Vol 32, No 7 (1936)

Cover Page

Full Issue

To symptomatology and clinical syndrome of acute initial sepsis

Kausman A.M.


The question of septic diseases is of twofold interest in the conditions of an infectious diseases hospital. On the one hand, the number of these diseases has shown in recent years in all countries a desire for steady growth, and medical thought cannot but pay attention to this. On the other hand, a significant number of unrecognized cases of sepsis with suspected typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, typhus, meningitis and other diseases are constantly received in questionable departments of infectious diseases hospitals. Establishing the correct diagnosis in these patients is often associated with great difficulties.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):799-808
pages 799-808 views

Clinic of gastritis with preserved and increased secretory function of the stomach

Badylkes S.O., Kudashevich V.Z., Eingorn E.O.


The clinical concept "gastritis" has existed for a long time. Nevertheless, the need to create a clinical picture of chronic gastritis has matured, and this is recognized by many authors. For example, they say: “There is no plastic characteristic clinical picture of gastritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):808-817
pages 808-817 views

Enzymatic capacity of the stomach for gastritis

Stepanov P.N.


It has long been established that the study of the enzymatic power of gastric juice (resp. Contents) has no practical value if it contains at least traces of free acid, that this study is simply unnecessary and that only in the case of anaciditas silt of achilia, the definition of pepsin (about it and in question) gives some indications on the state of the gastric wall, the glandular apparatus of the stomach. Later researchers expressed themselves in the same spirit, and therefore the literature on the enzymatic properties of the stomach in various diseases of it is very scarce.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):817-821
pages 817-821 views

On lifetime recognition of ventricular aneurysms

Rakhlin L.M.


Thanks, to a large extent, to the works of our authors (Kernig, Obraztsov, Strazhesko, Pletnev, Egorov, Bukhshtab), lifetime diagnosis of myocardial infarction has ceased to be a rarity, "it has become available to a practitioner" (Strazhesko, Barnes). Research by Pardel, Barnes, Wilson and others have shown that heart attacks are frequent and in a “erased”, “camouflaged” form. Giebson says that in general, in the case of “unmotivated” heart weakness in the elderly, one should think about myocardial infarction. A heart attack does not always lead to a fatal outcome. Giebson, in an old work (1925), describes scars after heart attacks a decade ago. Padillo and Cassio followed the fate of 92 patients after myocardial infarction. The mortality rate during the year was 38%, of which 19% immediately and 14% during the first month after a heart attack. In other cases, there was an improvement.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):822-826
pages 822-826 views

On the issue of immunity in malaria

Gromov A.S.


Questions of immunity, questions of immunity to a disease of a particular disease are still largely unclear. They are especially unclear with a disease such as malaria. The mechanism of the origin of immunity itself, as well as the boundaries of its distribution and action, is unclear.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):827-832
pages 827-832 views

About diaphragmatic hernias and their X-ray diagnostics

Arungazyev V.Y.


Although isolated cases of diaphragmatic hernias (d.y.) were described by Ambroise Paré (1610), and then the works of Laser (1880), Thom (1882), Crosser (1889) were published, nevertheless the published material dealt mainly with pathological anatomical findings; lifetime recognition was a comparatively rare occurrence. And only the widespread use of the X-ray method made it possible to diagnose diaphragmatic hernias much more often.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):832-836
pages 832-836 views

Опыт переливания гетерогенной крови в хирургической практике

Elyashevich L.I., Cherkasova A.N.


Heterogeneous blood transfusion is now scientifically well founded. Being mainly a method of shock therapy, transfusion of small portions of animal blood has found application for stomach ulcers and enterocolitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):836-840
pages 836-840 views

To the problem of epilepsy

Pervushni G.V.


The problem of epilepsy is at the center of attention of neurological thought. A number of congresses devote numerous reports to this question and study it. The study of the problem is put in the plane of experiment, laboratory research and clinical observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):841-844
pages 841-844 views

Thumb Extension — New Pyramidal Reflex

Bakhtiyarov V.A.


