Vol 33, No 4 (1937)

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Full Issue

On the method of combating enterotropic infections

Libov A.L.


The issues of relevance and comparative value of certain anti-epidemic measures are fundamentally important, since, incorrectly interpreted, they can disorient the doctor in his practice and in some cases seriously harm the cause of anti-epidemic control.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):387-389
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The role of metabolites and the role of histo-hematological barriers in the regulation of body functions

Stern L.S.


At present, it can be considered indisputable that the coordination of body functions, based on the interaction of individual organs and physiological systems, is carried out simultaneously by nervous and humoral factors.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):390-401
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Changes in minute heart emptying under the influence of carbonic (narzan) baths

Shershevsky B.M., Getov F.A.


Despite numerous studies, the question of the physiological and therapeutic effects of carbon dioxide baths is still far from clear. It has not even been resolved whether the hemodynamic shifts caused by carbon dioxide baths are accompanied by an increase or, on the contrary, a decrease in the load on the circulatory apparatus, that is, whether the principle of training or the principle of sparing the cardiovascular system lies at the basis of therapy with carbon dioxide baths.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):402-407
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Changes in the amount of circulating blood under the influence of carbonic (narzan) baths

Shershevsky B.M., Stepukhovich D.M.


Studies of one of us (Shershevsky), carried out jointly with F.A.Getov, found that during the period of the effects of a separate narzan bath and under the influence of a course of treatment with narzan baths, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a rather significant decrease in the minute emptying of the heart occurs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):408-414
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On the importance of H2S in balneology

Bykov S.G., Landsman I.E.


Hydrogen sulfide is very common during the period. Being "an indispensable companion of all living things," he has long attracted the attention of researchers.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):415-423
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Influence of the Sergiev mineral baths on the permeability of the capillary vessels of the skin and the hydrophilicity of the tissue

Malkovsky G.M.


At the resort "Sergievskie min. water "in the summer season of 1935, at the suggestion of prof. IA Valedinsky, we made observations of the effect of baths from Sergievsk. min. water on the permeability of the capillary vessels of the skin and the hydrophilicity of the tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):424-429
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Influence of Sarabikulovsk hydrogen sulfide baths on the dynamics of glutathione in cardiovascular patients

Segen E.B.


Patients with a disorder of the activity of the cardiovascular system have various metabolic disorders: carbohydrate and protein metabolism suffers, basic metabolism and acid-base balance are disturbed, in the blood there is an excessive amount of under-oxidized metabolic products.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):429-439
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Combined electro-thymo-lysate therapy for Graves' disease and hyperthyroidism

Kudenko I.D.


In no other country in the world has the study of endocrine diseases been carried out as extensively as in the USSR. Special institutes, clinics, laboratories have been created, special expeditions are studying endocrine diseases inherent in this area, etc. However, there is still a lot of unexplored and unclear in the field of endocrine diseases, for example, at least in the etiology, pathogenesis and therapy of Basedow's disease and hyperthyroidism.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):439-441
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Pulmonary tuberculosis and the autonomic nervous system

Furman A.S.


A lot of what was still very recently in the clinic of pulmonary tuberculosis incomprehensible and unclear can be revealed and understood to a certain extent if we abandon the isolated study of the tuberculosis process as such, but study the entire patient in whose tissues the tuberculous process develops. The explanations of many phenomena established in tuberculosis patients prevailing in the science of tuberculosis need to be revised.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):442-449
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On the issue of malarial psychoses

Ponomarev P.E.


Faced with malarial psychosis in practice, we are forced to admit that this topic is given much less attention than it deserves. Looking through the most common medical periodicals over the past 2 years, we did not find a single article devoted to this issue.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):449-452
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About subcutaneous rupture of the spleen

Sandukovsky I.E.


Most reports of ruptured spleen are from tropical countries where malaria is endemic. Glaulord, working in India, collected 477 cases of ruptured spleen. In our Union, most of the work on the pathology of the spleen also comes from malaria sites.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):452-458
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Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids

Lebedev V.E.


