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Vol 66, No 2 (1985) Combined cataract extraction with intrascleral filter iridectomy PDF
Galeev M.G.
Vol 66, No 2 (1985) Combined cataract extraction with intrascleral filtering iridectomy PDF
Galeev M.G.
Vol 33, No 4 (1937) Combined electro-thymo-lysate therapy for Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism PDF
Kudenko I.D.
Vol 46, No 2 (1965) Combined endotracheal anesthesia during a cesarean section in a woman in labor with acute pulmonary heart failure PDF
Stolyarova V.S.
Vol 59, No 1 (1978) Combined form of bacterial dysentery with ulcerative colitis PDF
Ivanov V.A., Ubasev V.T.
Vol 25, No 9 (1929) Combined form of Charcot disease and osteomalacia PDF
Grossman I.В.
Vol 59, No 1 (1978) Combined forms of otogenic sinustrombosis and sepsis PDF
Yakhontov G.S.
Vol 93, No 5 (2012) Combined inhalational and intravenous anesthesia at surgeries in patients with gastrointestinal cancers PDF
Neimark M.I., Tanatarov S.Z., Adylkhanov T.A.
Vol 49, No 3 (1968) Combined injuries of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavities PDF
Nikolaev G.M., Ostroumov A.B., Markov A.I.
Vol 64, No 6 (1983) Combined method of autoallodermoplasty PDF
Izmailov G.A., Izmailov S.G.
Vol 67, No 6 (1986) Combined operations for cholelithiasis
Sakhautdinov V.G., Gantsev S.K., Senderovich E.I.
Vol 67, No 2 (1986) Combined operations in abdominal surgery PDF
Sakhautdinov V.G., Gantsev S.K., Ippolitov G.N., Senderovich E.I.
Vol 100, No 5 (2019) Combined pharmacotherapy and behavioural interventions for smoking cessation PDF
- -.
Vol 81, No 5 (2000) Combined physiotherapy of chronic prostatitis PDF
Arslanov M.M., Khasanov R.S.
Vol 22, No 2 (1926) Combined reflex therapy
S. V.
Vol 59, No 5 (1978) Combined reflexology needle PDF
Tabeeva D.M.
Vol 42, No 5 (1961) Combined right-sided restrained inguinal hernia and sigmoid volvulus PDF
Pushkarev N.I.
Vol 29, No 5-6 (1933) Combined seismic therapy for certain diseases of the peripheral nervous system PDF
Barunin I.
Vol 22, No 10 (1926) Combined study of liver function and X-raying of gallbladder. Faltitschek and Krasso (Wien. klin. Woch., 1926, No. 14) PDF
Mogilevsky E.R.
Vol 43, No 2 (1962) Combined surgery for stomach cancer PDF
Miloslavsky I.M.
Vol 60, No 5 (1979) Combined surgical treatment of extended urethral strictures PDF
Kudryavtsev L.A., Borisov I.I.
Vol 81, No 6 (2000) Combined therapy of Helicobacter-associated intestinal dysbiosis PDF
Lazarenko O.G., Bashirova D.K.
Vol 40, No 3 (1959) Combined therapy of hypertension with novocaine and vitamin B1 PDF
Glikshtein M.D.
Vol 43, No 2 (1962) Combined treatment for female genital cancer PDF
Sidorov N.E., Kapelyushnik N.L.
Vol 49, No 1 (1968) Combined treatment for malignant neoplasms of external localizations PDF
Volodina G.I.
Vol 70, No 5 (1989) Combined treatment of a patient with Hilajditis syndrome PDF
Gorlov A.K., Kashin M.B., Goyerbarg M.Y.
Vol 24, No 6 (1928) Combined treatment of alveolar pyorrhea. K. G. Mitrofanova (Med. M. Uzbekistan, 1927, No. 1) PDF
Board E.
Vol 74, No 2 (1993) Combined treatment of coxarthrosis
Plakseichuk Y.A.
Vol 62, No 3 (1981) Combined treatment of patients with myocardial infarction with combinations of retabolil with panangin and methyluracil with panangin PDF
Anisimova L.V., Shinkareva I.A.
Vol 32, No 10-12 (1932) Combined treatment of pneumonia with calcium and digitalis Hellmann (Med. Kl. 1932, No. 39) PDF
Kramov N.
Vol 24, No 4 (1928) Combined treatment of surgical tbc in spas. Kozlowski (Orth. and Traum., 1928, p. 5-6) PDF
Kiptenko N.
