Vol 26, No 9 (1930)

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For our readers


Regarding the appeal of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b.) Of September 3, pp. g.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):1-4
pages 1-4 views

A case of spongioblastoma (neuroepithelioma gliomatosum) ganglion spinale n. thoracalis I dex

Vasiliev I.P., Zhuravleva V.I.


This article presents a case of a tumor that apparently developed from the 1st right thoracic ganglion spinale and by its structure we ranked as spongioblastomas - neoplasms formed from those elements from which neuroglial tissue is formed. The absence of indications in the literature on the existence of tumors with a similar structure in this area gives us the right to publish this case.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):863-870
pages 863-870 views

Chronic joint diseases and treatment at the Sergievsky mineral waters

Kavetsky N.E., Grinberg B.M.


At the Sergiev Mineral Waters resort, as well as at other mud resorts, the vast majority of therapeutic patients are patients with joint diseases. So, in the 1929 season, out of 518 patients who passed through the therapeutic sanatoriums No. 3, 4, 5 ^. 396 people suffered from various joint diseases. Almost all of these patients, with very few exceptions, arrived at the resort with a conventional diagnosis of chronic articular rheumatism.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):870-878
pages 870-878 views

To the question of the effect of narzan baths on blood pressure in patients with hypertension and hypotension

Belova A.N., Mishchenko E.P.


There are many works on the effect of carbonic narzan baths on the cardiovascular system, in particular on blood pressure; but it should be noted that so far the data on the effect of narzan baths on blood pressure are rather contradictory and controversial.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):878-886
pages 878-886 views

To the surgical treatment of lung abscesses

Zak Y.I., Oyfebakh M.I.


This message is only part of the work on the study of pulmonary abscesses, developed by the therapeutic clinic and that, and concerns mainly the cases of their surgical treatment, observed in conjunction with the surgical clinic of that.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):886-895
pages 886-895 views

About superficial inguinal hernia

Potapov V.G.


From the existing atypical positions of the hernial sac with the so-called. hernia properitonealis interstitialis and superficialis, united in the general group hernia ectopica or hernia interparietalis (Tikhov), the latter variety, a superficial hernia, is much less common than the first two. First noted in 1866 in H sand and described in 1886 by Le Fort'oM under the name hernia praeinguinalis, it got its real name from Kiister'a. In 1899, Marion cited 11 cases from the literature. In 1907, Cohn, carefully collecting all cases published in the press, received the figure 41. After 3 years, Van Verts brought this figure to 46. Russian literature is extremely poor in works on this issue. In addition to the message by Miroslav Lev, we got acquainted with 2 cases published in 1913 by Cherepnin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):895-899
pages 895-899 views

Two cases of mesenteric thrombosis from the practice of emergency surgery

Belichenko A.V.


The diagnosis of mesenteric vascular thrombosis to this day does not go beyond the limits of assumptions, since the recognition of this suffering is extremely difficult even with modern research methods. Usually, in such cases, we have a clinical picture of intestinal obstruction proceeding according to the type of strangulation, and an accurate diagnosis of the disease is often placed on the operating table or on the sectional table. Acute colicky pain in the epigastric region, which is considered characteristic of mesenteric thrombosis, is often absent; most often we see them with embolism of these vessels. This will become clear if we remember that thrombosis in most cases occurs slowly, and therefore / and the clinical picture will not have an acute onset, as is the case with an embolus, where the onset is usually always acute. An exception to this is thrombosis of an infectious nature.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):899-902
pages 899-902 views

Evulsio nervi optici

Kollenko A.В.


February 7th this year. for an outpatient appointment of the Eye Clinic of the Kazan Institute of Improvement of Doctors was delivered from Izhevsk a patient G — rin? 21 years old, telegraph operator, for bed treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):902-907
pages 902-907 views

On the casuistry of general alopecia areata

Fedorov N.I.


Cases of general nervous alopecia are very rare, their etiology is not clear enough. We present two cases of significant interest. Case 7. M. V., 56 y., Tatar, shoemaker. Married for the 2nd time. Of the 6 children from his first wife, one is alive, the rest died in early childhood from infectious diseases. Grew and developed normally. Moderate alcoholism. Lues denies. Typhus in 1921. In 1927, amid complete health, the patient developed a loud noise in the head and pain in the back of the head. The dream was upset. Slept at this time for 2-3 hours a day. No fever. He did not quit his job. The noise in the head lasted for about 3 weeks. At the end of 3 weeks, before the noise disappeared, he felt “scratching” in the scalp area, and the hair began to fall out in strands. Not a single hair remained from a solid head of hair in three days. At the same time, his long mustache was easily pulled out. The previously shaved beard has not grown. Eyelashes and eyebrows fell out. Armpit and pubic hair disappeared. All this happened within 3 days. After 3 weeks from the onset of the disease, the noise in the head disappeared and did not recur. Sleep became normal. The hair has not yet grown.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):907-909
pages 907-909 views

To the question of the significance of the Kahn'a reaction in serodiagnosis of syphilis

Leyzerovskiy A.M.


