Vol 34, No 3 (1938)

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On the genesis of periodic respiratory rhythm disorders. Hypno-suggestive forms of periodic breathing

Britvan J.M., Steiman D.E., Ksendzovsky M.I.


Experimental and clinical observations indicate a certain participation of the cerebral cortex in the genesis of the main forms of the periodic rhythm of respiration (Cheyne-Stokes, Biot and wave-like respiration).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):229-236
pages 229-236 views

To the clinic of Kozhevnikovskaya epilepsy of infectious etiology

Shubin N.V.


42 years have passed as a prof. Kozhevnikov identified a special form of epilepsy called epilepsia partialis continua. His theoretical considerations about the etiology of this suffering., As a syndrome that can give “painful changes, different in nature and similar only in their effect on the brain, cysticercus, chronic. infection, etc.", found their confirmation in a number of works by subsequent authors.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):236-251
pages 236-251 views

On the question of myotonia

Shifrina M.L., Urmantsev N.S.


Myotonia is one of those diseases of the nervous system that still cannot be considered sufficiently studied in terms of their essence, their pathogenesis, their topics.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):251-255
pages 251-255 views

Method of determination by blood serum using a color reaction of the tone of the nervous system (sympathicotonia and vagotonia)

Ginzburg E.A.


In his work “Chemical method of differentiation I. vagus from n. sympathicus “(Kazan medical jury., No. 11-12, 1934 and Wiener klin. Wochenschrift, No. 50, 1936) Dr. Manoilov reported that he was able to chemically distinguish between these nerves and high He said the position that they differ from each other chemically: n. Vagus is acidic, and n. Sympathicus is alkaline, and their chemistry is embedded in the conductors themselves. Chikovani comes to the same conclusions, who investigated the nerves of 70 human corpses and confirmed this position in all cases; Iosefovich investigated the nerves of both humans and animals (cat, dog, rabbit); from 15 human corpses (30 pairs of nerves) in 14 cases, the nerves were taken by her immediately after death (15 minutes or more), and the results were positive; in one case, the nerves were taken from a 5-month old drug and the result was also positive. On animal material, Iosefovich received the same answer in all cases (58 pairs).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):255-257
pages 255-257 views

Tachycardia of the spinal cord based on materials from the clinics of nervous diseases in the city of Kazan

Neymark M.A.


One of the topical issues of neuropathology and special medical literature is the study of the tabes of the spinal cord. Exchange of experience in the field of treatment, comparative data on individual countries and segments of the population, study of statistical material allow us to judge the dynamics of this disease, the severity and predominance of individual symptoms and forms. On the other hand, the data of numerous authors about a particular duration of the incubation period, the presence or absence of primary manifestations of syphilitic infection, and other questions leave many aspects of this interesting disease insufficiently illuminated. In recent years, our acquaintance with the blood-brain barrier, with its changes in various organic diseases of the central nervous system, data on the biology of pallidum spirochete, on the so-called latent nervous syphilis, on the pathogenesis of tabic crises allow us to explain some aspects of the clinical picture of the tabes of the spinal cord , which remained unclear until now.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):258-263
pages 258-263 views

To the clinic for stomach syphilis

Kryazhimsky V.V.


Despite frequent cases of visceral lues, gastric syphilis was diagnosed very rarely not so long ago. Since the time of Andral, who first described syphilitic lesions of the stomach, enough clinical and pathological-anatomical material has accumulated. Recently, the issue of visceral syphilis has received vivid coverage in the systematization of material in valuable works, both among clinicians from other countries and here, especially in the works of Luria, Gausman, Kogan-Yasny, Totsky, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):263-266
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On the value of the capillary blood reaction to syphilis

Poisner S.K.


Currently, a number of reactions are used to diagnose syphilis — Wasserman, Kahn, Meinike, cytocholic, Sachs-Georgi and Saks-Vitebsk.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):267-269
pages 267-269 views

A valuable serological test for the diagnosis of latent forms of female gonorrhea

Viktorov L.K., Feigel I.I., Orlova T.O., Dobrov B.M.