Vol 53, No 2 (1972) Combined use for circulatory failure strophantidine acetate and methyluracil PDF
Valeeva R.M.
Vol 26, No 9 (1930) Combined use of spinal and local anesthesia in abdominal operations PDF
Tsimkhes I.
Vol 74, No 3 (1993) Combined use of theopek and corinphar in chronic obstructive bronchitis
Amirov I.B.
Vol 31, No 2 (1935) Combined X-ray treatment of inoperable forms of cervical cancer and histological changes in cancer ulcers under the influence of X-ray radium PDF
Krupenikov N.V.
Vol 47, No 3 (1966) Common arterial trunk in a 15-year-old boy PDF
Melnichnov V.N.
Vol 52, No 2 (1971) Common atherosclerosis with severe spinal impairment PDF
Shakurov R.S., Gritskikh T.G.
Vol 45, No 5 (1964) Common post-angina and alterogenic pericarditis PDF
Volynsky Z.M., Gogin E.E.
Vol 96, No 2 (2015) Common variable immune deficiency in clinical practice PDF
Yagudina L.A., Khakimova D.M.
Vol 64, No 1 (1983) Communist morality as the basis of medical ethics PDF
Fedyaev A.P.
Vol 95, No 3 (2014) Community-acquired pneumonia treatment: predictors of fatal outcomes PDF
Khamitov R.F., Malova A.A., Grigorieva I.V.
Vol 97, No 1 (2016) Comorbid cardiovascular system disorders in patients with cryoglobulinaemia PDF
Petrov A.V., Zayaeva A.A.
Vol 94, No 2 (2013) Comorbidities in chronic «overcrowded posterior cranial fossa» syndrome PDF
Zabbarova A.T., Bogdanov E.I., Khusainova D.K., Fatkheeva L.S.
Vol 98, No 6 (2017) Comorbidity in the clinical presentation of internal diseases: focus on symptomatic gastroduodenal ulcers PDF
Vlasova T.V., Shkarin V.V., Gorbunova M.L., Kizova E.A., Gurvich E.V., Yarkova N.A.
Vol 105, No 4 (2024) Comorbidity of chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: 5-year follow-up
Khazova E.V., Boulashova O.V., Iakubova V.M., Malkova M.I.
Vol 94, No 5 (2013) Comparative analysis of ceruloplasmin level in biological fluids at herpes infection PDF
Terekhina N.A., Reuk S.E., Atamanova T.I.
Vol 98, No 3 (2017) Comparative analysis of children’s physical development in different age groups in Voronezh region 15 years apart (1997-1999 and 2011-2014) PDF
Zhdanova O.A.
Vol 99, No 6 (2018) Comparative analysis of clinical effectiveness of α1-adrenoblockers doxazosin, tamsulosin and silodosin in males with chronic non-inflammatory prostatitis PDF
Lobkarev A.O., Khafiz'yanova R.K., Lobkarev O.A.
Vol 96, No 3 (2015) Comparative analysis of conventional and video-assisted surgeries on thyroid and parathyroid glands PDF
Khasanshin M.M.
Vol 97, No 2 (2016) Comparative analysis of different methods of anesthesia in patients with acute pancreatitis using pain scales PDF
Shilenok V.N., Nikitina E.V.
Vol 98, No 5 (2017) Comparative analysis of DQB1 и DQA1 class II genes of human leukocyte antigen system in the population of Azerbaijan PDF
Akhmedov G.A.
Vol 95, No 1 (2014) Comparative analysis of dural reconstruction methods in open brain surgery for prevention of postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage PDF
Alekseev D.E., Alekseev E.D., Svistov D.V.
Vol 93, No 6 (2012) Comparative analysis of echocardiography, multispiral computed tomography, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in left ventricular mass evaluation PDF
Galyavich A.S., Rafikov A.Y., Saifullina G.B.
Vol 94, No 1 (2013) Comparative analysis of echocardiography, multispiral computed tomography, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy to evaluate left ventricular volume and left ventricular ejection fraction PDF
Galyavich A.S., Rafikov A.Y., Saifullina G.B.
Vol 95, No 3 (2014) Comparative analysis of modeled femoral fractures osteosynthesis stability PDF
Yamshchikov O.N., Markov D.A., Emelyanov S.A., Zvereva K.P., Bychkov A.E.
