Vol 70, No 5 (1989)

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Clinical thinking style in screening research settings

Tetenev F.F.


When performing diagnostic actions in everyday life, the doctor does not think about why he does it so and not otherwise. The researcher is forced to think about his thinking style when the need arises to change it due to the objective processes of clinical diagnostic development. Among these we can mention the following: 1) intensification of examination (diagnosis is becoming more morphological); 2) increasing role of the functional component of clinical diagnosis, which plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of pre-disease and so-called borderline conditions; 3) formation of a new type of medical examination - screening; 4) use of the computer in diagnostics.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):321-322
pages 321-322 views

Problems of premature infants

Belogorskaya E.V., Alexandrova L.Y., Lokotunina V.M., Yusupova G.Z., Ivanova T.I., Novozhilova A.A.


The frequency of premature births has no decreasing tendency and varies from 4 to 14%. The rate of prematurity in TASSR varies from 5.7 to 6%, but in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk it exceeds the average republican rate.
The importance of this problem lies in the fact that prematurity affects child mortality rates. Thus, the risk of death of a premature baby is 34-37 times higher than that of a full-term baby. Premature babies account for about 70% of newborns who died before 7 days of life, and about half of them are "low birth weight babies", that is, those whose body weight is equal or less than 1500 grams. In this group, the mortality rate reaches 40% and more.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):323-325
pages 323-325 views

Transformation of small focal myocardial infarction into transmural

Latfullin I.A., Gayanova M.N., Belopukhov V.M., Minnetdinov R.S.


The widespread classification of coronary heart disease does not accidentally distinguish two forms of myocardial infarction - large-focal and small-focal. These forms also require appropriate treatment tactics. Many years of clinical experience have created the idea of milder course and favorable prognosis of small focal myocardial infarction, but from time to time there are reports, forcing to reconsider its attitude due to propensity of this form to recurrence, unpredictable frequent exacerbation and even worse prognosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):325-327
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On the use of coenzyme therapeutic complex in patients with idiopathic Abramov-Fiedler myocarditis

Mazurec A.F.


Insufficient effectiveness of cardiotonic therapy in patients with Abramov-Fiedler myocarditis is largely due to profound metabolic changes in the affected heart muscle. These disturbances concern primarily the mechanisms of enzyme regulation of myocardial protein-synthetic and energy metabolism. The action of a number of coenzyme preparations synthesized in recent years is aimed at correction of these metabolic shifts. As a metabolic therapy we chose pyridoxalphosphate, a multifunctional biological agent that participates as a prosthetic group of transaminases, decarboxylases and other enzymes in reactions of synthesis of amino acids, purine and pyrimidine bases.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):327-329
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Using liposomes to administer Terrilithin

Kovaleva T.N., Kobrinsky G.D.


Among the various ways of introducing drugs into the patient's body, the easiest and most convenient is their ingestion. However, this method is acceptable only when the molecules of the administered substances are not degraded by digestive enzymes. This is especially true for drugs of protein nature, which are degraded by various proteolytic enzymes. It is therefore not surprising to see numerous attempts to shield ingested substances from biodegradation in the digestive tract. The easiest way to solve this issue would be to use some kind of carrier. The search led researchers to liposomes - phospholipid vesicles capable of containing other substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):329-331
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Experience of using the "Lenta MT" cardiocomplex

Galyavich A.S., Nefyodova A.I., Saitova R.A., Akhmetova F.M.


The aim of this work was to study the experience of using the domestic cardiac complex "Tape MT" to record ECG during 16 hours on a magnetic tape in a cardiology dispensary. Since June 1987, 161 ECG recordings on magnetic tape were performed for different diseases of cardiovascular system.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):331-332
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Changes in serum immunoglobulin content during correction of congenital heart disease under conditions of artificial circulation

Medvedev V.N., Kharitonov G.I., Valeev R.A.