From the point of view of treatment, uterine fibroids can be divided into 4 main groups: the 1st group should include all fibroids that do not require any treatment (such fibroids, according to Franz's statistics, occur in 23.1%), the 2nd group - those cases , where the operation is indicated, in the 3rd group — those tumors that are subject to radiation treatment, and, finally, in the 4th group — those cases where you can choose between bloody and non-bloody methods of treatment. For 10 years (1925-1934) in a gynecologist, dep. 1 Sov. b-tsy underwent surgery for fibroids in 435 patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):458-462
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About chorionepithelioma

Nikolaev A.P.


Herionepithelioma, which is a neoplasm of extreme malignancy, is, fortunately, not very common. Based on these considerations, I allow myself to publish the cases of chorionepithelioma observed and operated on by me, especially since they present some interesting features.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):463-470
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On the effect of certain substances on bone tissue regeneration

Elyashev A.I., Perlin M.S., Tsyurlo E.A.


A large number of works are devoted to the morphology of the regenerative process in bones. However, this question still cannot be considered finally studied. There are still serious disagreements regarding the sources of bone tissue regeneration, the process of ossification, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):470-476
pages 470-476 views

A case of reverse movement of internal organs in combination with Bremer's dystrophy

Kudenko I.D.


Drives we observed in the diagnostic department of the clinic of experimental therapy in Moscow, a case of reverse complete movement of internal organs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):477-479
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To the esophageal cancer clinic

Vinogradov A.S.


Diagnosis of esophageal cancer in atypical cases can be quite difficult, especially when it comes to early diagnosis or more rare complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):480-484
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About lingual goiter

Gerasimov I.F.


In 1869, Hickman first described a case of a tongue-based tumor in a newborn girl who died 12 hours later. According to the description of the microscopic picture of the tumor, it was the thyroid gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):484-488
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A case of the development of an echinococcal cyst in an operating scar after echinococcotomy

Shklyaev V.V.


The problem of the pathogenesis of the clinical picture and therapy of echinococcal diseases is of extremely urgent interest. There are still many unclear, unresolved issues in this area. From this point of view, the casuistic material on echinococcal diseases is of known interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):488-499
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To the casuistry of strangulated hernias of Douglas space

Dunier M.V.


The question of an internal hernia of the abdominal cavity is still little developed both from the anatomical and from the clinical side; as well as little developed surgical methods of treatment of these hernias.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):490-491
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A case of hypersensitivity to plasmacide

Rapiovets V.L.


Patient K., 22 years old, was admitted to the infirmary with complaints of general weakness, headaches and vomiting after eating. Of the diseases he had suffered, he noted malaria in 1935. A patient of good physique and fatness.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):492-494
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Influenza problem according to the work of the session of the Scientific Medical Council of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR

Russian D.M.


Despite the fact that the flu is a disease that has been known for a long time and has constantly claimed many victims over the course of several centuries, until recent years, unfortunately, this disease has not been given due attention. Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic, prevention and therapy of the fungus are still little developed from the point of view of their theoretical and practical significance.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):495-498
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All-Union Conference of Urologists

Dmitriev A.I.


In Moscow on January 26-30, 1937, the All-Union Conference of Urologists was held, which brought together 500 people from all over our Union.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):499-503
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Hatchette. X-ray treatment of hay fever (New-Orleans M. and. Surg. I. V. 89, VIII 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author subjected 16 hay fever patients to radiotherapy at 100 volts, 3 milliamperes with a 2 mm aluminum filter, and with a field of illumination of 10 * 10.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):503-503
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Iames. Chemotherapy for malaria. (Schweiz. Med. Woch. No. 25.1936)

Levy E.


