Vol 22, No 9 (1926)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Faile des Situs viscerum inversus

Kaufman S.W.


In beiden Fallen wurde diese Anomalie bei jungen (27 J.) Mannern vorgefunden, welche sich an arztliche Hilfe wegen der Malaria wendeten und keine andere Klagen vorgezeugt hatten. In dem einen und anderen Faile war sie niclit nur mittels Palpation, Perkussion u. a., sondern auch rontgenologisch festgestellt

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):985-990
pages 985-990 views

About leukocyte formula

Blank V.B.


Blood is one of the most subtle and sensitive indicators that indicate the functional state of the body, reflecting the picture of its struggle with intruded harm and its reactivity. A detailed study of the pictures of red and white blood opens before us the possibility of not only a diagnostic assessment of the state of hematopoietic tissue, its reaction to a harmful principle, but also the possibility of a prognostic assessment of the state and development of the body's defenses in liberating the body from disease-causing influences.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):991-1000
pages 991-1000 views

Die klinische Bedeutung der Reak- tionen Daranyi u Matefy, sowie der urochromogenen Reaktion Weiss bei Lungentuberkulose

Makssudow B.S.


Der Verfasser unterzog die Serumreaktionen Daranyi und Matefy sowie die urochromogene Reaktion Weiss am stationaren und ambu- latorischen Material der Medizinischen Fakultatsklinik einer Priifung auf ihre klinische Bedeutung hin und gelangte auf Grund der Untersuchung von insgesamt 137 Lungentuberkolosefallen und mehrerer anderer Erkran- kungen zu nachstehenden Ergebnissen: 1) Die Reactionen Daranyi, Matefy und Weiss sind fur die Tuberkulose nicht specifisch. 2) Die Reaktion Daranyi ergibt in Fallen aktiver Lungentuberkulose in der enor- men Mehrzahl derselben ein positives Retultat und fallt bei einem gutar- tigen, nichtaktiven Prozess aus. 3) Es lasst sich ein Parallelismus zwi- schen der Ausdelinung des Prozesses und dem posit!tiven Ausfall der Reaktion Daranyi feststellen. 4) Wiederholte Beobachtungen des Reaktion- sausfalles (Daranyi) liefern die Moglichkeit, sich liber der .Verlanf des Lungenprozesses ein Urteil zu bi!den und geben damit einige Datum fur die Prognosestellung an die Hand. 5) In Anbetracht der Nichtspezifitat der Reaktion Daranyi diese ist fur friihzeitige Diagnostizierung und Kon- statierung latenter Tbc allein, ohne Anwendung anderer Untersuchungs- methoden, nicht genugend. 6) Die Reaktion Matefy, die ftir den positiven Ausfall bei aktiver Tbc einen hohen Prozentsatz aufweist, gibt in einem grossen Teil der Faile des gutartigen kompensierten Prozesses positive Resultate, und daher ist die Bedeutung dieser Reaktion fur die Bestim- mung der Aktivitat des Prozesses gering. 7) Die Reaktion Weiss geht mit der Ausdelinung der Prozesses Hand in Hand und besitzt daher fur die Bestimmung der Aktivitat und Ausbreitung des Prozesses grosse Bedeutung. 8) Die Reaktion Weiss ist fur fruhe Diagnostizierung oder Konstatierung latenter Tbc untauglich und ebenso in frischen Tbcfallen mit geringer anatomischer Affektion nur schwach empfindlich. 9) Es lasst sich ein gewisser Parallelismus zwischen den Ausfallen der Reaktionen Daranyi und Weiss erkennen, wahrend ein solcher zwischen der Reaktionen Daranyi und Matefy nur schwach ausgepragt ist

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1001-1008
pages 1001-1008 views

Die Anwendund des Neosalvarsans bei der Malaria.

Milsky M.