The complement binding reaction can be used for diagnostic purposes in two ways: either, having a known antigen, an antibody corresponding to this antigen is determined in the patient's body, or, conversely, having a known antibody, an antigen corresponding to this antibody is sought in the patient's body.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):270-281
pages 270-281 views

X-ray therapy of gonorrhea complications

Fink M.I., Bykhovsky M.A.


Our observations were made on 76 patients with acute mountain complications. 28 patients were from the inpatient department of the Veninstitute, and the rest were from outpatient admission, all patients were between 18 and 54 years old. According to the localization of foci, our patients are divided into patients with epididymitis — 46, prostatitis — 23 and arthritis — 6. Out of 46 patients with epididymitis, 8 had epididymitis alone without other complications, in 21 epididymitis was accompanied by prostatitis, in 8 patients we diagnosed epididymitis with prostatitis and vesiculitis, in 9 patients had epididymitis complicated by funiculitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):281-288
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Gonorrhea in gynecological patients

Minyusheva Z.S.


From numerous statistical data, we know about the enormous achievements in the fight against venereal diseases in the USSR. But it should be noted that in the fight against gonorrhea, our success is less significant than in the fight against other sexually transmitted diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):288-291
pages 288-291 views

Sensitivity of the skin of tuberculosis patients to various bacterial filtrates

Gufeld K.O.


The issue of mixed infection with tuberculosis has its own history. If at first the researchers Koch, Cornet, Petrushki, Vysokovich, Brauer and Peters, Maraliano, Baumgarten attached great importance to mixed infection during tuberculosis, then a number of authors, especially recently, and mainly the French school, assign it a secondary role (Besançon, Layden, Jochmann, Schrader and Manles). I. Hollo in his review article on mixed infection with tuberculosis (1930) comes to the conclusion that the question of mixed infection in general is resolved; in the cavity itself and in the respiratory tract of a tuberculosis patient, there can always be various microbes, but they behave like saprophytes or semi-parasites. It can be considered established, says Hollo, that the entire course of tuberculosis is due exclusively to the tubercle bacillus and that "there are no such forms of tuberculosis, such phases in its course, and there is not a single symptom that would depend on the action of other microbes." Even if such an impact is possible, he says, it is very insignificant and inconsistent.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):291-300
pages 291-300 views

On the question of the anesthetic dikain

Maslovskaya A.I.


In November 1936 Scientific research. chemical pharmaceutical company. Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze suggested that our clinic test the effect of the anesthetic dicaine on clinical material.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):300-303
pages 300-303 views

Pathogenesis of appendicitis and Shvartsman's phenomenon

Nezhdanov V.M.


Inflammation of the appendix is ​​the most common form of inflammation in the abdominal cavity. According to statistical data, 30-35% of all surgical patients are operated on for appendicitis. Studies by various authors have proven that appendicitis develops as a result of the action of virulent bacteria on the mucous membrane of the appendix. Until now, it has not been possible to establish whether a specific causative agent of appendicitis exists, although numerous studies in this area would allow this to be done, if such in fact existed (Rushev). Rosenov in his studies in 70% of cases of appendicitis discovered a special type of streptococci, which, in his opinion, cause appendicitis. Will identified an anaerobe that looks like you. perfringens and bac. oedematis (in acute appendicitis): According to Ashof (1927), appendicitis is caused by Diplostreptococcus (enterococcus) and gram-positive rods. Fonio (1923) believes that appendicitis is caused by a special gram-positive diplococcus and a special thin stick; Fischer is of the same opinion. However, all these data have not received general confirmation and the presence of a specific pathogen has not been proven. According to the research of many authors (Dejen and Michiner, Jings, Brutt, etc.) we have a mixed infection with appendicitis with a predominance of streptococci and E. coli in acute cases. There are many works devoted to the bacteriology of appendicitis, which cannot be listed in our brief work, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: diseases of the appendix are caused by a mixed infection. The normal process always contains various microbial forms. Chronic appendicitis also always contains various types of microbes. What are the ways of appendicitis? Enterogenic pathway — the disease of the appendix is ​​caused by microbes located in the appendix itself, due to abnormal conditions for its nutrition and position. This includes all kinds of closure of the lumen by the contents, whether it is the semi-liquid contents of the appendix, fecal calculus, swelling of the mucous membrane, or something else. The same mechanical obstacles can create bends of the appendix and its retroperitoneal position. All these points are reduced to the theory of the so-called. "Cavité close" (Talamon) (1892), Dielafoy (1896). Despite various objections and conflicting facts, the thought expressed by Dielafoy remains valid to this day. This position is confirmed by numerous studies of Boseno (1897), Rouville, Bois-Heyd (1912), Geil, Mordvinkin and others, not as the only cause of appendicitis, but as a factor contributing to it.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):303-308
pages 303-308 views

