Vol 33, No 8 (1937)

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Full Issue

Malaria blood mass

Repin G.Y.


Along with the progress of medical knowledge, the discovery of new methods of research, both clinical and laboratory, the concepts of some pathological conditions of the human body are changing.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):948-953
pages 948-953 views

To the clinic of typhoid fever in vaccinated

Agrinsky M.E.


In addition to cases of severe, moderate and mild forms of typhoid fever, the so-called "erased", outpatient, atypical forms of typhoid fever, which do not fit into the usual clinical picture of this disease, are also described.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):954-959
pages 954-959 views

Materials for the study of pneumonia in childhood

Babinskaya G.A., Maksutova M.K.


Childhood pneumonia is an extremely serious disease and causes a high mortality rate. In the pathology of childhood, these diseases, along with eating disorders, occupy one of the first places.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):959-966
pages 959-966 views

Stomatitis and sore throat Vincent-Plaut

Tarabukhin A.A.


Until 1894/98 Vincent-Plaut's stomatitis and tonsillitis were described under various names — gangrenous stomatitis, diphtheria, ulcerative membranous, ulcerative stomatitis of soldiers and sailors, scurvy gangrene of the gums, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):967-972
pages 967-972 views

Experience in the treatment of lichen scaly with intravenous infusion of hyposulfite

Mustafina K.A.


The etiology and pathogenesis of scaly lichen remain unclear until recently. There are a number of theories regarding the nature of this common dermatosis, but there is still no consensus on this issue. Schamberg believes that the skin of psoriasis from birth has a specific reactive feature.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):973-975
pages 973-975 views

About ruptured malaria spleen

Shalagin M.M.


In terms of the frequency of closed injuries to the abdominal organs, ruptures of the spleen rank third after damage to the intestines and liver. For some authors, it is even given second place.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):976-988
pages 976-988 views

About perforation of gastric ulcer with fluoroscopy

Suvorov V.A.


Among the unforeseen complications of fluoroscopy, there may be cases of perforation of the stomach ulcer. Fortunately, these cases are rare. In the world literature, only 16 cases are described, one way or another related to fluoroscopy. Of course, this is an insignificant figure compared to the countless thousands of patients who pass through the hands of radiologists every day.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):988-994
pages 988-994 views

About the treatment of cystitis with chloracide

Vilesov S.P., Lyubina N.I.


In the treatment of chronic cystitis, the elimination of the predisposing causes does not guarantee success in all cases. The inflammatory process that has existed for a long time is eliminated only after rationally undertaken local treatment in the form of washing and instilling the bladder (Holtsov).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):994-999
pages 994-999 views

Treatment of Trichomonas colpitis with chlorocide

Krasnova A.I.


In 1837 Done discovered trichomonas vaginalis in vaginal discharge in women. He characterizes it as a parasite, often found in women in vaginal secretions on the pathologically altered mucosa. The question of the pathogenicity of Trichomonas to this day remains unclear.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):999-1002
pages 999-1002 views

The Cheyne Stokes phenomenon and its relation to other respiratory rhythm disorders

Britvan J.M.


Despite the large literature on the issue of respiratory rhythm disorders, until now there is no unified understanding of the characteristics of individual forms, as there is no generally accepted classification. Many deviations from the normal rhythm, especially the form of a periodic rhythm, do not fit into the generally accepted framework.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1002-1009
pages 1002-1009 views

Experimental research on skin dyskeratosis

Milman I.S., Roginskaya S.S.


In 1914, Darier established a new morphological unit in dermatology, which he named dyskeratosis. In this concept he included Darier's disease, Paget's disease and Bowen's pre-cancerous dermatosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1009-1013
pages 1009-1013 views

About dystrophic processes with the introduction of various stimuli into the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve

Kartashov P.N.


At present, it is not necessary to prove what role the nervous system plays in the development of trophic disorders, or rather in the occurrence of pathological processes in general. This issue was paid attention to by old authors, such are the observations and studies of Magendie, Charcot, Samuel, and others.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1014-1020
pages 1014-1020 views

Self-observation of a doctor over old age

Kushev I.E.


During my more than half a century of medical practice, I had to not only meet, but also to be well acquainted with many old doctors, but I still do not know an elderly doctor who would conduct systematic observations of his old age and then describe them in detail in the medical literature. ... I know of only one essay of this kind, included in Burkhgardt's work entitled "The Culture of Italy, in the Renaissance".