Bei Anwendung von Neosalvarsaninjektionen in 20 Fallen von scliwe- ren. der Behandlung mit Chinin nicht nachgebenden Malaria, fand der Autor, dass das Neosalvarsan sich als das wirklichste Mittel bei dieser Krankheit, welche Formen und Erscheinungen auch nicht waren, erweist. Aber bei Cupierung auf einige Zeit der Mallariaanfalle gibt er fast menials dauernde Heilung, welche wahrend einer langen Zeit festgestellt werden konnte.


Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1009-1002
pages 1009-1002 views

On the question of dysphagia

Boschowsky W.G.


That section of the alimentary canal, where, in our opinion, only purely mechanical work takes place to carry and push the food mass from the oral cavity into the stomach, the esophagus, in relation to the study of its other functions, attracts relatively little attention from both physiologists and clinicians.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1013-1018
pages 1013-1018 views

On the issue of acute expansion of the stomach

Kiptenko N.D.


Until now, there is still no complete agreement in views on acute expansion of the stomach, which is a serious complication after a variety of operations, some internal diseases, and occasionally even independent suffering.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1019-1025
pages 1019-1025 views

Intrahepatic stones

Chalusov M.A.


The question of intrahepatic stones is rather poorly covered in the literature, but meanwhile it has both theoretical and, in part, of no small practical importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1026-1032
pages 1026-1032 views

On the question of reviving patients with adrenaline injections into the heart

Vartminsky P.P.
Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1033-1036
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On the question of peristaltic movement of the uterus during normal labor

Alexandrov A.V.


The name of peristaltic movement is understood as a change in shape visible to the eye, detected during operation by each hollow organ of the human body, the wall of which is built of smooth muscle fibers. This movement is due to the location of muscle bundles characteristic of smooth muscle organs and the sequential spread of contraction from one segment of the organ to another.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1037-1049
pages 1037-1049 views

From observations of the original lubricant

Novikova E.


As is known from obstetric practice, by the end of the 5th and 6th months of fetal life, along with the development of the subcutaneous fat layer, the skin of the fetus is covered with a fatty whitish mass, which, according to Bumm, consists of epidermal cells and sebum.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1050-1052
pages 1050-1052 views

Listening to the eyes of children

Gershenovich R.S.


By applying the microscopic endoscope to the child's closed eye, I was able to hear quite clear intermittent blowing noise in a certain group of children. Having become interested in this phenomenon, I began to find out in detail the place of localization, the cause and essence of this vascular noise.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1053-1056
pages 1053-1056 views

On the toxic effects of salvarsan on liver function

Bazilevich I., Levin E.


If the ideal of chemotherapy is to be considered the maximum of the parasitotropic properties of the drug while the minimum is organotropic, then the famous Ehrlich'a-salvarsan compound satisfies it to a high degree.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1057-1059
pages 1057-1059 views

The current state of the question of impairment

Bushmakina M.P.


A review of the current obstetric and gynecological literature in recent years unwittingly draws attention to the outstanding interest shown by biologists around the world in issues of human performance.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1060-1070
pages 1060-1070 views

Renal innervation. P.V. Grigoriev (Proceedings of the I Congress of the North Caucasian Region)

Tsimkhes I.


By anatomical study of the innervation of the kidneys on 11 corpses, P.V. Grigoriev determined that the kidney is supplied with its branches by the sympathetic and vagus nerves.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1070-1071
pages 1070-1071 views

The role of the liver in water exchange. Lenaz (Klin. Woch., 1926, no. 10)

Mogilevsky E.R.


Lenaz considers wrong the view of Lamson, Rосa and others attributing a large role in water exchange to the liver, explaining this by the existence in it of a locking mechanism which, thanks to the contraction of v. hepaticae, regulates the flow of water into the blood. He believes that the regulation of water depends on the equilibrium between the osmotic pressure of plasma and capillary blood pressure.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1071-1071
pages 1071-1071 views

On the physiological role of the spleen. Barcroff (on ref. Vr. Gaz., 1926, no. 13)

Sergeev V.


