Vol 18, No 1 (1922)

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What is our method of functional diagnostics of the kidneys and what does it allow

Zimnitsky S.S.


After I proposed a simple clinical method for determining the functional ability of the kidneys, I was repeatedly asked the question - how to reconcile the data I obtained with the pathological and anatomical data, or how to build a bridge between them and, say, the classification of Vоlhard and Fаhr? !

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):54-62
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On the issue of diaphragmatic hernias

Manenkov P.V.


The issue of diaphragmatic hernias has been the subject of persistent and fruitful research since the last half of the last century. Until that time, the more or less developed doctrine of diaphragm hernias, one might say, did not exist at all - if individual cases of this kind of hernias were described, then the number of these descriptions was not so great, and these descriptions were of a purely casuistic nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):63-86
pages 63-86 views

Modification of Sabaneev's method of ankle joint resection

Sokolov N.V.


If we compare the number of methods of surgical incisions for accessing the joints, then, it seems, in no other area, so many of these methods have been proposed as in the area of the ankle joint.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):87-102
pages 87-102 views

Radiotherapy for uterine cancer

Gruzdev V.S.


Usually, it is customary to take any broad, general questions of medicine as topics for speeches delivered at the Annual Meetings of our Society. In deviation from this rule, the subject of my speech will be only a private medical method, and, moreover, applied to a particular disease of one organ. If, however, I add that such a disease is uterine cancer, and the therapeutic method, which I will talk about in my speech, is radiation therapy, then the indicated digression will become completely understandable for you.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):103-128
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On the issue of hemiplegia

Rusetsky I.I.


The neuropathological material of recent years is replete with cases of hemiplegia, surpassing in this respect the number of many years of old times. The immediate task of a modern neuropathologist is a more perfect topical diagnosis of lesions in accordance with the observed symptomatology. The proposed working scheme is intended to facilitate this task by dividing the affected brain areas into five floors and drawing a parallel with the observed motor, sensory and other phenomena. The basis of the scheme is personal and literary material of the near future.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):129-131
pages 129-131 views

To the doctrine of keratodermia palmaris et plantaris symmetrica (Besnier)

Yasnitsky N.N.


Skin diseases characterized by anomalies of keratinization in the sense of hypertrophy of the stratum corneum were named by Lebert in 1864 keratosis (keratosis circumscripta et keratosis diffusa). Hebra in his textbook on skin diseases distinguishes between the following two forms: keratosis without simultaneous participation in the process of skin papillae (callositas, clavus, cornu cutaneum) and keratosis, accompanied by more or less pronounced resolution of the papillary layer (verruca, ichthyosis).

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):132-146
pages 132-146 views

Fighting old age (Verjungungdurch experimentelle Neubelebung der alternden Pubertätsdrüse, Berlin, 1920)


Among the studies that have caused the greatest sensation in recent times not only in the scientific world, but also in the general public, perhaps the first place should be given to the studies of S t e in a with h'a (Verjungungdurch experimentelle Neubelebung der alternden Pubertätsdrüse, Berlin, 1920), devoted, among other things, to the burning question of the possibility of rejuvenating an aging organism.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):147-149
pages 147-149 views

Pathological and anatomical basis of inflammation (Zeitschr. F. Pathologie, 1920, Bd. 24)


With his classical experiments on the frog's mesentery, Conheim established, as is known, that inflammation is based on the emigration of leukocytes per diapedesin through the vascular wall, and Conheim relates to this emigration the marks that appear in the tissues undergoing inflammation. Subsequently, Marchand, Herzog and others made a significant amendment to the teachings of Conheim'a - that, in addition to emigrated leukocytes, the cells of the inflammatory infiltrate located around the vessels also have a histogenic origin, being the results of the proliferation of especially adventitiae elements, and those found in infiltration of polynuclear cells, not to mention lymphocytes, mast and plasma cells.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):149-150
pages 149-150 views

Essence of the common cold (Arch. f. klin. Med., Bd. 117, H. 6: Bd. 119, H. 3.)


