Vol 48, No 2 (1967)

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Some tasks to improve the work of the middle level of health care in rural areas of the Tatar ASSR

Muhutdinov I.Z.


Our people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, have successfully completed the seven-year period and made a huge step towards communist construction.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):1-3
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About the clinic of acute cholecystopancreatitis

Komahidze M.E.


Currently, a great deal of attention is paid to the combination of acute cholecystitis with acute pancreatitis. Today we cannot justify ourselves by the dictum of Martynov and Mondor that in acute pancreatitis, a diagnostic error is a law, and a correct diagnosis is an exception.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):4-5
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Indications for surgery for acute cholecystitis

Kravchenko P.V., Kondratenko N.A., Osipovskiy L.V.


The problem of acute cholecystitis still cannot be considered finally solved, and therefore the analysis of treatment results in individual surgical institutions may be of certain interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):5-7
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Cholecystitis in childhood and adolescence

Nurmyhamedov R.M.


People of middle age and especially elderly people suffer from cholecystitis more often. In children, acute cholecystitis is rare, and only a few observations are described in the literature.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):6-7
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About the so-called additional bile ducts of the human liver

Mitrofanov N.A.


The term "additional" or "additional" bile ducts was introduced in the XVIII century by Forain to designate bile ducts with an unusual route and, most importantly, with an unusual place of confluence into the extrahepatic bile ducts, namely, into the common or bile ducts.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):8-10
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The effectiveness of intrapelvic novocaine blockade in an acute attack of renal colic

Kyzmina V.E., Zak B.I.


Intrapelvic anesthesia for pelvic fractures proposed by L.G.Shkolnikov and V.P.Selivanov (1955) is a type of novocaine blockade. She has found wide application in traumatology.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):10-12
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Study of renal function using hippuran-i (131)

Leshinskii L.A.


The possibility of a separate study of the functional state of the kidneys using the radioisotope method is of great practical interest.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):12-14
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Our experience with kidney puncture biopsy

Auhanov M.V., Synargulov T.S.


In recent years, the method of studying the kidneys by puncture biopsy has become widespread.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):15-16
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On organ-preserving operations for hydronephrosis

Mavrin M.I.


For the treatment of patients with small hydronephrosis, which developed as a result of short strictures in the pelvic-ureteric segment, the Foley operation with numerous modifications was most widespread (A.P. Frumkin, 1957; Bonnin, 1959; I.M.Bykov, 1962; Borkve, 1960, and etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):17-19
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The state of the kidneys in chronic lung diseases in children

Kolodizner V.A.


The state of the kidneys in chronic lung diseases in children is not well understood. There are only indications of the possibility of the development of renal amyloidosis in bronchiectasis, the appearance at the time of exacerbation of chronic pneumonia in young children in the urine of changes that speak of violations such as focal nephritis or pyelitis (S.M. Gavalov, K.V. Lapina, etc. ).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):19-20
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To the diagnosis and treatment of kidney tumors

Beluh S.I.


According to statistical data of domestic and foreign authors, kidney tumors account for 1 to 2% of all neoplasms. Early recognition of them is difficult, since clinical symptoms often lag behind the pathological changes in time. The results of the treatment largely depend on the timely operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):20-22
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Results of treatment of bladder tumors

Aidarov A.A., Albecova R.G.


This report is based on the results of treatment of 224 patients with bladder tumors who were in our urological clinic in 1952-1963. There were 181 men and 43 women. Of the total number of urological patients in our clinic, patients with neoplasms of the bladder accounted for 4.4%. The patients were 25 to 76 years old; two thirds are between 50 and 70 years old.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):22-24
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Changes in the nervous apparatus of the ureters in kidney disease

Ivanov N.M.


Pathological changes in the nerve elements of the ureters in various diseases of the upper urinary tract are still poorly understood.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):24-25
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About traumatic hip dislocations

Latupov A.L.


According to V.V. Gorinevskaya, traumatic dislocations of the hip account for 2-4% of all dislocations. Of the total number of patients treated in hospitals for traumatic dislocations, with hip dislocations, there are 19-20% (BK Babich, GA Bairov, NA Lyuboshits, etc.).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):25-28
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Surgical treatment of varus deformity of the femoral neck in children

Carpov S.P.