Difficulties in the formulation of the Wasserman reaction: the multitude of ingredients, the complexity of their manufacture and determination of their dosage, the need to keep experimental animals, the inconstancy of individual elements (complement, lamb erythrocytes) have been put forward since 1918, for serodiagnosis of syphilis many sedimentary reactions or otherwise flocculation reactions: reactions C. Bruck'a, Sachs Georgi, C. Meinicke, Kahn'a and others.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):910-914
pages 910-914 views

Materials for the study of working conditions of tractor drivers

Nikolaev A.N.


The huge army of tractor drivers, already exceeding tens of thousands and scattered over the vast area of our union, requires a vigilant attitude towards its health. The work of the tractor driver has not yet been sufficiently studied. Meanwhile, to know about the dangers of this work is necessary not only for the doctor serving with. x. workers, an agronomist, an instructor, trade-union organizations, but also the tractor drivers themselves, who often extremely frivolously claim that the tractor is an innocent child's toy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):915-918
pages 915-918 views

On the issue of training qualified personnel for district work

Berezin I.F.


The broad scope of socialist construction and the accelerated pace of it require a decisive and radical break in the institutions of the People's Commissariat for Health. It is not surprising, therefore, that the issue of reforming medical education in general and training of young specialists in particular is currently being hotly discussed.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):918-921
pages 918-921 views

Ergosterol (vitamin D)

Borovskaya V.M.


In-depth study of the so-called. vitamin A showed that this substance consists of two different substances that are not identical to each other either in chemical and physicochemical properties (for example, with respect to thermolability), or in biological effect, or, finally, in their content in various food products ... Fish oil, for example, contains both, but some other fats (butter) contain vitamin A but do not contain this supposed second substance. Regarding the latter, further experiments found that its introduction to young animals, in which a violation of the ossification process, similar to rickets of childhood, was experimentally caused, causes a rapid improvement or even complete disappearance of the pathological process. Therefore, this new substance, isolated from vitamin A under the name "vitamin D", is also called the antirachitic factor. To what extent both the names are correct, we will see below.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):922-933
pages 922-933 views

Collection of the Ukrainian State Children's Orthopedic Institute 1919-1929

Fridland M.


Bibliography and reviews. Collection of the Ukrainian State Children's Orthopedic Institute 1919-1929. Edited by the director of the institute prof. I.O. Frumin. Supplement to the journal "New surgeon, archive". Dnepropetrovsk. 1930. Page * 249, with numerous illustrations.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):934-934
pages 934-934 views

Les syndromes icteriques

Breytman M.Y.


Bibliography and reviews. A. Carrie. Les syndromes icteriques, p. 348. c. 85 fr. Paris, G. Doin et Cie, 1930

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):934-934
pages 934-934 views

Le liquide ceplialo radiidien

Breytman M.Y.


Bibliography and reviews. Dr. Riser. Le liquide ceplialo radiidien. Physiologic et exploration dih systeme ventriculo meninge. Paris, Masson et Cie. 1929, p. 250 and figures 24 ,. c. 28 fr.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):934-934
pages 934-934 views

Die Storungen des Bewusstseins

Galant I.


Bibliography and reviews. Rosenfeld, M. Die Storungen des Bewusstseins, klinisch diagnostische Studien fiir Aerzte und Studierende. 347 Seiten. Verlag Georg Thieme. Leipzig, 1929. Preis geh. RM. 16. — geb. RM. eighteen.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):934-935
pages 934-935 views

Kidney tuberculosis

Howard S.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Kidney tuberculosis. Howard S. Jeck (A.M.A.V.92, No. 41, 1929), on the basis of 60 operated cases of kidney tbc and follow-up over a number of years, comes to the following conclusions: 1) tuberculous foci in genitalia occur in a large % cases of kidney tbc; the presence of pus in the urine with pulmonary tbc requires close monitoring of the kidneys (tbc); 2) if active tbc lesions are in only one kidney, then the prognosis is good; 3) there is no constant relationship between the duration of symptoms and the degree of kidney damage; 4) the poorer the kidney function, the greater the destruction; 5) spinal anesthesia not only facilitates nephrotomy, but also resolves the issue of postoperative pulmonary exacerbations; 6) the ureter corresponding to the diseased kidney very often gets sick with the kidney; 7) VC are determined in urine with kidney tbc in a high percentage of cases by simple common methods.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):935-936
pages 935-936 views

Angina pectoris and cardiac asthma

Раl J.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Angina pectoris and cardiac asthma. Prof. J. Pa1 (Die arztliche Praxis, No. 9, 1929) considers the main common feature for these 2 diseases that seizures fall out during a feverish state.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):936-936
pages 936-936 views

Reduced heart size in athletes

Deutsch F.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. F. Deutsch (Mediz. KI. No. 16, 1929) says that a decrease in the size of the heart in athletes is a normal reaction of healthy hearts to exercise and that the increase in heart size is a result of the frequent contractions that have taken place before.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):936-936
pages 936-936 views