Vol 98, No 1 (2017) Comparative analysis of physical development parameters of children with stages 1 to 3 of chronic kidney disease PDF
Nastausheva T.L., Zhdanova O.A., Nastausheva N.S., Stahurlova L.I., Grebennikova I.V.
Vol 97, No 3 (2016) Comparative analysis of sarcoidosis treatment efficiency in clinical practice settings PDF
Vizel A.A., Vizel I.Y.
Vol 103, No 6 (2022) Comparative analysis of the associations between solar activity and trends in the incidence of haemoblastoses in Russia, the USA and Canada
Pinaev S.K., Chizhov A.Y., Grjibovski A.M., Pinaeva O.G.
Vol 81, No 4 (2000) Comparative analysis of the effect of timolol-maleate and xalatan on the hydrodynamics of the glaucomatous eye PDF
Trubilin M.A., Shevchenko M.V.
Vol 94, No 3 (2013) Comparative analysis of the interleukin-28b gene alleles in patients with hepatitis C monoinfection and combined HIV/hepatitis C infection PDF
Fazylov V.K., Manapova E.R., Tkacheva S.V., Yakupova F.M., Beshimov A.T.
Vol 105, No 3 (2024) Comparative analysis of the relationship between leukemia trends with forest fires and solar activity in different age groups
Pinaev S.K., Starinsky V.V., Chizhov A.Y., Pinaeva O.G.
Vol 93, No 1 (2012) Comparative analysis of the systemic inflammatory response in rheumatic diseases PDF
Ivanov D.V., Sokolova L.A., Gusev E.Y., Kamkina L.N., Plekhanova N.O.
Vol 103, No 3 (2022) Comparative analysis of the treatment results of patients with breast cancer using various ­reconstruction methods
Kaganov O.I., Orlov N.A., Tkachev M.V.
Vol 94, No 2 (2013) Comparative assessment of blood circulation at critical zones of anastomoses in urinary bladder reconstruction with iliac graft PDF
Nesterov M.I., Akhmedov R.A., Ramazanov M.R., Galeev R.K., Ramazanov M.M.
Vol 46, No 1 (1965) Comparative assessment of corporate and isthmus caesarean section PDF
Slepykh A.S.
Vol 94, No 6 (2013) Comparative assessment of different methods of congenital glaucoma surgical treatment considering patient’s age PDF
Toykuliev T.K.
Vol 93, No 5 (2012) Comparative assessment of marginal adjoining of fillings and dental inlays in patients with xerostomia PDF
Komarova K.V., Polenichkin V.K., Ratkina N.N.
Vol 97, No 5 (2016) Comparative assessment of morbidity of the population above working age in the Russian Federation and Novosibirsk region PDF
Pogodina V.A., Babenko A.I., Babenko E.A., Gusel’nikova N.A.
Vol 20, No 7 (1924) Comparative assessment of reactions Burger and Heiner (Zentr. F Gyn., 1924, no. 12) PDF
Tarlo B.
Vol 43, No 1 (1962) Comparative assessment of the coloration of tubercle bacilli in the flotation layer of pleural exudate according to Ziehl-Nielsen and Ozol PDF
Staroselskaya K.B., Gritsevskaya E.V., Slepova R.I.
Vol 45, No 2 (1964) Comparative assessment of the determination of glucoproteins and sialic acid in serum in internal medicine PDF
Denisova M.G.
Vol 105, No 4 (2024) Comparative assessment of the osmotic and anti-inflammatory activity of soft dosage forms of pyrimidine drugs on hydrophilic bases in an experiment
Izmailov A.G., Dobrokvashin S.V., Izmailov S.G., Lukoyanychev E.E., Zharinov A.Y.
Vol 103, No 6 (2022) Comparative assessment of the quality of life and the effectiveness of treatment in patients after early and delayed anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Radysh I.I.
Vol 74, No 4 (1993) Comparative assessment of the reproductive function of adolescent girls PDF
Shakurova F.Z., Tukhvatullina L.M., Avagimov R.R., Ledovskaya N.N.
Vol 42, No 4 (1961) Comparative assessment of the therapeutic effect of new domestic remedies for angina pectoris PDF
Rosenblat F.Y., Baratsiord S.S., Shcherbi N.I.
Vol 81, No 3 (2000) Comparative assessment of the working capacity of patients with peptic ulcer after resection of the stomach according to Billroth I and II and duodenopyloroplasty PDF
Naumov V.F., Minkhairov R.G., Mustafina Z.Z., Mrasov N.M., Shameeva F.Z.
Golodec M.V.
