reports that in Petrivalskis' clinic in the treatment of diffuse perforative peritonitis drainage is not used if the infectious focus is removed; abscesses are drained; antiseptics are also not used due to their harmful effect on the vital properties of the peritoneal endothelium, but it is recommended to infuse 50-100 cc into the abdominal cavity. 3% solution of hydrogenii superoxydati, and the resulting foam mechanically cleans the abdominal cavity, and the released oxygen produces oxidation of toxins.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):351-352
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Postoperative acidosis. Berezov, Kukhovarenko, and Lifshitz (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., vol. VIII, b. 22, 1926)

Friedland M.


The authors observing 281 patients found acetonuria characteristic of acidosis in 43% of cases, irrespective of whether the operation was performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia; hyperglycemia (blood sugar over 0.17%) occurred in parallel.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):352-352
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Lumbago. Osten-Sacken (Jour. Sovr. Chir., vol. 3-4, 1926)

Friedland M.


The author believes that lumbago should refer to lumbar pain with an acute onset, with impaired static and dynamic functions of the spine, but without other obvious changes.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):352-353
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Treatment of senile cataracts. Kerr, Hosford, and Sherardson (Endokrinology, v. 10, no. 2)

Adamyuk V.


The authors report their observations on the treatment of senile cataracts with thyroid extract.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):353-353
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To the treatment of trachoma. W. Meerhoff (Zeit. f. А., 1926. Bd. 59)

Volzhensky E.


The author performed 15 cases of treatment of trachoma with intravenous infusions of 4% ammomi cupro-sulfurici solution. After 1-2 injections the patients usually felt a great relief of all subictive disorders; and after 3-4 injections they disappeared completely.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):353-353
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Corneal trepanation. Е. Seidler (Zeit. f. А., В. 59, Н. 1/2)

Volzhensky E.


On the basis of his experience, the author recommends using Sonderman's trepanation of the cornea in case of ulcus corneae serpens and other progressive corneal abscesses. This method of treatment has the advantage over splitting according to Saemisch'y in that it avoids iris prolapse. As for the trepanation technique, the author adhered to Sonderman's method.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):353-353
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Essence and treatment of glaucoma. S. Hamburger (Rus.-German M. Journal, 1927, No. 1)


Glaucoma usually depends on venous hyperemia, and if the latter is converted into arterial hyperemia, glaucoma can be improved and in acute cases cured.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):354-354
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Blindness in rhinological interventions. Halle (Mon. f. Ohrenheilk., 1926)

Lebedevsky B.


In rhinological interventions, there are sometimes cases of blindness, usually explained by damage to the optic nerve due to trauma to the canalis optici.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):354-354
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Vaginal secretion reaction in newborns. Kienlin (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 11)


The University Hospital of Hamburg-Eppendorf holds the view that the ability of Döderlein's bacillus and E. coli to produce lactic acid is of secondary importance, and that the presence of a certain acidity is a necessary precondition for the growth of b. vaginalis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):354-354
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Lipiodol for the diagnosis of pregnancy. Heuser (Lancet 1925, no. 22; ref. in Berich, über d. ges. G., Bd. X)

Timofeev A.


After preliminary disinfection of the vagina and emptying of the bowels, 40-60 cc of air is injected into the bladder, and 1-2 cc of lipiodol is gently injected into the uterus with a long cannula, after which an X-ray is taken. In the case of pregnancy, the lipiodol cannot fill the entire uterine body cavity, and therefore the typical triangular shadow is not obtained on the X-ray.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):354-354
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Phonocardiographic studies on human fetuses. Sampson, Mc Calla, and Kerr (Amer. heart journ. v. 1, no. 6; no Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI)


Using a special electric stethoscope ("Western I. A. model") and a string galvanometer, the authors performed phonocardiographic studies on 33 intrauterine fetuses.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):354-354
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Improvement of external methods of obstetric examination. Windeуer (Веr. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI, H. 8)

Timofeev A.


