Vol 22, No 7 (1926)

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On the formation of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice

Shcherbakov S.A., Krasnov V.V.


Dr. G. Semenov [*], working in 1924 in the laboratory of the Zheleznovodsk resort, where he used rich material on gastric juice from resort patients (up to 1000 cases), discovered a gradual increase in the acidity of the juice he extracted as the latter stood.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):777-780
pages 777-780 views

On the question of primary malignant neoplasms of ductus hepatici

Vylegzhanin N.I.


Among the neoplasms of large extrahepatic bile ducts, cancers occupy the first place in terms of frequency and importance, and the common bile duct, especially its beginning — the place where it flows into the duodenum (papilla Vateri), is the most frequent site of cancer localization.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):781-784
pages 781-784 views

Modern diagnostics of stomach cancer

Rutkevich K.M.
Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):785-792
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pages 793-797 views

Treatment of bronchial asthma with X-rays

Kogan V.M., Abramovich F.M.


Treatment of bronchial asthma renBronchial asthma is a disease known in ancient times, the etiology and pathogenesis of which, nevertheless, have not been clarified to this day. Tgen rays

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):798-803
pages 798-803 views

On resection of the upper jaw with preliminary ligation of the external carotid artery

Bogolyubov V.L.


Resection of the upper jaw is, as you know, a difficult operation associated with a number of dangers, of which the most important are bleeding and the resulting possibility of blood flow into the respiratory tract.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):804-809
pages 804-809 views

On the issue of closure of defects of the skull and cerebral frills with free plastics

Ratner Y.


The practical surgeon often has to decide on the method of closing the skull defects, as is known, which do not have the ability to close on their own due to the insignificant plastic abilities of pericranium.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):810-814
pages 810-814 views

On the spread of trachoma among the Votyaks

Dymshits L.A.


Until now, there has not been any precise digital data on the spread of trachoma among the peasant Voty population, based on the material of general examinations, although the very fact of the high incidence of trachoma among Votyaks has been known for a long time.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):815-821
pages 815-821 views

To the pathology of the intrauterine fetus and its membranes

Gorsky P.P.


The collection and scientific systematization of casuistic clinical material is undoubtedly one of the essential tasks of clinics, laboratories, etc. central institutions; but it is also unquestionable that we, practical doctors, publishing our observations from personal daily work, in our essence more or less deviate from the categories of strictly studied, thereby to a large extent assist central medical institutions in achieving their main tasks. activities.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):822-825
pages 822-825 views

A case of leishmaniasis in a child (in connection with the question of the treatment of this disease)

Tur A.F.


September 3, 1923 in the Children's Clinic V.-Med. A boy named Petya E. was transferred from the Academy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):826-832
pages 826-832 views

The value of the common cold in the etiology of disease. H. Much (Münch. med. Woch., 1926, No. 17)


At the time of Koch, the dogma prevailed that colds did not exist at all. At present, N. Much argues that the common cold is probably the cause of most infectious diseases, possibly due to the constitutional changes it causes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):864-864
pages 864-864 views

On the issue of malarial diseases of the nervous system

Grossman I.B.


Malaria in its various manifestations is currently one of the most acute problems of an applied nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):833-839
pages 833-839 views

About cystic stretching of the Highmor's cavity

Kartashev P.N.


The existence of cystic stretching of the frontal and sphenoid sinuses, as well as the labyrinth of the ethmoid bone, is beyond any doubt - a similar kind of disease has been described at different times by many authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):840-851
pages 840-851 views

To the diagnosis and prognosis of cavities in pulmonary tbc

Halperin E.A.


Coverage of any issue in medicine depends on two provisions: on the research methods that we own, and on the dominant theoretical doctrine.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):852-854
pages 852-854 views

From a report on a scientific trip abroad in 1925.

Vinogradov S.P.
Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):854-863
pages 854-863 views

Osteomalacia in China. Maxwell, Preston and Lee M. Mlies (Journ. Of obst. A. Gyn. Of the Brit. Empire, 1925, no. 3)

Timofeev A.