Acute heart weakness in infectious diseases

Вгugsсh T., Gгunkе W.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Acute heart weakness in infectious diseases occurs according to T. Brugsch'y and W. Ghunke (Mediz. K1. No. 14. 1929) or due to depletion of cardiac activity, or due to paralysis of vasomotors with predominant expansion and blood filling of arterioles in the splanchnicus area, or due to anemia of the centers of blood pressure due to the outflow of blood to the abdominal organs. Clinical and pathological anatomical study by the authors of those cases of acute heart weakness, which led to death, showed that with diphtheria, influenza and erysipelas, depletion of cardiac activity most often occurs, with typhoid fever and scarlet fever, cerebro-toxic collapse predominates, less often primary capillary paralysis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):936-936
pages 936-936 views

A case of surgery on a patient with arteriovenous femoral aneurysm

Melchior E.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Prof. Eduard Melchior (Medic. Klin. No. 13, 1929) gives a successful case of operating a patient with an arteriovenous femoral aneurysm (a fistula between A. and V. femoralis), which arose 10 years before surgery on the basis of injury and also caused anatomical changes in the heart, disappeared after the operation.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):936-936
pages 936-936 views

Hepatic extract administered per rectum

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Hepatic extract administered per rectum. Keznikoff (Journ. Of Am. M. Ass. V. 93, No. 5) gives a case history of one patient with anemia perniciosa, complicated by pneumonia.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):936-937
pages 936-937 views

Achilia in malignant anemia after hepatic therapy

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Achilia in malignant anemia after hepatic therapy. Jochansen (Journ. Of. Am. MA v. 92, No. 21), who examined in detail 19 "cases of anemiae perniciosae treated with hepatic extract or liver from 9 to 17 months, notes that with a sharp improvement in general condition, disappearance of glossitis, etc. symptoms of achilia gastrica remained, and free HC1 did not appear as a result of treatment and did not appear even after injections of histamine. Based on these data and data from other authors (Minot, Murphy, etc.), a. is inclined to support the theory that achilia is the primary fact in anemia perniciosa and, possibly, is the cause of the latter disease.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):937-937
pages 937-937 views

Patients with secondary anemia treated with liver and iron

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. On the basis of a clinical examination of 37 patients with secondary anemia, treated with liver and iron, Keefer and Jang (Journ. Of Am. Med. Ass. V. 93, No. 8) come to the following conclusion: iron increases hemoglobin regeneration in anemia secundaria, and the liver and iron given together to the same patient makes this regeneration faster than when given one of these drugs (a similar reaction was found in dogs Robschiet Robbins and Whiple, and in humans - M inot, Murphy, Stetson, Powers).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):937-937
pages 937-937 views

Treating malignant anemia with raw pig stomach

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Conner (Journ. Of. Am. Med. Ass. V. 94, no. 6) reports 6 cases of treatment of malignant anemia with raw pig stomach, and he obtained results not worse than those with hepatic extract. A very simple raw pig stomach (in tomatoes or fruit juice) was well tolerated by the patients.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):937-937
pages 937-937 views

Pernicious anemia treatment

Kramov N.


Abstracts. Internal illnesses. Treatment of pernicious anemia. Wilkinson (Brit. Med. Journ., No. 3605), proceeding from the theory that anemia perniciosa is the result of some defect in the gastric juice of the patient, unable to produce the necessary substances from food proteins, treated a. p .: 1) normal gastric juice, 2) raw and 3) dried pig stomach. A. came to a trace, conclusions: 1) normal gastric juice gives an improvement in the general condition and blood picture more pronounced than with hepatic therapy; 2) hydrochloric acid and pepsin did not give any effect in the hematological state of the patient; 3) the mucous membrane and the muscular layer of the pig's stomach, both are active in the treatment of a; R.; 4) the dried preparations of these both parts give the same results: 5) the results obtained from this gastric therapy are better than those from the hepatic therapy; 6) so. peptic enzyme, which contains the gastric mucosa and does not contain pepticenzyme, the muscular layer of the stomach, as well as the liver and kidneys, are a source of active hematopoietic substance.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):937-937
pages 937-937 views

About electrosurgical operations

Seemen N.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. About electrosurgical operations. N. Seemen (54 Tag. (L Deutsch. Gesellsch. F. Chir., Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 24) notes with an electric cut, in addition to reducing bleeding, excellent coagulation, and the tissues are no longer infected. shows an electrical incision for hemangiomas in children, surgical infections, such as boils, carbuncles.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):937-937
pages 937-937 views

Radical removal of varicose veins and thrombosed large cutaneous veins of the thigh with a skin flap

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Radical removal of varicose and thrombosed large cutaneous veins of the thigh with a skin flap. Prof. Voznesensky (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 33) in sharply expressed cases suggests removing the vein along with the skin, based on the considerations that the thinned skin of the vein area at. leaving it does not do much good. The author calls his method the stripe method.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):937-937
pages 937-937 views

Results of X-ray therapy for inflammation

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Results of X-ray therapy for inflammation. Fried (54 Tag. D. Deutsch. Gesellsch. F. Chir., Ref. Zent. F. Chir., 1930, no. 24) collected 6500 cases in J924-1930, of which 4081 various surgical diseases and border areas 1325 gynecological , 1827 dental, 212 pneumonia and 54 eye pain.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):937-938
pages 937-938 views

About ethereal chloroform anesthesia with Ombredan's mask

Нild F.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. About ethereal chloroform anesthesia with Ombredan's mask. F. Hild (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 30) performed about 2000 anesthesia using the Ombredan mask.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):938-938
pages 938-938 views