Already earlier, Barcroff indicated that one of the functions of the spleen is to preserve its supply of erythrocytes, which at certain moments - after hemorrhages, strong muscle exercises, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1071-1071
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Significance of the Manoilov reaction ("Vrach. Gaz.", No. 13)


The authors of the first work conclude that the M. reaction is nonspecific and, in protein-rich biological fluids (blood, blood serum, etc.), its results are due almost exclusively to the protein content of these fluids. The authors of the second work indicate that the female serum contains 8.5% more proteins than the male serum, and where the reaction correctly indicates sex, it does not depend on the presence of glandular hormones in the blood serum, but on one or another of its protein content.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1071-1071
pages 1071-1071 views

The effect of vitamin-free nutrition on tumor growth. Ludwig (Arch. F. G., Bd. 125)


The effect of a vitamin-free diet on tumor growth was studied by Ludwig and found that mice fed a vitamin-free diet were less susceptible to cancer. The diet has no effect on the already developed tumor. Similar data were obtained in experiments with the inoculation of sarcoma in rats — in 35.7%, the tumor is not inoculated at all under these conditions, in 64.3% it grows more slowly and later kills the animal.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1071-1071
pages 1071-1071 views

Dependence of the development of cancer on the nature of the diet. Hindhede (Ber. über du gesam. Gyn., Bd. IX)


Hindhede observed the dependence of the development of cancer on the nature of the diet in Denmark. Vegetarian peoples rarely get cancer (with the exception of the Japanese, who consume a lot of hot spices). The increase in the number of crayfish is due to the increased consumption of meat. The destruction of pigs in Denmark in 1917 resulted in a decrease in cancer mortality. In Sweden, cancer deaths are lower because the working class there is less well fed.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1071-1072
pages 1071-1072 views

Intravenous infusions of CaC12 in profuse pulmonary hemoptysis. A. I. Melnikov (Sar. V. Zdr., 1926, No. 4-5)


According to A.I. Melnikov, these infusions (10 cc of sterilized 5% СаС12 solution) give quite satisfactory results, are available by technique and deserve wide distribution. At them, however, investigation of urine for protein is obligatory.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1072-1072
pages 1072-1072 views

Diagnostics of the aortic dilatation. P. Ya. Razdolsky. (Vr. D., 1926, no. 14)


P. Ya. Razdolsky advises to pay attention to the presence of nasaortic venous corolla in patients with the expansion of the aorta.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1072-1072
pages 1072-1072 views

Practical value of study of acidity of gastric contents. Вarsony (Wien. klin. Woch., 1926, No. 6), Schütz (ibid., No. 10)

Mogilevsky E.


It is now accepted that hyperaciditas plays no role in the origin of the ulcer. On the other hand, it is known that hyperaciditas is not a characteristic symptom of an ulcer, because only ulc. duodeni and ulcers in the vicinity of the pylorus are more likely to have hyperacidity. Proceeding from this, as well as from the fact that the treatment of ulcers-medicinal, dietetic, and even more so operative-is carried out regardless of the value of acidity, Вarsony believes that the practical value of the study of gastric contents after a test breakfast in ulcer patients is extremely low, both for diagnosis and for treatment. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1072-1072
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On the pathogenesis of stomach ulcers. Ваlint (Wien. klin. Woch., 1926, No. 1)

Mogilevsky E.


The author seeks to solve the question of ulcer pathogenesis by studying the internal environment of the organism of ulcer patients. He found that the reaction of tissues in the latter is shifted toward acidity, and after intravenous infusion of alkalis and Sipp's treatment only a slight, later shift toward alkalinity is obtained compared with the norm. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1072-1072
pages 1072-1072 views

Diagnostic value of milk injections in gastric and duodenal ulcers and chronic appendicitis. Ya. T. Bleichman (Vr. D., 1926, No. 14)


According to Ya. T. Bleikhman, such injections are a good diagnostic tool, due to the focal reaction they cause in the indicated diseases. In this way, it is possible, for example, to distinguish the so-called. pseudo-appendicitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1072-1072
pages 1072-1072 views

Treatment of balantidiosis with emetin. M. L. Rimmerman (Irk. Med. J., 1926, No. 1-2)


ML Rimmerman in 2 cases of balantidial dysentery received very good results from treatment with emetine, which was injected at a dose of 0.022-0.044 1-2 times a day. To fix parasites on smears, the author recommends processing the drug with formalin vapor (5%.)