Maxwell. Preston and Lee M. Mlies report the results of their extensive research on osteomalacia in China, which they consider to be the world center for the disease studied here in 1-3% of pregnant women.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):864-864
pages 864-864 views

Complement binding reaction in gonads transplant. I. M. Shustrov, G. A. Vasiliev (Moscow Medical Zh., 1926, No. 4)


Studies on castrated animals, led the authors to the conclusion that the transplant is not an antigen for the body, and that therefore gland transplantation should occupy a prominent place among therapeutic measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):864-864
pages 864-864 views

On the essence of the therapeutic and protective effect of chemicals in septic infections. Sахl, Donath and Kelen (Wien. Kl. Woch., 1926, no. 20)


Sахl, Donath and Kelen by experiments on animals were convinced that here it is not about the antiseptic (resp. Bactericidal) action of these substances (for example:, argochrome, trypaflavin, etc.) on microbes, and about their nonspecific effect on the mensenchymal and lymphatic tissue, in the sense of increasing its resistance.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):864-864
pages 864-864 views

Reaction Thotas Vinetti. Mondain, Pouris and Beck (Ann. de l. Inst. Pas t., 1926, No. 5)

Gruzdev V.


Reaction Thotas Vinetti. Thomas and Winetti once noticed that normal and cancer sera have the ability to restore (discolor) methylene blue solutions in the presence of an extract from cancer tumors, and cancer sera have this ability to a much greater extent than normal ones.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):864-864
pages 864-864 views

Double measles. Rudeler (Z. f. Kindhlk., Bd. 40, H. 3.)

Levinson A.


Rudeler reports about a child 3 1/2 years old who was admitted to the measles department of the clinic for the first time with catarrhal symptoms and a typical measles rash.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):864-865
pages 864-865 views

Measles prophylaxis according to Саrоnia. Nobel Schönberger (Zeit f. Kindhlk., Bd. 40, H. 3)

Levinson A.


Nobel Schönberger, injecting intramuscularly 30 children who were in close contact with measles patients, a vaccine prepared by Sagonia from a microbe cultivated by him (the vaccine was administered in 2 cc., 3 consecutive days), came to the conclusion that such a triple vaccination does not have an adverse effect on the child's condition.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-865
pages 865-865 views

To the characteristics of streptococcus scarlet fever. I. M. Velikanov and G. Ya. Ionis (J. Exp. Biol., 1926, No. 6)


According to the observations of IM Velikanov and G. Ya. Ionis death from scarlet fever is not associated with the presence in the blood of the deceased necessarily homolytic streptococcus.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-865
pages 865-865 views

Infectiousness of blood, with rabies in man. O.A. Herman (Prof. Med., 1926, No. 4)

Sergeev V.


O.A German made sure by direct observations that blood is infectious not only in experimental, but also in clinical rabies in general and in humans in particular.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-865
pages 865-865 views

Adrenal transplant for pernicious anemia. Prof. M. I. Arinkin (Vestn. Khir., Book 19)


Prof. MI Arinkin describes 2 cases where such a transplant resulted in a significant improvement in the patients' well-being, the disappearance of weakness and dizziness and some improvement in blood composition.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-865
pages 865-865 views

Ligation of the splenic artery in pernicious anemia. Volkmann (Münch. med. Woch., 1925, No. 4)

Friedland M.


Ligation of the splenic artery in case of pernicious anemia in all cases where it is impossible or dangerous to remove the spleen, such as, for example, when the patient is exhausted or with abundant organ fusion, Volkmann recommends on the basis of his favorable clinical experience.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-865
pages 865-865 views

White blood in bronchial asthma. E. V. Loshkarev (Clin. Med., 1926, No. 4)

Sergeev V.


E.V. Loshkarev, tracing the changes that are observed in this disease in white blood cells, found that the most characteristic of them is a drop in eosinophilia during seizures, with an increase in the number of eosinophils in favorable periods, and a similar change on the part of lymphocytes.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-865
pages 865-865 views

To the pathogenesis and treatment of true angina pectoris. Pal (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1926, No. 22)


According to prof. Pal, true angina pectoris (angina pectoris vera) is angiospastic neurosis of coronary vessels.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-865
pages 865-865 views

Permanent painful point in liver and biliary tract disease. Sabatini (from Ref. f. Chir., 1926, no. 1)

Friedland M.


A constant painful point in diseases of the liver and biliary tract lies, according to Sabatini, in the X or XI intercostal space of the right side between the paravertebral and scapular lines, corresponding to the "lower point of the liver". Specified point, by authorv. has an important diagnostic value, especially in subacute cholecystitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):865-866
pages 865-866 views

Iodine and Graves' disease. Borak (Wiener kl. Woch., 1926, No. 13)


Iodine and Graves' disease. Borak notes an increase in cases of goiter observed in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):866-866
pages 866-866 views

The question of spondylolisthesis. G.I. Turner (Vestn. Khir., Vol. VI, book 16, 1926)

Friedland M.


The question of spondylolisthesis, its essence, clinical manifestations and significance in changing the statics of the body is subject to a very significant revision by G. I. Turner.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):866-866
pages 866-866 views

Treatment of spastic flat feet. H. Meyer (Arch. F. Orthop. U. Unf.-Chir., 1926. Bd 24, H. 1).