In patients with congenital heart disease, the dynamics of immunoglobulins during AIC surgeries are not reflected in the available literature. The study of these indices seems important, since the data concerning patients with acquired heart defects cannot be fully extended to patients with congenital pathology. This is due, firstly, to the fact that in acquired malformations patients' immunological reactivity is significantly altered by rheumatic process and chroniosepsis and, secondly, to the fact that the duration of artificial circulation in valve replacement is significantly longer than in the correction of congenital heart disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):332-334
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Use of Σ-aminocaproic acid and magnesium in psoriasis therapy

Suvorov A.P.


Due to the insufficient effectiveness of the existing therapy for psoriasis, the development of new promising ways to treat this widespread chronic relapsing disease is one of the most urgent tasks of practical dermatology. High protease activity, especially in the acute phase of the disease, leads to the disturbance of metabolic regulatory systems, changes protein and nucleic acid metabolism and serves as a trigger mechanism, provoking the manifestation of psoriasis. It becomes obvious that during the progression of dermatosis, proteolysis enzyme inhibitors and medications that help restore the activity of protease inhibitors in the patient's body are justified.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):334-335
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Stromal Desmoplasia and Prognosis of Breast Cancer

Petrov S.B.


Clinical prognostic factors influencing the choice of treatment method and its long-term results in patients with cancer of various organs, breast cancer in particular, are intensively studied. At the same time, in a number of cases, when prognostic factors seem to be favorable and constantly taken into account, the life expectancy of patients is short and vice versa. The morphological analysis of the removed mammary gland tumors in women, besides the traditional diagnosis, can give additional risk criteria with their subsequent use for prognosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):335-338
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Extracranial metastasis of a brain tumor

Shulman K.M., Danilov V.I., Petrov S.P.


Extracranial metastasis of brain tumors is a rare phenomenon. No more than 200 pathomorphologically verified cases have been reported in the world literature. According to these data, extracranial metastasis is relatively common among patients with medulloblastomas of the brain, while glioblastomas metastasize less frequently. The primary focus may be in any of the brain lobes, but the temporal and occipital lobes are the most frequently mentioned. Metastasis more often occurs by hematogenous dissemination through the veins of the spinal cord, which connect the cerebral venous system with the veins of internal organs. Much less often tumor cells from the primary focus pass beyond the blood-brain barrier via lymphatic tracts. Metastases are found in lymph nodes, bones, muscles, lungs, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and other organs. Extracranial metastasis usually occurs in patients who have undergone one or more surgical interventions for brain tumors.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):338-339
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Treatment of isolated and combined forms of exudative frontitis

Yagudin K.F.


The problem of exudative frontitis treatment is still relevant. Among a number of methods of their treatment, the restoration of the drainage and ventilation function of the fronto-nasal canal is of leading importance, since the timeliness of exudate evacuation from the sinus depends on its permeability.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):340-341
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Errors in clinical diagnosis of benign neoplasms of the tongue

Yamashev I.G.


The publications devoted to tongue diseases do not analyze errors in cyanic diagnostics of its benign tumors and tumor-like neoplasms. At the same time this question is of undoubted practical interest. We have analyzed the frequency of clinical errors in diagnosing benign neoplasms of the tongue in the conditions of specialized hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):341-343
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The value of prostatic acid phosphatase in the differential diagnosis and treatment monitoring of prostate cancer

Shakhov E.V., Svetozarskiy N.L., Klochikhin O.Z., Salmin A.A.


One of the numerous tumor markers used in the clinic in the diagnosis of prostate cancer is the determination of the activity of prostatic acid phosphatase in the blood serum. This indicator has been used in the clinic since the 30s, but its role in the diagnosis of prostate cancer remains controversial. Some authors consider the activity of prostatic acid phosphatase to be an especially sensitive test in the diagnostics of this disease, while others, on the contrary, point out its low level of informativeness.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):343-345
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Clinical features and treatment of chronic bronchitis in elderly patients with tuberculosis

Trofimova R.I.


