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Vol 23, No 4 (1927)

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On the subject of braking

Mislavsky N.A., Sergievsky M.V.


Veszi, a student of Verworn, pointed out that by attaching a stimulus from the X centripetal root to the IX centripetal root, inhibition can be obtained. We repeated Veszi's experiments. It turned out that inhibition is most easily obtained when the frequency of current for both roots is different, but in general it is obtained both when the strength of currents is different, and when the strength and frequency of current for both roots are the same. In the latter case, the inhibition phenomenon is more easily obtained from a fatigued preparation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):387-391
pages 387-391 views

Toward a technique for producing stable hemoglobin crystals

Dmitriev V.R.


In the Russian literature there are absolutely no detailed instructions on methods of obtaining crystalline hemoglobin, and it seems to us that it will be not uninteresting for doctors to get acquainted with them. My respected teacher, the late Prof. A. A. Panormov, has been studying hemoglobin in our laboratory since 1910. He did a lot of work in this field and accumulated a large amount of raw material, which will be later processed and published. At his suggestion I also took up the study of hemoglobin of cow's blood.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):392-395
pages 392-395 views

Mechanization of pathological life processes as a method of clinical work

Nevyadomsky M.M.


In this article I would like to touch upon one of the basic questions of modern medicine that life itself urges. It is the question of revising the method of clinical work, of revising the direction of the doctor's thought, which has taken root in his mind as a result of the inertia of the progressive advance of medicine, which at one time, probably since Hippocrates, has had a definite bias in its development. And this inertia of medical thought, as if logically justified by the length of time we have been working in a certain direction, thereby hypnotizes us, forcing us to recognize correctness where it does not really exist.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):396-403
pages 396-403 views

Treatment of pulmonary tbc with intravenous infusions of manganese chloride

Chekalov F.P.


Helms in his paper "Manganbehandlung bei Tuberculose", published in Deutsche med. Wochenschrift" 1925, № 29, published the results of treatment of pulmonary consumption with manganese chloride (manganum chloratum, MnCl2), molecular solution of which, at a dose of 0.03, he administered intravenously at intervals of 3-4-6 days. The results were as follows: out of 26 patients treated in this way, 17 had improvement, 7 cases remained unchanged, and 2 cases went with deterioration; there were 16 bacilliform bacilli at the beginning of treatment, and at the end of treatment 10 of these patients had tubercle bacilli disappeared. Consequently, the percentage of disappearance of Koch's bacilli when treating consumption patients with intravenous infusions of molecular solution of manganese chloride in the author was 62.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):404-405
pages 404-405 views

Insulin and stomach function

Predtechensky A.M., Gurvich L.I., Permyakov F.K.


After the work of Воеnhеіm, who for the first time made systematic observations on the influence of hormones on gastric secretion, and after a series of subsequent clinical and experimental observations, it was established in science that, along with other organs, hormones do not leave the stomach unaffected. It is true that up to the present time there is not yet complete consistency in the assessment of their influence, but at the same time there is no doubt that they have an effect on the stomach.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):406-408
pages 406-408 views

Regarding presacral mixed tumors

Venetsianova M.S.


The issue of congenital tumors of the sacrococcygeal region is far from new. The famous French obstetrician Philippe Retz wrote as early as 1694 about a similar tumor that was twice the size of a newborn's head and hindered childbirth. But all previous reports were limited to a macroscopic description of the size, shape and location of the tumor. When the microscope came to the aid of the clinic, however, the interesting structure of these tumors attracted the attention of researchers, who tried to work out their classification and identify their pathogenesis. In spite of numerous works in this direction, this question, however, has not yet been completely solved. It will be solved, as Pozharisky says, only when we are able to read the last pages of tumor doctrine.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):409-413
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To the clinic of false aneurysms

Bal V.M.


False aneurysms are relatively rare in peacetime. Even more rare is the operation of vascular suture in common carotid artery aneurysm. This last circumstance prompts us to describe a case of false aneurysm, where suturing of a. carotis communis was required, which took place in our clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):414-421
pages 414-421 views

To the technique of embryotomy

Borshchov P.D.