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1021-1025
pages 1021-1025 views

On the symptomatology of conus medullaris lesions

Slavin A.A.


The clinic of lesions of the lower spinal cord and the corresponding roots of the cauda equina has already found comprehensive coverage. Back in 1895, Raymond noted that the upper border of the conus medullaris runs "directly over the centers of the bladder and rectum, laid down at the level of III and IV pairs of sacral roots."

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1025-1028
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A case of early congenital syphilis of the lungs

Zenin A.S.


In view of the comparative rarity of early congenital syphilis of the lungs in newborns, it seems to us interesting to publish our observation. 

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1028-1029
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A case of omentum plasty in case of damage to the pancreas

Bondarchuk A.V.


Isolated injuries and injuries of the pancreas, due to its topographic features, are rare. The specified damage occurs somewhat more often in combination with damage to other organs — stomach, liver, intestines, spleen.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1030-1032
pages 1030-1032 views

A case of twisting fibromatous uterus

Shkarin A.S.


On the night from 5 to 6 / VIII 1929, patient B. was admitted to the department with complaints of continuous sharp pains in the abdomen during the last 4 days, constipation, difficulty urinating, nausea. A doctor who visited her at home suggested that she had a twisted cyst leg, and with this diagnosis she was sent to the hospital.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1032-1034
pages 1032-1034 views

On the question of the use of external rotation in breech presentation

Fomenko B.P.


In recent years, interest in the operation of external rotation in order to correct the breech presentation has noticeably increased among Russian obstetricians. On the initiative of Professor Skrobansky, the Leningrad Obstetric and Gynecological Society, having supported the use of this operation only in clinical consultations and obstetric hospitals, recognized the need for further study of its methodology and clarification of contraindications to it.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1035-1039
pages 1035-1039 views

Caraigie, a. Wishart. Study of soluble precipitating substances of the vaccine. I. In vitro dissociation of soluble precipitating substances from elementary bodies of the vaccine. (J. exper, Med, Vol. 64, 1936).


A number of researchers have found that soluble substances that precipitate in the presence of immune (to the vaccine) serum are found in extracts from fresh skin vaccines and can be separated from the elementary bodies of the vaccine by centrifugation and filtration.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1040-1040
pages 1040-1040 views

Craigié, J. and Wishart, F. Study of soluble precipitating substances in a vaccine. II. Soluble precipitating substances in the skin vaccine. (J. exper. Med . Vol, 64, 1936)


Previous studies have shown that vaccine agglutination and precipitation reactions should be attributed primarily to the LS antigen of elementary bodies. This antigen causes the formation of two different antibodies, one of which reacts with the thermolabile L-component, the other with the thermostable S-component of the antigen.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1040-1040
pages 1040-1040 views

Ivánovics, G and Erdös, L. On the structure of the capsular substance of the anthrax bacillus. (Ztschr. F Immunitatsf., Bd. 90, 1937), In 1933.


Tomcsik and Szongott succeeded in isolating three serologically distinct fractions from the anthrax bacillus, one of which was found only in capsule cultures. Although the chemical structure of this fraction has not yet been obtained, these researchers attributed the specific substance of the capsule of the anthrax bacillus to the group of proteins.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1041-1041
pages 1041-1041 views

Vasarhelyi, J. Is there a parallelism between trypanocidal and spirochetocidal actions of arsenobenzene derivatives? (Ztschr. F. Immynitätsf., Bd 90, 1937).


The author conducted a comparative study of the therapeutic effect of two arsenobenzene derivatives in experimental trypanosomyasis of mice and syphilis in rabbits. At the same time, the effect of the drug on the spirochetes of primary sclerosis of rabbits, on the cure of syphilitic abscesses and the presence or absence of their relapses and on the sterilization of the body was studied (the latter was by inoculating the organs of the treated rabbit and reinfection of these transplanted animals).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1041-1041
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Collier, W. u. Verhog, M. On Arsen-Detpoxin Derivatives. (Ztschr f. Immunitatsf, Bd. 90, 1937)


The authors studied the trypanocidal and spirochetocidal action of the new Arsen-Keratinhydro- lysat "AS XIII" compound in mice and rabbits.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1042-1042
pages 1042-1042 views

Kondo, N. Subdivision of streptococcus green into serologic types. (Ztschr. F.