After Babinsky published the pathological reflex, a number of authors (Oppenheim, Mendel Bekhterev, Kornilov-Zhukovsky, Rossolimo, etc.) described pyramidal signs on the lower extremities in various pathological conditions of the nervous system; many of them were included in the patient's neurological study plan and are very valuable symptoms in differential diagnosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):845-847
pages 845-847 views

Magnesia sulfate as an analgesic for uterine curettage

Kostromov I.A.


The number of abortions performed began to decrease markedly. However, for a number of indications, this operation will still be very common in hospitals. From here, we consider it interesting to share our experiences and observations on the pain relief of the process of curettage of the uterus.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):847-848
pages 847-848 views

The practical value of the method of indirect X-ray therapy for certain skin diseases

Epstein F.C., Lushchitsky V.O.


The mechanism of action of X-ray irradiation on the course of certain skin diseases, especially those whose etiology is unknown, is not yet entirely clear. There is no doubt that the autonomic nervous system, functionally and anatomically connected both with the central nervous system and with all organs and tissues, and in particular with the skin (its vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands), has an effect on all functions of the skin, its trophism and course inflammatory processes. Although the details of this effect on the inflammatory process have not been clarified and are still very contradictory, nevertheless a number of experimental works of old and recent times indicate an intimate dependence of the inflammatory process in the skin on the nervous system (Spiess, Thomas, Luvis, Speransky, Greenstein, Alperin and others).

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):849-852
pages 849-852 views

Results of clinical observations of the course of female genital gonorrhea processes under the control of the Bordet-Gengou reaction

Lvov N.A.


Due to special difficulties often associated with complicated diagnostics, the so-called. closed gonorrhea of ​​the female genital organs with the presence of encapsulated foci in them, the scientific Thought of the researchers was tirelessly directed towards the search for such a diagnostic method that the establishment of the gonorrhea etiology of the disease would be beyond any doubt. One of these methods is the serological method, based on the well-known phenomenon discovered by the Belgian scientists Bogdet and Gengou in 1898. Its essence lies in the fact that specific antibodies are formed in the blood serum of an animal to which a foreign protein is parenterally administered. The detection of these specific antibodies in the blood serum of an animal makes it possible to judge the penetration of certain microbes into the body. This serological method, called the Bordet-Gengou reaction (B. G.), has now become widespread in the clinic of female gonorrhea and has the same significance for recognizing gonorrhea as Wasserman's reaction in syphilis.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):853-857
pages 853-857 views

On the casuistry of bilateral dislocation in the hip joint

Kazakov K.S.


Lezer also pointed out that dislocations in the hip joint are rare and mainly in middle-aged men. According to SP Fedorov, they rank third among traumatic dislocations of the shoulder and elbow joints. According to Friedland's material, for 483 cases of dislocations observed in his clinic, 109 accounted for the hip joint, of which 73 were men and 31 women (cited by Friedland); in other words, 20.5% of all dislocations fall on the hip joint.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):858-860
pages 858-860 views

About some variants of the distal epiphysis of the humerus

Mikhelson A.I.


On pictures of the elbow joint for injuries, pains and other complaints, sometimes formations of various sizes and shapes of the bone structure are found. Among these formations, the so-called accessory or supernumerary bones of the elbow joint are relatively rare. Despite their rarity, these bones are of theoretical interest from the point of view of their phylogenesis, and are also of practical importance, since their owners turn to surgical and orthopedic institutions with complaints of inconveniences and difficulties in their work, demanding release and transfer to other jobs. ... These formations are also not devoid of forensic medical interest, since they are mixed with separation and fracture of the bone. In Russian literature, we managed to find one work of Feinberg, describing 3 cases of accessory bones in the elbow joint. Somewhat more often we find reports about them in foreign literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):860-861
pages 860-861 views

A case of Calve's disease (vertebral body osteochondropathy)

Andreeva E.E.


Osteochondropathy of the vertebral body is a rare disease in the clinical practice of both orthopedists and neuropathologists.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):862-864
pages 862-864 views

To intravital diagnosis of cardiac aneurysms

Abramzon A.A.