It is probable that even at present embryotomy is a frequent operation in the work of a country doctor. During 30 years of my service as a zemstvo doctor in the Mokrovsky district (formerly Gizdrinsky, now Bezhetsky district) I had to perform it in the transverse position (always on a dead fetus) 55 times (in other cases and when it would be possible, but dangerous, to make a difficult turn. I had only two deaths after it. Ascribing such success, besides the good, healthy constitution of the women in labor, to the method of operation, I offer this method to the readers.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):422-424
pages 422-424 views

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia with iontophoresis

Utochnikova N.S.


The treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia has long been one of the most important tasks of the gynecologist. With the development of surgery, surgical methods of treatment began to be applied: exudates were removed, the uterus and inflamed appendages were extirpated, etc.; but the danger of surgical intervention on the one hand, and on the other - the severe consequences of removal of organs such as ovaries, especially in young women - forced gynecologists to spend much effort in discovering and improving non-operative methods of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital parts. Among these methods, physical methods such as water, mud, light baths, massage, etc., as well as those related to electricity have long been prominent.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):425-429
pages 425-429 views

Surgical control of uterine cancer based on over 300 cases of Wertheim's extended surgery over a five-year period (1921 to 1925)

Bogush K.F.


The increasing success of radiotherapeutic treatment of uterine cancer both in Russia and abroad involuntarily makes us think that the time is not far off when the problem of cancer in general will be solved, if not the problem of its treatment, and everything that was achieved here by the power of the knife will be relegated to the field of legend, will have only a historical interest. However, the medical world and medical science must preserve the memory of the struggle waged by gynecological surgeons, expending enormous forces of creativity in a gradual approach to the known ideal of operative treatment. That is why, before I proceed with the presentation of my work, I consider it my duty to mention the main points of the surgical treatment of uterine cancer in the department I supervise.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):430-439
pages 430-439 views

To the characteristics of syphilitic phenomena preceding neurolues

Sukhovaya E.V.


When looking at the various manifestations of syphilis in its primary and secondary periods, the old syphilidologists noted that in individual patients they proceed differently: while in some patients the secondary period, for example, is characterized by a profuse roseless, papular or pustular rash, which is often preceded by a vigorous prodromal period of fever, in others it proceeds very sluggishly, The secondary period is characterized by an abundant rosellar, papular or pustular rash, which is often preceded by a violent prodromal period with fever, while in others it runs very sluggish, the rash is barely noticed or absent at all (so called lues sine exantheniate). Comparing then the manifestations of the secondary period with the further course of lues, many syphilidologists have come to the conclusion that a more or less violent manifestation of the primary and secondary periods of the disease exempts the patient from lesions of the nervous system, and vice versa, having mild skin manifestations during these periods are candidates for tabes and progressive paralysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):440-441
pages 440-441 views

To the physiology of nasal breathing

Gavrilov I.


I give the results of observations of my own breathing, with the proviso that my nose is perfectly normal, and I rarely suffer from a runny nose. In the tables below, d indicates that the main stream of air at a given time went through a given half of the nose, while the other was either completely blocked or breathed through it with difficulty; p indicates that at this moment the breathing through both nostrils was approximately of equal force; r/p indicates that breathing was through both nostrils, the left nostril breathing harder. The results were noted at ½ hour intervals.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):442-445
pages 442-445 views

A picture of death by lightning

Polyakov N.L.


Death by lightning is a rarity in the practice of the forensic scientist. Many of the experts with a great experience have never had such cases in their practice and have only a vague idea of the changes which occur on the body of the killed person according to textbooks. Having in my practice three cases of death from the action of lightning, I will allow myself to inform those observations which contradict the data usually stated in the textbooks of forensic medicine.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):446-449
pages 446-449 views

Current state of heart surgery in relation to some views on modern surgical science

Bogolyubov V.L.


Surgery is currently making quite significant progress in pericardial pouch diseases. First of all, surgical intervention is required in case of various fluid accumulations in the pericardial cavity (inflammatory exudates, stagnant and bloody effusions). The danger of such changes lies in the aforementioned cardiac tamponade, leading to heart distress and cardiac arrest due to compression of large veins flowing into the heart. Cardiac dysfunction with cardiac tamponade can occur with the accumulation of 150-300 cc of fluid in the pericardial cavity. The sooner the fluid accumulates, the sooner the danger is created.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):450-458
pages 450-458 views

Treatment of skin diseases with intravenous injections of CaC12 and NaBr solutions

Okulov A.M.