About reflex epilepsy

Bobkov I.P.


Even Hippocrates taught that seizures can occur both from an excess of blood in the brain, and from its lack. Many centuries later, this view received its experimental substantiation in the classical experiments of Cooper (1836), Panum (1856), Kussmaul and Tenner (1857). These authors experimentally proved that when the lumen of the carotid and vertebral arteries is closed, animals develop convulsive seizures that develop as a result of brain anemia. Opening the lumen of these vessels leads to the cessation of seizures. Convulsive phenomena were observed by M. Gall and when both jugular veins were clamped.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):309-314
pages 309-314 views

About one syndrome of epidemic encephalitis

Palyants G.Y.


Krol in his well-known book "Neuropathological syndromes" says: "The more thoroughly we get acquainted with diseases, the more we are convinced that the typical picture of the disease, which led to the isolation of a given nosological group, is much less common than not typical." As an example, he points to epidemic encephalitis. This relatively new nosological unit still does not yet have its comprehensive description; therefore, very often we meet with new symptoms and combinations of symptoms of this disease. From this point of view, our case is of certain interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):315-317
pages 315-317 views

A case of spontaneous rupture of the spleen

Kamenorovich B.U.


In the work of Lyadsky, statistics of Volya is given, who by 1928 had collected 27 cases of spontaneous rupture of the spleen in various acute infections; he also gives the material of prof. Finkelstein in more than 100 splenectomies in a malarial area, including only one case of spontaneous rupture of the malarial spleen.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):317-318
pages 317-318 views

A case of eclampsia with a progressive 5-month ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

Shklyaev A., Shchepetkova E.M., Subbotina A.I.