The peculiarity of modern pathomorphosis of pulmonary tuberculosis is its high frequency of combination with chronic bronchitis, which, according to different authors, is from 23 to 93%. The prognosis of chronic bronchitis worsens considerably if it is complicated by bronchoobstructive syndrome. It is known that impairment of bronchial patency can be caused by various pathophysiological mechanisms: spasm of bronchial smooth muscle, bronchial glands discrinism, obstruction of bronchial drainage.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):345-347
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Radioisotopic assessment of renal function in early puerperium in women with severe late gestosis of pregnancy

Yeremkina V.I., Yusupova A.N., Menkevich A.I.


It is known that late gestosis of pregnant women does not go away, but leaves more or less pronounced changes, particularly in the kidneys. In previous studies we showed that in almost half of women who had severe late gestosis of pregnancy, renal function remains impaired one year after delivery. These abnormalities were detected by radioisotope renography; other diagnostic methods (biochemical, clinical) failed to detect changes in renal function. Unfortunately, radioisotope studies were not performed in early puerperium, so it was not possible to perform dynamic monitoring of the state of renal function immediately after delivery. At the present stage, pregnant women with severe late gestosis are discharged after intensive therapy of gestosis in the postpartum period.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):347-348
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Restorative treatment of patients with ovarian endometriosis

Sabsay M.I.


Reconstructive treatment of patients with ovarian endometriosis is most often performed by the doctor in the postoperative period. The peculiarity of this frequently occurring variety of ovarian tumor-like masses is the extreme polysymptomatic nature of the clinic. The cyclical nature of the manifestations, characteristic of endometriosis, is also seen in ovarian lesions, but both the painful symptom and menstrual function are significantly influenced by a pronounced adhesion process in the pelvis. This circumstance explains the comparative rarity of preoperative diagnosis of ovarian endometriosis - it varies about 7%.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):348-351
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Diagnosis and prediction of the effectiveness of surgical correction of uterine anomalies

Orlov V.M.


We examined 180 women aged 22 to 37 years in whom hysterosalpingography revealed uterine abnormalities. The women were somatically healthy, complained mainly of pregnancy failure and infertility, some of them had algodysmenorrhea. To specify the form of uterine malformation, identify a closed rudimentary horn, determine the distance between the horns, and the condition of fallopian tubes, 143 patients underwent chromolaparoscopy and 20 of them were combined with gas gynecography. The nature of surgical intervention was determined based on the findings. In addition, all the patients were subjected to ultrasound examination to detect both the form of uterine anomalies and combined pathology of the urinary system.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):351-353
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Viral immunodeficiencies. Mechanisms of postinfectious immunopathology

Pozdeev O.K., Rakhmatullin I.M.


It is known that the development of viral infections is often accompanied by nonspecific modulation of the immune response to various antigens. The genera of viruses with immunomodulatory properties are rather broad: more than 40 species belonging to 15 different families cause changes in humoral and cellular responses [5]. The formation of an immune response to viral antigens is subject to all the rules of immunological response. Its main focus is related to the suppression of virus multiplication rather than its rapid elimination.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):353-357
pages 353-357 views

Heliometeorological forecast and traumatism

Altunin V.F., Halfiev N.G., Lerner P.I.


We tried to establish the relationship between unfavorable heliometeorological prognosis and traumatism.We analyzed data on the admission department of the Kazan branch of the All-Russian Scientific Center "Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics" for 12 months (from March 1987 to February 1988). The patients were admitted 2 times a week (Friday and Sunday) for two kinds of injuries: locomotor system and craniocerebral trauma. In total, during 106 days of medical care 4134 people sought medical help, we took the heliometeorological forecast according to the data of the weather service of Kazan. The most saturated magnetic storms were March and May, the least - September and January.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):357-357
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Combined treatment of a patient with Hilajditis syndrome

Gorlov A.K., Kashin M.B., Goyerbarg M.Y.


In recent years, sporadic clinical observations of Hilajditi syndrome in children (topographic anomaly of the large intestine) have been reported in the literature. We present our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):357-358
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Dental caries incidence in children due to different fluoride content in drinking water

Eldarusheva Z.A.