The authors studied the cultural and biological properties of 56 strains of green streptococcus, of which 35 were isolated in acute angina, 13 in influenza and 8 in various cases of throat disease. These bacteria, for the most part, upon cultivation, gave chains of considerable length.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1041-1042
pages 1041-1042 views

Drigalsku. The effect of fish oil on bacteria, especially ground and spore-bearing bacteria (D. m. W, No. 25, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


Experiments have shown that ground bacteria grown in broth, when transplanted into fish oil, do not allow growth to continue. When sowing land directly into fish oil, only a very small number of microbes can be found after 24 hours.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1042-1042
pages 1042-1042 views

Vasarhelyi, J. Experimental study of immunity in syphilis (Ztschr. F. Jmmunitätsf., Bd. 89-1936)


Contrary to the opinion of Kolle and his collaborators, Chesney, Ulengut and Grossman, Breinl, Meinteufel and Herzberg believe that in the treatment of rabbits in the late stages of syphilis, not only anergy occurs, but also a clearly expressed spirochetocidal immunity.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1042-1042
pages 1042-1042 views

BieIing, R. u Gelhichs, L. A study of experimental pneumonia. (Ztschr. F. Ä, Bd. 89, 19 6)


The authors studied the mechanism of development of experimental pneumonia in mice and guinea pigs. For this purpose, the animals were subjected to ether anesthesia and were infected in the nose with pneumococcus type 1 (the method of Shope, as well as Neufeld and Kuhn).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1042-1043
pages 1042-1043 views

Corbus. Skin test for the diagnosis of gonorrhea infection. (Journ. Of Urol., No. 1, 1936)


The broth-filtrate, proposed by the author at one time, is recommended to be placed in an autoclave at t ° 115-120 °, then the substances that form antitoxins will remain, and the liquid will be able to cause a reaction in patients with gonorrhea who develop sensitization to gonococcus.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1043-1043
pages 1043-1043 views

Coutts, W., and Barthet, O. Gram-negative nasopharyngeal cocci in cervical secretions in prostitutes. (Brit. Journ. Ven. Dis., No. 4, 1936)


In some cases, laboratory technicians diagnose gonococci in the discharge of the urethra of men, while in fact the causative agent of urethritis is gram-negative diplococcus of the nasopharynx. In 20 prostitutes, these diplococci were found in the discharge of the cervix.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1043-1043
pages 1043-1043 views

Leahy A. and Carpenter, Ch. Diagnosis of gonorrhea by culture. (Am. J. Syph., Gonor, and ven. Dis., No. 7, 1936)


The authors used a modification of the MC Leod method for diagnosing gonorrhea for 9 months. The method consists in using a blood medium at t ° 34-37 ° in an air atmosphere.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1043-1043
pages 1043-1043 views

Stafford, L., Warren. Differential diagnosis of gonorrhea arthritis. (J. Lab. And. Clin. Med. October 1936)


The main sign of differential diagnosis of gonorrhea arthritis is the presence of gonococci in the joint cavity, which distinguishes arthritis of this etiology from others. In patients with gonorrhea arthritis, it is possible to detect gonococci in the genitourinary tract in smears up to 40% and cultures up to 60%.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1043-1043
pages 1043-1043 views

Adler, E. Treatment of gonorrheal vaginitis in girls. (Am. Jour. Dis. Child, No. 8, 1936)


Over the past two years, 165 girls with gonorrheal vaginitis have been treated at the Bellevue hospital for children. Treatment of a small group with instillations of a 20% protein preparation of silver was unsuccessful.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1043-1044
pages 1043-1044 views

Gumpel, F. On the treatment of Hirschsprung's disease, (Zentrbl. F. Chir. No. 46, 1936)

Tsimkhes I.


In one case of Hirschsprung's disease a. successfully applied the Nicloscoloplicatio method. It sutures loose and external tissue along the entire length of the large intestine from the appendix to the rectum.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1044-1044
pages 1044-1044 views

Harttung. Pregnancy and peritonitis (Zentrbl, f. Chir., No. 13, 1936)

Tsimkhes I.


A. gives 3 cases of acute appendicitis complicated by peritonitis in pregnant women. In cases of pregnancy up to six months, the author proposes to open the abdominal cavity and remove the source of infection in case of peritonitis due to appendicitis, and then induce childbirth.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1044-1044
pages 1044-1044 views

W. Gavle Crutffield. On the treatment of fractures with displacement of the cervical vertebrae using skeletal traction (Surg.gyn.obst.)

Tsimkhes I.