To gastrostomy technique

Gol'dberg M.M.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. To the technique of gastrostomy. MM Goldberg, (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930 No. 28) cites prof. V.S. Levita method of gastrostomy, which eliminates the irritation of the abdominal wall with a drainage tube.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):938-938
pages 938-938 views

Combined use of spinal and local anesthesia in abdominal operations

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. The combined use of spinal and local anesthesia in abdominal operations. Prof. Hortolomei (Zntrb. F. Chir., 1930, No. 3) produced 5100 spinal anesthesias within 10 years without one death, and in 2600 cases. chloroform anesthesia — 3 deaths.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):938-938
pages 938-938 views

Postoperative mortality in Graves goiter depending on pain relief

Rahm H., Haas M.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Postoperative mortality in Graves' goiter, depending on pain relief. N. Rahm and M. Haas (Zntrb. F. Chir., 1930, No. 6), examining their cases of death during operations for Graves' goiter, come to the conclusion that general anesthesia should be avoided.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):938-938
pages 938-938 views

One-stage or two-stage thoracoplasty?

Andersen K.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. One-stage or two-stage thoracoplasty? K. Andersen (Zentrb. F. Chir. 1930, L® 9) in order to avoid a great risk of collapse in a single operation suggests removing all edges (from XI to I) except for Vl ro of the corresponding side. Thus, the entire chest does not suddenly collapse, the balance of the mediastinum is not lost, and the circulatory system is not overfilled with toxins. After the patient recovers from the shock of the first operation, the author suggests resecting the sixth rib; the latter operation is very easy under local anesthesia.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):938-938
pages 938-938 views

Experimental and histological investigations concerning the arrest of bleeding by the action of high voltage current

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Experimental and histological studies are related to stopping bleeding by high voltage current. Bauer (54 Tag. D. Deutsch. Gesellsch. F. Chir., Ref. Zentr. 1. Chir., 1930, no. 24) finds that large and medium-sized vessels are not objects of electrosurgery.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):938-939
pages 938-939 views

Experimental reproduction of artificial pleural fusion

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Experimental reproduction of artificial pleural fusion. Dеinеl (54 Tag. D. Deutsch. Gesellsch. F. Chin, ref. Zentr. F. Chin, 1930, no. 24) on animals exposed pleura costalis and rubbed turpentine or eucalyptus oil.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-939
pages 939-939 views

On the dangers of a bladder puncture

Dannheiser F.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. About the dangers of a puncture of the bladder. F. Dannheiser (Zentr.: F. Chir. 1930, No. 29) gives 2 cases of acute cessation of urination due to hypertrophy of the prostate. glands, where after puncture in one case the patient died from peritonitis, in the other, the trocar passed through the mesentery of the intestine and the latter fused with the puncture canal.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-939
pages 939-939 views

About milking nodes

Lehmann E.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. On the milking knots. E. Lehmann. (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, no. 25) examines the disease of milkers and gives his case. This suffering consists in the appearance of painful nodular thickenings on various parts of the arms in persons milking cows. Some authors refer to this suffering as vaccinia. Nodules can persist for a long time and then disappear; after the incision, the nodule quickly disappears.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-939
pages 939-939 views

A case of acute mediastinal emphysema

Вlumеl P.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. R. Blumel. (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, no. 33) describes a case of acute mediastinal emphysema in a 46-year-old Gravesian after an operation of ligation of the thyroid arteries (1st moment of strumectomy). The operation was performed under Avertin ether anesthesia. The author believes that due to shortness of breath “during anesthesia, there was a rupture of the lung tissue.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-939
pages 939-939 views

Bleeding nipple

Orbасh E.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Bleeding nipple. E. Orbash (Zentrb. F. Chin, 1930, No. 33) offers to distinguish, in addition to the bleeding breast, bleeding only from the nipple. A 16-year-old looking healthy girl began to develop first blood spots on her underwear, and later bleeding from the nipple. Histological examination of the removed nipple revealed a picture of hemorrhagic diphtheria inflammation on the basis of a small skin abscess, degenerative changes predominated, invisibly due to malnutrition.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-939
pages 939-939 views

Introducing into the small intestine the abdominal compress left in the abdominal cavity

Biesenberger H.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Introduction into the small intestine of an abdominal compress left in the abdominal cavity. N. Biesenberger (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 29) gives a case operated on for intestinal obstruction. Four months ago, the patient was operated on in another place for pyosalpinx'a. All the time after the operation, the patient felt pains in the abdomen, which have recently become more frequent and intensified. Over the last week, the pains have become cramping and intense.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-939
pages 939-939 views

Air embolism of the pulmonary artery when opening the spinal canal

Fedorov S.P., Vishnevsky A.S.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. Air embolism of the pulmonary artery during the opening of the spinal canal. Prof. SP Fedorov and others AS Vishnevsky (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 34) give three cases where, when the spinal cord was exposed at the level of I-V thoracic vertebrae, an air embolism of the pulmonary artery occurred.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-939
pages 939-939 views

A case of a trumpet form of hermaphroditism

Tsimkhes I.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. A case of the trumpet form of hermaphroditism. Waiawelski (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, no. 28) describes a case where, during an operation for a left-sided inguinal scrotal hernia, a body resembling a uterus was found in a hernial sac, the size of a goose egg. From the base of this body on both sides stretched for 10 s. rods (pipes) ending in fimbri-like formations. Below, in the abdominal fold, there were testicles with appendages. In Doug las'e, Plexus pampiniformis is found on both sides.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):939-940
pages 939-940 views

A rare consequence after subcutaneous injury

Schmidt F.