As a result of the success of Soviet medicine and the widespread use of X-ray techniques, intravital diagnosis of aneurysm of the heart becomes available to local physicians. Here is a case that took place in our hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):864-865
pages 864-865 views

Случай visceral situs inversus

Khentov Y.S.


S.i.ѵ. do not represent now, in the fluoroscopic era, the former avidity. But nevertheless, these cases are not so frequent, and any new case, for reasons both statistical and diagnostic, must be demonstrated and described.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):866-867
pages 866-867 views

On the question of the pharmacodynamics of spermine in the treatment of pregnancy toxicosis

Sinderikhin М.А.


Currently, clinical and experimental data provide an installation for the search for the root cause of toxicosis in the egg (placenta), and even closer in a foreign agent that has invaded the female body and disturbed its metabolism. In this focus, the statements of the overwhelming majority of authors converge, and this is an absolutely reliable position at the present level of our knowledge. We can only talk about the nature of the impact of the agent itself. Poisoning of the body with the products of interstitial protein breakdown, flowing under the sign of an anaphylactic state, is the construction made shortly before the World War by Ponston, Wold-Eisner, Wertes and Franz. In 1929, regardless of the conclusions of Western European researchers unknown to us, we set about developing the anaphylactic nature of toxicosis and came close to developing a method of anti-anaphylaxis.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):867-869
pages 867-869 views

Gumma orbits

Preobrazhensky V.V.


In the pathology of the organ of vision, syphilis plays a prominent role; it accounts for one to three percent of all eye diseases. Orbital syphilis, however, is rare. According to the Kazan Eye Clinic, from 1900 to 1922, there were only two cases of gummy lesions of the orbit among 129.340 patients. Professor Ochapovsky among. 29,970 patients in his clinic notes seven cases of this kind of patients. According to the statistics of our department, from 1919 to 1935, for 225,000 patients, two cases were registered in 1925 (West Soviet Medical, 1925) and the case below is the third.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):869-870
pages 869-870 views

To the casuistry of testicular ectopia

Znameneky M.S.


15 / V 1935 in hir. dep. the patient O-v was delivered with a diagnosis of a strangulated hernia.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):870-871
pages 870-871 views

The latest advances in the etiology of influenza

Kagan N.В.


Influenza pandemics, or — as this infection is often called — green — have been known to mankind for a long time. They take with them an enormous number of human victims. So, according to a rough estimate, during the 1918 -1919 pandemic. 500 million fell ill and 15 million died (Ladlow).

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):872-875
pages 872-875 views

The current state of the issue of post-vaccination encephalitis

Kozlov Y.A.


There is currently no evidence to support the importance of smallpox vaccination. More than 130 years of experience of this event, almost all over the world, tens of millions of vaccinated, the disappearance of smallpox epidemics have adequately justified Jenner's method. However, the last decade we have witnessed a number of restrictions of the latter in some countries, such as Holland, where in 1928 the law on the compulsory vaccination of smallpox was canceled. These restrictions and voices to revise the mandatory vaccination issue are putting this issue on the agenda. The main point that causes attempts to revise the seemingly unshakable provisions is the material accumulating from year to year on the incidence of so-called. post-vaccination encephalitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):876-883
pages 876-883 views

All-Russian meeting on dysentery at the Central Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology in Moscow

Sinai G.Y.


Opening the meeting, prof. V. Barykin notes the extreme urgency of the questions put forward before this meeting. In the field of dysentery, there are a number of gaps in theoretical knowledge, as well as a number of gaps in practice. This meeting should take into account the experience accumulated in our Union in combating this disease and develop a number of practical proposals.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):883-886
pages 883-886 views

Modern problems of dentistry

Lindenbaum L.


Collection of works of the Leningrad Dental Institute. Under the scientific editorship of prof. D.A. Entina. Executive editor Assoc. Z.B. Pyriatinsky 560 pages. Bound price 14 rubles. 70 kopecks OTIZ, Leningrad, 1935

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):887-888
pages 887-888 views

X-ray complex design

Gasul R.Y.


The extensive construction of hospitals, clinics or special medical institutions, in which X-ray rooms occupy a prominent place, sets before the architects, most of whom are little familiar with the specific features of our complex, the task of finding the correct location of the premises allocated for X-ray rooms and their auxiliary departments.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):888-889
pages 888-889 views

Questions controversees de clinique et de pathogenic

Breitman M.Y.