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1073-1073
pages 1073-1073 views

Treatment of purulent peritonitis. Kirschner (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, No. 25)

Gruzdev V.


This question was the keynote of the 50th German Surgeons' Congress in April of this year. The speaker, Prof. Kirschner, collected more than 10,000 cases of peritonitis from different clinics. His main conclusion was that every case of acute free peritonitis, with the exception of gonococcal and pneumococcal peritonitis and peritonitis in the dying must be operated upon immediately, and the earlier the operation, the better the result: whereas the operations performed during the first 12 hours after the disease is detected, the rate of death increases to 24%, in operations performed after 48 hours, the rate increases to 66%. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1073-1073
pages 1073-1073 views

To the diagnosis of chronic appendicitis. Bukhman (Tr. I Congress of Surgeons of the North Caucasian region)

Tsimkhes I.


Bukhman on the material of about 2000 cases checked Moschkowski's indication that in chronic appendicitis there is an expansion of the right pupil, and received the following results.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1073-1074
pages 1073-1074 views

Eosinophilia of blood in echinococcal diseases. Shiltov (Tr. I Congress of Khir. North-Caucasian Territories)

Tsimkhes I.


Shiltov to clarify this issue undertook experiments on guinea pigs, introducing into the abdominal cavity various substances contained in the echinococcal vesicles, and, for control, 0.9% NaCl solution , and then examining the blood for eosinophilia every 2-3 hours during the day.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1074-1074
pages 1074-1074 views

Dissemination of echinococcus in the abdominal and pelvic cavity. I. I. Chizhov (Tr. I Congress of Khir. North-Caucasian Territories)

Tsimkhes I.


I. I. Chizhov for to determine about what elements of the opened echinococcal bladder the seeding occurs, put experiments on rabbits and found that all the elements that have fallen out of the echinococcal cyst can be implanted in the abdominal cavity and in the pelvic cavity, and only those formations that carry in themselves can grow and develop supply of the living germ layer of the echinococcal parasite.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1074-1074
pages 1074-1074 views

Toxicity of echinococcal fluid. A. S. Brodsky (Proc. of the First Congress of the North-Caucasus Region)

Tsimkhes I.


To determine the toxicity of the constituent parts of this liquid, A.S. Brodsky performed a number of experiments on guinea pigs, injecting them into the abdominal cavity, in an amount of 30 to Art., Solutions of amber acid, filtered echinococcal fluid, whole liquid and suspension from the fruit layer of echinococcus. The author was convinced that the toxicity of the echinococcal fluid is generally insignificant and depends on the derivatives of the fruit layer of the parasite in the liquid, with the living fruit layer and its derivatives being the most toxic.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1074-1074
pages 1074-1074 views

To serodiagnosis of echinococcal diseases. Z. V. Ermolaeva. (Tr. I Congress of Khir. North-Caucasian Territories)

Tsimkhes I.


Z. V. Ermolaeva, making an assessment of various sero-diagnostic methods of echinococcosis, highlights the intradermal test, due to its immediacy and demonstrativeness.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1074-1074
pages 1074-1074 views

On indications for periarterial sympathectomy. Savkov (Zentr. F. Chir., 1926, No. 8)

Friedland M.


Savkov, on the basis of general considerations and 8 own cases, believes that the operation of Leriche is safe only when the degeneration of the vascular walls is not very pronounced.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1074-1074
pages 1074-1074 views

Glaucoma in Siberia. P. I. Taratin (Sib. Arch. Teor. i Kl. Med., 1926, May-June)


Having processed the corresponding material of the Tomsk Eye Clinic, only 1233 pp., PI Taratin was convinced that the greatest number of glaucomatous patients occurs at the age of 55-65 years, although in persons younger than 30 years. this disease is not uncommon (17%).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1074-1074
pages 1074-1074 views

Cataract knife. Levinsohn (Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenheilk., 1925)

Adamyuk V.