Gerasimova N.


H. Meyer proposes to turn off the function of the peroneal muscle group for this purpose. Pronators and extensors in a spastic flat foot become overworked due to prolonged overstretching.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):866-866
pages 866-866 views

Strengthening of joints for habitual dislocation by means of fascial free plasty. Girgolav (Zentr. F. Chir., 1926, No. 3)

Friedland M.


Strengthening of the joints for the usual dislocation by means of fascial free plasty according to Josher'y was successfully performed in 4 cases on the shoulder and in 1 - on the patella by Girgolav.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):866-867
pages 866-867 views

The influence of the environment on the fate of bone grafts. Vereshchinsky (West. Khir., Book 19, 1926)

Friedland M.


The influence of the environment on the fate of bone grafts was extremely thoroughly traced experimentally by Vereshchinsky, having set up 4 series of experiments.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):867-867
pages 867-867 views

Fixation of the humeral head after complete removal of the scapula. Polya (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, no. 4)

Friedland M.


Fixation of the humeral head after complete removal of the scapula is a question almost unaffected by the literature. In view of this, the method applied with success in one case by Polya deserves attention.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):867-867
pages 867-867 views

A new method for the treatment of acute purulent arthritis. Mosti (according to the ref. Zentr. F. Chir., 1926, No. 3)

Friedland M.


Mosti offers a new method of treating acute purulent arthritis in the form of washing the joint with ether, which is injected with a syringe in an amount of 10 k. Cm for a few seconds, after which it is sucked out again.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):867-867
pages 867-867 views

Treatment of irreducible congenital dislocation of the hip joint and coxa vara using the subtrochanteric osteotomy method. Beck (Zentr. F. Chir., 1926, No. 7)

Friedland M.


The treatment of irreducible congenital dislocation of the hip joint and coxa vara by the method of subtrochanteric osteotomy was described in 1918.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):867-868
pages 867-868 views

The best material for closing pleural cavities. Kuzmin (Vestn. Chir., Book 19, 1926)

Friedland M.


The best material for closing the pleural cavities is, according to Kuzmin, a muscle graft on the leg, taken from m. latissimus dorsi or longissimus dorsi.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):868-868
pages 868-868 views

Ligation of the branches of the pulmonary artery. Cherepnin (Vestn. Chir., Book 19, 1926)

Friedland M.


Ligation of the branches of the pulmonary artery, as suggested by Cherepnin, being a technically easy and simple operation, causes large changes in the lung tissue, which are expressed in the near future in a sharp connective tissue wrinkling of the lung.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):868-868
pages 868-868 views

Epigastric hernia. Strunnikov (Vest. Chir., Book 19, 1926)

Friedland M.


Epigastric hernias, according to Strunnikov's observations, based on 11 own cases, are far from being as rare diseases as it seems, and, which is especially important, are an important factor determining the origin and development ulcers of the stomach and duodenum 12.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):868-868
pages 868-868 views

Treatment of rectal cancer. Schwartz, Gaudier, Mayer (XXXIV Congress of French Surgeons)

Arkhangelsky N.


At the last (XXXIV) Congress of French Surgeons on the issue of surgical treatment of rectal cancer, two directions emerged: the first, more radical, was headed by speakers Schwartz and Gaudier, the second, more moderate, was represented by Mayer.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):868-869
pages 868-869 views

Treatment of mastitis. S. A. Fraiman (Vestn. Chir., Book 19)


Treatment of mastitis. SA Fraiman considers the use of ice, warming compresses, tying the breast, the appointment of potassium iodide and laxatives, which are usually recommended for mastitis, as irrational, and advises to resort to systematic milk suction as early as possible.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):869-869
pages 869-869 views

Afenil as a prophylactic agent against postoperative pneumonia. Eden (Münch. Woch., 1924), Lin'dаuеr (Zentr. f. Chir., 1926, No. 1)

Friedland M.