Patient 3., M., 32 years old (East bol. No. 465), a collective farmer, was admitted to the hospital on 28 / X 36 years with complaints of facial edema and mild pain in the lower abdomen. Until now, she has not noted any diseases. B-Naya considers herself pregnant since June 1936, when the menstruation, which had come neatly before that and established from the age of 14, stopped. Pregnancy was one 10 years ago and ended in normal urgent labor. He denies abortion and gonorrhea. In July 36, there were some seizures, expressed by loss of consciousness and convulsions. The patient did not seek help anywhere. The patient comes under the supervision of doctors for the first time on September 20, 36. During examination at that time, it was found in her: the uterus is well defined on the left, enlarged, mobile, and on the right of the uterus there is a tumor that is closely connected with the uterus, its upper border is at the level of the navel , and the left one goes slightly beyond the middle line. Slightly below the navel and to the right of it, the fetal heartbeat is well heard. The patient was diagnosed with Graviditas extrauterina progressiva. The patient categorically refused the proposed operation. On September 25, 36, the patient was advised to go to the Bugulma interdistrict hospital, where the gynecologist, consulting the patient, suspected pregnancy in the uterine horn, and suggested an operation. The patient, having spent two days in the hospital, refused the operation and, having declared that she would go to the operation in her hospital, left Bugulma. Arriving home, the patient did not show up at the hospital, but began her usual work. 25.X.36 after hard work (dug up a garden and carried sacks of potatoes), the patient felt aching pains in the lower abdomen. The next day, she felt a severe headache and noticed swelling in her face and arms, which led her to the hospital for the second time. The patient is of average height, regular constitution, visible mucous membranes and skin are normally colored, with a slight bluishness on the lips, the face and hands are swollen. The upper border of the heart is at the lower edge of the 3 ribs, the right one along lin. parasternalis sin., left — 1. mammilaris. Heart sounds are clean. Pulse 90 VH, tense. The temperature is 36.8. On the part of the lungs, no pathological changes were noted. The spleen and liver are not palpable. The abdomen is irregular; the right side is swollen, the left sunken. On palpation in the abdominal cavity, an oblong-shaped tumor is felt to the right of the uterus, closely adhered to it, painful when pressed. The upper border of the tumor extends 2 fingers above the navel, the left one goes beyond the midline of the abdomen at the level of the navel. On the right above the tumor, the fetal heartbeat is clearly heard, which does not coincide with the mother's pulse. The entrance to the vagina is slightly bluish in color. Portio vaginalis uteri not softened, vaults are free, ripples art. uterinae no. The uterus is enlarged, palpable to the left of the tumor, mobile and connected with the tumor by a bridge. Small parts of the fetus are not determined in the study. There were no urinary disorders. When boiled, urine contains a large amount of protein. On 27.X.36, shortness of breath appeared in the evening. The patient was strongly offered an operation, which she refused. On 30.X.36, nausea appeared, in the evening vomiting of herbs, headaches became unbearable, at 9 o'clock in the evening an attack of eclampsia was noted. Treatment according to Stroganov was started. In ½ hour, a second seizure followed and 2 hours later a third, very intense ... The patient is unrecognizable from the strong swelling of the face. The urine contains a huge amount of protein. The patient agreed to the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):318-321
pages 318-321 views

Central perineal tear

Ressin B.


Under the central perineal tears, it is customary to understand the tears that occur in the middle of the perineum while maintaining the integrity of both the posterior commissure and the external sphincter of the rectum. Such breaks are very rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):321-323
pages 321-323 views

The practical significance of the complement binding reaction in amoebiasis

K. N.


In patients with typical amoebic dysentery, where the diagnosis is confirmed bacteriologically, serum has the property of binding complement in the presence of a specific antigen.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):324-324
pages 324-324 views

Protective antibodies in the serum of persons immunized with typhoid vaccine

K. N.


According to A. strains from which vaccines against typhoid fever are prepared must have significant virulence and immunizing properties, which must be carefully titrated in experiments on mice.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):324-324
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Isolation of human influenza virus in tissue culture and chorion-allantois of chicken embryos

K. N.


A.a. made inoculations on Lee and Rivers medium, as well as on chorion-allantois of chick embryos of 12 days of age.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):324-324
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Cystine Tellurite Agar for Diphtheria Bacillus

S. G.


The work is devoted to a detailed study of the medium, the elective properties of which are due to the addition of telluric acid potassium.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):324-324
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Further immunizing division of enterococci

R. P.


The variety of agglutinatory types of enterococci is more and more disclosed, and if Meyer and Levenshtein established in their time the presence of 4 types, then Takeda was able to find among the 96 strains of enterococci — 18 types that he isolated, which contained specific receptors.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):324-325
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Diagnostic and prognostic value of Meinicke's reaction in tuberculosis

R. P.


The opinions of researchers about the value and significance of serological tests for the diagnosis of tuberculosis are very different. However, due to their simplicity, a number of immune reactions are often used in this infection. The author studied Meinicke's reaction at various stages of tuberculosis (700 cases).

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):325-325
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On the serological detection of the antigen of cheesy decay and pus in macroscopically unchanged organs with tuberculous cavities in the lungs

R. P.


Hirschfeld and Halber showed that as a result of the cheesy process, organ-specificity disappears and a new so-called "cheesy specificity" appears, found in any organ where only this process takes place. Further studies showed the identity of the serological properties of cheesy decay and pus, since the leukocytes of both contain a single antigen.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):325-326
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To the question of serological differences in monkeys of the Old (Catarrhini) and New (Platyrrhini) world

R. P.


As you know, group-specific substances A and B, which determine the serological type of a person, are found in some animals. The study of this issue among anthropoids is of particular interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):326-326
pages 326-326 views

The action of an electric current on the heart

Rushinskaya A.