In this collection, as indicated in the title, the most controversial issues of the clinic and pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus are considered. All articles were written by doctors at St. Andrew in Bordeaux, namely Prof. M. Maigias and his students (Aubertin, Bessiere, Broustet, Hirsch, Saric, M. and J. Traissac). Moriak considers childhood hematomegaly with growth and carbohydrate metabolism disorders. He believes that the glycogenosis described by Gierke, Cgeld'm and Debre is not only congenital, but can appear in the second period of childhood.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):889-890
pages 889-890 views

Atti del Primo Congresso Internationale di Elettro-Radiobiologia

Breitman M.Y.


Two luxuriously published volumes contain the proceedings of the first international congress on electro-radio-biology, held from 10 to 15 September 1934 in Venice. The first hundred pages are devoted to the official part. Here we find the speech of prof. A.G. Gurvich.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):890-890
pages 890-890 views


Breitman M.Y.


The book belongs to the group of primary medical therapists and, as the author himself points out, is written as simple and elementary as possible. After the general data, a brief description of the main endocrine glands is given, the methods of examining the patient, the value of subjective complaints and objective, phenomena are indicated; Basic functional diagnostics are briefly given on 10 pages.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):890-891
pages 890-891 views

Resistance Factors in Experimental Poliomyelitis

Hudzоn N.V., Lennеttе Е.H., Gordon F.B.


In experimental poliomyelitis, the gateway of infection is bulbss olfactorius; when the latter was cut, the infection did not develop.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):891-891
pages 891-891 views

Study of the common cold. Culturing the virus in tissue culture

Dосhеz A.R., Mills К.С., Кnееland Y.


The cultivation was carried out on a medium containing minced tissue of chicken embryos.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):891-891
pages 891-891 views

Chemotherapeutic experiments with mixed infection with two types of trypanosis


Although germanium is a potent remedy for trypanosomal infections, there are known to be a number of trypanosis species that are resistant to this drug.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):891-891
pages 891-891 views

On the issue of radical inguinal hernia surgery

Ivanov B.


Stiasnу, H. K Describes his method of radical inguinal hernia surgery, which he recommended for cases where a simple Bassi operation is not applicable due to the weakness of the fascia and abdominal muscles, to strengthen the weakest parts of the inguinal canal — the lower inguinal triangle and the site of the spermatic cord exit , the hernial sac, after its isolation from the latter, is cut off as high as possible, and the cord after the incision of the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen is pushed upward at an angle of 45-90 °.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):892-892
pages 892-892 views

Surgical treatment of osteoarticular and glandular tuberculosis

Ierusalem M.


Treatment of tuberculosis of bones, joints and glands should be primarily and primarily conservative.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):892-892
pages 892-892 views

Paget Peridural Anesthesia

Иванов. Б.


In a Spanish hospital in Buenos Aires, 81.2% of patients were operated on under Paget epidural anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):892-893
pages 892-893 views

To the treatment of postoperative mumps

Кnuррег H., Hummel R.


Based on the literature data, but notes that postoperative mumps in the vast majority of cases develops between 2 and 5 days after surgery. Since 1929, at the Payra clinic, all cases of this disease have been exposed to X-ray irradiation: 150 and 200 g at 190, 3.5 mA with a filter in 0.5 Cu + 3 mm A1.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):893-893
pages 893-893 views

"Relapses" after treatment of varicose veins

Vossschuete А.


Relapses after varicose vein treatment a. separates into true and false.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):893-893
pages 893-893 views

On the issue of spontaneous incision after previous drainage d. choledohus

Duгst Н.


A reports a case of general peritonitis that developed 15 days after removal of the drain introduced into the duct, choledochus The diagnosis was made on the basis of the phenomenon of peritonitis in connection with the history of indications of the operation performed on the biliary tract.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):893-893
pages 893-893 views

Disorders after gastric surgery and their treatment

Ivanov B.