Therapy of skin diseases by intravenous injections of various drugs is not new and has its own history. At one time Mayer and Linser achieved great success in one severe case of dermatosis during pregnancy (impetigo herpetiformis) by intravenous injections of the blood serum of a healthy pregnant woman. Shortly thereafter, Linser was able to achieve the same success in some similar cases that did not respond to any other therapeutic measures.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):458-461
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To the doctrine of the status thymico-lymphaticus. M. M. Nevyadomsky (Vestn. Endocr., 1927, No. 1)


On the basis of the clinical and pathological-anatomical study of 6 cases of this anomaly, the author concludes that status thymico-lymphaticus is undoubtedly a pathological condition, congenital or acquired anomaly, and we must distinguish between a primary st. thymico-lymphaticus and a secondary one caused by changes in other endocrine glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):462-462
pages 462-462 views

On Gigantism. Shereshevsky (Endocrinology, vol. X, no. 1)


The author had the opportunity to observe a 22-year-old patient with gigantism since the first months of life. Considering the question of the relation of gigantism to acromegaly, the author dwells on the theory that gigantism develops due to hyperplasia of cellular elements of the anterior pituitary lobe, while acromegaly - due to adenoma of its eosinophilic elements. In his case, the author applied X-ray therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):462-462
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Tissue eosinophilia in tumors. V. V. Alyakritsky (Russ. Kl., No. 31, 1926)


According to the author's observations, tissue eosinophilia is more frequent and stronger in cancers, less often in sarcomas, while in benign tumors it is usually absent. This difference is partly related to the frequency of inflammation and the tendency of tumors to autolysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):462-462
pages 462-462 views

The influence of the chemical composition of table salt on gemolysis. Ginzburg and Kalinina (Vr. Delo, 1926, No. 17-18)

Tselischeva A.


To find out the influence of the chemical composition of salt on hemolysis, the authors set up a series of experiments with titration of hemolytic sera and complement, and tested a number of physiological NaCl solutions used in the laboratories of Moscow.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):462-462
pages 462-462 views

Epinephrectomy in neglected cancers. M.S. Lisitsyn (Vest. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., b. 24)


The author observed 4 cases of advanced cancer (peritoneum, tongue, parotis), where removal of the adrenal glands was applied. In none of these cases epinephrectomy was successful.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):462-462
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Cancer treatment with lead. Blair Bell (Dent. med. Woch., 1926, No. 50)


The author treats cancer with intravenous injections of lead salts. Of 227 cases of cancer treated with this method, 41 resulted in clinical recovery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):462-462
pages 462-462 views

On animal blood transfusions to humans. Cruchet (Brit. med. Journ., No. 3438)


Clinical and experimental studies of the last 5 years have shown that transfusion of heterogeneous blood can be perfectly safe. For this purpose it is only necessary to strictly follow the rules regarding the speed of infusion: in the first minute only 1/2 cc. cent. should be transfused, in the second 1-2, in the third 4 cc. cent. cent.; then in the first half of infusion this speed remains at the same level, then gradually it can be increased.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):463-463
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Blood changes during serotherapy. Feilchenfeld и Lehfeldt (Deut. med. W., 1926, No. 50)


The authors, studying the blood condition in 4 cases of streptococcal sepsis, treated successfully with anti-streptococcal serum, found the following changes: 1) in the height of the disease eosinophils in the blood were completely absent, with the improvement of the patients under the influence of serotherapy there was a rapid increase in their number; 2) this improvement was followed by an increase in the relative number of lymphocytes and a decrease of left shift.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):462-463
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Treatment of obesity. Struve (Deut. med. W., 1927, No. 5)


Along with an appropriate diet and restriction of drinking, patients are allowed to enter no more than 1000 cc of fluid daily, taking into account the high water content in vegetables, potatoes, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):463-463
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On the action of Diuretin. Grossmann (Wiener kl. Woch., 1927, No. 9)


Diuretin, when used per os, is a bad diureticum, since it acts diuretic only in anacidic gastric juices, but in normal or elevated hydrochloric acid in the latter diuretin often leads even to a decrease in diuresis. 

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):463-463
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On optimal dose in mercury-quartz irradiation. Е. T. Zalkindson (Phototherapy, 1926, No. 3)

Klyachkin L.N.


By constructing a special device for measuring the radiation of the mercury-quartz lamp (photo-quantimeter), the author was able to set optimal doses for the treatment of various diseases on a large material.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):463-463
pages 463-463 views

Effects of ultraviolet rays on blood Ca content. Leicher (Stralenterapie, Bd. XIX, H. 2)

Matveev D.N.