Quinine has lost its significance as a universal remedy for all forms of malaria without exception.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):503-504
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Zochnall. Lymphogranulomatosis in Baden. (D. Arch. Kl. M. Bb. 179.1.1936)

Levy E.


In this area of Germany for the period 1919-1935. there is an increase in lymphogranuloma diseases. In total, there were 177 cases under observation. It was not possible to establish a connection between this disease and tuberculosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):503-503
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Sloan, Fraedberger and Ehrlich. Tularemic pneumonia (I. A. M. A. 1936.107.2.117-120)


The authors describe a case of pneumonia due to infection b. tularense. Based on the literature data, tularemic pneumonia is not uncommon, but it is rarely correctly diagnosed. The patient had contact with a rabbit 2 weeks before the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):504-504
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Matveev. Oxidizing enzymes and digestion (Arch. Maladies d. L'App. Digest. No. 25, 1935)

Dembskaya V.


The author determined the amount of oxidase, peroxidase and catalase contained in various vegetables at different periods of digestion. To determine the oxidase, he took a mixture consisting of 1% naphthol, 0.75% paraphenyldiamine, and 1.7% soda.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):504-504
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Kirk. Takata-Ara reaction (I. Am, m. Ass. V. 107.1936)

Dembskaya V.


For the first time, Takata described this reaction in 1925, who applied it in order to differentiate lobar pneumonia from bronchopneumonia. He found that if pulmonary fluid taken from a patient suffering from lobar pneumonia is added to a reagent consisting of a solution of soda, mercuric chloride and fuchsin, a precipitate of mercury oxysol is obtained.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):504-505
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Delrez L. Bloodless sclerotherapy (Zbl. F. Chir. 1936, 14, 792-793)

Ivanov B.


The author describes a new treatment for hydroceletestis that he has been using instead of surgery for several years with consistently good results. The method consists in the introduction into the hydrocele cavity of the sclerosing preparation "Scleroserum" representing a 30% solution of urea and quinine in water with glycerin.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):505-505
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Timre. For the treatment of generalized fibrous osteitis. (Bruns Beitr. 1936, 164, 1, 146-154)

Ivanov B.


The author reports a severe case of osteitis fibrosus in a girl who, in addition, had a number of symptoms indicating that she also had other intrasecretory disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):505-506
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Friberg. End Results in gastric Surgery with Sjiecial Refereme to „Resection for Exclusion“. (Acta chir. Scand., vol. LXXVIII fase. I—III, P. 157—18)

Mayat V.S.


The author examined long-term results in 398 patients operated on for gastric and duodenal ulcers. In 68 cases. a resection was made with the shutdown of the gatekeeper according to Finsterer.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):506-506
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Koch W. Etiology of prostatic hypertrophy. (Münch. Med. Wschr. 1936, 37, 1501)

Ivanov B.


The author experimentally obtained prostatic hypertrophy in young dogs by injecting them with prolan, and in older animals with prostatic hypertrophy, he determined the content of the anterior pituitary hormone in the urine. Studies have shown that in older dogs with prostate hypertrophy, significant amounts of follicle maturation hormone are always excreted in the urine.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):506-506
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A. Daniels. Treatment of pseudoarthrosis by infection (Zbl. Chirurgie, No. 49, 1936)

Yurov A.


The author describes a case of self-healing of pseudoarthrosis in a 50-year-old patient who received a fracture of the tibia. The usual treatment was not effective.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):506-507
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Küpermann. Accessory spleens after traumatic rupture of the spleen (Zbl. Chirurgie, No. 52, 1936)

Yurov A.


The author describes a case of splenectomy for a ruptured spleen. After the operation, a cicatricial hernia was formed. Six months later, a second operation. When the abdominal cavity was opened, a large number (about a hundred) diffusely scattered brownish-reddish little bodies, each the size of a bean, were found. The study showed that the mass consists of splenic tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):507-507
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Timmermans. Method of intracortical connection with a bone wedge in transverse fracture of the tibia (Zbl. F. Chir, No. 50, 1936)

Yurov A.