Varus deformities of the femoral neck are mainly treated with surgical methods. In this case, various types of osteotomies are most often used. The literature describes a large number of various methods of osteotomy, which, depending on the level of bone intersection, can be subdivided into cervical, intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):28-29
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Extracortical compression fixation as a new method of osteosynthesis of femoral fragments

Rahimkulov H.S.


For osteosynthesis of fragments in fractures and pseudarthrosis of the femur, we proposed a method of extracortical compression fixation.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):30-31
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Surgical treatment of tuberculous foci of the posterior iliac body

Vorobiev V.N.


Currently, the question of the need for surgical treatment of tuberculous foci in the bones of the hip joint does not meet with serious objections. The widespread use of tuberculostatic drugs made it possible to achieve great success in the treatment of focal tuberculous lesions.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):31-32
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Immunological efficacy of a single intranasal revaccination with diphtheria-tetanus toxoid

Mayanskiy A.N.


The widespread use of preventive vaccinations necessitates the development of atraumatic vaccination methods. For a number of years, the Kazan NIIEM has been researching methods of intranasal immunization against diphtheria and whooping cough (I. E. Alatyrtseva and FB Kolpachikhin, NF Amfitheatorova).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):33-34
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Clinic of foodborne diseases caused by opportunistic bacteria

Brisker A.D.


Despite the abundance of works devoted to food toxicoinfections, the clinic and questions of the pathogenesis of these diseases in cases when they are caused by opportunistic microbes, especially Proteus, Morgan's bacillus or some variants of E. coli, are far from fully studied.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):34-35
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The role of local infiltration anesthesia in reducing maternal and perinatal mortality during caesarean section

Kaplanskiy I.A.


The choice of the method of pain relief for caesarean section is the most difficult task, since the surgeon has to deal not only with the woman in labor, but also with the fetus.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):36-37
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Endometrial changes with bleeding during menopause and menopause

Zaharova V.A.


The etiology and pathogenesis of uterine bleeding during menopause and menopause are not fully understood. Bleeding in women over 40 years old is often interpreted as "climacteric", and during menopause - as a sign of a cancerous lesion of the uterus, the question of the nature of changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus in women suffering from bleeding during the indicated periods is not well covered; opinions differ regarding the frequency of uterine cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):37-39
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The practical significance of some endocrine shifts at the end of pregnancy

Foi A.M., Eiber N.S.


Which obstetrician is not aware of the difficulties in determining a pronounced prolongation of pregnancy, even with systematic medical supervision of a pregnant woman! In addition, sometimes women deliberately give incorrect information about the date of the last menstruation in order to avoid the possible late granting of maternity leave to them.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):39-40
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The growth of women and the external dimensions of the pelvis

Davudov V.V.


Until now, both domestic and foreign obstetricians adhere to a single, but outdated concept of the so-called normal pelvis of a woman, which is easy to see when looking at the main manuals on obstetrics (V. Shtekkel, 1933; K. K. Skrobansky, 1946; I. F. Jordania, 1955).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):40-41
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A peculiar clinical and hematological picture of gastric ulcer-cancer with metastases to the bone marrow

Ishenko I.K., Bashkirev T.A.


It is known that the clinical manifestations caused by metastases of gastric cancer can mask the underlying disease. Particularly difficult to recognize is the combination of gastric and bone marrow cancers. This combination is relatively rare.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):42-43
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The use of pirabutol for certain allergic diseases

Tarasov D.I.


Preparations of the pyrazolidine series (butadione, pyrazolidine, reopyrin, pirabutol, etc.) have found widespread use in various diseases, especially those occurring with inflammation of a hyperergic nature, since, along with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, they also have a pronounced desensitizing effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):43-45
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Experience in the use of glycocycline and olettrin in suppurative and septic diseases

Ashbel S.I., ZAvelgevskiy D.D., Bogoslovskaya I.A., Sokolova V.G.