In the literature there are indications that when exposed to these rays the Ca content in the blood increases. Studies of the author, made on 60 persons aged from 4 to 65 years, show that this is not entirely true: the author observed from the action of ultraviolet rays increased Ca content only in those cases where it had previously been reduced against the norm; in those individuals who had normal Ca content, its change after lighting was not observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):463-464
pages 463-464 views

To the treatment of rickets. P. F. Rothstein (reported in J. for Advanced Medical Training, 1926, No. 5)

Klyachkin L.N.


The author treated rickets with food irradiated with a mercury-quartz lamp. The whole meal was irradiated, such as soups, porridges, meat, fish, etc. Complete cure was achieved within a time interval of 30 days to 3 months.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):464-464
pages 464-464 views

Blood reaction to limanotherapy. Е. V. Brusilovsky and Dr. Turkeltaub (Zeit. f. d. ges. phys. Ther., Bd. 31, H. 2)

Khorosh Y.V.


The authors traced the changes of SR (sedimentation reaction) and leukocyte formula under the influence of limanotherapy, sometimes combined with protein therapy, in 152 patients with diseases of the joint and nervous system.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):464-464
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Blood changes in arthritic patients under the influence of liman treatment. Е. M. Brusilovsky (Vrach. Gaz., 1926, No. 3)

Klyachkin L.N.


The author reports the influence of liman procedures (mud, brine and mineral baths) on the qualitative composition of blood and concludes that these procedures cause qualitative changes in the white blood cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):464-464
pages 464-464 views

Macesta and its importance in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. V. I. Znamensky (Kurort. Delo, 1925, No. 6)

Klyachkin L.N.


According to V. I. Znamensky indicated for treatment in Matsesta: 1) diseases of the peripheral nervous system, -neuralgia, neuritis; 2) diseases of the central nervous system connected with disorders of the cardiovascular system, - hemiplegia and hemiparesis due to thrombosis and embolism; (treatment of acute forms of the mentioned diseases, it goes without saying, is contraindicated); 3) Luetic diseases,-vascular syphilis of the brain, lues cerebrospinalis, meningo-myelitis, tabes dorsalis incipiens and Luetic radiculitis (here; baths, giving increase of metabolism and excretions, make possible mercury treatment with impunity); 4) remnants of lethargic encephalitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):464-464
pages 464-464 views

Toward the pathogenesis of peptic ulcers. S. S. Zimnitsky (Vrach. Delo, 1926, No. 17-19)


Based on the work of his clinic and some literature data, the author believes that "gastric ulcer is a consequence and a peculiar manifestation of tissue acidosis".

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):465-465
pages 465-465 views

A new colorful test for the detection of hidden blood in feces. K. Usami (Wien. k. Woch., 1926, no. 27)

Zach R.


The author suggests the following method: take 5.0 of the test feces by eye, thoroughly grind it in a porcelain mortar with excess acetone and filter it, and the feces remaining on the filter is washed with acetone until almost discolored liquid flows out; after the acetone is squeezed with a pestle as much as possible, the feces is removed from the filter into another porcelain mortar, grinded with 20 cc. c. of a mixture of alcohol and glacial acetic acid (1 c. c. of acid to 1 c. c. of absol. alcohol), is filtered again, and 1 c. c. of the filtrate is poured into a mixture consisting of 1 c. of Leukomethyl-violett'a or Leukofuchsin with 2 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):465-465
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Migration of ascarids. A. A. Kovalevsky and V. M. Kurlov (Sib. Arch. Theor. and Cl. Med., vol. I, b. 1-2)


The authors found that 1) infection with ascaris lumbricoides larvae can occur per os, through the subcutaneous tissue and through intact skin; 2) in this case the mature ascarid eggs penetrate into the body by one way or another through the blood vessels reach the lungs, where they do a certain cycle of their development; 3) from the pulmonary vessels the larvae penetrate into the smallest and largest bronchi and from there pass into the trachea and larynx, and getting into the pharynx or esophagus, they are swallowed into the stomach, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):465-465
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On the subject of colitis. W. Zweig (Deut. m. W., 1927, No. 3)


Chronic colitis never develops from acute catarrh of the intestines, but always inadvertently, with constitution and nutritional status playing an important role in the etiology. Topographically, a distinction is made between ascending colitis, sigmoiditis, proctitis, and diffuse colitis, and among the cases of sigmoiditis-sigmoiditis mucosa, haemorragica, and atrophicans.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):465-465
pages 465-465 views

On the issue of hereditary tbc. Couviaire (Presse méd., 1927, No. 15)

Tarnopolsky I.