With sufficient skill, you can feel the shoulder and follow the change in its position, which allows you to judge the rotation of the head. Further, he indicates a technique by which one can determine in which oblique dimension of the pelvis the head stands. The trick is to try to penetrate with both index fingers in the lateral parts of the pelvis between the head and the horizontal branch of the pubic bone.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):355-355
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Changes in the lochial secretion due to internal examination of women in labor. Кüstner (Zeit. f. G. и G., Bd. 90, 1926)


The author studied postpartum secretions in three groups of women who were examined in different ways during labor. The first group included women who did not undergo internal examination sub partu, the second group included women in whom the finger was not inserted beyond the external os, and the third group included women in whom the finger was inserted into the uterus during internal examination.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):355-355
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Labor management with local anesthesia. Gellert (Monat. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. 73, 1926, H. 3/4)

Timofeev A.


Considering that all modern methods of labor anesthesia, with the exception of hypnosis, generally adversely affect the act of childbirth, the author develops a method of labor management under local anesthesia. Due to the short duration of local anesthesia, it is necessary to deliver as soon as possible, so the author's method is combined, consisting in the simultaneous use of local anesthesia and uterine contraction enhancers.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):355-355
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Etiology and prognosis of premature rupture of the fetal bladder. Vogel (Berich. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI)

Timofeev A.


In his dissertation Vogel, based on 5,300 deliveries at the Göttingen Clinic, reported the following conclusions: premature rupture of the bladder after the first contraction occurred in 10% of all cases; since 1913 to 1922, the frequency of this anomaly had increased from 6.1% to 15.8%; in occipital presentation the rate was 8.9%, in anterocranial-26.4%, in facial-22.9%, in breech and transversal-16%.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):356-356
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On the use of Bezredko leachate in postpartum diseases. Tron (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1927, No. 5)

Zabolotskaya E.


The author has successfully used it in 37 patients and came to the following conclusions: 1) the filtrate should be applied in the first days of the disease; 2) local application of it results in increased immigration of leucocytes to wound surfaces, which is a defense of the body against infection; 3) after one or two applications of filtrate, wound surfaces are cleared; 4) application of filtrate at the beginning of the disease prevents the process from spreading.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):356-356
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Pyramidon's effect on the female sexual sphere. Janusсhке, Lasch, Pеrutz (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., 1926, Bd. 150, Н. 3)

Yasnitsky N.


The authors undertook a series of studies to ascertain the nature of the action of pyramidone on the isolated uterus and tubes of guinea pigs. The authors found that the agent at a concentration of 1:25,000 caused a considerable decrease in the tone of the uterine muscles; when the concentration was increased to 1:10,000, the rhythmic contractions of this organ also disappeared completely.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):356-356
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Local eosinophilia in uterine cancer. Schock (Zentr. f. Gyn. 1926, No. 45)

Zabolotskaya E.


The author notes that the body's protective reaction to cancerous tumor development is expressed in the formation of a small cellular infiltration on the border between the healthy tissue and the tumor, with neutrophilic leukocytes receding into the background and small lymphocytes and plasma cells forming the main mass, among which there are always base and eosinophilic leukocytes in small numbers.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):356-356
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"Chemical extirpation" of the uterus for body cancer. Drissen (Zentr. F Gyn., 1927, No. 5)

Zabolotskaya E.


For those cases of operable uterine cancer in which total extirpation poses a serious danger to the patient due to the presence of various general complications, such as cardiac weakness, etc. Drissen proposes a "chemical extirpation" of the uterus based on the cauterizing effect of zinc chloride.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):356-357
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On the pathogenesis of childhood cholera. Вratusch-Marrain (Arch. f. Kinderheilk., 1926, В. 78)

Prozorova M.


The author sees the cause of childhood cholera in the action on various organ systems of pathological products of fermentation developing in the intestine infected with E. coli (quite possibly a peculiar strain) and easily absorbed through the affected mucosa.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):357-357
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On the treatment of childhood cholera. Вratusch-Marrain (Arch. f. Kinderheilk., 1926, В. 78)

Prozorova M.