Abstracts. Surgery and X-ray therapy. A rare consequence after subcutaneous injury is described by F. Schmidt (Zentr. F. Chir., 1930, No. 29). A 22-year-old female patient presented with a tumor of the big toe of her left foot that had existed for years. This swelling caused pain when walking, especially in shoes.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):940-940
pages 940-940 views

Contracture of the jaw joint, formed during severe angina and associated peritonsillar abscess

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. Forschner (M. med. Woch., 1929, No. 48) describes the contracture of the jaw joint, formed during a severe form of angina and associated peritonsillar abscess. Despite the fact that all the phenomena of the underlying disease had passed and the patient felt well, the contracture of the jaw joint remained and did not respond to any ordinary treatment.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):940-940
pages 940-940 views

About surgical and conservative treatment of esophageal injuries

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. Kindler (D. med. Woch. 1929, No. 18, S. 741) after a detailed analysis of the literature on the surgical and conservative treatment of injuries of the esophagus recommends the following method of treatment. After esophagoscopic removal of foreign bodies of the esophagus, the author applied therapeutic lavage of the esophagus with a disinfectant liquid (manganese sour potassium) to remove food debris and reduce the number of microorganisms. To reduce the risk of getting a new infection through food, the author considers it necessary to feed such patients extraesophageally through nutritional enemas intravenous injections of grape sugar, etc.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):940-940
pages 940-940 views

A case of complete stagnation of saliva

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. A case of complete stagnation of saliva. Haltrich (M. med. Woch .. 1929, No. 48) had the opportunity to observe a patient who, at the age of 42, "lost the ability to secrete saliva. The patient was forced to wet her mouth with liquid during long conversations and when swallowing solids. A complete examination of internal organs, nervous system, etc. did not give an explanation for this phenomenon. The author suggests that in this case we are dealing with a degenerative process in the salivary center located in the medulla oblongata. The author leaves open the question of what explains this degenerative process ”.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):940-940
pages 940-940 views

Piemia after angina

Jоёl W.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. W. Joёl (D. med. Woch. 1929, No. 51), on the basis of numerous autopsies of those who died due to pyemia after angina and on the basis of experimental work, comes to the conclusion that pyemia after tonsillitis comes from tonsillas or tissues surrounding the tonsils in the form of phlegmon and retracts the corresponding veins in the process; secondary formation of blood clots with subsequent pyemia. comes from the periphlebitic process. Thrombosis of small veins of peritonsillar tissue, according to the author, in contrast to Frankel'io plays a very insignificant role in pyemias after angina.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):940-940
pages 940-940 views


Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. Dysphagin, according to Kosenbaum'a (D.med. Wroch. 1929, No. 5), is a good pain reliever for diseases of the pharynx and larynx. Due to its pleasant taste and the complete absence of toxicity, it is an irreplaceable pain reliever. The main components of dysphagin are the essence: Tutocain, Anasthesin aa 0.1 Menthol 0.005. The author used dysphagia in people who are difficult to posterior rhinoscopy and laryngoscopy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):940-941
pages 940-941 views

On the question of mucous otitis media

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. On the question of mucous otitis media. Dr. Vogel (Z. f. Hals Nasen und Ohren heilkunde. 1929. B. 22. H. 4. S. 357) studied 288 patients who were operated on in the clinic of prof. Elken'a for acute chronic ear diseases. On the basis of bacteriological research, V. distinguishes 52 cases (18.2%) of mucosus otitis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):941-941
pages 941-941 views

Acute labyrinthitis and meningitis of the ear origin

Goland B.


Abstracts. Otorhinolaryngology. Prof. Uffenrode (D. med. Woch. 1929. No. 25.) describes 2 very interesting cases from his practice. 1. To remove peas from the ears of a 5-year-old child, a family doctor used tweezers. In view of the child's strong anxiety, chlorine ethyl anesthesia was applied, but the removal of foreign bodies from the ears was not possible; deep wound in the right ear canal. Secondary chlorine - ethyl anesthesia; the foreign body was removed from the left ear by washing, from the right ear it was not possible. The next day, an otorhinolaryngologist will remove the foreign body from the right ear; a wound of the tympanic membrane was established.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):941-941
pages 941-941 views

About the pathogenesis of xerosis essent. and keratomalacia

Narog F.


Abstracts. Ophthalmology. F. Narog (Archives d'ophtalmologie, 1928) in his work on the pathogenesis of xerosis essent. and keratomalacia gives 7 case histories and, on the basis of his observations and literature data, comes to the conclusion that the etiological moment is vitamin deficiency. Studying his cases with a slit lamp, the author observed crystals of cholesterol on the conjunctiva and cornea in the epithelial layer, which he considers as a result of the breakdown of cells and fats. Under the influence of vitamin deficiency, degenerative changes occur in the conjunctiva and cornea, the secretory functions of the epithelium decrease or disappear, and the lacrimal glands atrophy.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):941-941
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A case of optic nerve atrophy with excavation, but no increase in intraocular pressure

Meyer J.