Levins'ohn defends the advantages of his knife for sequential cutting cataract versus Kuhn knife.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1075-1075
pages 1075-1075 views

Gruter's retrobulbar alcohol injections. Jaensch (Zeitschr. F. Augenh., 1925)

Adamyuk V.


In 29 cases of glaucoma, patients were relieved of long-lasting, in some cases unbearable pain by injections of alcohol into the orbit by Guenther's injection, according to a report by Janesch. Technique: after cocaineization of the eye and pericorneal injection of cocaine with adrenaline, a curved cannula of a 2-gram syringe is pricked into the lower-inner and then upper-outer side of the eyeball, advanced to its posterior pole, and through it injected up to 1 cc. 70% alcohol. The pain experienced at first decreases after 10 seconds, and in 20-30 seconds is replaced by complete insensibility.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1075-1075
pages 1075-1075 views

Can the sex of the fetus in utero be determined by the method of Lüttge and Mertz? Slott, Wenger and Walter (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1926, no. 25)


Numerous studies of Slott, Wenger and Walter  give a completely negative answer to this question, and in general these authors consider the underlying idea of L. and M.'s method of the possibility of separating proteins from amino acids 96 ° alcohol - wrong.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1075-1075
pages 1075-1075 views

New sign of placenta separation. Klein (Med. Klinik, 1925, no. 19)


Klein recommends pressing the uterus downwards for this purpose. In this case, the umbilical cord protruding from the genital slit protrudes. If then, when the pressure stops, it does not go back, then the placenta has separated from the uterus, if it leaves, then it is connected to the uterine wall, because after the pressure ceases, the body of the uterus, of course, rises again to its original place.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1075-1075
pages 1075-1075 views

Striae gravidarum and the constitution. Seynsche (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, no. 27)


Having traced in 250 women the relationship between the tendency to form pregnancy scars and the woman's constitution, Seynsche found that there is a certain relationship between them, namely, in women with a clearly expressed female type, this tendency expressed much more sharply than in male-type women. The number of pregnancies in women does not have a significant effect on scar formation; a secondary role in this process is played by the age when a woman has her first birth.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1075-1075
pages 1075-1075 views

Treatment of indomitable vomiting of pregnant women. Harding and van Wyck (according to Веr. über die ges. Gyn., Bd. X, H. 3/4)


Harding and van Wyck are carried out by the introduction of a large amount of liquid, based on the considerations that with indomitable vomiting, the disease is based on a violation of water metabolism with a decrease in the amount of water in body, which leads to increased blood levels of total nitrogen and uric acid.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1075-1076
pages 1075-1076 views

New theory of eclampsia. Elwyn Herman (Веr. über die ges. Gyn., Bd. X)

Timofeev A.


Elwyn Herman, on the basis of purely theoretical considerations, gives his theory of eclampsia. The author thinks that the cerebral centers of vasoconstrictors and uterine contractions are located close to each other, and the nervous pathways of these systems partly go together, why the influence of one system on the other is possible. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1076-1076
pages 1076-1076 views

For the prevention of eclampsia. Wiеlосh (Münch. med. Woch., 1926, No. 7), Seitz (Arch. f. Gyn., 1925, Bd. 125)


Wieloch with mild edema prohibits pregnant women from performing heavy work and restricts the introduction of liquid and NaCl. With increased edema - bed keeping, the introduction of colloids per os (gelatins 15.0, raspberry syrup 20.0 and water up to 200.0).

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1076-1076
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New views on the pathogenesis of puerperal eclampsia. Assonci (Zeit. F. G. u. G., Bd. 89, 1925)


To explain the pathogenesis of eclampsia, Assonci proceeds from the teachings of Giglio Tos’a, according to which symbiosis is the most essential factor in life.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1076-1076
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On the etiology of ruptures of the uterine cervix during childbirth. Hoehne (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, no. 14)


According to the observations of Hoehne, these breaks occur in those cases. where the woman in labor begins to push prematurely. Hence, the prevention of these gaps is understandable.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1076-1076
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To the therapy of bleeding in the successive period of labor. Prager (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, no. 28)

Gruzdev V.