We studied the prevalence and intensity of dental caries among children in the cities of Makhachkala and Kazan, which differ in the content of fluoride in drinking water.

The frequency of dental caries was determined in 617 children (in Makhachkala - 332 children, in Kazan - 285) aged 5-8 years. All children were divided into 4 age groups. Caries lesion intensity was established by calculating the CP index for deciduous teeth, CPU and CP - for a changeable bite. Caries prevalence was expressed as a percentage of the total number of examined children.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):358-358
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Hemorrhagic form of hemolytic disease of newborns

Subkhankulova A.F., Khakimova R.N.


In modern obstetrics, there is a rare form of hemolytic disease of newborns, defined as hemorrhagic. We present our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):358-359
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Menstrual function in the long term after induced termination of pregnancy in the first trimester

Bakuleva L.P., Gatina G.A., Kuzmina T.I.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the state of menstrual function in the remote period after induced termination of pregnancy in the first trimester.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):359-360
pages 359-360 views

Scleropolycystic ovaries in combination with a small form of ovarian endometriosis

Volkov E.A.


The problems of ovarian scleropolycystosis and endometriosis are still very topical. This is evidenced by the literature data of recent years and, in particular, by the proceedings of the VI All-Russian Congress of Obstetricians-Gynecologists (1987). However, among the many publications devoted to these two forms of the disease, we have not encountered works describing their combination, rather rare in the clinic. It is known that endometriosis is characterized by changes in menstrual function by the type of algomenorrhagia with autonomic symptoms in contrast to ovarian scleropolyckystosis, which manifests as hypomenstrual syndrome and virilization. We observed a combination of these two diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):360-361
pages 360-361 views

Alloplasty of rectal hernia

Kolomensky S.N., Bolshakov A.I., Karpov A.B., Arzhanov Y.V., Gilmutdinov A.A.


We observed a patient with rectal hernia in a posttraumatic defect of the sacrum and coccyx. The disease was of interest due to its rarity. Similar cases could not be found in the available literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):361-361
pages 361-361 views

Osteoma of the external auditory canal

Bobrov V.M.


Osteomas of the external auditory canal are quite rare. Their etiology is unknown. Many authors consider osteomas of the external auditory canal in particular as a further development of exostosis. Osteomas themselves do not bother the patient as long as they do not give rise to growth, in which the lumen of the external auditory canal decreases. In such cases, patients complain of decreased hearing, noise in the ear, and heaviness in the head.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):361-362
pages 361-362 views

Hygienic characteristics of atmospheric air pollution and health status of children living in rural experimental settlements

Dautov F.F., Mukhamedshina R.I.


Industrialization and intensification of the economy, increased capacity of livestock complexes, high rates of urbanization can lead to environmental pollution, which, in turn, affects the sanitary living conditions and human health.
The aim of our research was the hygienic characterization of atmospheric air pollution at different distances from livestock complexes and block outbuildings with an assessment of its impact on the health of the child population. Since the solution of environmental problems is carried out both at the stage of drawing up projects (schemes) of district planning and during the planning of rural settlements, at the first stage of the work we studied the construction projects of the settlements. We determined the pollution of atmospheric air with formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. The work also used sociological methods - interview and questionnaire survey of the population.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):362-365
pages 362-365 views

Assessment of knowledge of breast self-examination techniques by women

Kuznetsova T.I., Kuznetsov I.V.


Incidence of malignant neoplasms of breast for the last 15 years has increased more than twice and has a tendency for further growth. The efficiency of breast cancer treatment depends first of all on the timely diagnostics because the results of its therapy are mainly determined by the degree of spread of tumor process. Among the methods of active detection of the breast cancer the method of self-examination proved to be the most effective, which is given the highest priority in the WHO oncological program.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):365-366
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Economic efficiency of detection, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with gastric cancer

Stranadko E.F., Alexandrova L.A., Khadzhiev M.A.