The author recommends cutting out a wedge-shaped bone plate from the proximal end of the tibial fracture. A corresponding groove is cut out at the distal end of the fracture. Bone plates are placed in these grooves at both ends of the tibiae and are reinforced with ivory pins through the cortical layer of the ossis tibiae, before reaching the bone marrow.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):507-507
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Auschütz. 437 gastric resections for cancer (Zbl. F. Chir. 1936, 16, 930-936)

Ivanov B.


According to the observations of the Kiel Surgical Clinic, in each case of gastric cancer, it is necessary to strive, if possible, to a radical removal of the original tumor.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):507-507
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Sear. Diagnosis of bone tumors. (Brit. Med. J. 1936, 3914, 49-53)

Ivanov B.


One of the tools for diagnosing bone tumors is X-ray examination.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):507-507
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Linnewech and Rochemont. On the question of the symptomatology of renal tumors and tuberculosis. (Med. Klin. 1936, 24, 797)

Ivanov B.


The author, setting out the symptomatology of tumors and tuberculosis of the kidneys on the basis of several cases, notes that with kidney tumors there is erythrocyturia or more significant hematuria, sometimes with simultaneous sensitivity to pressure or with a feeling of tension in the kidney area.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):508-508
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Goelze. Urological complications in rectal cancer (Zbl. Chir. 1936.15 952-957)

Ivanov B.


The author gives a brief overview of possible urological complications in rectal cancer, such as invasion of cancer into the urinary tract, accidental damage to the urinary organs during surgery, postoperative true and complete uremia, urinary retention, cystitis, and pre- and postoperative sexual disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):508-508
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Novak J. Treatment of menstrual disorders. (Wien. Klin. Wschr. 1936.11)

Ivanov B.


Treatment of menstrual disorders should be primarily causal, taking into account general diseases, organic and functional suffering of the central nervous system and endocrine glands.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):508-509
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Mancini. Gonorrhea and pregnancy. (Annali obst. E Gyn. Milan V. 58 31. VIII, 1936).

Dembskaya V.


The author notes that pregnancy stimulates the gonorous process. It is characterized by such pathological conditions as granular vaginitis, bartholinitis, condylomas and arthritis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):509-509
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Lindemann, W. Folliculin for breast fistulas and mastitis (Zbl. F. Gyn. 1936, 18, 1045-1046)

Ivanov B.


Fistulas of the breast, as a result of incisions with mastitis, are a painful complication.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):509-509
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Hoffmann N. The value of reflexes caused by pressure on the nerve trunks in eclampsia and preeclampsia. (Mtschr. Geburtsh. U. Gyn. 1939, 101, 3-4, 193-166)

Ivanov B.


The study at the Marburg Gynecological Clinic of Kehrer'a motor reflexes, caused by finger pressure of medium force on the points of the Gaileix, that is, on the places of the most superficial location and direct attachment of the nerve trunks to the bone (branches of the trigeminal nerve, occipital, ulnar and sciatic resp.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):509-510
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Kaufmann S. On the treatment of pruritus. (Zbl. F. Gyn. 1936, 15, 850-854)

Ivanov B.


Author. reports excellent results obtained by him from the appointment of folliculin in pruritus vulvae, due to insufficient or impaired ovarian function.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):510-510
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Stockhusen, R. Studying the properties of diphtheria toxin-antitoxin mixtures. XVI message. On the question of the binding of diphtheria poison by organ cells and the solubility of this poison by antitoxin. (Ztshr. F. Immunitatsf., Bd. 88, H. ¾, 1936)


The author tried to experimentally find out which organs have the greatest avidity for diphtheria toxin.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):510-510
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Torikata, R und Shakud o, M. Experimental study of intestinal immunization. (Ztschr. F. Immunitätsf., Bd. 88, H. 3/4, 1936)