Death caused by electric shock is the subject of research carried out in recent years in the USSR, Sweden, USA and other countries. In Germany, experiments are carried out mainly on dogs, and in America, on sheep; studies on small animals are for comparison purposes only. These studies, involving more than 150 animals and lasting for many years, are aimed at establishing the strength of the current, which, for any direction of the current through the body, at any frequency and for any duration of the action of the current, does not cause any disturbance in the activity of the heart.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):326-327
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Prevention of infection in complicated fractures

Ivanov B.


In order to prevent infection with open fractures, first of all, it is necessary to create conditions in the wound that prevent the further development of bacteria that have entered it.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):327-327
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Autohemotherapy of axillary hydradenitis according to Leven

Ivanov B.


Based on his observations, a. recommends autohemotherapy according to Leven for the treatment of hydroadenitis of the armpit, indicating that this method gives very good results, especially in case of relapses of the disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):328-328
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Sarcoma of the forearm after being wounded in the war

Yurov V.


A. describes a case of sarcoma in the scar tissue of the left forearm after being wounded by a grenade fragment 18 years ago.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):328-328
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Dislocation in the Lisfranc joint

Yurov V.


A. describes a case of a rare lateral dislocation in the Lisfranc joint without a fracture of the base of the second metatarsal bone.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):328-328
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Plastic method for restoring the anus

Yurov V.


A. suggests the following method for prolapse of the anus.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):328-328
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Urinary incontinence with Spina bifida

Mayat V.


With spina bifida, there are cases of simultaneous spasm or relaxation of the cystic wall and internal sphincter, or a combination of the two. In some cases, a. found noticeable changes in the voluntary sphincter, and in some cases even its complete absence. The state of this sphincter can be judged by the degree of sensitivity disorder of the pudendal plexus, from which an additional nerve approaches the arbitrary sphincter. No connection can be established between the size of spina bifida, the degree of urinary or defecation failure and the degree of sensory disturbance of the pudendal plexus.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):328-329
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Colon cancer

Mayat V.


The author reports 38 cases of colon cancer among 7370 patients. 37% of patients complained of constipation. In 5% of cases, constipation was the first symptom. The average age of patients with colon cancer is 56.6 years.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):329-329
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A combination of fracture and dislocation of the lower jaw

Mayat V.


Until recently, the method of treatment for a combination of fracture and dislocation of the lower jaw consisted mostly of removing a fractured articular process displaced from its glenoid cavity.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):329-329
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About spinal anesthesia according to Sebrechts

Mayat V.


Three conditions have contributed to the revival of spinal anesthesia in recent years.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):330-330
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About a ruptured biceps tendon

Mayat V.


The absence of evidence-based, pathological, anatomical and radiological changes gives a. reason to consider the mechanical factor to be the main point in the etiology of the rupture.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):330-331
pages 330-331 views

Sterility in men and its practical significance

D. A.


The average amount of ejaculated sperm at a time is 3-5 cubic meters. see The viscosity of the ejaculate does not matter, the pH of the ejaculate is 7.7-8.5.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):331-331
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Sterility of men and new treatments for it

D. A.


The author divides pathological changes in sperm into the following groups: 1) azoospermia, 2) oligospermia, 3) necrospermia, 4) aspermia or complete absence of semen.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):331-331
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Study of sterility in women

D. A.


A. studied the causes of childlessness in 190 marriages.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):331-331
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Annual report of the Kazan branch of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists for 1937

Rusetsky I.


In 1937, there were 44 members of the Kazan branch of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):332-333
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Activities of the Society of Venereologists and Dermatologists of the TASSR in 1937

Olesov A.


The society had 9 meetings in the past year, at which 9 reports and 37 demonstrations of patients were heard.

Kazan medical journal. 1938;34(3):333-334
pages 333-334 views

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