Assessing the role and place of different aspects of the fight against malignant neoplasms, it should be recognized that in the general complex of measures aimed at solving this complex problem, the organization of cancer care for the population has an indisputable leading role. The anti-cancer fight includes 4 main aspects: prevention, diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation. All of them are interconnected and are equally important in the fate of each individual patient. The public health system should determine which of these directions is the main one, which of them should be given preference, i.e. to concentrate the society's resources for the maximum medical and economic effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):366-368
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Socio-economic analysis based on the definition of lost life potential due to mortality from malignant neoplasms

Saprykina A.G.


The urgent task of public health is to combat those diseases that cause the main losses of public health, namely the study and ranking of malignant tumors according to their significance in relation to the socio-economic damage they cause. The socio-economic significance of malignant neoplasms is due not only to the fact that they occupy one of the leading places among the causes of death, but also to the fact that they affect the average life expectancy and the extent of irreplaceable losses of the population. In addition, they cause significant economic damage, which is determined by both direct costs for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients, and indirect costs - reduction in the production of public product due to loss of ability to work or premature death of the patient in the working age and childhood. According to E. M. Axel and V. V. Dvoirin, social and economic losses from malignant neoplasms are determined mainly (up to 70%) by losses from premature death.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):368-369
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Combating injuries on water transport

Shapovalov K.A.


Traumatism of crew on water transport is caused by a set of production, climatic and geographical and psychological factors. The highest level of traumatism is observed at the age of 20-30 years. Later the frequency of injuries decreases, reaching a minimum for the crew aged over 50. However, fishermen of this age group received injuries more often than their younger colleagues, which is connected with the extreme conditions of performing labor processes of catching and handling products on the open deck of a constantly moving vessel.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):370-371
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Substance abuse by adolescents with criminal behavior

Valeeva A.M., Sibgatullin Z.Z.


In recent decades, there has been a tendency toward a significant increase in alcoholism, drug addiction, and substance abuse among adolescents and young adults. Much work is currently being done to study the specifics of the clinical manifestations of drug and substance abuse in adolescence, and a system of treatment and preventive measures is being developed.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):371-373
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Socio-psychological aspects of the problem of alcoholism

Knyazeva T.M., Klassen I.A.


During the last decades a great number of clinical, psychological and socio-psychological publications have appeared which consider not only the personal features of patients with alcoholism, but also the influence of some or other environmental factors on alcoholism formation, its course and therapy. V. N. Tikhonov and D. Y. Donskoi, in their examination of 437 patients with alcoholism, revealed the influence of production factors on the development of alcoholism. I.D. Muratova and P.I. Sidorov identified as "threatened contingents" among adolescents those with asocial forms of behavior, those brought up in an incomplete family or in a family with alcoholics, with pedagogical or social neglect, asocial company, idleness of behavior, one-sidedness of hobbies etc. A number of studies have pointed to a certain role of conflict factors in the emergence of alcoholism in the family.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):373-375
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Organization and experience of the outpatient urology department of the city

Groysman V.A., Belykh S.I., Tulepkaliev S.T., Titarenko L.G.


In order to improve the urological polyclinic care for the population of Togliatti, a city polyclinic urological department was opened in October 1983, on the basis of the medical sanitary unit 7 of Kuibyshevhydrostroy, where previously all inpatient urology and nephrology service of the city and the region with a population of about 630 thousand people had been concentrated.
The head of the department performs general management of the polyclinic urological service, controls the issues of continuity and examination of incapacity for work, and provides consulting assistance.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):376-377
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Some Problems of Organizing Residential Treatment for Single Elderly People in Rural Areas

Hecht I.A.


In spite of a large number of works on gerontology and geriatrics interrogation, medico-social aspects of loneliness of elderly and old people are insufficiently studied. The purpose of the study carried out in Volga district of Kuybyshev region was to make medical and demographic and socio-hygienic characteristics of elderly persons living alone in rural areas.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):377-378
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Organization of surgical care for children with chronic nonspecific lung diseases

Mavlutova M.G., Klimanov V.V., Gamirov O.F.