The author suggests treating this disease according to Prof. Moprad's method of water diets. The child is given only water sweetened with saccharin, and the stomach and intestines are cleansed simultaneously with disinfectants and laxatives, and physiological solution is injected subcutaneously.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):357-357
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Bronchiectasia in children. V. A. Kisel (Pediatrics, 1926, no. 3-4)

Levinson A.


Having studied the material relating to bronchiectasias in 40 children aged from 1 to 13 years, the author came to a number of conclusions. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):357-358
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To the treatment of syphilis. Langеr (Münch. med. W., 1926, No. 43)


On the basis of pathological and anatomical material covering 23,015 autopsies performed from 1906 to 1925, Langer finds that the incidence of syphilitic aortitis almost tripled during that time.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):358-358
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Signs of congenital syphilis during delivery. Сommandeur, Rhenter (Berich. über d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI, Н. ½)


Signs of congenital syphilis during childbirth were studied by Commandeur and Rhenter and they concluded that they could be found only in a relatively small number of syphilitic children.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):358-358
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Treatment of congenital syphilis. Müller (Physician. Ob., 1926, No. 7)

Redlich V.


Each course of treatment lasts 12 weeks and consists of 4 periods, each of 3 weeks, during which the patient receives 3 intramuscular injections of calomel and 3 intravenous injections of neosalvarsan.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):358-358
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On the symptomatology and pathogenesis of inner ear lesions in lues hereditaria tarda. S. K. Bernstein (Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, 1926, No. 9-10)


The author described 2 cases of inner ear lesions with syphilitic etiology, significant hearing loss, absence of rotator, spontaneous and caloric nystagmus, and presence of fistula. Therapy in both cases was inconclusive.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):358-358
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Antisyphilitic treatment for pregnant women. Кlаftеn (Arch. f. Gyn., Bd. 128, H ½)

Timofeev A.


Antisyphilitic treatment of pregnant women, Claften advises to begin as early and as vigorously as possible, and recommends the combined treatment of mercury and salvarsan, or bismuth and salvarsan. The treatment with neosalvarsan starts with a dose of 0.15, which is then increased to 0.3, and administer this amount twice a week until the total dose administered reaches 4.2-5 grams.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):358-359
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On the essence of Weber's symptom. I. M. Krukover (Vestn. of rhinolaryngo-otiatrics, 1926, No. 3)

Lebedevsky B.


According to Prof. Komendantov, diseases of the sound-conducting apparatus obstruct continuous access of sounds to the ear, thus giving the sound-receiving apparatus a "rest". In these cases, when a sounding tuning fork is placed to the vertex, the more tired healthy ear hears this tuning fork worse, i. e. a laterization of sound into the diseased ear occurs. I. M. Krukover performed a number of experiments that confirmed the correctness of this theory.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):359-359
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Wound diphtheria in otosurgery. L. Seifert (Ztschr. f. Hals-Nas.- und Ohrhl., Bd. 14, H. 4)

Ilyina L.


The author tries to cover the issue of wound diphtheria from the otosurgical point of view, finding it very important in practical terms to keep in mind, firstly, that the wound at trepanation of the mastoid process through the middle ear and the eustachian tube is in direct communication with the upper respiratory tract and pharynx, and secondly, that along with mucous membranes diphtheria often affects the middle ear as well as the retroauricular wounds.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):359-359
pages 359-359 views

On the treatment of sepsis of otogenic origin with calcium chloride. Likhachev (Vest. R.-L.O., 1926, No. 4-5)

Lopatina N.


The author cites two cases of otogenic sepsis cured by intravenous infusion of ½%-1% calcium chloride in doses of 200.0.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):359-359
pages 359-359 views

To the teaching of choanal polyps. A. Fetisov (Vest. Rino-L.-O., 1926, No. 4-5)

Lebedevsky B.


The author concludes that choanal polyp is an inflammatory hypertrophy of the sinus mucosa, being a symptom of serous, less often purulent inflammation. Removal of the polyp alone always gives a relapse, a radical operation with removal of the mucous membrane of the affected sinus is necessary.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):359-360
pages 359-360 views

On the issue of rhinosclerosis. Prof. Komendantov (Vest. R.-L.O., 1926, No. 4-5)


Prof. Komendantov, observing favorable results after vaccine therapy of rhinoscleroma patients, finds this method of treatment most realistic.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):360-360
pages 360-360 views

About rhinoplasty. Sercer (Mon. f. Ohrenheilk., LX, H. 6)

Gruzdkova-Venetsianova M.