After reviewing material covering observations of 319 children of mothers separated from the latter immediately after birth, the author obtained some evidence in favor of the possibility of transmission through the placenta.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):465-466
pages 465-466 views

Filtered tbc virus and current data regarding tbc heredity. Arloing, Dufourt (Presse méd., 1927, No. 2)

Tarnopolsky I.


The authors, based on experimental and clinical observations, consider the passage of tbc filtered virus through the placenta to be proven and support their conclusion with a representative case.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):466-466
pages 466-466 views

Visceral tbc and skin. Wigand (Zentr. f. Haut. u. Geschl., 1926, Bd. XXI, H. 5/6, ref.)

Pechnikov Y.


The author thinks that the extreme rarity of tbc skin lesions in visceral tbc indicates a greater immunity of the skin than that of the internal organs in this type of patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):466-466
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Pernicious anemia and tbc. Mathias (Deut. med. W., 1926, No. 52)


It is known that when cachectic conditions persist for a long time in the elderly (especially in cancerous cachexia), tubercular processes often break out, seemingly completely cured. This is usually explained by the weakening of the organism's resistance to tbc.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):466-466
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Camphor for lung tbc. Мuralt, Weiler (Zeit. f. Tbc., 1926. 46,4)


Having treated 430 tuberculosis patients with camphor, the authors come to very optimistic conclusions about this remedy.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):467-467
pages 467-467 views

Luminal-ether anesthesia. Millul (on ref. in Ther. Ber., 1927, no. 3)


The author advises to use luminal instead of morphine in patients undergoing surgery before ether anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):467-467
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On the effect of Peruvian balm on wounds. W. Silberschmidt, С. Brunner (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, No. 5)

Tsimkhes I.


The authors concluded from experimental studies that the bactericidal power of Peruvian balm is insignificant, but of great importance is its antitoxic effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):467-467
pages 467-467 views

Treatment of bleeding ulcers of the stomach. Hesse (Vrach. Delo, 1926, No. 14)


Considering indications for surgical intervention in bleeding gastric ulcers, the author divides cases of this kind into 2 groups: 1) cases where the ulcer is accompanied by a single severe bleeding, and 2) cases where there is acute recurrent bleeding.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):467-467
pages 467-467 views

Kidney grafting. Avramovici (Lyon chir., 1925, No. 6; ref. Rus. Bl., 1926, No. 29)


The author performed, on dogs, a number of experiments with homotransplantation, heterotransplantation and necrotransplantation of kidneys.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):467-467
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Sphincteroplasty with aponeurosis. Вloek (Zentr. f. Chir., 1927, No. 6)

Tsimkhes I.


After the examination of sphincteroplasty as a method of operative treatment of inguinal hernia, Bleek, based on his own experience (12 cases), suggests that after exposing the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, it should be dissected in the usual way, making two parallel incisions immediately next to the pouparticular ligament and on the medial side.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):467-467
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Application of omentoplasty in craniocerebral surgery. Prof. Mirotvortsev and Dr. Samsonov (Vestn. Khir. i Pogr. Obl., p. 25, 1927)

Tsimkhes I.


The authors recommend using omentum as an autoplastic material to fill defects of the cerebral substance and dura mater as an autoplastic material.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):467-468
pages 467-468 views

Treatment of a paralytic knee joint. Nove-Josserand (Presse médicale, 1926, no. 83)

Kiptenko N.


In the author's opinion, in isolated paralysis of the ni. quadricipitis femoris, transplantation of m. sartorii and m. tensoris fasciae latae to it is sufficient; in more severe cases, arthrodesis of the knee joint is necessary, which can be done at 7-8 years of age with subsequent fixation in a cast for 4-6 months.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):468-468
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Treatment of hip deformities. P. Mathieu (Presse med., 1926, No. 83)

Kiptenko N.


The author divides hip joint deformities into two groups: 1) with complete ankylosis of the hip joint, when, in the straightened position of the hip, there is no need for surgical intervention, and when the position of the hip is incorrect, an oblique or wedge osteotomy is indicated, and 2) with preserved mobility of the hip.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):468-468
pages 468-468 views

Treatment of ankylosis of the hip joint by formation of a false joint. Vreden (V. Chir., vol. 24, 1926)

Friedland M.