In the first part of his study, the author conducted an experimental comparison of conventional native vaccines and warmed (1/2 hour at 100 ° C) for per os immunization of the intestinal tract. Experiments have shown that both with parenteral immunization and with per os immunization, significant advantages belong to boiled vaccines (coctigens).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):510-511
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Hahn, F. On the influence of the degree of blood serum lability on the detection of lability reactions. (Ztschr. F. Imunitätsf. Bd. 88, H. ¾, 1936)


As you know, in addition to methods that detect specific antibodies, there are seroreactions, the theoretical and practical significance of which has not yet been studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):510-511
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Oelrichs, L. Role of serum complement in passive and active immunity of rabbits to pneumococcus. (Ztschr. F. Imunitätsf, Bd. 88, H. ¾, 1936)


The author studied the question of whether there is a temporary disappearance or decrease in the complement content when using sera containing immune antibodies for therapeutic purposes.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):512-513
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Oelrichs, L. The role of intravital agglutination in the therapeutic effect of pneumococcal immune serum (Ztschr. F. Imunitätsf. Bd. 88 H.¾, 1936)


Taking into account the mechanism of action of antipneumococcal serum, it was shown that in the body of a passively immunized animal, pathogenic pneumococci are exposed to tropines and agglutinins, the former playing a significant role in the protective and therapeutic effect of serum.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):513-514
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Kramer, S. D. Active immunization against poliomyelitis. Comparative study. I. Experiments on immunization of monkeys and children formalized with a virus (J. of Imunology, Vol. 31, No. 3, 1936)


In view of the high mortality rate among the population from polio, researchers are trying hard to find a method of immunization against this disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):513-513
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Kramer, S. D. and Grossman, L. H. Active immunization against polio. Comparative study. II. Experimental immunization of monkeys with a virus treated with sodium ricinoleate. (J. of Imunology, Vol. 31, No. 3, 1936)


Kolmer in 1934 published 2 reports on the successful vaccination of animals against poliomyelitis using a virus treated with sodium ricinoleate.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):514-514
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Kramer, S. D. Active immunization against poliomyelitis. Comparative study. III. Active immunization of monkeys with a strictly neutral mixture of virus and serum. (J. of. Imunology, Vol. 31, No. 3, 1936)


The author showed that immunity against poliomyelitis can be induced in Macacus rhesus by injecting a strictly neutral mixture of virus and serum intradermally, subcutaneously and intramuscularly.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):514-514
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Castaneda, M. Study of the mechanism of immunity in typhus. III. Detection of opsonins for Provacek's rickettsiae in immune typhus serum. (J. of Imunology, V. 3, No. 3, 1936)


Back in 1922, Epstein discovered the phagocytosis of Provachek's rickettsiae in a mixture of typhus serum and normal blood leukocytes. These observations were not confirmed, however, other researchers also pointed to the presence of opsonic properties in the serum of typhus humans and guinea pigs.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):515-515
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Meetings of medical societies. Kazan branch of the Obstetric and Gynecological Society

Gruzdev V., Danilov I.


Deserved. scientist prof. VS Gruzdev made a report: “To the centenary of the Obstetric and Gynecological Clinic of the Kazan Medical Institute”. The report was published in “Trudy Kazan. medits. in-ta “, 1935, vyl. 3.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):515-518
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Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society and Society of Radiologists of the ATSSR. Joint meeting 15/XI.1936

Sokolov N., Osipovsky V.


Demonstrated b-th T-v, 23 y., Delivered to 1 chir. cl. GIDUV with severe profuse hematuria. Hematuria was preceded by an injury to the left lumbar region. Hematuria lasted 7 days. The diagnosis of neoplasm of the kidney was made on the basis of anamnesis and palpation of the dense, tuberous lower pole of the left kidney, the absence of indigo on this side, and a pyelogram, which showed a deformed pelvis with blurred contours.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(4):518-522
pages 518-522 views

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