According to Prager, bleeding in the successive period usually depends on the retention of parts of the egg membranes or the presence of firmly sitting blood clots in the uterus, which must be removed.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1077-1077
pages 1077-1077 views

The prognostic value of the degree of purity of vaginal secretions in pregnant women. Neumann (Zeit. F. G. u. G., Bd. 89, 1925)


The predictive value of the degree of purity of vaginal secretions in pregnant women is analyzed by Neumann.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1077-1077
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To the Doleris technique of fixation of the uterus. Cotte and Prycelon (Gynec. Et Obst., 1926, no. 4)

Chernoyarova V.


Cotte and Prycelon on the basis of 500 cases. consider the Doleris operation very suitable, but pay attention to one detail that almost no one points to, namely, the possibility of bending and even retraction of the tube into the thickness of the abdominal wall with a too short mesosalpinx.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1077-1077
pages 1077-1077 views

Temporary X-ray sterilization. Gauss (Verh. d. Phys.-med. Ges. Wurzburg, Bd. 49)

Timofeev A.


It has been proved that the degree of action of radiant energy on the ovaries of animals depends on the dose of the rays. Individual elements of the ovary have unequal sensitivity to the rays - according to Еуmеr, the nucleus of the egg cell of a large follicle is the most sensitive, the eggs and epithelium of young follicles are much less sensitive, and the germinal epithelium is the least sensitive. This makes it possible to selectively affect any part of the ovary with an appropriately matched dose. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1077-1078
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For the treatment of uterine bleeding of ovarian origin. Hеnkel (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, No. 14)

Gruzdev V.


At one time, Hеnkel proposed for this purpose to produce a wedge-shaped resection of the ovaries.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1078-1078
pages 1078-1078 views

Artificial temporary amenorrhea. (Flaskamp, D. m. W., 1925, no. 44)

Timofeev A.


Artificial temporary amenorrhea was introduced by the Erlangen Clinic into the treatment plan for inflammatory appendages. Since nonradical surgery in inflammatory diseases of the appendages is of little benefit and radical surgery causes severe prolapse, the clinic has developed the following plan for conservative treatment of inflammatory diseases of the appendages: in the acute stage only cold, in the subacute stage a careful transition to treatment with heat, protein and serotherapy. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1078-1078
pages 1078-1078 views

Radiotherapy technique for uterine nut cancer and treatment results obtained in Stockholm. Heymann and H.V. James (Stralentherapie, Vd. 20, 1925)

Timofeev A.


The technique of radiotherapy for cancer of the nut of the uterus and the results of treatment obtained in Stockholm are cited by Heymann and H. V. James. From 1914 to 1921, 505 cases were treated.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1078-1079
pages 1078-1079 views

To the technique of salpingostomatoplasty. Heimann (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, no. 28)

Gruzdev V.


Heimann defends the original technique of this operation in the form proposed by Martin, that is, the dissection of the abdominal end of the tube, followed by suturing the tubal mucosa with the peritoneum with thin sutures.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1079-1079
pages 1079-1079 views

To brain chemistry. G. Gorodisskaya (Med-Biol. Zh., 1926, issue 1-2)

Sergeev V.


Research G. Gorodisskaya found that functionally different parts of the human cerebral cortex are different in their chemical composition.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1079-1079
pages 1079-1079 views

Encephalitis and epilepsy. Triminakis (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 25)


It is known that infectious diseases in general play a major role in the etiology of epilepsy. Epidemic encephalitis often leads to the development of epilepsy. Triminakis, in Athens, observed six cases where, after the encephalitis disease, paradoxia developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1079-1079
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Suggestion and diuresis. Н. Marx (Klin. Woch., 1926, no. 3)

Mogilevsky E.