The author performs rhinoplasty in the following way: first, he implants a piece of cartilage of thickness of the index finger, taken from the VII rib, under the periosteum of the forehead, and the cartilage must be covered with perichondrium; after two months, when the cartilage has taken root, the real plasty, which consists of several stages, with 5-6 days between each pair of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):360-360
pages 360-360 views

Proceedings of the IX Congress of Therapists of the USSR. (Moscow, May 23-28, 1926). Gosizdat, 1926, 4 r. 50 kop.

Zimnitsky S.


We have before us a large, well-published volume containing reports, micro-reports, and debates on programmatic and other questions submitted by the Editorial Committee to the agenda of the Ninth All-Union Therapeutic Congress. One must rejoice that every year the publication of the Proceedings improves noticeably in all respects: the paper, printing, diagrams and drawings leave nothing to be desired, and one can see the experienced and loving hand of the publisher-editor everywhere.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):360-361
pages 360-361 views

А. Bogdanov. The Struggle for Viability. Moscow, 1927

Sokolov N.


The book (159 pages), published under the banner of "Blood Transfusion Institute", according to the preface of the author, is an introduction to a series of works on the issue of blood transfusion and outlined by the Institute. The author takes a very broad view of blood transfusion, putting it in connection with the issue of methods of fighting the general decline of the body in general.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):361-361
pages 361-361 views

Does Russian science exist?

Rafalkes S.


Before us is the 6th book of the Leningrad "Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases" for 1926, a book that was published only in December of last year. After reading it I did a little arithmetical excursion and obtained the following figures.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):361-363
pages 361-363 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 3 (1927)


Dr. N.I. Vylegzhanin made a report On a question about deposition of iron-containing pigments in spleen (with demonstration of microscopic preparations). The spleen, strongly enlarged and thickened due to stasis in the portal vein system, with simultaneous syphilitic liver cirrhosis, contained multiple masses of oblong or circular shape ranging in size from a lentil to a pea.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):364-370
pages 364-370 views

Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 3 (1927)


Prof. T. I. Yudin delivered a speech entitled "In Memory of Kerelin," in which he characterized K. as a genius of psychiatry, who created the basic psychiatric units, constituted an epoch in psychiatry, and had a tremendous influence on all psychiatrists of the world.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):370-371
pages 370-371 views

Meetings of the Scientific Circle of the Rybinsk Medical Section. Vol. 23, No. 3 (1927)


Session 26/I.
Dr. I. A. Treskin: To the teaching of vitamins. The report was devoted to a statement of the present state of the question of vitamins and vitaminosis.
Session 4/II.
Dr. Libinson: On foreign bodies in the esophagus according to materials of the Yaroslavl I Soviet Hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):371-371
pages 371-371 views

VII Regional Congress of Doctors of the Republic of Tatarstan

Kazantsev I.A.


From January 13 to 18, 1927, the VII Regional Congress of TR Doctors took place in Kazan. There were 119 delegates at the Congress, including 25 from the cantons. The work of S'ezd was extremely businesslike and attracted not only the delegates of S'ezd, but also a great number of guests, the number of which reached 200 on the opening day of S'ezd; during the other days of S'ezd attendance was also unprecedented for Kazan, from which we can draw one conclusion - the medical mass has grown, lately it has stepped forward, which is proved by its professional activists: 69,5% of 119 delegates are engaged in professional work.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):371-381
pages 371-381 views

Chronicle. Vol. 23, No. 3 (1927)


4 / II at a public meeting of the Medical Faculty of Kazan University, Dr. A. Teregulov defended his work "On the role of the medulla oblongata in the regulation of respiration." The official opponents were proff. Ya.A. Mislavsky, M. H. Cheboksarov and T. I. Yudin. After the defense, the work of Dr. T. was recognized as a work of high scientific qualifications.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(3):381-383
pages 381-383 views

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