Abstracts. Ophthalmology. J. Meyer (Arch, d'ophtalmolog., 1928) describes a case of optic nerve atrophy with excavation, but without an increase in intraocular pressure in an old man of 60 years. The author does not consider it possible to diagnose glaucoma in this case, but believes that the excavation of the nipple at normal pressure depends on the reduced pressure in the arterial vessels of the retina.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-942
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Unilateral myopia

Frenkel H.


Abstracts. Ophthalmology. N. Frenkel (Arch, d'ophtalm., 1928), studying his materials on one-sided myopia (596 cases), comes to the conclusion that it is more common in women, more often in the right eye. Strabismus, external or internal, has an incidental effect on unilateral myopia and depends on general (nervous predisposition) or local (amblyopia) causes. It is not necessary to correct unilateral myopia at a very early age; when correcting anisometropia, individual characteristics must be taken into account.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-942
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Frequency of occurrence of streptococci on normal skin

Jordan P.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. The frequency of occurrence of streptococci on normal skin. R. Jordan (Arch. F. D. and S. Bd. 159, H. 1), having examined 150 people, found on the normal skin of each of them the presence of streptococci. The author took the scales, scraping them from various parts of the body, and made crops on liquid media.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-942
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Acne conglogata histology

Dmitriev A.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. The histology of acne conglogata is described by Selitsky (Arch. F.D u. S. Bd. 158, H. 2) and finds that the constitution, the tendency of the epithelium of follicles to proliferate and keratosis, plays a role in the occurrence of the process; the process is based on the abnormal formation of comedones, depending on the pathological changes in the secretion of the sebaceous glands; in the formation of double and multiple comedones, the previous purulent process does not play a role.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-942
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About bismuth pigmentation of mucous membranes

Dmitriev A.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Lohe and Rosenfeld (Derm. Z. Bd. 57, H. 4.29), studying the issue of bismuth pigmentation of the mucous membranes of the body with Bi therapy, describes two cases of Bi pigmentation of the urinary bladder mucosa. B1 pigmentation according to A. a., can exist with an inflamed state of the mucous membrane (qi stopelitis) and with normal; a. a. found at Bi pygm. mucous urine. belly. bacteria, however, the possibility of the existence of Bi n is not excluded. and without them; as a further symptom of capillary damage in general Bi pigmentation a. a. found in the sediment from the kidneys hemosiderin.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-942
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Histological changes in the skin after the administration of salvarsan

Dmitriev A.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Histological changes in the skin after the administration of salvarsan. Еhert (D. Z. Bd. 57, N. 4) administered salvarsan solutions intradermally and on incisions on the skin and then examined these areas histologically. It turned out that the changes affect both the epidermis and the skin itself; they are partially inflammatory, proliferative and degenerative in nature up to the onset of pre-cancerous phenomena.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-942
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Isolation of myosalvarsan'a

Bauer H.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Hugo Bauer (D. Z. Bd. 57, H. 4, 29), aiming to study the secretion of myosalvarsan'a, took under observation 4 syphilitics treated with injections of the drug. Excretion of myosalvarsan'a, as well as its absorption, is similar to 'neo' and sulfoxylsalvarsan'y. Most of the arsenobenzol'a introduced into the body is released within a "short time" after injection; four weeks after the cessation of treatment, the body is freed from the maximum amount of introduced As. The author believes that the clinical observations, on the basis of which it is argued that if certain intervals are observed between courses, the cumulative action of As does not occur, are completely fair. The author gives a detailed technique for determining As in selections and supplies the article with visual tables and curves of his own observations.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-942
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Psoriasis and the endocrine system

Schmidt W.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Psoriasis and the endocrine system. W. Schmidt. (Derm. Ztschr.Bd. 57r H. 5) gives a picture dependence of pooriasis’a on the endocrine glands; the data of roentgenograms obtained in the study of hypophys, data concerning the treatment of scaly lichen with extracts from the ovaries, thyroid gland, thymus and adrenal glands are given. The author examined 23 patients and found that the pituitary gland was normal in 9 persons, shields, gland in 3, thymus in 19, sexes, glands in 14, adrenal glands in 17, and the rest was marked by fluctuations in functions in one direction or another. ... Deviations from the norm are especially striking on the side of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):942-943
pages 942-943 views

Scrofuloderma "bridges" as a rare form of late syphilis

Dmitriev A.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Scrofuloderma "bridges" as a rare form of late syphilis .. Schmidt. (Derm. Ztsch. Bd. 57, H. 5) describes a case clinically similar to scrofuloderma, where the picture showed the presence of typical "bridges" - scars. so common in scrophuloderma. However, the study of these scars by sections gave a typical picture for a syphilitic process. The specific treatment of this case was soon brilliant.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):943-943
pages 943-943 views