Glycocycline and oletetrin were obtained by us for clinical trials from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Antibiotics (VNIIA) of the USSR Ministry of Health.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):45-47
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Introductory mask chloroethyl anesthesia

Ivunin A.A.


For induction of anesthesia, we used chloroethyl mixed with oxygen. The pharmacodynamic properties of chloroethyl served as a prerequisite for this: it does not cause a feeling of suffocation, does not have an unpleasant odor, acts very quickly, does not change in the body and is quickly excreted. Its negative aspects are associated with dosage and insufficient pulmonary ventilation.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):47-48
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Peritoneal dialysis for acute renal failure

Ageev A.F., Danaeva F.S., Rutvinskaya I.E.


Uremia arising in renal failure is associated with the accumulation of protein-free nitrogen in tissues and blood. The measures that are used in these cases are aimed at removing constantly accumulating toxic compounds from the body.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):48-49
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Exchange transfusion for acute renal failure

Drach V.I., Verhovskiy A.L.


Acute renal failure is often a dangerous complication of a criminal septic abortion. According to the Paris Renal Center, out of 100 patients with acute renal failure, 39 of them developed as a result of sepsis after abortion.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):49-50
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Laparoscopy in the diagnosis of colon cancer

Abaev C.K.


We set out to find out the value of the method of laparoscopy in colon cancer.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):50-51
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Toxoplasmosis in children with congenital clefts of the upper lip and palate

Kabulbekov A.A., Safina S.G.


Congenital clefts of the lip and palate (in isolation and in combination with other defects) occur in 0.8-1.8% of all newborns and account for up to 30% of all deformities (A.I. Evdokimov, A.A. Limberg, G.M. Lurie, M.D. Dubov, Fogh Ander¬sen); mortality in them reaches 30%.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):51-52
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Treatment of patients with complicated compression fractures of the spine

Podvalmiy A.U., Shulman H.M.


Complicated spinal fracture refers to the most severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Despite significant advances in treatment methods, it usually leads the patient to long-term and often permanent disability.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):52-53
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Evaluation of the analgesic properties of promedol in childbirth, depending on the dose

Abramchenko V.V.


Promedol is one of the most popular analgesics used for pain relief. It is becoming more widespread, especially in combination with other substances.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):53-55
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Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase activity in surgical and oncological patients during radiation and surgical treatment

Saburova V.A.


From September 1964 to May 1965, we determined the transaminase activity in 80 patients and 30 healthy ones (320 studies). There were 19 surgical patients, 61 oncological patients (44 men, 36 women). There were 55 operated, 25 patients received radiation treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):55-55
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Dynamics of proteins and lipoproteins of blood serum in acute purulent surgical diseases

Zagainov E.A.


Proteins and lipoproteins of blood serum were studied in acute purulent diseases. The study was carried out on an EFA-1 apparatus using a medial-veronal buffer.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):55-56
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On the diagnostic value of the determination of neuraminic acid in acute surgical diseases

Kipenskii A.A., Ivanova T.G.


Indicators of protein fractions, glycoproteins and C-reactive protein, due to the duration of their determination, are unsuitable as a test for judging the severity of the inflammatory-necrotic process before surgery in an emergency surgery clinic.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):56-57
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Gallbladder volvulus

Karimov H.K.


T., 73 years old, was taken to the surgical department on 6 / XII 1965 at 11 pm with complaints of sharp pains in the epigastric region, in the right hypochondrium and the right abdomen, nausea, repeated vomiting of bile, general weakness.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):57-57
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Intestinal obstruction from gallstone

Pyshkarev N.I.


Obstruction due to blockage of the intestinal lumen by a gallstone was first described by Monod in 1827. Here is our observation.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):57-58
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About Gilbert's functional hyperbilirubinemia

Borisenko A.P.


In recent years, the so-called functional hyperbilirubinemia has attracted the attention of clinicians. This term combines several types of jaundice, manifested only in a violation of pigment metabolism; signs of increased hemolysis, damage to the hepatic parenchyma, as well as symptoms of extrahepatic or intrahepatic blockage are absent.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):58-58
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Rapid septicopyemia after volvulus of the cecum and phlegmonous appendicitis in a patient suffering from amyloid-lipoid nephrosis

Baranov A.N.