The author's technique is as follows: the skin incision begins from the middle of the cristae ilei, 1 cm below it, and runs parallel to it to the sp. il. ant. sup.; from here the incision goes down vertically and passing half of the thigh length, it turns at right angles to the outer surface of the thigh to its middle; the outlined skin flap is cut off and folded outward, exposing the broad femoral fascia and troch. major. Then they penetrate at the sp. il. ant. sup. into the space between tensor fasciae latae and gluteus, médius and, descending along the anterior edge of the latter, dissect the broad fascia to the apex of the greater trochanter, then make an incision through the fascia, running along the edges of the skin defect, rising along its medial edge to the muscle belly of tensoris fasciae latae. The fascial-muscular flap outlined in this way is cut off and folded upward and inward, serving as material for interposition in the future.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):468-469
pages 468-469 views

Arthroplasty of the hip joint. W. С. Campbell (Surg., gynecol. and obst., 1926, No. 1)

Friedland M.


The author considers the best age for this kind of intervention to be 18-30 years; after 45 years of age and in childhood it is difficult to count on success. The most suitable cases are post-traumatic and completely silenced post-infectious ankylosis, except for tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):469-469
pages 469-469 views

Climactery and blood pressure. Lehfeldt (Zentr. f. Суn., 1926, No. 45)

Zabolotskaya E.


Regarding the effect of the loss of ovarian function on blood pressure, the most common view is that abnormally high blood pressure and abnormal fluctuations in blood pressure are a symptom peculiar to menopause.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):469-469
pages 469-469 views

The validity of Lüttge's and Merz's reaction. Joseph, Babau (Deut. med. Woch., 1926, No. 52)


Lüttge and Merz are known to have proposed their reaction with alcohol extracts (A. E. R.) for both diagnosing pregnancy and determining the sex of the uterine fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):469-470
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Fetal heartbeat rate disorders during the dilatation period. Zangemeister (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 14)

Timofeev A.


The author points out the fallacy of the rather widespread view that fetal heart rate disorders in the first period of labor are relatively innocent. In 6035 deliveries the author observed fetal heart rate disorders in 2% in the form of deceleration below 100 beats; per minute, acceleration above 160 beats and pronounced arrhythmia; of these children 23% died, 30% were born asphyxiated.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):470-470
pages 470-470 views

Delivering a fetus in a breech presentation. Friis Basmussen (Acta obs. et gyn. scan., 1926, H. 1; no Ber. ü. die ges Gyn., Bd. XI)


The author reports results obtained in Copenhagen from 1910 to 1921 on a material of 465 cases. The duration of labor and premature rupture of the bladder, which occurs frequently, play an important role for prognosis. Mortality in the postpartum period is higher than the average mortality for other births. The prognosis is less favorable for first-time mothers, especially those of older age.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):470-470
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Signs of fetal death. Merletti, Vignadi (по Ber. ü. d. ges. Gyn., Bd. XI)


The authors studied maternal blood status in cases of fetal intrauterine death and found a known consistency in the changes observed.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):470-470
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To the teaching of infectious inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia. A. Curtis (Surg., gyn. а. obst., 1926, No. 1)


The famous American gynecologist A. Curtis comes to some conclusions that differ sharply from those accepted in modern gynecology.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):470-471
pages 470-471 views

The therapy of metropathiae haemorrhagicae. Вaksсht (Zentr. f. G., 1926, No. 21)

Timofeev A.


The author uses the following treatment: 14 cc of blood is taken from the ulnar vein and mixed with 6 cc of sterile distilled water. After rapid shaking, hemolysis occurs, after which the blood is injected intramuscularly. The author warmly recommends this method of treatment, as 2 to 4 injections are required for complete cure. Especially suitable for such therapy are cases giving positive reaction according to Davis'y.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):471-471
pages 471-471 views

Complement binding reaction in gonorrhea and its complications. Heiner (Derm. W., 1926, No. 52а)

Yasnitsky N.