Gonorrhea, syphilis and malaria

Vaynshteyn A.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Gonorrhea, syphilis and malaria. Rosenberg (Arch f. Schiffs und Tropenkr. Bd. 33. H. 19). for a number of years observed the beneficial effect of acute natural malaria on the course of gonorrhea, syphilis and neurosyphilis. Cases of acute gonorrhea that did not respond to conventional remedies (protargol, urotropin, gonosan) were quickly cured from the addition of acute malaria. Briefly dwelling on the existing theories of nonspecific therapy (high temperature, activation of protoplasm, etc.), the author does not give preference to any one and strongly recommends the theme "malaria and gonorrhea" to the attention of doctors (primarily doctors of the tropics).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):943-943
pages 943-943 views

xperiments with live gonococcal vakina (gonovitan) in the treatment of male gonorrhea

Vaynshteyn A.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Вlut. Experiments with live gonococcal vakina (gonovitan) in the treatment of male gonorrhea. (Med. Klin. 1928, II. 1625 1637). The author reports 20 cases of male chronic gonorrhea treated with gonovitan'oM (live gonococcal vaccine obtained on Levinthal's medium and marketed by Sachsischen Serumwerk).

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):943-943
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Is gonovitan a live gonococcal vaccine?

Vaynshteyn A.


Abstracts. Venereology and Dermatology. Nagel. Is gonovitan a live gonococcal vaccine? (Munch, med. Woch. 1928, II. 1961-1962). Already a priori one could doubt the possibility of a long-term existence of gonococcus in a vaccine marketed under the name gonovitan’a. Microscopic examination of three ampoules of gonovitan'a, carried out separately by the author and others in two other laboratories, surpassed all expectations: instead of gonococcus, Micrococcus catar / halis was found. To eliminate any doubt, the author instilled gonovitan into his urethra with a negative result. Conclusion: gonovitan is dangerous, i.e. £. Mic roc. catarr. can lead to sepsis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):943-943
pages 943-943 views

Fortschritte und Wandlungen der psychiatrischen Loka lisationslehre

Ewald G.


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Ewald G. Fortschritte und Wandlungen der psychiatrischen Loka lisationslehre. ("Scientia". I-II. 1930). An article by Ewald, professor of psychiatry at the University of Erlangen, on the successes and variations of localization in psychiatry falls into two parts: 1) a historical overview; 2) the biopsychological structure of the personality.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):943-944
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Treatment for dystrophiae musculorum progressivae


Abstracts. Neuropathology and Psychiatry. Prof. Kure and Dr. Okinaka (Tokyo) tried the treatment of dystrophiae 'musculorum progressivae with combined injections of epinephrine and pilocarpine (KI. W., 1930, No. 25). Adrenaline was injected in 0.1% solution. in the amount of 0.2-0.3 kb. N of page, pilocarpine in 1% solution of 0.1-0.2 kb. from.; injections were made daily or every other day, at least 50 injections without interruption, in one case 120 injections were made.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):944-944
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Patient with ulcerative lesion of the alveolar process of the left upper jaw

Buev P.D.


Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Rino laryngo otiatric section. Session 2 / VI 1930 Dr. PD Buyev demonstrated a patient with ulcerative lesions of the alveolar process of the left upper jaw, noted the interest of the case in relation to differential diagnosis and spoke in favor of the likelihood of lues’a or cholesteatom’bi of the maxillary sinus in the shown patient. Prof. Trutnevidr Lebedevsky joined the speaker's opinion.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):944-944
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About a case of phosgene poisoning

Buev P.D.


Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Rino laryngo otiatric section. Session 2 / VI 1930 Dr. PD Buev reported a case of phosgene poisoning. Having dwelt in detail on the symptoms of poisoning, pathological anatomy and histological changes in the lungs, he read out the history of the disease and demonstrated the patient. - Regarding the demonstration, questions were asked by Dr. him in future wars, why he called doctors to a careful study of the case; noted that chronic bronchitis and bronchiolitis, which often ends with pneumonia after phosgene poisoning, are very difficult to treat. Prof. Trutnev reported a case of gas poisoning described by prof. Commandant, where cauterization of the tracheal mucosa with solutions of silver nitrate gave a favorable effect.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):944-944
pages 944-944 views

To histological examination of the nasal septum after its submucous resection according to Killian

Buev P.D.


Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Rino laryngo otiatric section. Session 2 / VI 1930 Dr. P. D. Buev. To histological studies of the nasal septum after its submucous resection according to Killian. Experimental research. The author carried out a number of experimental observations on rabbits and dogs with submucosal resection of the cartilage of the nose according to Killian's. The observation period was 1—3—6—9 and 12 months. No water microscopic preparation of complete regeneration of cartilage occurred, the defect was filled with fibrous connective tissue even after 1 year. The author explains the contradictory views in the scientific literature on this issue by the size of the resected cartilage, which will be inversely proportional to its regenerating properties. (Abstract). Debate: Dr. Lebedevsky, Chudnosovetov, Gerasimov and Wolfson and prof. V.K. Trutnev.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):945-945
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Patient with nasopharyngeal sarcoma

Gerasimov I.F.


Society of Physicians at Kazan University. Rino laryngo otiatric section. Session 2 / VI 1930 Dr. I.F. Gerasimov demonstrated a patient with nasopharyngeal sarcoma, which developed within P / 2 years; over the past 3 weeks, the tumor has increased sharply and metastasized in the neck. — Debate: prof. V.K. Trutnev spoke in favor of the possibility of surgical treatment in the indicated patient.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):945-945
pages 945-945 views

A rare case of lues gravis mutilans

Biryachev N.A.