One of the serious complications of acute appendicitis is sepsis. Success in the treatment of purulent diseases and in the prevention of postoperative complications through the rational use of antibiotics and sulfonamides has minimized the occurrence of purulent-septic complications.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):58-60
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Combination of nephrolithiasis with other kidney diseases

Albekova R.G.


Combinations of nephrolithiasis with other kidney diseases are fraught with diagnostic errors. Here are brief extracts from the case histories of the patients we observed with these combined diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):60-61
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Pelvic papilloma and multiple kidney calculus

Raikevich N.P.


In the literature of recent years, we have come across a description of only two observations of benign tumors (fibroma and lipoma) in combination with kidney stones.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):61-61
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Combination of echinococcosis of the kidney with ureteral stone

Antonov N.M.


Echinococcosis of the kidney is rare, and the combination of echinococcosis of the kidney with its anomalies and other pathological processes is even less common. Therefore, the diagnosis in such cases is especially difficult.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):61-62
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Large pheochromocytoma

Gazumov M.M.


Sh., 53 years old, was admitted with complaints of a feeling of heaviness in the left lumbar region and the presence of a tumor in the same place. The patient 5 years ago fell on her left side, there were pains in the lower back on the left, but she was not treated. 3 years ago I began to notice a feeling of heaviness in the left hypochondrium. Doctors suggested surgery

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):62-62
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On the use of nitrofuran drugs in urology

Chernomordik A.B.


In the treatment of patients with urological infections, chemotherapeutic drugs of the nitrofuran group are of great practical importance.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):62-63
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To the casuistry of complete non-closure of the urachus

Kyrbanaeva S.S., Aladuskina T.I.


The urachus is the remainder of the duct between the embryonic bladder and the extraperitoneal part of the allantois. By 5-6 months of intrauterine life, the lumen is obliterated into the cord - the vesicoumbilical ligament. In some cases, duct obliteration does not occur.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):63-64
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Treatment of chronic prostatitis in a polyclinic

Popov A.F., Titov B.M.


In 1963, 42 patients with chronic prostatitis were treated in the urological office. The etiological factor was more often the cocco-bacillary flora. Of 42 patients, 3 in the past suffered from gonorrhea, 8 - nonspecific urethritis, 20 suffered acute, not completely cured prostatitis, and in 11 the cause and onset of the disease could not be accurately established.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):64-64
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Randu-Osler disease

Afanasiev G.G.


The pathological substrate of the disease described in 1896 by Randu and in 1901 by Osler is, according to modern views, constitutional weakness of the mesenchyme, especially the walls of small vessels (I.A.Kassirsky, G.A. Alekseev).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):65-65
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Anemic variant of Randu-Osler disease

Spiridonova M.V.


The essence of the disease is still not entirely clear. Usually the hereditary constitutional nature of the disease with congenital vascular wall deficiency is emphasized.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):65-66
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Paraproteinemia in systemic scleroderma

Zaicev V.M., Aleshygina M.M., Movshovich B.L.


The question of laboratory changes in systemic scleroderma has not been adequately studied. In the literature of recent years, as E. M. Tareev points out, there are only meager and sometimes contradictory data on this issue. The attention of clinicians and biochemists is particularly focused on protein-hematological changes in systemic scleroderma. However, no specific changes in blood serum proteins have yet been found.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):66-67
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Osteosynthesis of the ankles and talus in an open fracture with complete dislocation of the foot outside and behind

Belyakov A.A.


Simultaneous open fracture of both ankles and talus with complete dislocation of the ankle is quite rare. An isolated open fracture with dislocation of the foot is much more common.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):67-67
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Congenital absence of the fibula

Zylkarneev R.A.


N., 40 years old, 12 / ІѴ 1963 applied for a shortening of her left leg. Limps on his left leg since childhood. As he grew, the lameness increased. She has not previously sought orthopedic help.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):67-68
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Skin transplant for ingrown toenails

Myratov D.I.