Н. Marx euthanized patients, every 5-10 minutes. after the onset of hypnosis, determining their blood Hb, and after 1/2 hour, simultaneously with applying an empty glass to their mouths, instilled in the patients that they were drinking a lot of cool water.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1079-1079
pages 1079-1079 views

On the etiology of bedwetting in children. K. A. Efimov (Irk. Medical Zh., Vol. III, No. 5-6)


Having made a survey in this direction of 67 children (41 boys and 26 girls) suffering from enuresis nocturna, Dr. K. A. Efimov in all of them, organic symptoms of a diffuse type, characteristic of syphilitic lesions of the central nervous system, could be ascertained.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1079-1079
pages 1079-1079 views

Recognizing syphilis in newborns. Philipp and Gornick (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, no. 28)

Gruzdev V.


Philipp and Gognick recommend for this purpose the study of scraping from the wall of the umbilical vein in Dunkelfeld for pale spirochetes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1079-1080
pages 1079-1080 views

To the diagnostic value of the reaction Wassermann's. D.I. Lass (Rus. V. Derm., 1926, No. 6)


According to the observations of Dr. DI Lass, this reaction is not specific for syphilis and does not represent a symptom of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1080-1080
pages 1080-1080 views

To the doctrine of syphilis of the lungs. F. M. Abramovich (Vrach. Delo, 1926, No. 12-13)

Sergeev V.


According to FM Abramovich, syphilitic lesions of the lungs in adults are not as rare as it is usually thought, and they can occur in two forms: more rarely, in the form of gummy lesions, more often in the form of interstitial pneumonia with peribronchitis and perivasculitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1080-1080
pages 1080-1080 views

Neurorecurrences of syphilis. M. M. Zarkhi (Ven. And Derm., 1926, no. 3)


According to M.M. Zarkhi, the basis of neuro relapses is syphilitic infection, which causes recurrence of the disease in the nervous tissue, and the starting point of neuro relapses in most cases are the affected meninges, and only in very rare cases the process may come directly from the tissue of one or another nerve.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1080-1080
pages 1080-1080 views

The incubation period for gonorrhea. M.A. Zaigraev and E.I. Linde (Ven. and Derm., 1926, no. 3)


M.A. Zaigraev and E.I. Linde found that the duration of clinical incubation in gonorrhea can vary significantly, reaching in some cases up to 40 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1080-1080
pages 1080-1080 views

Treatment of female gonorrhea with urotropin. E. A Keropian (Rus. V. Derm., 1926, No. 6)


E. A. Keropian received excellent results from the use in 73 cases of both acute and chronic gonorrhea of the female genitourinary apparatus intravenous and subcutaneous infusion of 30-40% solution of urotropin, one or combined with a gonococcal vaccine.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1080-1080
pages 1080-1080 views

Treatment of gonorrhoid endocervicitis. Brady (Bull. of the Johns Hopkins hosp., vol. 37, No. 6, 1925)


Brady recommends treating gonorrhoid endocervicitis with strong solutions of chromium mercury, which, according to his observations, are less harmful to the mucous membrane than conventional iodine solutions or silver nitrate.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1081-1081
pages 1081-1081 views

Stovarsol for infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Sternbach (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1926, no. 23)

Gruzdev V.


Sternbach successfully used for urethritis, cystitis and pyelitis of gonorrhoid and staphylococcal origin stovarsol (spirocid), an arsenic drug that has recently found its use in syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1081-1081
pages 1081-1081 views

VII All-Union Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Leningrad on May 24-28, 1926.

Manenkov P.V., Khanina-Gaiduk F.P.
Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1081-1087
pages 1081-1087 views

Session 11 / VI

Flerov S.


L. V. Alekseeva: "Primary suture with antrotomy".

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1087-1088
pages 1087-1088 views

Session 12 / V

Flerov S.
Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1088-1088
pages 1088-1088 views

Chronicle. Vol. 22, No. 9 (1926)


On September 9, Karl Vladimirovich Bening, professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Kazan University, suddenly died of an angina pectoris.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(9):1089-1089
pages 1089-1089 views

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