During the last decades all over the world there has been an increase in disability and mortality associated with the growing number of chronic nonspecific lung diseases. The development of the mentioned diseases, in particular bronchiectasis, is dominated by dysontogenetic causes. However, some authors emphasize that the progression of chronic nonspecific lung diseases depends on the organization of specialized sections of pulmonological care for children.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):379-381
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The Experience of Clinical Residents of the Medical Institute with Workers on the Shop Floor

Galiullin A.N., Abdyushev S.Y., Ivanicheva N.A.


The problem of clinical examination has set a number of tasks for medical universities, among which the most important should be considered the training of highly qualified specialists, strengthening the material and technical base of teaching, the introduction of scientific achievements into practice, as well as the direct participation of institute employees in the medical examination of the population, especially workers of industrial enterprises.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):381-382
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The place of reflexology in the general population medical examination

Ivanichev G.A., Shakurov R.S., Pinyagina I.N., Semyonova N.A., Yakupova R.G., Shageeva L.K., Bilalova A.S.


During mass prophylactic investigations, detection of various disorders, especially visceral ones, nowadays requires time-consuming and expensive investigations using scarce equipment and reagents; besides, numerous highly qualified personnel are needed. Therefore, the development of informative, technically simple and quickly achievable methods of express diagnostics is one of the important tasks of practical medicine. For these purposes auricular diagnostics has been recently applied abroad and in our country. It is believed, that functional and organic lesions of different internal organs and systems are accompanied by changes in corresponding auricular zones and points.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):383-384
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Experience and scope of staged treatment of otorhinolaryngological diseases of workers engaged in the production of mineral fertilizers

Bikbaeva A.I., Arefieva N.A., Lisnyansky E.Z., Tsyglin A.A., Smirnov A.A.


In the process of producing nitro- and diammophoska, phosphoric acid and feed precipitate, the main harmful factors affecting the human body are acids and oxides of phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, fluorine. They are in the air in the form of dust and vapor, and their concentrations can exceed the maximum allowable. In addition, the negative impact of powerful industrial noise is known. Reduction of local and general immunological reactivity of the body under the influence of chemical agents can lead to respiratory tract diseases. Industrial noise causes changes in the central nervous system and inner ear, based on microcirculatory disorders.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):384-385
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Doctor's guess

Germanov V.A., Sergeeva T.M.


The art of medicine is not possible without the doctor's insight. It continually directs the doctor's thought, his actions in diagnosis, diagnostic control of treatment. The modern doctor must imagine the nature, the essence of guessing in a complex, profound, stage-by-stage process of cognition. V.I. Dahl pointed out that a hunch is not only an opinion, a judgment, an assumption. It is also a penetration into the meaning, the essence of the object (process, phenomenon). In different doctrines - from empiricism and pragmatism to irrationalism and conventionalism - the essence of a guess is interpreted in different ways: as an "insight from above," the consequence of a "useful" or "purely volitional" act, a "short-circuit" in consciousness ("symptom - disease"), or some "gentleman's agreement" about "disease terms," sometimes as a "takeoff of thought for the moment" (ad hoc) or as the outcome of the operativist premise that "things are our constructions." Such positions are close to the Freudian "hidden, unconscious principle of creativity," Bergson's "instinct of cognition," and the "concentration of cognition in sensuality" inherent in Feuerbach's philosophy. Some scholars try to identify guesswork and a form of irrationalism, intuitionism. Intuitivists (and naitivists) themselves declare "illumination from above," "nativity" as the only way of cognition and not only in its early stages. All this penetrates into medical journalism, memoirism, medical consciousness.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):386-388
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Medieval Doctors in the Volga Bulgars and their Danube-Bulgarian Parallels

Khalikov A.K.