The author used Wassermann's original method of reaction, using "Gonargin extrastark" as an antigen and a gonococcal vaccine containing 12 billion gonococci in 1 cc. 12 billion gonococci. Of 112 individuals who did not have gonorrhea, 93% reacted negatively; 14 eczematous patients also reacted negatively. In a study of 256 cases with various clinical forms of male and female gonorrhea, the author obtained a positive reaction in 81%.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):471-471
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General gonorrheal sepsis. Haas (Znbl. f. H. u. G., 1926, Bd. XXL H. 7/8, ref.)

Pechnikov Y.


The author describes the following 2 cases of general gonorrhoeal sepsis.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):471-472
pages 471-472 views

Gonorrhoeal penile peritonitis in men. Stern (Derm. Woch. 1926, No. 37)

Yasnitsky N.


The author had the opportunity to observe cases of chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic cavity in male gonorrhoids.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):472-472
pages 472-472 views

Treatment of chronic female gonorrhea with a vaccine. Lоеsеr (Zeit. f. Urologie, 1926, В. 20, H. 10)

Pechnikov Y.D.


The author believes that common commercial vaccines have no effect on the course of this process. He recommends freshly prepared gonococcal vaccines under the following conditions: 1) the strain obtained from fresh acute gonorrhea is conducted no more than 2 times through culture medium: 2) the gonococci are killed in the absence of any disinfectants; and 3) the vaccine is consumed no later than 2 months from its preparation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):472-472
pages 472-472 views

Treatment of gonorrhoeal arthritis with a vaccine. V. M. Peisakhovich (Vrach. Delo, 1926, No. 19)

Tselischeva A.


The author observed a good effect from the treatment of fresh gonoarthritis by injecting a gonococcal vaccine into the affected joint.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):472-472
pages 472-472 views

A case of primary diphtheria of the outer ear. Veits (Ztschtr. f. Hals-Nas. und Ohrhl., Bd. 16, H. 1)

Ilyina L.


The author notes that diphtheria, especially primary diphtheria of the outer ear, is extremely rare. The usual way of spreading the infection should be considered the pharynx, the Eustachian tube, the middle ear, and finally the outer ear. Therefore, all cases of supposedly primary diphtheria with perforation of the tympanic membrane and former, existing or subsequent otitis media should be considered doubtful.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):472-473
pages 472-473 views

Relation of nasal diseases to the sexual sphere. Stolypin (Vestn. R.-L.-O., 1926, No. 4-5)

Ilyina L.


The author reports cases, of which, in 4, nasal disease was combined with dysmenorrhea and in 2 with dysmenorrhea, onanism, and infertility.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):473-473
pages 473-473 views

Relation of diseases of the nervous system with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. M.F. Tsytovich (Vest. Rino-lar.-ot., 1926, No. 4-5)

Yakhontov S.


Noting that diseases of the cranial nervous system may result from 1) infection, 2) nutritional disturbances, and 3) disturbances of normal stimuli (reflexes), the author points out that a huge percentage of infectious diseases of the brain and the meninges have their source in the nose and its appendage cavities. Almost all cranial nerves can also be infected from the nose and its appendages.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):473-473
pages 473-473 views

N. S. Pravdin. An Experimental Introduction to the Study of Pharmacology. Published by I Moscow State University. Moscow, 1926. Price 2 rubles. 131 pp.

Sokolov V.M.


The appearance in print of Dr. Pravdin's book is undoubtedly of interest already because we have extremely limited literature in this area. The author correctly points out the incompleteness of his work, as he has not touched upon all the provisions that could be, and even should be, carried out in practical classes with students, but in vain says in the preface that this book is not a manual for practical classes. First of all, it is admitted by GUS as such; on the other hand, the background to each work, illuminating its content, a detailed description of the equipment and making experiments, as well as conclusions and generalizations allow to recommend it as a manual for students at those universities, which conduct the program adopted by the author.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):473-473
pages 473-473 views

Prof. M. M. Neviadomsky. The Mechanics of the Life-Proliferation of the Sick Man, vol. I, Moscow, 1926

Predtechensky A.