A. proposes for fractures of the cervical vertebrae with displacement of fragments to impose skeletal traction on the cranial bones using a special traction apparatus. With the help of a drill, after an injection of novocaine and a skin incision, a hole is drilled in the skull bone to a depth of 3 mm only to the diploe (the drill is designed so that it does not sink further than 3 mm).

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1044-1044
pages 1044-1044 views

Bauer, N. Osteoplastic method of amputation according to Kirchner. (Zblt. F, Chir, 1936, 48, 2817-2819)

Ivanov B.


Amputation according to Kirchner is performed in such a way that after sawing the bone from the removed sections of the greater or fibula, a slightly conical pin is formed with a diameter corresponding to the diameter of the medullary cavity; in this case, one end of it is made thinner, and the other is thicker than the last.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1044-1044
pages 1044-1044 views

Andernach, F. Treatment of arthritis with fish oil. (Zblt, f. Chir. 1936.51, 3049-3050)

Ivanov B.


For the treatment of chronic arthritis a. recommends injection into the joint cavity, after preliminary puncture and anesthesia, 4-5 cm3 of fish oil.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1044-1045
pages 1044-1045 views

Becker, F. Knee sarcomas after radiotherapy. (Dtsch. Z. Chir. 1936, 248, 1-2, 11-23)

Ivanov B.


Author, reporting 15 known cases of sarcoma of joints affected by tuberculosis in patients aged 5-15 years, gives his own similar observation, where sarcoma developed as a result of unreasonable intensive use of X-ray therapy.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1045-1045
pages 1045-1045 views

Аnbinеau. "Subjective" visual disturbances after cranial trauma (Annales d'oculistique, 1936. T. CLXXIII, 3 livre)

Gorbatov V.P.


Автор наблюдал 21 случай закрытого повреждения черепа с потерей сознания различной продолжительности. Из всех этих травм только в 5 случаях имелись определенные объективные указания на центральное поражение зрения, но во всех случаях без исключения имелись так называемые „субъективные" зрительные расстройства. Последние автором рассматриваются с точки зрения морфологии и судебной медицины. В основном субъективные расстройства были 2 родов: 1) собственно зрительные расстройства и 2) зрительная усталость. При собственно зрительных расстройствах обнаруживалась только потеря чувства равновесия (больные искали точку опоры). У них полученные впечатления от предметов тут же терялись, вследствие резкого прерывания их из-за головокружения. У жалующихся на „зрительную усталость", наступающую более или менее быстро, исключалась аккомодативная астенопия. Психоневрозы исключались в обоих типах расстройств. „Субъективные" зрительные расстройства в основе имеют также органическую базу, установить которую весьма трудно. В заключение автор говорит, что все травмы черепа с потерей сознания требуют полного осмотра органа зрения и нервной системы. Все черепно-мозговые ушибы могут быть причиной объективных и „субъективных" зрительных расстройств. При субъективных зрительных расстройствах также необходимо быть осторожным в прогнозе. Для судебной медицины при объективных зрительных расстройствах действительно только заключение специалиста-офтальмолога. Субъективные же зрительные расстройства следует относить к синдрому commotio cerebri.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1045-1045
pages 1045-1045 views

Сragg. Treatment of tobacco amblyopia with acetylcholine. (Bristol Med. Chirurg J.V. 53, 1936)

Dembskaya V.


The author treated 5 patients suffering from tobacco amblyopia with intramuscular injection of acetylcholine (this medicine is sold in two dosages: A — 0.03 g each and B — 0.125 g each)

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1045-1045
pages 1045-1045 views

Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society ATCCP. Meeting 15.II.1937

Gusynin V.A., Suvorov V.A.


Report by Professor N. V. Sokolova on the conference of surgeons in Leningrad 28-31 January. 1937 The speaker elaborated on the tasks set by the organizers of the conference and then on the main issues raised by the speakers.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1048-1050
pages 1048-1050 views

Meetings of medical societies. Surgical Society ATCCP. Meeting of 3.III.1937 year

Sokolov N.V., Osipovsky V.М.


Doctor Smetanin. On the question of mesenteric cysts of the small intestines (demonstration). The speaker reported a case of mesenteric cyst observed in chir. wedge. Medical Institute (Professor I. V. Domrachev). The cyst was located on the mesentery of the small intestine and, according to the speaker, developed from a melted fatty lobule.

Kazan medical journal. 1937;33(8):1048-1050
pages 1048-1050 views

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