When choosing a method for surgical treatment of an ingrown nail, it is necessary to take into account the nature of pathological changes in the nail plate, in the nail folds and in the nail bed.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):68-69
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Amniotic fluid embolism

Skipetrov V.P.


Embolism by amniotic fluid is one of the types of obstetric pathology, leading to a violation of hemocoagulation and giving high mortality. It was identified as an independent syndrome in 1941 (Steiner and Lushbaugh).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):69-75
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Postterm pregnancy

Voronin K.V., Manenkov P.V.


Postterm pregnancy is the leading cause of perinatal infant mortality. It occurs relatively often - from 2 [7, 26, 46) to 24% [19, 34, 38, 43], and more often in primiparous [20, 34, 40].

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):75-79
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Influence of trace elements on hematopoiesis

Shystov V.Y.


Cu and Mn as trace elements are involved in oxidative processes, carbohydrate, lipoid, mineral metabolism, stimulate the hormonal activity of the anterior pituitary gland. However, the most important are the hemostimulating properties of these trace elements.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):80-84
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Morbidity with temporary disability among workers in contact with hydrocarbons during oil refining

Alekperov I.I.


We investigated the effect of working conditions on the incidence of illness with temporary disability at one of the oil refineries in Baku in 1960-1962.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):84-86
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Industrial injuries in the oil industry of the TASSR and ways to reduce it

Bogdanovich U.Y.


Since 1952, industrial injuries in the oil industry of Tatarstan have been steadily declining.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):86-88
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On the hygienic assessment of air in the area of the sulfuric acid plant

Moskvina T.N.


Sulfur dioxide is one of the most common harmful substances that pollute both the atmospheric air and the air of the working rooms of many industrial enterprises.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):88-90
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Some hygiene issues of rural water supply in relation to the level of nitrates in groundwater

Petyhov N.I., Stankevich E.F., Lubochka V.A.


An increase in the number of industrial enterprises for the processing of agricultural products, an increase in the technical equipment of agriculture, the creation of large livestock farms, an increase in the culture of life of the rural population require an improvement in water supply.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):90-93
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New forms of organization of dental care

Zalyalyutdinova S.Z.


At the present stage of development of the dental service, a sharp backlog in staffing has already been overcome. Specialists are trained in 17 dental faculties, 60 dental and 33 dental departments. By the beginning of 1966, there were about 70,000 dentists and dentists in the USSR, and more than half of them work in the RSFSR.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):93-94
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Participation of a surgeon in dispensary observation of patients with chronic cholecystitis

Zavyalov V.V.


According to the materials of A. Ya. Gubergrits (1962) and M. Yu Roninson (1962), among the therapeutic group of patients, persons with diseases of the biliary tract make up from 9.3 to 11.7%.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):94-95
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Organization of surgical care for patients with cholecystitis in Cheboksary

Nikitin A.N.


The percentage of postoperative mortality in cholecystitis is still high. Apparently, in this regard, there are no noticeable shifts towards increasing surgical activity in the treatment of cholecystitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):93-94
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To the examination of the professional suitability of neurological patients as operators of automated systems

Sirotkin V.M., Guryanov V.N., Yahin F.A., Jeleznova S.I., Rujov V.F., Treryakov V.P.


The development of production automation leads to a steady increase in the number of operators for systems with push-button and lever control, which does not require significant physical effort or complex motor acts.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):96-98
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Positive shifts in some indicators of physical development of preschoolers in Kazan

Tuhvatylina R.V.


This communication is based on the results of studying the physical development and health status of children in 41 kindergartens in Kazan in 1961-1962. (Table 1).

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):99-100
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All-Russian Conference and Plenum of the Scientific Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Bakieva R.G., Freidlin I.I.


At the All-Russian conference, there was an exchange of experience in the work of antenatal clinics and obstetric and gynecological offices of medical and sanitary units.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):100-101
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All-Union Conference on Occupational Hygiene of Adolescents

Jdanov S.H., Hakimova A.M.


The importance of research in the field of labor protection for adolescents is increasing every year.

Kazan medical journal. 1967;48(2):101-103
pages 101-103 views

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