The publication last year of Professor M. M. Nevyadomsky's Mechanics will certainly awaken interest in the name of Professor Zakhar'in. If, as D. D. Pletnev put it, we do not know Russian scientific medicine (Pletnev, Russian therapeutic schools), yet such representatives of it as Zakharyin, Botkin, Ostroumov, L. Popov, Volkov, Obraztsov, Shatilov, etc., can be called classics of Russian clinical medicine. In recent years, we have seen in Russian medical literature a number of works profound in content and original in their very title, such as, for example, "Introduction to Thanatology. In recent years we have seen in the Russian medical literature a number of works of profound content and originality, such as "Introduction to Thanatology" by Prof. Shore and the aforementioned "Mechanics of Vital Signs of the Sick Man" by Prof. Neviadomsky.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):473-475
pages 473-475 views

Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Vol. 23, No. 4 (1927)


Meeting of February 24
Prof. M. N. Cheboksarov: Adrenal lipase, its relation to poisons and clinical significance. The report was printed in issue 3 of "K.M. Journal". In the debate Prof. P.P. Vasiliev pointed out that microscopic examination of the adrenal glands of dead B., mentioned by the reporter, revealed the existence of changes both in the cortical and in the brain substance of them. Proff. С. С. Zimnitskii and P. N. Nikolaev, noting the practical importance and interest of the reporter's work, pointed out that it would be especially interesting to trace the content of adrenal lipase in such diseases as typhoid and typhoid, as well as in animals with artificial damage to their adrenal glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):475-479
pages 475-479 views

Penza Scientific Medical Society

Savkov I.


Session of March, 8
Demonstration of preparations of peptic postoperative ulcer on the material of the Surgery Department of the Lip Hospital.
Demonstration of patient with disseminating form of cancer recurrence around postoperative scar after breast removal operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):479-479
pages 479-479 views

Meetings of the Scientific Club of the Rybinsk Medical Section. Vol. 23, No. 4 (1927)


Dr. Bronnikov A.N.: On the technique of diaphragmatic hernia surgery. The reporter pointed out that there is no unanimity among surgeons as to how to operate on diaphragmatic hernias - both thoracic and abdominal and mixed ways are used here, and Professor Sokolov is also an advocate of the transpleural method, but the reporter disagrees with him due to the impossibility to inspect abdominal organs which may be injured by this method.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):480-480
pages 480-480 views

A brief report on the work of the Buguruslan Scientific Society of Physicians


Dr. Fialkov: Observations on the effect of magnesium sulfate injections in postpartum and postoperative isuria. The speaker conducted these observations for two years, and for injections a 10% solution of magnesium sulfate was used, which was injected in an amount of 5 to 10 cc; injections had to be made up to 3-4 times, with the earliest urination observed 30 minutes after the first injection.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):480-481
pages 480-481 views

II Congress of Surgeons of the North Caucasus Region

Eiber S.M.


The Congress was held in Rostov on the Don on 12-15, 1927, in the conveniently chosen and convenient premises of the North-Caucasus University's Rabfak. Chairman of the Organizing Bureau of Congress Prof. Napalkov (Rostov), opening Congress , pointed out that its program questions 1) Tbc of bones and joints and 2) Emergency surgery of peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, gynecological diseases are complex, widely set and therefore it is necessary to cover the most important, essential details.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):481-484
pages 481-484 views

Chronicle. Vol. 23, No. 4 (1927)


Prof. L. Bogolubov was confirmed by the GUS as a professor at the Hospital Surgery Clinic of Kazan University. V.L.Bogoliubov was confirmed by the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy as a professor of the Hospital Surgical Clinic of Kazan-University of Kazan.For the vacant chair of skin and venereal diseases the corresponding subject committee and the Medical Faculty of Kazan-University of Kazan presented prof. S.A. Flerov has been elected by the Medical Faculty of Kazan University as a privat-docent of surgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):485-487
pages 485-487 views

Obituary. Vladimir Ivanovich Levchatkin

Nikitin K.G.


On 29/III in Novocherkassk, Prof. Vladimir Ivanovich Levchatkin, former director of the Kazan District Psychiatric Hospital, died.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):487-487
pages 487-487 views

Questions and answers. Vol. 23, No. 4 (1927)


How common is the complete congenital absence of the uterus and appendages in women, and what literature might be recommended on the subject?                                                          Dr. I. Lyandres.
Answer.  Which cases are not particularly rare. In Kazan obstetric-gynecological clinic during last 26 years, for example, according to the calculation made recently by Dr. D.P.Davydovy, over 50 (54) cases of this kind were registered. The newest monograph devoted to the question of female genital malformations, belonging to prof. Kermannner, is published in volume III of multivolume manual "Biologie und Pathologie des Weibes" by Nalban and Seitz; there is a list of literature on this question.
Prof. V. Gruzdev.

Kazan medical journal. 1927;23(4):487-488
pages 487-488 views

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