Vol 63, No 2 (1982) Comparative assessment of transillumination and X-ray angiographic techniques for the study of angioarchitectonics PDF
Konstantinov V.K.
Vol 35, No 7 (1939) Comparative assessment of various methods of surgical treatment for trachomatous entropion
Petrov A.A.
Vol 26, No 1 (1930) Comparative blood pressure measurements by palpation and sound methods under conditions of a dynamic functional test of the cardiovascular system PDF
Pressman A.P.
Vol 98, No 5 (2017) Comparative characteristic of consumption of psychoactive substances by adolescent students of initial vocational education in Kazan and the Russian Federation PDF
Skvortsova E.S., Postnikova L.K.
Vol 77, No 2 (1996) Comparative characteristic of immunogram indices of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and healthy donors PDF
Firsov O.V., Slabnov Y.D., Mustafin I.G., Tsibulkin A.P.
Vol 97, No 1 (2016) Comparative characteristics of bronchial obstruction formation trigger mechanisms in children with bronchial asthma and recurrent obstructive bronchitis PDF
Gaparkhoeva Z.M., Bashkina O.A., Seliverstova E.N.
Vol 74, No 4 (1993) Comparative characteristics of complications after appendectomy under local anesthesia and anesthesia PDF
Seryak A.N.
Vol 101, No 6 (2020) Comparative characteristics of computed tomography and radiography in the diagnosis of blunt chest trauma
Gasimzade G.S.
Vol 46, No 1 (1965) Comparative characteristics of methods bacteriological study of water survey data from some superficial reservoirs of Kazan PDF
Tretyakova S.I.
Vol 59, No 3 (1978) Comparative characteristics of the clinic of influenza in children during three outbreaks PDF
Belogorskaya E.V., Pikuza O.I., Alexandrova L.Y., Mukhtarova S.H., Gilmutdinova F.F.
Vol 65, No 5 (1984) Comparative characteristics of the course of the convalescence period and outcomes in Hbeag-positive and HBsAg-negative viral hepatitis B PDF
Sorinson S.N., Paraschenko V.I.
Vol 98, No 6 (2017) Comparative characteristics of the hemostasis system state during hypothermic and early reactive periods of general freeze injury in rats PDF
Lycheva N.A., Shakhmatov I.I., Moskalenko S.V.
Vol 55, No 6 (1974) Comparative characteristics of the incidence of women PDF
Zotina R.K.
Vol 102, No 4 (2021) Comparative characteristics of various fibrous materials in in vitro experiments PDF
Timerbulatova G.A., Dunaev P.D., Dimiev A.M., Gabidinova G.F., Khaertdinov N.N., Fakhrullin R.F., Boichuk S.V., Fatkhutdinova L.M.
Vol 31, No 8-9 (1935) Comparative chemotherapy study of ethylapoquinine and optoquin PDF
Arjona Е.
Vol 46, No 3 (1965) Comparative data on electrophoresis of arterial and venous blood sera in rheumatism and rheumatoid polyarthritis PDF
Fedorova M.K.
Vol 47, No 5 (1966) Comparative data on fluctuations in the level of catecholamines obtained by the methods of K.V. Lebedev - S.V. Senkevich and V.O. Osinskaya PDF
Kogan E.A., Tihovidov V.L., Afanasiev V.G.
Vol 45, No 6 (1964) Comparative effectiveness of various methods of using vitamin D2 in the treatment of rickets in hospital PDF
Nigmatullina X.X., Popova T.L.
Vol 102, No 5 (2021) Comparative efficacy of enalapril and valsartan in heart failure with mid-range ejection fraction
Glebova T.A., Galin P.Y.
Vol 45, No 6 (1964) Comparative efficacy of various methods of using vitamin D2 in the treatment of rickets on an outpatient basis* PDF
Altshuler I.I., Chernova O.F.
Vol 82, No 6 (2001) Comparative efficiency of the therapy with grandaxine of psychopathologic manifestations of climacteric syndrome PDF
Mendelevich V.D.
Vol 78, No 4 (1997) Comparative estimation of esophagoplasty variants in esophagus carcinoma PDF
Mustafin D.G., Zlygostev P.N., Malinovsky E.G., Mustafin R.D.
Vol 80, No 1 (1999) Comparative estimation of the efficiency of new semisynthetic nutrient mediums for eduction of pertussis pathogene PDF
Amerkhanova N.N., Brudnaya Y.E., Bogdanova S.B., Fedorova E.R.
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