In the ninth and thirteenth centuries, two states with the same name Bulgars or Bilgars, that is, Volga Bulgaria in the Volga-Kama region and Danube Bulgaria in the Danube basin, were formed and developed in Europe. Despite the considerable distance of these countries from each other, different historical destinies and ethno-cultural environment, many features of the culture and life of the peoples, also called Bulgars, or Bilgars, were similar.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):388-389
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On the activities of German medical scientists in the first half of the 19th century at Kazan University

Albitsky V.Y., Gallyamov A.B.


In assessing the role of German physicians in the history of Russian medicine for a long time there were two mutually exclusive concepts: one of them extremely exaggerated this role, completely denying the identity of Russian medical thought in the first half of the last century, the other - negatively assessed the foreign experience and activities of foreign physicians in Russia. However, an unambiguous assessment of the activities of German medical scientists is erroneous. This is clearly evidenced by the data on their activities at Kazan University.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):389-390
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Dimeksid-mud applications in the complex spa therapy of cervical osteochondrosis

Pugachev M.N.


Among spa factors for neurological manifestations of degenerative pathology of the cervical spine segmental application of mud at a temperature of 37-42 ° on the cervical collar zone or on this area and hand is widely used.

Dimexide (DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide) is used in the treatment of many diseases as a non-aqueous solvent of drugs. It has a mild analgesic effect, has a favorable trophic effect, is easily absorbed by the skin and transports along with it other substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):391-392
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Reflection in the national periodical literature of the problem of organization of care and treatment of patients with open fractures of the limbs in the conditions of an agricultural area

Klyushkin I.V.


We studied medical journals of traumatology and orthopedics, surgical, organizational and technical profiles in which we supposed to find publications on the topic of organization of care and treatment of patients with open limb fractures in the conditions of an agricultural area.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):392-392
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Z. Sh. Gilyazutdinova.Pregnancy and childbirth in diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.— Kazan, Kazan University Press, 1989.— 154 p.

Turevsky I.I.


The book under review is written on a topical topic of great medical and social importance. It consists of a preface, eleven chapters, an appendix, a list of references, and a table of contents. and peripheral nervous system.- Kazan, Kazan University Press, 1989.- 154 p.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):392-393
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Training aids to optimize the educational process in perinatology

Benediktov I.I.


A group of scientists from the Kurashov Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute and the Kursk and Voronezh Medical Institutes over 12 years have developed a number of textbooks for obstetrician-gynecologists, pediatricians, subordinate students and interns, which soon after their publication found a very favorable response among readers. The textbooks are devoted to current problems of perinatology and are recognized to play a role in reducing perinatal morbidity and mortality.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):393-394
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III All-Union Congress of Endocrinologists

Bulatova T.V., Zyangirova S.T.


The congress was opened by A. N. Demenkov, Head of the Department of Specialized Medical Care of the USSR Ministry of Health. In his report he pointed out radical changes in the structure of the service: reorganization of anti-obesity dispensaries into endocrinology centers; by 1991 they would open in all capitals of Union republics, regional and territorial centers and become organizational and methodological centers. In addition, in 1990 it is planned to establish endocrinology departments, including children's and surgical ones, in all large multidisciplinary hospitals.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):394-395
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Danube Symposium on the History of Medicine

Khalikov A.K.


The International Danube Symposium on the History of Medicine, organized by the Union of Scientific Medical Societies of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Society of Medical History, was held under the auspices of the President of the International Association of Medical Historians, Professor X. Scharewald, Honorary Chairman of the Bulgarian Society of Medical History, Professor V. Pavlova and Corresponding Member of the AMS USSR, Professor B. D. Petrov.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):396-396
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Letter to the Editor. Vol. 70, No. 5 (1989)

Vakhitov S.M.


Dear Editor!
In the process of implementing the program of diabetes mellitus prevention in TASSR, it became necessary to analyze the possible links between this disease and a number of indicators characterizing the activity of medical and preventive institutions (MPI), the provision of the population with health care resources and the intensity of their use.

Kazan medical journal. 1989;70(5):396-397
pages 396-397 views

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