Disorders after gastric surgery depend in large part on chronic gastritis, pre-operative; in other cases, complaints are caused by spastic contractions of the gastrointestinal canal, and sometimes disorders are caused by adhesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):893-893
pages 893-893 views

Effect of lumbar sympathectomy on the growth of paralyzed limbs

Дембская Д.


The authors proceed from the assumption that the increased supply of blood to the extremities, continuing for a long time, will ultimately result in their accelerated growth.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):894-894
pages 894-894 views

Pituitary Disorders Due to Pregnancy

Guggisberg Н.


A. indicates disorders that are often observed during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, which, despite the lack of accurate pathological and anatomical data, should be attributed by clinical analogy to the pituitary gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):894-894
pages 894-894 views

On the question of menstruation

Ivanov B.


In connection with the successful transplantation of tubes into the uterus by Strassmann to restore canalis menstrualis in cases of previous complete obliteration, the question of the possibility of menstrual bleeding from the tubes has become relevant.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):894-894
pages 894-894 views

Insulin treatment for menstrual disorders

Дембская В.


The author fully agrees with Claft's assertion that insulin is a very effective remedy in the treatment of menstrual disorders in emaciated women. Usually, in such women, along with severe emaciation, disorders of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, i.e., carbohydrate and fat metabolism, are observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):894-894
pages 894-894 views

Treatment of pregnancy neuritis with vitamin B

Дембская В.


The author gives the case histories of 5 pregnant women who were in the last stage of pregnancy and suffered from symptoms of pregnancy neuritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):894-895
pages 894-895 views

Rare forms of urinary disorders in women

Friedrich Н.


The purpose of a. is the desire to force the doctor with difficult to explain disorders of urination in women to think about the possibility of the presence in this case of one of the diseases that he observed in two patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):895-895
pages 895-895 views

Muscular atrophy with lesions of the parietal lobe

Pithа М.


The author reports 4 cases of his observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):895-896
pages 895-896 views

The boundaries of the X-ray method in lung pathology

Chinay М., Benda R., Moilard H.


Any new method for the time being is usually subjected to skepticism by some, while others are accepted with enthusiasm, no less unfounded.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):896-898
pages 896-898 views

Meetings of medical societies. Plenary meeting of the Scientific Medical Association of the TR from 8/IV 36


Dr. Petrov and Paklina. "On the results of the Baku and Moscow conferences on" the treatment and prevention of malaria "

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):898-900
pages 898-900 views

Surgical Society of ATSSR


Meeting 20 /III  1936

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):900-902
pages 900-902 views

Interdistrict scientific conference of doctors in Bugulma


April 1-3 p. a scientific interdistrict conference of doctors and cluster epidemiological meetings in the mountains. Bugulme with the participation of prof. I. P. Vasiliev (Kazan Medical Institute) and Dr. I. A. Kazantsev (TNKZ-san epidupr.). Doctors from 12 districts, representatives of Bugulma district and public organizations took part.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):903-903
pages 903-903 views

Medical conventions and conferences


From 5 to 10 September in the city of Gorky, a regional meeting of physicians is convened with the involvement of adjacent territories and regions and with the participation of representatives of the center.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):903-904
pages 903-904 views



65. II International Congress against Cancer in Brussels. September 20, 36 in Brussels (Belgium), the 11th International Cancer Congress will be held, convened by the Belgian National Cancer League, chaired by Dr. Legat, with the participation of renowned oncologists Dustin, Maisin, Delrez, Sluys and others. The topics of the congress are scientific oncology and social anticancer fight, in particular: 1) carcinogenic agents, 2) heredity, metabolism, immunity, 3) cancer diagnostics, 4) types of cancer therapy, 5) prevention, 6) social oncology (statistics), 7) organization of anticancer control. The congress will last 6 days.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):904-906
pages 904-906 views

In memory of Professor M.I. Astvatsaturova


On March 25, 1936, an outstanding clinician-neuropathologist, Honored Scientist, Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Military Medical Academy of the RKKA named after V.I. S. M. Kirov, professor Mikhail Ivanovich Astvatsaturov.

Kazan medical journal. 1936;32(7):906-907
pages 906-907 views

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