With the development of infectious pathology, the paramount importance that the ancient doctors so willingly attached to colds in the occurrence of various diseases, especially of an inflammatory nature, almost disappeared: in modern medicine, for a cold, only the secondary importance of the moment predisposing to certain diseases is recognized, although in the general public Until now, a view has been preserved on the important role of the common cold in the occurrence of various diseases, and clinical observations indicate that, perhaps, the pathogenic role of this factor is not so small.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):150-151
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Time of conception in women Siegel (Münch, med. Woch., 1916, № 21)


As you know, the time when women become pregnant, that is, the fertilized egg enters the uterus and is grafted onto its wall, has not yet been established with sufficient certainty.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):151-152
pages 151-152 views

Etiology and treatment of eclampsia Mayer (Zentr f. Gyn., 1916, № 40; 1917, № 4)


The question of the causes of this mysterious disease and the best way to treat it continues to occupy German obstetricians during the war. At the same time, many of them drew attention to the striking decrease in the number of cases of eclampsia and its more favorable course, starting in 1914.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):152-153
pages 152-153 views

Quinine as a remedy for enhancing labor contractions of the uterus Werner (Monatsschr. F. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. XLVIII; Zentr. F. Gyn., 1919)


The real enthusiasm with which the introduction of pituitrin and other pituitary preparations into obstetric practice as a means of enhancing labor contractions of the uterus was greeted among German obstetricians has apparently subsided in recent years, and they have returned to the old remedy. for this purpose, quinine. Werner (Monatsschr. F. Geb. U. Gyn., Bd. XLVIII; Zentr. F. Gyn., 1919) used hydrochloric acid quinine in 5% solution in the form of intravenous infusions (10 cc. S.), And each infusion was accompanied by injecting the same dose of quinine into the muscles

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):153-154
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Pressing the abdominal aorta to stop uterine bleeding Gauss (Zentr. F. Gyn., 1920, No. 1)


Used as an ultimum refugium for threatening uterine bleeding after childbirth, the method of elastic body constriction according to Momburg's is not without, as you know, major disadvantages and dangers; the same should be said about the tamponation of the uterine cavity recommended for such cases by Dühgssen. In view of this, Gauss (Zentr. F. Gyn.,. 1920, No. 1) recalls the method of isolated pressing of the abdominal aorta using a special Aderpresse, which he proposed back in 1910.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):154-155
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Functional amenorrhea of Dietrich (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1916, No. 6), Siegel (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1917, No. 13-14), Eckstein (ibid.), Schweitzer (Münch. med. Woch., 1917, No. 17), Spaeth (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1917, No. 27)


Meanwhile, as the incidence of eclampsia with the beginning of the great war dropped sharply, in relation to functional amenorrhea, that is, the reasons for which cannot be found in diseases of the female reproductive apparatus, the opposite was observed: the number of cases of it during the war greatly increased, which gave the reason for the authors to talk about "military amenorrhea".

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):155-156
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Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages with turpentine. Fuchs (Zentr. T. Gyn., 1920, No. 4), Hinze (ib., No. 28) and Sonnenfeld (Berl. Klin. Woch., 1920, No. 30)


Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages with turpentine. The authors observed very good results from the treatment of salpingo-ophoritis with intramuscular injections of a mixture of turpentine with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 4.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):156-157
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Treatment of peritonitis with ether. Веnthіn (Zentr. f. Gyn., 1919, No. 43)


Peritonitis is a disease that accounts for perhaps the largest number of deaths after gynecological operations.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):157-158
pages 157-158 views

Report on the activities of the Society of Physicians at Kazan University in 1921 and a look at its tasks in the future

Gruzdev V.O.


Under difficult conditions, our Society entered the reporting 54th year of its existence. Kazan University, this lighthouse, which for more than a century illuminated the entire eastern half of our fatherland with the light of higher enlightenment, threatened to go out completely.

Kazan medical journal. 1922;18(1):159-171
pages 159-171 views

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