Scientific meetings of doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan. 121st collection May 20, 1930 Dr. N. A. Biryachev demonstrated a rare case of lues gravis mutilans. A sick peasant woman. 30 years, 5 years ago, she had a sore throat and was treated with gargling. After 1/2 year, an ulcerative process appeared on the left lower leg, gradually spreading to the dorsum of the lower leg.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):945-945
pages 945-945 views

About hysterical amaurosis

Preobrazhenskaya V.A.


Scientific meetings of doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan. 121st collection May 20, 1930 Dr. V. A. Preobrazhenskaya. About hysterical amaurosis.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):945-945
pages 945-945 views

Bacteriological examination of blood for endocarditis lent a and other septic diseases

German О.A.


Scientific meetings of doctors of the State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies named after V.I. Lenin in Kazan. 121st meeting May 20, 1930 Privat Associate Professor O. A. German. Bacteriological examination of blood in endocarditis lent a and other septic diseases.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):945-946
pages 945-946 views

Demonstration patient with cervical sympathetic nerve injury after frenico exeresis

Kreytsberg M.F.


Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. Joint meeting with the O vom of neuropathologists 27 / XI 1929 M.F. Kreitsberg. Demonstrating patient with cervical sympathetic nerve injury after frenico exeresis for pulmonary tuberculosis. There were symptoms of paresis of sympathicus on the operated right side, which were considered by the speakers as a secondary injury during surgery on n. phrenicus.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):946-946
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The use of X-rays and radium beams in the therapy of nervous diseases

Gasul R.


Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. Joint meeting with the O vom of neuropathologists 27 / XI 1929 R. Gasul. The use of X-rays and radium beams in the therapy of nervous diseases. Having reported on the first experiments on the effect of rays on the nervous system of Tarkhanov (USSR), Rodet and Bertin (France), Obersteiner and Dеmel (Germany), the speaker described those pathological changes in the central nervous system under the influence of X-ray and radium rays, which lie in the basis of modern radiation therapy in a nervous clinic. Special attention was paid by the speaker to the retarding effect of the drug on the production of cerebrospinal fluid in the plexus chorioideus and the analgesic effect of X-rays and radium rays.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):946-946
pages 946-946 views

Demonstration of one sl. Encephalitis letargica with pathoanatomical preparations

Sarygin A.


Kazan Society of Radiologists and Radiologists. Joint meeting with the O vom of neuropathologists 27 / XI 1929 A. Sarygin. Demonstration of one sl. Encephalitis letargica with pathoanatomical preparations.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):946-946
pages 946-946 views


Goldstein M.I.


Meeting on December 26, 1929 M.I.Gol'dshtein. Demonstrations: 1) one case of a ventricular septal defect caused by a knife wound with an X-ray picture of the putative Roger morbus, which also corresponded to the clinical picture. An autopsy confirmed these assumptions; 2) one case of a significant decrease in myxedematous enlarged heart of the Zondek type, after treatment for several weeks with thyroidin. — Debate: Domrachev, Mazur, Gasul.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):947-947
pages 947-947 views

Holfelder's field voter demonstrations

Gasul R.


Meeting on December 26, 1929 R. Gasul. Demonstration of Holfelder's voter field, his method of irradiation in deep X-ray therapy. The speaker notes the great importance of this method in teaching X-ray therapy. The young radiologist learns about precise dosage and measurement and, with the help of special templates, an accurate understanding of incorrect installation and the associated burn hazard. In conclusion, the speaker reported on his personal experience with Holfelder's measuring method, which he met during a visit to the X-ray Institute in Frankfurt headed by N. Holfelde (in 1927). - Debate: Segal, Formozov, Margolis, Gefen.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):947-947
pages 947-947 views

About X-ray installations in Tatarstan (TSSR)

Novikov V.A.


Meeting on December 26, 1929 V. A. Novikov. About X-ray installations in Tatarstan (TSSR). Detailed report on the development of X-ray installations in Kazan and in the cantons in the pre-war period, during the civil war and after the Constitution of the Soviet Republic. Kazan reached its culminating point in the number and quality of X-ray machines (mostly of German factories) only after gaining autonomy as a result of the October Revolution.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):947-947
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Report of the Commission for the Study of Rickets at the Moscow Regional Society of Pediatricians


Report of the Commission for the Study of Rickets at the Moscow Regional Society of Pediatricians. The commission was organized in November 1926. Considering it necessary, first of all, to study the issue of the distribution and forms of manifestation of rickets in children in the USSR, the Commission drew up a draft questionnaire for collecting mass homogeneous material throughout the Union.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):947-948
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Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):948-949
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Questions and answers


Questions and answers

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):949-949
pages 949-949 views

Letters to the editor Volume 26, No. 9 (1930) 1


Letters to the editor.

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):950-950
pages 950-950 views

Letters to the editor Volume 26, No. 9 (1930) 2


Letters to the editor

Kazan medical journal. 1930;26(9):950-951
pages 950-951 views

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