Afenil, as a prophylactic agent against postoperative pneumonia, tested and proposed by Eden was again subjected to clinical research by Lin'dauer, who injected aphenyl (calcium chloride) intravenously, in the amount of 10 cubic meters. see, 1 hour before surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):869-870
pages 869-870 views

Postoperative X-ray for breast cancer. Borak (Wien. Klin. Woch., 1926, No. 21)


As you know, Perthes, in 1921, pointed out that the use of X-ray after radical surgery for mammae cancer not only does not protect patients from relapses of the disease, but, on the contrary, contributes to their occurrence.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):870-870
pages 870-870 views

The law of puberty. A. A. Lipshutz (Zhurn. Exp. Biol., 1926, No. 6)


On the basis of his experiments, AA Lipshutz was convinced that only at a certain age, the body allows the ovary to produce those hormones that determine the maturation of sexual characteristics.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):870-870
pages 870-870 views

Anti-testicular serum. N.V. Kolpikov (Med.-Biol. J., year II, issue 1)


NV Kolpikov, immunizing, for 2 months, a ram by injecting a suspension of rabbit testicles in a physiological solution of sodium chloride, received this way anti-testicular serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):870-870
pages 870-870 views

New and old in operative obstetrics. Döderlein (Dent. Med. Woch., 1925, no. 36)

Timofeev A.


An article of this title touches on Döderlein a number of important practical issues for the obstetrician. When applying forceps, the main attention should be paid to the indications, and not to the model of the instrument.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):870-870
pages 870-870 views

Cesarean section using the Portes method. Bosch Aviles and Puigy Koig (Rev. espan. de med. у cir., 1925, No. 85), Agusti Planell (Rev. espan. de ost. у gin., 1925, No. 115), Riviere (Bull. de la Soc. d'obst. et de gynec., 1925, No. 5).

Timofeev A.


The Caesar section by the Роrtеs method was performed twice by Bosch Aviles and Puigy Koig.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):870-870
pages 870-870 views

Revitalization of mock-dead newborns with intracardiac injections of adrenaline. Garryuy and Meriel (Pr. Vr., 1926, no. 4)


Garryuy and Meriel warmly recommend injecting 1 cubic meter into the heart to revive asphytic newborns. sant. 1% adrenaline solution.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):871-871
pages 871-871 views

Principles of pregnancy prevention. Danfarth (Boston med. A. Surg. Journ., 1925, no. 8)

Timofeev A.


Principles of prevention of pregnant women are given by Danfarth, who received a mortality rate of 0.29% 0 in his clinic, while in general for the state of Illinois it is 0.7%.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):871-871
pages 871-871 views

Treatment of postpartum febrile diseases with alcohol. Кüstnеr (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, no. 9)

Zabolotskaya E.


Кüstnеr received very good results in a number of severe postpartum diseases from the use of large amounts of alcohol.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):871-871
pages 871-871 views

To the therapy of metropathiae haemorragicae. Bakscht (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, No. 21)

Zabolotskaya E.


In cases of persistent uterine bleeding of endocrine origin, which Pankow classifies as metropathiae haemorragicae, Bakscht received very good results from the injection of the patient's own hemolyzed blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):871-871
pages 871-871 views

Narcilene anesthesia (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1926, No. 10)

Zabolotskaya E.


Narcilene anesthesia was used in the Munich Gynecological Clinic in 400 cases, and it turned out that the advantages of this anesthesia are the absence of a noticeable period of excitation, the rare onset of asphyxia and vomiting and the absence of irritation of the respiratory tract, the fact that it causes a strong compression of the jaws and a fairly strong tension of the abdominal press.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):871-872
pages 871-872 views

On the treatment of nervous diseases at the Essentuki resort. E. Nielsen (Kur. Delo, 1925, No. 11-12)

Klyachkin L.


Nervous patients, according to E. Nielsen, make up a significant% of the total number of patients visiting the Essentuki resort, and the predominant contingent of them consists of neurasthenics, whose treatment gives good results.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):872-872
pages 872-872 views

Luminal for epilepsy. Ostmann (Deut. m. Woch., 1925, no. 15)

Sergeev V.


Out of 30 cases of epilepsy, Ostmann in 28 received very good results from the use of a dose of 0.2-0.3 pro die.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):872-872
pages 872-872 views

Treatment of epilepsy with brain emulsion. V.A.Militsyn (Rus., Klin., 1926, March)


V.A. Militsyn for 21/2, applied treatment with subcutaneous injections of a mucus from the brain in 69 epileptics, among whom there were 44 muschin, 25 women.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):872-872
pages 872-872 views

Stovarsol for syphilis. Oppenheim (Wien. Kl. Woch., 1926, No. 22)

Sergeev V.


Having applied stovarsol (spirocide) in more than 200 cases of syphilis of various stages, Oppenheim was convinced that this remedy deserves to be used in all those cases where for some reason it is impossible to use neosalvarsan, and it the action, even when applied internally, is only slightly lower than the action of the latter.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):872-872
pages 872-872 views

Permanent treatment of syphilis in place of chronic intermittent syphilis. Almkvist (Russ. Vest. Derm., 1926, No. 4)

Yasnitsky I.


Permanent treatment of syphilis instead of intermittent, based on 8 years of experience, offers Almkvist.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):872-873
pages 872-873 views

Epilepsy and nasal diseases. Prof. V.K. Trutnev (Vest. rhinolaryngo-otiatry, 1925, No. 1)

Vasilieva O.


Prof. VK Trutnev, on the basis of a number of observations, notes the dependence of epilepsy, in some cases, on the pathological state of the nose and ears, and gives the following theoretical substantiation of this dependence.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):873-873
pages 873-873 views

About otosclerosis. Prof. L. E. Komendantov (Vest. rhino-laryngo-otiatry, 1926, No. 2)


Prof. L. Ye. Komendantov proposes to throw out the term "otosclerosis" from clinical use, since it does not determine the essence of the process from the pathological and anatomical side and, moreover, is harmful in therapy hearing loss and subjective noise.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):873-873
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Mastoiditis. Prof. Witmaak (Vest. Rhino-Laryngo-Otiatry, 1925, No. 1)

Vasilieva O.A.


Prof. Witmaak sharply distinguishes 2 forms among the lesions of the pneumatic system of the mastoid process.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):873-874
pages 873-874 views

Semen examination for gonorrhea. D. M. Leibfreid (Urology, 1925, no. 9)

Sergeev V.


For the first time, French urologists drew attention to the diagnostic value of the study of semen in gonorrhea, and Lebreton in this way could state the presence of gonococci in 75%, Barbeillon in 72%, Le Fug in 36%. D. M. Leibfreid, by inoculating sperm on ascites agar, obtained gonococci in 24% of persons who had gonorrhea in the past.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):874-874
pages 874-874 views

Manojlov's Reaction. V. I. Livshits (Journ. dlya usov. vrachey, 1926, No. 1)

Sergeev V.


V.I. Livshits did a number of studies in order to find out the chemical and biological significance of the reaction proposed by Manoilov for determining sex by blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):874-874
pages 874-874 views

Canned food, vitamins and public health. Serger (Pharm. Cent. 67, 65,)

Bening K.


Serger, discussing the effect of various food processing, in particular their preservation, on the content of vitamins in them, points out that in relation to t° vitamins A and B are more persistent, and C is less.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):874-875
pages 874-875 views

Preservation of hydrogen peroxide from rapid decomposition. S. K. (Chem.-Pharm. West., 1926, No. 1-2)


For this purpose, SK considers acetanilide, added to a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in an amount of 0.3-0.5 per kilo, to be the best remedy.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):875-875
pages 875-875 views

Prof. V. A. Oppel. Endocrinological Surgical Observations

Sokolov N.


According to the author, at every moment in a person's blood there must be a certain amount of different hormones, the balance of which creates a state of health: a lack of hormones leads to disease due to insufficient irritation, an excess poisons, giving a picture of intoxication.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):875-875
pages 875-875 views

Dr. med. A.E. Mandelstam. Erythrocyte sedimentation reaction in gynecology. With a preface. prof. R.V. Kiparsky. Ed. “Practice. Med. ", 1925.

Timofeev A.


The acceleration of erythrocyte sedimentation in the citrate plasma of pregnant women, discovered by Fahraeus, soon attracted general attention, and so on. erythrocyte sedimentation rate (SR) has been studied in a variety of diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):875-876
pages 875-876 views

G. Drouet. Treatment of syphilis with bismuth. Ed. “Practice. Medic. " 1925.59 p. 50 kopecks.

Yasnitsky I.


The main issues of bismuth therapy, its theoretical substantiation are comprehensively and exhaustively covered mainly in the foreign medical press, which is almost completely inaccessible to the general mass of Russian practitioners.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):876-876
pages 876-876 views

XVIII Congress of Russian Surgeons


The past XVIII Congress of Russian Surgeons, which took place in Moscow, was very crowded, gathering up to 1200 members.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):876-877
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Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Meeting of 3/VI


Dr. Kondakov reported on the course of the scarlet fever epidemic in the Republic of Tatarstan in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):877-877
pages 877-877 views

Scientific Meetings of Physicians of the State Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Meeting 83rd 11/V


Dr. Rusetsky demonstrated 2 patients with atypical amaurotic idiocy. 

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):877-878
pages 877-878 views

Chronicle. Vol. 22, No. 7 (1926)


After a public defense at a meeting of the Faculty of Medicine of Kazan University, the work of Dr. FD Agafonov “To physiology gl. thymus".

Kazan medical journal. 1926;22(7):878-879
pages 878-879 views

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